xt70zp3vt865_213 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46.dao.xml unknown 14 Cubic Feet 31 boxes archival material 63m46 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Harkins Family papers Mineral rights -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Law reports, digests, etc. -- Kentucky. Mining leases -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Practice of law -- Kentucky. Bankers -- Kentucky. Banks and banking -- Kentucky -- Prestonsburg. Coal trade -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Lawyers -- Kentucky. Guardian Trust Company v. By-Products Coal Company text Guardian Trust Company v. By-Products Coal Company 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46/Box_22/Folder_1/0038.pdf 1931-1932 1932 1931-1932 section false xt70zp3vt865_213 xt70zp3vt865 LAW OFFICES OF
minutes? c Lave: LAN 0
52:22; ECBiLéHMAN
$333133 Z'fl’EVN'SST July 18: 1931-
Mr. Joseph D. Harkins, ‘
Attorney at law, '
Prestonsburg, Ky.
Dear Sir:
Re: The Guardian Trust Company
vs. By-Products Coal Company

I acknowledge receipt of yours of the 16th with enclosure.

As to the three party agreement, it is my recollection that
on the day you were here it was agreed in conferences at The Guardian
Trust Company, in Mr. Shepherd's office, that the next move was for
the By-Products Coal Company to come to the Bank with a prospective
purchaser, with a plan for raising the required future working capital
in the sum.of about $40,000., and with a request to accede to the
proposition made by The Elkhorn Coal Company. We felt that it was
their move, meaning Mr. Burton, because the Elkhorn Coal Company
preposition had been conditioned upon their being able to raise the
required Working capital.

Since then Mr. Burton has been endeavoring to interest various
parties in the proposition as purchasers and his efforts to have Tr. Jacobs
inspect the mine, of which you know, have been directed to that purpose.
Those efforts not yet having culminated in success, we have not been

- approached as yet with the proposition which our conference led us to
expect. It is certainly true, however, that Tr. Burton has been doing
his best to put himself in a position to make such proposition to the

The present development, that is the filing of the Hatfield
suit, appears to me to have precipitated the matter so that the Bank
will have to decide immediately whether it can agree to the prOposed
modification of the Elkhorn Coal Company's lease and upon receipt of a
draft thereof from Mr. Howard or yourself, we will present it to the
Bank for consideration.

In the meantime, it becomes important to know within what time
the Bank must file its answer and cross petition in the case. Will you
therefore kindly advise us in that respect and also as to whether
The Guardian Trust Company, Trustee, is now in court in this case or

 #2 rr. Joseph D. Harkins 7/18/31
whether the plaintiff would have to serve us by publication or go through
some other formality in order to put The Guardian Trust Company, Trustee
in court so that its interests in the Burton mine could be adjudicated.
Other questions, most of which are minor, have presented themselves
to us, as follows:
1 - What is the number of the.case in your court? V
2 - we note that Willie Johnson is a party plaintiff. Should this
have any effect upon our retaining him as our watchman?
5 - Why is The Goodman Manufacturing Company a party? Does it have
a lien on the premises? The same question arises as to Jeffries Mining
Company and Sanford-Day Iron Works, Inc.
4 - Who is plaintiff's counsel?
5 - Is it too late to make a direct appeal of the Munson attach-
ments? If not, do you still recommend such course?
Very truly yours, ,
/ (1 / ,1/1/
JHK EH /3/
P S - Now that the property is under foreclosure what do you think of the
idea of asking, in the answer and cross petition of The Guardian Trust Company,
Trustee, for the appointment of a Receiver to preserve the property during
the pendency of the action? This would place the property under the protection
of the court and would throw the costs of such protection, we suppose, into
the costs of the case so that the same would not have to be borne by our
client alone from now on. él &%< ?<
/7« ’

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pzeeeaele SiwllJ he he helloasz
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. -‘ .- .' «V " «..,V- V» -‘.‘ 1. ... uvzl V . > I'LL J 94". “In" V.--~-.
Coal SCF§O!&LlC£9 19 fsw:,3~£M .L;“ 2 3gegt an; “ill Swfnfizd
SJ, ’=. . 1...
$1; S;‘:Ol‘§.3u._‘_, e
I: ?uch agreement will yrehhtfy erovific fer forfeiture of the
., M . .VV7 -..1 . tampon”- ..1 , V.
paw-semi lease at. the :1; J..).{ulilé’ O; J. Stu”? we.»
’ ' ' 1 -. ~... ~ '»~ , .-‘ « » ' ,'.. w _-,‘\ ,,,..V.,.«.,_
;fter resellnj ouch hgreehencj fifUnflflmh ahd fill“; a; anhnfir
w“.1 “..J. 5.... .. JUN“; m o ;. “.‘.?“ H .:x n .‘rmu‘mn 1?” “it"? A”t-,V“..-.-T.m
($5.31.; 15’. 0.1.14: >peL'iVlv’1-OLA 0.04 daluzll—L (1;. Ail/18 '.I2.t$iU.1U..zi «PLUV lVV“-.’4’L)Lu£..‘jlo
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IZE 033‘. tfiam‘fi ”E“, a ‘.;}EJOifz'UIfi :L »Jf.‘ u _"xle-ULQLWE" .::‘ur «my; Lu 2mg
Such :fipointmeut made uoeu thy applio;ti:n 0? some party
J.» , ,‘.»A I. .17. . ‘ v} . . .
Ouhvf than the Guardian truat Cahpony.
- .' .._“ ".7... 7 , . .. ' , .:..“ '. Ln .. ",.VJV. "
This ng on hx. Portmznh‘s representation hunt olo SOLUUCHy
law'dees not allow costs of ; éeceivor to some ahead of a
‘W, ! ‘ . V ‘..“ “J. . .'; n 1M ..‘-V -_ an, a 1.1,.
riieh northego lien} onloed 1o GOUlu he Suunfl unflb U30
fieeeiwer was anyointed at hhe instance of and for hhe
:-. m AM. 6 . ' ,,, VJ. , ". _, -., .. .‘; m, m “J. 1. ,, “MA- 9 L, .
ueuflllb of the horvgugeo. l: udu hll_0bfiul halo Jhc hyVoiqurhhu
’.' . . n- " :..‘ A a .r . ‘1 '1 I r A" .,v V-.J..:
we anon the application or tag _lknorn VOL: ”Olpfilubmone
([73?in ”;'Titeth-‘trr the flue":- ‘iz‘:‘:c~fu the ’filifl‘urr’n 110.1 \g-‘Jrgm'abien’ls ‘
- v- c ‘ :. :.- V ‘: ,V .. {.,. .r... ,9
lleh 13 Superior no that of t.o Guardian ;rusl oeupfiflfi .UUTu
‘ . V r » V .. .. - ‘ .. ‘ .. M Jr.“ b V- .V "5 :~——. , >, .VV JV.
not; in his one; of the naeewhthcnt of u hee*H,ee ugoh the
apolieutieg of the hlkhorh Gaul "u yoxution, alto :1; no on o:
.' r, . l .,v :.q,._‘.,. , m 2“. fly, 1.9". : ,.Vz‘ ”,,, ;—.~.».,,
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$6325.0fia In all prohghiilgy 93 4 hf these ipa s to the fiefFTOj 2:16:0-
t r123 Scupzzf; fihe figmhu4;?%,_;’e%rring CCflfiRA: d2fl tie Si?f0?dnfl?y
. Eran ;nTEG EC"G 133; Sigae 1203 ntifl kufi we? r3 vised 0i the rvaord. You
aux Lanc‘flaln from f?” jaricm vicfih;fi 9? 9c? in: fif fihesc wrauw? Era an»
3 ifi; ;ni in ii: eveifi 2TH; he“? Lie; firifl E VP: fif' ex fiaai t0 H‘VS cash
if Lfiai?=fiwfimr ‘fi? EC flay, :UJLJJfiswrc /
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T33 sczxiel 30' f2\ jlgfi‘flfiff i3 21% Habflgl% aaafiyaa 19”

D§R?S 3f rgazrflk i; 5g 39¢$Ifig>k
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wxjtiitfi<3i 3|fi A:& 1 325% $0 :pfidj hmGCi‘fiiCFQS a little Eartha? 53?030
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::EEEZEEZEZ:§Z:* 3:;333fiinm t3 file ijfinintwaflt of a receim
v3? is ;”3§O?V< ;Efi :ECWCPty ; Fifi” fiha ;m”fiagfit af tho uaagazg I wt (
chili? Eéwerfia i? an icing; She cazrfl t~gifi likely afiuoini a 90391¢1
wrfiigfia a? tie z: TiGfliVGT"$3 fish waainfimenfi vnxld afohublv Gelay a
fiizl ¢ij4fli3;t‘an ix fiha nafihe? f3? 2 Wflflh longer ting iho: WFrlfi otgaf-
fi?fifl 55 T3; fifemi In aifiitian?h\3ufie thw 1331?.nce v0.1d all have to be

readjusted gxfi firabably 0th 3 acrylic tivn arisa Thick I would yrgfer to
:,1550 14?. a

Z h¢ve ilSQ re eivefi y fir lefi 9? cf July Blake e$si05izg
yazr WGQGF'EQLE of canfexause 1% fiha bank or July 20th. T43? 2a CTSfiUfid-
13¢ 59 safirwcfi; th»fi a weaeivar w0"ld net he abusinted by 0:? cfitrt upon
fihc 12:11: tion 3? a nifty wkcfie alanfiing his art yafi heaw Eileflo


. fieiative t0 fifle suggestion 6? Hr; Partnnnn umth ref yefice
fie fiha sari if a Ti? Eva? sawinr aheafl 93 x firsfinmcrtfi £6; 1 beg t0
, vise thvfi fihe Rule in 0:? 3% fie 062?? is thVfi all of the :ciuul exjersew
of EfffififTififi #EO wragayfiyg includixf c vrt casts: 2d attornayifees and
gllewuucag fio'the reeeinT9 £73 ::EGTLQP $9 tivfi of the msrfig 3% 3131mm
anfi. 53% KC fifiqncrv Con? Garner'iian *0 illia$2 223 Ky; 19?? 3 S. i. (Bin)
18%; FFSG in Va 3? ffif 223 Ky. 155 294 S. M. 822g

I hgve fiiTCISGEfl fiith 3?» Howard? Aktnrfief far the Blkfie?n
Gog} Jérafiw iionathe mnificr of the revised lease? amfi 313a the ihree 3;rty v
ififioewenfi rel Zive in rate and have aide verafl t0 aria :30: min hie in“
fi3?{,flifl 3? urepuriny fihe mine at an a Fly dxfie. He saems to C9 diggosed
fifi f357{2k§ a flier w?cr nmtil after the afl?ndisztion sf fihe aria? of sale
of its are arty» He Says th»fi the la 59 mm lfl be ugan ire Sume 5»uarul

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:.gimmggzm c L ava ._AN D
523:; 2.C;AL;H MAN July
Eggfiiééfiffv‘is 21 st
Mr. Joseph D. Harkins,
Prestonsburg, Ky.
Dear Mr. Hurkins:
Enclosed herewith is a brief memorandum
of a conference had at the Guardian Bank yesterday.
In connection'with the suggestion for the
appointment of a Receiver, we would like to inquire
whether your understanding of the Kentucky laws is
the same as that of MT. Portmann, with reference to
costs of the Receiver coming ahead or behind the lien
of a first mortgagee, if the application is not made
by the first mortgagee.
we had assumed that a Receiver wuuld not
be appointed by your Court upon the application of a
party whose pleading had mat yet been filed. If this
is not correct, will you please advise us?
Awaiting your comments and suggestions upon
this letter and th1t of July 18th, we are
Very truly yours, ,
r ,VI* 3
JHK:lks L? ”w ,‘/
encl. ‘ F

25223121147285“ c L EVE LAN D
insists: "July
Mr. Joseph D. Harkins,
PredDHSburg, Ky.
Dear Mr. Harkins:
Thank you for yours of the 23rd informing us about the
Hatfield foreclosure suit.
I note that you will write us further about the matter
of making appeal from the Mhnson judgments.
I agree with your position that the three-party agreement
between Elkhorn Coal Corporation, The Guardian Trust Company,
Trustee, and the new corporation to be formed, is essential
to be concluded before any foreclosure sale is had. As I
see it, this is for three reasons -
(a) Our client Trustee cannot allow the old lease to be for-
feited without having some agreement relative to a new lease
or modification of the old lease. ‘
(b) Such agreement would avoid the necessity of a dispute
between the Trustee and Elkhorn Coal Corporation over the
amounts and validity of their respective liens. This seems
especially important to me because if we are to go forward
with the re-organization, it carmot well be done while our
client is in dispute with the lessor.
(c) The bond issue of the Elkhorn Coal Corporation matures
next December. It seems important to me to reach a conclusion
with Elkhorn Coal Corporation before this time or otherwise it
appears likely that the mortgagee of Elkhorn Coal Corporation
might become interested actively in the situation and thus
introduce another discordant factor into the picture.
For thesbove reasons, I am urging upon Mr. Portmannthe importance
of reaching an agreement in this respect at the earliest possible date.
I note your inquiry of the Big Sandy Electrical Repair Company and
of Frank Munson concerning property of By-Products Coal Company in
their possession. we approve this action in this respect and trust

 Mr. Joseph D. Harkins -2— 7/27/51
that you will go forward with these matters so that our
client may not lose its rights in said valuable machinery.
Very truly yours,
' . /‘ //}€ 1,
JHK:1ks flzfi’mymfp,
/ L) (J


Eg£§§2§§ggN February 20th, 1932

Joseph D. Harkins, Esq.,

Prestonsburg, Ky.


On February 18th we received word from the Mine that the Sheriff was about to
come out there and sell some of the property to pay the taxes. This worked out,
you see, exactly as you prophesied. This brings the question immediately to a
head and gave rise to my telegram, the answer to which you sent me from Frankfort.

From the foregoing you will see that it is essential that I have an immediate
answer to this letter. You have not yet seen fit to answer my letter of February
2nd and if you cannot conveniently give me a prompt answer to this one please at
least let me know that fact so that I can obtain the information elsewhere.

we desire to know immediately whether these taxes are assessed against the By-
Products Coal Company or against The Elkhorn Coal Corporation. If they are assessed
against the By-Products Coal Company, are they real property taxes or personal
property taxes? ‘

If they are assessed against the Elkhorn Coal Corporation, by what right does
the Sheriff sell or threaten to sell property belonging not to the Elkhorn Coal
Corporation but to its tenant, By—Products Coal Company?

Also, we would like to know for what period these taxes were levied and if
they cover more than one year, about how much is the tax per year.

Finally, if the tax is against the By—Products Coal Company or if its property
is salable to pay the taxes, what would you think of letting the sale go forward
and having the Bank buy the property for the amount of the taxes? If this were
done, would the Bank then hold such property free and clear, under your law, of
all claims of the other parties who now claim liens upon the property?

If this letter reaches you on Monday, please reply, if possible, by a letter
which I can have on Tuesday. If you areunable to do this or if this letter does
not reach you until Tuesday, please send the information by telegraph at our
expense. Please include in your answer a statement of the total amount of the
taxes to date, with penalty and interest, if any, so that we may know exactly
how much it would take to pay the some.

Very truly yours,
mass M

:‘.:::;;,~j:;5.:““5* c L EV E LAN D
:gzthséatfé’ffis August 15, 1952
Joseph D. Harkins, Esq.,
Prestonsburg, Ky.

Dear Mr. Harkins:

I am in receipt of yours of the 13th, the contents
of which I am oomnmicating to my client. I have the impression
that they would like to withhold action on the same until the
Willie Johnson claim has been disposed of and also that they would
like to have an itemized bill.

Also I call your attention to the fact that the
claims of Manson and of Hatfield that each had a lien upon the mine
and property prior to that of The Guardian Trust Company, Trustee,
have not been disposed of and apparently cannot be until after con-
siderable litigation in your courts.

Very truly yours,