xt70zp3vt865_116 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46.dao.xml unknown 14 Cubic Feet 31 boxes archival material 63m46 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Harkins Family papers Mineral rights -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Law reports, digests, etc. -- Kentucky. Mining leases -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Practice of law -- Kentucky. Bankers -- Kentucky. Banks and banking -- Kentucky -- Prestonsburg. Coal trade -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Lawyers -- Kentucky. 1943-1954, undated text 1943-1954, undated 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46/Box_14/Folder_11/0001.pdf section false xt70zp3vt865_116 xt70zp3vt865 L 7 V » V V ’
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 THOS. 3. ASHLEY. L. H. D. ~ “
Mudge Joseph D.Harkins,
Dear Judge Harkins:

I am embarrassed by the action of the
Executive Committee of our Board of Trustees of the HOSpital
to convert our beautiful Chapel into a ward for patients. Our
Operating roomsare important and so is the labartory,and so
is the Chapel in the life of a Christian HOSpital..That is,
that's the way I see it.

Another reason for my embarrassment is
because you and your Sister had agreed upon the Alter and
other platform furnishings.

Before I left the HOSpital I had ordered '
the pulpit to have it as a sample of the finish etc.,of the
furnishings throughout the Chapel for dedication day. I had
your bronze tablet made and placed on the front of the pulpit
on that day. Including freight it cost us $220. They say they
are going to place the chapel somewhere else in a smaller room.

The reason for my writing you is to
ascertain if you want to leave the memorial tablet on the pulpit
and take care of its cost? If you do not feel inclined to do
so under the circumstances,then I shall pay for it myself when
I can.

I am very sorry as well as fearful over
this turn,as I really had great plans for the usefulness as
well as the security to be enjoyed over the years thru this
part of our plant.

' I will thank you for a frank statement
and be assured that I greatly appreciate everything you have
done for us and the Institution I love as I love my own life.

With every good wish for the best for you
and all those whom you love,I beg to remain,

Yours very cordially and sincerely

Executive Field Secretary (/:> )
815 Bluegrass Ave.,Louisville;t ucky

 Hpril l, 1953
Rev. Thomas E. Ashley
Executive Field Secretary
815 Bluegrass Avenue
Louisville, Kentucky
Dear Mr. Ashley:
I am more than delighted to receive your letter of March
26th, but its entire contents presents several conflicting
ideas on my part from the statements set out.
In the first place, you will recall the suggestion was
made that our family furnish the chapel complete, then ,~
the suggestion that we furnish an organ, and the suggestion ,*
that we furnish a memorial room for Dr. Gronnereud, and 5
possibly other suggestions as well.
I distinctly remember'uifimgyou that the family would not 5
be interested in furnishing a memorial to anyone other than ‘:,
our Father and Mother. ‘j
Then the matter came down to the pulpit and other furnishings
most of-which from the description were most ornate end at
expensive, and we asked to know something more about this. _1
Later, and as I recall, after the dedication, you sent us
a letter containing divers prints of pulpits with prices
and descriptions, but at which time I did not reply because
I wanted my brother's widow, and my two sisters to go with
me to see it. Unfortunately, we have never all been together
since the time your letter and these cuts came in.
I do not recall that we ever made any definite selection
of either a pulpit or plscque to go upon it, but I do remember
we were more interested in the pulpit than a lot of the other
‘ items. 0n the other hand, the memorial placque was possibly
more what we want, but to this date I do not know what is
engraved on it and would be glad to be advised as to the
engraving, and particularly, whether it included the name
of both my Father and Mother.

 o 2 -
. It is a disappointment to learn that the executive
committee has seen fit to convert the chapel into a ward
room, and while I am not one to have a different regard
for a private room or a ward room, I do not like the
idea of contributing towards a ward room.
My sister, Mrs. Browniné, will be in Prostonsburg tomorrbw
vnd there are many business matters we must attend to
during the time she is here, but I hope to find opportunity
to discuss this particular proposition with her while she
is here. I doubt snriously that I will see either my .
sister, Mrs. VanLandingham, or Mrs. Scott Barking, Jr.,
possibly until June or JUly.
After duscussing the matter with Mrs. Browning I shall
write you further, since, of course, wa do not want you ,
to ho out any money on anything for us, and I do not see 7_
where either you or we could be subject to any criticism '
in connection with the matter.
I am hopeful I will be in Louisville to attend the State 1
Bar Association meeting April 7th through the 11th, but
if I am able to go I will be at the Seelbach Hotel.
In the meantime best personal wishes and regards.
Sincerely yours,
Joseph D. Barkins

Hon. Joseph D. Barkins, Atty. PIKBVILLE.KY. April 2nd. 1955.
Prestonsburg, Ky.
Dear Mr. Harkins:-

Mr. T.B.Ashlem£ought a Pulpit for the Hospital and said you
were to pay for it. fie also ordered a Plaque In memory of your Father and Motha
by the Children)to go on this Pulpit.

The price of the Pulpit alone was $227.51 cabts. 3ince the
hospital is very badly in need of money to get the new wing started, 1 am
writing to ask if you would send us a check to cover the cost. This amount
does not cover the cost of plaque .

Hope you and yours are in the best of health and hope you Can
stop by and see the New Wing of the Hoopital the first time you are in town.

Thanking you for anything you may do for us. I am,

Yours very truly,
HethodistxHospital of Ky. Inc.
By ‘7 “.,I. [.1 r.",~‘ .' Pres.

 April 10, 1953 ‘
Mr. R. G. Wells
Dear Mr. Wells:
Your letter relative to payment for some object at the
new hospital has come duly to hand.
Previously I received a letter from Dr. Ashley in
connection with a bronze tablet. Unfortunately, there
seems to have been or is, some mistake somewhere in x
regard to these things, and, of course, I want to get ’ '
the matter straightened out. p
In the first place I indicated that the family would
probably be interested in furnishing a bedroom in memory ;;
of my Father and Mother, but was advised that all the lifi
bedrooms had been taken by the people in Pikeville and ,V
Pike County, and there were none available.
There was first an endeavor to get us to furnish the ' -w
Chapel complete, or furnish the church organ, or a suite 1”
of rooms in honor of Dr. Gonnereud, and, frankly, we would ‘
only do this in honor of my Father and Mother.
Last summer, and a few weeks before the dedication, Dr.
Ashley was in the office telling my sister, Mrs. VanLandinghmm
and I about some elaborate pulpit designs he had in mind
would be proper, however, these did not appeal to either
of us. I saked Dr. Ashley to get several designs and prices
of more conservative designs for us to look over and we ,
would decide what we wanted to do. Some weeks after this,
as I know recall, some elaborate drawings were sent down
which still did not appeal to us in any way, and we gave .
no order in connection with them. '
Nothing whatever was said about the wording of the bronze
tablet, and we most certainly would want to give our
approval and write whatever was to go on it. In a recent
letter from Dr. Ashley he talked about the bronze tablet
costing a substantial amount of money, over $200.00, and
in your letter you refer to a pulpit, mentioning the figure
something over e250.00. I do not know whether this price

 ‘ !l

covered the pulpit and the bronze placque, or if one
price was for the pulpit alone, and the other price for
the bronze placque, and, to add insult to injury, as
it were, the Board has now decided to turn the Chapel
into ward rooms and where the Chapel will be I do not
know, nor have i been advised.
Please help get this matter straightened out in some way
for me so I can explain it satisfactorily to my sisters,
and myself, then we will do whatever is proper in the
Best personal regards.

Very truly yours, '-

Joseph D. Harkins

 l5 .
www, JR.. 1928

 April 20, 1955 '
MP. E. E. Clark
Kentucky West Virginia Gas Co.
Second National Bank Building
Ashland, Kentucky
Dear Emery:
I had the pleasure of receiving a letter Saturday written
by Mr. Wallen as Land Agent.
Of course, I know immediately that this was a promotion
for him, and could not but otherwise be a promotion for .
you. I do not know your new title, but whatever it may
be I know it is a substantial and well deserved promotion
for you.
I further know that irrespective of whatever the new .
position may be, it is one of increased responsibilities ‘
and that you will carry out all the duties pertaining -‘
to the office with pleasure to the company and to your '
I remember well the time you worked in the office here, 5
and that you and I are among the oldest employees of
the company and its predecessor. It has always been a
special pleasure to note the divers promotions you have
had, and your efficiency in carrying on whatever work
has been assigned you.
My best wishes to you and all the family, and, again
my congratulations. ,
Sincerely yours,
Joseph D. Harkins

 S. A. LOTT, Administrator I It. G. WELLS, $3., Pres.. Board of Directors
l i e P" o <"'
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afiikzhflle, 'gfientuth: L?

April 21, 1953 j“)
Mr. Joseph D. Harkins
Harkins Law Offices
Prestonsburg, Kentucky
Dear Mr. Harkins:
Mr. Wells, Resident of the Board of Directors of the Methodist Hospital,
has instructed me to write you in answer to your letter regarding the
pulpit for the hospital.
This pulpit was ordered by Reverend Ashley and also a plaque with the in-
scription: "In Memory of Josephine D. Harkins and Walter S. Harkins by
the Family. " The cost was:

Pulpit - - $ 227.51

Total $ 531171
The Board understood that you would pay for these furnishings as soon as
they were received and have expected to receive your check.
As you know, the hospital is in the business of caring for sick patients
and all of its facilities that possibly can should be used for that
purpose. As the Chapel is a large room that would accommodate ten
patients the Board felt that it would be wise to convert this room for
patients and to designate some other room in the hospital to be used as
the Chapel. This will be done as soon as the money is available to make
the necessary fhange and at that time the pulpit will be placed in the
room that willfdesignated as the Chapel.
The Board feels that if the pulpit was ordered contrary to your instruc-
tions and that you do not wish to pay for it, that the plaque that has
been placed on it should be removed and an attempt made to sell the
pulpit to someone else. I feel certain you can see that this would be the
most practical solution to this problem.
I hope that this explanation will allow you to get thel matter straightened
out satisfactorily.
Yours i’eley!

SAL:s 'S. A. Lott,Secretary
cc: Mr. R.S.Well,Sr. Board of Directors _

 /" 11405. B. ASHLEY. L. H. D.
Judge Joseph D.Harkins
Dear Judge Harkins:

I was disappointed when I failed to get
to see you at your Convention. I called the Seelbach Hotel
and was told that you had not been registered there. I
belééve you told me your coming was not too sure.

Truly I am distressed that the Executive
Committee of our HOSpital Board of Trustees has converted
the Chafiel in our Hospital into a ward. I feel it is a very
serious mistake. Of course-this act of the Board has released
you and your Family from any further obligation,as well as
four others to whom I had sold memorial windows,as well as
others who were becoming interested in the pews as memoridts.

Since you and your Sister had favored
the pulpit furnishings,which of course was subject to the
final approval of the rest of the family,I did have the
West Virginia Seating Company send up a pulpit which they
had in stock that you might see the type and character of
finish etc.,the price of which was $216.15 plus $11.56 freight
charges. I did not have before me the cepy of the invoice
when I wrote you before and my memory was that it was $120.
Since then I have secured a copy of the invoice and an en-
closing it to you.

As I see it neither you nor I are
obligated to pay or rather reimburse the HOSpital who has
paid for the pulpit and the p1aque,but I feel that I shall
do so if you do not,just to help our Hospital whose welfare
is much upon my heart. You can discuss the matter with the
other members of your family and let me know what you decdde
to do.

The "plaque" is a beautiful bronze as a
memorial to your wonderful Parents eBY-the Harkins Family.I
know you would be delighted with it. I placed it on the front

- of the "pulpit" which was used by the Speakers at dedication.
Awaiting your further pleasure,I remain, .
Cordi 1y yours /
fl Wis/7961" '
f ' //-\

T os.B.As l y.EXecntive Secreta ’ \

815 Bluegrass Ave.,Louisville,K .

4/22/55 ~-", -'

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' N V , ' ' , I~ ~I . .5 . I. ‘r- .._. 7' K: .,J. :- u': n-a- W"‘."IJ’ . v.5,» E Jur.
‘6. , ,1; L’ U l» . .1. :.. Ls . 3J5 ‘3 .’..-"I. .3 .- h L'Cu.~LI ._I: . ~23: “3.33:. I3.» Amen U4“- v.1. I..-é!

 ' " afiefiffie#fifiéYflfiififlfiififl#fl§#¢¢#¢#ifin339$
, 2
can assure full plant production you could then if you elect build 41ang
at such points which would have fall autocatic packaging and mechanixal
handling. Such plant management could handle sales direct to retail

At the outset it would be our suggestion that a plant at your mine
prodgee the origiets in the bulk from where they could to given a wide
distribution. In large cenctre they could be sold to Jobbere who would
beg them in the manner char coal is handled. In small ;oone and
resort areas individ al dealers could buy car loads ior complebe handl-
ing locally.

You are undoubtedly fully aware of the merchandising ocpccto of the
program you have indicated. Merely for what ideas are worth we world
like to point out that sales a: fireplace coal could 30 made in unit
quantities bought by pickup customers. Ihe emphasis being on the unit

price and no consideration given to ton prices. ‘hcre will ofcourse
be quantity buyers but they will be in the minority. On the basis of
the unit sale prices will range from $50 to $100 per ton. Consumers are
now paying such prices for inferior producta,

being a nannfactdred product fireplace cool triguets would bring a
new more andising angle to coal sales not generally considered. market
analysis could predetenmnnethe characteristics best suited to consumer
demand for a specific area after rhich the great flexibility of our
process would allow for the prodoction of that product. Quite unlike
the sale of prepared coal from a given mine with its more or less fixed
characteristics which demand that sales must be made to buyers who want
the precise type of cool you may mine. Kore like oil eales,which also
is in eccence a :nnifactdred product, fireplace coal briquet sales
would be mad; with a product tailored to consumer demand.

We trust that we have given you the answers to the questions you
placed. It will be our pleasure to discusc the matter fully with you
at your convenience.

Yours very truly
- Jalter V. Jo,neon '
CC. Mr; Ezra H. Frye,1a42 Majezfigc Building,Detroit 19.xich‘
or. Walter S.Harkins,?rest neburg,Kcntucky
. , . 7 s b , design that I fail
P-S' I “3‘3““ 3"” it as quite Dytgccidich-wfigeggé 1'21. the bod;r of my
cd to deal with the capital inves men 1“ lent at your mine will
i, Tn. m;*ifllfl caoitcl required fox a P a lo? install
lewer' mfg-150 ~coo It might well be that some phases of w, -
e- ~ . M " .
Sgiongggailahle twru borrowed or 3013‘ “59'

W 3539
W ‘955
”WALTER s. HARKINS. m. 1941
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