xt70zp3vt865_163 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46.dao.xml unknown 14 Cubic Feet 31 boxes archival material 63m46 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Harkins Family papers Mineral rights -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Law reports, digests, etc. -- Kentucky. Mining leases -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Practice of law -- Kentucky. Bankers -- Kentucky. Banks and banking -- Kentucky -- Prestonsburg. Coal trade -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Lawyers -- Kentucky. Branham, Jack v. Bailey, Harold et al. [Part II] text Branham, Jack v. Bailey, Harold et al. [Part II] 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46/Box_18/Folder_17/0414.pdf 1935-1936 1936 1935-1936 section false xt70zp3vt865_163 xt70zp3vt865 .2”
. P
The plaintiff says that Hon. John W. Caudill isthe duly elected,
goualified and acting Judge of the Floyd Circuit Court, in which said court
the above entitled proceeding is gending.
That #H###fithéflnameflfldéfiéfidafififi§ Harold Bailey and Guy Childers
are the named defendants herein, and are the persons who were candidates
flor the office of members of the Board of Education of Floyd County, Ken—
tucky, and who have been issued certificates of election to such office,
nevertheless the plaintiff says that the real party in interest herein
and the real, but not actual, defendant herein was and is Town Hall. That
_ , , A . ‘ )4’ ‘/
,..» ‘1,“ Win/Iv I" u- ',v’ v I J . v1. ‘/,/.‘//' ‘.r'v‘n;J‘,‘,"," 1 ,_- fl
. _,./ma;gainemmaamhas-:mémmmm me Board of Education of Floyl County /
' /
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Kentucky is the bodv designated by law to elect the Countv Suoerintendent 11¢+<§<;>’
/ , ‘ - U . fr,“ , d j; ‘4' zwv (‘47 f ,/’
W/ézx/fa ‘ ,-'f//2/VI—M ‘ L, L_ ‘\/$;.— («2 ,u Lynx/Ah a44W’ ,1‘;,:z,w K _g§?7/,2A’4,"39 V WMa<
L I 4 , , r 1
D 1 ' ” ‘ . 1 . x ..r [re5v%aezté4,
0i Schools 0: Floyd County, Kentucxy; that lown Hall was and is a candidate
’cévzxr/zq/ (2(4) deem.- 4;; ELM r" "VT/r ”:94 .7 .76? a, .._ ,k
. a c7
for the office of Superintendent of Schools of Floyd County, Kentucky, an?
‘ ‘ ‘ f7 » V , ,1 ~ " . , ,- «
’ /’ . 2 r -T " v: A ,.' ., J J ,
;2=Lcd%w w’ Pad/WV? » a «VI wv MCI/1v (wiflc l “A, r”La: V V ,e///&>x//’
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that the said Harold Bailey and Guy Childers were each caused to become can“
- ;;_ ~ . , ,4, , » , ’1 ‘ . '
c " , /W K ' ",IM/ a.“ " , v» m." ..
/ff/j7'/ é,v W ~ w“ , 5y / 1V3 ., ‘/ m; ,.
didates for said offices by the said Town Hall, a C that the Said Toun Hall
was actively engaged in the management of the campaign of the said Bailey
and Childers, and in raising large sums of money to carry on said campain
and to unlawfully corrupt voters to vote for the said Bailey and Childers
w. ‘4... x, A » fr ,‘.”
énéwgagw crisp“, ,,.-€13???” .,a‘ J: ,xvtéimii'w ,‘.
in said election aforesaid2K Hall, and was and is intensely interested in the said Town Hall, and in
doing whatever he can do to promote the best interest of the said Town
. Hall. ‘ - -

 ,‘\l “
V J, *\ "‘3‘ -k[
That prior to and during the tine of the election out of
which this contest proceeding arose thessaid Hon. John W.
Caudill, Circuit Judge in the Court wherein this cause is
. . . rrcfiwflmzr“ié. . ‘9 ,
pending, was actively ennaged in precurang the campaignzi
and in endeavoring to secure the election of the said
w <3L4¢"~
Bailey and L'hilders to said office} ,Ee personally contacted
a large numher of his friends,¢relatiues, acquaintances and
,I,~ * ,(‘T‘ V ’ > ~ - fl ’ . ,- '
followers andflwriéing letters to said.frienis, relatives,
acquaintances and followers urging them to support the said
' Bailey and L’hilders to the said office aforasq§d=mentioned,4%m&,;7%fzfié
HM [/1

so far as to call a striker or election worker in a preCinct

V for Bailey and Lhilders and instruct said striker or pre-
cinct worker to say to an election officer in said election
that he,the Hon. John W. Caudill, Circuit Judge in the
court wherein this cause is pending, was interested in

a u u l kl . o
bringing about the election of Bailey & hilders; and in
furtherance of said effort3to procure the said election of
Bailey and L'hilders urgingrtheér striker at the said
M a
precinct to haveqof the officers of the election call him,
thesaid Hon. John N. Caudill, Circuit Judge in the court .
wherein this cause is pending, over the telephone and dis-
cuss with him the matters aforesaid; all to the end, that
fee?» . . . . ‘
Town Hall, the enly party in interest herein might be Chosen
Superintendent of Schools of Floyd County, JE"entucky

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M...“Mm““wwwwmamnwmm _
memw. ‘ ,

JACK BEmle'ththi-r, i- Ls‘illiTIFB‘ .


The plaintiff, Jack Branham, will take notice that
d efendant s 3 Harold Bai 16y arid G uy Chi 1d er s , iii 11 5. on E:Ecndayg
January 30th, 1936, at the hour of 9:00 U‘Clock A. h.9 at the
law offices of Hill & Hebeona in Ereetouehurg, Kentucky, commence
the taking of depositions of divers and sundry witnessess to be
used and read as evidence in behalf df said defendantes upon the
trial of the above styled cause, now pending in this Ceurt. The
taking will be continued and adjourned from day to day, or from
time to time, Sundays and Legal holidays excepted, until the com~
pletion thereof. ,

. This January 18th, 1936.
.A'l’i'b.r’§;lriaj‘2'e‘ '95:”? l5}:JFEI‘IDMEE"3% .VV
I Notiee hereof accepted.
v and service waived, this
Jana 18, 1956; t
, /
rrezziusfifi ems: .L r: 17% 3. "' ' '
/”’ “i

 12352369 :IJIT’EUI ’l {$513313}.
$512K Liiiz‘é‘flffii, 35:56:32, 31531314314;-
‘3‘ z : 2.;-1.41 Hi”; 1.33.33: EER351E331G§3 3?;; ‘
:::-1:0- 3mm "IRE; I: \
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»rv-g 2‘ w;- < A may," row-«- ‘ ‘.“':'"_,-"' w L . »y \. '../#419!er ' A
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V‘ . 19 w a «L.‘.LKLJJ.’ .,.;ux, »J- 1.5. 9 4 _. '.Jp , «'.: Wily—Um .5 U.
The {7.5331311535111583 Guy <.3hil<1ozro 32nd Harold: Hadley
nmvo tho (”2:;-Lari; for pnrmiooion Lo cram 5:. "amino to plaintiff
(1:25:21: Lil‘amnlmmg I}? 15152: 1:; 1w“:’ mow; 1”: t he trial 31.165353
5'0 vaozz‘to the ”o nah, and mat 1:;}1'155 our-3o he: sot {Em-m for a
day certain onwhi ch maid crows: {€3’-T€"{ffliflfl‘5t10h may "be oorxfiuctod.
€13; EL 2;:..x‘£2}';.1'.,£=;c ‘
£5,933.15: 3:3; 17:??? ‘1312 ».K‘ZHL 1‘53 ”~ij CHILM’QLVJS
- ARE) 3431133210113 1337.13 5:3 .

 .‘.“ a,“ We, 5 ,"
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The only {Wpelrl 5 gt V: "IL I
- v ~y News- .‘i-t‘i ~:\' W
Pape l F 2333* 5" We " ”i .~~""- ll: H . ,..,fv‘fic'fixfi
" ‘3 “oyd County. g l; g. 72%? ,‘" ...: l: :7: mag “.33; _ -- «saw a? "7' ‘_‘ "3% _‘————‘fi
, " '"' 2 at; g "T‘ {T5, ii, 5:3 t3! ‘..?“ 3:; ‘1’: Ti“; ”(5“ ”a. .. .. ' a
4 21;; 2 ggglg 5;} 2,3 g Q. ”ii 3%; :14; LE“; fig “kiwi {WE Patmmz‘ H°me MCTChants
if? "1 "its on} , . 3; g; E.” so; ”it Keep You, Mo
._..,_, .. .,,,, T‘fimvrmfy—umnw,‘__ - :1" ' . mu . is ' g "in. , “ ney At
“7' '7" "‘ “r L.., “TM-n“ ' Mg. {3:. % fl 3" l Home
m‘Ws—mm- . '7 ‘1; i7 «I—. .' r. ' "4"." *5": " w'LLm-v‘m'nu—nm K———-————-——-————
{Egg-‘IE—‘gé;R:E‘”iw‘—E’E‘E'Et’fit'nwsssggmil.__smm., A_ PhoGRLSSIVE PAPER FOR FROGZQESSE‘i/‘F pEanF " ' “Hr "WW
.._-.lemgfw NUMBER 19 ""“"" ~~’°i“‘;’“fi""£~:me—:wie ,.....“ _ “ ‘ “‘" ’L '_ ' " ' ' - , _.
““"“““-~---—--r«~--,--.-..-.--.-.._ l‘r'estonsburg Flo 1 c 7'3"” ‘jmmafi ‘—--m‘mmm——-m “J 2
'1 , l: a} . l ‘ “'“'?”'*=- * .;,.) , _ . Y one In ' . ' When this . . «6 County 3811
‘ ' ' logkoliligiepkifigdlislgrahism"l r’ 0 {WhiCh‘ a vvo’rka22:10.12;urt e541 lorlfo-rm 0f federal aid is sched-§ DaVId' metIGoliath Saturday lhere ’11 Connoat-ion . with the .
I“ ' } ~ 't'i're rt" 7 S’ 3.“ Went-h“ ‘5‘“ “rec Am W ’ {not been let and “aortas “led to end in Kentucky” ’and David didn’t haVe higatragedy and later was '~eleas" ‘ ,
I { . .- ., 1,1 e InlthIS'VICInity_‘ . - sted u. Ashla , .Whloll, ,WllllW ' slim shot ved und r ‘ x 1 ‘ ‘
. . . w . l - . - me , midiot be let 1 . - . ~ l Mm g along- 4 1 er S’O’OOO bow It
, . III lthhlsdeatllII,a'j=II_+‘.aI-prob.u:.l’ Fi-E'W‘I‘Aflemft. "lsfe ‘ ""un (ass-muggy???" -- swim; in as Ma it ‘ In Other w.) d .' .an auto driven b l " was ‘
I ably the. last eyewitness. .. _ , Traced-3 . ., ps are taken Ibrfilt'fifisr “ll‘M , . I , . I. gsIrate ] ; r s, ‘a small ho . ."y young Van- _
“r .M' ‘ 1fills/buttlo 6f Middl Cfés 1:04 ~ “2‘ -,-‘- . court to procure‘ri‘ghfgllw '3 ‘ R'Olliday to Succeed lDewey Isquad 0f PreStonSburg BJaCk ‘ olie Whmh StWCk the couple
"-"""‘?-;;‘T4,":i"' ‘ri ’ e ,. e ' ._ _‘5 ' ' ‘ . ~ , -‘ ,4an ‘ 0 erl: ' ,- - ' "’ ‘ , cat‘ 1 . "as t e - , ,'
. W .,Iga'lmewg; 5.4,ng .. , . l , _ _ 1t wa , - . ,.ll. l . . S In Dist - b p ayed t f . . y were Walkln
, f: - ,.-».aaaoalal A -'f“’ “0““ after. Chest'erlb ‘ os Domedr°“i:ll-‘lll»rmem John Scott’s as?“ .N°' 4' .la " Tomcatgle 6mm“ 'ASh'lat the side of th Tg -on or .
,- I ‘.; the engage . ntmt%é\rgmwmm l. . Y ongressmanAa,II-.IJ,3 _II _ 'wa . 1' ofl‘iclal act 3 no. _‘ . .I., a game; of fOOt— u - ; 1' e ra1I1I Egg]; ' ,
IIII . _ I th'GVfOl’casv‘lof; ‘ener‘al Jangwere'arrésted pea; fierwelulfiglmw' is ...;EhEi,l l'l‘mv’l‘l‘ 3 :0 Slgn papers neces- iball_and ibsl: .. {I I; . ‘vIIV'nUmQ 0f- W; F- Clarké, a?“ I.
‘ ' . “'12-'12 "Gflrfield and General geek) had- been released 'to‘JOhns Cmek road prug‘tm' ' "R‘Cr‘eékq pgggwglthe Johns " lint some meaSure 0“ solafiélih; lower 11311133 Of Prestons.’ V I"
. I - ' 1 . . n . -I ;I ... I . . . I I ,l;,;I‘; IIflfIgtI III .- . ~“é, ~ ‘ ~~_- , _IJiS,I . ' II . . . ; I ., \ :- .... , I , ,.
. . , _ Iumphrey Mammal], later]; 'erOtt connty authorities, threel _IThe federal-govern; is I .1 Magistrate ScbttonSt‘I‘WtIiOH- [Prefixndw rmmthefact that theiulu ,g . 3 " -. - ’ '
- \ meetlng Ithefuture President p SOnsI’ two glrls and a younglaready alloCated7$i 2“er full Support f .. Plomlsed ll . °InSburg boyS; though, ‘ ioungII vfiflififié Laid aufg'ai ~ ,
, ,I IIIalIlIdI W017? the;Confederate}??? were arrested,Thursdayloonstruction Of-flrfis it" . :3 read son‘str: tlhe proposed lI‘OSmg, 57:40 0, 3‘31 kept theioIrities he could not.avoid hit' . ,
. _fo'ces left this section a " Emgh, by AS’hli'md police an sm‘ost 10 years ‘a 61“ a“ 2 'Ju ‘ glen" County, IscoreI almost “ll-O'Dointsabelo lhng the cauple - _ I ' I
Cong , , p ssmgaho wer: t _ , d bond' 11‘ 8‘ ,..;ty; dge W. L. Stumbo lthat Which t ‘ : W’ed . .. . - Hie Was quot-
‘ ~ . . . .. . ,"ull‘ed/ on Pagofive 'Kr tt 5 filmed over to ‘ d 185 e 0f $50,000 ,.slifét"? time ago gave h' some lunsc ed _l§I-I-Undefeated,l "8 saymg that he Was 11°17 ' /
. __......_._......_ I I ,CI . authorltles, .e for Construlction_.{“-‘ . l 2 approvai I» 1s .. ofl‘imnl l. ,, 01‘ . -IoIn Tomcat-,3 inflictedjdrlvmg at an ex-cessi .
. T W fins, 1' of tn .. l V9 rate of
. , . TVlfi LEW‘BF - nose arrested in Ashlandlorute- imflect . fipogthe hapless Parntsvmespeed. Only he and two girls ,
~' . & .lAVER [ii-:12}: 83131“1otto Tanner, 20! In certain parts of‘th‘vco‘un l "‘Plke co ...” WW"" ' J? 91's either in the sdaso‘ii. said to have bee—1‘1 in the auto 2
I ‘ COMMUNITIB LEAD 3:211:31? (firings Tanner, 16,lty Where highways arunder May furthell:1 if "d GangreSSman l f PrestonSburg entered the Wit-h him are. believed to have ‘
I . y e Stephens, 16 :construction b t i-ir";;.fi“el ; v.“ ai , has takenl ray Without ho ,, , lvitness‘edthe "4' ..
1 \ , ———-——' lThey are believed to have op-iPrOgreSS Admihistlii' lg" "gksjthas taken the ne‘CéSSary steps yet undismnYedp:n(:if slylmnmg’ltheiaccideht tgiohap. Aft-9r;- "
l Wh el '1 ' ‘ ' lerated as a gang in th' iOWrners d‘ . 1091- 1,915“ 0 prOVIde for Constructio showed h‘ h ’ 2 -e bOyleame t y . ‘{ place, he .
,2 e “7113'“ and Minni 0 [tio - IS sec-l;I Dilated Tlghtfi. ' lseven m‘l" , 11 0f , ~ 1g tourglge aga' ltl 0 la‘ filling stati h ,
I _ Fl - e nly n Wl’Ch Terr a - l U111 / , $337.. 193 Of hloh . ms . lns f - , ~ 011 ere
. ' OYd Towns To Reach ‘ In K t y nd MObbltt.‘ I _flflb_;flj: - Llrmountable Odds; Playin l I‘Um which he‘telephoned f '
Red Cross Total lWantedn?nt county they arel w .. , " k ‘ Continued on page 8 im the rain on a Soggy gridiroi an ambulance. or I
. I CO ' ,. , ‘ ‘ '33171 \ W‘ ' . ‘ '
___. ; lootin f nnectmn with thel . II and against a heavier, more‘ Dave ‘Branhani', father ‘ .
g 0 County Judge E M ‘ . s . experienced f [the o - 0f
inv , MOOl‘e‘ ' . ' ’ ' . ' ' l ‘ Go, the Blackcat ! y ung Woman killed b “ '
, min“ . ttwo Left BBaver Creek or" 5' store, Theu- alleged 37’ , [Were unable to gain eith bSICar $3M Tuesday he h dime
I lIng Owns, of 1 \ Ime .career in th' , . ~ 1; f; , - lla . . 91' y ’ - ' a een
. munities in all the com“’£l"aced b ' 13. county 15 Paper t -—-x‘—--——-- 1 nd orthrn 311 aerlalpttack, luflable ‘0 learndetails of the ’
. Floyd county have y P 01106 Chlef Charlesl ° Be Increased-.;,,«S' ~ . lMeadows at t . [traged T‘ ~~
- to date ‘reached’th 1’ ’ . E Howard f A‘ h ' A ~ " 97 ”’3 Befimnlng With N H acme, “Turkey”! .y: “6 Palm:al’cor and one ,
th 91‘ quota m. r 0 s land, to the t No Bursts.” u. ‘- , 6’“ “Sue ‘ “$1195 at the f 11b ‘ - ‘headhglft of €h
. e Red Cross roll call driveltheft of an autombile from l‘ o e Subscribers - ‘ ’tion and you 11' ack p0s1-léar Wel‘e l ‘6 Vanhoose
started Armisticé Day, it WaSIJOlIlnny Martin; of Hueysville Tne Floyd C _%n_..___._ l end dist in Inf; chk Allen at‘lpact a _.nSIsIIYtlaShed by the im-
lfl‘ldlthls Week by Miss Ella ithef Howard repOrted thaélwlll be bigger anodnbtytmglmels bYEdWlaI‘d W Pickard and 1IN their digés‘ éd themseIVes COUPlegal d ttlll'e bodies 0f the I 2
0e Wlhite executiv the tags fOund \‘o "h 1 . e teiilext splend'd . . ’ a V , nswe play. Form' ’ an; ' e front bum »
’ -, te Mart' .Week Wlth m l 1 tWO—column ~ 2 ed to k' k . ' ° of th *' per
tary of Floyd Ch e secre ca aft- _ n in, . any new fe time SpOlts 1C often and r h e auto was bent '
. apterI r or 1t had been t 1 [Which We b . _ , Slfeature by Hugh B d1 b , th , , us edI F‘u _ . . ,
These tWo Mew were th S 0 en elleVe W111 . Dfl . ra. 93’, one 3‘ 6 131g Tomcat fine 13- 1 “Hal r1tes~for M' B
I heelwr, Ose taken f great i . . Till, lOf AJnerLcays f 1w: . , _, ‘.’ ,ICk. ' ‘ ISS ran-
. Elie annual roll ‘call leadelffig AShland automobile rom an At n: 2:33:81: to 10111‘ Iefiérsdauthorities oremost Sports‘inagirzl'zunl tierage was‘ With-‘21:: werefconduCted Monday ' '
oyd - , A ' " ' . 110na C‘Ost ‘ " ~ - ' ' l 0 at ma ”10011 rom ' ,
ceededclt:ng;oyhmhdhas ex- wincilgltliis 0i, the quintette'subscrlbers We are £15231 Beslttles these regular week-lAShland kicker de by thbfhome here the RerZIrenfgtIhers "
. . a, an Minnie VeSIgated 13 th several ‘ y 0011 I‘ibutors w'th V ' - ' . "St , - saac '
Whlch has attaine - ’ grand ‘ . y el. new departmentdl‘ “ ' , 1 spec1a1‘ And now unt'l . ‘ ratton OffiCIafing B ' ‘
d Its full! Jury HOW 1n ses ' 111g our . fiElV-lartlcles, The Tim , ' ’ ’ l Thanksg1v_i d ' I ur1a1 was -
quota. The with th - . Swnl made“ a Wider“ = - - es W111 con-mg, When the ’C - ima e m the Wedd‘
COmpany at llE/Itliielln Ont Fuel it is expictlilimtt emcmt court’lg‘fhreading m‘attér each flielgélékniany Other artidesl frOnlitheir affairs for all: W233: “I; etery under thé alliance:
. . ’ e was in- - ene f ‘ . .5»: 0 Week th t ~ ren E P .I. - , '
. strumental In th I w eall‘ures Wlll xi'l ” a W111 be gndlron season ' ' ' ' Arnold ‘Sne '
. _ . e commun‘t __.—__....— _ a se ' 1; *5 ude Worth more 'th . = . . , Wlth thelr tra-l ' IS Slerlved
V doi‘ilg 1‘3 b‘t S0 PI‘Omptly 1 y BAKER RELEASED FROM lwill "7.12:.in and eachl‘iSlS'ue a year’s subscillpttikd: pi? 9f Hum“ ices” the Paintsvme ‘2: ll? faiher'? her Stepmoth—
, ere are from 30 t. . JA ‘ lm a generous install- all in add' ‘ ' IS 15‘. lgers, t 9 local eleven will bel ’ "‘9 “them tW0 sisters
: . mowers sonatmg meg—111,22 IL IN SLONE SLAY‘NGth: 51:? r to? firSt “of? ‘llVe-covering‘ £202.21 thoroughlyllclh; The game Will be played 3nd 1: on”: ha‘f‘SiSter: all of . ‘
, s ips during the l _ . ec 9 “Caught 'l 3% l ‘ news each? aintsyille and 'f res OHS urgfi .
; . present 1' - Wlld » 1n .., he week as we h 7 - e- ’ , 1 the dOpe . - .
f , Call drive. Floyd countol11 . '31“ Baker, WhO was held in nett ’ by. Robert A‘mes Hen- All these Me In the past. i-ls to be considered after‘ be-‘ The young man, Vi'Ctim 0f
quota is only 1,200 and befdl'fllJall here in Connection Withlnov'lThil§ ls said to be h‘iSllies’I: be found 1 I'l‘ehw fTeIatures will mg spilled so often this season IlChte tragedy, was. a so“ Of the
‘ I the drive was r, the sla ' e - hose who h . , n e lmes begin- the ’Cats sh Id ’ a e Zach Baldrid
eally unde