xt70zp3vt865_103 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46.dao.xml unknown 14 Cubic Feet 31 boxes archival material 63m46 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Harkins Family papers Mineral rights -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Law reports, digests, etc. -- Kentucky. Mining leases -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Practice of law -- Kentucky. Bankers -- Kentucky. Banks and banking -- Kentucky -- Prestonsburg. Coal trade -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Lawyers -- Kentucky. 1921-1942 text 1921-1942 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46/Box_13/Folder_20/0001.pdf section false xt70zp3vt865_103 xt70zp3vt865 Harch


1940. -

Judge ’lex L. Ratliff,
Fruuifort, Ky.

fear Judge:-

.bnut two weeks ago I was in Laintsville End while there
had a nice isit flith Jim Turner. At that tire be told me that
he bud attended four Lincoln dinners within the week; that it
‘:is his undiretanding that Hurry fancy would be u cauoiiatc for
Judie of the Court of fippcals, if he could get the nomination
without a contest, hut otkchise not; that in Louisville it'fios
tho uiieretlwding that Juige Cuxpsofi wouli be e cuuiidete. I have
5331 Larry on two Eifferent jays this week, n31 I QSt the inform&
tion terudi the gentleaon whom I mentioned to you as considering
being a dexocrotic candidate that Harry stated to hi: that he was
going to be a Cinfiiiete,”ith or 1Without o-;orition. Cur friend
throz u; his h;nis aoi told me he would not be a einfliflnte after
I stitod to him the comiitions in the Cumberlamd Valley.

In my Judgaent, you can win over either Airry or Judge
iamgson, on? your work there has been of such on outstanding na-
ture that you should vithout question be re-electco.

it occurs to me thit if Q.rry and Judge iom;son are in a
COHtest for the FwyUbliCifl noxinetion in fugust, find if you have
no douocretic c}3osition, that it would grobcbly be oisier to
win over both of them in the primary, when they will be dividing
the Vote between them, than it would be in 'ovember, to fight
either of them as tho reiublican nominee; in other words, it
might Le a good idea for you to file reisonably curl; for the
democratic nomination, and then at the last minute to file for
the ro,uolicoa nomination as well. Of course. I do not give
much attention to politics, and before deciding on such a course
you should consider it well and secure the idvice and better
Judgment than mine of such friends as Dan Talbott, job Tumphreys,
Lack Justice, Herb Smith, and others.

f was in iikeville last night and had a nice visit with
Zack for about one and one half hours, during which time your
interests were discussed at length.

3est personal wishes,

Very truly yours.


Twenty ;eventh,

1940. ‘

Hon. fl. L. Ratliff,

Chief Justice, -
Court of Appeals,
Frankfort, Ky.

Dear Judge:-

I am enclosing you herein, in duplicate, order of allowane
incident to services as special judge, and expenses, in the
Harlan Circuit Court.

I shall be pleased to have you approve the same, and to
have the matter put in line for voucher in due course.

Best personal wishes,

Very truly yours,

 Orders Harlan Circuit Court
Soecial April Term, 11th Jay, April 25, 1940.
It epyearing that ion. Joseph J. harkins, was
fluly aopointed Goecial Juige to preside over the Harlan Circuit
Court at its February 1940 term to hear and determine any snfl all
cases in which tha regular Judge certified he was disqualified.
And it now saweuvlng List he Wreisded over said court from
Ebbruary 5 to February 9,1940 and from April 25 to upril 26,
1940, a total of soven days for which he is entitle; to
receive the sum of ‘14.00 09: Jay or a total per diam of
4398.00. 1
It furt er aopearing that said fiarkins was
necessarily compélsadto pay expenses while serving as such
Qoecial Judge as follows:

Traveling 280 miles in coming from Erastsnsburg
to marlsn and return, 2 trips, for which he is entitled to
receive 51 per mile, or a total of 560 miles, and a total
of w23.00.

Hotsl room 6 days at $2.50 per day $15.00

17 meals at varying prices 12.10

or a total of f155.10, which is now certified to the Auditor
of public BCCOUHCS 6f the state of nontucky for paynent, but
before payment thereof shall be made a copy of this claim shall
be presented to and approved by the Chief Justice of the Court
of sdpesls of Kentucky.
A Copy attest:
H. J. R. Joward, dierk harlan fiircuit Court

BY Zé 445ng g ég)%4 ‘.1. C.

 ' ' A {:'I /- rm '
_ . /,A W
State :f Kentucky,
C:.Ll,:_l‘_.l,:.7 oi Floyd, Set.
”“1; :..??ismt, Joseph iii-.I'hins, says- ‘thc’; he is; f; citizvua': and
resident of Lrestuusotrg, Floyd County, Kentucky, sun that he is
the some Joseph D, Farhins who iresided as special Judge of the
Earlsn Circuit Court at the times LeAZiOfled and set out in the
order of allouunce ant rod in the Karina Circuit Court on .pril 26,
The affisnt further ssys that on cach‘of the occasions mentioned
and referred to in said order of allowance he was a 5365C at the
Lenallen Yetel in Hérlin, Iautucxy; that he was and fled .he can
of 5 L.¢C per lay for hotel :uai it acid hotel. for LLJSelf, and -
that said amount of 3 15,80 for rooms at said hotel"3;gfliggunllg
pgggfipy_§ggwto said hotel, COVering the dates yentioaed~ipmggig
order of allqvance.
Affitnt :urther says that etch of said bills at gal; hotel embraced
ot):er* i :3" s 35‘ a LZBITlOJF):,,liriLTPQ, Sllcll 5:5 :tOlh; iii stxiic i ,z.c:r;s,
etc; that =acd of said ::21; .;3; paid fly pergonli chcch c3 affiant
to raid total, and e braced therein all items ehrrgalle against
affiant, and that the only reeaifb‘ Rich affiant has core ing such
bills 2?} the c 1:;lled Ch£2K¢ ”3 issued in paying: :gsqcuf.
Sworn to before me by Joseph T, riskine this may 1, l;&u.

 rau~ .
« 9w
- DATE ,1.__ ( _Ji___ ____194Q
Balance Due :
new Ime Winn
Meals From To ' ..-
Telephone I.“
‘ = *' .’ " .. II-
~ 1::" lln
Telegrams ' u, I.-
Express I“
Credit by I.“
Balance Due I'-

 ,,‘, .5. 5. t
/ ‘ <9 _' #«é‘érw 4: ‘, “4...!“
4%,. (La .34/ 31! 1714—»! / " '3 Add-E‘s %4/2,’ "3
[Vast/90 72:41:. 7&5" /%"d
M57735 xii“... 24.575 .5 2. 5'0 37W)
7M6: 27.55”?» M A ' ”w
79' 5% 2
4,525.5. 553M, aim/5..; ”’2 2 5 y

May 16, 1940. ak.
Dear Joe,
I was sure glad to hear from you. It has
been "A Long, Long Trail" since Old Man J'. P. Nelson's
Engineering Corps marched into Prestonsburg 1n the
fall of 1899, but I will never forget the kindness
of your Dad and the Herkins family.
Best personal regards.
Cordially yours,
Mr. Joseph D. Harkins,
Harkins Law Offices,
Prestonsburg, Ky.

ALEX L. RATLIF‘F 55“ ”12‘:
CHIEF Jusnc: gaggj ‘2?
2r. Joseph D. Barking,
Prestonsburg, Ky.
Dear Sir:
Your letter of lay lSth, 1:40 received, and I note
what you Have to say about serving as special judge.
If I have application for special judge in that
end of the state I should be glad to desijnste you,
since, in the first place, I know your services are
entirely satisfactory to hot' the legal profession and
the people generally, and secondly, I am sure you can
be of great advantage to ne in ny race.
In regard to Joe Kobson. He felt out the situation
among the Democratic lawyers at the Bar Association
at Louisville and they all discouraged him. On
Londay after the Bar associati n Joe wrote me a letter
stating that he would not be a candid te and would
actively support me. wince that time i have heard
nothing more said about the hatter.
Very probably Flem D. Sampson will be my Opponent in
the November election unless soweth'ng out of the
ordinary should develope whereby I would receive both
nominations. However, I do not consider this probable,
but a mere possibility only. However, it is not so
material to me who my opponent may be, since my chance
lies largely with the success or failure of the lead of
the ticket. It appea:s to me now that our section of the
state will :0 Dezocratic in Hovenber this year. I
think my chances to be elected are more than fifty-fifty
in my favor. Ifi fact, a certain situatidn is likely to
develops whereby my election would be assured.
Speaking further of Sa1pson. I have assrrance of
powerful Republican organizations as well as individuals
being afainst him. he is mixed up in rival Republican

 -- ’7' 1. “ 1...: m
“p, Cosoph u. garhnhs —¢-
.”‘ 3 .1 1 - 2 ,1.- ! 1 '.fi 1., _ _ '1, ,3, _
;aCtL0nS Ln 2,: V_strict anm 34 the state at h;:ge aid
-1 J .2 ‘,i -J. - 1 :- 1, r" ‘ _221 A . ”‘., .2 9 \ 1f,.,2
ths, 4H aflwnbnfim to n33 uh;aworh3lu .e: Ural hnclhyah_¢ s
,1 2' .2.,‘ n ,‘ 32¢ 3.1:: 2 ~32 1,, .2” . ,n.:4—“2-
anh stahnuh racer; Lu DUC ,aup as Hull “o grcoajp5;,
up . 42 mm' 21 r10 2,2C222..2A22 ',4— 2°. 42 2 ‘2
3h.s LIAC ..1A2 :51 2:.. l _..t. u: 2, xJN-C, .10 ..3 ..1, ‘Lo .26
C2 122 v 412,— i ,2 '52 W- «2. A2" 22 '4—2' :
overlooheu UCQL “q _5 a L_Cuu2094ul ,olCURCCQU gnu
.. 2- M ..,“. ‘.:..t‘ , 2,1‘ ,2 2,2. 12' 21- 2:22 .. ‘.,2'.
cahgaibner an» mu,:e 2L mas Hang micauwauua;es 2:5
“2» 2- 4—2 2. 1 ‘.:“. ' 2" r 22A2'..2 V.,!
go;-t;cal shrategj an“ ah“ _t; as h ca.fiah mar “:11
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tehh to :33165; o;-;cu CautCCC Uh_awvra :c to “Mm.
711- 5‘22' 2 :2 3 -—-.fi 22 2 2,2,,2 .2 n 2'1. 1 2.. ‘.22 2' 3-2'2. 2
igaju4n; (on :-2 Lady L55m3. 3133-, gnu “fivl; Sggrecvaun‘i.
‘ —1, ~‘ 1‘ ~.— —. ‘ v 2 . , 2- 3" -‘ ‘ 1 ‘, 3 , " .‘.«n
L16 value Oh dear SEQ art an“ thCH%SLLp, 1 Am
ID3II=S XFCI”' t1fi11"
o 2 ’
fl 3 . 5,
5, 6 ¢thr’


Twenty Fourth. -
194.00 ' .
Hon. Roger Tomack, ‘
Carlisle. Ky. .
Dear Roger:- ' '

I have checked all the books. and nowhere have I been able to
find where the phrase "Christian Burial" has been judicially de-
fined; however. in 14 C. J. S. 1115. I find that "Christian Life"

' is defined ‘
"As usually and generdlly used, the phrade hes been
held to mean a respectable, mordl life in accordance
with the established laws and customs of d civilized
Christian country”-- Citing Pa-—Eenakkie's Estate,
2;; Pa. Dist. 54, 59. .
and paraphrasing. ”Christian Burial" should properly be interpreted
as a respectable burial in accordance with the established laws
and customs of a civilized Christian country. In fact, I believe
it should even go further and be in ascordance with the customs
of the community in the vicinity of which the decedent resided, of
‘ the church of which he was a member. and of the usual burial given
people of the same station in life. both social. religious and fi-
nancial, by members of their family. ,

This of course is strictly in line with the suggestions I made
to you Saturday evening at the Bankers' Group meeting; and I trust
will bozof some assistance to you.

Ky best wishes.

Very truly yours.

Swami JUML mm, mm mar, Jim. 15, 1M0.

It. mooring that Joseph D. Her-kins was duly appointed
Special Jutgo to preoido over the Harlan Circuit Court at. its
special Juno ton, 1940, to but an determine any and all one“
that night oono before hill, and it now appearing that ho prooidod
over said court for the period of 12 day. for which ho is entitled
to receive the m of $ 14.00 por day, or a total per did:
of $ 168.00.

It. farther appearing that. said Harkino was necessarily
amiss“? pay expense: while curving as ouch opooial,.judgo,

mg: :92: ”mesflmsm '
for which he is entitlod to mooivo 5¢ per mile, or $38.00
Room at Lovollon Hotel, Harlan, Ky. , 10 ml
at $ 3.00 por day, 30.00
28 no.1. at. varying prion, 24.40
making a totol of $ 250.40, which is no! unified to tho Auditor
of Public Account: of the Stat. omentuoky, for payment, but be.
for. ply-om. thoroof man be made, a oopy of this claim shall be
presented to and ”proved by thi Chief Justice of the Court. of
Appeals of Kentucky.
A copy; Aunts
By DC.

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11,-.,.A ‘
.;uuv .grsonal wishes
, 3 a
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:1;qu ,I‘uld S’OUIM"
w) 1. , ., ,. ~ ~ ._ j. . “Lu... ,., .1 ,.,”, :1 LT . ‘:\'-'
Ihe C’Udtd u 4v;ntion tais 4*bzrnoon endorgeu you: VInAIJuV_.
, JO}:-
1 "1 4~- :3 11:“
C/IJ L-L/ K ;IIL’K’illegl‘CJO

August 1, 1940
MT. Jos. D. Harkins,
Boar Mr. Harkins:

I am taking the liberty of suggesting that in this
period of National Emergency it would be wise for us to keep a
man in washington like the Hon. A. J. May. Mr. May is Chairman
of the Committee on Military Affairs, which is one of the most
important in the Congress, and reflects credit to Kentucky by the
manner in which he has performed his duties in this particular

These days what distinguishes a democratic form of
government from the dictatorship is the voluntary efforts of the
citizens. Unfortunately, it is going to be necessary for all
of us to pay more taxes, probably enter into military service
and do many other things which we under tranquil world conditions
would rather not do. Our freedom of action will temporarily be
very much restricted.

It seems to me the main thing we want to be sure of
is that we have men representing us in Congress like Mr. Nay,
who when the emergency is over will return to us our rights as
free citizens and not let the Government develop along flie lines
of most of the other countries in the world.

All of the people who are in business life must learn
it is going to be necessary for us to put forth a real effort to
work out a preparedness program, and with that thought in mind, I
am respectfully calling the name of A. J. May to your attention.

.‘ ’ A,»
TG:CN ,1 f A Z“
.’ I r 'l/
I I ”""
A W” /
,' ,/

 I/ I
} august



:‘iOIl. A. J. iily’

‘isnindton, T. C.

Lear Jack:-

e returned home late last night. I found a letter written
by themes graham, of the Bankers Bond Company. Louisville, in
your h;ralf. Henry teels me he has sent you on a cog; of the
letter. I maisending you herewith cepy of my refly.

”e had a real delightfulstay at nountain Lake. Va. It is
only is miles {rim Christianshurg, on the Lee Highway, and easily
accessible. ‘Je were disayloiuted that you could not find it
possible to come down and sgcnj the wees-end with us anile
there. You would have enjoyed it very much. senator Connolly
and Re}. .:gahon. eizh of Texus, Jere there visiting the gnoly's,
who one and cAarate this hotel as a part of a striny of hotels
throughout TEAQS, and other states in the south. ft :idnt veet

Saw nga this morning and she was looking fine.

All Coed uishes,

Very truly yours,

 . ~
Y GUI TA, U.‘ 1 bag
a». r'. _ W,
» Eur. -.LUIM : .i r, ..Jng
.Jullllulfi . .1 Cl: J K. Ozar 5.111;],
Saw-..:. -,_. '..,w ','f ‘,'” 5‘; ':',‘i,
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