xt70zp3vt865_198 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46.dao.xml unknown 14 Cubic Feet 31 boxes archival material 63m46 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Harkins Family papers Mineral rights -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Law reports, digests, etc. -- Kentucky. Mining leases -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Practice of law -- Kentucky. Bankers -- Kentucky. Banks and banking -- Kentucky -- Prestonsburg. Coal trade -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Lawyers -- Kentucky. Dingus, D.C. v. Elkhorn and Beaver Valley Railway Company [Part I] text Dingus, D.C. v. Elkhorn and Beaver Valley Railway Company [Part I] 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46/Box_21/Folder_1/1622.pdf 1911-1920 1920 1911-1920 section false xt70zp3vt865_198 xt70zp3vt865 . J -
’1.“ {I t V I
File 5988
Messrs. Harkins and uarkins,
. Prestonsburg, Kentucky.
Dear Sirs,-
‘ . Replying to your fever of the 81st ultimo, regarding depot on right-of-way
acquired from David C. Dingus.

Our General superintendent, Mr. J. P. Stevens, will lave this depot located
at once, and ask for an appropriation at our September meeting of the Board for the
necessary funds with which to construct the same.

The deed does not state there should be an agency at this point. till you
please advise if that is necessary, and the extent of the depot that shOuld be estab-
lished. We, of course, expect to put a building there that will be sufficient to take
care of all business offered. / /

I, , ,/
, /// j /
Yours very truly, / //
’ / ///"
’.,/My *//4
, Assistant to President.

G. B. ‘VALL ,
ASSISTANT TO PRESIDENT RICHMOND, VA., September 15th, 1314:. 5
File 5988
HI“ ‘67- S- Harkins,
Prsstonsburg, Ky.
Dear Sir:
At your convenience, will you kindly ls’c me have reply to my letter of
September 8th, regarding depot on the Reaver Creek Branch, called for in the Dingess
dead. I; ,-
a’fl fl
~ Yours very truly, /.—1".--/'
£1 ‘41:»,115' .."};
Assistant to Prea‘ dent.

Huntington, Va-, Sept“, lStlt.., 133.;
. File
Ifessrs Barkins c7; Harkins,
PrestOnsburg, 11;:-
—~ In regard to building a depot 2t uinwoool (Forrrerly Dingesstovm}
Referring; to Tris/weed (Sepot on right of way acquired from David
C Dingess at Einwood StatiOn, formerly known as Dingesstowu 0n the .::: E V. ‘
I note l'fr. '.‘fall is asking for your opiniOn as to the establishment
of an Agency anal the extent of the depot to toe established at that point. ,
lair. 7579.11 hasatso suggested that I take the matter up with you in regard. to
the kind. of a statiOn we would. he required to build. under our right of way agree
ment with Tr. Dingess. In looking; over the deed, I see nothing in it '..vhi ‘h
indicates the size or kind of a, depot we are to build. It would seem to me that
a very small depot would answer the purpose at that point for a 10m;- time to core.
I would like to have your opinion in the matter.
Yours truly,
' ‘ Supe rint endent V

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Haysville, Ky., May 11, 1915.
Tessrs. Harkins & Harkins,
Prest onslaurp: , 7473/" .
Herewith is summons served on Ur. Fallace in case of -
Dingus v . El: Porn 6‘: “saver Valley .
Yours truly,
..47’ " 5,
new We a) n

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. .3 - ..’.;‘2 144’... .:. .'.,‘T “‘53.: ; ,1”! 3:; a: ‘._-.. ‘.. . 'J ..‘ :,3 [15.1.3 .1. U 4. Lo. 5. .3 v.1. id 1
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3.3.15 Eli; £131.": 2) \i ‘45 if} filial, L15, 1753’s.: r. m... J. 3. 3:10. , . 3.2..‘4 '3 :.....er ».t. ;_ 4. E. k. .1.... .46 ..i 1.11


value from £300.00 per lot, at which price he could have sold the
Sflifl iota ifl they'hod complied with their Contract, to $30.00

per 103. EUGTCWJ being a damage nan a loss to him in the full
and jam: sus.of §fi000,90; gang DJ ragflufl of the gtfuefifi being
l?ifl 05f in viii flfi;flHLUKfl, a): Timvood, that a lain utreet,
filfik9T3 33T€€ti flaet Etrflet, and WQTt Ttreet, which enid Gale of .
land in :_1d stroeto are naval to 30V;F mote, and chx tux fie-
fs;i$w r: failjgyfi to fiflrgfllgf‘”ifi?t Lia; fignLdfiicfi, 1:;racnieat, etn., ‘
that tee Plaintiff can not alone the :aid lots on 5 we wont we
’afii 0?fi3 73? the van 0: $35 guhlic in zcmfilih 93 with ifle tale

of tne lots in nein pl t, whisk in haze filri, xuforrefi.bu and
rafio T”rt of thin $weniufi ,Uibiéibh. YE: 351v ne‘fl are to

T. . fling F, 1 lot in jam? 5; lot To. P; L. ,. (thorn 1 lot

in flinch , lat :v. 1; 1 in; at .. J. ”jgrr, qgw ~9194qxiflt to

J'Cfii i¢iififhl, '1: flora; ?; Jg‘t a. Q; l 3 ct {it 31, ', ,ufi:xlgiyiy;7‘ifl
1fi¢1.5 lat f3. 5; 1 lot to C. 7, {migxta i; flcfiw 3 10; go; 1;
l at :1 iwe’ Pweler in 1001 J in; no. 3; 3 lots no gluon wailey
in *jmat L loin Lo. 5, S, r 7, gng a ofivrcw Trijmlfifi in also erect '
5&1 on E‘Thgt 53;) ?Wufivf, let AR). fl,

:fwri thage aflnwuytu arm lthi wa in fr;?:}fer Jupi‘tnrough
€71: l;uu_rflgtfiri‘nu da~arxnl}rh;eit igaat i3 2?: {fiz‘anf 52u93.00,
E; The Vailt;# of tgfin Hefeiw;xt L; 30 91y wit” its egvevmant
::¢ so; out im fih7 deed Vifiou sit; .i¢ origiail pntjtion.

Vne pleintiff Further ntatee that he is gameged by the
ie?aodnit in thin that it has had, had now has the use, gasses»
$105 End Control of the rifiht of way; ova: and tkroufih his tract
;f lung n33~f0r own? two years. Tho saii tract finich is deocrib-
xi Ly 330% Thiuh 1w filed with his original petition, to his dam-
353 i: tfie full and just sum of $l500.00, making in all, fur all
the 11302134363 to him by the defenic'ler'm, in the £1131 and. juet sum of
gl0.0Q0.0G as follows, to-wit: flamage for depreciation of twenty
lots caused by he failure and breach of contract by the defendant

herein, 45000.00; by daiage and loss and the use of the streets

(25' '..
1' F d

.. , - . .m . r. .- .- ,- ,2 r . :, .21.. ‘ - «i 2,
23.8 hwrmnbmore .391. nus, 1.2200U.u{); by C..-2222.22.29 .191 T133211. 0.». way,
' ‘ ‘ ‘ 'x. ‘ " ,. " ‘ ”“'W I .‘.. ... ..,‘ ... , L 2" .A..'..
132, oar-9.11 23,2121 ’13.2'11‘O‘1'¢..'3‘a12'3. 22.1.2.- ,- 2.122 221.590.923; 1.221.211 L 9222.116
("£3,239.29 *2; 2.23.29129, $11,000.00.

111.213.3211. ii‘i’ 2:22.329 11:23.";319‘1' than; “2.21: 1:3 232-291212‘.2;_.,o c; '22:.“ 2222-121 219—
fi.:‘.’ll;.2.‘1.:§4 .3. 2.133.0h 0.1.: UCJML'Lz'LC‘b, 13119.4. 1.216.; L‘QZILZUJ.K.£§..‘.('J L's ALLA. 3131:1111; mil-v »
,‘11‘2122121g "£3129 lots; 12212:}: 011’ 22:3 2:}10'11": ’..-;2 :.1.-.9 291.222,, 14.. ‘.,d

a¥~§aaaa 32‘255-‘2.i(23:1 122.1161. is; 01'. 4:22.212 Lox-M1 22.23214. 1322 o. ::2129 lot? 1225.13.
off; 2232,3113. 3219.1; is $213,961.. r932 23.23.25 .:.:‘-.139 {221.11%} 22.1, :;‘223.:~:1¢:9d

"272:1:1i?’<;~-:L'i$’01’232; 3:23.221722121 231-2.3.3223 ;jr 2123222219111; 11%,”. (31013.91: 22.3
in 12.512; 22135.3111111 319%; :.L'tjmi, m for 5:23:31; 22.2123. 221: 2711:2219 2:21.21 32.233210-

V ... . ' . .,.. ‘3 ‘. 47‘ ' 2/ p 22" 3 '
.;11‘12. me 1 '5 .2191. .’2 ' ,1 V‘ 22‘ ,- f
X -. ,7 fizz/,1.
/ / ‘ .
5W ~ 2442 2 EP/“MLJ
'9"— ‘ ’.‘», . _ wmm-pm-fimkr-~~fionf~}fiw
- - 221521232. .2; 1):" 11:21... 223211.
;33 't a '1: 9 o 1.2m. “m c iky
Homzty 01‘ Nioyd.

111129 2291.95.11Liii72‘L”. 7-2 2., ”if-"423114;, 7,.” L..:t‘ {..‘.;-3‘ :;:1221:;»3‘-':':.ca.::2ts

in .Memg .-'.;.:Gii'11i.§i:?:il‘.‘. 32213521251317. 123.9 true 25.235 31:2: 1119f“:2.
. 76 I ,: 2 f” g .
./ 2 ‘ r 2, c .2
2 / ' / ‘ l '7 . 4.x
, /,"
’31,.1’13r3‘cribsax'}. 23.1-12.2. 23111213321 to "219133119 1229 by .12. J5. 1.21112; .29,
this: the 11th {may 2:11:19, 3.3913. A] J 5
[ /:“2 45., 1..
1 ,1 .
--/vr/%£ {L f 19%W
fiWWEFm-f—uw‘ mm ,‘m f‘ \‘t
1.3:. .11332’1 22:2. , 2.2.923

Richmond, Va... Aumst 4th, 1915. 5
All”. W’ilter S. Harkins,
Preetonebure, Kentucky.
’Deer Sir:

Ref erriug; to the e.ttz::cl'ied copy of letter from Gene rel guperintendent Stevens,
under date of the 29th ultimo, with reference to the establishment of a depot at
Dinwood, on the Elkhorn. and nearer Valley Railway; copy of my letter of July Slst
to ilr. l'."icklia;ei, and his reply of August third. Please note particularly what {tir-
‘I‘icklzam has to say, and advise me as prOrsttly as possible what you do in the matter.
Now that the depot has been constructed, I hope that you till he able to have the
suit dismissed. /

Please give me a prompt reply, and oblige, ,7/ /

. // "7
ye r'y' truly yours, / //
w /
' /‘,A V/
. ‘ %/Zy<é.6i If; 4
Assistant to Presi dent-

Fichmond, Va., August 5nd, 1915.
Mr. G. B. ‘.‘hll,
, Ass't. to President.
Dear Sir: _ ,
I have your letter of July Slst, together with copy of General Superintend—
ents Stevens’ letter to you of July 29th, from which I note that the dépot at Dinwoqd,
for the failure to build which as contracted Ding-ms brought suit for 510,000.00 damages; ‘
has been constructed, and Mgr. Stevens says that he presumes steps will be taken to
have the suit withdrawn or compromised. I note you say the only question now will
be for the plaintiff in this suit to prove how much he was damaged previous to the
construction of the station, if any.
I think you had better take the matter up direct with Mr. Harkins and get
V his views, as apparently the question is simply one of measure of damages, and Mr.
Harkins may be able to suggest some way of having the suit Withdrawn or a very small
, compromise accepted.
Very truly yours,
‘ _ H. '3. Y'ickham,
COPY. . V. P. it C. C.

 T I
V RichnIOnd, Va., Juiy Slut. 1915. as
fair. H. '3. Wickham: 4
Referring to the attached copy of letter from Gensral Superintendent Stevens.
under Gate of the 29th instant, with reference to thaveatabliehx'aent of a depot at
Dinwood, on the Elkhnrn and Beaver Valley Railway.
At our last conference, Mr. Harkina reemmded “that the bees’c way to settle
the suit was 4.20 cana‘t met the depot. I assumea the only qzmstion now will be: for the
- plaintiff in this wit to prove how much he was damaged previous to the construetion
of the/amtion, if any.
G. B. Wall.

July 29th, 1915. p
' File 133-16
Mr. G. B. wall,
Ass't. to Frasidenta . V
De it? Sir :
-- Depot at Dinwood. —— ‘

Under date may 26th, his file 437-795 (BA), Mr- Grice advised us that there
was a suit pending against the Elkhorn and Beaver Valley Railway for $10,000.00
damages for failure to construct the depot at Dinwood. The depot has now been
00mpleted, and we presume you would like to take steps to have suit withdrawn or
compromised. ‘

Yours truly, .
J. P. fitsvens,
COPY. General Superintendent.

 F‘aiflmEngineer’é Voucher No.————_ " .. = y_ 2.
. .' ' Monthly Estimate Nola—Mire; V . ' a!
ESTIMATE for all work done for THE CHESAPEAKE AND OHIO RAiLWAY COMPANY from tffiémmmencement of 2
' contract to._—_t—“uwfi 3.2”}! 1915 19 inclusive, by_‘_;“~ , :‘42dt1rgfl ,, rrMidi—“ma.-,-;K~COntractor

for Maggie'.‘.iazndgj insistnatrtezm riLhflanLLngr depot. :_.—W—dwaM
Residency MAW—7MP“ Division.


,fl. ‘__—___fi:—ii____ _4_ m
77_7_#r#i } Cu. Yards Earth Excavation_.__._..,____________.....__.._._...................at__per cu. yd. h
N77 ‘ Cu. YardsMExcaX/ation ..._____............at_1acr cu. yd. _~
7_4_## i Cu. Yards Loose or Soft Rock Excavation________......_...____....atfl:__per cu-. yd. __

Wiflni i Cu. Yards Solid Rock Excavation......__.._.......__.......,............at___per cu. yd. __ '
if , - Cu. Yards Tunnel Excavation Lt__pc1 cu. yd. __ ‘ ‘
AK, 1 Cu. Yards Bridge Masonry in AbuLments.__....,_,..................at—pcr cu. yd. __'

7, ,, Cu. Yards Bridge Masonry Piers_______..___._..._.. alt—h—pm cu. yd. _— __7
#7777777 “,,,..- ‘ Cu. Yards Masonry in" walls of Arch Culverts..............._.._.at“__pcr cu. yd. __

‘éifl Cu. Yards in Arches of Arch Culverts....__.._._._._._......._.........at___per cu. yd. _
ifA-WW W i Cn. Yards of. Mansonry in Square Culverts....._..................at~_17er cu. yd. _— I
i Cu. Yards A/Iasonry in Vertical \Yalls._.._.........................._..at___per cu. yd. _.
- ,‘ Cu. Yards Payingat—per cu. yd. _ .
f "i Cu. Yards Copingathpei cu. yd.‘ __ i -
7 ‘ Cu. Yards Concrete....._.._......................_....“............_.......-..._..at_pei‘ cu. yd. __
if” ‘ Cu. Yards Extra Haulat__per cu. yd. _ _
i N ‘ Feet B. M. Timber in Trestles.........................-...._._.._............at_—_per M. _‘_ '
*7 V —- r i Lineal Feet of Files furnished and deliVered___.;.._._._._...._-..,.__at'___per foot. “_‘—
::; ‘ Lineal Feet of Piles drlvenat.____por foot. I: ,
- fitflfiifl‘dfiflwwi—ufidifi ___

«—¥Vm‘i {magnifier 'irrtot at. Hammer-3, 31y... , an 11$th 57?: flan-war E '

Total Amount of Regular work as above __ _..._ __ at 5E 71‘ WW
TEN per cent, Reservation deducted ___—*1“ _:_ ‘T 7‘
Add Irregular or Incidental Work on Which by special _- ____ ___ +~l~
agecment no percentage is deducted. (Detailed on back.) ‘__-J— _— T _—
Totflajlflllit of lLsUmaLes. . .., 1 150; my _hlleW
therein iifiittit,ihliélfg‘lifgfii‘éjtc‘irE‘é‘ri‘i‘iizii’iéirluiii 333% 333%??? ‘33? spedfied '
‘rr”*fi’"#“ fly // Deduct‘ amount of Previous Payments___, . “m
hereby 31):; gm? account was duly authorized. has been examined, found correct, and is —— ——~ '_—
_ Am’t due on this estimate, _i%_1 .159. no .
Superintendent General Superintendent. . . ”__. -
‘ WW
CHARGE T0 ’ AMOUNT ' . % ,
m m . .ififififfimd. +7]__ _ .
i .. App”! 351.005.3530 fipflim 3W5?” Hundred Sift}; rmdm*-_.....--.---.-,._.‘m
M{_i_l.,_i '
. l i . , . - ‘
CREDIT: :31: '
AMOUNT PAYABLE ‘ ___ Jflwi ‘ , .

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