xt70zp3vt865_211 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46.dao.xml unknown 14 Cubic Feet 31 boxes archival material 63m46 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Harkins Family papers Mineral rights -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Law reports, digests, etc. -- Kentucky. Mining leases -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Practice of law -- Kentucky. Bankers -- Kentucky. Banks and banking -- Kentucky -- Prestonsburg. Coal trade -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Lawyers -- Kentucky. Frazier Heirs claims against Prestonsburg and Hindman Telephone Company and Southern Bell Telephone Company text Frazier Heirs claims against Prestonsburg and Hindman Telephone Company and Southern Bell Telephone Company 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46/Box_21/Folder_14/2424.pdf 1918-1921 1921 1918-1921 section false xt70zp3vt865_211 xt70zp3vt865 / ' May 14th, 1918-AAS .
‘ MP. B.M-Oraft, .
Hueysville, Ky., »
Dear Sires 1

As you know we have had considerable correspondence with
you relative to the right of way claim of J.M-Conley, Banshee, Kyy
Daniell triplett, Leburn, Ky., are, Cynthia Frazier, Arkansas, Ky,
and in reference to claim of Lee Hall, Banner, Ky.

' These claims arise out of contracts or lack of contracts
and matters handled by the Prestonsburg and Hindman Telephone Co. '
of which we are successors by purchase and we understand that you
are under bond to this Company to make a satisfactory settlement

‘ of such irregularities. We now find it expedient to dispose of
the matters mentioned above as we shall very shortly begin rebuilding
some of our lines at Wayland and Beaver Creek. I am instructed
by the Company to inform you, and this letter will be formal notice
that if you and your bondsmen are unable or Unwilling or fail to
satisfy the claims, made on-us by the above mentioned Conleii
Frazier , Triplett and Hall, on or before June 1st, 1918, t s i

3 Company will then proceed to satisfy such claims on behalf of

and at the expense of you and your bondsmen.

As E believe you will be able to dispose of these claims
without much trouble, I hope you will pros sad to do so before the -
expiration of the time limit as we would much preferrhat these
settlements be made by you. ‘

' Yours truly;
, Southern Bell Tel. and Tel. Co.of Ky.,
. (Incorporated;

 General Accounts Concessions. 2-4-18 000
. 2—8—18AAS
' . 6r”, _. g , .
var, .\ M
1.3}! K! a; .‘ ,.’ t w I
L.K.Webb, Coml. Supt. \V H j “/Y {yhxx
Louisville, Ky.,
. We have personally seen Hr. Graft in regard to his
contract with Mrs. Frazier and he states that on account of illness
‘ in his family he has not been able to mahe a personal visit to see
Mrs. Frazier but he expects to do so without further delay and will
' take whatever steps are necessary to obtain from her a written agree-
ment releasing the Prestonsburg and Hindman Tel. 00 from the contract
which she new holds. .

' we took advantage of the occasion to state to Mr.
Craft that as his bond will run out in November we were expecting
him to dispose of the irregularities which have come up without

. ' ' further delay otherwise we would consider it necessary to make
the adjustment ourselves<§t the expense of Mr. Craft and his fellow
bondsmen. _ '
We think this will have the effect of cleaning up these
_ irregularities promptly.

 .;2::ii?;-:ar~g.. L521? J‘eééxiwiluna and ‘1:.:i¢,g;ra.ph €14; 6:? Ky): mam-emu ‘
Sn 16-18 AAS
‘ Mr. B-M'Graft,
Huegsville; Ky-,
' Dear Sir:— .

We are exceedingly anxious to dispose of the matter of
irregular rates on Miss Cynthia Frazier's telephone and urge you
to see her as sooh as possible and lat us know the final outcome

‘ of this matter.
Yours.tru1y, - _

 ..+.2;5alfehphwfiiflviltfififithcmlggKl‘1T”“ ‘
2411-18 AAS .

Mr. B.M.Oruft, ,
Hueysville, Ky.
Dear Sir:- '

Replying to yours of the 9th, please let us know the
outcome of the Conley matter as soon as you have settled same.

Dont you think it would be well for you to see fire. I
Frasier and explain this to her and get her consent to a release?
You can probably do this Without friction as you are quiet good
in settling disputes without trouble. ‘

If it was left for us to arbitrarialy refuse further
service she and her relatives might think we were taking advantage
of her and we dont want them to feel that way about it. ,

Please let me know what you think about this? '

Yours truly, _
I . Manager, »
' P.S._Yes we had a big flood damage.
- 2-15-18 . ,
I will see Hrs. Frazier and see if I cannot adjust the matter.
You need not give J.M.Conley any one thought. He will never
institute suit . , ' .
. ‘ “an“? B on 0 Craft 0 p -

 ' _ Feb. 9/18 '
Mr. A.A.Sharp, Manager, A
Paintsville Ky. j
Dear Sir3u

I am Just in receipt of your two letters, one concerning
the Cynthia Frasier phone contract and the J.M.Gonley matter,I will
take care of the J.M.Conley matter, as to the Cynthia Frazier matter
it is void for this reason, she should have had it recorded in the
County Clerks offlioe your Company being innocent.of the fact and
Cynthia Frazier not recording her contract makes her the loserfi

' Yours truly, ‘
‘ ' - B.M.Craft.
P.S.Did high water damage your line any?‘ “fl
/ / ,
./ .

 2—6418 AAS
Mr. BOMUCraft”
Hueysville, Ky. .
Dear Sir:- ‘ '
' ~ You will recall our conversation not long ago in regard
, to Mrs. Cynthia FraZier's claim that she had an agreement signed
by you cheer entitleing her to free service forever.
Mr. Bailey has seen the origninal and sent us a copy
of the contract which we enclose herewith.
As we are the innocent purchasers of the property we
had no knowledge of the existence of this agreement and ask you .
if you will take necessary steps to have this agreement released
or cancelled.
Ehis should be done by securing the original contract
and having cancellation agreement endorsed theron, and signexd by
Mrs. Frazier in the presence of Notary Public or other proper at
officer. .
. . Will you kindly attend to this as soon as possible and
' oblige, . ,
Yours truly
. Manager. '

 General Accounts Concessions. (2—1-18 AAS)
A.A.Sharp, Manager, ’
Paintsville, Ky.

You probably kept a copy of this agreement but for fear you
did not we attach a typewritten copy.

What assuggnce have you that Mrs. Frazier has an original
agreement of which this is a copy? Did you see the original agreed
ment or did Mr. Bailey see it?

It is suggested that you take this matter up immediately
with Mr. Craft and see what he has to say. The case should be traced
to a conclusion and meanwhile, we agree with you that we had best

,not disturb the concession station to Mrs. Frazier.
\~W~w~wvmwvw‘mw~w~~ ‘flww‘o‘vnmm ""‘""""""‘"‘~'“HM-muamwW... ”W A.” “may“ V mvwm’»! 0: ~ txxllw‘n-wr‘w . .
' ' Commercial Superintendent.

 m. 3' V I
General Accounts Concession
L.K.rebb, Coml. Supt. Paintsville,Ky_. 2.1-18 AAS
Louisville, Ky. . .
Mr. Bailey has at last sent us a copy of agreement
with Mrs. Frazier which is attached hereto.
I So far as we can ascertain at this time this inst-
' rument has not been recorded.

‘ In as much as we are the innocent purchasess of
the property having no knowledge of the existence of this agreen
ment 2 believe we should call upon Mr. Craft and his bondsmen
to secure release for us from this contract. .

/// 1 On account of the feeling which might arise
f should we fail to recOgnise this contract I believe it would be
5 best for us to at least tacitly admit its existence by not die—
{ turbing the present arrangement until the matter can be disposed
of by Mr. Craft. ‘
‘ i ‘ " Manager. I

 t ‘ .4. ‘1
Aug. 15, 1912.
2 Tnis agreement made an entered into by and between
The Prestaneburg g Hindman Teleynone 00.. garty of tne first
part and Cynthia Frazier party of tee schnd pert.

Part; of the first part hereby agrees and bind them—
selves to install a telephone in tne said Cynthia Fruzier's
residence at the Co. expense and said telepn0ue is to remain
in the said Cynthia Frazier's residence a s long as said Telev
psone Co.'s lines exist or its assigns.

The said Go. agrees to let the said Cynthia Frazier,

' Kelvin Frazier, Laura grazier, Lutner Frazier, glsie yrazier,

' Dortha Uingue snail nave free serVLCe oVer said telephone Co.'e
lines for consideration of damage done to cutting timber by
said Tel. Co. 4

Given under my nand,

By - B, m, craft, Its President
& Menager.

 General Accounts Concessions. Z11-16w17-CCS)
L.K.Webb, 00ml. Supr., Paintsville, Ky., uses-17 AAS
Louisville, Ky. _ -
' The writer saw Mr. Craft on the train yesterday
and talked with him about this case. Mr.6raft states that he might
have given Mrs. Frazier a paper of the character referred to as ,
part consideration for some right of way through her place, but a
_ that it was not made handing on his successors or assigns,and -
not a recordable instrument, and in any event if the instrument
was not of record when we purchased the property it would not
be binding on us. Mr. Craft further suggests that we go ahead_
and remove the instrument or collect our rentals as he is under
bond to us for two years to cover any possible loss we might
incur in cases of this kind.
‘ Hrs, Frazier lives along our toll route about ,
4 miles south of Beaver Creek and we might possibly dispose of
- this line to farmers some time next year.

I > Our Mr. Bailey will get a copy of the paper in a
few days and théinature of the agreement will guide our reCom-
mendations. We know of no reason why we should not insist on
payment or remove the telephone provided Mrs. Frazier has no

_ legal document entitling her to free service.
\ . Manager.

 General Accounts Concessions (ll—lZ—l? AAS
A.A.Sharp, Manager, Louisville, Ky., 11/16/17CCO
Paintsville, Ky-

- . We suggest that you communicate by telephone with
hiss Frazier and learn the mature of the contract she claims to
hold and why it was made. After you have done this, let us hear
from you further with any information concerning the line over
which she is genved and how far she is from the central office, how
far it extend 5 beyond her telephone and what your plans are for
disposing of the line in case it is_one of the long country lines.

‘ We also suggest that you communicate with Mr. Craft
and get any information from him which may be possible,
Commercial Superintendent.

 General Accounts Concessione. (4414-17 530)

10-18-17 JRC * ’
_L.K.Webb, Coml._Supt, Paintsville, Ky., 11412a17 AAS
Louisville, Ky. ‘ ‘ .

Please note the attached from Miss Cynthia Frazier
in regard to dead head telephone service she now has. 'Ee have
been trying to get hold of a copy or this contract but without
success. When we purchased the property of the Prestoneburg &
Hindmen Telephone Company there was nothing said about this matter

‘ so for as I know. If such a contract exists would it be binding
- on this company? There is no reason that we know of why we should
furnish free service to this party.

Two other cases of dead heed service are being in-
vestigated and will be reported on shortly. Kindly return attached
for Our file.

- Manager. ,
' Kid/EL) " ii ,fi j
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. z} r g .g 7 7““me I:

, ’ . <\ .,j-ZJ in :‘h ‘kL‘k;(‘{ j‘ I i

 PRESTONSBURG, KY. CLAIM of Frazier Heirs. '
??$SZL $“3fi32f°.$;r LEGAL DEPARTMENT
553355 E 3:51:25?“ ATLANTA July 30, 1919. SEN.
_ are. Harkins and Harkins,
Attorneys at Law,
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 PRESTOHSBURG. KY. Clam of Frazier Heirs
\ii‘r ATLANTA waist 26, 1919 SEN
Messrs. Harkins & Harkins,
Attorneys at Law,
Prestonsburg, Kentucky.
Dear Sirs:-

I have your letter of August 22nd, for which please
accept my thanks. -

1 Before taking any definite affirmative action, I
should like to have you take up the matter with Messrs. Craft,
et a1, sureties on the bond, and put the matter squarely up to
them with a view to seeing if they can not be induced to handle
it. While I realize that from.this end of the line we have been
unable to get them to act in the matter, perhaps by having per~
.sonal conference with them you may be able to get them to do

In other words, our first desire is to avoid litiga-
tion. If this cannot be done, we want to put ourselves in po—

' sition, both by our acts and notice to the sureties, as well
as by the nature or the proceedings brought, to recover frOm
the sureties if possible.

Regarding the question of the estOppel which you say
might arise from the fact that the company has continued to
give claimants service. my recollection is that the file shows
that while there has been a delay in taking positive actiOn, we
have at no time recognized the contract for free service, but,
on the contrary, have discontinued service to these parties
several times by disconnecting the line, which is the only way
service can be discontinued on a party line; but they have each
time themselves re-established the connection.

Conceding the question of estOppel for the sake of
argument, are we not entitled to discontinue the free service
because it can not be lawfully granted for a right of way? See
L. & N. R. 00. vs Crowe, 160 S.W. 759, and Kentucky Traction
and Terminal Company vs Murray, 195 S.W. 1119.

Yours very t ulyZCF

 . fiugufit 2g, 1919.
fir. b. g. Graft,
' 1.13.579: , EFT}? .

ilwfxglz‘sy , i’gy . ‘ ,

fir. U. a. pingua,

glyboratta, Ly.


Tharo are some wattore of el$imo wacerted '

againot the Southarn fisll Telgphona 2.T91@arflpu
Sompany of kenfiuoky, grominx Out of the purahaae of
fine Preetouaburg & “isoman Leloghome Hompyny, waism
are in contemplation of mha bond ifieuofi by you 33
suretiea. $fie comgany hos endeavored to get some
action on the Mattov tarouah sorresponfienco, but has
bewn unable to do so. i will be very much plavfled
to hmva you gentlemen, anfl omon of you, to call in

at tam offimo aha “Ext time you arw in freafiongburg
and endeavor to arrivo at namo tangibla aolutiuu of

' toe diffiaulmies the: are new prflfiflhfiefi. wo baliove
that you can maka adjustmamt of fihe oame oven cheaper
aufl mush morn antimfaatorily euuu can tflu aumgany,
. find that 11 will ha of aivanzuge for you fin do 30»
K - \
Jua:fl. ?ery truly yours, .

 August 29, 1919.
Mr. S. B. Raff, Att'y.,
Southern Bell T. & l. 00.,
Atlanta, Ga. ‘
,Dear Sir:*
We beg to acknowledge receipt of your , .
letter of August 26th, and have carefully conoidored
the same. We are thio day writing_to hesoro. Craft,
‘ Allen and Dinguo acking tnom~to call at the office
when each of them 13 next in town, and anticipate
that we will probably see them about Monday or Tuesday,
ac our fiircuit Court convenes on that date and it is
common oractioe for many of the country people to be
in town on the first day of Court. As soon as we
are able to have a personal conferefice with them we
will do so and present the matter for their action.
Ye note the desire of the oompony to put itself in
‘ pooition to recover from the ouretiea if any liability
- is maintained against the comoony, which of course is ‘
. very desirable.
A question Which has been guzzling us somownat
, is as to the authority of the company to suoyend the
granting of free service under the contract a5 a matter
_ ~ of low, but up until today we had not gone into the
matter very thoroughly. We have considered the
- citations given in your letter and gather that one of the
cases is an interpretation of the rule under the 4
uepburn bill, an& the other once is under the Kentucky
Antivpass law with which we are familiar as to railroads.
» ibwever, upon consideratzon of the facts presented in
, the instant claim, it does not seem to us that the fiepburn
bill Would be available for the reason that this is not
an interostate line,aa we understand all the property .
owned by the Southern bell Telephone & Telegraph Company
of Kentucky is located in Kentucky. Of course, by
analogy of the Employers Liability Act, it might be
. possible to hold that since the line is used for inter‘
‘ state as well as intra-state telephone service, that it
would be within the contemplation of the Helhurn Act, but ,
considering section 5 of the Hepburn Act, which limits

 Mr. Neff #2. '
the free transportation ig‘passengere, therefore, it
would not seem to us that even if the line Was subject
to the inter-state rules that it comes within the
prohibition of the rhpburn Act. Equally, a consideration
of the Anti-pass 5111 passed by the Kentucky Legislature
shows that it only provides a prohibition as to any common.
carrier of passengers. As we read these Acts, they
only apply to common carriers of passengers, and therefore
would not apply to telephone or telegraph companies,

. although the nephurn Bill does include telephone and
telegraph companies as to the other general provisions.

We will be pleased to have you consider tne

matter very carefully in the light of these suggestions
and advise as your opinion as to whether we have any
authority of law to abrogete this contract for free
service other than the fact that we were innocent of
the property for value and without notica of such contract
and that we did not assume any of the obligations of 5“
the Prestonsburg & hindman Telephone Gompany keipuronase
its property outright. '
Jfihtfl. . v Very truly yours,

 PRESTQNSBURG, KY. Claim of Frazier Heirs