xt70zp3vt865_210 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46.dao.xml unknown 14 Cubic Feet 31 boxes archival material 63m46 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Harkins Family papers Mineral rights -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Law reports, digests, etc. -- Kentucky. Mining leases -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Practice of law -- Kentucky. Bankers -- Kentucky. Banks and banking -- Kentucky -- Prestonsburg. Coal trade -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Lawyers -- Kentucky. Floyd County Kentucky and Short, Forrest D. v. Beaver Valley Hospital and Stumbo, W.L. and Annie text Floyd County Kentucky and Short, Forrest D. v. Beaver Valley Hospital and Stumbo, W.L. and Annie 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46/Box_21/Folder_13/2378.pdf 1930-1934 1934 1930-1934 section false xt70zp3vt865_210 xt70zp3vt865 «awn-- ‘
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' i—‘ié’éififl {EJEE'EFZ‘ET " SCH. “W
Ilv'éi {1‘ 11:25 NEW, sang, in its: own were
‘ and betel? and t3 Ferreet 39 Short?
~ County Attorney of Floyd nounty, and
F HESS? E, Esfifiii, Scent? Atternefi 3?
Floyd donuts, suing in hie official
capacity as Geunty Attorney of Floyd ‘
Gaunty end for and on teheif n? Vloyd
County, Sgl?"i"L
. V53: 3; 0?: Ci:
in nu VALLEI B05313}: “m,
iii, i.., :ZFZ’ZIEEBC A???) éE-E'E‘ll E53 STEREO 3*“TD*?‘£
' The defendente? Beaver valley.fioeeital, at L. Stunts and
' ~Annie Ltembo, are hereby notified that the eboVe named eleinttffs
did on the let any of June9 lfiEe, file their petitiefl in the “
Fiscal Court of Floyd Sweaty seeking tte Vneetion, ennnilment and
cancellation by eaid court at certain fiecei eeurt warrnnte to and .
in fever of the Banter Valley ficepitel and to and in fever of no i.
Stunts as in'enie petition set forth; and to Vacate and set eaide
the nrders and proceedings of the Fiscal Genet of ?lnyd Connty
appropriating or allowing to the eaid fiesver valley Eoseitel tte
amounts evidenced by the said fiscal court warrants sought to be
cancelled; ,For greater certainty a copy of said petition is attached ,
hereto and made a part of this notice which copy shows the warrants
Seught to be annulled and cancelled by said petition.
You and each of you are hereby further notified that on
_ the 11th day of June, 1954, at or about the hour of 10 o’clock
A. 3., the plaintiffs will enter a metion before the fiscal court of
said county at a session of said court to be held at the court

 house in Prefitouafiur . Kenfiuuk ta mammal anfl annul fihe figcal
9 9
caurt warrants 33$ farth in saifi yetifiian ané gauzht 23 b3 annullea
anfl eaneellea therginfi ami to vacateg $et asifiw ané annui fihe mrfiers
anfl pflvceeflingg 0f flha fiscal emurt unfier wkiaF fihe gaifi fiscal
013113“? warrazfins is.) 533142 in favar :33? @319 336511ng ”3521103; 35,5351: teal. maze
authurizad and issuei anfl, far a hearing an& trial by saifi cauyt on
saifi $mtitimfi aufi untian.
?hi$ fine 33% flay a? June, 135%,
FT ’ "37'1“: C r; C"??? 1’?
BY Forrest Du 53mm ,
County Afitcrney
» A53 finérew E, fiuxier
/ ‘ étfinrney
F RE 1118‘? 33 a 8’5 3:117: 33.:
. - BY Forreat E. Short '
. ' County Attorney
$33 Andrew 3, Auxier
1113 ”I; :1 may

Fix???) Gigimi‘i’, suing in its own news
and behalf and by Forrest he Short,
County Attorney of Floyd Countys and
FoRRjST D. 5913?, county attorney'of
Eloyd sznty, suing in his official
capacity as County Attorney of Floyd '
County and for and on behalf of Floyd
vs: Jinx: end/or ENS
”Elms? “‘Jfiiiilf?! 522353815“??? AL 9 13‘. 31.. Qfl’CJmCBG '
The plaintiffs, Floyd County and Forrest E. Short,
County Attorney of said countyg state:

- That the plaintiff, Floyd County, is a territorial
division of tho'fitate of Kentucky, organized and existing for local
public purposes and a political division of the State of Kentucky,
paisessing all the powers giVen to counties by the constitution
and laws of the State of Kentucky, including the poser to snag

That the plaintiff, Forrest D, Short, is new9 and at all
times since the first Honday in January, 1934, has been, the duly
Ielected, qualified and acting county attorney of said county, he
having beanie candidate for said office at the regular movember
election held in said county in 1933 for the election of county
officers, and having been awarded the certificate of election to
said office by the Board of Election Commissioners of said county
‘ at said election, and qualifying for said office by taking the oath
required by law. , i
That the defendant, R. L. Stumbo, was the duly elected,
qualified and acting county judge of said county for the period he-

 ‘ ginning the first monaay in January? 1950, anfi enélng the first 4
4 Monday in January» 1%349 ho having been & candiaato for saifi office
I at the regular Eavember elaeiioa bola in saifi oomnfiy in the year
1939 for the alontion a? oounfiy officergg flfifl having been awarfiea
tie certificate of election to Said office by the Boara of alaotion
‘ Commiagionors of fiaié county at saifi filactiou, anfi'haviug haen
‘ duly .oommiasionad aa suohv aafi qualifying by exeeuting bona aha
taking the oath requirofi hy lawa
. That 3S Such county Judge aaé during the aforesaid
period oaia defemiant was a member of and the presiding officer of,‘
. the fiscal court of saia csumty, which during saifi period was comp
posed of saifl éefendant, as county juage aforesaid, and the Justices
, of the Peace of said countyg namalyfi Re L. Spraalin, A“ B. Flanary,
' Monroe 1::—3.11, Jag-axes {2111, Robert alone, Harm Spears, .5:.“ 3: Allan and
_ Dewey Roberts; the aforesaia Justices of the Peace having recaivefl
' oertifioatea of election £30m fihe anrfi 3f Elootion Commissionera of
said aounty to saia office in thoir resfiootivo districts at the
regular Rovember election, 192%, helfl in 331a county for the aleotion
of county officorgg having been commissioned as such 13 fiheir ,
reS§eotive districts, anfi having qualifiefl by exoeuting bond and tak—
ing the oath required Ry law.
. That at the regular Envembervaleetion, 1333, hela in
V said county for the election of counfiy officers, the éefendafit,
‘ ‘ w. L.Stumbo, was again a candiaate for said office of county judge,
V and at said election he again received the certificate of election
from theBoard of inaction Commissioners of said county, and was
duly commiséionefl, and qualifieé by executing bond and taking the
oath required by law, and assumed the duties of said office on the
first Monday 1n January, 1934, and since said last named date he

 has been and he is new the duly elected, qualified and acting judge
of said county.

‘ That at all times since the first Yondey in January,
1930, the defendant has been, and he is new. the other of a hospit~
al at hartin, in Floyd flounty, Kentucky, known as the Beaver Valley
hospital, the defendant during all of said thee having been a duly
authorized practicing physician and surgeon, and at all said times
he has been managing and conducting said hospital under said name.

‘ The plaintiffs state that for tie period from and in-
aliifiing the month of E’ebmary, 19230, to and including the month of
December, 193$, and while the defendant was county judge of said
County and the sole owner cf said hospital, and while operating
the same in the name of the beaver Valley hospital and engaged in

‘ practicing medicine and surgery therein, the fiscal court of said
county, composed as above set forth, ceased to be entered on the
order book of said court orders of allowances or appropriations to
and in favor of tie said Beaver Valley Hospital to the aggregate
amount of $5§,110.00.
They state that said respective appropriations or allow-
ances were made to and in favor of said Beaver Valley hospital
with the exception d‘ two thereof, one for $40.00 and one for I
$15.00, for alleged medical and/or hospital services, but without
any explanatory statement or information in said orders of appropri-
ation or allowance, shotdng the nature of the medical and/or _
n hospital services rendered, or the persons to when hiey were render~
ed, or the amount charged for each person and without any itemized
statement having been rendered or filed or furnished by the said
Beaver Valley Hospital shoeing such information; and plaintiffs
are tithe t any information other than die statement on the order
book of the fiscal court appropriating said sum as to what said
. -5- _ -

 alloWanocs rcprcccnfia or what conoidcrotioma if our” tho convoy
ffifieiVQi for fiho roowccfiivc amounts co clicwofi, bmfi plaintiffs '
state that each aha all of %ho caifi ayfiyoyriatious or oilowaflccc
7 were and are illcgol$ null cné Vmid for the yoacons fiovoincftor
set forth:
' £13 Qhfit caifi aopropriationo ago allowancoc wore caused
to bo ané woro mafia by'fxcud oné colluoi n bafiwocfl tic defendant
Stumbo and tflo thon‘momborx of soié fiscal conro pycocnt and acting
at tho:mocfiiogs at Wfiiah maid a9o?0firiations anfi aLIQWauces woro made.
That cy likc fyauo cod collusiong illegal and Void appropriations and
allowonooc weromoflo %o oua in favor of cash ana all of the eight
- Justicec of the iooco of acid county who parfiioioofiofi in said moctings,
mofi that if any Serviccc worm roudorefl by the Beaver valley;fiospital
for %kflch the plaintiff cocnty woulfi bc liable, fiho amoont of the
appropriations aha allowances to and in chor of said floaVer Valley
Eospital woo grossly fiisproportionatc co tho Volua of fihc services
actually rcuflcreaa so much so as to import franc, and the acmbcrs of
oaifi courfi ca coifi meetings at mflich saia apcrogriations and allowances
‘ woro made frauénckmnly cod collusivoly cookincd together to favor .
the mombcrs_of saia court by making illegal, fraudulonfi ona excessive
allowances to and in favor of each ofiher.
(2) Because the saia appropriations at allowances and
- ' ggg‘ each and all thereof were in zilgtion and contrary c: tie pro-
v 'visions of section 1844 of Kentucky Statutes yroviding that no
member of the fiscal court shall be interested, directly or in-
‘ directly, or be concerned in, any contract for work to be done or
material to be furnishefl for the county, or any district thereof;
the said fiefcndant, W. L. Stumbo, having been the county judge of
said county and a member of the fiscal court at the time each and

 all of e35a anoroorietions and allowances were attemptea to be made.
3 {$3 Plaintiffs state that the ewe of $20,326.80 of fiie
330333333 eon of ifieglfifi.00 wee efigrogriatefi or allowefi to the eaid I
‘fiefiVSP Valley Hoepital by an Greer cooeefi to he enterofi oh the I
[Greer book of eeio fiocel court at e porperted opeoial term thereof
hole on the 3th fiey of Doowmoer, 133% fi 33% Sum 0f 520,325.80 is
repreeohtec and ovidoeeeo in the followihg.lgot h? hoe oiho items
for 93,300.09 oval onfl the one ito$.for $2,336.:C. gleintiffs *
State with reeoeet to eoifl eopropriation or allorueoo of $20,326.00
‘ that the some wee and 13 illegal, vote enfi of no offeet To? the
' further and efiflitienol reaeons. '
(a) That the same wee in excess of the amount
of taxee enhuolly leviea and eolleotefl by Floyfl County for the year
1333 or the year immediately preceding or eucoeeding said year; in
violetion,ef fiection 4281u-4, Kentucky Statutes, and of Bastion 157
am& Efietion 158 of the Constitution of the State of Kentucky.
Plaintiffs further state that the seia fiscal court hrovioue to the
Said efieoiol term of December e. 1933, and iv the year, lfififi,
had controotoo inflobteflnese to an amount exoeediog the Luce o ené
revenue of said county provided for eaio year 193$, witheot the
assent of twoathirde of the voters of said eouhty voting at an
election to be held for that purpose; one further, orior to eaifl
meeting of December 4, 1935, said eofinty had ineurrefl indebtoaness
.to em amount in the aggregate exeeeéing two oercentum oh the Value
of the taxable nrofierty therein estimate& by the aseeesment next
before the last assessment previous to the incurring of such in-
debtefiness. V
(b) That the prooeeéings cf said purported special
term of December 4, 1933, with respect to said appropriation or
-5. -

 allowance thersst of p8093fifiafifie to and in fats? of the said

a“ "v . a »: .‘.. , . ..Q .,. ~.- s ‘.. ..; .. a M . ., V ‘
asavsr Valley hospstal acre furthsr Allflmfilfi Vfiafl and cf no effect
bananas the piss was orasiéiesi over at the “t :13. a as“? sjismfopri ration

3r ullonancs was main and the minutes of said fast:nfl were signed

by ans Ssott Hashing, whfl was nut s manner of said court, nr a

33.253‘ti1at2s of ti: o 3"“ {3'3 as: $3. neunty,

Fin ntiffs frrtfisr state that pursnant to tho above
mentioned orders nus firnesediugs mf tls said fiscal cs rt, the
Slork at said cunrt issued and dsliserod to the dsfeudant, fit I.
thnbo,=mr sr swan for him.arders an the trnneury of said county,
known as a Eiscal smart aarrant, anthnrininfi ans directing the
treasurer tflcssof ts pay to the Eonvsr valley Hospital the orc—
cscds of said appropriaticns cr allowances, and nsrsuast thereto
the treasurer of said c nnty has hsrctcfsrs and at different times
paid to the said defendant, it it fitnabo, as the osssr of said
Essvsr valley Wospitsl the aggregatn ssn sf $13,226.00, and that
thers are was issued, outstanding and in the hands of firs said do»
fendant, swing business in the name of Easter Valley hospital,
fiscal oeart warrants, part of said total of jb&9110.00, as follows,
to the aggregate amount or isl,8&&.oo, that is to say:

3 ' was“ 3351‘). “1‘
sass ‘ vocab
- * 43:85.50 96‘ .‘.’)?»
dfifil . 3000.G0
‘ 4682 - scnc.oc
‘ 4555 QGOO.GO
v sass 8000.66
@635 2000.00
$53? 8060.90
4&38 ' 2226.00
Rani 1618.00
' initbiggflzxoca

Plaintiffs state that each and all of the foregoing out-

standing and unpaid fiscal court warrants and each and all of the

 0rdars and proceed;ngs 0f gaid coayt allswing er ay§ropriating
the amaunts aviflenned by said warranfis firs illegal, null aha @?
m0 lagal affeet and same shamifl he vacafiefie smnaclled anfi field far
9 £1}? 32,33}? APEE‘ "i 31;
‘ :.‘jlfir?.:'2.i:j.3?fs¥ f‘e.:4;a:"i;imr $538230 thais EM}; {Lai‘mzdmltf :9. 32. Stumbo
récmivefl a maiary a3 Gaunt? judga mfuwemflifi afi thw rate m‘ $500.05
36? manth fiuring his fififlfi Hf office beginning fihe first Randay in
Jafiuaryg‘ifififla mad enfiiflg the first Ronflav in Eanmary, lflfié, that
being the ammunt of his aalnxy as fixed %y fine figcal smart 8f said
county for his seraiaes as awunfiy juflgg; that f%r tha fortv~eight
months 9f big incumbendy afi the rafie 0f ;sma.oc per manth.his tgtal
salary ammuntad t9 the sum 6? ;légéfiGefifl. Plaintiffs stata that
"there ware igsuaé to him,by the clerk of gaid aourt fiscal cormt '
‘ Warrants dfiring his said term, for ana representing his salary, to
fine aggregate amnunfi of filé,8§fl.fl§, or warrsnfis in axcesg 0? his
L salary ts the amauntof $450.00; that 0? the fisenl court warrants
issuafi tn him as roprasamting his galaxv, bfiihfi erfiars an %?e
treasury aufiharizing and directing the treasurer t0 nay fin him the ‘
. anaunta infiieatefl therahyy thare are warrants mitstanfling and unpaid‘
t0 the numbar and in tha amoufifi as fallmws:
I‘PTW": ;rsr AJE’NT
5573 Q 500.00
3455 300.00
4125 . 900.00
4535 1,300.00 ‘ »
4561 500.00 .
. 4861 300.90
4981 150.00
4982 300.00
That one of said warrants for $300.00 and one GE
said warrants fOr.$150.00 are illegal, void and of no effecfi as in
V -7”

 exeees of the ealery legally earned by the defendant and owing to
him by said scanty: and of the abuVe lieted outstanding and unpaid
warrants in Lee fevers tee thereof, deer $332 and £981, to the
aggregate figment Sf {$50.00 should he Veeated, set aside. cancelled
and held nanght. filaintiffs state that maid warrente were issued
to late Ed“ the cgenfia of :nxid eennrt mitlnort an (radar sf ttmg fiseal ‘
court being 1130 vie. reference therete other than the Hyde? fixing
I hie 3&1 ;; a? the rate hf 5303.0fi oer flmnth. ,
Qleiutifie fwrtheretnts that the order book of the
fieeel court of said eventy when on the aforesaid appropriations ,
and elleeeneee to and in feVor of the teaser helle¥.des;itel Were v
entered, shone thet the defendant, Annie fitumbo, die, at all the .
1 dates and tines herein set forth wee. and 5&6 new is, Wife of the v
V defendant; 3. L. stumbo; received from the clerk of said court all
for e gart.of the warrants or orders on the treasury of said county; l
directing and huthoriging the treasurer to pay the respective
amount: approyieted or aligned to said fiasVer Valley Fosfiitel, for
whigh reason the said Annie fitumhe is made e defendant n rain and
axe is called upon to show oeuse, if any one can, why the prayer
of the petition ehould net be granted. ‘
egnfiflfiefih, plaintiffs pray that the aforesaid outetend~
ing, unpaid warrants above listed and set forth as made payable to
and in.fevor 0f the Bearer Valley Hospital to_the aggregate amount
. of $21,8ed.00 and $450.00 of the abOVe listed outstanding and un~
paid warrante to end in favor of the defendant, W. I. Stumbo, to-
gether with the orders and proceedings of the fiscal eourt of said
county appropriating and allowing the aforesaid warrants to and in4
favar of the EeaVer Valley Hospital, and under which the said out-
standing and unpaid warrants sought to be cancelled were issued, be

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“if . . w u '1. : .1 . . ‘ 1‘ .',' 9 .:v.‘ ,.
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11:11. 11.11:? 11111.1. 1.1;}?}... 1331131111.:
17311111113}; 1111.1131311:;11; :11? ”5‘3. 1.13113. 1111. 1211111
’1‘? 1:1: 1: 52111111151 1’;.‘1111131'111231 11f
2".“1171111 1311;111:1131, 1.11.1, "3.1.1 11:; 0133111113. ,
(2111351131112? 11:»: £‘th 1111;113:1112? 111’ 113.0111
- 131:1.121'1‘3y’ 11:513. 3‘.‘ :11” 151113. 1:1-:11 311111111131" 1:.-1f 3331113112
{11111 111113“: 7:1" a 7‘33”. ”1" 5:1
1" 1. 11'221 13:111/1111 :11: 11:11:
13:311.??? ‘1}3’21.:’.$‘:7=§ 711331735?"33’..1 1';: 11.1 .‘if’e‘iiffl'iji
1.11111 11:13; éE‘SL’ljiiZISiL, , "1‘ 1‘13”.
' “3.1111 131.111.111131313. 553.113.1113 1311;111:1137 11127113. “11111111.; 13: 52111111313,
221111121131 31.131111111111115 1'11." 111131 13211111112231: 1111;111:411: _ -
-11 11:-:'.:- 1111111111113“??? 133.11111'31 1311123111311: 172:1: 1:1 10111111111213.1111
115.111.113'121 11:1" ’1, ‘1' 1:111:12 1:213 11111111,:céiyg 13111111111 11:113. 1:1": 1‘13? “8111
1311111111 311.:ar511111133 111.111 11 711.13. 1.11-1 J. 3.1.117. 1:1; 11:1 ’ "1‘1111'ézxr; :1.“? 3.1111113211311257,
:1.-1319315111" 1:13.11. 1“ 111.11 151171111 1:1;: 1:1;-15211111111211 31;: "Zia-:1 <3“.- 11:"?'.:’=.1;1_:“1;ion .
11.16. ”11.111. 1.11? 11113 1:111 1:.-:;.: .::c1atueksjg 2.1113311111311111: 1111:: $311.11 ea: 121:1 1:111:21
,. ‘2‘3111‘1: 111111;:”? Farraafi £5.11. 3.‘-1:11:111119 1.11 11111.1, 1112.163. :11 all
13.111111; 1:11:11 1:11:11 firs-11; 11111121113 1 in 61171111111 1:.-12312:. 2111111 ‘1:-1111311 131116 111111’
‘ :1 « a .1
11111111111211, {13.111111 am? acting 13112111331 13.111111111211111 ‘1” 8:11.11 mnznty’ 1 he
11511111111; bean 11 mzzzmtiiifiése 1‘11}: $1111.11 M11911 2:11; 1‘1 regular .‘s‘fiovember
‘ Gleam-0n 31613.13 in 15113.11 cmmty in 117335 for the 9311313111011 of county
officers, and having; been (martini! 123111 oertéfieata 11? election to.
$225.13 affine by the 31311111113. of 13111131111121 8011111213510an c137 said. cmmty
at. 311161 132.991.1911, £11113. qualifying for 3:11:11 office by 15123-1: ing}: the 011th
reg 1.21 red by law. '
That the fiei‘endant, ”11'. 1.. Stumbo, was the duly elected,
qualified anfi act ing; county 3121ng of said county for the 11122-11211 be-

 a .‘ ‘> . ‘r
flinhing t?z*3liret :Anrtny in érntxaryg ltfix,, uni enéing fxerzfiret
Eenfiey in inflnrugg 195$; he hetizg been a enréiflmte fer uni} d‘?iee
at the regular Icvv her nientimn helfi in naifi 3JNQE? in.thn year
1989 fur the ninetémn cf eouwty eftieerag net hat??? teen efinrfiefi
t’e eerthieetw w? w7¢etfin ta eel? ntfinn hvvi?m fiwmrfl 3f -leetien
it t“: we“? u ‘1 It) v i"- We“ I
6113.117 4."; 2'::‘;:1::;;t~:'-r,:v§. £321 ”5 :..‘z”};.-‘E 5:321:11 iffy-".'; 7‘2." "hf; {em-:35!" 3.32:1? 53*?6‘.

t 3&1 -; tins?" :::?- aLrii' h}? 5.21%.

J ftht we rueh enunty‘fufire nnfl fl tiny the nfareenifl
itacriui'}. .453 {ieffi'exa‘ matte. 5’5: inefficimzr a? r91“; the I‘f‘ii’fifi’iifiifig effieer :.',»fg

. the fieeul e art w? :eifi afretgy thieh firrieg set? marina wee Gem» '
aneefi sf 333% ieieeflehtg an nannty jufige e? reenifig and the Justieee
0f the JBHGQ m? enlfi eehntgg hwflfilfm We Em Cernfllinfi t: he Flennryg
. senmee§tllgrirnnf?llzififlwrtfflmne,7%rve£Wmumn Ange flfleuaxfl

gene? Heberte; the affireeuié Jugtieee ef the Peace hating receivefi
eertifieatee a? :Zeetien fret tle Twirfi a? sleetinn Qnflmieni tare 3f
said eennty t0 safe effiee in t at? reeneetive flietriete at the

5 regular.¥etewher eleetienz lfififij halt in Sfiifi haunt? for fififi nieetien
cf Gaunty effieerng hetirg heem flflmiififiiflflufi fifi etwh in their

‘ reefieetite Qietrieteg enfi Haring eunlifiei hy ereeuting hone flfifi tak—
in‘ the oath reQflirefi 33 let“
that at the regular Estether electinn, lfifififi held in

‘ said eeunty fer the electien_0f eeunty officers, the ficfendant,
5. 3.3tumhe, wee egsin a canfliéetn fer naié office 9f enunty Judge,
and at seia election he again receivefl the certificate of election
frem theneara of Eleetion Cnmnienionere ef eaié oeunty, ané wee
duly eommieeionefl, aha qualified by executing bend and tahim; the
oath requirea by law3 aha eesumefi the duties 0? said office en the
first fienflay in January, 1934, men eihee seia last name& aete he

.3- _

 _ , .
has been and he in new the duly planted, qualified and acting Judge
of nan taunty. ‘

' Etct at fifi.tlgas Hfiuue‘Mn f rat endnfiszannnryg
1%30, the defendant Ina been: and he 33 xxx tie suncr Ci 3 Enzpltw
n1 at Earning in El 33 flanntfp featunkjs Brian an tfin Tanner valley
“sanitni, ttm date 322? d ring all at said than Eerie; bean a duly
emanatinti nrvatining gtyeieinn and sergeent and at all said times
he he: Ecru managin* aha ”UEQWGQLEL wail un‘11fifii nu er said name.
She skgittiffn ninth that flgr t c Atrial imam and Run
e3n§3%;the2W:flfl a? Fflnmargglmfln,~minté.;naudun§thegmunm cf
, cherhcr, 133$, ted while tun defendant nee spent: gnagc u? said
eeunty and the eels n*mnr uf 381d heeeitelz and while cpcrntiug
tin game in the nnpp cf Lie Weaver In lay ?nnnitnl and engaged in
practicing “Raisins and surgery tiereing tin fines; haunt cf saga
_ enuntyg numpesed as nhsre net ferth, earned ta he entered 1n the
order beck cf said ecurt erfiere sf niinwencna er azurepriuticne ts ‘*
and in fewer of t"e said BeQVer Yatiuy Ienjitai t3 the aggregate
unseat nf'fifle,llh.30. . .
They state that nh?d respective appreprimtienn nr aller-
nncee were made tn and in fever 93 said finutflr Valley nwepitni
with the exceptinn a? twe theraefy ens fer ӣ3.33 and fifiu fur
$15.G§9 fur alleged nedicnl nndjer heenitui eerv;see, but witneut
any crplenatery statement or informaticn in said orders at uperupri—
atinn or allowance, shaming the nature er the medical end/or '-

1 hospital eerviees rendered, er the perscna tn when trey were render»

' ed, er the amount charged fer each persun and eithent any itemized
statement having been rendered or filed cr furnished by the said
Beaver Yniley Kospital shaming such internaticn; and plaintiffs
are ulthe t any infernaticn other than his staterent cm the eras?
beck cf the fiscal court appropriating said sum as to that said

 allowanoeg rogresaatg or whafi consideration? if amy$ aha aaunfiy
rgcoivefi 3w? the rospegfiive amounfim so allmtui, but plainthfs
giata fihatiomeh anfl all a? fiha saiflvagproyylatiwng or allawanocfi
wora and ara illagal, gall nnfi Vflifi for $19 reaganm fieraimafta?
flat forth: I
' ‘ {l} .Ifiat 333$ afiprupriafiiong anfi allowanemm were canaefi
to he and wore mafia hy’fraué anfl oollugi'n hatwwan tam flafanaunfi
Stumho amfi tvo fihwn ea fiarfi of aaifi fiscal cwur$ yrmfimmfi unfi aafijmg
at fifia maefiingg at w ink maid mynragriatimnfi anfl aliwwageas Ware mafia.
Ehfifi by likw fraufi mug @mllusiong illagal 33$ vuia afiprafiriaiiwas and
allowafloeg wermmafla is and in favay 3? each an& all of Eho eight
5umfiioog of fiha kmaoa 2? a51& saunty aim pfirfiiflifiafififl in gaifl fioofiinga,
amd taut if any $ervieag wara renfieroé by $13 fieovor Yfilleg fimonifial
' for wijoh {me 31%». 3.31133??? Canaan‘s? Wank} be: 1151mm, ‘:; grizzufauzré; of the
aypropriations aafl allmwmfloes to égd in fava of maid Beavor Valley
finapital wag fiyaaoly fiisyxmpmrfi13nafio fiu tho Value of the servieas
actually romflarea, mo nook so as km impmrk fffltag anfi tfim rwvbers 4f ‘
, saga owuxt 3E gaifi mamtémgs at which said ayprwpriatéons anfi allowances
wero mafia fraufiukkflhly anfl‘oolluaivoly cumbinofl taggahmy to favor
the mamhara of said court by makifig illofiala fraufiulant ana axamaaive
allowanoea to anfi in favor of aach vfifler.

(3) Because the saia aggrogrigfiiwna or allowances and
gag each anfl all thereof were in 1;;gtiom and comirary 93 who pro—
viaioms of Sactiwn 1814 of Kamtuoky Statutes proviaing that no

.meubor of the fiscal court shall be intoroatea, airectiy 0r in~
éireetly, or be concernod in, any confiract for work to be done or
material to be furn13hea for the counfiy, or any district thereaf;
tho said.&ofendant, E. 1w Stumbo, moving been the county Juage of
said county ané a menbar of the fiseal court at the time each and


 . ' all of said napropriatiens and allowances mere attempted tn he made.
(3} Jlaiatiffs state that the arm of 5303320.OC of file
aforesaid emu of ass,1ae.ee was afiyrsprieted Hr allowed ta tic said
heater Valley hospital hy an orier canned to he entered on the
.’ [order book of said rises: aonrt at a perverted special term thereof
held. an"; the; (3;; ”i 5.2:? Elizcarxréisej.‘g l’iiit‘fi “iii: L533}. 321157, “if? ”’3,“§3".""' its;
0 ‘ represented a