xt70zp3vt865_137 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46.dao.xml unknown 14 Cubic Feet 31 boxes archival material 63m46 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Harkins Family papers Mineral rights -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Law reports, digests, etc. -- Kentucky. Mining leases -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Practice of law -- Kentucky. Bankers -- Kentucky. Banks and banking -- Kentucky -- Prestonsburg. Coal trade -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Lawyers -- Kentucky. Jones Colliery Company text Jones Colliery Company 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46/Box_17/Folder_5/0001.pdf 1920-1925 1925 1920-1925 section false xt70zp3vt865_137 xt70zp3vt865 i % I‘ : Yo
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h AGREEJBTE 3F LHLLE, mace and entered into this ‘
‘.‘ ,, k
A dth day of August, 1920, by and between Josie E. Uarkins [ j
(xvi C‘.. ow) I-Leca E. Kailains , Josef}: L . Parkins , her husband , l
d5 Mary L. Howard, G. L. Foward, her husband, Josephine 3. H’:
if Rankine (sinvle) ano Walter S. fa::irs, Jr., {sir le) «'5
. . s" '.
‘5 parties 0; the first 33 rt, and hereinafter designated 3
u; u_
7 as Elessors", and the Jones Colliery Company «fl'
5 wart; of the second part, aha he einsfter ceSignated ‘3
as "lessee,”
' UlThESSETE: ihec the "Lessors” in consiuerntion %
, ;.‘
2 five Hundred Dollars C(500.00) cash, and the covenants fl \
‘ and agreements herein contained, to be kept and perfoNch p
u i , _ l . , , V, . ‘.‘ . ’L
ii oy the “nesseee”, and the rents anc royaltien'nertiored 2
H? and reserved to be raid by the ”Lesseeu", hereby lease 7
; and let and canise unto the ”lessee", from the date hereof 't
n tor the perioc oi t enty-iive years next ensuing, or until Ufi‘
' hi
’ it is terminated under the ;urther provisions hereof, that it
2' certain tract or parCel of land above Tether dtation of ii
, . .. . . . 2. , . V 1*
at the Chesaneake 5 Ohio gailwe; on ;Ac _ain nesterl; .or: in
s ' ' it
w a? rig Sandy ,ivcr hereinafter more pagticule'l; les.rihed. ”5
A SECCID: Duving;the term of this lens: tie said ,
} ”lessee" shall have the exclusive light ard pr1v1le¢c to ,w ’
| L}.
f: p _ . i
" mine and dig _oal from any an: all seams oi coal 1L, or t
' upon sci: tracts of lanu a u to Sull, carry a ag and ship 3%
, 1 :1}
7: the same or use the sync upOn the Cemised preaises in f
1, If
4 . u, _ , ._ 1 .‘ n" P. I.,
‘ making coke or other coal products, Sfllfiglhb such Gaol or a
‘ products, and generally to use the said prem;ses for any ._ 1
5f} purpose or purposes incident to the said business; also ‘ ,
J g granting the sgic "lessee” the exclusiv: right and J
l y .‘
"' . . , . . , A . M _, , ’ , “Y _ L r 1 4
3,¥ priV1lcgc to tare iron s31: lama ate stone ant ”abcl ,
g a: may be neCessery 0y convenienl for use by tie c;id
, : “Lessee" during the continuance of this lease, a: Will as it
E " » (W
i i
. ‘ - ' "3
_ Qt‘

' O

for the necessary construction and operation of roads,
t1‘c:nt;<:‘3.ys , si 062— tracks , switches , houses , ti; y-lss, inclines
and other necessary ingrovements ior mining, st :in,,
handling and sbigginv eaim coal, out tor r0 0 for ruggose;
but no stone is to 10 taker from or removed irwm said
leased premises, or narkttad or: the coin grouises.

' Tfilfifiz In consideration or this lease, gnc one
right and grifilegcs heroin granted, the “lessee” coven-
ants and agrees to pay, upon the terms any conditions
herein contained, ro alt; ior all coal mined 3&0 shipped
iron Silo land, o; used u;on the domisod premises at Ere
oi fourteen cents (14%) per ton 0; two thzusand (2000)
pounds, applying to all cool mined mug or carvioc sway
iron or used uron said denised premises, or solr there—
from, LOT any nurpose.

AbOVc rental or royalty to be gaid an? aCuount-
ed for on or before the SotL day 0; each month lor all
coal mined and shirped, carried swan iron or used upon
or sold from said demiseo premises during the broocdin;

PROVIDED, that whether or not the quantity or
coal mined in any one or the years during the currency
oi this lease shall at the rate of royalty aforesaid,
amount to'the following sums, fixed royalty slall be gaid
to the Lessors by the "Les.se“ as rollows:

For the year ensuing August lot, 1921, one
thousand dollars (1000.00).

For the year ensuing August lst, 1922, fifteen
hundred dollars ($1500.00).

For the year ensuing August lot, 1023, two
thousand dollars ($2000.00), and thereafter and during
the full term or operations under this lease, the minimum
royalty of the two thousand ($2000.00) dollars per year,


payable as aforesaid. said minim m royalty to be yaii
iaonthly and in canal monthlyinstallments on or before
the 25th day of e:ch nonth. Lut if the ”lessee“ shall not
mine in any year as much coal no Shall, at the rate of
royalty above mentioned, amount to the mininum royalty
i O}? asaj.o, y’esii', ?;e s tszll, 118 we tELe llzfljt iecaii. to neli: n’ xfize ni_gieiwgnce
wifiiout interesta betWeen the royalty at the rate aforen
said on coalzictualiy mined in such year sun the miriuum
royalty so gaid for such year.

I4OVIDCT, that no coal shall be fined lTES in

' any year on account of any oeiicicncy in 3%, greficoding
year, until the amount of coal required to ya; the minimum
royalty for the year in w?i ; or: coal is minc§ iron,
shall E,Ve been first mined, and Lu payment in crease oi

' the minimum of any yea; email be credited as againnt the
deficiency of any subsequent year.

The five hunfi cc dillnrs (fi500.00) consideration
herein beiore set out is paid as advanced royalty of the
sane and shall be prepaid to Lie ”Roscoe“ herein out of \
the first royalties accruing hereunder.

FOUhih: It is *greeo that in case the ”lessee“
shall at any titw be pieVentec from carrying on operations
uDOn the demised Prenisos by failure of railroao to Luriish
necessary transgortrti n, or a strike, riot, omioge to or
destruction of its improvements,znachinery or ;lart ‘or
more than ninety (90) consecutive page, nze; s all 1e re“
leased iron the payment oi an e uitable IOQCLDJ, ii in can
not be agreed ugon, to be {eternineu by arLitiation no in

D '0

the a rbitration clau;;e hereinafter “groviged, out such
royalty in no CVz'fli- is to be isomed Lei o. Vim-thirds o;
the minimum to be paid. 1‘01 ‘Ll‘Lat year.

FIFTH: The "Lessee" agrees to 00:1 LCIICC 101:1:
1117011 85.11; mining olieratians :'ri 1h all. d1 J-L-::enco 3nd ("ia—
patch, ‘1‘.’itliir1 thi 11y (310) deg/:3 1110.11 11.19 (::zccu'iuim; 3.1:
Ce: ively 01' this agreement and. to 01"}? 3.21171 mine all sec-ens
01. 1:191‘c1131'1t3'ble coal that can he mine-11" 9t 3 111a11
profit and. cagry on :.1pci'at.ions 1.11 3. C;=.1'<;:.'1.1T.‘.., Sail]. 111.1. 3,111;
:.'o Ikoerzlivc gunner, 3.0r301‘r'.i11;g to the 1:12:53 0 1' 1330151 11.111115,
3.216. to 0012:1131 in e very re eve t 7 ‘5.-1 tine laws not? or here- .
after 67:13 1.11113; 1.1: the State 01' T'Tcrm;11.c¥:;y1 regulati 111': 11':/7:1};-
ings 01" 111111515; therein, and. in 31101.1 1.1111119 1‘ a; t 1 1:16 22.1.].
2ne:c'x1:;‘.‘tz;.bl e {-03.1 practica'xlo, a111,, t 1. lgvc (.': 1.1L :‘13;:1.:'d 101*
the 111131.113 value o.=.‘ the deraised :'I‘EI"'liSGS :1:: a 1:0 el ;.;'r.1_.~-, .‘. Ly ,3
::11. leave no :;101-c avai lea/ole 00:11 1.11 1.1111115 oysr3mint>1113 o1:
12101371.;i11gs than 2112;; be “cows- and 1112.11.51. 10'; the S6011- it;
01‘ the 1.1311415.

SIZC';‘1-C: It is f urther r1. [greed that the "moose"
1311611 during the currency 01" this lease, Lee; in '.- ie 9.13.1113;-
ment a co;:1130tent 1.111-12111.1; engineer 01: £11131;rizfiizrgrtr?out , and
51131 1. 2112...:13 , or cause “1;:; be 31;-.612, am 313011273536 11131: or 4:13.11
01" the 1'3011'lciz'153 01 5110:. mine on a Sale 01' not lens 191.111..
one 11111117.:96. (100‘) '1th to te 1.11031, swovringg 171.6 area. ..:iged,
9 d the 10 1":.1. 01' excavations, 52111.11. (,1 elivol’ a. (.:=: 1;'r.e;-.'1;o:g
to the ”. encore" or 311131; 11631801: as; e 1,1 1’ 1:11:17 7113111",
"711.1111. sixty (:31) (Faye be 16 11.131: day 0:51 giamarj,“ 5nd
July oi‘ 6:11:11 yea-.1", which 1113.11 ale; 1 t. a mi10 11";11.
(31.711715; the 31:: prece 1361111.»: ca.l<;1"11713: 111111131; , 31;-3.7.531: 1111.131)
0111.111. $3 01' such 1:29;;5 and 1‘1-13013138 as 1.10111. tine to 1,114.6, the
“Lessee" shall 1118.156 to ti o Inapeotor o1.“ ..ines 01 the state
of Kentucky.

 0 ~29
‘ O

SETV;;.ZE-: 55.9 tasnas u_ 911 sgj_d, law a ;;eJ«{oy
leased shallLyeLJane anfi raid b“ The "163:0:3”. The
"Lessee" covenaan and agrees u: ;ay all taros whic; gay

L be assesseo uAyn the improvements omch by the ”lessee”
upon the demised yre ises, Jufl.ng tho currency 0‘ this
lease, when and an vie same SWRLL boo no (we.

BIG :1: Ehe ”Lessea” futhcr cove1aan 9nd
agrees taut Lbey will not rergjt, Al miL_1,, LLa harbor,
sale 0; inuroduotigr 0; an; syiritous, vinoun ox ;zlt
liquors uflom gain grenises.

LIL 31L: 23:6 1';11L 31%, 1‘3“ a1. Lu : c; e iiAJti'OL‘e
Jenuioned sLal; pg seamen as & Lib“ ra;L,vc( uJU; DLQ
peoizcc grcmiscs, an: t \ ;r3_tu V a: L;t ”Pup;g;” u;om
3330, 3L. abjs Lezse a;d lea eholc egpgta ufiaL¢ up LQUQLCL
L0 a lien or all upgaid root uni r;yulty in fave, 3; w.C
"Lessors" and Jan b: ssld Then Lhe SSLC L;all Ls Que Lid
urg;3j.¢ nizia*bg (Qifi) L?:;'s QL' LLOJ‘C , 0;: :2. ;4;: «glogc‘ci,:; '4;
pre ”_th3 a” Luci lien; ;g 'u: ex «reed in suit in 3;;
com t Go Go; ctcrt jurisoiguion.

VLZ‘L;: E?Lc ’Huesscx;” :1;r;gs L o i;oy; Lliie avi' a: c}: LLOthE‘ 3‘ C LTctéRILJ L i;‘ ‘”ia:;; Ll'c
numhnr OJ tars _ingd 1.9n u:ii pre:isc: vnuirj L c v @-

. CWiQwTiIEt y; Y?u;.. 71:9 “1m55533;.$" 1163733319J_;;7, {MN ';3 a ‘01:?
a;;sinted of thex 10$ sue: ;u.;ose, b;al; Lav; Mic Li in
t0 iLSicct ELG uaniiesi b FAQ 0; ”Lcssgs” relapin_ Lo Lie
LAOUHE or coal ninud and stabocert 01 an; tranc;ortinn
C'JLQ‘Cd457 {4: :}111;; t:;e ?LWOLALLL o;L 0:333. s’ i;,;w.: Lny‘ 'Vha:uz_eaé”
by snob cowpang, and also tic 1i33t to inopeLmLLhfix‘e-
miseo :rCmiSGS, the "Lesueo's” molz 01 Size, tfike ,QSLu.c—
ment: 01 coal mined, of the entries, miningtrmys, efiv.

m1 4'. L1. . L . .L‘ . .L 1. M ' 1, .
.L.!‘Le S L13; m:f.;::11 1.4.5 . (_I .L. 1‘10. 1.11. L133". E1: E;_T.L,';j.. L Ul. ‘.. a, (:3 U, ,1, .. ‘..l L 1;:
“Mn-i 11' . 1... ”.,.; .1J J- ,. ,{wa , ::1; ,.... -1-(-?| :15 ‘1" '
-.._;LL 5 1L (ML. '. [.'d’ .. L... vi. 1.! -. .- “.; c.;.._.\.1.;f. (L . 1»; "L517” ..; :.;'. ..:.-L. 3.
, ..1 ..L- 1..— J- , ,‘1 .L . 1'1 , 2" . L ., 'l . . « 1 »
_-.. V~- ‘.1 C .'. .'. . .’ DC .‘. ubL L 5.1V I". (J .L.L ...-.196 ’ bl .,LC'aJLRS 0;
access to {311.117 1.1116: 27.1“; '1..>:’..£; '.:i'::¢;.u’- :1i11(..1;':11':-.(3¢ o:
. ’v ,. ~ ,. . f. a .
:.:) L1-.- Up. “L ‘41: .

I " V'T: N ..1. , 1'17 H " 1.141: ~ ~ i’ 1."1.~ " . ' - .L..

..._“ f .11- C LE U .r. ..:E1,1.;.;;;;U(: .. .1.}. .:..:zma: -.1;
up]. 1.: LC Liar: , :.3 L c: 1 .\ x; v.2. LT; .'. M111, V.. .. v. . .11-L... 1 J .,t; :

7-; “Dime 1111‘ ‘-': L' (.'.L (“pH/L; L-lUt. b - u '.1: .‘....C‘- L1 .'. . l L a ., .‘ ..- 1.;
1. 3:77:31)". 1. :.:..‘..:..;1:; «::x.’ (“0513. f. 1‘. . :.:

1. ..: . -L . - .. L1.” ' .L. .‘.L 1" ‘,, .« _. ,
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1.1488130 1'11 '1 L;: . :.L). J 5117*;- 12.5.6 .'.‘l ..1. : C;- l‘L’-’..:1L7.’..‘ .. ' V.. ‘..I. Q

1'3: :.:t 2::;1 .1:; :1 1 '.1 i .1.1'.:.: . C .L. in. .1... 7 _19, '.1. (.7

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‘ . ..4-...r1-L L. .' !'. . 13- 11"..1.
’.1 ..’ 1) V: 11:11 : .1; «.'. ..; . .+.:,E.E.; 1. 1.1.; ..'G‘.:;-.

”1.1mm" .1: -1..«,-‘ L; '1 .1. . .1 - ...: . :... .,. ..1414 ..

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2.111.212» i2. <. z: rgi, :12 y ‘12., {‘.. 1.11.1 :7 1 (3111:: ('2 1.1m—
..Y, '.:,.." .‘.... .. x .. A -. .. ..'. .. 2 W “.,. ._ ,. ',,
“ft-..: 51, (V-._. ,1 .I. ‘.C,‘ V.._e: 1.1V -. _,. 1 1191. (1) c5, 1;, . » 11.. e:
1::/'1 ‘-‘“;:'1 1.111;; , 1;; <11» 3:11.21: 6:: .. Lie. 1: a}; jun. a 11 {...;;1':. 1 £3
1 .’ ..‘. ' . “‘ ,1. - :. .1 ., ‘ ,_-1..|.. . ‘1 .A', .. V,.’.
(1t; ..1 3 6:12 , V 1(, 1.2; 11;, 1-1 1..1 11.1..;LL.'.L S; t;;{:'.. at». ‘~', 1.. (7 _7 ...I. ‘u;
.:.,4. . . _- . .1: , - . , ,7 , - . , ( \
VJ. . 1.11, ;-(1‘ L._i CG , L;-C‘ 1: Van...) 1.. “V" fig. .:. , . 2. 1, T... 2.181; 1_1‘.\ ,3
:2. ..- ..: ‘,w,‘ , .—', 4' ~ m... 3 . -»; . ~‘ ,- ~ 4m '3'
(.L.-1;» ..; ‘.... _VC(,,A.,L V'A. ..2. »V L,L-LDC; ’.V .I. U-J 1, (1 ‘:..12.‘ _ J..-..u
511‘.].11._J 5.13.11” 0 Lil L . , 1. . '...]. ‘.‘L’ ..'.1’1- .L‘l '.,.‘LI.A , .21. 12. 1C ;1..;.J..‘..,.‘ {$1201.
V1.11; C LU 1»; 51! C‘ . .11... L1. ‘. £2111“. . .1111 ,.e ..‘. 3 :..";111 ',C .. s- : u
C . {301: 1.1.1 .:..]. f1: ,.."Ocem 11.13: c". " _ 11‘ 51.11. s; 11:1 1 .9 ’L‘, .:::." '11:.
,. , _, ,. . .',, y .‘ 1 .~. . .. 1. .,.. __ .'. : .- . . _ - ..., . a ‘1 '1
:11 l> 1.. 11 16.6 Moms (‘2 21811, tw‘e .: «..2 1 1,1, 0.». “0.111313 {3 3,1

O 4
‘ - .

he subwistd as $329631; :5 fijsuilia az* _;ecricekle,
U1£ xLe BTEJC a; L.t Lylitlibu4L or a Hggxri‘, 0' .flen
rexLCIzC .gc CU;OL s4all L; iiLa; 31x : “CLULiVL uvcn ,
1t; :3411;;.

VVI_ SI. LZITL: :JT g :.L $CJC;C ' . (‘65: t“ :;L LT Lj_d 1 :
ticsi_az Lg ; mgiz :a‘ ibipfiifli cum; _3;x:'g c 74H ; j;.'J e
rch. u; :mgjaC;mtp ”3 1L C ;arxX LIE:;Z.J;:LE. 1‘; u a
Will ;ch Lotics a“ .Hc RLSi \ L; pm thai: LLC. vac;
Ems. L ::.- ;'.;ijfiif‘r L k :‘.L; 'w ;“gjfifii‘itfiguf I; Luv: «'12::133
<-:fi; 5'; 31‘ uiwlj‘fifiqjfii git" (5} _;@rnfi;z 1‘“.; L (1 Cf'w;
0: TCCL1:_ o; ch’ : Lip; fl vhfiuia ::i‘ :03" k” y .w_—
Cl'.e lCLiC or QLLEITiSE, QLC i; 5; 5C; 1T; , s-iw :;31
;;¢;~; 1; CL _; ;J“ L; L ;_jc. L ‘93 ,;&. Ji;1_b :;15 cgoxx‘iti the
of kgis lease Ciceyx 2.3L 1 c ;iLi Um lmufighf 2 fi;. he
inc-cuacd ;p a e :syag;p is E_ inc (Thea; 3;”(Vew, Czflflif
xhc ;w;t1cs a; t:e ;irgt gggt Lg wvgblg =a ;A :cAnir;
gait c;aj ;yabi:nvd :Lu ya,u11c< K: ;a‘;:ia w a: M, L]
a ;urd ate Jesse Cf OALarTixe Wii ix Lie c*i3€ 31 Si:
(6) ;CNLL: Le 5i; g;rii;hy3, tflai £39 Lagsuy LR:;, tccc‘e
:;6 L; ;rivilc(v;a 1c ;cuyi,1 2:16 "34 1“ VC4Ci7RP 1c LG
0: vuflclfiise ELL LO 24a;3_o;_ ILL 3,;; ;:u , 'L,QIr3
s: <. ’Llll‘u‘fi‘; ‘ V ,e ;>1‘u; {,1‘t;; 1L- ;.J;f ;e;£Lu(: , L}; $11 ‘ .t I“ .‘x L ,
Lo t.e mesccsg :1 :nw ccat (1%) 3g; top to '12¢ *xivj;egp
04 'Lrans*¢srmizw; 5:14. LQLL; o; , 072:; c: 1:1 01k;. 5:111
pr:;.1tg 1:;;bg 19:266. revitcd “cm; 9: Liz: L3 cxpl
from $1; other land OIFGI than uhat hegeb acquireb bi
tie Lessee shall'bo trans;artcc on, OVQI and t;rou§4 the
proye;ty hfilbbg leaped ugon a1; congiticu, rttil all
workahle, Aingyhic amr MLICP‘NpaDLL cgv; in, H;on or
under tge yroyertg cflbuflCCL iL Luis ;espc Saul; _ch
17:81:: .Lilst LilL-CL. 811d l‘b;..;:',r'L-(§ Lylel‘LJIIi‘Qu‘,

2. v .

SIX’I‘LLILIL‘H: At the termination 01' this: lease.
othmwise than ‘22:? :"o2.'1“e_=-j.ture, all the 1222p:r'o*/'t-2t-:2<:121';~;: placed.
11:01“; L"".e. sun'sce 0'2" 222: 2c...1:»_eC-. 4241221211868 ”124:2 2.1.0 916352323“,
‘.:th 2.01; 1220122211224; 2:0uses 1:12: 0112412.:3l cos-’2 0:. 2.111122. is
less 1.12.322 4022.00 Shall be. appra.i:.<:;211,24. L270 23.111.122-22. .:::...c.
1422312302113 0226- 1:201:23 (:‘toscr'. ‘22:; €2.62. 2:21" 2,322; :_‘-::-.Li(;2€;‘ .1101'c'c22,
3.2.22” 1:21 2:22.132: 01 (1‘1.s"~"51‘eé.‘:"2<.:rxt- the '2‘.2"'0 '2,‘ 2.2.9 (“‘.'/3:132, 1:51.242;}. 5.61.337"; 52. 14321125. “422312331, '».2. ”2.212.221: “52.1.2. 1,115: 0' :22327
0.":- *2;2.'.'; 01‘ L'JC—lzl 32.43;.‘2235122442 :5; :'ll}; :3:: 52:02. 122.4250222121221222.
122 1'itix‘24: 5214112321 Ly 2:52.26...- :5 1'25: 12,2112; 0 22.-...3). 1;»:2
BED}. 42:17.42 , 3.2.21 “.2.: “leggors” $1121.}. ‘..:v: 1.1.22; 4 1:12.42;- 2“: 52.22:: 5:11: 1.41‘9'222‘2_;12.2:23*2.12.2 :2: ‘.'".tc ”2.2:":.‘.2.'2:".1 2. :2 2 ,
1354272; 1* «31,1223 23:' T121 ('3. {£121.02 :32'2 2‘32, T212 22.2 11'-2221711)}:—
122 “her; 5145:? 6:24:33 2'; $2.22: ::4~'_r;:,2.2ais.22:2:2:221; 5:312: 22:31:41». We
tie .1231: t’..(: 44:1,; 2': ‘tfl c 511.272-:12' ‘2': 1. 2’.‘, :1 ('.'../.2:;
ti: 6 -' 2;—. :.3.‘ "2; 2.2 1" .

I2." “2.1.: ”“ s 9112. 22;; '.';i"...;:‘... 51.1.0) :4 2:1
11.1" 2:. 12.932111; :..L1c “in-.0 112.122.; 2’1 '2 2;; 122.»: .2: .2,-.2121;-
'.2';'2-;:222.:.; '.'..;121.‘ t32~.cc-<.42't 1..2:,- 33.216 :22; 3 3. ac ::.__ 44,122.11 2.2.2:.
”252.122.2212 , 1:21:22 "1.1292512221” 31-3.3.1 12.2.1272... .'1-2:2 -1473; 2 347.1211 3.23442: 01‘
1'2." 23121224 the car. :1:";52 "172.6 1&2ij writ: “2.1112323 (5)
;.lczzzlfi 11.222. 3.2.23 2.23:4:23111122. .:2.-“1.3 (.32: days.

53...“. - .127: 2.1223 "1208:3212,” :....al .'.2. z "e ‘.1}. 171.4411),
at 1:27. o 2.3:.42'21172,’2.i 1'2 0:." said 'C‘."CE*2L4‘/-li‘\ft (7:) 3.22.222. :.2 "to 1.;-2:1"
this 101' 23. 11.x: 44.022102: 2242.2 1,"...2;, 52.1 22.3.:«1113
2.2.1322) 2.22;22'2(1j.‘2.ion:. above provided, if "Lessee“ shall have
0022233162 12:1 T112 and 1.222211231222023 9.1.2. "272.2,: 2.:::2'1221.’.:12:.21.1s, co‘2'<:1'28.221‘.s
:12}. 1:3;1‘62'221322 .1 27.23:? Sti'gulatiune to 2.2.22 '22:; 12:61:21, and

3,2232 1'10 11:3 (32 .

 ! ’ o

EIGITIWLIE: Eiis leaLe is Mi“? Luiggcu 3; all
the IQEAS, conditicng, eti'ulgzicns, ILSclViui‘LS aha
egcegtigns menti;NU afld set out in the rszficctivt a; '1
Ci COHVfiY1LCL Lo falter b. ;yrkiu: 101 saiu “lucrglg
Q16 Goa? ht uiLFiLCJ byvcr,cb ta. Fnda' 1>? i3 ;u33u;;ce
iie;;tn 12c ;" t; .‘ Lia _irsi jarL n3? OWL xhd H*;d
title to SLiC gins;a; {LC coai Lia air :11 .Icrgun ulH

T30 word ”Lessors" Whercvcr uucu S 311 inc4umc
fire 101;; and assigL: oi .@0 ::ii Josie .. .L. 12:, {3?

L. ?grki15, Luger —. :5r-ius, ,51; , ...Ch:.;, .. H. ggVCrc,
‘73:_e;u.i1 e -k. -.ngfiillt, a;_d :;1 1;;~ :.. .;1:T.i11$ C '., r:.d

'0:F ”LBSCEL” shell izw;yve ZEE lcirs 31f ?SSi rs'u

Fangs Colliery ”01;:ny.

TELC f‘01“1;fi7i1.1 :1: C .»Lfl‘ifl;ig_ < :: PT“:i'ii'“u '1 1LAQ
In 3;x=rt;' suljc;cu 'Lc 1:15 LLeaze , 1<;ip;; .11: :24: Li 4 L: Q:
in‘ @10L :‘6 saia c_a; art 01%;? min rags s-;d apa .31fuhgb
to Jultgz o. g;::iua by phe ge.soms Lg-cim3.bu: La;pfl.
fine Bait ;tcds Lauri}; L33 da¢us and laix; ruco;vcc in
the Thoyd 'cunt; ”ovrt Clerk's officv, Ceca best anfi gage
hexrdJnaTch's ct (Mlt reglmxwdivelym

Lee Hall Oct. 12th 100:, 4& Acres, 109: 4
ggLe 297.

' ur:rt Jedcington, Culy 3T6, 1917, 96 acrgg, '
boo: {8, y;ge :67.
All that gortivx c; that certain trgvt or ‘arcel
- 01 lard canvcyec by .iclae; Cruxb b3 Weed ”age? .ugy ‘bLW
1902, ruccrfied in deed book 5, T8 2 381, whic; Jira ciwvg
or cage ; Tr3.er Creek.

' i‘IZ“,33Y115%T: S}IOUJ11 1fl*o "L{%ESG1,"t€.0-:w :11:
lagLeee to ”laCc upxu tie lTNCS ehb;?oed in 3313 icaae
:1; It; tippges, powe: houses, AacLihcry an: egwiygcnt
01‘ CVL 1"; Kind and nature; most? by :1111 in L310 2.1: 1 ter of the
11111,; and looting: 0. 85:16. 05.1.
I: -T I ,, 1‘3, ‘ e, 1136 31:11:13.3 '3... the
111450 8.1.0“ second. 313.1: $.th 6,221 CU. ( u; e iOL'CQOiIib zav._1‘ee-
1 went 1.. ’11, the clay 81.6; 6:116 :11 st liacheji‘: Uri 1:10.11.
(81 ’
.‘.):VELEJJi - 1:-“: :.C".;'.‘:;;:'_i.j ‘.;
Jpfisgfiwlg- 3};
‘.’!itnees: ‘.3-1111,61" ;J. T angina {/1'.
1‘11snous‘rmnlgg , 11.; . $633.51. 1 _;I__::._1;- 1315.4,“
19.3.6'mi11s- 5:11.: 31.34.1111». -
if. 1:": _ i ;Ol'ifi‘: ‘5‘;
313.1" ..;—_1- _ml- ._e_ _1_ :1. 5.} 1::.—3 0,. {£13.-
_’.:1%1 -1.:nsm“
120.11919‘109.‘ is: 1.120-
3y Frederick 1, Jores
I“: e s .

 Q -1::— 1
SLVu T (7' 77‘. "“T51,
' I, A. J. Aroicr, a 10La1; Lubljc Hipuiu

and 1%): t3x: CQLq1i; FHA: SEQ 1::.10311231fl, (1)0 Cytil; 'Uiat
tLe :02ngoix; 1111C11n1 C1 ;caue 1ru1 Josie 1_ 13:1in ,
310., L: the 511C; VClLiCI; womgs;v ,:1 1; L76 jjjli
d3} 01 Lugnst, 1930 frofiucgd tc LL Ly 3051;? .. a Lira.
{(cu l. a Lire, b LLCr d. '3~ki»:, 3:.. and
Wu: Ch fine n2; 1: Lu, 1L, L920 cognwfilefijcd
1110.0 me L y :Cbifi 4. .3 1153 una JSLC’LiJF h. L’ 5;; L 1:
iQeir 'Ct azd C116 {.1 LLe ;UIJOSxp 131:1in 11; 11111.

I 1u1tL1y certjg; ngt ;; 1311issj31 ‘1 .3111;
f.ulp.ic 17i11 624 i (, LEx: CSIJ: (Ray 11 JCJA?:13' lEHZS.

GivCL under -3 hrru mgiu SEV2115LML Cat a; August,

3013:; iuLLiC, 4; 3C oqu;, T;.
a 2111. g 11. 1T‘Cifi1,

C11474 1 ,

I, C. 1. Hood, 3 .ota.. :u11ic :11 in
Eh? 5C3 i7€ GOMEZ; aha spake C1or1saif, fio ceztj1; 10a:
1716 ;kiltggojj1; 11g1111311<1 ;d’ l€
5, ., . v72": 4% / 8 ‘2 “i (f 777i T "a.
* ‘” Mm 2 ”we 2 2» c- .
, [ix/w; 2::, m3)
1 d WHEREAS, heretofore and on the 20th day of June,
1925, the Jones Colliery Company, of Jackson Ohio, martgaged for
’ the sum of $2500.00, cer