xt70zp3vt865_229 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46.dao.xml unknown 14 Cubic Feet 31 boxes archival material 63m46 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Harkins Family papers Mineral rights -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Law reports, digests, etc. -- Kentucky. Mining leases -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Practice of law -- Kentucky. Bankers -- Kentucky. Banks and banking -- Kentucky -- Prestonsburg. Coal trade -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Lawyers -- Kentucky. Hill, Al v. Stephenson, E.D text Hill, Al v. Stephenson, E.D 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46/Box_22/Folder_17/1016.pdf 1927 1927 1927 section false xt70zp3vt865_229 xt70zp3vt865 I I l l t“. l -.
‘:.JILIZJT ‘33 Wig} Lil‘s V - ~
9 V ,
17.5530 ”1 ,.LTLI; Lit ‘

A” D. Jzfimfigdjgflg Gtfififljfififia

_ Came EELS day the GGQLL‘CLHLE he he E1119 and groiaeci
and filled egreenerc eentravertgng the mifiirwmtive matters oi
the enewer end sauntermeente t oi reenrfioi ihercupen cums the
Qert es axe produced and filled ntigniutien and agreeHCyt waiting -
flflfl‘flhflfldOfliVj ell firennde ef eertert Ave e::nt rmeenteut Lgrcih
exeeyt when a: arises irom a re—eeuht efl txe ballets hereinq -

‘ fine contestant and eenteetee agree to eeetgt as eerruet the
efiieial Gaunt Of the bellete as certgiiva by the electien
eemmiseiemere oi Khett Genntya Icntaef_9 teawitg er vctcu fie:

' go 30 fiteghenscn and 595 rates fer do He Hilla Eh fltya GGUMUJQ '

‘ fientuekys the votes efi gonna Sreek greciuet f8 ie to be cenmted
as 55 votes for to to Hill dud i Vutwe 30$ ”9 3° 'tegheneeha
in fintiech_greeinet in Fleyd Seuntyg Eye: meld vetos ehuli he '
eeunted us/lQS veins £03 70 he “tefihtrtex end 9 vet e $03.20 La

~ Mill.‘ Eh first} ville J me .it? fills Janntyg 3509 shall me
eeemted lOe-votes icr $0 30 uteghmuaeu and name £0: mo in Hilla
in guinea Greek grceinctp xike Scentyg Ryan tflufe shall be
ecunted for 19 Do ntegheneeh 16 votes use ier a. L. hill S
' ~ voteso ‘Ehe bellet boxes in all the at; r grecincts in r eye V
aha rite Counties shall be recogened and the bullets thereis in
I the Senaterial reee botyeen contestant and contestee shall be ' V
t . , ‘ ' I
iv _ ’

 . e u t. \,
(_JI/iflwg who are hereby ogpggo m1? as
10mmlBSlOBerS oi this court for the purpose of roacoonting
' said ballotsg and the Gl rks of the Floyi County Court out
‘ the Pike County Court are hereby instructci and directel to ‘
‘dellver to sail commlosioners said ballot boxes and the Keys '
I ethercto and to permit saio.ballots to he ro~coontei by cold ;
commissioners in solo Senatorial cocoa gay ballots that are
questionco by either contest at or contestoop or by their 7
counsel, shall to returned by tho commisoionorc to this court
with their report hoccm9 and all other ballots shall to v
I replacec by said commissioncro ifl-the ballot bofios coo the
~' saio ballot boxes rclookoa can recolivorea to the Clarke of
‘ . the reopectivo County Courts° Before proceediag to act' ,
. hereunder said commissioners shall be swore to i Lthfolly ‘,
discharge their cuties as cold commiaoionors. fiaic’commlosioners
will report their acts unior this ordor to this court on or
before the 5C9.“ oay of Eeptember, l937. _
It appearing that there is genolng in the Floyd Circuit
. Court a contest involving a Democratic nomination for the office
of Commonwealth's Attorney for the Elst Juaiclal Dietrict of
L' Kentucky9 it is orifiged by thc‘court that the Clerk of the _
' floyd COunt; ééaitnéggfégrono b3i§§5§3§t~ot and during the
,> counting of all the balloto in tho difforont precincts in Floyov ‘ ‘
1 County, ana upon the comp otion of said count that the Clerk 7 I
an»; }%Z%£L 2;;r"gf;¢fl49 Ah1¢aauaéi7
V of the Floyd County Courtqbe ago ho&3‘ hereby ordered to see '
that the said ballots be replaced in the said ballot boxes and
I said ballot boxes rewlocked and sealed so that said ballots ance ~
. ~ ' ‘. , V --2_- . i

 I 'I
I r ‘ N. V
ballofi boxes shall be lmffi in %he same 03 fihtivn.as Lhuy were
befare the ballots were we» poned and‘reae-unfina in thig
' Guatesto Ln the event any ballofl should be'gn03tiancd by
either cf the gmrties nereton Or by thm coma xgionerua anfi
. « bhe commimsioxers be unable fio agree as to how ai@ bullmt
' ahfiula be eoumfioas then9 if suid.baliet 39:0ars in the bullofi
bexes in %ike (301113133;9 Kentuchyg the saga comm; SLOHUES will ,
return the original ballot with their EOQGEE hereinc ifi Ugifi
* balLat apgear$ in the Floyd Gounty ballots they will make
, cartifio$ copy thereof upon a farm $£ bullet u: a in :30
elections 13 Floyd Ccunty9 ugntuckys and refiurn mnia Gartliia&
ballot with their report h rain for LAG @etarmimufiinn aha
‘ doc 31mm of the Geurfio
. This September 2, 1927.
mm Km-mgfiméggrmw mm .
j 4 " '
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R '7 .,u . ~ ‘
EizlSTERED ARI lCLE k“ Kpr“. \
No. 5%9 ‘3‘ SEW a? A
iNSURED PARCEL ».~ l, ‘3
l . p IV I} 1»: ',‘
N-O. "M,,,,kwunnnifififl,“_,__ AND DAiE-Ol‘ DELIVE! ”fl-yo
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v \ 4 :.L ‘
Return la ”Xx—MM 8‘ \L W 7 ‘
Street and Number, l NAME OF SEND“)
or Post Ofice Baxjfi ”,‘,..mfim,_n___-_,__.. W. __ ,,_,__,,,_.A,,m_....e
P03! Ofifcc aim, , ,, , , , , '
Re“ 3-24 5H1“, Slate

Received from the Poslmasicr the Re isicrea’ or Insurer? Article, the original
number of which? on the faceészrard. //1
(Signature/l nann-ufudxlrosseo.) . .
( C ‘
~ n/ / «’4 . “‘7
Date of delivery, __:7422Z:___-__:i‘-__:_________, I92 ’
_ Form 3811 /l/ aovausxax'r Pnrxlunonnu ’/ cs—cns

_,,...____ fee paid. 4,,4_,,;olass postage paid. .44.__.____E____:_____,,_, 1.92} - _‘_—
‘ , ( ate.)
From __________---_’_-______4_.._________3________4_____________------_________________
Addressed to _____________________________‘_;_______4________.______._______________ REMARK
* , 4.,
' V 7 V ' ’Aééefiigg QELI—Jy—e'flhi 1133;; {.'.—£1.33; REL—=3; éeeifcluié"zeruefiéa—{eHXJJr—séhgfis: LIE.— __
[Comm rece’ipi desireinunflnnq Specz'al delivery..._______,_.,_ t
. ‘ ‘ [Toaddrcssccimpersonuuu V 4 ‘
dec’y 708“”de Monddrmmr 0,-dc,________ Postmaster, per ___'_'___'________ '——F"

 r ' T . 7 Y ) . r J ~ ‘ 9 r .
THE (“OVRTER-JOURNAL, LOLISV 11.1.13, SATLliDA'i thliNIhG, ShP'I EMBER 17, NJ]. 0 .\
-7- ,7 .. , _ *:: _fi‘.:: ..;-.. 7A_;::~ f:;-v—:-;r‘f_flmm \
W " 'l” Wflh—— M ICTM'C'l‘lS with abandonment. TIlPVIf‘hOOSfi.’ MI‘. COOUCISC'S SLatemE‘nt was arl‘CSIS and confiscated a smlu quan-
ers on Main Street and mar b" DIP-I I ‘ IE FFERS()NVYILLE were married August, 11. 1918. he s.i~ts;'a.dmirably phrased in the plainesttity of whisky and home brew Fri-
NF‘V ALB ‘NY ‘Kml'lf‘d t0 the City CONN“ 9"” 11". ' ' but. and separated August 120. 192? possible EiiglLJi. It no more needs‘day afternoon when they raided th!
A A ‘ mortinu Monday night It IS Iflld‘ B EN I I I ('irrlllfltion—Gol Kentucky Ave. B? Mk8 Fil>t0dy of one child. Mal‘ylto be interpreted than ‘two times LWU.SOff drink stand belonging to Georg.
Circulation—137 East Spring St. that me pnution has been s'iqnedII)‘. Phone 122. Llizabeth. 8 years old. d tare. four‘.” IBauer. east of the Cut-off Bridge or.
35'. Residence Phone many of the property owners on i" __ ,. . . ., . . . . Mrs. Flossie Carroll was grant? 3‘. “*fi lthc RIVET Road. they reported. hn
$570715. Nchs-Piionc 355. RM- street and that is is expected that. ___w.—————-—-———"—'— ‘ ("Swami—“0' Spring Street. (“"01‘9" “11 a charge 0f ('l‘llt‘lt'y tromi IWeathers. 33 years old, Payton Jake
idpnce Phone ::07, Circulation it will contain the signatures MCI} a; '7 entuc Ian ins [hone .1 .6. John P" Carroll by Judge Kopp. BothllITHREE T.4I(EN IN I39. and Pat McDonald. 49. were ar.‘
I- —1628 E. S ring St. ‘maiority by the time it is pl‘esentt' . S f i\ K k ‘ News—459 Spring Street. Phone arc of Jeffersonyille. The husban i rested and charged with ossesslon
53;: 53d 2047-31. iri‘eSidence ; The DUUIIHIU itlsso asks (glint the III; entences 0 u 1 re . . 389. (IIIIHIIII'fgI 'I‘I‘QY WP“; gla{;i°th‘I%VI RII/ER ROAD Ri‘iID and 531: 0f intoxicating “(111031 381161
., .tersiaic Piii 1C ‘criice (mutant ‘. ' Id A D .i. '... ant sopzira c 1”:er .i I 7, iwas no in at the time of the rain
Phone ”980' required l0 I‘Ct'om‘iw“ “1‘“ “1““ RedUCEd By Fle S i l l‘ ECOIaUOH ‘—"—" "“ —— past. he testified. 2 ”‘1‘”31 ”"1“.”“10” Agents R Ar‘but a warrant for his arrest will be
when. the (.m- tracks are taken In) ,i,<,v.,-.._ .,. _,,A 1 Mrs. Thelma K. Braiiii, 317 Gra- Mather “Dd Edwm Barnes made three obtained. the agents said.
to conform to the construction of tie . - - - "n ham Street, chi‘ei‘sozivillt', was gront- MM '
1.611”;th m m, MW; and mg; mp Governor Also R e star 6 a First of Distinguished Fly! g It‘d a dwree mam“ George F Emu“; “.-‘—_‘—
iwoi‘k 'Di‘ dom' at lIIL‘ IPXP'IHSP “I. II‘“ Righ” of Citizenship to Crosses Goes to Lleut. Ben ; Algil‘Slll‘dll, They were marrird June -
Illlt‘filflle COXHDR'HY- ll ‘1" P" ”101“ ~ . . 19313. and lived together until
.- it is suggested that if the Iiilci'stateI Two Ex-ConVicts. H. Wyatt, U. 57 N. ‘ April .3”. 1937‘ she Md [h., mum. $2. 7 0"“ rlp o
‘Comllany 1.“ permitted ‘0 bllbhlliiltf‘ The ci,i.i-iui~-Jut.i-ual Frankfort iiurvnu. Vvaghingityli, Sept. 16 l/I’l-WSNTE‘ Her suit was based on charges of
a bus “magnum? “ram “”1an inget; Fi'iliiklUI'l. KN. St‘1" 15‘4“” lnrt- Wilbur today announced the It'l'Llé‘lLft'.
U“ 313111 5 1‘99 IIaL ‘9 “UHIPRHV 9 \Vllll'llll J FiI-Idg inch” (winnnlltvd Hi I ._ , Vr 1, 5505 y ,..,.____.-- 4»-r—r~v»~—-~~——«-W~—~
~ - . - . - ~ ‘ ' , Uistiiinuished rliiiigCio I 7 V V
ll‘t‘qlllled to })l()\1d(‘ a seixitt- of the ,l .. tl FHA. ar ”mm sew .iwuid of ... . . . Q . 7 4 3,
same; lllllt‘ goal lfmlliym‘li (IatpuquliifIB'l'zz 2:15:53.wa 0;) Elisha} bmmlum to mum. 13,.” ll. Wy’att and 1.21:: JGIIEFSOHVIIIE Judge Grants BRI..B.4NL [.IY6HES’
New AIbany Pl‘OpeI‘Iy Own IIO'IIhl: lifi‘olrqu.‘ thipziiei: kreceiillli- who was convicted at. (the (:LIObtltuuelbelt b. Coiniiell for (iistlii.1,‘”-S oi DeCFeCS' BOIII Women 1 If I! u PRICbIDE‘T .
. . . ‘ ' ~ - _ ‘7 ‘ 'ui tour . ». g... 1..; ... .. iil,‘ ii ins . ! ‘ ,
ers May Pet't'on COW 1““? lif”““““°‘l-“’ ”i “if“ Tm.“ 333‘7’.‘5:333.9‘..“.‘5.??i?...“3. . ~ "" ' ‘ ‘ Charge Cruelty E Washington. 5...... 16 let—Arthur V'3 L- 3‘ N., Sunday, September 18
men 9 opera ion 0 a us the ri . . 4‘ “ " " ' , Im. l: - iBi'isbane. had luncl " P ..id‘ ti ‘

, 0” Monday ‘plllit‘ of the slit-vi ('iil' line on Muin gill“ 1“ 1" “MIT‘l‘IglIl‘llll‘II\M)II(IL“I I,.“ up Wyatt and CUl‘ll\‘»‘l‘II aie the first Coolidge at the Whlite“l}til?)usew:odlal;‘ BASEBALL GAME. REDS AND GIANTS

' Sl‘f‘3i. ind it is LlllCI‘l a \ . . . , .- . I .‘_’

._ «_,, A coliihcuzwill ”(I MODEM, mgm. killing or Dick Adklli:'. Klilnt‘llil'lb nmal UfflCé’I.‘ to .t(l:l.(‘ TIM. mosses. Eil‘lflglli’ltgithu'zlt cigaiésiritdnt,téie tilt: I Special train leaves Tenth and Broadway, 7:15 a.m. Stops Fourth

”" . “rm—7w“ —*a~‘~— - qufltluls and repulnbli‘ ("ill/1011‘ “I III“ a new decoration. fur Will-“11181 5““ FATHER SEEKS CHILDHummip‘pi {100d ‘inatigsf the beatit§I Street, 38X!” Avenue and Crescent Hill. Arrives Cincinnati 11:50 am
‘ v . . - . 14 ‘)lllllll1i1" . .' -.. l«~ ‘ “ ”' ~ . « - .
IS SIGNED BY M A N Y IRKED F133“!Iiil-WEIRIEIIiIII‘hEmil.” (I ”IVIII‘Q‘; ‘;fif’c‘gifiiddII‘]:”award for WV, ,._ ..~.-- lot the ‘Black Hills and White Housoj (95‘9“ “mcl— Returnlns let‘ves Cincinnati 7:45 p.111. (Eastern time)
———-——-————-—- ‘ The (.ioieriior also cut 1(1):)“ 1W3??? ices m an aerial sliirI‘ey “Ill tAlaslfia Two (in-..”.” “my. gmmnd by Jlldgpll“‘:::a:01;:‘ th P id t id I Children Of 5 and under 1‘2, $1.40.
- - , d n» st‘litt‘nce imlJUN‘d 0“ I“ ('1‘ I? I)? in 1926 and COI‘IIWt‘I 01‘ PX 1'80? ‘ George C. Kopp in Clark Circuit . - 9 9 1‘93 en 33 any—. . _ . _
A petition asking for the alban :nd‘ :to one Will‘- Pht‘ll)‘ “'3“ mmmtminary heroism" last November ilil’15k' C’ourt at Jeffersoiivillc Friday and a'thmg “bOUt 111$ statementlregarding _- L. i " E- G. JONES. City Passenger Agent,

“1911"0fth" Main Street car. ine , I at the March, 1927. tf‘Tm 0f the Boyd ing his life in an effort to save 8 new divorce stilt was filed. ;1928. Mr, Brisbane FCDIXCd? "NOI +2 ; » , \ 541 110 Starks Bid Arcad

the SUbStitlltion 0f 3 bus 1mg 15 mi Circuit Court on a charge of desert- passenger in an airplane crash at; In the new suit. Chester Cl‘aV’OllS,;NaIural_Iy not, Since President COOl'l I . , ‘ g. e.

circulation among the Property own-I .mg- his infant child and sentenced tOiHampmn Roads, Va ‘304 Temple Street. CIRl'kSYIIII‘. a rail—.idge said all there was to say in his —-4 "*4 Phone: City 258.

MI W ,V,,_,,._ I891“. two years in the State Reforma-I Lieutenant Wyatt, who is a. natiVl> mad ‘HVitChDWIi- charges MW GT9?" extremely WP“ chosen ‘1 d0 “0t __.—___-

—-—-—-——————-——-'_II mm The commutation was granted‘of Kentucky. is attached to thew—___.

I — '_ _ — ‘Stl‘esemann says' However‘ Ull‘f‘Olldlthn that Phelps return it) U, S S. California. and Lieutenant

' ' ' his Wife and Child. and Pl'OVide for Ct}'11\\'(‘11. who was born in West Vir-i
_. I That N0 ObIeCIIOH WI” ‘them to the best of his ability. mum, is attending the 1."adranced fly-I .
4 1 Governor Fields grant-ed Georg? mg school at Kelly Fic . Texas,
I , Be made to League' tNoel‘ who was (tmlvlctr‘t‘l lit-I119 April. _,,,; ‘ r ' ’ .._...“ I
I Geneva. Switzerland, Sept, 16 UP)”. 1898. lt‘l‘ln of the Franklin Circuiti I
, - f G Q ‘l . liCourt on a charge of housebreakmg l
I IThe occupation o erman ..01 mneland sentenced to serve five years in i
I tyears after the end of the World War . the Slate Reformatory, a restoration;
. Iis hardly calculated to aid the Ger- of all rights of citizenship. Noel i: ‘
I ' 422 5. Fourth Iman state of mind toward the work now woil‘king in 14011131119, the Gover- . I
‘ . . ., nor salt. I
I in! the League of Nations. Dr (:lista. ; The Gorernor also restored a“; _” I
I SPEC] ALS i iStresemann, German Foreign Mm'Irights of citizenship to Walter Walk, . . . . I
I listen declared tonight before an aS-vaho was convicted at‘lhe hial't‘h.cl{)24‘, POIICE SIIII QUIZZIng Former? .
. isembla e of about 200 correspond-Iterm of the Breathitt Circuit: our ; .
FOR THE 5; . Ion a statutory charge and sentenced Incumbent About DIS-
I ents representing the press of all ma. It serve two years in the State Re-
tions. 0 ‘ I ' I
I WEEK END _ I Answering a question by the repre— formatory. ‘____ ‘ appearance'
___—._.:“——- -» Isentative of a French Nationalist _' -. Columbus. Ga. Sept. 16 (A’)-With
———~——. M" I inewspaper. Dr. Stresemann said that $35 000 IS LOSS “V ‘Bisliop GOt‘Il of the Methodist Epis»
I, ., IGermaiiy had no present intention of‘ ’ ‘ V W . CODRI Church. North. on route to as_; .
I v . l’ Iraising the question of the Rhinehmd‘ SOWIERLS’L r BL 42E sist authorities in their search forl
~ a s a. ioccupation before the League of Na- I - the Rev. Willis J. Jordan. missing'
A? '4 ‘tions. Somerset. Ky. Sept. 16 (IF—Afg— pastor of the Serond Avenue Chui‘chl
I , iv? I Dr. Stresemann said that it wasarette thrown into some iubbisi is here, officers today continued their“
..“ 0.)? I Itoo much to expect that the 63.000.-ithought to have caused a‘ fire IO—iquestionlng of the Rev. A. V. Noble.
”6.0:" ~ ‘000 German people would all have the night which destroyed pait of the chargEd with kidiiapinu Jurdan'

I ' ‘ ‘_...gfif-jv‘vt‘i ‘_ Isame views. but warned his hearers business section of 5%iiioerset. causing; Noble preceded Jordan as pastor at '
»ii$§=1,:;:"tlv‘;#g I Iagainst the danger of trying to inter- loss estimated at $35. 0 . . . cond Avenue Church an was

. ficwunv pyet Germany from abroad from. The fire started. about 10'30 (it-lock :::;nliied by the C0ngr€gfltiondScp-

I New flexible metal bracelets. .:‘ opinions expressed by scattered groups in the Royul NPlgIlbUl' and Modern [ember 6. he 1.“.“qu to give up the

studded with rhlne- ' iof Germans. including what he called Woodmen of America Hall on the parsonage when Jordan 2”an and
' $1098 - ”he group of irresponsibles Who stilljtim-g “0‘” 0: me RI‘IMMSV“ Blmd‘ was removed llll'Oll’JIl a dispossecsors
I stones. SpCClaI... 3 rant of hate and revenge, assel‘tillg‘jng and spread to the Smith IBlllId- warrant = “ "
*_ ~77:.~:::~»-4 “___ 'I that they do not at all represent timing adjoining. The volunteer f“? (19" MW J’m-dan “aims two men spirited ' . , ,
-——-—-— sound CUlH'lC‘llOllS of the German pai'tnient succeeded in controlling her pusbaiid away. after calling him‘
I 7| people. the blame by 11:45 o‘clock. to the. door on pretense of talking: ,
...3 i 1‘ Arbitration. Dr. Stresemanii hfld‘ T1109“ suffering 10:; are thy Som- orct‘ the church affairs She sa\'~1 '7 I
‘ Iii-..J". I 'was the great hope of the future. and urge; Depaumpm Store. [mi Jones she has not seen her husband “nu-ll * . , . . , .
figii’lllaurfi .\ Germany. he said. was quite ready lO‘meer Shop. the .1. s. Sit-plienSl‘a d know of no moms for m ‘kid_ WV at 1 1 1 05
I ;;,";"I"‘“\i"““"-RE\S\ ' accept both the arbitration and sea-”— Men's Clothing Store. the Fraternal n 1 She told new 2 er 6 t .I , '7=:-:1:--I-:-:‘:-'<::~:.:-:-:--:-:-;~:::-'=:1::-:-:-::-.--:-:.~.-...:..-.;.:.;.;.;.-.'.-:.,.v-z-:+.:-:.:.:.:-:-:.;.~.;.;.;,-.-.-.-.--v..:.:.;.:.;.;.:.;.;.;.;..,-.;.-,..”........,._._.....;..;.;.;.;.-...;.-,;.-.:........,...,._._.;.;.;._.;.;.;.;.;.;.;,:.;.;.;...
~ y:>;:"it3/.u.‘~i.‘\"\\ I M idt‘a embodied in the resolution Hall and several offices in both “311m; , 1a L 1 «£33: men I; . , 3:553£25i=5s$3525£:5$§5:5:523~7::c§€5s553;3=1"-,.I:E:=fies-Life;Egésigssézi=£:5:5:5>::;':5:3:s.~.1-'5:’252332555555:é:3:5255:5:3:555:25352553555:2355553133:3223:2322}:iii:=332353:'3333t3=?51‘1§=¥3i33::-Z:E:E>.‘=35"-:52-E5 ’
111.3319; “.,“";‘ZE U} ‘ _ presented today by M. Paul—BoncourIbujpiinqg 3:356: s6 WU “0 ‘ 113’ the I '; doctors wrlte 1515133215551§5$333513:3?333333535555':115‘73:"§f.-£.'?” "95:}:22.153533335555151351513153532322313553?3355'.-5313‘FifiJEEéIEIEEZEIE:3:3.'.7535}i-:135535?§?3?§35=522,§15‘~5le3"EtZ'Erfzf:3:§:3:§:'$51:515153535255525' .
,,.: .--.:.». ‘:.-v. :'. -:‘~7'. . . v u - . ' ' , ,,_._*__.___ 35:55:93.5:32-.I:3:f;?§7§2315.‘"If:f.’§:;':-:;:1:3“'.'”3573332225515}::~:-"3:~':3:T":I:3:35:5:551:23".52?:3:5:3;"1.-:5:ZIS:.‘§':I?Z513125235733:f:::3:1:1:3;I:i35:15i§!§:§§‘5:fi:fi:§:§.;:£;§2f:f:31:91:;3:5:1;1;l21§1,1{5:Ifififizz;:f$:_5.5.;

I (INII'LM‘RI 'HUgIII 1?; 1:12:23; a1531i:atietifihiltgggernlgtifgdfzg. 1 . , , . N I E I) Jordan came here a few days ngol .Eg£53;553333253355355};sififigszzifiasés ;_:.5:g:’§:1:;:=:?¢"Egig-Lr’ig33353533535553;5.1333553535555333;3335523553552:g:‘.-:3:;z-;E;§,:Sg§;ég§3§3§5§j-Eg3:533”;3;;3535:}:35525353:53:3335353355253;33333273533313i455
:"I'iiK-II'IIIl‘:-"»'~f3‘II~"".~II‘,‘IIIiifI.‘ ' ..ail conflicts between nations urged 1' A'IHliR, 501V DE. ‘fi‘om BirchiVUti>G~ W18- HP is said M ° 532315335ifsiiz‘lsisz'séiizfiirE$:E=E=E5353t‘.'32535£:.Ii=é:?r..'II'3513'353:.’:-’2::‘2313553335333:2”:5335525335-‘3=3E=S’E:§:E3:9537325553533'533555513132:2:55:55riiISFESEffifii-55515352i§5331553=5=§::':EIE:E:E:E':'E:$555335:
:::ii‘mxts‘iii-=;;:~:-....-r:l r! :1 . ~ 1 . . .0, ‘disarm... have held pastoi‘ates in many States; . t E333321352553::'32:55E1355E3553533553521355-..IyESé.i.3533f?‘E5:355:F3393353??E:E'?=5=S=55555?E5;‘325E35535E535533333?5’:15~'¥:3r32E:3:}5355555555353:355523553555555551:!5:513:3333215333333353355335:53552553353

I . “ he I .;‘iietieai‘é’ani’issofi‘efifi‘a with ma BOND IN SLA YIN 0: a... to be a name or Mimi. We; a 011 smo “1 9%; '

- ’ .. iUnited States would be represented} Hodgenville. Ky- Sept. 16.—lit th-“I living at Birchwood he carried on 2gs;s§§2§s§25535;;353555355;sgsgséaggsggsisfsiszMaoist;3.-.~:'::';:35:5212:?zis5555532§5§2§sgs§a§55159§5§{:23a523s:5izisisage5:525:55§33555555":_isfsfsésfsfsisZ-ziaiz'5if;IE33is?55.3223,?i5séifzizfz§sisfiiz=s?:7;is3:iiiéiéiiééiéz'iiii

I I : Ito stud?“ ”1056 guarantees 0‘ securitVI”:aminim "131 h"? this momma Oil 9"3‘IQCI‘C‘II “'Ork m canada- I 53553333E;E;555:E:S:£55;53355535533553giségigigigizfif"35§;E"'§:'3:; :22-'5533353333533513935253555333535533:Sr553555523353533333353553;E:5335257???i325255335£53555§?IE=.§;5:355;§;5;5:325?33515533333333351335§535559335153335;

"' I WhiCh WOUIG Permit the reduction 0f 0119“” DOW!“ charged “'“h 'hpl BIShOD Gum “'35 summoned “9”" 5535533131333555333333352333531.55357313333513353 3W3? 55553533373?”455?}???3if?533.3353???5i335131:5323i2'3E3353535353335l'35§E§E§E§5'§::13f55?I5353333333333353.3332355352731533:15331535553:::555£53i€i§3£l372315§i15;:531.3:55:325:31:

.I; armaments to the lowest possiblCImurder of Emmett Hornback near by Mrs. Jordan and members of the HAT ' th 3:3:5:35553355535:3:3:3:3-5:3:}:fig:§:§§§?§:5r'§5§§§§§§ga.1:3;5:;:gagigigifE:355325:3:325:35:3:52;:532'3335;335551333:;:3zE:3:E:3:5$23:§5§5§5§§§E§3§ng§1§;§:5:}:5:§:§:j:§:;:';{:;:{232333535335333'33-333"43$3237"???r§:f:jf‘33375§E§?-j

I ‘7 V Ilerel. New Haw" during a dice game la“I congregation. It “'35 his “90ml" IS 6 ‘..Irkw“.'i?:11:'357§"--E:}:§":3§?§3§51§13?:-..;.-:-‘E=§=§IEt3£::5=33333§555§§§3§53559555335251533.1535?55.135355353255335?iii:31343332335353.15335f3}§Eif3333535;?iE:5-'EI32E145355135"33255325532333-753515152319:35:93
4? ; _._—_M— Sunday afternoon. Downs was held mom that sent Jordan to take charge . :3::3:::§:3>2:~:§i?§§;1;;~=::”53‘s.... :13, E322""2'35323'1.;'i'1:§:§:3£:§:23:72:;:3:;;5::::::£:S:§:5:33;:3:;5:533:23:5322:2331:EzE:3:5:3:E:$252533:;:5.-33:;E:::5:5:§:5:E:§:§:§:5:;:::gzg5:5:gzg:§:§.:;=i=2¢i:_£:;:.-:..

II'] I Ito appear before the LaRue County here l't th t 5&9’2"-\v'~:x-;4 ~ :,. ,-...-.;.:--._-...4‘.:.;.g.;.;:;:;:-:-:.;.:.-.:.;.:.;.;.;.’-.;.-:-:-:-:.;-:.:.:.,~.:.;.;.;.;.;.1.~.:.3.,:.-....3.44.;4444.34.34{.:.-._.,;..::;.,.;.;.;.:.;.-.;.

~ -:+:-:-::-;. - . 4:54 _:;,.>'-:-:-:-:-:.:-‘:3::;2;:;:;7::;:;;;:;.::;;¥:-':'.';':f:‘.;:;f;::l;:::;:;2;:;:;:;:;;-:-:1:Z;1;i4:2-:::;.-I;:;:;;,-:;:::;:;:;:::-:-£;:-:;'1:i:-.1:4f5.

I I HILL TOP ROAD immd jury‘ which convenes next week. ___—fl qua 1 y a 53555??? 1.92155; -c-.'T'.f:.- ._. . -‘-.,"_'::;."'.'3533155311552525::':f:S:§:;;§:§:§:3:;':-’:3§1§131333ifIféiflftftfszféziffil“SEES-735131;,SE‘IE-‘EIESZSZEE2335::52555153515551235353251315??-

7 +19. was refused bond. Arthur Downs, AI b A . . .333:’=-'-.u-<3;-"3325?":-w?551:;?it? ; ':.-.,. :.. '...1355535.3555555:5555;555:255;5:325:35;55333235323322;55.153523;:55555333;Egiieigigig:’gégégigszsggggzz:g:§5§35:$55553§g;;;5335;.-532555533;

‘ .’. ». I I To OPEN SATL RDAYFnther of Chester Downs. held as an; a ama [Tests ‘ I .ItO Schlpa Jeanne '3"23155353"€131"II’ ,.. .; »;:’:"i;.,‘:595;Eg§g§3§3E35335;35:5ng3333?;2353335351532g?3:323:5:555:33;55523355233255};E9532353;E;S_zSizzstfiiiiisfsis’fiisfsisfs5:335?sisisizi‘i

I I: I I '4 I Hill To R d I i P k lllIaccessory in the murder. also was heldl . I 3.315'F‘é:-;3"'1‘7{-EL'.":‘5?,~ .‘ 'Uw?" " .7 ;~ '1?"'15IE?E!E1':I5Iif1'535i535I15355515=513iiifi§$51F2I::24??“'35:5735'i153355137353333513"‘""7"3'"Z"'55?7':="?3=?1§155515?§?if'33i951:

.. t . p 05 - roqu0s 2" . W . 1th t“ bond to appear before the; n . . 4;? :.. _ ,:.» »., . . ,‘ . .

l t be opened to the public at noon W 0U; , ‘ _ . . 6 M I F] C '-.~.‘:",:'EE:5?-"i“ 1555:5573? .': I ‘ 'EZ‘va'3'335535233351:if$25:35353533535515753533313551.1133?3955'5253;313:3333..41‘2‘555-‘4’353555"5551’s.‘::535353'3-‘53335?

- I I l Saturday by Harvey T. Huff. presi- Igrand Jury. Both the men are in Jail . . en Ogglngs Gordon, lar 61106 E33353. £413.55; .?§,:,I'.- _, x:::..I5553.35295355333IE33513535.135555353535515:::1533355533355353335155351.5353z’37 --I'P:'35555-‘~Ii"i 13332333553?
I I , ,dpm of the Board of Park Commis- here. F Birmingham. Al:..ldSept.dlb :4’); _ .35... _::;,5;;-. 2:41.; , .:....;5;:z.I3;3:335;;;_:;§;:3:§.§;§:§:§-§:;:§:5:_f-;.5:3;33;,3;.:53;;{55:35:5153355 .-':- :.;.vv 51335131313 .

. = I sionei‘s, John Goss. Superintendent of -T—.‘—j~—— ive men were e un er on S‘ I“ f ’ ' ..;;tkfi-fiv I jig-"‘: y1{fan-';:';:§:-.j:;.;:-;-’:I.¢:.3?-,.3» ._.,”'...::31:1:;:§:;:g;;;;:_7:=:§:g;;;;;;§;35§;§§55;g1,;:7:}:§:§:§:;:;;;:3;§;5.5355;13331'-:§:§:§:;;§:g:fi :.;}? ..‘3;;»;...;.;:;:§;§:§:3:-j:§:

I I Parksv and Mayor Joseph T- O'Neale GREENSBLRG LAME“ ”ES- ,rotaiins $100000 here tonight, iol-l hItC hllla N11] 3 .;?:?;%§3.::..:;:1 ---:.:.-5:;:I:'33:.~isfsfsig.12.:53;.; . 1' .~ 555:5: »7:?Islsis325232323553553232.:szgusts:s525523assigisisisigisziissri4%.....3......:;i§::.E-,:;f... 535255355525:

I ; Iif the latter‘s calendar permits. I Special to The Courier—Journal. lllowing tilelilr arrest on indictments; M F k iii: ‘13.: .. ‘53}-Ifi;;’::'g§;';:;.i‘.;.;;: -, ".'}L'. - ';:5355 y“:23’;:‘32-‘333€15233:3:53;5:355535:";:53;£55§E:E;E;E:E:E:E.':;.AT..-';E‘S'.-*-?"~' .;i;33?j3;§:§:.‘:*

.~ The road has been closed 101' more Greensburg, Ky., Sept. is—Funera '.charging t em with participating in '.;.iffij‘Ef-fr" "““:":'*f:j-‘;j.'g-"?'- -:E*+--~'.+' :---.'4: -"3-3:'gff::‘EffEffit'fEfigf‘fffizifri:?:§:§:::§:5:35.431.333.5335;5“."‘:~’;fvf-E-‘EZEIEIEIISFEEI;

5;.“ I I than a year, while being COHSthWdISt‘rrices for Jefferson Henry. 78 yearsIrecent fioggings in Jefferson County; 0 rgan a, r a n 3!;1-.i;-;333::j{§;";.§;'.__;:;I:;...'f-';:?-_€;E;E;I;§,.jj~j',,:__£..,:.;»;.',.;.:,v,:.. -; 3:35;. 4"2f§'3'5“.253=3§3§33f§j.gs£353';{gi-fisfj-Egigégiggyigi.3.,-tn;§§;§55515§5§5.’;.;'..,'I

4 1).: ‘.‘- }. Iin rock asphalt. It »was closed caclilom~ leading member of the GreenlAnother. indicted at Uneonla roocniy . . g'3fffijfiiggggg;‘.;;.:gf;{:,;j5§:-':j‘::§§,j3“i;,3.;‘-;.;;;:;.F;E§:',,f§i_': 3:_'::;.;-_ g .5.:§:§;§>l.g;¢.‘ .‘-':f35EgEg.g;:;;§g§g§3§§§j33:3'.‘-.;Sfisigiii'if

I .‘. 1 “ ‘Wintel' to a“ traffic because 0‘ meICounty bar. who died her:- late yes-Iin connection with the shipping (f; Keenan E210 Plnza ..;-5:3? if:‘5‘33555353335;62:}?.1}:.fj I}.jf;~‘?."»f1.j'g~.;f;::"3‘.-if: ::fff' , _, “figfitfifg §;3:§;§;:3:§:§;3:;:3:5555:33;;x“;- -=:=:§:§:g;;;555;522?rigs-1'1;.

.:3 II' I Idanger due ‘0 mud. .The road islterday, were held this afternoon atlJeff Galloway. was held under bow ’ ’ oj,§o¢{»-"\_P,,;EJ25.33331.'jff':;3:;:f.53v.-:-'E’:'_?E_1:.35Lr5. ' 3'W,.:::;Egigzggzkif§:3?;35133§;§;§§1§:§§35§3I>f537€"27, j$§;§§:j?fE--:§$?-1

09;.»‘1 approiiimately three miles long andIme Greensburg Presbyterian ChurchIOf $10,000 I W ' ll ' H d “_§ru<‘ 3531:‘.;._:;;;;§:,.i--£:5:::;g;;§g§gi,; 15;§;.;j5::::..;ff 3:3:;:;:;.;.'5.‘§E§E_I:':§;Egééziéiilgfiff'.;;Eiififféfffi‘ ., i": 35533532....:1:"""E-‘.4?i3;3:'3??5:'.

I “gr-yr . 1- IS 531d to be one OI the most beaun’IBurial was in the Greensburg Ceme-, W J. Worthington was arrested in 1 13.111