xt70zp3vt865_112 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46.dao.xml unknown 14 Cubic Feet 31 boxes archival material 63m46 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Harkins Family papers Mineral rights -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Law reports, digests, etc. -- Kentucky. Mining leases -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Practice of law -- Kentucky. Bankers -- Kentucky. Banks and banking -- Kentucky -- Prestonsburg. Coal trade -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Lawyers -- Kentucky. 1943-1954, undated text 1943-1954, undated 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46/Box_14/Folder_7/0001.pdf section false xt70zp3vt865_112 xt70zp3vt865 ,R. ;, s~op~szoruwsirowggggs s~vo‘svzwv' .:‘ ‘rmsn‘W' *‘~v* ;—a"' ~*a“-= an: ' swmuw
E is ‘T.’ ‘0 ,., a . . ' " “V {i
£ '-
ji‘ AnTlCLhS LE luCUhttnaTltN Lia
iii That we, James J. Carter, Claybourne Stephens, is
‘;5 Tom Graham Dingus, Bert T. Combs and Carl Corbin, do hereby f}
;:. associate ourselves together to form a corporation under the laws id
l?‘ of the State of Kentucky. L
1 . ‘
2£L The corporation prop0sed to be organized L j
Elfv shall be named and known as The Floyd County Overseas Veterans, ::’
tfi Inc., by which name it may contract and be contracted with, sue ii
a} and be sued, adopt a corporate seal and conduct its business. 3%;
4 d
it The principal office and place of business %
‘ii of said corporation shall be in the Town of Lancer, Floyd County, %
i? Kentucky. @
‘LJ The General nature and purpose of the cor- ‘#
LL 1’
LL poration shall be:— :fi
.2? (l) Fraternal, patriotic, historical and Lf
of; educational; to preserve and strengthen comradeship among its . gig
£3 members; to assist worthy comrades; to perpetuate the memory 'ig
a? and history of our dead, and to assist their widows and orphans; i1;
3% to maintain true allegiance to the Government of the United States Egg
of America and fidelity to its Constitution and laws; to foster s
Lid true patriotism; to maintain and extend the Institutions of 5%
:- _- ‘,‘
ft American Freedom; and to preserve and defend the United States Q
(35 from all her enemies; whomsoever. ‘ ;
9‘: (2) To take by gift or devise and to pur- it
Egg Chase, sell, transfer, mortdaoe and lease or rent or otherwise '
if; acquire real and personal property and do all things necessary EL
::‘: :;
I “ a?tigggfig34fiittiigfiifiifidfiifiitéfifiafiifLats“dfiaitfiifitjiLflfihfiéi“§%§isfifitiii§sIafitfi$§sfiifiid?fl fig:
. ya _ 2" ‘ry:"*a'rawwa'u€@wfifie*?t *”“ "‘ V"“‘ “3*”* r13 > ~£”*“,Kf_f“ . 33h

 and essential thereto, to borrow money and pledged its
assets as security therefor.

(5) To do all things in anywise neces—
sary, proper, incident, or convenient to carry on the afore—
said activities: rehabilitation; welfare and social work of
the corporation, including the establishment and operation of
recreation rooms and club facilities for the use and comfort
of the members and auxiliary, composed of members' wives, sis-
ters and mothers.

(4) To invest or reinvest any funds
of the corporation in property or securities approved by the
officers and Board of Directors.

(5) To adopt, amend, apply and adminis-
ter By-Laws and regulations to carry out its purposes not in—
consistent with the laws of the United States or of any State.


This corporation does not contemplate
pecuniary gain or profit to its members, but at all time shall
be conducted as a non-profit corporation, and no capital stock
shall be issued. The corporation has at least Six Thousand
Dollars ($6,000.00) paid in capital at this time.


The qualifications of the members and the
manner of their admission into this corporation shall be as


 The membership of this corporation shall
at all times be confined to the active membership in good stand—
ing in The Walter Karr Bowling Post No. 5859, Veterans of
Foreign Wars of the United States, with eligibility to, acquir—
ing of, suspension from and discontinuance of membership being
in accordance with the National Constitution and By—Laws of the
Veterans of r‘oreign Wars of the United States, together with
the rules and by-Laws adopted by the corporation.
The corporation shall commence business
as soon as practicable after these Articles are filed with and
approved by the Secretary of the State of Kentucky, and filed
in the office of the County Court Clerk of FlOyd County, Ken-
tucky, and shall continue perpetually unless sooner dissolved by
a two-thirds vote of the members of the corporation.
The affairs and business of the corpora-
tion shall be conducted by Five directors, one of whom shall be
elected president of the Board, another Vice President. The
President of the Board shall be the chief executive officer of
the corporation.
The First board of Directors shall be
elected by the members by ballot at such time and place as a
majority of the incorporators may determine, and thereafter an
election of directors shall be held at the corporation's office
in Lancer, Kentucky, at the annual meeting of the members on
the first Monday in September of each year.

 The board of ldirectors shall, at their
first meeting, elect one of their members President, and
another Vice President; they shall also elect a Secretary
and Treasurer of the corporation, who shall hold their offices
for one year, unless removed by a majority of the directors.

A majority of the directors shall have power to remove the
Secretary or the Treasurer at any time. The Board of l)irec-
tors shall have power to make all such By-Laws and rules to
regulate the business of the corporation as will not be in-
consistent with the provisions of these Articles of Incorpora-
tion, or the laws of the United States or any State.


The names and addresses of the incorpora-

tors are as follows:—




In the event of a dissolution of this
corporation, all its assets shall be the property of the in-
dividual members of the corporation to be distributed and divid—

p» M WWW
ed equally among the individual members thereof as of the time
of dissolution.

 The highest amount of indebtedness or
liability which the corporation may at any time incur shall
be fifteen Thousand Dollars ($15,000.00).


The private property of the officers,
directors and members shall not be subject to the payment of
debts of the corporation.


In addition to the powers enumerated above,
the corporation shall possess all powers it is authorized to
exercise under and pursuant to the laws of the State of Ken-
tucky and the United States pertaining to corporations of this


The agent for service of process and the
person upon whom service shall be had shall be the President of
the Corporation, who, within thirty (50) days after his elec-
tion shall cause his name and place of residence to be filed
with the County Court Clerk of r'loyd County, Kentucky, and the
Secretary of State of the State of Kentucky.

IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, witness our signatures
this 19th day of September, 1947.



Subscribed and sworn to before me by
James J. Carter, Claybourne Stephens, Tom Graham Dingus, Bert T.
Combs and Carl Corbin, this the 19th day September, 1947.
(SEAL) gig§§yC:::%;S,Kentucky.
My commission expires the 17th day of May,
1, JARVIS ALLEN, Clerk of the County and
State aforesaid, do hereby certify that the foregoing articles
of lncorporation of The Floyd County Overseas Veterans, Inc.,
were this day produced to me in my office, certified as above
and left for record at Prestonsburg,
Given under my hand, this 8 day of November,
Clerk Floyd County Court

Date bep. 22, 1947
By E. T. Perdew
Chief Clerk


I, JARVIS ALLEN, Clerk of the County
Court in and for the county and state aforesaid, certify
that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of Articles
of Incorporation of The Floyd County Cverseas Veterans, Inc.,
as appears of record in my office in Articles of lncorporation
book No. 2, Page 216.

Given under my hand, this the 25 day of
March, 1949.


 7- my.

\XP' 124”,
May 17. 1949
Mr. Joseph D. Harkins, President
Kentucky State Bar Association
Prestonsburg, Kentucky
Dear Joe:

Your letter of May 13 is acknowledged and it re-
called to my mind the good work which has been done both
on the state and federal level toward simplifying and bring-
ing orderliness into the field of administrative procedures
and regulations. The chaos which existed in this important
segment of our governmental system, and which straddled the
line of demarcation between the three branches of govern—
ment, has been greatly clarified through the passage of the
federal administrative procedure act.

Inasmuch as this has been a problem of growing
concern in state government as well, I am glad to note that
our State Bar Association is working in close cooperation
with various state agencies in discussing plans and methods
of administrative procedures and regulations.

During the course of your forum discussions in
each of the congressional districts I shall follow with in-
terest the progress made and the resolutions and suggestions
proposed of a remedial nature. It would be a privilege to
take part in these conferences; however, the indefinite
schedule which would necessarily guide your program arrange-
ments and my calendar congestions leads me to suggest that
your plans be formulated on the basis of my inability to
attend. Should circumstances permit in a locality mutually
convenient for all concerned, allow me to consider your in-
vitation as a standing one and pay a visit on a drop-in basis.

 Mr. Joseph D. Harkins-e. May 17, 19kg
With best wishes and kind regards, I am
Sincerely yours,
Earle C. Clements

 any 27, 1949
honorable icnneth L. Howell
Dear Lenncth:
It is a special pleasure to we pers;nally to note that
you have been spyointed as a member of the Lorkmena Comp n-
satiun Board. Yau will know of course the high personal and
profnssional regard l have long hElQ for y u since 1 first knew
you c
1 have not the slightest doubt but that yo“ will be one
of the outstanding members over of the board and that your work
on the hoard will be one or an honor to yourself and a pleasure
to all your friends.
My best personal regards.
Very truly yours,
Joseph b. Rankine

 Sirsg-Masonry-judiciary unholy collusion to defraud our family. M (~
' “ ’ June 26, 1949. _..——
President so members- Floyd County Bar Association,
Prestorfiaurg, Ky.
Dear Sir; ! Sirg—Is this indicative of our nation's decay?

As aggrieved creditors of Freemasonry and Freemasons,25 years,we regret we must again appeal
t0 and demand that You and associates,ss victims of corrupt courb,as be low,Mason officers honor
their oath and Mesonry,tske action,not as our sttomey,to impeach Freemasons of the judiciary be-
cause of unethical conduct violating integrity of their courts with delinquent Masonic debt and
"Imclean hands“ of Masonic frauds,who condone,abst and party to sale,l9214—25,by misre resen tion
0f their fraudulent Freemasonry lst Mortgage Bonds,direct to our family,nm-Msscn,st psrgwhiIeQn "
W of “Sinking Fund" and failure to pav,in face of solvengy,due 1951+,both pgo—
mised in bonds,fscsimile enclosed. To gssure us mbiss courts gnd to gvoid REPRISAL FEARS of non-
Mgsonswf judicisgzmnd ours. We're reluctant to believe members of judiciary unethicalmur charg-
es compel our demand and to state our complaint frenkly,mbies survey will show. N0 effort to cor-
rect these frauds as would honest debtor,svil gangup to defraud our family in 2% fake bankruptcy
is obvious,be low.

(1110 Grand Lodge,1ocal Masonry,The Shriners,PO Inspectors and FBI can inform you of our
family and hithersn Church,afber 8 years survey to our rum and neighbors,were imposed on us not
to pay the debt,§s we demand,but to harass and intimidate our family into 2% fraud pwoffms 7
fraud proposals,fske Melville Report' and fake Masonic Florida "circuit court at Delmd',evident-
ly penal gsngup abuse of Masonic dominance of courts by our delinquent moon debtors,who,if in
bona fide court,wsre disqualified by "unclean heInds'l of Masonic fraudsmith false statement, no
confession of ineolvencymo notice to us,our address suppressed,sdmit Grand Lodge liabilitymmple
precedents for assessing insane for the debt,fglse dated fgke bgnkruptgy in Museum-judiciggy gn-
holy collusion,to deny us benefit of and violate Grand Lodge as 8016 sovereign ,sole obligor and
solvency to avoid Grgd ;nge gnd Mgsons' debt to us and their guilt of fraud bond sgle to us by;
misrepresengtionfiaysfin effect,former Lodge Trustee in letters to us,in 12 by 2 past Grand
Masters,in 19 by Chief and Justices Florida Supreme OouWain 4 by M Scottish Bil-“:11! 5 by The
Shriners,P0 Inspectors' Report to us,l945,and many others distressed by fraud on us,unbias survey
of these records will show. With uunclean hands'l of Masonic frauds this fake bankruptcy Was impos-
ed on the Federal Government,19h8,pena1 offense,tc intimidate our family into 2% fraud payoffdn
Meemry-judicism' collusion,false dsted(l955)fake bankruptcy,with fraud bonds,is unprecedented
abuse of Freemasongz powers to defgud our fag; 11. Would Oomunmist be as brutally dishonest were
USA a Soviet puppet: (BA may be yet with honest memes Freemasonsnesorting to fraud to avoid
debt. Masons of Florida Supreme Court(snd others) in 19 letters,seemingly discern Mongol-barber-
isn Communism,in this freud,thst destroys Masonry and brutally purge Masons in Soviet and puppets.
Is this indicaiglre of our natigg's decg‘! Emphasizes win we must circularizs these Masonic frauds
21 years seeking‘redress,and insist on our demand to impeach Freemasons of the {judiciary or m‘d
be helpless in court because we won't submit to fraud. Federal officers surveyed our records,tsk-
ing photos evidently to fortify their no notice: against us. W
the judiciggz.

No bonds sold to Florida Mssons,they lmew Lodge fraud sesamw
Min high praise of "Anciegt and Hgorgble Tradifions' and WW,
we depgnd be fully respgcted. lest paid coupm,0ct.l,1928,with eye to 5—year Statute of Limita-
time for 15 Mail fraud. NC! holding oompsnygclandestine nor 'Negro Freemasonry" bonds,contrsry
to aspersions. World Tribunal—[B Supra! Court,st NmmMrg,mmmJWMfi
executed Nazi criminalsmppy to Freemasons orig on our fgmilzwourts and securities. Ignorance
plea and hiding behind Nazi leaders were cowardly futile slibis.

If we must be forced into court in face of solvency,in Masonry—judiciary collusion.“
above,we dammid non-Meson courts as we object to our delinquent Mason—debtor judge of his debt to
our fsmily,25 years,in violatim of integrity and disqualified by “unclean hands of Masonic
frauds in his court. Unethical,tmnetursl,mMssonic and OBVIOIB. W
for less «gamma oppoged by 11.292451 Council of The Shrinerefifor HA.I____si_es____—.B_hen ur settle” 13:11.9
court ectigfln Florida _Glfld Masternolmteered in 161215519 hm. Bed faith in
Masonic lodges caused our family much unnecessary annoyance and expense for 2 years 18 815° “V
we fear simillrbsd faith in Mason courts. Evident abuse of Masonic dominmoe of judiciary is evil
motive for this wholly Imprecedented Masonic fraud,;_11_f§c_e___mm,snd unbias survey Will show
why Lodge Trustee in letter,1929obold and pens1,sdmit fraud bondssls to as W
in evil |'VIeIr of neme',evssim and runsround by Grand meter and Lodge officdrs When in Florida,
or by lettersfieeldng settlement with our offers,1950,cf 25% interest reduction and deferred pg.
ments. Honest debtors paid their debfinot 2%) in war time boom. NO our. 1949.


W WXW Mrs. May x. Melville a. Childnn,R.D..lI—8pr1ngfie1d.01uo.



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 -‘\- «Al‘s-o
. FLAVIUS B. MARTIN 3:323:36
Epvbiuégvgfixm PRESIDENT-EL:::.S1;VIO:::L:JRSGC. REDWINE JA'fliiquSfiEIEON
Judge Joseph D. Hex-kins
c/o Col. Kenry J. Stites
Starks Building
Dear Judge Barking:
I have been out of the city and this is my first chance to
C write you. I hope ‘bhat this letter will be helpful to you.
The Presidents of the Kentucky State Bar and the year in which
they served are as follows:
Robert T. Caldwell, Ashland, Kentucky - l93h-35
0 Coleman Taylor, Russellville,Kentucky - 1935—36
(Hr. Taylor moved from the state and residmd as President
on Jute h, 1936 and was succeeded by Mr. J. R. ‘5.-hits,
Glasgow, Kentucky ) .
J. R. Tmite, Glasgow, Kentucky - 1936-37
Leonard J. Crawford, Newport,Kent\wky - 1937-39 (mm deceased)
(The Rules had been changed in 1938 whereby officers wax-re
to be elected during liarch or April).
Juldge mm Amn’ muiSVine, Kent-anew "’ 19394“).
Judge John B. Hades, Bowling Green- who-bl.
L. B. Alexander, Paducah, Kentucky- l9hl—h2.
Y Henry F. Main, 31"., IouisvilleJ-entuck? - l9h2-«243.
Charles s. Adams, Hemmrt, mutuczq- 1914M.
William B. 6983, Lemmn’ Kantm" whit-2.35.
Edward A. Dodd, Louisville, Kentucky-- 1915-146.
C. C. Duncan, liontioello, Kentucky- 19136-417.
Flavius B. Kartin, fiayfield, Kentuclqr - HEM—hi}.
George S. 'v‘iileon, Jr., Orsensborofiientuckyo 191K348.
Joseph D. Bar-kins, Mambwgmentm- 1919-50.
narcus c. Redxim, President—Elect, Winchester, 1o.- 1950-51.
For your further information, I have acted as Secretary during
the entire period of the Integrated Bar, with the exception of one year
that Ines any in the military service.

 A n‘ Q