xt70zp3vt865_202 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46.dao.xml unknown 14 Cubic Feet 31 boxes archival material 63m46 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Harkins Family papers Mineral rights -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Law reports, digests, etc. -- Kentucky. Mining leases -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Practice of law -- Kentucky. Bankers -- Kentucky. Banks and banking -- Kentucky -- Prestonsburg. Coal trade -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Lawyers -- Kentucky. Edgewater Coal Company v. Stuffler, W.G., trustee, et al. [Part I] text Edgewater Coal Company v. Stuffler, W.G., trustee, et al. [Part I] 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46/Box_21/Folder_5/2024.pdf 1919-1923 1923 1919-1923 section false xt70zp3vt865_202 xt70zp3vt865 SUMMONS IN EQUITY NEWS PRINT, Pikeville, Ky.
, The Commonwealth of Kentucky. J4 ,
You are commanded to summons ‘I'G‘5toeJ‘J-lbr:TrbcteGLC-V-JV‘LIJLJ,
w. 1‘. Grif; ith :91;ng 3;;:‘bil J. Liorser
to answer bra-gr days after serving this summons, ape’cition filed against 1170’- in the Pike Circuit
Court by “$38J6U57U01‘L1N/
and war-11 chem that upon ._TG_hL.eir_._,fai1ing to answer, the same will be taken for confessed, or
they will he proceeded against for contempt; and you will make due return of this summons within
ten days after the service thereof to the Clerk’s office of said Court. ’
' Given under my hand as Clerk of said Court, 111155rflday of ..LL’6.C.....,..........L...191.8.. ’
_.,_._.__.__a. .,,_,_, BJ/VZ/ry/MV/A/DC

 ' No. '
iv _ 130. U I T Y
i Plaintifi
‘ Vs. }- SUMMONS.
f ' Defendant.
‘;:: ' , Attorney
f}. Rule Day, first Monday In each month,
7 Estumable to Rule Day in ten days ai-
' " ‘ ter sewic; of this Summons.
mil: Lil’s-3K1; $715.5 -ZL‘ZT. _LIKXZBTEZ'Zaiuawiuh LS

 COUfiT 3F UvraIeo 0F LfliTUCIY. ‘
. , February - lb - 1333.
, J.3. QTC?FL1h. TguaTES. flTC., lyrg;;;w?a
' V_ ‘LL: AER-Hill; VEST/i. 31375.1 1333531,,1I1‘CERT.
oblallTfifi GOA; CfilrifiY, , geyuilja.
3‘ 4' a“; :- -,, 3:: j: 3'. '.'. :,‘C
. This appeal is from u judimont iuioting ourelloe's title
to the mineral in a tract of 120 acres of land in Pike county.
‘ Eleusant Bartley was the owner of a large tract of land
v on the §ASh Camp Branch of Blkhorn Creek in Pike County, to fizich
'2 he derived title through a patent issued to A.C. Earns and others
on October 10, 1866.

On February 10, 1887. Pleasant Hartley executed to $.5.
noon a title bond by which. in considerntion of certain payments to
be made, he sold and agreed to convey to Moon "all the coal, mineral.

V oil and $33 in and on all tuoee truoto of lafld: lying on Elkhorn
Creek end }um Branch. like 00.. Ky., and udjoinlnk aloxund~r Ewtliffe:
hell Burtley and othore, and containing four hundred and forty
acres, more or lose".

On September 27, 1888. Bleasunt Burtley find wife conveyed


 f to H'J- Burtlcy a tract of land containing about 20 acres.
I On February 12, 1890. Eloassnt Bartley and wife and
3.J. Bartley'conveyed to Isaac senders e tract of land covering
the land in controversy. but "accepting UOnI and mineral gas and K
. salt mater and oil held by the Moon bond."
On July 16. 1890. and after the moon bond had been con-
celled in an action brought for that purpose. Pleasant Bertley end , .
wife conveyed the minerals in the land theretofore conveyed to
Isaac Sanders. and described as containing 458 55/160 acres. to the
7 Virginia mining & Improvement Company. and the title thereto passed.
by meene conveyances to appellee.
I On December 15. 1905. there Wes issued to Isaac Sanders.
who had theretofore purchased from the Bartleys. a patent to
" 120 sores covered by his deed, and Fender's title thereafter passed
to eppellente.
as the evidence leaves no doubt that the horse patent of
l866 covers the land in controversy. and that the minerals therein
were excluded by the conveyence which the Bertloys made to Isaac
Sanders on February 18. 1890. we need waste no tine in a discussion
of these questions. but will proceed immediately to a consideration
of the other contentions made by appellants.
In the first place it is insisted that the Norse patent
of 1866 is void because of the vague and indefinite descriptions
contained in the entries. and of the further tact that some of the
records of Pike County tendered to show that a large number of the
warrants for the land Were not issued until aftgr the surveys had
been made. It must not be overlooked that if/Senders survey; of 1903
i . , -2- . n

, is not valid. then appellants and appellce both claim title through
Pleasant Bartley. and that being true. it was not neceeeury for
appellee to prove title beyond the cemmon source. In Eastern Hy.
Land Co. v. Ferguson. 65 8.3. 830. it was held that land which is
embraced in a prior patent though void catnot again be patented
as vacant or unapproprieteu land. In discussing the question the
court said: I
"Subsections 8. 11. sec 3. c. 102. uev. fit.. in force in
1866. provide;
"(8) None but VflCant land shall be subject to appropriation
under this chapter. Every entry. survey. or patent. made or
issued under this chapter. shall be void so far ac it embraces
lends previously entered. surveyed or patented. " ,
' "(11) No lend shall be subject to appropriation '
. under this chapter that has reverted to the commonwealth by escheat.
V or has been forfeited for an omission to list same for taxation. or
- for failing to pay the taxes thereon. or which has been once put-
entcd. end the title of the same has in any muy'becOmc again
vested in the commonwealth."
The same language is brought through the leneral
atatutes. and is contained in section 4704. Ky. at. These sections
have been considered by this court in the case of Kirk v. William-
son. 82 Ky. 161. in which the court said: "whenever the common-
wealth lawfully patents the land once. it cannot for any cause
. patent the some land again as vacant or unapproprieted laid, for
that would breed confusion and contention." Again. in the case of

 . I ‘ ‘fi
Roberts v. Davidson. 85 Ky. 284, the court said: "It may be
said that the statute, supra. relates only to cases where the
title has in fact passed out of the commonwealth, and not to a
void patent; but, in our opinion, the stint having by its
officers issued the patent, and although by seam defect it
may be Void, yet the statute treolvfios others from entering
upon or appropriating the land without further legislation.
Such entries are prohibited for the grotoction of those who
. may have obtgined the patent in 3006 faith. Or who have de—
‘ rived title to their homea through it and an honett gurchase,
' and while the title under th
a coiy Ui Lue OJlLlDR. I ELQUJB LL«L Lde o lIAGh ”ms
saga ta ynmx uu,aue, ayi :11: a ;EQLLLLC 1t ;4 gay T111
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fittafinu 8c fitephmemt
_ ' March 2, 1925.
Hon. J. D. Harkins,
Prestonsburg, Ky.,

Dear Joe‘ m

Yours of arch End, has been received. The suits of
Elliott Vs. Justice does not in any way invdlve the stock of Fannin
Coal and band Company. It is my undergtanding that “lliott and
Justice bought the 1/4 interest of Joe annin equally, or in equal
parts. 1 know nothing of the transactidn.

Mr. Griffith took the opinion in Stoffler case out of
the office and said he was going to send it to you for purpose
of filing petition for re-hearing. He called up and found you was
out of town and then asked us to file notice, with the view of
having you prepare and file petition for re-hearing. '

v ‘think
We have read the opinion carefully and don't there is
any chance for a re-hearing and we so advised Mr. Griffith. I feel
like it is a waste of time to file the petition and we only filed
notice of intention to satisfy Griffith.
. U I appreciate what you say about mywcandidacy for
btate enate. have my announcement in Pike “ounty News
this wSek. I will see you shortly and we will discuss matters
‘ down there.
Yours very truly,
éj’ %% g/Wc‘. vff57kffi.fim3
I ,

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 I . ; g 1 T? ' swig
PIKEVILLE. PIKE COUNTY, KY. 7'3]: . jfi; 7f 1'
Joseph Harkins ' '
Prestonsburg Ky.
Friend Joe:-
I have been hoping to get to irestonsburg to talk over th
' the Edgewater Case with you, but on account of moving , Court and
business I have not had a chance.

While Stephenson seems to think as you do I am still inclined to
the opinion that it might be well to try for a new trial.
certainly the Court will not grrnt it unlesw we ask for it.

As you undoubtedly are and 1 know Stratton d Stephenso are and I am
. very buisy in Court just now I am wondering if an extension of the
time for submitting arguments for new trial could not be had, on
this showing to the Court. .
Please consider this and advise me.
Yours truly

 [’1 ,
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’.:;txxlgrhexns v. vya 3.76.5: .;'Lj. 1:29.
lingumt w. my, margin. lilti- ye ,ibp.
in) l irate we those-3 any is me. ,. iifi- claims
tool: no title to "Lisa :9..i;‘e'a:5;..:c::ls in ion its 'Esy tum-e
to}; oil: the: ‘Liifiéffti :.1-vim :.'Zd,:.::u~.:=.scsi‘t weirt‘lwy run-i Wife.
\ ,7 . , .".,-'.;.'.." _.,. .. .,(..,r,. .,'.. ., ' -‘, .,i..,.;
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is: 2:35-1:335.9@wi¢cuse. tesimgip) .
is; ‘3;-w Elaine“ rum dei"<,':vs<5.rsnts cits-Lin denier «iii?»
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{a} 1}l:2.it=iiu ices; my“; chi-least in ti. tlc' with
the airtgii-aia Hillifihj and .12 ;;.srov«:2:len‘t agcurzpsmy'.
at... tithes, Lit—3c. 31%;,
,g't.1.i;i£§;a'5, sec. 964.523.
.2.th .;. garnish L'.;hruie. vgiilaon :33 .:3“.
i 4’ 5 * ';:'-‘ , " .‘-‘ ., .,.,, ..:.1 , .
{37334.39 U103“, (minimally Kant) a. slim/15
iii‘i‘irt't am? 3 and: . 4x355} ,
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} . .. v _, V .. y ‘A '
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0 «‘9 33.3,: " - 3n, . 1:433, 3141323 .7:.)-
:,3,, ,,' :3: 3:.-.3 .: A. 335.533.,
.1 33%.: V-:..:'.: .:L :23“: ii«a.,..’. L 2:3" ' [v.5 33341.33.
A 3.3“ } ..‘.'..::
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333.3353; 2.3333333“: :3 . 3J3 .5333 :13 3333333333233 «3:332:31: '. . 33333333731233 .
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"72.3.3323 ,,3‘ioeiil<~3- 33.3.23, 3,223: ':;ié.,_3..<, a: 7:03:5153'32. 313335333? 3333. 3.3321331 03'
32,73: {.3 2:3“; 3: "’.£iil33 3.3332» 3737333333.: "‘:’ws 33:35:33; 3.3323333in. :35: (33?; $3213.
32:33:1333333 3:335:33:3333.333: 33;; 31337:; 5m 33'-2‘343, 'if3.:‘- .<*:3:‘:<‘3..:f€i H35 73.313533313533363,
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3:31:33 33333:; 333333233533. ' \
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plaix’fiié'i ”Ala-3:35; £13,133, 33'73333;:1's:i'3i33 mu pm; £33103": 33.3. the: (3:331
3:335 3333113333 3352.333317313, in, 33:33 3333331 3.333333: 333-3-“33:-=,;3:~3 33335333133: 3: _
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“3:313: 2:333; 33:33:35» 3:333" “333333: 1:333 «minimally 3333333331133 :3 33_ 3'31: 2333233333
33,1: "33“,: "3353 w :3 31.33;;33'111 3:53.133“ 333233: .:.:agx'crwaur um“:-
I _.uyy, by 33:33:33 33:: 15:33:31 3.32315 .133, 13.315333, ;3‘:3::u::":5i.33:3 in 3331“”; 34907.; “’35“
' 13333.53“ 72,, 3.:-213:3: :2:-3333:3333 3’33-33937233; 733:1; “Liv-1;, 335:3, 3333-2333}. 33:33:; :.re
:'issra€ri;i§’3,_j «33.532.33.31; '23:; 33'-'3: 35:13:22.3: '33:? rating: 131333334133 '33:.“ 33:13: 323333;!-

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11.11.1311; to . ”“13: 111‘ 121.1 :2131‘1-15, in '11-‘11 7.1-. ti. 1.511111. 1.111113111112111,
21111;“ 1:111? 1:31:13: :11. 151113 tear-- 311.2 7113311.: hrwmt 131234-1111} 1.1;; ”Li-11,».
i'il.:l=~1i..ii‘i" 1.121.. 1.11.1; L121. 121:1. . mi *1 51:3. :-.v.:.r.1:1i-i.:-5 111111112111 "11:3,
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i111: 511221: ;:1;:‘13':1~1“’1;y 1 121,451.19; 11.3.. 11:12:14 31);; it.
'.11116::-’i‘l“'€;a.s‘:’f, ':.i’» 1.11: .. :13.‘:.-.‘»1.fi=§.’;7 Lj, 1,125. §i_ .1..2_1;:;';9 £1111:
11151111132511173 Eiléwga ,..1;-,21.fi;1‘.1*1~1‘ :51;- Lairr .1311‘113111311; ~4me -11, 31 on '
17111:“ 11-1111 1,], 1.91,}, ”15.41.311.111. ivim; 'Lrae~i.1* 1.11:;111‘1‘1’1‘, g.».r1‘1~.~.;:131.1i ‘
r1111: 1.211, 111:. 11.11;: e:.1~' :1111‘, 111111131: l’u1.élzrl?-IE. ‘73:.ix";rl'9‘ii?;i all the?
1111-1115: 113; L2 to: 5.1. ~1.1 43111131111217:1:511:11; in
1.313.1- r1210, 13511:: 1111241111.:1'1313 311114,,» is. -2.1.1‘111‘1:11111715313; ”31111111? own-:1"-
‘}, title; 2.31.111: 1.11115 123114111 1'11. .:11.:..1 5:111;y:;..:111.:1‘~:1;5 in, 1111.111 -
11131:; 111111.11: :1, m 111 1.1.1:. i, in 22?:-;-1~:=1‘i‘%:'11211, aggrimininég 111$
.: 131:1 :5, :21‘11'11 11 11;:351, 1225:1131 .3..-1: L111 12:11:11: ‘E.;:“'1,13’2€. lilr-ld 111111191153: 25':
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:3”: 1.131131%: Arie}: 111112,3".€>rzé=1é 3.111 11,1113 grip}, 1:11.111: 32.55; 1:11.12“; 131 131111.11
'12:; i. ~. 11111.1-1rz‘1113, 311212;,«11‘nan, .11: 23.1.11. (111311136 11:11:11,11-1.‘ :31111513111111: “1.1)
€31.11 1131-111, L: :31. «a ”21:2,.‘1121111‘11’ '~ 711:3 :.omsrting 1:311:11: to 1111 112329, I
121:1 {motility L11. 1:14.111, 1 11.111 11.13.11). to 1:114. 111.111.1111; in
in; 1131;112:1131), {13.21.11 1.333312111121911 113;” 1:15:11; 111111312113, - ~
'..;1~*".1l;,‘ ":‘1151 11191.3. or. .~< 11.91.2513 ..’-:81, .1311}, **7~=1a;1~1;;§.12 ’L'm Hf“-
Ial'inazagilves 1111,14, 11.35; "L11: $111.23 921“ 11.1111. 1:1:1.1111111-1w-lelxa were con»
12 m v: 11.1.1111. -
1‘11» 3151111511 “ 11;; L‘iS'x‘U‘ilé't’ii 31.31:” 11.13.»). U111» 1:111:11“, (11' 1,117.0
Var-21:5 111»2;:1o-:.:J.L.Lo'1'1:3, 1:115: tit» 11.1.1131; 1111' 1301115ng 1.11. :1. 1:12:51: 11:1113121‘51‘
git" Lééig'éi’éifg r-gasj. 1.11.1121" 1:12:11.1.5'11.,;, H.131; 1111:2111. 1“.;11 111.3911.
1:34.151 11.21.1117, 1:?-.315 on the: 11:11:17 31.2.12 «2:13:51: 7":224 £1.171r11, 1»
11121111111) 1:11:55; 2.11 1323.115, my: 3.1-2.1: 111-711: 11.13111111'1 obs
1:.-1:111:11}, 11.11 :.1111:13<;131.i. 1111;21:111111, "111211111111 it; is; ::llc'mxc; 2.111112%
,1‘&.1.1">;1:3,ry 1.1.2, 1:19:21 , 1:71:211(3:"~1‘1‘é, 1311421111 52111.21 'Y‘Wif 1‘: told. to 1533110
- «>21- ‘

 ° 0

.‘.?»"Eil‘iiivésvf’i-J will sé.‘ , trait (233‘ liner-3 in a:c3:::‘t.'i;"ove~r;'.-333‘, 73.344}: 3J2.»
fanartley ere-d from armies deed of .;:i{;3‘."5"ié_j-j has; t'a cos-ll new
L3H .:.;iieae.>;rw-:.Tia in, arson rand rule the»: ;;~:s.xc"—:;r‘ma that all{bl(
ill; stein am; acunrwuyue; the, ;iiitiés $5.121, l-iifié-‘h’ffleii‘p ants. in,

‘ argon v 73a :-jf::;i.€; lhfi'lax '11:: t ai:;-;;;i:‘=.ii"a ism” 2:1-2:7: ix'ifikfi‘cvfl‘“
rat-ht dorm-gig, an: a ei 15,, hail-4e. i; i:3 i’ 4*: 22.1»
Legged: Eiéfl‘v‘liivl'ii there:after :‘zfttaesezptm; to sell tgae, coil am:
Liif‘iC'r-‘iilfd ‘31»: ‘e’illiiaéi nearer. 'AZ‘EEL-ttfifiE, zine}; er? ...eores, reenter.
err :.;ola‘ the. r'iflr'iéé‘ to ;.e‘?;o¢:>fr:?j‘ltz‘3;'. 'I‘riiz's'twfl, em. t‘:ia.r';.‘é- Liam: -
L1;-*yze,.:e;g‘e;;3 ; inf; :32"), 113131,; the tithe 11,0 fluid {swirl ram l"‘iil%i€-’¥L’il¥3
by virtue-1 a; wise; deeds tzeirrrain mat and.
\ ugliiesg,~~,;r‘e',imzs m this "Jii‘ifi'iiifife‘f _jxu titish are centres
ve “3 o :e cord. ~

diets the: mission as" c acre/ales the trial {mart new

3 waged that n. ;zefiusisiLii‘i ‘i:':‘~.?~.;a‘ i-zatqetxifi-z-‘el; "in; the relief sought;
tau :artlez.y e-2~,.z;'.ce1;;rt=:3d all a; sex E'iiiaef‘i‘iilis in his dead of
_fijfifi'i‘ltxj misfit; to printers; teas-3t rtla ’t.4-3c._:-re-zai'ter sold and sem— '
‘u said .-:1Li:r'ii";yi“73.f3 so e3s.x;e.§e'-'~-gtite:~sa to the: ::i:e:1,i3"siz;. ..‘inini; ism
.LXiE}.Z-f@'§’€'3.33.7313; dosagessiy, mi Litlizfe't the: 1:.-me: in ezczntruve-rsyis mu.-

‘ tinge-an “i this :..;ieei cei‘ mam weeds; that ting: land 3.2; cm'ztre‘wesrsy
is c Eifflflézéei in the .:i. 2;. ...-.13331-133 , ate. git-stein: of Chasm) acres, tuft
sacs :.;-;tsmt is valid, AWN; because: of 53mm feats, that the,
11“”: a; trait: sewn of tire: soul E'iiifii‘l’WlSs é>l‘i'”5‘"l61‘3"2.!t€3(3 in
the. 3m. titien, in user} mm: imam? tins 1&4” in the: tition 4‘
tiesogribed, :md quieted it in its title, acme/armed}; :md poasrss-
ion thereof. Lune smart ;a,‘s.:._r'i'.ea;r wit} angers: a. canes-llamas} of the deed
from sanders to ”more, ":xdu'tscr, one oi‘ the teem}. from ..oore,
artistes. to ;'.tmgi‘i'leer, lruste-e; and €1‘i.st€i§,’£l£) 3 been? reiii i“
were; soviet in the ,'.‘!I‘frlsja-Er of the petition or sustained ggietitiofiL

 . . ,
. , O
a.'~:.2:.2;i3:'2mm .2“, fray; rise'zetr'tim; chain mam-.222 521th: : of
943$ d.aéa.
..:2 twig L2 Mitt ”satin: 43.62232, 92%, cézviic2ix‘22iirii «"3333 i-‘X-‘iivffiiii- "1“ 53319”
p.212]. to Main mamyt, ,>;«;=2,22;232t1;y film; ‘16.! Efiiir'a‘éfléi relative: to
tm «2y:_:,1:~,,ri2iw‘ mi thy: moors, any. the 22.212532: is Emir? before-.2 this ,
. 9.312222% to E.‘§’:'Vitfi? t:;c'. maria-satire23:2; of tin. eiyzezimim: oi? the lower
2:22;: atria ‘
. Lita....1:..::.tw.;fi 4222.22.92 iii 2;, 33.22.
2:23 .m--—2my :22 t2 ii’héttfisf'fi’i'il at“ tin eiz'vazséiu "*3 29423353“; 1"
. Eiffiéfisuk 5:.-~12 :fs‘iv-‘L‘te: {dell-“23 that "éfii'iU‘ reamrei H.261 ,‘W€?}?"2‘>red by ”the; ”'3': 1"}:
of. , 1312;23:- .:iye3‘2.2i 2 23:2 mat is 3;:»: giant ':.tr‘asasastiysr’agc':to r’y tint We
22:,th aver Mfume to 22.325: in the mittsr m"! ifiil’ii‘llt'y'393im‘ ”:37 1"
3.,£.ifi.,§° 55.33;“; Eygjijafaf use; ‘--’ilé"‘.’§2 .LEB'IEiJi‘?‘1if331€"2iS by the. filtrk 2:222 H
V carton 2.265259" 42.91 $21223 smears as 22.12222 in this thwart. 24 inane}:
{at that'- .:;;2::2;1¢'7, :35} £22,}: 2'2-.3 Wt? fitw that}, few? 51.2mm:sa’tiygrzt'mi it, «was
in 2::;222'2321‘222 if; V :.:,ygqmygga 2;:; the g2:'-.;,,;iyigg of tin:- ;:°:;merd, and it
is swat {12.12.52 .3512. ts; 23.2.2229 “21:22:32 is “matted strait the: 12122st WW
it is 212211.; $123“ taunting the 'i‘nilui'ii 2 2:22:32? by Prais- timt 2222:»: tins-112‘! I
does fina- ti; specific item to 29.15.4321 attentien is desired
. ’ to be mailman .‘.222423‘2, mascara rm this 2212202222 2:24.22. Emmiz'rzmtzezé Mayra.“
shim "bath 2232:2222 {322232222221 was this can-Mt: 22.21:: ”haul“; '1‘"? ”0“”
. mm was 2.3. .
£92 the preparation ci‘ 2. brief we use :2. 4312.22.13. n $112233?