xt70zp3vt865_228 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46.dao.xml unknown 14 Cubic Feet 31 boxes archival material 63m46 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Harkins Family papers Mineral rights -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Law reports, digests, etc. -- Kentucky. Mining leases -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Practice of law -- Kentucky. Bankers -- Kentucky. Banks and banking -- Kentucky -- Prestonsburg. Coal trade -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Lawyers -- Kentucky. Hellier, Lyda E., guardian v. Hellier, Charles E. and James Earl text Hellier, Lyda E., guardian v. Hellier, Charles E. and James Earl 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46/Box_22/Folder_16/0968.pdf 1906-1911 1911 1906-1911 section false xt70zp3vt865_228 xt70zp3vt865 U; _ /’ /‘ i/ 4 ,4 x /'
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ATTEfiSEY‘ a, ;
' Item 22.3.9.in 29.31112; . y ,
-mmJnmsmmLHMme -----—-—----FMDWHE
JAMES EARL HELLIER, - _ - — — - - - — - — - — - DEFENDANT.
The plaintiff, Lyda E. Hellier, says that at
the special May term on the 25rd day of May, 1906, of the
Pike County Court, she was by proper orders and decrees of ,
‘ the said Pike County Court, duly made and entered of record '
therein, appointed as guardian of Charles Edward Hellier, ‘
aged at that time three (3) years and James Earl Hellier,
aged at that time two (2) years, and thereupon executed
bond and otherwise qualified as such guardian, and is now
the duly appointed, qualified and acting guardian of the
defendants, Charles Edward Hellier, aged seven (7) and
James Earl Hellier, aged six (6). That Pike County, ‘
. Kentucky, Was and is the residence of the defendants,
Charles Edward Hellier and James Earl Hellier, and that
the said The Pike County Court had power and authority to
and did appoint this plaintiff as such guardian aforesaid. ‘
A copy of said order of appointment of this
plaintiff as guardian of the defendants herein and the bond
executed bythe plaintiff herein are each herewith filed
referred to andlnade part hereof marked "Exhibits A. and B.

 . . o , O ;
HARI That the defendant, Charles Edward Hellier, is .
an infant under the age of fourteen (14) years and under ”
the age of twenty one (21) years, being seven (7) years '

' of age, and that the defendant James Earl Hellier is an '

. infant under the age of fourteen (14) years and under the -
age of twenty one (21) years, being six (6) years of age.

I That the father of said Charles Edward Hellier and James
Earl Hellier is dead. That this plaintiff is their
guardian and their mother and the person having charge
of said defendants and each of them, and that it is neces-
sary to have a guardian ad litem appointed for the ser-
vice of process for each of said infants.

The plaintiff further says that the defendants
Charles Edward Hellier and James Earl Hellier are each
infants under the age of twenty one years and have no
guardian, curator or committee residing in this state known

I to the plaintiff herein other than this plaintiff.

Plaintiff further says that the said Charles
Edward Hellier and James Earl Hellier are the only child- .
ren and heirs at law of Ralph A. Hellier, who departed

, this life the __.- day of .....- , . 19.”... domiciled in 7,
Pike County, Kentucky, mId intestate, and left surviving
him the defendants, Charles Edward Hellier and James Earl
Hellier his only children and heirs at law to whom his -
estate descended, subject to the life estate therein, of
this plaintiff, who is a Widow of the said R. A. Hellier,
deceased. That at the time of his death_the said
R. A. Hellier was the owner of an un-divided one-half
interest in and to the coal, stone iron, fire clay, pottery


 O 0 O .
HARKINS &11A1\-x1:\'s 4" ,
,mggifigfiva,i clay, slates and all mineral and mineral substances, ores
andxnines; the oil, gas, salts and salt and mineral
. waters and all the subterranean products in, upon and ;
under the tract of land hereinafter described, together
. with the full right to enter upon said land by himself,
’ agents, servants, employees and his heirs, vendees and
. assigns, and their agents, servants and employees to make
exploration for and to mine, dig, drill for and to remove
therefrom the coal, stone, slates, iron, fire clay, pot- ‘
tery clay, mineral, metal, ores, mines and mineral sub-
stances and the oil, gas, salts, mineral water and sub- '
V terranean products thereon, therein and thereunder; and
the exclusive right of way over said land and every part
thereof to construct, maintain and keep in repair and .
operate any and all railroads, tramroads, haulroads,
mines, canals, water ways, coke ovens, dams and pipe lines
deemed necessary or convenient by the party of the second
part, his heirs, vendees and assigns to mine, manufacture,
drill for, pump, store or remove said products from or
out of said land; or taken from out of any other land.own-
ed , or in which the aforementioned substances and
products are owned, leased or otherwise held by the
party of the secOnd part, his heirs, vendees and assigns;
also, the right to erect and maintain upon said land
hereinbefore described and to alter, repair and remove
all houses, shops, buildings, tanks, derricks, stables,
dams, coke ovens, store and were rooms, telegraph, tel-
ephone and electric lines by the party of the second
part, heirs, vendees and assigns, deemed necessary or con~

 :Ww ‘ .
O O ’ Q .I ‘
PMWWWMWRHKV venient for the cheap and successful operation, removal,
Y conversion, reduction, refining or manufacturing of the J
said products, in, upon and under the said land and other V
land owned or hereafter acquired by the party of the sec- ,
ong part, heirs, vendees or assigns, and the right to dump a
and store or leave upon said land any muck, bone, shale '
' or other refuse from said mines, wells, ovens or houses; 7
excepting and reserving unto the owners of the surface
estate in said land the timher upon said land and the use '
. of said land for agricultural purposes so far as the lat~
ter is consistent with the rights herein enumerated.
The land is situated in Floyd County, Kentucky,
on the waters of the Big Sandy river and is bounded and
described as follows, to-witz- _
BEGIENING at the mouth of the branch and running
up with the branch, East 2 poles and 15 links; H. 21% E.
, one (1) pole and 16 links; S. 78 E. 5 poles and 22 links;
N. 7% E. 2 poles and 18 links; S. 88 E. 7 poles and 10
links; H. 50 E. 10 poles and 16 links; N. 31% E. 4 poles
and 77 links; S. 87 E. 5 poles and 15 links to a sycamore;,
N. 76 E. 21 poles and 19 links to a sycamore; thence run- .
ning up the hill S. 4 W. 25 poles and 12 links to a bunch
of hickory sprouts; thence with the center of the point;
e. 9% E. 14 poles and 14 links; 8. 19% E. 7 poles and 7
links; S. 9% E. 15 poles; S. 4% W. 5 poles and 3 links to
a white oak on top of a ridge; S. 74% E. 6 poles and 17
links; 8. 73%; E. 5 poles and 8 links; 3. 80% E. 5 poles
and 19 links; N. 77 E. 4 poles and 6 links; 3. 75% E. 6
poles and 22 links; S. 80 E. 7 poles and 7 links; S. 87 '
E. 6 poles; N. 86 E. 5 poles and 14 links; 5. 7242L E. 5

 Q 0 O
WfiflhNWWmJ“‘i poles and 5 links; S. 70% E. 6 poles and 22 links to a pine
d and chestnufi oak; S. 85% E. 4 poles and 7 links to a pine; ,
N. 87% E. 5 poles and 20 links; S. 86% E. 5 poles and 15
links; S. 85 E. 5 poles to a small black oak and chestnut
; oak; s. 74 E. 5 poles and 12 links; 3. 75% E. 6 poles and
i 5 links to'a black oak; S. 69 E. 3 poles and 3 links to a
_ ' small white oak; N. 86% E. 5 poles and 10 links; N. 80% E.
4 poles and 9 links to two small hickories, small white oak
and degwood; N. 66—5;- E. 3 poles and 13 links to the line
of John Bays; N. 56% E. 3 poles and 13 links to a large
white oak (an old corner); N. 61% E. 4 poles and 4 links;
N. 63% E. 5 poles to three small hickorles; same course
9 poles and 20 links; N. 68% E. 7 poles and 19 links to a
spotted. oak; N. 82% E. '7 poles and 9 links; 3. 89% E. 7
poles and 20 links; N. 89'},- E. 7 poles and 22 links; N.
; 83% E. 5 poles and 10 links; N. 66-52: E. 7 poles to three
small black oaks; N. 66% E. 8 poles and 21 links; H. 27
E. 5 poles and 2 links; N. 24 E. 11 poles; N. 3% w. '7
poles and 2 links; N. 7;} W. 4 poles and 15 links; N. 2% w.
5 poles and two links to a pine and small black oak; N. 15
W. 15 poles; N. 6 W. 11 poles and 20 links to a small white “
oak; N. 16% W. 11 poles and ll links; N. 13 W. 9 poles
and 3 links; N. 13% E. 10 poles and 11 links to three
. chestnyt oaks corner to Abraham Wireman survey; S. 88% W.
8 poles and 12 links; 3. 88 w. 11 poles and 22 links; N.
84 W. 8 poles and 22 links; N. 66% W. 5 poles and 7 links
to two pines corner to Hager survey; N. 58% W. 8 poles and
13 links; N. 63 W. 10 poles and 14 links; N. 61 W. 9 poles
and 15 links; N. 52 W. 7 poles and 11 links to a pine on a
-5.. '

 O . O O ‘
....iiiiiiififly. high knob; s. 46% w. 59 poles to a white oak; n. 61 w.

V 16 poles and 16 links to a black oak; S. 89 W. 4 poles and E:
24 links to a black oak; N. 89% W. 7 poles and 9 links; 2
S. 69 W. 4 poles and 10 links; 8. 87 W. 10 poles and 21

. links; 3. 57% w. 7 poles and 3 links; H. 81%; w. 14 poles '
and 6 links to three white oaks; S. 83 W. 5 poles and 17 '

- links to a beech; s. 88 w. 17 poles and 4 links to a '
hickory; s. 76%,- w. 8 poles; s. 79 w. 7 poles and 10 links
S. 55 W. 8 poles and 16 links to a large white oak; S. i
68-;- W. 9 poles and 20 links; 3. '72 W. 4 poles and 10
links to a small chestnut near a cliff; S. 36% E. one (1)
poles and 21 links; N. 60 W. 24 poles; S. 55 E. 48 poles
to thebeginning, containing one hundred sixteen (116)
acres, more or less. .

Situated in Floyd County, Kentucky, on the
waters of May's branch and Vaughan branch, and.bounded and
described as follows:-

1 Beginning on a white oak on top of the ridge
between the May branch and.Vaughan branch, a corner to
survey of mineral land sold by Hereford to the said W. S. A
Harkins &c.; thence running down with the diiiding ridge

’ N. 29 W. 41 poles and 10 links to two chestnut oaks, hick-
cry and black oak; n. 80%; w. 16 poles and 5 links to a
chestnut oak; N. 30%‘W. 12 poles to‘a small sugar and a 5
small chestnut oak at the end of some large rocks; N. 56 '
W. 8 poles and 15 links; N. 11 W. 8 poles and 12 links.

N. 26 W. 8 poles; N. 25 W. 10 poles to a hickory, corner
of A. J. Davidson's land; N. l E. 16 poles to a dogwood

 g 0 '0
‘ and. small hickory; N. 143 E. 13 poles and 7 links; II. 22
E. 8 poles and 16 links to the corner of a paling fence on
the line of Alexander Lackey; thence S. 39% E. 138 poles
and 12 links to a large poplar in the Vaughan gap; thence
.1 with the Hereford line reversed s. 75 w. 6 poles and 12
_ links; 8. 703 E. 13 poles and ten links; s. 8171- w. 17 _
poles and 12 links to the beginning, containing 25 and
' ‘ 70/100 acres, being the same land conveyed by Samuel
3 May to Ralph A. Hellier and Walter S. Harkins, on 3
the 26th day of August, 1899. ’
TllAIZT 1J0. 5 ;
Situated in Floyd County, Kentucky, on the May U
Kbranch, a tributary of the Big Sandy river, just below the
town of Prestonsburg, and is bounded and described as fol- V
' Beginning at a sugar tree above the mouth of the left
V hand fork of the May branch; thence S. 57 W. 14 poles; S.
793 w. 22 poles to a beech; s. 86 w. 15 poles; s. 713» w. j
3 17 poles and 8 links; N. 76% W. 12 poles to a beech on the '
south side of May's branch; thence crossing said branch I
and running up the point, N. 3 W. 70 poles to a flat rock
on the top of a knob; thence with the top of the ridge N.
51% E. 15 poles to a hickory, black oak and white oak; N.
21 E. 14 poles to a white oak and hickory; N. 33% E. 9 i
poles to a black oak and two small hickories; E. 27 E. 12 '
poles and.7 links; H. 16% E. 10 poles and 23 links to the
end of a large rock; ll. 8 E. 14 poles and 15 links; H. 18% I
E. 9 poles and 22 links to a large white oak; N. 87% E.
1? poles and 12 links; N. 70% E. 15 poles and 10 links; H.
. "7‘

 1| 4. ll
76% E. 15 poles and 10 links to a stake near a large white
oak in the Vaughan gap at the head of the left hand fork
of May's branch; N. 66 E. 15 poles to a small black walnut
and black oak on a rock; N. 89% E. 14 poles to a service
and black oak on some rocks; S. 87 E. 11 poles and 10 links
,N. 75 E. 9 poles to two pines and a chestnut oak; S. 82
E. 16 poles and 20 links to a pine and chestnut oak; S.
47% E. 24 poles and. 20 links to a chestnut oak; s. 59 E.
1'? poles and 5 links; 3. 56% E. 51 poles and 22 links to
two White oaks on a flat knob; S. 9% E. 18 poles to a 7
White oak; S. 41% W. 18 poles to a white oak; thence run-
ning down the point, S. 79 W. 56 poles and 18 links; S.
71% W. 5 poles and 5 links to a large flat rock on a
point; 8. 64% w. 19 poles and 5 links; 8. 19%: w. 12 poles .
7 and 15 links; S. 16 W. 19 poles; S. 63 W} 14 poles and 16 ,
links; S. 81 W. 8 poles and 16 links; S. 45 W. 10 poles to l
the beginning, being the same land conVeyed by Florence
Hereford to Ralph A. Hellier and Walter S. Harkins on the 1
25th day of July, 1899, and recorded in deed book "X" page
192, Floyd County Court, Clerk's office. ‘

Copies of each of said deeds will be filed here-
with in due time for trial and.when so filed will be re-
ferred to, adopted and.made part hereof, marked "Exhibits
0, D. and EU respectively.

That the said defendants and each of them are of
such tender years that they can not be bound out as an
apprentice, and no suitable person will take them as such

Plaintiff further says that the property herein-


 0 K 0 ' H
5i 9
st:€%%?w \ ,described consists of un-develeped mineral rights. That
» s”msw(LKi'm
Tthe same has not been developed and that the defendants ‘
herein, as owners of an undivided one-half interest there-
of are not able to develop said mineral , or to have ex-
ploration made to ascertain whether or not any of the min-
:erals hereinbefbre set out exists in, on or under said V
”tracts of land. That the said un-divided one-half
.interest of the said defendants yields no income to them,
and that the best interest of the defendants and each of l
them will be served by a sale of their undivided one~half
interest in and to the coal, oil, gas and minerals herein-
before set out, in, upon and under the tracts of land here~
inhefore described and the re-invesnnent of the proceeds
from the said sale in and to the property more suitable to
the needs of the defendants herein.

The plaintiff further says that a sale of the
interest of the defendants in and to said property here-
inbefore set out is necessary for the maintenance and edu-
cation of the said defendants, and that she is not
possessed of sufficient means to educate the defendants,
and each of them in such a manner as their station in -

, life demands that they should be educated.

Plaintiff further says that the proceeds aris-
ing from the sale of the un-divided one-half interest of
he defendants in and to the property hereinbefore de~
=cribed can be re-invested in other property more suitable

o the needs of the defendant herein.

WHEREFORE plaintiff prays that the un-divided
~ne-half interest of the defendants in and to the coal, oil,
gas and other mineral rights, interest, easements and


 O 7 O o
’ estates in, upon and under the tracts of land hereinbefore 1
described be sold, and that a portion of the proceeds I
arising from said sale be applied to the education and 7
maintenance of her said wards, and that the remainder v
‘ thereof be re-invested in other property more suitable to
the needs of the defendants herein. She prays judgment
' for costs and for all general and special relief.

. mm E. HELLIER, Guardian ‘
for Charles Edward Hellier '
and James Earl Hellier. -

By Zémyédg/fidjflfifl if ,::/1. y ‘
- Attorneys.
' PIKE comma. / Set.

The affiant, Lyda E.Hellier, says that the
statements of the foregoing petition are true as she

Subscribed and sworn to before me by Lyda E.
Hellier, the gmn~w~_day of February, 1911.

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