xt70zp3vt865_139 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46.dao.xml unknown 14 Cubic Feet 31 boxes archival material 63m46 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Harkins Family papers Mineral rights -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Law reports, digests, etc. -- Kentucky. Mining leases -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Practice of law -- Kentucky. Bankers -- Kentucky. Banks and banking -- Kentucky -- Prestonsburg. Coal trade -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Lawyers -- Kentucky. Mineral leases with Woods, Gunnel, Crumb, Jessie and Jones households. September-November 1911 text Mineral leases with Woods, Gunnel, Crumb, Jessie and Jones households. September-November 1911 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46/Box_17/Folder_7/0001.pdf 1911 September-November 1911 1911 September-November section false xt70zp3vt865_139 xt70zp3vt865 1 ‘ r
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I" Consideration of ONE DOLLAR, the payment of which is hereby acknowledged, and other go;;d and valu-
able considerations, I hereby grant to WALTER S. HARKINS, heiis and assigns, the exclusive right to purchase
from mew the Coal, Iron. Fire Clay, Pottery Clay, Slates and all Mineral and Mineral
Substances, Ores and Mines, the Oil, Gas, Salts and Salt and Mineral Waters, and all the Subterranean Products in, and under
the tract of land hereinafter described, together with full and exclusive right to enter upon said land by himself, les—
sees, agents, servants, employes, heirs, vendees and assigns, to make explorations for, and to mine, dig, drill for, and
remove from said land the Coal, Stone, Iron. Fire Clay, Pottery Clay, Water, Mineral, Metal Ores, Mines and Mineral
Substances and the Oil, Gas, Salt and Mineral “haters and Subterranean Products in, under and upon the land herein-
after described. together with the right to remove all pillars and other and latteral and subjacent supports without
leaving pillars to support the roof of mines or surface, waiving any claim or right to damage said land and surface, for
so doing at any time W, upon the payment to me of the sum of 1? [ $WWM‘7W I
per acre to be paid as follows: 0 ‘
‘ l -—I 9/' ’
$$rj ,_ 7/157 upon notification of the acceptance of this offer, and the balance of the purchase
price as s00 as the ti e is examined and survey of the, land made, and deed of conveyance free from dower or other
right made to WALTER S, HARKINS’ heirs or assigns.
The land is situated in fig/7142 County, Kentucky. on the waters of, L,/Z (,eraszé/
(’ \
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I further agree, that upon the comple ion of this purchase, that I will convey the title to the above mentioned
products, to said HARKINS, heirs and assigns, by deed.of general warrant y free from (lower and any lien, and I will
grant to him, his heirs and assigns forever, the exclusive right of way over said land, and every part thereof, to con—
struct, maintain and keep in repair and operate on and over said land, and all railroads, tramroads, haul roads, canals,
Waterways, coke ovens, dams and pipe lines deemed necessary or convenient by the party of the second part, his heirs,
vendees and assigns, to mine, manufacture, drill for, pump, store or remove said products from or out of said land; or
taken from or out of any other land owned, or in which the aforementioned substances and products are owned, leased
or otherwise held by the party of the second part, his heirs, vendees and assigns, and the right to erect and maintain
upon said land hereinbefore described. and to alter, repair and remove all houses. shops, buildings, tanks, derricks, sta-
bles, dams, coke evens, store and ware rooms. telegraph and telephone and electrical lines, by the second party, heirs,
vondees, and assigns. deemed necessary or convenient for the cheap and successful operation, removal,conversion,reduc-
tion, refining or manufacture of the said products. upon and under said land, and other land owned or hereafter acquir-
, , ed by the party of the second part, heirs, vendee or assigns, and the right to dump and store and leave upon said land
any muck, bone, shale, water or other refuse from said mines, wells, ovens or houses.
The party of the first part reserves the right to take coal from said land for his personal household use, but not
to interfere with other mining operations. This 59/ day of rib/{:17 ; Le! “z ,,y W ‘19“.
' ' TNESS r7 - .
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1 How many tracts does heonnj‘
2 Do they ad101n—/%/c7
2:5 How many acres in this tract..,..fl... 4'. 754%Wdé’wim/
l Nam/elk)? all Creeks, Branches and Hollows upon which it lies/WM

_ 4” Has the present owner optioned it%/‘7W\
6 Was iteveroptioned beforewnfiuQ...

To uhom
, 8 How long has the present owner had this t19ict/¢M/"f714,fi%/é7029—7
9 Does it belong to him, to his wife or to his tlnldien’é—WJVW/fl‘IMWf“
10 Does owner owe any purchase money on 11%fl .
11 From whom did present owner get it W6e W/WMW)‘
12 From Whom did last owner get 11W,77W%
13 Has present owner a deed%€is it iecmded%¢
14 Did present owner ever mortgage itm'lo uhomM
15 Was it ever mortgaged..fiff‘nmnBy \xhomm
16 Is mortgage all or partly paid and marked released on the hook”
17 Did owner survey any 01977"
18 Did owner survey all ofit...fi.4
19 How much did owner 5LU\£\WO ..
20 When did. owner survey H773
21 How many surveys did owner 11121.077W
22 Name. of all persons who have made surveys covering any of it/fl ¢/’¢7ymx .7
ggd’ .
223 Name of all surveys that lap on part of it. W W
25 Name all large surveys that cover any part of it...,.. .
26 Does any one else claim to have a survey that affects any of JLWW
27 Give number of acres and beginning corner of each survey on the land
28 How did each man who surveyed any of it dispose of that part or it; giving hook and page where
29 On what part of the tract does each survey affecting it he
30 Did owner inherit any of 1L720, From whom...,..
31 Has any one died while owning liW/¢ézc/
:32 It so, name all his cgildren, their age, residence, whether married or unmarried, and it dead
name theirchlldienhfl
/ 99/994-

34 Did any of his heirs sell part of It.
35 Did his heirs sellall ofitw
86 Did his heirs divide it

 37 Was it divided by Commissioners by order of COLll't......,..l.,.....
in? When was it divided........ ..
39 Did all the heirs Sign the deed
40 Did all the heirs get deeds made to them.....l........,........
41 Did any widow ever claim Dower in ilmwf/
42 Did any one, while under age, selluny of it
43 Does anyone, except the person now in possession, claim any part of itwo/é/V
.11.1. Was there ever-a sui' that affected mg __4
a > u n “ I \ _’l—I’d
in What suitwas inmd WW
=15 Did any one else everclaim any OflLWO
rl‘? Was it ever sold. by order of Conn/70
»'lS Was it ever sold by Sheriff or Commissmnei
uh) Was it ever sold under an Execution7/U
50 Wasit eversoldt'or li\e»770
:31 Was it ever sold, swapped or traded without a deed being madenflfllW/i’
:32 I’t'so, when and by whomHHH...,..m.......
53 Did any ene ever haveatitle bond to Il‘-“
321 Are there any unrecorded deeds or lost deeds affecting ltfififi
55 Did any woman ever refuse or fail to sign adeed to it
56 Have there been any conditional lines made around the tract? If so when, how and by whom
5’? Was there ever any dispute over any line on any part of 1th
58 How much of the land is fenced and how long has it been under lexyvemgh‘wzgk
59 How much of the land is Cleared and how long has it been cl arede. ’ZZMfWWyftaa-www
(20 How long l'iave taxes been paid on the lantlwvaauwwtflw
(31 How many tax tickets has owner got
V \ CZ ‘ ..
(52 Name all persons wlohave lived on the lWWéwfifia/‘WZ’J I
~ , 7 m ‘ ' / >77 >
or). Howling" has the lan een occupied cont1nuously......K%Qfi./§anm..........
(34 What persons could give a good history of the title to this landMW‘V/‘f
Name all persons who ever owned any of it; how each owner got it, imd how he disposed of it
,,., {T1 .
W ? a Z” ‘
\ V
I l
I [WM¥46" {lfi-fl
WWW 4'/3’0/ ,
Wfiums'wy 1


I, J.N.Harris, Clerk of the County Court for the County ahd State
aforesaid, certify that the foregoing Instrument of Writing from IIKKK
mm $4-- Zuflyi é 24415.; f jag/.:-u
was produced to me in my office on the 23' day Of October 1911, and
proven by the Oath offl/¢ g;ég£¢z¢L4¢9( one the of the sub-
scribing witneeeea thereto, who swore to the genuiness of the sigma-
ture of W XIX M @472: am: who signed and
delivered the same to be his act and deed and also to the genuiness
of the signature of d 4, 2../QC. the other subscribing
witness thereto and same was lodged for record, whereupon the some

t with this certificate hath been duly recorded in my office.
Witness my hand, this let day cg November 1911.
Q~7/‘.572 .: oz” Clerk;
. 2
~ 2


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Wf’flpééX M chc (1 fl¢%\ I .y
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I In Consideration of ONE DOLLAR, the payment of which is hereby acknowledged, and other good and valu-
able considerations, I hereby grant to WALTER S, HARKINS, heirs and assigns, the exclusive right to purchase
from me, mm the Coal, Iron, Fire Clay, Pottery Clay, Slates and all Mineral and Mineral
Substances, Ores and Mines, the Oil, Gas, Salts and Salt and Mineral Waters, and all the Subterranean Products in,and under
the tract of land hereinafter described, together with full and exclusive right to enter upon said land by himself, les- p
sees, agents, servants, employes, heirs, vendees and assigns, to make explorations for, and to mine, dig, drill for, and .
remove from said land the Coal, Stone, Iron, Fire Clay, Pottery Clay, Water, Mineral, Metal Ores, Mines and Mineral
Substances and the Oil, Gas, Salt and Mineral Waters and Subterranean Products in, under and upon the land herein-
after described. together with the right to remove all pillars and other and latteral and subjacent supports without I
leaving pillars to support the roof of mines or surface, waiving any claim or right to damage said land and surface, for
so domg at any time WWW upon the payment to me of the sum of $ Z i g ‘7: »W MW ,
per acre to be paid as follows: i j
0 O i 1 I
' slflvfl Wupon notification of the acceptance of this offer, and the balance of the purchase
price as soon as the title is examined and survey of the land made, and deed of conveyance free from (lower or other ‘V
right made to WALTER S, HARKINS, heirs or assigns. 1 '
The land is situated in 2 g 2 it 2 %% (Q County, Kentucky, on the waters otgfzg' 2: 4 vwi
Mg_d and is bounded and described as follows, to—wit;__ WWW, ___“ ___d“;
.n,H__..L(_.,Wé_(/:LZ::Hw,W W MNMW __ __n
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I ((11111 (1.1 ~ A! ‘ , W ’ ’ ‘
W (401 "" i
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I further agree, that upon the completion of this purchase, that I will convey the title to the above mentioned
products, to said HARKINS, heirs and assigns, by deed of general warranty free from dower and any lien, and I will E
~ grant to him, his heirs and assigns forever. the exclusive right of way over said land, and every part thereof, to con— ,
struct, maintain and keep in repair and operate on and over said land, and all railroads, tramroads, haul roads, canals, '
waterways, coke ovens, dams and pipe lines deemed necessary or convenient by the party of the second part, his heirs,
vendees and assigns, to mine. manufacture, drill for, pump, store or remove said products from or out of said land; or
taken from or out of any other land owned, or in which the aforementioned substances and products are owned, leased
or otherWise held by the party of the second part, his heirs, vendees and assigns, and the right to erect and maintain
upon said land hereinbefore described. and to alter, repair and remove all houses. shops, buildings, tanks, derricks, sta-
bles, dams, coke evens, store and ware rooms, telegraph and telephone and electrical lines, by the second party, heirs,
vendees, and assigns, deemed necessary or convenient for the cheap and successful operation, removal, conversion, reduc-
tion, refining or manufacture of the said products, upon and under said land, and other land owned or hereafter acquir- .
ed by the party of the'second part, heirs, vendee or assigns, and the right to dump and store and leave upon said land
, any muck, bone, shale, water or other refuse from said mines, wells, ovens or houses.
The party of the first part reserves the right to take coal from said land for his personal household use, but not
to interfere with other mining operations. This it; day of”, M 4;,“ , __ ,. __ W, 1%, _

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