xt70zp3vt865_127 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46.dao.xml unknown 14 Cubic Feet 31 boxes archival material 63m46 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Harkins Family papers Mineral rights -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Law reports, digests, etc. -- Kentucky. Mining leases -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Practice of law -- Kentucky. Bankers -- Kentucky. Banks and banking -- Kentucky -- Prestonsburg. Coal trade -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Lawyers -- Kentucky. Camp Branch Coal Lands text Camp Branch Coal Lands 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46/Box_16/Folder_4/0001.pdf 1922-1925, undated 1925 1922-1925, undated section false xt70zp3vt865_127 xt70zp3vt865 o
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 . . i
January 25%}, 1922.

hrs. filiZubetk Lonuker,
Tram, Kentucky.
bog: firs. fiofigkorz-

I ho~ to than: yvr for ycnr leffer of January
Zfiré, wFiC? I $119 road wit“ a “reyt der] QT intprnst.
I never Vsfi fi“0 911*“n€* HflfirCVQTSiOfl 0“ diffinnlf? i?
reflnrfi to securiw“ an ovfi1afi to éevalop the brotort; a?
Uamw Erinch it 9?; time if h¢ngv nnfrible to Rcvolop ii.
I vac Eluaye re~aréod you tnL “ill as 3mm?” wf "$06 frienfls
and know fihvi wherever I Pfln neefi of the proper1y or a
rape ant over ii t?;‘ I CQvld t :50 Hit” van 0% a fail
basis. Houevnr, 1 awpreviuio yowr writiuw nw us you

‘ Var; flrulv yours.


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MINES ON /// // ‘2’/.9 /? PHONES
N 13335.” //’fl'///fl / OL/M/y BZLSLSTZ'ZEZ
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MCDOWELL COUNTY. w. VA. ’ ‘ . fl/Z/V/flfll/V/éK/ {CL / '/ / '/2 ‘
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Le: :1 111'. ‘.‘Izic-tr'nt :-

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.11;) ‘.."01132r.:\)1~.:‘2;h. 5': 21:01 ". ‘ L' 1::"..5 c; 11.2166 3;:--
‘.:‘mn “113': $0,111: L1 <:‘. ;.;r_,'-:' 1'. for (".11 51': ICLIJ‘SVCIRT

1;; t' it '.:c 03.1017, :..;"u": 3.87: mm 1”1-5" penici n11, ';11'(3j‘{"r1;:,

1"; ".2:-o 1 7123153: Vio‘rzit: oi‘ ii‘m: gummy-55', +.‘..:.,‘~. :1
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71.53:? . '.‘:c1 4:13;)L'Ccizfilm t'rr1 31:1; “11:41:. 1:1-c, $310.1» C" (301;: it."
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11:: suddeesful C13‘.‘73,C192z5-17 :.1'1‘ :1 :‘rt. 711:9. (7115:,
after 171131;; r1” 1:113:51.“ 1'1315' ,’1-‘ r. Paw: I: :r' 1.0

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1.3.0 :5;) 19;? pass: net'tmi.

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@2513 :53: paaribl '1. 231% it"z.“"z-1;1r;..1?.:§s3'i ich hr: 1.7.2:? to
011110230; 3.1,: SCH} 2w :3.: :_‘tmi' g)0:'~;1iblr~. “£8911 :uc75:
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I 1.19311": 30' 1:) ‘11; “ '21" r; 11'1::z.*'r1.é.,».‘£;r1é7, 1.29. #317. ,,
OO-O:"“L‘L‘.t~f§ with 5:311 ”n oval-:1 tas'prfi mumrmr 1th.:
hovers-.1333" ruilrmx‘ 31).": ‘:"iit '_'or a“? 023'1rn‘51m 0.? +113
pr Op ext: .

I "‘.'?11113 by gslgrniwa to he ;'-a'.';_7.:1m‘ 3:: to 30m
3239:0111 0:" 1,7“ _,3111'1309m‘: "1063.1 leaf is»; 3'” {231:1 10:11:10
0:: tin? rogalty 3.3913 is, am? i" 13,1")3'31'0‘rr‘fl bi: 1701.1. 2121.7] {Wm
Lake 11;) 37:0 marlin: of five” "5:001;”1:n..11i.¢21 15‘; Mo ”2;;0
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Hit?“ 130:5: ;1r1:1'1?1-':'«:1-..:.'1 1.:;is1‘ns. an} sfe'ofi-‘tirnpsi'5b
:1; 3311311001: tier: 0' '1an ecurtervicc mtendm‘. ‘.'-0 "'20 '
while in Sortercntk, I 3;,

Mex-J trul; ;.. sure .

 Iobruary 13th, 1922.
1::". B. 1‘. Vincent.
Portsmouth, 0? 10.
Dear bar. Vincent :-

Your lettox' 011' February 12th is received on
my return. I am enclosing? herewith the two pamphlets,
one issued by 3.2:. II. ':. Harsh, a hand—boot. an"; the
o‘bh or a. nutter of coal reolom which is sent 0111. by the
Litzdimitln in‘uerosts, am? will be pleased "310 Euro 31011
t2.2.2:e suck momorzmfla as you Vii-1‘7“. from ”are same and remrn
to :29 at your convenience.

1 Very truly yours,
JLH-c -

7“ / ~ 7* , ,fl
fl fl/z/w / ‘ M/ par/My
. r 7’. , q /
,:./flonemfimmdfiflgfi/ .
. N c . ‘ //w /' ‘ l, L / , BELL.,MA4N 62
//Wߢ// ,../x 1/2/
,W . .. j / ,5/
MCDOWELL COUNTY. w. VA. __ %//’Z}//M//% / March 15’ 1922.
Mr. Joe. D. Harkins,
Prestonsburg, Ky. ,
Dear Sir:-
I returned from Florida about ten days ago. Have been laid up
with a slight attack of pneumonia and have not been able to do
anything during the interval. Just got out and am feeling pretty
I took up the books on coal last evening and to my very great
surprise, I found in the pages your other letter of February
15th, which I did not notice at the time when I wrote you
acknowledging the receipt of your letter of the 13th, in which
you mentioned forwarding the coal books to me.
In this connection I wish to say that no time has been lost.
Mr. Stalder went up to Camp Branch and had Mr. Evans' assistant
Engineer from Iikeville meet him there and they made the other
survey, which the Engineer and we agree is impracticable. Mr.
Stalder submitted by letter the entire matter to Fr. Harris,
Superintendent, at Ashland, Ky. about two weeks since and the
latter part of last week hr. dtalder was up to Ashland to try
and get some expression from him but was informed that Yr. Harris
had been away and that particular day was entertaining Hr. Wall.
Mr. humford informed Kr. dtalder that it would be at least two
weeks before Kr. Harris would get to the matter.
However, we have a plan on which we believe we can work through
and hope by the first of April to have matters in a more tangible
shape. If we have not at that time, we will ask you to join
forces with us with the 0&0.
I want to thank you for the concession you have made in the
Royalty and minimum Royalty and your letter is sufficient for
the time-being but as soon as we get this in line, we would
suggest that the matter be put in an adienda to the lease or an
agreement on the side that would make it effective.
I hope to be in shape in the course of another week to give this
personal attention. - " .
Will be glad to see you at lortsmouth at any time, and with
kind regards, Yours truly,
/ M I

March 16th. 1922. <
Mr. B. F. Vincent,
Portsmouth, Ohio.
Inger Sir:-
, ’ I be? to aoknowlodre receipt of your letter
of Larch 15th. one reprot to note trat you have been ill,
' but mm pleasoc that you are out uoain. I trust you will
be ahle to work out something definite with Zr. Karrie
by the first of tlo ment}, but in tlo event you are not
able to do so we will take pleaeuro in doing Lhafi we can
to assist you in tke mat or.

.Lelative to the royalty matter. the sugrestione
made in my letter were. of course. merely eugrostione
which are entirely satisfactory to all of our family.
and I have no aoubt will be satisfactory to the Mayo
kstate. When the proper time comes we till take up the
matter of putting same in proper line for execution as
a supplemental to 1bo original lease.

With best wishes, I an,

. Very truly yours,

June 1, 1922
Present: B. F. Vincent
Es C. Litalder
halter S. Harkins, Jr.
Joseph D. Harkins
Subject: Co-Lease from Hrs. Jno. C. C. Lhyo Co. and Estate of
Water 3. Harkins to B. I. VinCent,dated Pov fiber F, 1920.
First: The Question of tonaee royalty was discussed. It was
setisiactcry to Mr. Vincent and Mr. dtelder to modify Section
[A V4/, 3 of the Lease and to provide that the tonage royalty be
/’ changed from Fifteen Cents (9.15) per net ton of 2,000 ecunds
to royalty equivalent to 5p of the gross selline orice of
said coal per net ton but with minimum and in no event for
Said tenare royalty to be reduced below Ten Cents (d.10) per
{/3846 ton.
SecondzThat the minimum royalties iroxided in eection S of
said I:ca'se be anended so tlat the minimum royalties stall be
25H less ttan the amount set out in said lease; that is to
/ say, that for the year entine Decefiber 31, 1922, the minimum
,,., royalty shall be Forty Bight Hundred and Ewent; lxo Dollars
U [\\\ and Eifty Cents (94852.50); for the year ending December 51,
1325 Seventy 310 Eundred and Ehirty Four Dollars and Seventy
Five Cents (97334.75); for the year ending December Ll, 1&24
and each year thereafter rinety Six Huzdred and Forty rive
Dollars (99645.00).
Shird: The accured minimum royalty under said lease to date
anon ts to Twenty nix hm ared and Setenty Kine Dollars
(98,679.00). Ihe necessary right-of-Tay to be ace ired by
the said b. F. Vincent for the construction of a mine siding,
according to the plan upon which it is prOposed to construct
said railwa; siding, will encunt to Thirteen Hun(rec and Bev-
f enty Fire Dollars (91579.00), which rinht-of—way the said
{ffi\4 Vincent is to aanire. Crediting the amount of accrued royal-
ty with the cost of said right-of-way leaves a balance of ‘
Thirteen erdred Dollars ($1300.), and the said Vincent is
agreeable to vaging one-half (1/2) of said amount to lit:
Six Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($650.00), in addition to the
cost of said riftt-of-way, in full linfiidation of the accru-
ed royalties under said lease to date.
Four: The said do ept D. Harkins ané Halter e. E: kins, Jr.,
are to refer these surcestet modifications to the lessors in
said lease, iith recommendation that the sane be approved and
a supplementary agree ent be erecrted embracinr such modifi-

June 1, 1922.
Present: B . ;'cent
1 Alder
th . rar;ins, Jr.
Jan _n D. u: ‘nt.
Subjenl: (10»...oaot from 3.11:4. J" . '33:) Co. and ::;:l:.::.".:-:
Walter L. :rrline to P. J. Vin trt, so hovembcr 3, 1920.
First: I»e rucstion of tonnge royalty was LSCHLSBC. It was
satiuivdctoi‘y to I‘LL". Vij'icen‘t gm. Ll". .’Laldx ‘Lo yodii}, .-.cci.2.:;;':
3 01 tht less: any to ;rovide that the to“ ag/Jzzyalty he
chaxnfied fro « ail LCkU“ Ctuits {' .15; c1 11 on}: of 2,;113 crrnL;
to roy;lty c.riVLlcnp to Efl 0L Lia _lQLL soilin; ;ric; 0C arid
coal. I net on but with Iliklt‘nh an 131 1:0 event for ;.'.i}‘.:.‘
tonnage royel y to he reduced below Len Cents { .10) :34 not ton.
Second: lyrt Lg; uiniman TUJL1L1-E province in feotiur : at
said irate he :mcndeo so that the minimnn IQy;lLlCfl tug}: ‘c as;
less than the amount not out in unit lento; that i: to s;fl, Ldpt
for trc your CMCifi; :LCLJLCI 31, lfffi; the ninigun royalty :wrll
be lorty~night Lundrco.yht .monty~l.u lollnrs ant ;iitj Penis
($4823.:L); lo: the goal ending Lccoabt; $1, 1325, fitment; L a
Hunortd one iniity Your hollure uni QJVcrty Five Cent: {;Vfod.7i);
for the ytrr ending icocrlcr Zl; lfié, and each Joil i a tzltc:
Ninety six hundred and forty live holler; (59645.09).
Third: rho accrued minimum royalty an CI avid lease to :fita
amounts to wwenty nix nunure; on. -evzrty gins iilitin ”'9,o4¢.io).
The noecunwr' riwht-oiwnny to L; acaxi ed by the out? 7. '. Jinoent
for the txunztrzction o: it; inc nigirrg; 'CCOIQdfiIV to ‘.2 1..; uyon
W1”:iou it ;i‘twomiz’ Lu Constluc't .,‘. 1:; 33:51 laxity Si’fix'w, 1‘131 mount
to ;Llrte u Lunorto ant Mtvtnty iii- ”ollisr {‘1179.1”\, t.Lou
right—ol- an ‘LMe said Vincent 1;.igwsxc oi o. Creditifi_.i n;'; aunt
of aim1ruet jigyalty 2.1;} 3;}: can; : . :iV Ii;flit—oy-vx;; ' 2%.; n
bal not 0; “Li;t:(n flunfirofl loll. : f l;tq.), inf t}; ;rLf Vinacnt
i.s ELJI ;t:n: . ‘.', , av 13._ tu:t.~?xil." ( l,”“‘\ c :Lr.i:' :16 01111? tc'~x”i'tt
Six hundred “nu Jiity loll In {_630.:.), in cdditiom .r Lit cost
of main Ii;hL—oi—tay, 1L lull ii mi ~ jar o; tTc acc;uat re 'ltios
Linda... 123.1". :13 ..t ”to (7: Lu.
Four: ll'at .11.: ..'-use; I; I). Us; Lin; = nil :.te’rr i... For 12', 1.3L“ . are
to iticr then; u ggcstcd no ifiontfon: to the I troy; it til” lease,
witu.roco.mcnuatlon Lhat'tlz SELL be v;_rovcd and a eu ixeytntnry
agreement be executed embracing such modifications.

 1.1.034’115313...‘ [-..5 (‘.C;‘ ,..:in3{:.§. .3- .’.i'.‘ I‘hi.3‘:i‘.';‘-’;I~’11l’.'(IFZC,7~Z-'I“Z.."7€‘}C1’.
June 1, 1922.
Erooont: l3 .- cont.
H Jldcr
. - .‘ :2: Lin”: ,. 3:6.
JCS . '.. D. 0.
Subject: Co-Leaoe from Lire. ..,. 11:.-Jaye Co. 1.1111: 1111.31.13 ..=;
Halter ‘o‘. 111.113.1113 1.0131... . Vill‘i"it, . c1}. Loved-111' .23, 31.923.
First: '..“ 10 question 01‘ ”00310.5(; rays}. 2..; 173:. 2:.-27.111106. It 1:11;:
satisfactory to 2111:. Vincent and .i.:r. stems to 1111;, ...-ecLion
5 of the 112112;»: 11m. to provide 1.11:1; tic to ..:}, royalty bc.
Chan-god from .11‘ii‘teon Cents ($.15) per no ton of 2,00%; pounds
to royalty e.._11.ivclcnt to 5;? of. tin; ..:;I‘onr: cz,:3.lin,) price of said
cool yer not ton but with minimum and in no event for 1.311“.
tonnage royalty to be reduced bole": s..n {dents (' .10} i13:2“.‘112'1: tor.
Second: T1131. 11;... 3112111111131 royalties provided in .11ction Q; of:
said lease be {amended so that the minimum royalties shall “so 25;
loss tl'zan the amount set. out in .2315 loans; that 5.1: to 1.:; , that
for the year ending December 31, 192.2, the minimum royalty shall
be .‘.-‘oroy-Light Hundred and .,‘_‘~.rcnt§,'-1Tr.'o rollers z'nc’f 511371;; “eras
(€i’4822.50); for the year ending December :51, 1923, seventy 33:30
hundred and Thirty Hour 35101111113 and Seventy Five Cont-s (17234.75);
for the year ending; December :51, 1924, and cool: your thereafter
ninety Six Hundred and Forty Five Bolluro ($9645.00).
Third: The accrued minim-11m royalty under said lease to ..'otc
011101.1nts to Twenty 31:1; Hundred 3nd Seventy Kine 110111.11 (. 2,679.33).
The necessary l‘igé’ltvofv‘1.’cz.;f to he C.C:j.lil‘8{’. by the mid 1. Vincent
for the constmction of a. mine siding, according: to the _g-lsr. u; on
which it. is; ;.roposcd to conotmct 13123.5; r32; live; adding; will amount
to irteen hundred end Seventy lTino Rollers (531379.133) , which
rigl‘w-oi-uzq; ”the 1:311". Vincent is to co uire. Creditin; the surmount.
of .'.-rcnxruecl royalty with the cost oi" said rinht-oi‘wsrg ism-11.1.: 1:1.
belmoo o.‘ thirteen Hundred llollcrs {321500.7, and the said Vincent
, is agreeable to paying: one-half (LL/2) 01‘ said wiount 'to-clit:
Six Hundred. and lift}; 3ollnrs ((650.1)0) , in :211‘Ldition to 2.3.11.- cost
0.1“ 1:511} right-of-viey, in full lizguid1-ztion oi‘ the cosmic; foyeiltiL-s
1mm.“ 1.0.311 lows to to
Four: 39110. 113.161 Joseph D. Remains and ..alter :3. Reruns, Jr. are
to refer those suggested modifications to the lessor; in 11.0111? 1..-ace,
with roco..mondotion that the some be approved and 11 cu“ plemcntory
agreement be executed fififiifihglfifififiéfigiafiuan“-

 June 0, 1922.
‘ 11:5. ”(1,23 Gad,
. '1 iI‘S. 511100 :'e'atur, ‘.rcu. ,
11531113,: 2':, ”3].
'.1 1:23.: .:..-1'23 . :10 ttcr : -

1.1112281211”: 2::; 3'5; 13.7262 Quint: 'ifiuln "6,11, $1122.... .1‘
with .-1“. ii'ts..l:7.(:;‘.‘, 33132,; mm}: 33.11; $2.2m __‘1.:;"C:Zifiin, ,’ L31.» V
(1111,,» 1311121621 10:12.30. ’.éTI-cy 1:13.111: secured 1:14.21 ‘E1cm'tr'5ti'vx: :2“ ,ccoval
oi" the .:..: 2:11:13; La; their _;>;*:‘o,~_ms:‘:2j1 131213.315, 171116;" .1:}.1'231113123
their 216122131121; 1:13:10 15.1311; 0: 11:13 131:. t 1:;: 3201.; 1::: .3,:1."~,uq».’. 7 1,5111 ,
our dccd.€, 2‘th ‘tlacz,’ 55.15:. i::;~":')3:’.11:31.01 1.412.123; .:.,r :.3. :.:)?! cg; fly
"to {30 1'01.“ 5:33:17. iii-1..1: 23.123 inatal.1:..tian 0:? 7.11:: “.111, ,;,.::;'.:)v'1::. 1

.. .. ..3 .‘ . .1 ,, g. ., ..:-‘.,“: q .; .., . 3‘ f .' ‘1.” w J'
we cam. t.-.,,';.x?a;<.: 1.11.1: thus. 1150.: 2.01 1,111: 10,031,.“ _ 1.11.2134) S
of tha- 11:330. : =3 far 1.:; my 211'. £0120 "'.1“, 1112-- ,'libU“ 2‘ :ne‘ (:1.
changua 41.123 2:11.12.:é‘2"\.2:1;01':.".

I (3111031: i‘ur your $21 (34"2.-1{’~E.1 ..2'C::'10:sfrnn2.'.:,2 ".;‘O
diSCUSLiOZh; :11:; 1,112; r3£>:'1.£‘2::z'::::r;1:; .411”: if 1..1... 2:12:12 3.371: 21,,31201310
to you, LE will. 13:; “1101122131.“. “Etc: 11.: v1: yo; “22:4 fir. ‘ 1.953.111. 1.31.13
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”903;; 6.2/1": 3; 3;.»?1riz,
J11“. /
For Sale by Standard Printing & Publishing CO., Huntington and Charleston, W. Va.

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Juno 20, 1822
Attys. & Counsellors
Ashland, Kentucky
Hr. Joo. D. Hashing
Prestonsburg, Ky.
Dear Sis:
By reason 0: fiiSHRdCIUJCEQEKL as Lot non ou;:o vac and
at crs connectc. $1.; tio E33. 310. C. C. Kayo Co., 3% is 70681—
ble that you wave not hou:¢ with refoyonoo to groyoood o ango in
the tongs oi the lease to B. F. Vincent. If any ot or ,crson con-
nected nit; the Uomguny has wxit on you, you can diusogu c this

Confcxencc wan old several days ago and conclusion roach-
ed tbuu i; would not moot wit. t.e a ;rovul of tLo Couguny to
change too Lommugo Joyulty 1:03 15 aegto to o ~_c.c:.c: Cage based ug-
on tho grows scliing "rice, ovon :Hv‘ h coo roynlgy mould not be
redwood bclo 10 cents .;N Lon.

If it Joeto gitL youx aggrovnl,ii docs LCCt with Lho ay—
groval of tLo firs. Jno. C. 0. Mayo Co. to reduce fine aixiuum roy—
alty an 4o“ to; howoranca1, co;3 o3 wiich you sent wo.

It'will ligezi.c ueet the a;;rovnl of t}«,Zg:o. Jno. C. C.
mayo Co. to sotLlo the accrued Minimum royalty rcfczqoc to in the
third guragra h of your momsrmnduy.no t Groin outiinco, Vrovided
that no credit is to be allowed in the future Loy LhiS minimum
in the ovoxo coal in e;ccou o: tic :ixirnwzis fixed in any one
year; and instead of croaitim¢ u we will want in in pie Lora of
a waier so tlat we will not be chargnd Tith it as income.

If tfiis nooto with you: up roval, we suggost tint you
draw up fonn ror signature of all as; 3a:tioo and auto it to us
aftor it :23 been signed by you ani Vincent.

Vbry truly yours,
fiacor& Stewart

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MINES ON // / // / y // DHCNES
“::rxiz“ / V/V/ a V/ ‘x V/V/ ,////
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MCDOWELL COUNTY. w. VA. . ' /////%)////////%l /,/ June 50 1922.
Hrs. John 0. 3. Mayo 00.,
Mrs. Josie D. flerkins,
Er. Joesph 0. working,
fire. Rose 3. Horkine,
fire. fiery E. Herkine Howard.
Mr. G. L. Howard.
Miss Josephine a. fierklno,
Kr. fiolter e. fierkino,
Conforming to the requirements of clause twenty-
foor or the lease on the Sump firanoh property execute; by Era. John
Q. C. Kayo Company, party of the firot port and er. Josie D. workino,
at al, parties of the second port, to the undersigned party of the third
part, dated Hovemher 3, 1920, I beg to infionr you that I have this day
eeeignod and transferred the said lease to rho Ivanhoe Blkhorn Collierioo
Company, a coryoretion incorporated Junozfi 1922, under the laws of the
state of Ohio with on authorioed capital siock of Fifty Thoueund
($50,000.00) Dollars, ten (10m) per~cont. of which amount has been paid
in under the requirements of the corporete lawo of the State of ahio,
and that said Corporation by resolution, 3 copy of which 18 heroin
enclosed has aoeoptod and agreed to assume and perform all of the
oovonante, eqreemento and eonoitione of euid lease to he performed by
the unoereizned party of the third poxt by the Lease firot above
referred to.
Yours truly,
Wm, A
Enclosure: /
Copy of resolution accepting the aeoiwnment and tronofor of said ‘
lease by The Ivanhoe Elnhorn Coliioriee Compuuy.


That whereas; the best interests of this company requires
that they procure an assignment and transfer of a lease executed by
The Mrs. John C. 0. Mayo Company, party of the first part, Mrs.

Josie D. Herkins, et., at., party of the second part to B. F. Vincent,
party of the third part, on the 3rd day of November, 1920, consisting
of 1268 acres approximately of land lying on the main waters of
Levies Fork of the Big Sandy River and waters of Camp Branch Creek
situate in Floyd County, Kentucky.

And whereas; Mr. B. F. Vincent has offered to transfer
and assign the aforesaid lease to our Company.

Therefore, be it resolved that we accept the transfer '
and assignment of abOVe lease and that the President and Secretary of
this Company be and are hereby authorized to do and perform all
things necessary for the transfer and assignment of said lease from
the said B. F. Vincent to The Ivanhoe Elkhorn Collieries Company,
and that the said The Ivanhoe Elkhorn Collieries Company does accept
and assume said lease subject to all of the covenants and agreements
therein contained.

We hereby certify the foregoing to be a true and correct
copy of the resolution passed by unanimous vote of the stockholders
of The Ivanhoe Elkhorn Collieries Company at a meeting of said
Company held this 50th day of June, 1922, at PortSmouth, Ohio.

/’ < ”7 K '1“
,/ res en .
, ‘ “A
_J‘i,/ Secretary.

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July 6th, 1922.
Mr. Joseph B. Harkins,
Prestonsburg, Ky.
Dear Joe:
Have yours of the 5th. Have been working on the matter
referred to. have been endeavoring to have some other
good substantial coal Operators join in the company who
would be a valuable aid in marketing coal in a normal
market, so it was necessary to incorporate a company to
negotiate with them.
Have two good companies interested, one in Chicago, and
one in northeastern Ohio. The Chicago peeple have expressed
themselves as agreeable to join providing certain modification:
of the lease could be obtained. So I am holding them in
abeyance until can obtain a definite expression from the
Ohio people.
Hoping something tangible results fIEm a meeting I am to
have with them on Saturday next, and with kind regards,
. Yours truly,
. Wf \

July 21, 1922
211-. :3. 11’! Vincent
gortazziouth, 0111:)
Dear fir. Vincent:
> Fur-tasting ccmforerlce 1:15.33 day Held at 13119
office hetwun fir, 15131311102 and .:./oaxrsolf ui’ the one
ywrt and my brother and LIy’JQIf of the otmzr art, I
beg to say 1111»: we nave omefuély earmidered the l..:;mc- ‘
4.1032111 augueetions cum «malficutione made to we 1:111:38
between the Eutate of Walter B. lurking and Hire. Jno.
G. c. mayo 00. to B. P. Vincent, dated Hovembcr 3.
31.920 and beg; to 1111111315 that we will recommend to the
lesmra 1n smid lease the (allowing. 1.1odificatiuns
Li“. .1630 f. f
First: That the tormgo roy;~_.1ty “be 111111111111 end
131111125911 from 53.15 pas“! 11:11. 231111 of 2,000 pounds to
’ "7’0 royalty equivalent to 5;; of the gross Belling; 31:103.
/ ,. of 313.11.! 31:19.1 or not ton. but. with :zdnimum and in
no event for :3 .1111 t:;-11:31.51: royalty to here-ducted “1.-e113:
1;..10 ,1.-r net tun.
1311331311,: ‘23; .1: “cm:- :1ini:.:w: royalties _,mvided 1n ‘
. aieetion 3 of 13.311}. 1.9131112 be mended 2m th.t-:11. "11111 11112111-
131321 royalties 15111111 be 2535: leeu ‘:.-11111: 1.1113 may 1113 11:1:-:3 out in
11:21.10. leawe; 1:112:11, is; to 13y, ting: for 2.1:; yesrgr 131111121; Decem- '
17/5,, her 31. 1922, tue minimum rug/1111.3; 11131111 be 1"orty «Bight
V“ *’ Hmmired ma 'tzmn‘iy ’:wo 11011sz and fifty Gents: ($4823.50);
for We 513:1”? ending; iboenmer 31. 1923 Se‘vent '2‘1-m 1111111121911 and
Thirty Fem Dollars and Lioventy five Genus ($7234.75):for
the yes-1:1- ending 3330813112: 31. 3.924, and eanh year thereafter
3.113141% ”.31."; Hundred and 1907.13; “Five. 11:171.}..th ($9649.00).
. Third: 31111111111 1.611313 be Ermine-3r LMGHLRSQ by $019118
ts’zeret t1ze following groviuion relative w 111112311121 roy—
b0 any/91mm“ if t:;-3e: "Lemme” 21.21.2111 1113?; nine in my year
-'/— :11; “mm 110-11113 3111111. :11: my rates of royalty above men-
timed. 21133-1321: to the ..3inimnn royalty for mid ygarfize
1311:1111 flew the right. daring the nexbaisucoeedizgxyuw.
to .,ine. free from royalty, 1311:1511 3;:/h. at we respective
rates-s of royalty :zfcreattd. to 11:11:13 up the difference.

 ayi mot internst, between the royalty at the races
aforesaid on coal actually mined in eucn year and
tee :,zinimwn royalty 30 paid for :5 uch are-25:5!
A 5--——-~""'
W0 warm-flan be mined free in
my year on ancmmt of any deficiency in any preced-
ing; yezr, until gumrmt of coal reqflred to pay mini-

. mum royalty for tne year in which such coal is mined
free, shell have been firet gained and no payment in
excess of tee 2::inimm of any one year and]. ‘oe credit-
ed as against the deficiency in any subsequent year.»

Fourth: It. will not he agreeable in my judgzwnt
to tnu leeeorzs to make any Mogul fic:;ti...1'1 relative to

1/14) clause £0 1‘ of true lea.» relative to exe'uptione from

’ ,-—/ the, payme' "i. of royal 3:16.13:
Fifth: 11:0 suggested .'.‘zodifice'uion to clause seven
relative to payment of taxxe on the property does
no sew: :,o no to be pxoper. Practically 3.11 of the
leases made in Luis Dietriet in the past five years
mwe ma 2: :.y; grayision therein elflJe‘quially the
32:45» as 1:: income ruled in the (22:12:21.4; lcale. The
reason for reg: iring; the.» lessee. Lo pay the taxes ‘
('10 is that such 2. hale, to all intents and pur_>osee and
._-. in lei; :21 effect ‘iwcmes at the time of the execution
am delivery of." ”an. mane an abeul te sale of all the
coal in glucose, 2:11;; the right 23.11.: privilege to the
lessee to mine, yrouuoe. and market the some, and to
pay we _-,»::renaaa,ue rice unrelfter over a 10:5 zeriod ‘
of time, degendemt.;._».n the amomt of Losmtge produced
by ..im in :acn yo 1:. Be thereby Lee: mess in effect the
313301 te O‘fileL-l‘ oi‘ sucn do a1. am the