xt70zp3vt865_192 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46.dao.xml unknown 14 Cubic Feet 31 boxes archival material 63m46 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Harkins Family papers Mineral rights -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Law reports, digests, etc. -- Kentucky. Mining leases -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Practice of law -- Kentucky. Bankers -- Kentucky. Banks and banking -- Kentucky -- Prestonsburg. Coal trade -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Lawyers -- Kentucky. Cumberland Pipeline Company v. White House Cannel Coal Company text Cumberland Pipeline Company v. White House Cannel Coal Company 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46/Box_20/Folder_16/0041.pdf 1904-1906 1906 1904-1906 section false xt70zp3vt865_192 xt70zp3vt865 PROCTOR K.MALIN.
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; ,m'r'. Jéflluwzzfla. ‘ ' L C / 7” xvi/J 2 ‘ .~ ,9
Proctor K.Malin,Atty

Dear Sir :

As per enclosed letter from W.S.Harkins 1 enclose you a
statement of the Appellee's cost in the case of Cumberland PipeLine
.Co againsy White House Canneal Coal 00,

Very Truly,
Q9 574/5 7&4'Dcwt f/
Appellee's Cost. ~
01614.1( CIA. 5045 >

March,17" 1906-

‘ Proctoe K. Malin,flsq.

‘ Ashland, Ky.

“ Dear Sirz~ '

< After soniing to you the statement of costs in
the oases of White House Cannel Coal Co and Cumberland bipe-
Li e Company; I notice from the Carbon that I kept here that

«5 p (7::!
_ , v \. ‘ ’ t) k .
1 state the cOsts of i. G. mlce,ox—Clerk, as oOSts of the
Pipe Line Co. when in fact it is the costs of White Houoe Can-
nel Coal Company,as the case was appealed by them.

‘ The case was appealed to this court by Ihe
White House Cannel Coal Company,and in charging the coats on
the fee—book, Mr. mice called it Plaintiff's cost, hence the

' error in my statement to you.

Very Truly Yours,
1 i» ‘ ‘ - ' - ‘ » .. ,7 ,,m _,. ~A~—~—— ' , '.. ”.__; - ‘41,. 7”,)?“ NT‘“:
//// V oblong/,7,! L/ L/ "’\ ‘_g/sfiaxuav'vfl //. '

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- Ashland, Ky.§ March 2, 1906. '
Hon. Walter S. Harkine,
Attorney at Law, ' . I
Prestonsburg, Ky. ,
Dear Sir:— ‘ '
I have your favor of the 27th of February, and I take it
that you are ready now to accept our proposition to settle the mat—
ters in controversy between the White House Cannel Coal 60., and
the Cumberland Pipe Line Co., your company to pay to The White House
Gannel Goal 00., Two Thousand (2,000) Dallars and all of the costs
of these proceedings. In reply I beg to say that we are ready to
close this matter upon these terms, provided it can be settled at 2
once, and I would like to arrange to meet you as early as possible
to adjust this matter. I will arrange to meet you either in Paints-
ville, or could.meet you in Louisa where Colonel Norther is, but
would like to have the matter closed up at once. 4
' Ymmetmny, 4
.’ pm 4(- J/l/tocae;w

 :v /t; (7 (7y" /"j7 ‘
:0 gagézzifir/rfligééflfiLizijxfllaféz;?znlzéxri
: 4Z§é€§fj/¢z駧§f2§i§f¢€3fif7297- ,}7' ,KW: ’i/’; _ ,,;€%ZJ
¢flaa¢ax flav{ (@1266907/ January 19, 1906.
Walter S. Harkins, Esq., V
I Prestonsburg, Ky.
Dear Sir:
I have taken the matter up with the right of way department,
and am instructed to request you to settle with the White House Cannel
Coal Company on the basis indicated in the letter of Proctor K.Malin,
that is, by the Cumb rland Pipe Line Company paying $2000. and costs in
settlement of the plaintiff's claim, the Whitehouse Cannel Coal Company
to execute formal right of way to the Cumberland Pipe Line Company for
pipe line and telegraph purposes, and to release the Cumberland Pipe Line
Company from all damages growing out of the laying and construction of the
pipe line,and the erection and construction of the telegraph lines,to
this date.
I herewith return to you Mr. Malin's letter.
Very truly yours;
. I l r [Solicitor.

 ’" V. V, . ' ,..?“ ‘ 1 ,. '2 ., -'.x ..; _
..I _x PROC'I'OR K.MALIN, > ‘ M Q ~., V .
'13; ASHLAND. KY. '
ii, ‘ Ashluufl, KV., Jan’v. IS, I935. _ .
, Hon. ‘.‘fafltor s . 'Fial'liijufg , '
gin‘ ‘ ‘.‘ Attorney at Law, .
it sift Prestonshuri, Kw. '
V ;E;- Dear Sirz~
val{ I I have your ievoi of the 9th inet., Linn reference to the
u" Potter 0: thc ouuhnrlaul Pipe Line 30., ogainst the White House Gannel
‘ Cool 30., and note that you have authority to offer fiifteen Hundred
, (I,EOG} Dollars and the caste of the smut in settleuent or this matter.
I have referred this letter to Colonel Northup, and am in receipt
of a letter from him in which he advises me that is still of the
opinion that in View of all the circumstances that he could not afford
to acoght less than Two Thousand (2,000) Dollars and the costs of the
suit forithe rights which the oumherlanu Piye Lino oojm.desire across
the land of the White House Canhel i331 OO.¢(u}\M: évguaaui fbwjfl*uw74’
m [Law Ma ’ /
_ Now I feel that your people could afford to do more than they
’ probohlv would expect to do in this case for the purpose of satisfying
Colonel Northuy and getting riu of this litigation” I an advised that
' they are numerous people who are simply awaiting the result of this
contest to assert elaims against the Pipe Line Company, and if we
should be successful in our contention that the right of condemnation
does not exist it would certainly very serioudkombaras" the operations
of the company, and if this litigation is stepoed at this time possibly
no one else would make the fight. In View of all the circumstances
see if your people cannot meet the View of Colonel Northup and pay him
Two Thousand (2,000)Dollers and the costs, and let Me hear from you
as soon as possible. “é;
» Yours truly, -v It},
' . ., v "s 7< - mm M

 Johnson Circuit Court
Cumberlani Pipe Line Company
Vs. Plaintiffs cost ,
White House Cunnel Coal Company
. To Jno. J. wheeler Clerk 10.70
To Sheriff 4.00
Plaintiffs @14.70
Defts cost
To Jno. W. Wheeler, Clerk $5.00
This is the case now peniing in this court
97/? .2er ..ILMQ/1/
, . erk Johnson Circuit Court

. {.3 9
i '3’ 2,» I
W9 "‘
Cumberland Pipe Line Comapny, Plaintiff.
Vs// coat of deft. for copy.
White House Cannel Coal Company, Defendant. .
To copying; petition 2:350 words @ 19! for 10 552.85 ‘
" " Affidavit 30 .
” " Bond 50
" order for injunction 50
Total e8.95 J
' , , C ~Ln Johnson Circui Court.
. a r'- " / ‘
{b t ‘ (_ cw A
(9/ law
A ‘0 !.(‘\' P f r A '” {/Z/flaj .,
N9 ”W\\\‘;7 ’flcg/éé/é%2@%35%;f%”ggéfi //
79/ WA :3 :7 9 %% W V
Maw WW», , 1,
4‘s zf/w é o , ééaagflwi

e .
Witnesses for defendant in case of Cumberland-
Pipe Line Company Vs. White House Cannel Coal Company—
Feby. Term,1904
1 day $1.00
v 1 May Term,1904 ’
J. W. Pack, 2 jays $2.00 ,
Arch Hayes 2 days $2.00
W. A. Wells, 2 days $2.00 .
John Pack 2 days q2.00
150m JJanie]. 2 days $2.00
Jim Ward, 1 flay 3:21.00 3,.
. l‘v‘iay ’l‘erm,1905
‘ John Pack 1 day 31.00
W. A. Wells 1 day $1.00
' Arch Hayes 1 day $1.00
Total witnesses $l5.00

 t . , ,
_ Johnson Circuit Court.
Cumberland Pipe Line,Company, Plaintiff.
Vs. Defendants cost.
(Appeeled by Defendant)
White House-Canrel Coal Company, Defendant.
Feb. Term 1904
2 subpoenae e 80¢ each 60
Noting attendance of 2 witnesses @ 25¢ each 50 _
Continuance 30 Docket 10 steps 10 50
April 2" l spa 30¢ “I 30 ,
May Term 1904.
Spa in court 80¢ p 80
Noting attendance of 2 witneeeo5-@ 25¢ each. 50
Continued 80 Jocket 10 steps 10 50
Sept. 21" subpoena 3U November 15" Spa 80 60
October Term, 1904. —
Overrulino'motion to disriec appeal ?5d 25
Order allowing new bond 25 Bond 75¢ filing 15¢ 1.15
Order approving bond 25 filefi demur 25 filing 15 65
Submitted on demur 25 sustaining demur 25 50 .
2 subpoenae in court‘@ 30¢ each <' 60
4 witness claims @ 25¢ceach 1.00
Continuance 80 docket 10 steps 10 50 J
Feb. 1905 l subpoena 80¢ 30
March Term, 1905. ;
Excepts to order filing am'd petition 2b¢ 25
l subpoena 30 80
Noting attendance of 2 witnesses @ 25¢ each 50
Continuance 30 docket 10 steps 10 ~50
May Term, 1905.
' 2 subpoenas in court-@ 30¢ each 60
Filed written motion to strike am'd pet from file 25 fil 15 40
Submitted on motion 25 sustaining 25 50 '
Judgment for cost &c 50 entering 30 satisfaction 80 1.10 .
Noting attendance of 8 witnesses-0 25¢ each 75 r
Taxing cost 80 copy 25 filing papers 80 85
Clerks fee 50 Index 10 .60 '
Total Clerks (Jno.W.Wheeler) p15.10 3
QMZ ’7 4“”
. 4 ~ //;i/ 2M?"
' lzrk Johnson Circuit Court.
\ -
, »
. fl ////,
a . .': .

 Johnson Circuit Court,
Cumberland Pipe Line Company,
Vs. Plaintiffs cost
. ‘White House Cannel Coal Company
_ ‘ .. 4 ,. q,fll,yf|i.vvr1(§;."5-g-f
'l‘o I. G. ix'lce, lax-Clerk 5.01),“; ’
Io Jno. U. Whheler, Llerk 44.90 1‘ "
fo Sheriff 26.00 .
To Witnesses 36.00
Total Plaintiffs $111.95
Eefendants ecst
To Jno. w. Wheelerfilerk 15.10‘“
To Witnesses 15.00‘
To Sheriff 5.85" .
To Jno.W}Wheeler, (For copy ofi record)_ 22.5QV
Total defendgntq costi $57.95
Total cost of County Court as certified by Clerk of
that Court is §67.98,but the same is not separatod,oon—
sequently I can not state how much is Plaintiffs or how
much is defendants COSth77
// / * ,
C rk Johnson Circuit Court

 'Johnson Circuit Court, -

Cumberland Pipe Line Company,
VS. Plaintiffs cast
. White House Canncl Coal Company
, ,. .. A ,. ”5,45 ~1'(z.:'v5:f‘i"“.i
To I. G, nice, nX-Clerk 5-00é¢ffl,bgahnfgg
fo Jno. W; Wheeler, Llerk 44.90 '”" '
f0 Sheriff 26.00
To Witnesses 36.00
Total Plaintiffs $111.96

—-——:=ooOOoo==---—- .
Defendants cest
To J'no. w. Wheelerfilerk 15.10"
To Witnesses 15.00‘
To Sheriff 5.85V' .
To Jno.W.Wheeler, (For copy of record)_ 22.5QV

Total defendants cost. $57.§5

Total cost of County Court as certified by Clerk of
that Court is $67.98,but the same is not separated,con-
sequently I can not state how much is Plaintiffs or how
much is defendants COStVi77
/Zfi%/' ( /{:QZQ/L//“
C rk Johnson Circui our