xt70zp3vt865_220 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46.dao.xml unknown 14 Cubic Feet 31 boxes archival material 63m46 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Harkins Family papers Mineral rights -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Law reports, digests, etc. -- Kentucky. Mining leases -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Practice of law -- Kentucky. Bankers -- Kentucky. Banks and banking -- Kentucky -- Prestonsburg. Coal trade -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Lawyers -- Kentucky. Harkins, Walter S. v. Walker, W.W. and York, Pat text Harkins, Walter S. v. Walker, W.W. and York, Pat 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46/Box_22/Folder_8/0220.pdf 1896-1898 1898 1896-1898 section false xt70zp3vt865_220 xt70zp3vt865 w - u 7 w “"‘3— ~ ' "3” " “"5"" l “T' . '» " V :Hv—W m ‘_””.51” ’..7 7. . _, "r-una-wJ-i—M‘: : W *1;-..;..-.2:*fi ‘ 7.,._;:‘_,,. .1' -v : I \7~—‘ M25 W$wm’ » ...: r 1}
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Floydcirouit Coxzzrt. I
‘ Walter S.Iiar1<;ins, Plaintiff,
Against /’ Petition~Crdinary9
V W.W.Walher,and Pat lgrk,¢;¥fl72;L»Zf¢C%iazia Defendants.
_ Jeff/ (CM) C6 0 (253.?) 91> C77 (Qua: iC./ ’
me‘uwk MUM“ m» 2M)
’ The Plaintiff Walter S.Harkins says that the Defendants W.
, E.Walher,and Pat York are indebted to him in the Just and full i
5.. sum of One Hundred Dollars with 6ޤinterest thereon from the
5th day of’tmy 1896 until paid less the awn of $50.00 paid th ‘1
ereon theIOday of November I897. ;
, ( Which said amounts the said Defendants agreed and premis
I ed and agreed to pay to Plaintiff but save the $50.00 above
named paid by Pat York said debt is just due and unpaid.
Plaintiff says that the Defendants Pat York and W.W.Walher
are nonresidents of the state of Kentucky and absent therefrom
V and that he verily believes that he ought to recover of said
Defendants the just and full sum of One hundred Dollard,with
. 6% interest thereon from the 5 th day of may 1896;until paid
less the sun of $50 paid thereon Dovembor the IQ thIBQV; w
Plaintiff further says that the Defendants the owners of
one undivided one half of five acres of a leasehold estate
made executed and delivered by John M.Patton to M.T.Allen the
day of 189_;on thirty acres of land therein discribe d
‘ the same less a reservation of five acres thereof was sold by 4
said M.T.Allen to the Grill omi Co;and said. Allen sold transfe
red and assigned to said Walker & York one undivid one half 1
nterest in said 5 acres of said leaseholdestate, Qfllc7LZZIVV‘lé’
7 --....._tL:LZ:Zz:::::::.________.___:==:._____...=======.===l_l____ll__ll

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I Plaintiff further says that said Gill 011 (JO,I.I.T.Allen,8:
, t if 132 L
I and John lbrfian Al+en are proyer parties hereto;and are made
J Defendants herein;for the reason that they are owners of an
; undivided interest in the leasehold estate sought to be subje
i oted to the payment oi‘Plaintiffs debt interest and cost.
I Wherefore Plaintiff prays Juiyient against the Defendants ’;
I ‘ W.W.Walker and Pat York, for the sum of One Hundred Dollars ‘i
y with offinterest thereon from the 5 th day of may 1896 until
' paid less the:sum of rifty Dollars paid and credited as of No
vember the 10 th i897;Pluintiff asks for a general order on
attachment against the property of the Defendants Pot York and
i W.W.Walker;nnd that the some be levied upon their interest in
i the leasehold estate hereinbefore discribed,and that the some
3 be sold and the proceeds arising from said sale be applied in
1 payment of Plaintiffs debt interst and oost.Finally he prays
J a judgment fot cost,and all general and Sp'fiial relief. .
ii ,,/7
I State of Kentucky, );¢%QQ/ lZZQZZZQgiLL€7
1 Floyd County: 33. / x
The offiant and Plaintiff Walter S.Iarkin says that the state
ments of the foregoing Petition are true, //fi
2 , / '
[W447 fizz; Mia/0
\ Sworn to by '..‘alter {:3.}Iarkins before me fugue h 1898.

 l .
i . v . ,
1 Walter S.Harkins, Plaintiff.
it Against/ Affidavit for a Warning Order. ’”
Walker & York eo't, D efendants.
, +++++++++++++++++++-1-+++++++++++++-—~'— '
' The affiant Walter S.Harkins says that he is the Plaintiff
. herein;and that the defendants W.W.Walker and Pat York are non
% , residents of the state of Kentucky and are believed to be abs
‘E ent therefrom;that said Defendants reside at Washington Pa,and
E the place nearestwhich a post office is kept to their residen
} ce is Washington Pa.Plaintiff is informed however that W.W.Wa
4 alker is telmmorarily engaged in the Oil busness at Parkersbu
’i rg W.Va,and is liveing at the Blannerasett Hotel,from which
5 many of his letters are written. _//)
f Sworn to byWalterS.Harkins before me dug 4 th 1898.
’ L
:3 Walter 8.}Iarkins, Plaintiff.
; Against / Warning Order. 7
Walker & York ec't, Defendants.
‘ - " The Defendants ‘.'!(‘SMNalker and Pat York are warned to app
:;J_ ear in the Floyd Circuit Court on the first day of its next J
>V‘E January term 1899 to Answer the Petition of thePlaintiff Walter
> S.Earkins against them in said Court;and ____._..*__._.__.‘___
~ a regular practiceing attorney of the Floyd Circuit Court is
- hereby appointed as attorney for said nonresident defendants,


. and he being 1.>rese11ta.04_231:rts said appointment.

5 Given under my hand asClerK of ’5}'135‘J.oyd Circuit Court the

‘ the 4 th day of August 1898.

‘ W ,
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