xt70zp3vt865_104 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46.dao.xml unknown 14 Cubic Feet 31 boxes archival material 63m46 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Harkins Family papers Mineral rights -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Law reports, digests, etc. -- Kentucky. Mining leases -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Practice of law -- Kentucky. Bankers -- Kentucky. Banks and banking -- Kentucky -- Prestonsburg. Coal trade -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Lawyers -- Kentucky. 1921-1942 text 1921-1942 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46/Box_13/Folder_21/0001.pdf section false xt70zp3vt865_104 xt70zp3vt865 !;I8
Mlddle Creek
Coal COmpany
Principal and Interest Payable
at the office of
of Prestonsburg, Kentucky

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#5; 1 J . 4.: ., 4 * 'T 1; 5i? :56,” O I: 11 middle Cref The Ban five Czntl (0' me if 3 resent stan “d Fcbruafy . J n)’ with intcrEIen I)“ cant xY. I
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.:=«fiq {'2 GO I rszifiiigxmfiiuwi fie (ff ' {‘4‘ .‘m‘? l I {be Mlfiglfmce of The ?ggmzije 99:52:? to the ,- Presfiggdflsgted F'bruraeijempzionL ”2‘:? :2 seven PQYCSfiPANy. fl
$559153: , . fig, 1‘? ..- {:‘iWQ “f“ '1' "MW :3??? ’1 :7 to be'al’" azlzy. Ont Dollatoif“ America} ofofiths' fireflies: ',v‘triviously tillIed {graturiw at EhecjriEEK COAL :3
{mt/“W; . J ,- 4: n ;Tgwfi €75 ‘ _ . _ ‘ '34! ('3: _ ubIIIKIv bani}; United 3‘33“: beinzIIflro‘I‘I‘d 51,311 hav;f this; 1’ goupon me: its MIDDLE 7.;
§”i:§~ 44.44454 1‘734 T" ”"‘;:v «x; -L~' ‘ ‘ K 3‘h"‘~’4« L - gold $23,; of Weigh: “1931 (“3195:2151 on the ‘T°:;t%) per ‘Lannum' BY m 71925111293
‘95:“ 336$ A ““‘: ‘7'? :31 ” ' ” ' . ’ -- , ’ e 4. ’ ,w 2 ' PM.“ , r‘ 1resent ‘ a d February - . ) wit m 11 Per Ce“ NY- ‘ L04 _ my m
,~ ,,::§":_ .3' \ ‘0. I, :4: 2ng 3:17 ~ .1 A. ' flu: , , J ‘ 1 ».l. , 44“?» - , 1 2‘ bond date redemPuon I te of “W coMPA II I IIIIIIII JIIIIIIIIIUIIII“
”.4.4—,3 «.~.: 4 I: . , 4 » .,:, . . a , 3:;, ,» us . ued for . at the t3 4 CoAL z. I I ”.__.{I‘JJJM ,..-”412:".
.Jmfaad 3,": 4. »- ‘,I-m; 4: 4 - ‘4 - . 4. w MPANyh / q. z y 4: t J 7 viousiy c3 . a(unIY cREEh 3 ,. ”I..,AAAAA :. IIII 3
\. 3997: -‘\:443\ . 4 - I, . ' e REEK COAL Cocky (heretn- ; ‘ '5‘-:43: \ Iggfipon after i" mMIDDLE ;' EN“. JfiILIIJJ\;¢.,aaIe--W IIIIm,_I44I_4,I—g«x.-44« «..,I 75 I?
E6 ..r- , 4»; the MIDDLE 191,19 State of Kentgay to bearer, 4 J; gag» ?‘annum By I I Efflué-‘W mfiflwfl , 7W “We-mm“ .2. II “My, 1934, .23, $_1- I II‘}
. I . ::.I , 3f 4 NTS. If?!" the laws 0 . d romises to --~ 1 . 1-48 ,. . W 1.4514: 4 , I“? I»)? 4» ,. w my ”I “11' Company’in; uf‘fiwa;
’:3/V3“ THESE PRESEand by wrtue (21" for value receive p ' >53? 3 4; . ( . e. II J . ”wrmh‘WWW; “VI; : n amid” cregfilgmnunk “23%“ (311332 1
é'ii: W ALL MEN B); exis‘ing under “elf to owe an ‘fi': 5:. I“ ‘ 3:: §N0. “,,m-nm” “M" WIJWW‘W" $3 I? 75 " [,va ' () 31:12.: the °ffiCeD°o11ar and sevefiy.“ or 9‘13”: 1::: on 3
«:.‘ i - I KNO Ized an ledges I l *h’ " 9“";‘23555 4’ m m vWYW-r ”4?"? " 939 ‘% ' yo 1 ' ¢ tuckY, One tes of Amen ‘.' months' in e been 43. . ~ ‘ I the 18 k Coal genuine 1 75) L 801d 1d of “MB 1931 (UH? 1 on the am 4 ) per i
V3123 aim-127%) med [der her 5 . it; .' _y 4 r 2 011 dm Cl“ee Bunk Jo nfl (s - » .~ [ standa “y 1, . '[h mtcres ent (7% 1
‘5'/”"‘" r [9" - d ’70 . from »Y 1:9 ~ KQNU In th Mid f The ,flve C: o the .4 cu“ d Febru on). w: ,en Per C xANY. ‘.3
\p .,;4“ (1er 9015M”? d sum 1}” n_.~.':,>.7 ‘\ m, . 2 he office 0 d Seven” equal 1 bond date "damp“ m of “I COMI I5
I r 5 ~ H x the r I the sat I t 3“ i 2‘ M‘Vw’rl’m’ 3' I Ker at t Dollar in 3 a of OK , - rest on 4 2 Is , filed {0‘ A at the fa 4 COAL 2..
.:.M :1..“ , of 1° TY - - wrest 0". August 8 , 5’)», .1 :.‘: .‘4/24:32. pay to “3 “Icky, One 5 of Amer": months in“ New I ,pflwously c .“ matunty E CREE“ I
' ‘. \K‘wfi‘ ‘ FIF 3d d) within Id Com on I Cipal ”I“ ’93: 37 13.5232: ‘ hul'K: Ken United 5““ eSS beinZI 111): d shall 113" 11's . / oupon If!“ ‘ MIDDL ' £3
4, - e 5:, . w e ' . he go -1 zhe Prm .,:? ..;; I“ 5 I of the . and fine" . and be“ um of I I . II; I
‘ "“"‘fiv‘wfa “"‘ 4 after pro I 1n 1' r an“ the , (1.4:, [ old ‘0'“ fweight 1 (unless the am0 er nnum. By asul’ef- 3%
’.,“Wé ‘ herem ayab e - ch yea e of e’, n I; .::» ,l a ndard o 1 193 . 2 west on (7%) P , m Tre
1 net “8 "num. P us: m ea 11 matur 2 be M: vii: - mmt :0 d Febmary . . ) wl11, ,1, p“ cm NY. _ 4. I“ II IIKIIWIIIIII
r‘k=.1.j-_=,3‘§:’k ‘3' 1‘} ‘941 (or 500 7‘7) per a and Aug seven! y eOf at t ""' "-..‘E§.1‘-'r s“, bond date redemption ' [e of seven comPA ' PE 8 , 21:25.». 4.3». .
' $1” «I? ry. 1 mt. ( " fpebrua’y as they rug [her te .rIJ.‘III 1,11%“) 4’ x I: . 1 can“ for It at the n K COAL I I ( “mun” II WM
34:57:.“ h”, N f Februa Per 5 days 0 render, h mat” t the ra ». '1, what. .‘- - revxous Y e maturl Y ‘ CREE gut—w “ v: I” ,
4»,— u-I o f seven first - d 8“r fter f e - h reof a _ — . a 1 J P {get I“ IDDLL NO- . I,\.,.,..1_.,I,L&_-4-u m4 53 W”
4.4,}... “a. u t» - b Is! day h rate 0 n the tatxon an . - 1 sum 0 rztyt e e we , , 1,4 ‘.;: 1 oupon a M . .2 . mam» «er I _ .
74:74:25" ”"'! V“ 3‘ On I e f at t 9 - nually 0 Presen ~ rlncIPa the mat" nner mOr . .2 ’~' .’: .121 fret", - 1" um- BY u er. » VEW,LC%AJ‘3‘NL‘M , vmw-mw 3 $1.73. e:
::.-3.5;";2ar-u :, é date hereo fter seml'“”4 b t only 0’? t on said P - West after ‘n the ma f Amema, 11252435 .' nu m Tn“ I II _ II “WWII/Kw “gush 193I II I? II
\ wt)". :_.!) the nd therea [1 Pazd, 11 i1}, mteres. - West on m e payable ‘ . d States 0 or ‘.:/“J J ‘ ‘1‘}, ‘x “”8 ..1 ,vx-ILIJW. “It may of ; I company. 00‘ _I
i p / VI ‘31 1931, a hall be fu y bed, and w nd wuh m d interest “‘.' f the Umte 'h may now , iIJ (,..; . ( , .. ,1“th Ivy/II on “ml creek CO“ "k Joswmn (“I”) III
. , $31M 1 e hereof 5 re!0 at!“ annum, a ‘ cipal an , [d com 0 law whzc EPHINE I 4,, «A: HMWW? I I III IO _ III" Mldd e of The B“ I Ifivc cm“ I to WI?
. ‘45:: mum, sum ons he 0 ) per th Prm m 90 I ' any NK J05 I1 zuv m!" ;..», .NO- ,, ., - ~82 ith. \ ) me ofiice and Swan Y , equa _.
CNN,“ .4 ,.~ - . , CUP (7 /a BO 11 to. funding E BA [1 SO 4, 4, .,4 fi’e- , . 75 carer at Dollar “I of o . J as: on
)4“; SE-f‘g‘ f "Items, C er Cente annum- ' ft t’ “fen-e otwlths of TH ftez' [99a 9 y {3 @453? F’ MW 519, ‘1 tucky. 0‘“ S of Amen . months m" b en .
’5‘ '.'» " ‘.'“ f seven P (7%) P” herelna e fineness ('7 [the office or here“ charges C?» ; J! t” v 4- August, 19 . l , buI'K, Ken United State 5 being. 51" 4 shall have e, :
.-...:~;.._: A = 33 rate 0 r cent- Indenture - ht and f debt-9), a may now en’s and t ..,.» 4. .1 1:31:3ng , ‘m WWW 1 Day of Company; of Pr - I s cm of the I ht and finenes I 5 “Id be" out of {MI
.::;3» feigljt; ,z seven Pe . m the rd of wet? ayment o Mortgagor assess"? ,0 deduc Im» MA.” 4, ‘54 _ 0n Ibo n. Ieek coal Josephine $175) I 11 geld I did of we“; I931 (WIS “I on mm M) WI
3 V (a ,3 0 described t Stand“ f r the p the Taxes, eon or he “‘;” W ‘8' ‘3 I ladle (1' 1 Bank cum ( - "n: stan . bmary l, . with inter , cent ( ° 31
) M 3 ' ‘ sen der 0 . far as [ncome ther and t .v , «bx, . mN 0 31,: M of Tie nty-five 1 to the rt daud Fe non). f seven pe PANY. J,
rw M 1‘ afically the pre 1 a] ten (:n 50 Federal ' d to pay ' d States d ”if .1 a . i, - the office and Se”, f 01- ¢qua ‘ 1 [5 bond d for redcmP {ate 0 1L COM Q2
'.:: £133,355?" N‘VX ual {O . else 99 Y and - States 9 uire Unite ts an >. 54‘” ”3’" (are! at 2 Dell” 1.11:2. 0 » - “rest 0“ Le , - 1 01” '1 at the 1 K CO: m
5 WW“ 5 t 7 A f 0' eq thing UCK , Jred be t’ q f the ssmen '1' 3‘)“ we; \, aY to ky. On of An.” 4 onzhs m en t , "non” .s matun Y CREE ,1
yams!» . n 1 )2 0 ake any KENT ful U" ' ed may laws 0 . cs asse of 2‘ I, _ 44», II 1’ Kentuc a d states b mg 51:: m 11 have beI ID after it mlDDLE a:
A. “5% 4' ,, ;.vi eafter m RG2 . an law . mention » law or said tax . “"10qu I,» wait; ”3%: .1 “mm, I Ihe 11m“ fineness. I . bond W “I“ II coupon / I
‘5.“.“34, is: {4‘43} ZErPRESTQIXSEIUdedUCHOZ flairustie here;naft;r present 0; filltlgethe amouhnt [?(fildé‘l' hereof If: the Un‘lzd 3‘22, 5%“,ng "‘.k 1 xfl 801d 5:231:1an of wash: arid931 (1121:1152: on the 11:03:53) ”'43 annum‘ BY Mm Tnmfifirfl
4 , 21:-4.;; ,1 a“: < 0 wt 0 or t 9 son 0 0” 11an en 1 of t e dire“ y . - - of t e - :rfi'w’r', <§ 1:2 men: d ted February ':ion). WII f mm per a PANY. I IIWIIWIIIII
”‘.4/gm: : contrac rtgagor by tea a sum eq . accoun to pay Izabxlxty . d "45.11114... 1 I!“ bond I d for "(Imp he me 0 AL com g IN II I II III II
)fizezumz’zgfi‘ 4 the M0 der 0‘ - Trustee f r the have regate mde «9.23,..g11: .m- . m /, I S” cane m] at I ER 00 I I I W IRWIN”:
.::-As;- 4, I hzch from ”’7 h said 10 or o of may 1 the agg ear Pro _ A4444, II.;._...2,I1 ”3,5. «M:- Ipmwu I“ mam LE CRE I44 ( II I I I I; m J
/r.I-I_.§’Ve~p::,< ,. w in the“? ay to t e d to Pay holder here . bond» bu any one 9 n [his a»: (4:41;; 24!; 1,112,971th I Dupe“ am, Mm” _ . No. I I I W 5 I
52.4»; p ‘11} or rem tees to p ducted an - h the n this [1 rges for income 0 24.12 5&3: A yak. .. It . B LII I III! IW 3 I $1.7 a
v4.4“. . r 09 . be d9 5 (1.)th - tyres! 0 and C a - rest 01' _..:ch A: 1, .:. ’~ 1 “mm Y Truwnm I W 193 I ~ I I
(£234, 1 q‘g‘a‘w Mortgago wred To d charge [7 the 1" ssmenbS ual ("t9 “‘;-m: *9?! 4 J: Inf-Jivi-isz-i-gtg 1 w IIIHI II“ I aim“ TIIIIIIPMW f Fem-“u I fly SN “a I
gar-:4 2. J: \ So feq ants an 5€f1f€d y x95. (1539 f the an” 41111231: 4w, . 11. I I41“ 2§=:1.}s:-:~. 8 I III M II 1151.:‘1 ‘I lat Day 0 I Gon‘pa I e of II
a}??? 2:33 charges assessm . 9 rent? ome Ta ant o . 1y :I-.I.I1:;‘:I4I..,,\I. . » ~92, I W MI 4 n the Womek con k Jump“ A SUE)
..aafi: hp :1 x h taxes, I; mcom I Inc he amo ecutlve gagg— .:g- . >1 1156421.;1322'“: .,.,. \ WW I I ’ I Id’:16 Ban can“ ( I
42.2.: ,-- _ ; i C f t e Fed?!“ f of t d C0775 - ‘.L-pat}: ::.. . - J :4 3.:-.::".- A . II I _ I I1\ 0W1“: “I: M of The I [IIfive to the I
\v: 3 “‘3 any su ant o . rates r cen . mbete nng £53555?“ “ e > x "2:4 “V 0- .MW . Hi VINV he office d Seflin 3 equal .4
~44» r W2: SW on :7; Mb Uigtifni' exceed two pg fi (28” “”’“ «Tend 9”“ “12:21am v: 1 W ,mmmmga K'sgaazéy. ogegssiz's? 1:615:92: '1
' " 33%3 3“ ” v "I Mortgago' mph’ 8 a 3 my ye I f rm, ten I on ""' @3555" ‘5‘15333‘3‘3; 723’", ' "FL/WW " Februafl’r {I .. m .' ! shun-s; he Unit2 955, belnE, d shall 3" -s .6:
‘ . . 3. lg . Ike 0 turmg t bly My. M ""7 ”‘3‘ , '4‘ W‘Lv 2 J of pany- -:. I of t . nd finen and ban to: an
”"‘ ' """;"ka ‘ this parag d ed and e, e of I 00) ma d ra a 2 m. 4:14.14; > v 4&4- Is; my ..1 Com ”no of and col“ {weight 3 (mm s 1c amoun .:.
; a;.~».1 ,2-2:.-74~.-:m-..;n for by hun f b nclusxv e 35 000- . ally an :11 “544“ ...,IJIIIIJYISIII ,.. , e, n the eek 00 Jason I “I7” I I II dud o I I9“ I I rest on U (7%) p“
INA, .'FN‘Rvgmtuy ‘ 3 f two b0! ‘ ($ ’ ls equ d by an ‘- 2:2-")2-3'3’0 ‘e"~"~>-‘:E?" «’5' AM I‘ ? lddle 01' l0 Bank cent! ( »’ cscnt Stan F bruafY ' . wnh ml? r cent :1
4&5.ng.5:&:,:.::§~.$;;:~4=22I2‘r2;;:-. bond- f a series 0 five ( Z 85 )2 and Dollars, thereone secure . :2J15331.4I~:J,_.;.I:1J4IIJIIIJJ:E 1.: erO l he M "I“ of '1‘ I WWII" 1 to a“ I; d dated 9 d "””an I mm pg IPANYI I
a)! MW. «w; ‘7. I I — St Oever’ I vered 3111:3333. 3 If” “it. a ‘ ' t the 0 1 1. and 5". f ox 211‘}! n . 5», ts b0“ d for It I9 he rate °_ AL COR ;
”';-2&3,” ( at“; ' bond Is one o d and eighty . t Jiuer Thous I h the lntere on Whats d and del ‘33 "="‘-\':--:1:~’=2?.'.-’-"-'.1 11533?“ J ” o gate: 3 one DO1 3 1 America, 0 hs’ interest 0 » ,.4 iousIY ca“? [uzllY at ‘ E135 Co 3
(::- " Vrgfiw‘yes‘l‘zr?‘“WV"3374’ This hundre of Thlf y ther wit any red-9 owledge THE M: why-W..».Jy-fla 4 BY Kent‘ICky'- d States 0 - six "“’“I h we b¢¢In :‘ : 0‘" f"; it! "‘3 DDLE C“ c
w "’4 m .:= Jazmin. two . - sum , , toge er by , ack" h , IO , -.'...~ , » bul'flg Um!e 55. being, d shall 3 ,. J oupon 2 MI ,,. . ~76:
“45$“ A :4”. from one (Igitzoto the prlnfczapfil of wind? b05531; over “Zyrfggth dulyfefilcgéfidCountg/g Kenfngeymortgqged ;35‘. “.‘;/«WEP‘XQ/ ' J gsold ””3133; 0‘? eweigh‘l ”fig 3? i‘eifimlfii 51:: :1:) I31:2 am°‘(“;%’)f ‘35:» “finnum' 1-, BY / WM Its Tmsurer- 53‘:
”3 >43; f" 3 ’5 ' he 099“ mt o of any date 9 I ds 0 1' non 0 ow’stOns J i‘» f, a? e b; ,sent 5"“ February - . ) with In e a cent Y . ~ 8 ’\ , 121.2,:- ham
I. 1: 29:23:35,153: m t 41 the WW" reference 1, an‘ng 909” def of Dee For a £168“ P all the Pr re 42%;; d“? ::..» k ,1 ‘ bond dated 1 , ,edempuon - I2 of seven P COMP - g t ( ,,...,-.;ri.g.~.em.ii..
“.‘:-r ,2. .;2:~ .4 ::. fizz/5.3.0. , , . h, ,1 4 2,:. 1,5211; . 4 I he m ‘ _ DAL II I I II II TI
« ;g 4 ® ‘.‘.);Wéran'.‘ 15!, I9 rxorzty 0" p t ust deed e f the RecOr Trustee- . I dental/Ce t0 . be same we ,I“. E23434”! ts 'ousl)’ “11211 a mm at I BEER C an :3 MW WWTIIIIIIIII
21:-35’35'<“ ‘ ‘ ' “ without p ,9 of a r . h oflice 0 UCKYv a§ to said n I as If t “21% vgzii'a L pm” an“ [[5 “‘3 [DDLE C . a No. . 4,4-4.1:: mama-.4‘. ,.mmwrg‘f“ ' £34
If -: Jam and - the nut‘1 dad m I e KENT ,5 made me effec 5'13 ipfi/tngg: q ouPon M ~ 9, ,, .. ., was“ W J . 4. a 75 ~4
I ”b 3‘“ “‘- denrure 1" nd recor NsBURG, . reference. {[12 the sa 0 A. it”? u nnum- By ”um. figmfiwaam memwr 1932. $2) $1. .2
“Vii-27555:; 52%;.” V4391“ I n Mortgagor a f pRESTO the security, subject, w ‘t on any . «3r $.3: |A4 It! '1"? w- -4.4 meW 1 August, 4'“ ,; 2,5
"4‘3.“ 3’ : .4v‘ by the pIIINE 0 tent 0f tmched are e maturr El al at . , . _. ::- ( . . --J.‘2.W v3: “p.91“ he 15¢ Day 0 ‘ n1 Coinpan’1'1ne or Pm
~2—"-:1~'«x""-".:7'21‘24'???‘ NK .1055 {are and 9" hereto 4 “'0" befOr and Fed” f" » _s 1:., 44 . , , - 2W 1 2,444. on t 18 creek 0" nk Josep 1 ($1.75) 33
:33 Nilhg BA (1 the "a h coupon - to redemP 11 interest cent. 5:. _.,., 94.2 a- .. ‘ WW ,-. .:‘,» Q «g the Mldd of The Ba [v.fivc Cents to the 2‘:
C53“"‘"‘“‘“”"""" ' ty anI nd 906 abject f and a 0 Per \r,? J , 4 . ’ NO- . 11W 4 3 i, ~N, i “he office nd SeveIn) , equal a:
“:57" .:.-:.‘“"3335'T’XHJ} 3;“ proPer- bond (1 herQOf 5 » ' I hereO , of (LU re. \. :1 . 24;, t‘. ' - W B: 75 ’ ' are! 3 0 6 Dollar 3 “Ca, Of 0 , - terest 0n :3:
tiara"‘.‘“I-‘l‘i'ém'I'." 3 Inch this holder nctpa . rcmzum . - [nderztu .31 1. \gjma », .3 1 . 3 37 g! $19 ‘0 tuck)v,I n s of A")? . months in en .i!
“My“ lm‘ch" f " w h. be r1 1d '.3 \ W I 19 . '.I I . Ken Stat? 1X be, ,
R4124, ._";‘fii‘b Egrein fully set fort d and accepreg bf‘illtl amount 0:107,» tigethcr wgehteim: set for ’h m S“ f said .U f I: I ' 565' ‘\ .71" the 1111 Day 0%:5ggzthpmfimm‘mi fl 1111;112:511 of ‘?‘wg;1;:egnd 2316;332:3251; bonfijfifiufivir thls‘éi
Fm F I . is issue Of ’ e f redemP ' d “pom 6’ "5’" o J in» ffiE‘v 44. M‘ ,, 0n 1 creek nk JoseD ($1.75 ; L.. z undard o 1 193 . - west ont t (7%) pen
‘ ’ miggégA/fi This bond b payment ‘d date 0 - anner an on the r'g d by the I “(@353 " "HY-'.: NO '0 {he Mldd ‘3 of The Ba ty-five Cent' 1 to the ~ 7 esen‘ s d “11 February ‘:ion), wnh in even p8: cen ANY-
: «..4 «2» H1- 1 date 9 1» (he 5‘" , ' 1n the m . name, up this [70" ' 4, ’2: "35% 1:, . at the 05" 113: and Se")! f or cqna “I I. ts bond 3 d for red_€mP he {an °f4 5 AL COMP
,9 i“ 2::.: . agmen h reon a . s notzce . holders red 0" . mannar PM 0 met on Do Ameflfil- o . 1mm: 0 . I Sly can? my “I I Eh co
«“3» I". #41,} fig .3‘ Interest p cctued e sixty day 11' 1n the . hall be no - r m the . in; ’ gamete :7 Kentucky', [es of , - months 1, en , IpreVIO“ Its mat“ E ORE
r? 5‘: t 3 M I t . 4 H i ._ 1 d Sta “1; s1x 11 have C. : 1 after MxDDL
‘fafiww “a" e Taxes -a ' czpal, UPO" registere h reqtstry 8 said regzste f om registry r 41 as; J will"! 1 the Unit: d finenessi b“ .d bond shi1 “1,... v( mum" {/4
5:4».- “:4. , Incom n said Prm ‘ ery unless Med. Suc ~ made 0" discharged 1‘ am ' ', :« L [d com ° eight an “1955 531 amount 0 1.:. mm. By 77‘; "II
T r”; I I . t ag v | m L?" Q.. "I ' go d rd of W 1931 (_u . t on the ?) p" n 1 ' T1139“ ,
.::: WQM «2e (2%) upo s by deI‘IU d nture prov 11d unless may be dezmery. 17“ to ’0». _.,.: I . "I“ Sm I mm 1, . With ”mm I “I“ (7 o I ( I
I ;, ‘40”) ' (1 shall P05 - md In 9 [I be U“ the same ble by "3 here . > A: .4 4 II', re d dated Fe d mpnon), 1 seven pe MPANY' ;— I
“mi-"gr“ OK“ ”A bon m S f sha . d. but nsfet'a coupo .124»: 4;4 e ‘., - 1, 1; bon d for “,9 1,, rate 0 00 ~» 4e ' 4
4 1‘ “" This . or, as ; hereO bon . 4 [I be Ira but the e: .e >951 . 1 came I, at t Ex coAL . , ., e We
‘ 1""'""<£§:/ '3‘} ts sum—888' ”ans er d on this 1t sh“ before. »?> ,34 \. Farewell” 11. matnn LE ORE ,, .
x. 5 4 , :e ..2 or of ' h1ch ”0 . - I note thereafter bearer as Vi a: 4 ’,4”. upon aft“ M1DD 1. No. .. . G
“\454 #7.! 55:0 Trustee . t after 11.) nd slmllar y (er, and ferred to ticated e: I ;-r.::g-Ze-—¢I';’-4>-. o m. B I II I I I III I 82 $1.75 I.
. 1. (a, “, . ' '4 v: - Regxstra ’ . denture a to bed b trans I - auth’n (A) v4.5.5, 1 an“ y / I Twang . I W I II I
L‘N f ' " sald - ' said In . - e mam?"r ' red or e . 18 bond '5 _ - :.'-.2321 4. a, .. K 3"" of Feb?“ any. .
:NM 14) ”““’-be" ifansrerredh4‘"bf,'§d may b3, 'egéifiery merely- d W, be valid unnz :22 , t ; .~4- "78 t ,. s4“; ' n e335; ‘éiiek Ivoggffi‘fx‘é’senlgggs"{u.7s> -
PK 7‘“ mg ' t 18 ble y he 8 - case 0 . _ file A :6 , 2 4 If 1 ’0 ' the l of '1‘ I3 ty-five 1 to the
ms}: at) A by be . to “me sfet'a to attac or 1n 1.” . 1: N0. . I .. I NI _ I [he om“ “d SM? I “I“:
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