xt70zp3vt865_237 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46.dao.xml unknown 14 Cubic Feet 31 boxes archival material 63m46 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Harkins Family papers Mineral rights -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Law reports, digests, etc. -- Kentucky. Mining leases -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Practice of law -- Kentucky. Bankers -- Kentucky. Banks and banking -- Kentucky -- Prestonsburg. Coal trade -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Lawyers -- Kentucky. Hunter, Ballard v. Bailey, Harold et al., members of Floyd County Board of Education text Hunter, Ballard v. Bailey, Harold et al., members of Floyd County Board of Education 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46/Box_22/Folder_25/0647.pdf 1933-1936 1936 1933-1936 section false xt70zp3vt865_237 xt70zp3vt865 0
sumac scouts, II-iDIVIDUnLLY 1'.ch 1,3 A
i-EEB‘xI’l‘UCKY, A10.)

The plaintiff, Ballard Hunter, says that he is a citizen, res-

ident and taxpayer of Floyd County, Kontucky; that he is also the duly .
~ elected, qualified and acting Superintendent of Schools of Floyd County,

Kentucky, and that he prefers the charges hereinafter set out against

the defendant, Herold Bailey, in his individual capacity as a citizen

and taxpayer of Floyd County, Kentucky, and in his official capacity as

Superintendent of Schools of Floyd County, Kentucky.

That heretofore. and at the Nevember election. 1935, the defend-
ant, Harold Bailey, was elected as a member of the Board of Education
of Floyd County, Kentucky, for a term of four years from and ensuing
the first Monday of January, 1936; and since the first Monday of January
1936 has been a duly elected and acting member of the Board of Education
of Floyd County, Kentucky.

V The plaintiff charges that the defendant, Harold Bailey, is
incompetent to serve as a member of the Board of Education of Floyd
County, Kentucky, in that the said Harold Bailey has not completed at
least the eighth grade in the common schools as TeQUiTGd~'by Section

 4399~22 Kentucky Statutes.

THEREFORE9 plaintiff prays that a copy of these charges be
furnished the defendant, Harold Bailey; that he be given at least ten
days notice of the time and place fixed by the State Board of Education
for the hearing of sudh charges; and an opportunity to be heard in per-
son or by counsel; that a time and place be fixed by said Board for the

hearing of such charges. and that upon hearing that said charges be
sustained and that it be held that the said Harold Bailey is incompetent
to hold said office of member of the Board of Education of Floyd County
and that he be removed from office by reason thereof; and for all
other proper relief.
at? 3 y~ 94/}, Me. A .
.,r I x5774~»41-m:
. ’ fi:flI/: :AT:I‘021~TLYS '
- State of Kentucky,
County of Set.
The affiant, Ballard Hunter, says that the statements of the
foregoing charges are true. as he believes.
3worn to before me by mallard Hunter this January «"_flNA936.

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:gmeity ma 2:; citizen m1 tammyar 0:? 2231033 {391123123}, rianmciw, {ml in
ma afi‘ieial (3:21sz its; as ;Qumzfimmmcmt :3:? 493109153 :3:? $713.3ch (Emmy.

Thai harem-£63m, 51113 at the iai’ovmimr elm? tion, 3.933. the :.1 ei‘em‘iam.
‘.‘i’aa-mml {Bantam was Gimme: a3 a member of tin; Lisa-2rd or? .1.-.:aziue ation of
Floyd Gummy, imztmlgr. far 61 mm of four years i‘mm am} ensuing"
the i‘mat niamiay in Jamaryg 1334; :5;in aimca m first many in
Jammy. war; has: been the am: a duly electeéi, (qualificad mud. :16 ting;
mamas" or? the Board of fiucntien Giff EPloyé-i Emmy, éiLerxmclq. mat the
:3:-3i; aawmmnt vms elected 33 {mailman 0:? Mia Boarztl 0:2? ,llducmisn 05?
5191mm (leanings iiefltucé‘qn and is; 116?: the (1113.3; gimme}. and my ting: Chairw-
man of 8am Roam; (32‘? 31::1ueation aforesam.

file glazintii‘i’ charges that the {iafi‘emlemm 3302712391 22023133, has

 meal neglected his duties as member of 2; aid 2292:2221 0:? :=daeatioe.

and has 27223222212132.2221 himself in addicts as a mag-mar or” said 236m:

of: :aflucation. and as 42242212322222; of 22.221212292222221 e2? e‘Eeoatieng in the

tii’OllGWflflgzj particulars; ton-exits» ‘

Me That on or about the (£3 day of my? 123352 2d the day of
the Wflflfli’ 2:.-22317.2222132 meetieg; of 23223123 223222122 of 2:2duaation i’w the menu: cf
fishy, 352325, the deferfiaet. Tex-meal genuine. :mlawflally. illegally and
willfully accepted the some 2333‘ Fifty ($350.66) dollar‘s 2W2; a. J. titties
which. said sue me paid by the said A. «3’. Little to the said 370222223231 '
2332327333. and. accegitad 23y the 2:; aid 32922212231 Come, in consideration of the
said Emmet}; 2222222222 agreeing; to vote for the erzzg'zloyrzzeet of flatware 22:213.
as a teacher in the ashes: at delving 519323 Car/untyg handlebar, 2.22251 met
pareumnt to said agreement aforesaid the said fumes}. Germs vs ted for
the maulogment of said Embers; Hall as a teas her in said some]. afore-

' i said.
1332:3323fyfiga fiat the said 1:92:22:an doehsg in his official capacity
I as Chaimm of the mm 23:? education of Floyd Sweaty. Mathew. unlaw-
fully, illegally and 2123.12.me 2222;212:222 divers and a lam-ta 222221122429, at
3.2222222; 2122223“ or mere, :;:-2‘ genera: tea for the emiloymnt sf washers in
the varieus schools; of Floyd Sammy, for the school yam-23 3.93%12285
22222 19%1938, while-2 said Giiintrfl0%8 were in blank and 221 ”about, the muse
. of the Members to sign said centraote. rssgmetively. er the mamas of
the animals for which amid teachers were agelayai, respectively; or
the mount 222 salary to be paid sash 2222222222, respectively, or? other
gmttar required and '22rovided to he set out in said contracts, respect-
ively, ”be-ing: amen xxpon said rasmotive contracts at the tide they 2:22am
at) eigmed an? executed by said the-meal Combs in his oi‘fieial capacity
as {31mm of the soar-23. 2:22 liaiducation 0:2 mam 2322mm. Kentuclof.

m: {that the said damsel Come. in his official capacity
as maimed of the heard of 2vzducation of E.‘?“loyd County. .‘s‘ieetuciw. and
since July 3., 2934, has unlai‘rfulw, illegally an}. 22mm signed

' «a.

 summing and (livers :mrran’aa aviaeming 31333333331333 of the; 33053333. 03’
muesetian 0:3." Floyd flaunty, 345303133333” 32:37:13.3 Sam mrrmm wiéencim
230032 "iambmémam :;:-em in bleak, 0.335: 0333:0133, aim”; mm 033 the 339133032.
’32:: 031030 fawn? 33.1341 23:1th mapectivaw, 133% to 339 33311033. 0:1 the
033030130 3‘00 1:113:33: 333:5: :..:az‘mnm. zveeggaeetivaly. were 30 be 33313333; 03*
the i’mfl 001:, 03;" 33:13:31“; :;:—333 "iJETRE’S‘aflté’ég mapactively; :.:ere 30 “m; paid:
33331733 3213323333443 {131033033 “is 33230 333238 43:33:32} amzwnzztsa arai 8:302“: 03? than.
3?6$1‘>£3€3ti‘2f(335f. 1mm as) Market} 2133 0343001333 33:3 33:30. 330333 :30—12153323. (30313353
in 3135-3 0333303313; 05333210153 as {Lihaiman 03" 33:32:13 330093 03" gagncation.
“$333223: 3:321:23; 33323333 the 010033051 0: the Swirl $0012ng 1302:1133 as;

a a'msgsabfir 03:” 0-333. 33mm 4333’ Vaiueatiea 33303053033, he 313:3 3:000:30 izltwastea ,
{iimetw m’fl/Of‘ imiimatly is: the 303.0 130 the: :3031rfl 03: 313110333911 0:?
3‘10ch Sammy, gammy, 03° 133130913213 32313 33033331333 for winch 3011001

' 3133335 are amamieég tint the 3:311:13; Valley Harman Goxmamy: 03‘ 31133111.
K021313033. 315313 30123 to the mm 33053333 0:? Estimation 0f Elam: {300333, E
manfiuelqr. material anti 8113;531:103 far which 33031003. 3123333 are and Ema E
beam ezqaendac’i; that. at. tha January 3300331333. 3.533%}. 033 the Exam of Kim
07513301}, held an the £3 (my 0:2? 3:321:13:ng 19:35:33 0 011333231 ma Examined. by E
the 0—010. £33333}; 333.1%: awhmre Company 055331333315. 0:31.63. 313mm: 322‘ .:zdzmation

' 03’? 333.01% Sammy, Egantuckyg £03? 5333933033 0333 1311333213533. 0233. which mid A
01am was; 33.3.0003 323:1 0132393903 39 23:3 3331353. at. 333:1 :3 52:13:30.3; 5. 3.936 f
3199313333: am}: that: the) mid 3033331013. {203335 Wtafi. far 3213 311032103300 and
- paymm 330135: 5:35: mtwifig an}. 3033391393 001‘: 03‘ 3011001 Way and 3.th
at. the; 33mg 03‘ $330 comideratien 0f 331:3 03.3.3131. 3333 3.3333 allmame
311033053, 0313. of his; muting: 1303* the albums; mmmei’. m3 he was . '
very 2:22:03; 30153903313061 in ma 3310333093 033‘ said 31:33:: 3301* the: magma
that his wzfe was a 5330033101313? in 335.0 .,3sz Valley 1353233313193 803an.
3:12:13 the; '..dfo 03 the 332136. 30333303. 2303109 3:23 a staclflzolfier of the 06:33
33231:; Valley Baniwam Company. am; that. by mama theme? the 53am
Townsel £30an was intamxztea, airway 0r irfliractly, in said claim
{high is gxmhibiteé by 312M101} 3399-22 Kentuoky :Statutea. am his
Mm .

 \ V
IL 1 x25 {x '.: F, x.) .:i:} eg'imirmzm of, the '.iessxrd of ‘:Lax'lueation of
Floyd density thereupon am fliereby became vacant without :::‘ur fixer net- -
ion relative thereto. and was and is new vacant.
Ms Tim; the said ‘:mnmwel Giants, while a member of and
while {Zhaimmn of the heated of newcomer: of Floyd County, Eraentuclqy.
and on or during-j the math of July, 133:3, or an:7roxixmtely at said
time, mflawmlly, illegally eral x~zillfully went to see sir. Emmy we. '
' home. mm was at said time a member as? said heard or: :::dueation of
Eié’loyd. toasty, Kentueigr, and snght to secure 73mm the said 23?. leeway
. tailorne. in his official capacity as a member of the heard of .‘ixéduoa.
tion 032‘ ‘.:-”Floyd Shanty, a pledge to time ei’i’eet that the said. Bessy éréehom
weld vote to sustain charges for the removal of halyard limter as
:.éuperintemient of ’:A‘aeheeie of Floyd Shanty. his said charges the said.
: liczameel Seems than am there reeresented to the said :Jewey aseberne
. would he was in the event Guy Grinders and Harold liailey should be
' elected at the fievenher electicn. 12335, as mmehere of the fife 1rd of Sidn-
oation o: :1’”3.oyd musty. :.’entael’y; that the said {Buy {mildew and mweld
Emile}; were each elected as members of said heard of education of
Floyd County. Liientuclq; at the E‘E‘eve'zmer election. 3.935. {3:151 upon the
first gammy of January. 3.933, took the oath of office as such members V
arm qualified as such. mentors and are new seminars of £3816. normal of
:::clueetion. and ac: tim as sash. but subject to be removed as such mem-
here in an election contest proceeding new parking in the Floyd Circuit.
Court. a'zherein Jae}: Eisrnmmm is ::jiieintiff and {Jay {flamers and herald
1:323:11le are {mfesiiantsg that. on said data of Jammy {3. 3.9323. the first
:ionday in said zzmnth, eherpjes were filed before the hem} of intention
of Floyd County, :vientuety, against the said gallant} Winter, seeking to
”ensure him as County ::Superihtemlent of {schools of idiom County. ..
That by x‘metien $99-34, Eighteen-x; Statutes, the superim-
tendont :my be removed by a vote of four ztiembers of a Board of Museum
Z‘Uii cause. and said Home: of Estimation is me the trial heard of any

 1211111151352 which 11:11,? be 1222121‘12221296: 1111;121:1531, such 5212129.?122112211111111‘2. '.':311121 the
, action <21? 132s 5211.111 1112212231323. 1130111212 in 91119121201221.2215 1:2 secure a alesgggs :::mm
1119 53:31:16. 1312:2192 111121222112 ts vote to sustain any: shaman; which 12.111111. 123
£13.91; 1135312111121. {the 511111 Mills“: 1111311212 1:::) 12220119 11:32:: as :..rspmriimtsmism
czi’mmssix}, in asvmxms of 111:2 “2.1.112 <21? 52111212 czmz’éiifes 11:23 111 <<<<