xt70zp3vt865_218 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46.dao.xml unknown 14 Cubic Feet 31 boxes archival material 63m46 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Harkins Family papers Mineral rights -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Law reports, digests, etc. -- Kentucky. Mining leases -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Practice of law -- Kentucky. Bankers -- Kentucky. Banks and banking -- Kentucky -- Prestonsburg. Coal trade -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Lawyers -- Kentucky. Hall, Palmer, superintendent of schools of Floyd County Kentucky v. Hunter, Ballard text Hall, Palmer, superintendent of schools of Floyd County Kentucky v. Hunter, Ballard 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46/Box_22/Folder_6/0147.pdf 1934-1938 1938 1934-1938 section false xt70zp3vt865_218 xt70zp3vt865 . '7 23+Supersedeas on Appeal, Etc. I I i 7 STAR Ptg. CO., Campbellsville, Ky.
The Commonwealth of Kentucky,
Ballard Hunter, Individually, FLOYD CIRCUIT COURT
‘ andBallard 59““ Super- ppellant '
intendent of sduae'rsmermrlayfi
Count Kentuck
y, Mm % Supersedeas.
__"Beers_..9.£..Esleee§s9s__9_§__F}9:zi§_. Appellee
County, Kentucky, etc. , l
I do certify that an appeal has been granted by the__ Floyd
Circuit Court, from the judgment rendered at ltSSpec1alJune Term,
19.3.6, in favor of .___...___39.4339..93....EEQQQ§EILQQ__.Q_£_£19ny"Cong"_Ky...._..etc__...,..l_.___.., Appellee, against
Ballarde-t'e?’ Ind1v1dually ,andBallard Appellant, said ‘udgment, being as follows:
Hunter, Superintendent of Schools of Floyd County, Kentucky,
Wand €130“ 7
and that a supersedeas bond has been executed. Therefore, the Appellee and all others are commanded to stay
proceedings on the judgments above recited. ,
Witness my hand as Clerk of said Court, th1s8 day of July1936
Clerk Floyd Circuit Court
Bymli GDW D.C. -

 23—Supersedeas on Appeal, Etc. STAR Ptg. Co., Campbellsville, Ky.
fi—ax ‘__fig— ._; w- ‘ 4"? *'-:——7~————~———————‘___~__——_—::;‘_‘—‘__:__.—‘———
e Commonwealth of Kentucky,__ ,
T j . __ _ J .. ~ioud CIRCUIT COURT
i-lm‘olu _.,;.,;.-'..l.e_;'r,~ cc. {‘__Lq
Appellant I
t 1 vs. %Supersedeas.
.,Taczc ,igrmmzm
Appellee I
i MW f) arr}
I do certlfy that an appeal has been granted by the”“"
. . , Wm —“ w-m v "mm
Clrcuit Court, from the Judgment rendered at 1ts”’w'o’t’:’“iv7bll7"“jvw7 Term,
”9 n.1,; " 4 “.1 . ,.

. ch'i‘elni. A»,..;'.t.l...LiL&iili .
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wtnyni "11:2 f": 23"? WW1“? 7'» '.1:1-'.~ .5»? +pr~4 rc‘r €52er ‘7‘ «1 +2}, »‘2 «.._—1 32,143.- .., ,‘2 .3.. r“! 1. 17 1 .1 .,. 2:37;.l ...=
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‘ - - - ..‘! 3. ,. 2L1... ,..... .12 .1 ’. .. 1 “- ..'* ‘ . ’3 v. ...-2": . “... ..' ., .,,-.:.; .
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.3‘ 2.. " ~ " my
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msmuwwm’ammm ‘
Subsom bed. and sworn. to oefore me by 13313329233 flall this
July 9. 3.93m.
«':.. ...... “r ., v.1 - K .3. .... ..1“ '17:...
mutaxy .2312-"£31123 2110 a 9 fly a

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. -1;11 N n 33. irrftfitvwr
!”".. ,.., -. ‘.f-fi,‘ .. .f. ". .. . ‘:‘f.. “ ". 1‘ "r. ‘- ° " ' - ‘1
1n» 11.1.n-. ?hlirr mail: sags thus be Is the Tig.hx- 3
We “W 111‘s; £33 tit. 1“ .1 a i
heparintsndent or amm;rls of Floyd County, Ventncky. for w t rm
qes“:"“‘1§’sw:u§r1{~13 n. 1'. 17 r711 1.;, 11:. y: 51 {mania}; . .11 '22-. .-111. ”2.1"! 7‘ (“233, -~ -w ,.. .1
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51311:”:th .13. ”121‘"? "1 ‘3":“31115‘2'5‘ (.1.-0.11 1:1, 1"." ‘W .'swv‘r‘! ‘5 4“” #1 V 3“. tww‘ 71 5‘1‘ 1‘ ' " 4"" " ‘1" ‘ "'7' H". "
a :. ..:...» 5.1.. 1.1M) .1.. 1.0 Nut-3217. L. 1:. «aiming ‘1._.;L.1.:,'Z!)..1‘A .1. .. A. “L‘CL all“. wit-127.7: bait: {3755. MIL J. 15.1 33.313
are: eixnxa.oc {fl1d“ =a. ramp area 11! 1a.;sznc ainasecprng ontssnai rapes
711931 E. 15? .1.”: M, ,...-1 .11: .' .". .11..,...,..,,.=1 ., .1 v ’ ..a. ...1“: ”1.7 . '1 .. 4.7 1. ’.': 11 -1 ’1 ’1
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-c~ '11 *7, .. . 1* .... "a -....1, .. ..« ,. . c. . .12
hallard mantcr, 1a intwrisrr.ng ..:h him in the performance 3:
1-.; p . 0 ,1 . - '?:--1111~1-.1-.11.5‘ . .5 ... .3 . .- .19.... .. .e 1: .1 ._ . 1 . 1 . . 1 1
n.s duties as pap -1ntenusnt aforesaid: that said defendant can
, ‘ :- W 1. ."1. .. .1.- . . .. 7 . . . .. .... 1 ‘ -
on July 9. lQoG. gmidflfi to surrender and turn over to the wlarhw
.‘ .’J . .. " 1 - t . a»... .. “ .. 11in“. . .. "u 1 1. '1- ‘
tiff all and any says. eonhinaticns, ufluifi; papers; records and
. proceedings pertaining to the office of tutorinteudent of Cancels
. . , ,, . 2 , st!- 4, :1. . .. 1. .. _ -... ,. ,. .- . .1 . . ~
and said defendant rarused to surrender the offices or any c1 .ne
'3’. ': 1.. .1 , 1 1.“ .1 -_ ..3 .1 . '. ..., " "I ..“ . l’ ., . . . . " - I
wanna. records aha proceedings to the pialntlff herein, and
-‘ 31- ‘ m ”D .2' ..._ .‘ .’. ..‘W'J * > . 1. . , . . . . '
tna. he; the plaintirig is entitled to said records and crew
1 a .., , , ,...,” ,.. -. ,.... ‘ .I. ‘2. .:. 1': ... ., ' r .1./- 2 . -
seedings and to have doc as thereto; that after the 3-91n111f was
, . . g '. ,. .._ ~ .... m-..” .1.. ' t. . . a. 1 . .1
unable to secure but ideas and keys ..on raw defendant he atgamgteu
.. .17 .- .1 11...- , .1 1-. :1 1 0 " . 1- *ri‘ ‘1
to have a loci Difibmu upon the outer door of said oifices..na .ne

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“.5.-J. (mm-1r; a. 2.65.. _ mi. 52.x 1. 9 3..: «U5 _r.<-=L.::...:r::; :50: vgcjgfi'aqx. 5. Ln?)- ‘mrm-‘urfz ':é'fi";
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;uftaz-zzizwrvs: r i. : ..‘-2m ..:”ef:=-U'Z?€l!.? mi.“ :;:;m w. _> :3 mm,
, . .. .. :..; _, 5‘ .,. ,.W .
n .Q ;mw’ma ..;,
("5 . ". :~ -5 ',..~5,‘ ,~ .33 , M 9.. k 1,.» ’2 . .;‘T’. ._.“ >1 r ". ..2 ”W .. m ,- ‘="'. “E‘ .‘ '3 ;E ,
.1315. 5.:-...: .‘..'... 5 a; .,.5. “Film 1.25 3:35, (.339?! $18 935‘ .2’:.almfifi‘ $111555. '.., .’..s..~-’
,:.. ‘* , —. a“; <3. 7",:‘52 :'-:
.5. r a '..}: 7.,. J... Law?!
.1112} Us“, 5.;} gatinkfi; 5:. .Cg' d ..,:h,y§.r..‘-.i. -,' g a; Q;

.2? I.IIITII’IZI ‘_ _ negmw _ €345,111

. IIIII .JTZI‘IILIIIIQ SU .2 iii}? .I.‘ Cal“ 37313:": 1:53

‘ 0}” 33‘} I53??? (I? I?" 9 ZI7»‘I.-';"7Ifi.§CI 1‘5 39.31.2131 »‘ff.'§§.ll"'§i‘

‘ v.32: /// Imam"

33351733": "7.53. ‘I‘J‘Z'ITT'Ziii -'3.3; '3‘, 3513?
mm. Mmm-n-mm ..
The affirm BaiIZ’IIIm T-EIIIItIII‘II I»? {It '3’ is we {2322.13
damage}, IwLELIIed III: acting: ”I.Iggaersm‘i..‘tI.‘-I;e;rII.“I<:I:::t 63:? 330329 I15. £33?

. “isyd County; ZRIII‘IchW; thaw "I'IQIIII'I’IC:I?QI~@ II} mince} the ram}.
electiozz. in EiIEQVI-ezfiaer 3.27335, he am: his; “mnIziiIaI {I.IIITI‘. . veilixiiesl
sII}:I;IcI:II$e?.€I have Emma (213:1 in 5?. IIIIIII‘Imvmmy as; $30 LII. 3.. Sheets _
III’II 1;!) 13163 mi‘ffi. are 035;" We 233-10“ 6;? 63632212313 :32"? “10313. i3IIII’I‘IL3I
“enigma 223;.

IliIfZ‘r-E’iant. L‘If’zlrfihrasé 3333‘s; VII; {'.er flan. «him. ..I". alfai‘IIII'ilillg
51113.59 01;“ {’II-Ia Timid fiimuit Swim ms "33mm ”Vilma: I 0 '
fee 3:10st mew. hill} €32? i328 {VIII {Tum 031‘ :;iuggeyfig‘s.teasisgzs-II; III”?

‘ 353120-3159 0:2? egffl QGl'ii‘ltifg ‘Vaa'ImIequI; {311% ii, is cesiamzm I,:;sz'IrIu’leI’xjfe
that, the lion. John If. Cmdill has been. actively ij’rfflfjetfl in
COWGZTIGFCI‘EiCIF; With Othe‘lr‘S if). an ::I:i:,:2€mpt 1:0 drasjalzme time :::-‘?:.~t‘.‘:i.:nt;
a3 superzir:tez‘zcient of schools 0:3 ”1.33mi Cummisgm Mummy.

4. l “‘
gm mafia i; farms? "(3 that the Xian. John "1.;”. Cruzdill,
Judge of the 310311 Circuit Court I'IIC‘QIIQS-midg 13:31-60:10 whom the
Paége nil-n

an? ~ ‘nr'x-n" -3../:1 T .-~ {4 "wrafl _ . ._’ ..° \, .53 ,. «yr, N‘ 7: ,A :3" H ‘w' «‘3 4,:m “,V.." m ».A; “KKK .). ,.,.“ ".A-
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...}...m. a «1.1..; .e .:.; we legal WANG ..:; a; .1'“ t 9 3 .:.uma .0. ".':.“C
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.'1 -K an. . .... ..‘ ..;.r. 9 . K. 1 .;3 u. .= .. ‘ E .,QK ., ., .13:. ,5. {..'.‘K, ,7 H ‘ 7. A, J __..
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o: yifiEd Uwzgugg wfiuhmfihyg which rlgdufi ara @xclus¢va;3 91.;1u
1 .

 the pliintiff herein; that the defendant in wrongfully and
‘ unlawfully threatening and attempting to ransnmsmd tsaahers
for teaehiug poeitinns in the annuals sf Flsyd Csunty fer
the sehsel term lfififimfitg and ntherwise threatening and ate
tempting to nsrfprm the rsutins affine work ef the Superfine
i tendent of tunnels, as aforesaid: that the defendant is further
‘ violating the plnznnlfan rights and priyilsgssy as aforesaid;
in that he has failed and refused tn turn over and surrender
5 unto the plaintiff herein all keys and sombinutiens int ts and
l‘ about the affine a? taperintsndent of tunnels} aferssaidg and is
attempting to withhnld from the plaintiff hanks; records and
' proceedings tn all sf which the plaintiff is sntitlsdg that the
' defendant herein is attempting to usurp the plaintiffgs affine
‘ in the partieulars herein set sang whish usurpation is in
vielation of the plaintiff‘s rightsg as hereimshore set out?
2 and tends to render a final gadgmsnt herein ineffectualg that
unless enjoined from rinlating the duties of plaintiffa as
i herein set out? and required to forthwith surrender eats the
T alaintirf said keys and combinations? 2e plaintiff will. 3.21224
1 great and irreparable ingury and damage; that the injunction
herein snught has not mean requested or refused hy the court?
‘ nor by any other weart or offiser authorized by law ts grant
5 injunctions,
The plaintiff further states that he has no adequate
‘ remedy at law.
fiHFEE3GNE9 plaintiff prays judgment against the ’
I defendant perpetually enjoining and restraining the defendanta
Ballard fringitergi from interferring with the plaintiff in any
manner in the psrzormunce of his duties as Superintendent sf
2 l ml ,, W lwwwll_, 2 ,,, __, _,li .

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