xt70zp3vt865_113 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46.dao.xml unknown 14 Cubic Feet 31 boxes archival material 63m46 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Harkins Family papers Mineral rights -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Law reports, digests, etc. -- Kentucky. Mining leases -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Practice of law -- Kentucky. Bankers -- Kentucky. Banks and banking -- Kentucky -- Prestonsburg. Coal trade -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Lawyers -- Kentucky. 1943-1954, undated text 1943-1954, undated 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46/Box_14/Folder_8/0001.pdf section false xt70zp3vt865_113 xt70zp3vt865 yflfififitg
fig; %%E
January 12, 1950
Mr. Joseph D. Harkins
Dear Joe:

Thank you very much for your nice letter
complimenting the Governor on his wisdom in re—
appointing me Chief of the Department of Mines.

This position is not easy, as you pro-
bably know, at this particular time but, at the
moment, there doesn't seem to be anyone willing
to take it and I will hang on for awhile.

Lucille joins me in sending our love to
you and Recca and with all best wishes to you
both for the coming year, I am

Arch J. Alexander

January 18, 1950
Hr. Winston Ford
Dear Winston:

When you were getting dirt from Trimble Branch to make
the fill for the playground it is my information that you mauled
cirt for several private individuals including among whom were,

Therman Hurhes

Ben Stanoifer or SLanSifcr Erfiur to.

' Alex Spradlin

and possibly others whom I do not now recall but whose names you
should have. Heretorore when this matter was discussed here at
the office you Wore to check your resords as to the amount of
dirt hauled to different individuals and the amount to be paid
per yard for such dirt was agreed upon.

It has bean approximately one and a half years or more
since the ti.e this dirt was removed. This was owned by my
Mother's estate and all the heirs are looking to me for col-
lection of the amount and this must be collected before i can
make final settlement of the estate.

You promised early in the week to come into the office
the following day but to this date you have not been in. I will
appreciate your comingin and seeing us in this connection.

Very truly yours,
Joseph D. Harkins

January 25, 1950
Manager, Kentucky Hotel
Louisville, Kentucky
Dear Sir:

The Annual fleeting of the Kentucky State Bar Association
has been scheduled for your hotel on April 5,6 and 7. We
have a Board floating on the 4th. I will probably need to be
in Louisville sometime on April 3rd., certainly through the
7th. and probably through the 8th.

Hrs. Harkins will be with me all the time. Both of my
sons and members of their family will be there at the same
time but may not arrive until April 4th. in the afternoon.

I will need for Mrs. Herkins and myself one of the ,
largest and most attractive suites consisting of a bedroom
and twin beds and parlor; and I will also need two connecting
bedrooms with bath, or three connecting rooms with bath if
you have this arrangement; and Would like it to be on the same
floor where the suite for Mrs. Barkins and I will be located
and be two or three doors removed from our suite. For your
information, Mrs. Bantins had a serious back injury some seven
or eight years ago in going into the ladies entrance of the
Lafayette Hotel, which developed arthritis in her back and
rendered her rather nervous. At times she does not find it
satisfactory to be in crowds and I had in mind that any time
such condition might develop she could leave the bedroom in our
suite and go down to one of the double bedrooms for rest. I
rather imagine that there will be many visitors in our suite on
the 5th, 6th. and 7th. It would be most desirable if you have
such a suite available on one or the floors say about the 7th.
or 8th. floor where it would be far enough removed from the
noise of the banquet and dance and yet not too high.

 V _ ‘ ’
I am leaving the office this aiternoon and Sam Rosenstein
has reserved a suite for me with you for Thursday evening; and
Friday and I think has ordered dimer for seweral invited
guests to be served in the suite at 6:00 PM. Thursday evening.
While I am in the hotel on Thursday or Friday or possibly
Saturday, if I am over with you that long, I would be pleased
if you will have one of the Assistant Managers to show me some
of the suites which you have which in your judgment would best
answer my requiranents for the Annual Meeting. I will, of course,
contact you by phone when I will have a few minutes of time
available for that purpose. .
Very truly yours, W
Joseph D. Barking

 l ..
h. ‘
t ? .I
’ i
\. ‘ / ' ,JEIHLTESfl 3;? A lit-ETING ()3? TIE 30am;
(” , , ’ 02" m GCZWIBSIGNERB E35333 If: LOGISVILLE,
'- " mmca‘r cm JANUARY ‘27, 1950
A mating of the Board cf um- Cominionars us hold at the Kentmky
Hotel on January 27, 3.950. 3
Freaidmt Jouph a. Harkins proud-dud the following Bauaisuioners
urn Promt:
w. John L. Davis
Mr. 211111“ L. Wilton
Hr. Many B. Harlin
Er. Ravine B. Emir:
Mr. mu, 0. Ram
Br. Jams F. Gordon
m. Larimer W. scott
(:01. Henry J. Stites
ma Karim ‘a‘. floor:
Judge Refill-agar 15013:)th and 5:33de that he had been in Frankfort
and would be unable to be pregnant. Hr. Taylor amt word tint he was ill and
is cannloacing in New York. hit. Crtdriock, Mr. :uncnn and Ear. Hill canld not
w pmnnto

On motion duly main, monded and animated, tha reading cf the minutes
was dispcnaed with in View of the fact that copias thereof had previously been
providsd each Gmisaionar.

The first order or bunineaa was a raport an pending »lis’aamant came.

The first case called was mat of In Re: John E. Campbell, Attorney,
Henri, Kentucky. A writtcn mpurt m :3thth by Commissioners Scott and
Bloom, in me): they atatecl that. a lmgthy baring had been canduntod and that
they had fully considered the matter, And it was their “animation that neither
of the than chug“ against. Kr. Cwbell panama any merit, am: that. they
should, therefore, be dimiaud. a: nation of Mr. fin-112:, mondad by 3332‘. Wilson
that thc apart be Appmod and that the cmlnint be cumin-ad in its ontinty,
the roll was called ami the nation was unanimously adopted.

Judy,» ‘finllnue gem and Judge Tm Young, members of tho Louisville
Bu, asked pemiauion to Appear berm the Board ta $31-09th a legislatin
problem. Permission us grant-d and Judge: Young acted u spokamn for m
Negation. Ho stated that the Legal Aid Society of kahuna felt that the
anption Statutes, to wit, Km; whom-03041;!) mocha modemizing, and he
read I draft of t bill that the 100:]. group had wowed. Ila solicited the
endorsement or the Bar Association to : move to modernize t?» Emgtian Statutes,
but stated that he did not with the Board to await itself to the specific thoughts
containod in the Bill. Ho solicited their Win... On motion of colonel Stites,
seconded by Hr. Moan mad mud to by the Omission, it was ordemd that the
Cami-aim go on record a acknowledging the need far a. new or modern Exemption
Statute; that the Sill aubuittod be uppravad in principle, and that the mttor
be referred to cur Mgislatim Comittee with pater to net. 111 votes were cut
in the affirmative, with tho exception of 313'. 3min, who voted I93:19". Judgu
Diem and Young thanked the emit-$193 13:11 left the room.

The next one. were In Re: C. 23. Upton and Small Redford. Th-
Socmtary reported that tho mart of Appeals had mat mot ruled on the certifi-
cation questions, And the cm: were ordered mud.

The next. emu called was thzt of In it” Ham ii. Rudd. In V1" of
the Ensure. of Cmiuioneru mm»: mi Mom-agar, the on” war. ordered passed
and thou comaiuimsrl were asked to try to get tho cu. radar for the next
acting at the Bard.

The next use an; that of In Ru Robert Loo fiendith. In View or the
abunco of emission.” Gradual: And Taylor, thin can no cram-ad puma.

 m ‘

It. was pointed out that them is a definim ms}: far a rsvisisn
of the pmmmt miles mlatizu‘; to the: Cameraman 0:: she $.12: Associatim. (2)6
of the moat mum-31a situaticns is that. inwlving; a 7mm wim has been suswnisi
for a short perms. of time. Under the: smsazzzt rules, 113 is mqsirwi to
petiticm for rainst-nmmnt. "this ordinarily commas a ::';irfimxi. 01‘ six ::snfias
mi 3 immishiz) Insults, sarticularly in cases sf smart asspezmiaml. ('1 caggitma
of fibres to study was rules and mwzmend mvlaiona was amusin’wd, was:

::'-r. Jshn I.. hang, Chaiman, an”. arena (3. :Le-fifim, am; Juis Thom?» E‘s. iicgmlgor.

Sir. John L. uzwia £13325; written airman; agrsiniuns cm the saw-animus

. subrizitézmi Ly :.i'r. Charles :3. :iiric'le, muiavills, am: 337‘. 9;. L. flyphegabe,
Jai‘;fs>-3z;nvilig, Indians. Thea minimums as submizwd “rs, yr. 3 3:12;, mm zswlopmeil
933; a my; is attached hereto :35 :1 ;,art immuf by rsi'csrmice.

A litter firm: 252'. Join-'1 52. Kshrman, At‘aormy, {Eml‘g‘wii, gimmicky was
mas, in which he imam-ea: if the: "madam" of the Amricwx '5.-m- assrxziutizm's
waiting: on b.1331}. Ethics was be traits-.1 as binding; is Kszxmcky._ The
..,:scrasmary was :,imcta-i to afiise My}; ”that. fiwy scald mt; ha Cibi‘xfli;:£2,t‘ti-i s3
bimiisgg, but. 921:3st as aivlsom'.

in". liza'mns wished. out that the: Emmi shoal; submit a ”List; 01‘ night
:m-rws to Me ifssvsmoz‘, so that he souls”: agtzgismt four of then; to that: 5“.-tannins
E‘wivision 5.2mm: mien. L‘s: mtion mam ‘:;; {391mm}. 5.3-‘;:: 12:23, seconded by $71". Team,
has follmvinf; sight 1:322:25 mm area. to:

“as. L. ”:3. Almaandsr, P‘s-dues};

1221‘. Bla’my 13611-11, L0. 'isvills

Err. Eslzion Y. ’I‘rizable, IV” iicgszzisarilie
:..f‘r. Clinton L’. fisfl'aissn, Imagmn

E453“. J. (Ersszvills «Clark, iiunssll‘iille
air. Jams I}. Liilliksn field i‘iprings

Fir. .320 {f}. Tuviss, aimwille

Sir. M‘ton fiolbrook, {2:52-5:8wa

The mxt report was heat of tie M‘egislauw Lom'aittee, and it was
garesenmai iv 32*. garcw C. Eleofiflm, Shaina}. Evie pointed asst. mm. a csni‘m‘mxce
has: Ewen held in ifrmkfnrt relative to a bill authorising; Quiz: rezvisiun a}:
the {Sivil Code 05 Procsdm'e, and that a 3111 had been awaited and it. apt-eased.
that i"; would have a 3004- chmco of gamma. In t 9 event. the ‘:Eill passed,
that tins: Eiar Associatirm would he called upon torscsrssnd a list an: mama
to has Traversal“ for the apps assent cf fax to a coz-zmittma. Gs fist-ion wily
mis mi :gssozwsi, the following saws were 5ng -L‘:8M1Ci for csmiisz’wbn, and
far subrzziasisn at a law date:

3:151:35! Jessy; :42. Eizsrlzina
Gris 53. 1mm
James G. Tkheelcar

~ :mncan },Ei.llike:'z, Jr.
John ’1’. Sims
Eastman} saris
Loam Patterson

31‘. Inez-(Mine also paintball 0135!. that Es 343 35.3.1 (,9 had buss il'ltfiT‘OdQCQJ
for the ::urjzvose of relieving, armluams sf Esmtxmky Law achmls from his used
of taking Eur examinations. EEC: thought £229.": tigis 1312.1 had: a Jami shsnw s:
passage and that» it. would be a backwaré may, and erfiid 11w sctivs o;s,,-osition
01‘ the Aswan-time ta it. in mtion of :21". isvis, secunim 13;; six. ”Liam‘s, it
was ordered. mm; the hmsociaamcm mgiirsssiwrely omega film swag-:0 of limms 3111

Mr. Bedtime was canes. m to report, as chairman of the willie
Emissions Gas-.':;xittes. fie rsvicweei in considerable dstaail, the waking-,.3 of his
committee and mafia that script. is Litiifigj M‘itwn and mat. he hogan to obtain,
Without charge m the Associatimz, a sariea of broadcast: at key midis station

tsrsmjwut Fantasy. Rm also displayed a. nmfimr of formats that ‘m Ymd hammd
from time Indima Bar Association for use in Kentucky. fie exp-remand rssau’smnt
at “the series of adwrtimznnts recently immwramd ’s the Atlantic :- magic


chain, in mick in glaring: Emailines @rogawry raimmmes or i.?1i’z:3"t::nt:é;:3 2mm
made 1.20:. 21:22 “mti—tmmt lawyers". m 22:03:19.1 of: 3551'. 2:222:12; , 3330033633. by
Col. Shims and adopted. by the ward, 231*. hedwim was authorimgi £0 flirtmr
commicate with A L: F and to 2::-22:22:: than of the :fispleéiaure of the 1227:3211;ch
Tsar toward tl-L'so st~.m:ants, 2:21;: 121112333 carrcctim Max:221 were $2.23sen by car
before the April meetimg, a resolution would be oi‘i‘amd for adaption by me
commas): proper.

352'. Earned £110.: his Tmaaur‘er's regmrt. 316: {.2051an out mat. km has
2.320223. @2300 left in that bank, and amt this: would be aximuswd by or during; the
gamma]. mating. It was pom’md out that tiara 13 a vital nae-d 01“ increase in
dues: from 31.3.33 to £5.00 ami that each comflaeiwmr should 2.2mm his Sazmtora
and heprsmentativas to supyyort. a bill that would be oi‘i‘tred to accomliah ”3.3.113.
In the; wantirw, 'ugaon motion '23. 3.51;. Emma, secomked by .:.;r. gore mm aqiog'rt-Lfl,
the Tremamar ”arm-.3 authar‘iwd am: emptr:2~:*e2d t9 sell 22:272.“: (22' ii: necessary, all
or 52. part of 23:9 3.3.13. Treasxmrbs-bmas of the: imaawizatim, which
com Litutm: our sole: awash.

The next matter consider :1 was wi-wtémr the Lasmi’atirm should mica . .
action Gamay-nine; the cmviction 052122. A. J. .3.-inf, i’x‘efiwnsbmfig, Kantucky.
Consiim'ahle discussion was had. on the matter, and it was of the 0221:2102“. of
1219 Board that: since he had 3mm convicted of a. falcm', that. 2232:: 2:92:22 an
its own initiative, was mquivml he institute a conglaintc Since Jain 25.32.:
is a fellow tovmauan of fir. Maw and 22.231333 near £2.15 new in Fifi-2222;131:2223}, he
was excuszmi from pmsidingg 0r _;:L:2.r'tici;:;2.fi2;;, and 33*. 32232125, taiw Vim E’msidsnt,
presia‘ed. It was moved by Fir. Gordan, aacundad b ' 323'. human, (.:.;a‘»; a cap; of
the order of conviction be skit-£2,121,322: from the :1.-22:3: a}: this :3. :». :.imrict Court
for tin» his brief. of Colambia. $123.13 a cvsgrrlaint the prepar-ai and i‘ileavi LL.» 351‘.
Jclm L. Davis, for and on behalf 0:? the Eioami. The follawim 1:22:2er voted
in faver of the motion: :2:. Scott, air. 35902-23, Fir. 11113921, fir. Damion, 3131‘. 2mm
and £3.17. ‘Li'artin. The i’ollowim; vowci against am :Lotim‘ fir. Iieabflna, gamma}.

ma Sears tsry was {:31le upon for a report. He state-.1 that. he had only
a fear 3:215er 159 present; at 2222.3 him.

1. Tue: Kentucky Associatian of Accommmta, morning; with the Univeraity
of Kannada, as an inciJent to the “Instiwte or; negating" to be held at
Leximgton 2221 may 9 and 19, 1950, is to ciavote the seam-Li day to a "Tax Practitiomr's
forum”. That they would be glad to have the Bar Aswciat‘ion act. as: a 3mm.
sponsor of this saccmd day mating. a: must: by Lair. Earthy secmmei by 351'.
."savia, it was gran-Li twat the nascent on simulci act as a ceasponnor, without
any finmcial Giuliggatiws. This was magma.

2’. The Mammary remrted that the Kentucky mama). Association and the
Mariam 552253252231 association had mdc the following requests:

(a) To me, without we to than Aaaoeiation, our mammogram
list. for the grurfmac of informing: the Kentucky Bar cmcommri the bill to
socialise maficim, now gmrmiagr. in Commas. :22: motion of 22?. iiartin, sacandfid
by :22. Gorcian, it. was agrmzd that this list $102.21de 22.3330 avsiilable, m‘oflding
it $1.1 net. cost the Associaticm Lam/thing.

(b) That the Asseciation adopt a resolutian op;2oain;; th.t: 323.11 in
Comments to socialise medicine. (in motion of Sir. 3mm, seconded: and Magma,
it was orcksmd that this be referred to film mmlutlens’ cosad’ctee and. that.
the Mutual 2mm; 1:: April be afforded me o;;2,20rt:mity of gaming; 22:322. this.

3. The 823::th also mute a mport an the program as? the Armml
mating progrm. The 22022221195101": emanated that a dimmer be arranged for the
past and present confimiemm for the night of April 121m, mm: each comiaaionar
paying his om costs. That. the P‘mfiern}. Judges in Kantmky be invited to «mm
at. the exmnae a!" the Association.

mare being; no further business to can: before the Compassion, the
mating men adjoxmwdo


February 7, 1950
Judge Joseph D. Barking, President
‘ Kentucky State Bar Association
Prestonsburg, Kentucky
Dear Judge Barking:

The enclosed bill has been received from the I'Ientucky Hotel, and
before the Treasurer can pay it, he is required to obtain a certification
under section 99 of our By—Laws. Since I am not familiar with the items
contained on your room account charge, your directions as to payment is

P Sincerely,
y m...
cc: hr. Horned

February 9, 1950

Hon. Samuel M. Roconstein
Marion E. Taylor Building
Louisville, Kentucky
Dear Sam:

Your letter of February 7th. Evidently you sent the
original to Mr. Horned and the copy to me. Of course, this
is inmmtcrial.

As to the bill received from the Kentucky Hotel: At
the time I requested it to be sent to you for payment, or to
haVB paid by Mr. Earned, it Was all in gross and,of course,

I did not know Just the proper divisions. As you will recall
there was a cults and a dinner in the rooms for the Program
Committee and there were sechal long distance calls put in
from the room by different ones present, incident to persons '
whom we wished to have on the program.

hrs. Harkins, my son and I came into Louisville on
Thursday afternoon and we weren't able to complete the work
or the Board in time for me to leave Louisville Friday after-
noon and:reach home. The same night, consequently, I had to
ramain over in Louisville until Saturday on Bar Association
business. Hrs. Harkins was not able to leave Louisville on
Saturday and we continued the occupancy of the suite until

My son had room 1401 and I gave the hotel a check for
his bill in full.

It mac, and is, prepcr in my judgment for the Bar
Association to take care of the bill for me for the suite from
Thursday afternoon to and including Saturday, which would be
two days time, plus the expenses of the dinner where we had the
Program Committee with us, and any long distance calls appearing
upon the bill which were incident to the Program matters; or,in
another way, were not personal calls of my own. According to my
understanding the charges for the suites are fixed ~whethor one
or two persons occupy it; but in the event there is an additidxal
charge for the occupancy of a aecond pcr on, that is for Hrs.
Harkins, than, or course, that would be a part of my personal
expenses; and the day that we stayed OVcr would likewise be my
personal expense. There is another phase in connection with tho
matter, and that is that I almost had a complete nervous collapse

 I .

about the middle of NoVember which my Doctors attributed to the
substantial troubles and additional burdens incident to the Bar
Association business and travels. It is impossible to leave
Prestonsburg and reach Louisville in time for the meetings of
the Board at ten and eleven o'clock; and it has always been my
plan to drive to Lexington the preceding afternoon; spend the
night at the Lafayette Hotel and then drive on to Louisville
the following day in time for the meeting. On the occasion of
this last trip, I left one day in advance of the time since I
had been requested by Marcus Redwine to meet him in Frankfort
incident to sponsoring certain Legislative matters in which the
Association is much interested; and then brought Marcus on with
me from Frankfort to the meeting of the Program Committee on
Thursday evening, January 26th.

I haVe not sent in any statement covering expenses of
the Board fleeting in October. Neither have I sent in any ex-
pense statement covering my attendance at the Judicial Council
on December lst., which attendance was suggested at the October
meeting and which, in my judgment, was one of the most important
trips that I have eVer made in connection with the Bar Associa~
tion work; nor have i sent in expense account cOVering travel and
other hotel bills and expenses incident to use January 27th.

\ meeting; nor an accumulation of long distance calls incident to
our Association matters; or, added to that, on eVeragc or about
a dollar a day for postage, exclusive of the stamped envelopes
which you sent me the lost requisite I made for envelopes, and
those which you sent are almost exhausted and it is doubtful
if they, the stamped envelopes, will last another weéz. And
further, I doubt most seriously if any expense item ever sent
in during the five years I hava been connected with the Board,
amounted to as much as one-third or one—half of the expenses in-
curred at any pnrticulcr time.

Of course, I do not want the Board to pay GVGn one cent
for any personal expenses which should be paid by me. I can do
one or either things; I can send a personal check in payment of
the bill and than include all mileage etc., in my personal ex-
pense account, or Mr. Harned can go ahead and pay this bill,
attachin: this letter thereto as a certificate under section 903
and whatever my personal portion of it should be, can be deducted
from my expense account, when, as and if I send one in for pay~

Very truly yours,
JDflgnbs Joseph D. Harkins
CC: Henry Horned

Ellenhmkg 33325129111 (111111232
Iflinzhester, ¥§2ntutkg
Office of the President February 9, 1950

Hon. J. D. Harkins
my dear Mr. Harkins:
we are getting our new catalog ready to go to press and I feel sure that
you have overlooked a payment on the sacred memorial which you and Mrs.
Browning have established here as a scholarship fund in memory of your
father and mother. Each of you pledged $500.00 to this fund. You have
paid $h00.00 and Mrs. Browning has paid $500.00. I would like very much
to have the total in this fund showing a payment of the complete $1,000.00
memorial in the new catalog.
If it suits your convenience, please mail me a check made payable to
Kentucky Wésleyan College and indicate that it is to be credited to the
Harkins Scholarship Fund as a part of our permanent endowment.
Judge Stanley brought to my attention your very thoughtful letter which
was sent to him in which you endorsed Kentucky wasleyan College for con—
sideration as a part of the Kittinger Estate. we are certainly grateful
to you for this endorsement.

Appreci::::::;;2::jincerely yours,

Paul S. Powell


 b/f p
February 11, 1950
Dr. Paul S. Powell
Kentucky Wesleyan College ‘
Winchester, Kentucky
Dear Dr. Powell:

Your letter of February 9th.

During the past year with the coal strike on hands
the collections of the office from coal royalties have been
practically nil; I have been giving practically all of my
attention to the matters pertaining to the presidency of the
State Bar Association to the exclusion of even collections;
and at the present I have the State and County taxes to pay,

a substantial insurance premium and the balance of income

tax for the year 1949, all of which would make it inconvenient
for me to spare even the smallest sum of the balance due on

the pledge that I have in connection with the school. It will
probably be some time in the middle of the summer before I can
send you check in connection with the same; and what that
particular date would be depends upon the settlement of the
coal strike and the collections which come into the office.
Fortunately for me, my term as President of the Ear Association
expires April 7th.

I have not forgotten the fact that you were to have
this additional one hundred dollars to complete payment on the

. five hundred which I agreed to give you but the demands of the
State and of the Federal Government for payments on items to
them, hays to be considered first and I know you appreciate
that fact. Just as soon as I can spare this amount I will be
glad to send you check for it.

With all good wishes.

Sincerely yours,
Joseph D. Barkine

 ‘ifieniurkg weslegan 61111252
lfliuchester, flfientuckg
Office of the President February 111, 1950
Hon. J. D. Harkins
My dear Mr. Harkins:
I appreciate yours of February 11.
I can readily understand the problems of any man who has a
relationship to the coal business at a time like this. We
have some student accounts that are giving some anxiety be-
cause of the same situation which is gradually affecting the
economy of our whole country.
I note that it is your intention to delay your payment on
the endowed scholarship until perhaps the middle of the summer
' and this will be all right. We shall simply file your letter

and perhaps somebody may drop you a card of reminder at that
time, if you wish.
The only reason that I reminded you now is because of the fact
that we are preparing for publication our new catalog and I
thought it might be you would want to complete it with that in
Your letter is entirely satisfactory and very much appreciated
and I send you my personal regards.


Paul S. Powell'—


March 14, 1950,
Br. 13. L. Hoorary '
moup Manager
Pikeville, Kentucky
Dear Hr. Hooray:

I dislike to bother you with omlaints and criticism
but somehow or other the phone service here, in spite of all
that your local employees may be able to do, is consistently
getting worse and worse. There has never been a time when it
has been more important for no to have quick, efficient telephone
service than it has been for the past few weeks. Particularly
ac, during the time the Legislature has been in session.

At different days, the phones at the office and at my house
have been absolutely dead; and other days there was considerable
lose or time in answering calls were the people tell no they
have rung another nmber and the phone rings here at the office;
at other times, at both the house and the office, we have had to
«it some times for ten or fifteen minutes before we could get
the dial tone in any way; and on lent Sunday, after waiting for
ease time to get the dial tone at my residence I had to ring for
at least ten minutes or more to get the long distance operator at
Paintoville, for a. call for my sister, are. Browning, at Ashland,
phone 2306,mich I was most anxious to get through immediately,
since I thought she was leaving ashlend on the noon train for
Louisville. During all the time I was ringing I could hear a
radio playing, but when the operator cams on the line and I made
some inquiry as to the delay, she said that the ring had Just
come into Paintsville; many times on a long distance call I sees:
to have trouble, naybe for many minutes, in getting disconnected
Rom the Paintsvills office, even after I have hung up the re-
ceiver; and even this morning I have answered three or tour rings
or the phone anon the person putting in the. call tells me that
they have been calling for another masher other thsn at the office
here and still our phone rims.

On some or these occasions I have node cells to it's. Hale
about themor other tines I have called Mr. ucIntosh about than
and they are most cooperative in their praises to get the phones
in good ordermnd unuslly do for a day or too. I dislike to bother
them too much; and therefore I on sending this letter to you.

I do not know what the condition is ,«hsthsr it i s in the over-
loaded service uhich you have at the office, or somewhere in the

equipment, but. some times I have to go out; of the office to
other phones to put in immediate calls‘ and I find at those
other phones that I get the dial tone imediately, instead
of having to wait for minutes in order to get it.
Try to help us out, won't: you?
Very truly yours,
Joseph D. Harkina
CC: 13's. f-Linnie Hale
Mr. J. w. McIntosh

 March 17, 1950
Hon. Paul Hayes
Prestonsburg, Kentucky
Dear Paul:-

Following your telephone call to me on the night of March
8th., I immediately tried to get Norman Allen on the phone but
was informed that he was out of town but would be in his office
the next morning. I passed along the information you had re-
quested me to give him, as to the Floyd County Judicial Bill.
The next morning I talked to Norman himself, at his office,and
told him of your call and of your statement to me that he knew
all the details relative to the Bill. Because of your statement,
I did not go into the matter of your intense interest in the
Bill, or the cooperation those of us interested in the separate
Judicial district, had in the matter.

This morning I have the March 16th. issue or the Floyd
County Times;and from it, it seats to give the principal credit
to Senator Hayes and does not give you any mention at all in
connection with the work shich you did. I, of course, in no way
depreciate the valuable service that Doug has rendered and the
cooperation we could always depend upon from him; but on the
other hand, I know that you have been on the Job all the time in
connection with this Bill, and other bills in which we haVe been
interested, and I am disappointed that you are not given full
credit for the work done in the House in connection with the
credit given Senator Hayes for the work in the Senate.

Knowing what you have done, I feel sure that the Bill would
never have passed, except for your constant interest in it; and
I want to say to you now that I personally appreciate very much
what you have done in connection with this matter and in connect-
ion with the Bills sponsored by the Bar Association and getting
them through.

My best personal regards.

Very truly yours,
Joseph D. Herkins

3 i711 ‘.' /\ V. /,_
“J 3 u
. LP uééuc/l 70.5. I e 9]? 0’1
FRED C. ADE,VIc2ePresider\t 310.312 w‘ WALNUT STREET
ED.IJ. REICHERT, Treasurer
Twenty Ninth,
i 9 5 0 .
Mr. Joe Harkins,
Prestonhurg, Ky.
Dear Mr. Harkins:
Well, another month has rolled by, and we have not re—
ceived that little check you promised to send us, nor
have we received the other one that was supposed to be
here. he realize that it is annoying to you, to be re«
minded of this from time to time, but it just so happens,
that we happen to be one of those unfortunate concerns,
that needs money too.
Can't you possibly arrange to send us something by return
Your cooperation in this will be appreciated.
Vergéaruly yours,
//f/}D , _3 ‘M _ ,
“AggifiiCH P396. & WELLENDORFF/
‘7 ,,/"_,2/;, A; ,::; a, ,/
. ”I,‘I-S'HH“. f -L!'*JL.,‘ILFL".‘I ‘CL WLIR: ‘I’UZX'JIVI V.'-II FIXI‘FF 'O;,I'-EI_"-.A ‘_LET. TLFE

 . March 31, 1950
Hubbuch Bros. & Wellendorff
~ 510-312 W. Walnut Street
Louisville 2, Kentucky

Your letter of March 29th. is just received, which, about
the time of this receipt, you should have received check in full
paymcnt of your account which I sent you with a great deal of

The coal strike, starting last June, played considerable
havoc with the collections, both from coal royalty and business
collections, in this section, as well as throughout the country.
Up until about two to three week: ago, I had not collected one
cent from coal royalties and usually collect anywhere from $750.
to $800.. per month on that account. Further, for some reason
or other, it soon: to have affected the Louisville, Indianapolis,

. Nachville and other places, for which we have been sending bills
to clients for many months without getting any returns whatever,
- until one Small bill was paid a short time ago.

I trust this will be a satisfactory explanation to you an
to the delay in paying this bill; and which, when collections be-
gun to be r0031Vad, Was the first bill that I have paid, other
than ordinary office operating expenses which usually run about
$800.00 per month.

Very truly yours,
Joseph D. Harkinc

 ’5 ,‘
April ll, 1950
Hon. Marcus C. Redwine
Kentucky State Bar Association
Winchester, Kentucky
Dear Marcus:-
I have and appreciate Very much your letter of April
First, let me say that each of the members of my family
felt V