xt70zp3vt865_100 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46.dao.xml unknown 14 Cubic Feet 31 boxes archival material 63m46 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Harkins Family papers Mineral rights -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Law reports, digests, etc. -- Kentucky. Mining leases -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Practice of law -- Kentucky. Bankers -- Kentucky. Banks and banking -- Kentucky -- Prestonsburg. Coal trade -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Lawyers -- Kentucky. 1921-1942 text 1921-1942 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46/Box_13/Folder_17/0001.pdf section false xt70zp3vt865_100 xt70zp3vt865 4’
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California Judges' Ass'n.
J U D G E American Bar Ass'n.
. _ Southern California Council Nat'l.
m »-,- ' IDA MAY Ass'n. of Women Lawyers.
’ g Order of the COlF—Kappa Beta Pi.
.i ' ’ 5‘9"” '°*° Chi‘
3 *‘ ,‘. Q Endorsed and Recommended by:
" fig. i .1 w ;' A Central Labor Council (Organized Labor).
“K? ::‘.»va 3f; 1 Los Angeles County Judiciary Committee.
,,_ Southern California Retail Druggists Ass'n.
> ' » .2?. - - - _ Southern California Retail Grocers Ass'n.
Q Six years Municipal Judge Citizens Non-Partisan Progressive League.
.'. Q Eleven years practice of law before c°l'f°""° '"°°'“e T°"P°Ye" A“ "-
' ...... " :. going on the bench. THE LAWYERS
. . ‘ If f h ff d 1 b
. _, . u. s. c. College of Law. ° Q... 'm“c:.“.i..°;.:..:..3..;Cfnsadflgfi V 0
’ Q Degrees—A B B S Post Grad- Roldorefiocckyc‘m J~ REYGF'I'bC‘ J
' " ' " f . W. . I T i.
uate M. A., Bachelor of Laws, JolhnonE. Brbymon mgle Corpcernlcr
,'. . » Master 0" Laws J uris DOCl‘OI’ and 450 other leading members of the Los Angclcs Bar
. *. . ' , . . . — Campaign Headquarters ——
Holds Life Teacher 5 Certificate. 130] WASHINGTON BUILDING
Final Election, May 4, I937 TELEPHONE MUTUAL 2068
(Over) IOver)

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 ' ' ' ' Upon their return, visits to “Ed

336 Visitors In PikeVIlIe, Ky., For Annual and Jimmie” in Room 108 were

Meeting of Group 7 m ”den
, 9 During the forenoon, as well as
SATURDAY’ JURE 17’ 1937 the afternoon, many of the visitors
_.—— played golf on the sporty course

Group 7, Kentucky Bankers As- something to do. Many visited the Of the Plke Country Club.
sociation, held its annual meeting, Pike Country Club, which is locat— - ' I
baturday, June 12, in Pikeville, the ed on top of a hill about seven cogfiiiflfiggm igugnfyclgfiocfihafi
home town of Kenneth L. Arnold, miles from Pikeville, where they E. Hodges District Managcr of the
President of Group 7 and Vice danced and were entertained in Kentucky, and West Virginia
President of The Pikeville Nation- various ways, while others visited power Company invited the vis-
al Bank and Trust Company, and places of amusement in and around itors to inspect the beautiful new
John M. Yost, Vice Pres1dcnt of the PikeVIIIe. building of his company which has
American Bankers Assoc1ation for At eight-twenty Saturday morn- recently been constructed on Main
“entQCky: and also VICe PreSIdent ing. June 12, The First ..ational Street in Pikeville. This building 4
and Lashler of,The Flrst National Bank of Pikeville invited all the is one of the finest in the entire ,
Bank of P1kev1lle, Kentucky. visitors to attend the Employees’ South, being air-conditioned and

An invitation was extended to Meeting, which was held in the thoroughly modern in every detail.
all banks in Group 7, composed of Directors’ room of the bank. The Many of the visitors were con-
Boyd, Breathitt, Carter, Elliott, guests were informed that this was ducted through the building by the ‘
Floyd, Greenup, Johnson, Knott, a daily service which had been attractive young ladies employed
Lawrence, Leslie, lvchoffin, Mar- carried on by the employees for by the company.
tin, Morgan, Perry, and Pike over three years. Upon their arrival , _

Counties as well as to every bank they found a beautiful Hammond From three to §1X QYCIOCk 1n the
in Kentucky, and many outside organ which the bank has installed afternoon, the PlkeVllle National
banks, bond houses, stationery in the Directors’ room. This is Bank and TTUSt Company, and The
houses, and various other com- the first Hammond organ to be First National Bank 9f PIRGVIUB,
panics interested in banking ac- installed and used in a bank in held 0P9“ house .tO Wthh everyone
tivities. America. Extra chairs accommo- was inVIted. Both banks were at-

Headquarters for the meeting dated the crowd of about one tractlvely. decorated .w1th flowers,
were in the James Hatcher Hotel hundred which attended. The room and the dlrectors, officers and em-
where Mrs. Sally Vicars Dotson, was decorated with flowers which ployees 0f. cach were on hand It“)
MI'S. Opal Hackney Doyle and Mrs. brought fragrance and beauty to show the VlSltOI‘S through the ban -
Florence Bass Baker were in the meeting. The guests were given mg rooms and make them wel—
charge of the registration booth in prmted programs which were as come-
t}tlet1110bby. E66 paions taegistzgetd follows: At The First National Bank of
a . e mee mg. . en e gu . S v Pikeville the visitors were enter-
arr1vcd, and during the entire EMPLOYEES SERVICE tained by a concert on the Ham- ,
mectmg, they received a cheery The First National Bank 0‘ mond Organ which was played by
smile and welcome from Colonel Pikeville Kentucky Mr. Eugene Stephenson, a young
:3“? Hatchfrghownertof tthe hotel. *— musician of Ashland, Kentucky,

us Is one o e mos 1n eres mg - n
hotels in America, not only be- Date: Saturday, June 14, 1937- 33%hgailzrfimnfilt5tandmg tale t I
cause of its comfortable accommo- Leader: Richie Baker. .
dations, but because of the many Song: “Help Somebody Today”. Also from three to six, the ladies
notations which are on the walls. Sch tum. Psalm 24 of The Pikeville National Bank
as well as various other unique p H ' ‘ . . and Trust Company entertained at
features. AS eaCh guest registered Songz" Work for the nght is the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold.
he was presented With a 00m 00b Coming ' Delicious punch and cakes were
pipe, such as was used in early Poem: “Work" by Henry Van served, and the following persons
pioneor days in Eastern Kentucky; Dyke- assisted in entertaining: Miss
these pipes were made out of the Song: “Come, Ye Disconsolate”. Betty Sue Arnold, attgacfiivc
natural Eastern Kentucky corn , . ._ oun daughter of Mr. an rs.
cob and were a gift of Co onel vaf‘act for Today. Mountam Festi Xrnoflgd, received the visitors as
Hatcher. Each guest was also given ' they came to the door. The receiv- ‘
aregistration ticket with his name The program was led by Miss ing line consisted of Mrs. J. J.
and bank or business writtvn on Richie Baker, with lvilss Cassell Moore, Mrs. K. L. Arnold and Mrs.
it, and the printed legend, “Pike- at the organ. Both young women V. E. Bevins, wives of the officers
ville Welcomes You". As soon as are employees of the bank. The of the Pikeville National Bank and
the guests had registered, com- visitors were also presented with a Trust Company; Mrs. Rush Sword
fortable rooms were assigned to statement of the condition of the and Mrs. L. D. Arnold poured the
them in the Pikeville hotels. bank, which contained on the front punch which was served by Mrs.

The lady guests found in each of the folder a picture of the bank Frank Scott, Mrs. Homer Hefner,
room a lovely vase of rose buds, building, with the words “We Wel- Mrs. Arthur Fields, Mrs. M. D.
the gift of Mr. Yost, who also come You”, and on the back of Picklesimer, Mrs. Charles E.
presented each out of town lady the folder, a picture of each Childers, Miss Clara Parrish and
with a gardenia before the dance. director of the bank. On the inside Miss Barbara Arnold. Also ass1st-
These flowers were artistically ar- was a comparative statement ing were Mrs. Edward HeIlIer, Mrs.
ranged by Miss Mary Wilson showing the condition of the bank J. M. Leslie, Mrs. N. A. Christman,
Cassell, an employee of The First on June 7, 1936, and June 7, 1937. Mrs. M. D. Flanary, Mrs. Linton
National Bank of Pikeville. It was significant to note that the Trivette and Mrs. J. S. Miller.

bank had shown decided increase .

An invitation was issued to in each detail of its statement During these same? hours MT- 311d

visit “Ed and Jimmie” in Room and an increase of over $200,000.00 Mrs. YOSt entertained at ”I?”
108, James Hatcher Hotel. Mr. in total resources, showing the cabin, “Petmont”, on College Hill.
Edmund A. Starling and Mr. total resources of the bank to be They were 353513th by MTS~ Charles
James H. Clagett, two outstand— $2,117,000.00. In addition to that, D. Jacobs, Mrs. Edmund A-
ing business men of Eastern and most outstanding was the in- Starling, MI‘S- Walter Hatcher,
Kentucky reigned in this room, creased deposits of half a million Mrs- W- 13- Call, Mrs. James (4-
in which it is said that one might dollars from 1934 to 1937, a period Wall. Mrs. John M. Hatcher. Mrs.
find anything from buttermilk to of only three years. Robert B. Doak, Mrs. John E-
the famous Kentucky Mint Juhp. . ' . Bowman, 'Jr., all of PikeVIIIe, Mrs.
This proved to be a popular room After the meeting the Vlsitors Mary Allce Strasser of Duluth, 1
and “Ed and Jinlmie” did a flour- were invited by the Pike County Minnesota, Mr. Tobe A. Johnstone,
ishing' business. Fish and Game Protective Associa— Cashier, McDowell County Nation—
tion to inspect the growing ponds al Bank, Welch, West Virginia,

On Friday evening, June 11, the of the fish and game club. They and Mr. O. F. Payne, Receiver,
visitors began to arrive. No definite were directed also to the Breaks Comptrollers Office, Gary, West
event had been planned for that of the Big Sandy River. Both of Virginia. After the visitors were
evening, other than a general get— these places are located about conducted through the cabin which
together, but there was no lack of twenty-five miles from Pikeville. is most commodious and so unique


 as to be well worth a visit, punch During the program Mr. Arnold Mrs. K. L. Arnold, Pikeville, Ky.
and cakes were served. read several telegrams which had Mrs. L. D. Arnold, Pikevllle, Ky.
. been received from friends, and I. R. Arrowwood Second National

During the afternoon a most expressed his appreciation to the Bank! Paintsville, Ky-
unusual and interesting novelty many persons who had assisted in Eugene Atkins, Pikevllle, KY-
was offered to the visitors. Through making the program a success. He Mrs. Eugene Atkins Pikevllle, Ky-
the cooperation Of Mr. J- J- Foster, introduced the officers directors Frank 3' Auxler' Assmmt Tm“

JAssiséané Geneigl Manager of the and employees of his ’institutioll Iggicer, First National Bank. Pikeville.
slan reek oal Company, - ' . . .

H01 den, West Virginia, the visitors afiigseailéegisMggoosgnfio introduce Mrs. Frank B. Auxier, Pikevllle, Ky.
were entertained by the Pioneer —-B——

Island Creek Colored Quartette. Mr. Earl R. Muir, President. of L.. M, Bacon, Assistant cashier, First
Mr. James D. FranCis, PreSldent of the Kentucky Bankers Assoc1atlon National Bank. Pikevllle, Ky.

the Island Creek Coal Company, is and Vice President of the Louis- Florence Bass Baker, Pikevllle, KY-
formerly of Pikevllle. The Quar- ville Trust Company was then in- _Richie Baker. First National Bank.
tette sang in the lobby of the troduced by Mr. Yost. Mr. Muir P‘kevllle’ KY-

James Hatcher Hotel, in Room made several statements as to the LLQC‘anKBan' Louisa Nati°nal Bank'
106 adjoining “Ed and Jimmie”, at work of the Association for the 21%,, y‘ . .
“Petmont”, and at the home of present year, and his plans for the Engine“??? F‘rSt National Bank'
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold. They also future. Mr. Harry G. Smith, Secre- T. M. Beasley Pikevllle Ky

went to the home of Mrs. David L. tary of the Kentucky Bankers As- w. E, Berger ,Second Nétionsl Bank 7
Francis, mother of Mr. James D. sociation then made some an- Ashland. KY- ' '
Francis, and sang there as a nouncements, one of which was V- .E- Bevins, Vice President and
courtesy to her. that he had resigned his position gfigleréo Pilfgé’i‘géfiueNafégnal Bank &

At seven—thirty Saturday even- gill; 1 tgeacéffgztégfiione§:%izg Mrs. V. E. Bevins, Pikevllle, Ky.
ing a delicious banquet was served President of the Liberty National Astaire?“ Third National Bank'
gagglfeifhfigltil gouge? gile Jg'ntlfis Bank and Trust Company of Louis- Mrs. Rex Bingham, Ashland, Ky.

y a es 0 e Ville, Ky. Several other Vis1tors L z 1 Bl t F‘ '
M. E. Church, South. Those per- were introduced Paifitgvzfim a}; on’ "St Natlonal Bank,
sons appearing at the speakers ' Mack éowlye‘s Chairman of th
table were Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth The nominating committee, Board. First National Bank. Pikevlllee. '
L. Arnold, Mr. and Mrs. John M. through their chairman, Mr. Ky‘ '
Riost, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Moore, Mr. George F. Robinson, Cashier, First Kym JOhn E' Bowman' Jr" Pikevme'

ack Bowles, Mrs. George W. National Bank Gra son, Kentuc- ' . it
Greer, Mrs. Nannie J. Yost, Colonel ky, made the report! and recom— fig if§§eBBi§1it¥ni¥$t Aghllgd K ‘
James Hatcher, K- J~ Day, Mayor mended the election of officers for l ' ' ' y'

. 0f the City, R. Palmer McElroy, Group 7 for the coming year, as _G_‘
Lee P. Miller, Earl R. Muir, Henry follows: Mr. Paul C. Snyder, John W. Call, Pikeville, Ky.
N. Ott, Willlam B. Dern, Mr. and Cashier, Second National Bank, W. P. Call, Pikeville, Ky.
Mrs. Jo M. Dav1dson, Charles A. Ashland, Kentucky, as President, Mrs. W. P. Call, Pikeville, Ky.
Randolph,_Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. and Mr. John W. Woods, Jr., 'W. P. Carpenter, Cashier, Salyers-
Smith, Miss Gwynne Smith, Dr. Auditor, Third National Bank Ville National Bank, Salyersville, Ky.
and Mrs. Frank D. McClelland, Mr. Ashland, Kentucky, as Secretary Mrs. W. P. Carpenter, Salyersville,
and Mrs- John J- ROWE, Mr. and of the Group. Both were unani- Ky' . .
Mrs. R. H. Starr, Mr. William R. mously elected and Mr. Snyder piggvriilecigseu’ FlrSt Nauonal Bank’
31211311115, MT. and Mrs. Leonard C- made a few remarks. Earl C’assltdy, Inez Deposit Bank,

. Inez, Ky.
The visitors were then directed -

After Dr. Frank D. McClelland, to the pike Country Club for the SeggiaigkNgtigiigiefianAlgmfs’girri‘EsvSlighligyi
PreSldent 0f PikeVllle College, pro- annual dance, Music was furnished W. Z. Chapman, First National
nounced the invocation, Mr. Yost by Barney Rapp and his New Bank, LOUisa' KY~
introducedthr. “331d as Toast- Englanders. The dance lasted from Mrs‘ W' Z‘ Chapman, Louisa, Ky' ‘
mas er, an is mo er, Mrs. L. D. ele ~ . - O._ P. Chatfleld, Paragon-Elkhorn
Arnold. The address of welcome exc‘eelienltniilrlidforliilanyl‘gfiplifelsssgd villi: comenes C0" Dunleary' Ky' I
was delivered by Mr. Yost. who belief that it was one of the best Mrs' 0' P‘ ChamelthunleaW’ Ky‘
was also introduced with his bands ever to a ear at th Cl b Paul M. Chester, First & Peoples ‘
mother. The response for Group 7 pp e u . Bank, Russell, K-y' ~ - -
was. given by Jo M. Davidson, On Sunday morning, at ten Kg'lrs. Clyde Childers, Jr., PikeVllle, .
ASSlstant Cashier, Bank Josephine, o’clock, Mr. Arnold and Mr. YOSt C. E. Childers, Pikevllle National
Prestonsburg, Ky. The response entertained one hundred and fifty Bank & Trust Co.. Pikevllle. KY- :3
for the visitors was given by Mr. visitors at a country-ham break- Mrs C. E. Childers, Pikevllle, KY- 3
Charles A. Randolph, Chairman of fast at the Louis Cafe. The guests N- A» Chrismanl Pikevllle, KY- i
the Executive Committee, of the were greeted at the door by Mr. Mrs. N- A. Chrisman. Pikevllle, KY- ’
Kentucky Bankers Association, Arnold and Mr. Yost, assisted by James H. Claggett. Pikevllle, Ky. i
who is Cashier of the Citizens Miss Barbara Arnold, Miss Mary ,Mrs. Mabel Clark. Assistant Cashier,

Bank, Shelbyville, Kentucky. Wilson Cassell and Miss Richie ”St National Bank Pikevme' KY-
Arnold introduced and expressed ::::d géglsceicgziiitgigpin Cgliirtlttg‘, a1 Bank' PreStonSburg' Ky. ‘
appreciation to Miss Richie Baker, hot ,biscuits apple butter and Mrs" B‘ F' Combs, Presmnsmrg’ Ky”
an employee of The First National coffee. Immediately following the PC' 1V'Bcok0pg' AdSSiISgant caShier' i
Bank, who has become widely breakfast the visitors bade their 61:11 es an 1 mar" y.‘
known as the d . , , ' . . . ud Crawford, Louisa National Bank, ..l
esllgner and painter hosts and friends adieu, promising Lomsa. Ky-

of the maps of. Kentucky which to return at the first opportunity. Mrs. Bud Crawford, Louisa, Ky.
so many of the VlSltors had receiv- George Curry First & Peoples Bank t
ed. He also called attention to the This annual meeting 01" Group Russell, KY~ , ’ l
fact that it was she who had 7 was probably one of the finest
drawn and water-colored the ar- meetings held by any group in the _D— "
tistic place cards at the speakers’ state of Kentucky. BJO M' Da‘lidson' ASSiStam Cashier, ‘4
table. ank Josephine, Prestonsburg, Ky.

K’Mrs. Jo M. Davidson, Prestonsburg,

The princi a1 address of the ' - - - ?
evening was) delivered by Mr. ATTENDANCE GROUP 7 sztailtfrsicz):l1 Bagiwiishlggfimiiry Third
William B. Dern, humorist, lectur- Kentucky Bankers’ ASSOCiation Mrs. Carson Davis, Ashland, Ky.
er and story-teller. His .address Pikevllle Kentucky June 12 1937 K. J. Day, Mayor, Pikevllle, Ky.
was full of humor and philosophy, ’ FROM 0.36111) 7 ’ Robert B Doak Pikevllle Ky
32303120 trgiday bgngaidfthiirtl hefiwa: _A_ Mrs. Robert B. 'Doak, Pikevllle, Ky.

o e nes . D. . '
speakers ever to appear in Eastern togs‘bgrgérfihfir’ Bank Josephme' Pres- Nation: Bagg’rtggintgfiéig’l 811%.! Second
Kentucky, Mrs. R. T. Archer, Prestonsburg, Ky. Mrs. D. H. Dorton, Paintsvllle, Ky.

Through the evening the colored Barbara Arnold. Pikevllle, Ky. BI: S‘ Dorsey, Plkevuie' Ky” '
quartette sang at various places .K- L- .Amomv Vice PreSidentv Pike‘ rs: H'-S' Dorsey' Plkgm-e' Ky' '
around the banquet hall. V3119 National Bank & Trust Co., Pike- Sallie Vicars Dotson, PikeVille, Ky.

Ville, Ky. - Opal H. Doyle, Pikevllle, Ky.
1'" ‘ a "06'." ' . .
. , , \

7: —E-- —L—- Henry Sterllhens, Cashier, First
. J C h P 1 J M L 1 Pk 11 N t 1B k National Ban , Prestonsburg, Ky.
l Drew Evans, r., as ier, eop es . . es ie, i evi e a iona an
Bank, Sandy Hook, Ky. & Trust Co., Pikeville, Ky. King. Henry Stephens, Prestonsburg,
.1 Mrs. Drew Evans, Assistant Cashier, Mrs. J. M. Leslie, Pikevllle, Ky. Eugene Stephenson, Ashland, Ky.
a Peoples Bank, Sandy. Hook, KY- s. H. Leslie, Pikevllle, Ky.
.. F k L‘ J Fi t N ti 1 Frank J. Stephenson, Ashland, Ky.
. ran Ivesay, r., rs a one. - .
, ——F— Bank, Pikeville, Ky. AsPlrlzgrlld’Stfivgart, Thlrd Natlonal Bank,
J. E. Ferguson, Louisa National Agfig: (1145122313 Second Natlonal Bank, Mrs. R. C. Strasser, Pikevllle, Ky.
Bank. Louisa. Ky. . , El 'L y' s d N t. 1 B k P. B. Stratton, Pikeville, Ky. ,
Mrs. Arthur Fields, Pikevllle National PainxtlsirrilleyoKns' 900“ a zone an . Hope Sullivan, First National Bank, '
Bank & Trust Co., .Pikeville, Ky. R C L ’onsy-Cashier First National Pikeville, Ky.
Arthur Flelds, PlkeVllle, KY» Bank 'Paiyntsv’ille Ky.’ Rush Sword, Assistant Cashier, Pike-
W. E. Fitzpatrick, Assistant Cashier. ' ’ ville National Bank & Trust Co.,
Merchants & Miners Bank, Freeburn, P1kev1lle, Ky.
. K3];- M D Fl Pk 111 K —M— Mrs. Rush Sword, Pikevllle, Ky.
r. . . anary, 1 ev e, y. ,
, Mrs. M. D. Flanary, Pikeville, Ky. A. 'H. McChord, Cashxer, Merchants ——T——
C H F i S d N t’ 1B R & Mmers Bank, Freeburn, Ky.
Paintsyillem Es, econ 8’ 10118, an ' Mrs. A. H. McChord, Freeburn, Ky. LeRoy J. Taft, Second National
' ' Dr. Frank D. McClelland, Pikeville, Bank. Ashland. Ky.
G—¢ Ky. G. S. Thornbury, Pikevllle, Ky.
, ' Mrs. Frank D. McClelland, Pikeville, Mrs. Hester Trivette, Pikeville, Ky.
% W. W. Gray, Pikeville, Ky. Ky.
1 George W. Greer, President, First W. R. McCoy, Inez Deposit Bank, ._V—
,I National Bank, Pikeville, Ky. Inez, Ky. . . ‘
.‘ Mrs. George W. Greer, Pikeville, Ky. PRutssellll Mleiad, First National Bank, Wfifiggbfiggml‘wgfiegggr $151833 Bank 0‘
. am svx e, y. . . .
g —H— John S. Miller, Pikeville, Ky. .R. L. Vinson, President, Louisa Na.-
'- Mrs John s Miller Pikevllle Ky “on” Bank' Lou‘sa' Ky'
WIhIernLan HWlha’ (gashlerk Bank or Robert Montgomery, Second National Mrs. R. L. Vmson. Louisa, Ky.
"es “rg' “es “rg' . 3" Bank, Paintsville, Ky.
Mrs. Herman Hale, Whitesburg, Ky. Mrs Robert Montgomery Paints- —W—
Ingzicliérd C. Hale, Inez Deposit Bank, ville, ’Ky. ' Earl Walker, Second National Bank,
' y. . ' J. J. Moore, President, Pikeville Paintsville, Ky.
ng LingalleéyCashler. Inez Deposit fiational Bank & Trust Co., Pikeville. Mrs. Earl Walker Paintsville Ky
1 ' ' ' Y- ' . ' '
. F. C. Hall, Assistant Cashier, First . . . 'k .11 . .Charles Waldron, Asmstant Cashier,
: Mrs. F' C’ Hall, Prestonsburg,_Ky. Virginia Munsell, Louisa National Walter Walters Pikeyille K ' '
r Russell Hagewood, First Natlonal Bank Louisa, Ky. . . . y.
Bank, Prestonsburg, Ky. ’ John B. Wells, 'Presrdent, Second
j Mrs. Josephine Harkins, Bank National Bank, Pamtsvrlle, Ky.
i Josephine, Prestonsburg, Ky. —0-—- BJ'kB'PWetns'llJr-YK Second National
Joseph D. Harkins, Bank Josephine. . . . an v am 5‘” e, y-
Prestonsburg, Ky. BaHnirrIfottrisSStlgyvne' Lomsa Natlonal KMrs. J. B. Wells, Jr., Paintsville,
. _ , , . y.
, buMés.K.;oseph D. Harkms, Prestons Liar; 0133““, Louise. National Bank, P Z_. Wiens'K First National Bank,
Col. James Hatcher, Pikevllle, Ky. ’ ’ . amtswl e, y. . .
; Mrs. John M. Hatcher, Pikevllle, Ky. Mrs. J' P' Osborne, Loulsa, Ky. N 8:133:31 gagisv Aghian gnaw. Thu‘d
. Walter Hatcher, Vice President, ’ ' '
First National Bank, Pikeville, Ky. —P— —Y—-
' Mrs. Walter Hatcher Pikeville Ky. . . .
’ ’ Clara Parrish P1kev111e National
’ Mrs. H. H. Hefner, Pikeville National . ’ . 'k ‘11 F. H. Yates, Second National Bank,
‘ Bank 8: Trust Co., Pikevllle, Ky. lgg'tlonal Bank & Trust CO ’ P1 ev1 e, Ashland, Ky.
Mr. H. H. Hefner. Pikeville, Ky. Henry Patrick, Bank Josephine, Pres- John M. 'Yost, Vice President and
Mrs. Edward Hellier, Pikeville, Ky. tonsburg, Ky. Cfismer' FIT“ National Bank- Pike-
vllle, Ky.
KMrs. F. L. Heintz, Prestonsburg, KMrs. Henry Patrick, Prestonsburg, Mrs John M Yost Pikeville Ky
y. y, . ' . . , . , ,
William Hemlepp, Second National R. P. Price, Bank of Whitesburg, Nanme Jr Yost; Plkevfllev KY-
Bank, Ashland, Ky. Whitesburg, Ky. W. E. YOSt. P1kev1lle, Ky.
0. T. Hinton Attorney, First Mrs. R. P. Price, Whitesburg, Ky. Mrs. W. E. Yost, Pikeville, Ky.
National Bank, Pikeville, Ky.
Mrs. O. T. Hinton, Pikevllle, Ky. —B.—
. Dr. F. H. Hodges, Pikeville, Ky. . . B k KENTUCKY VISITORS OUTSIDE
BMfis. g:kH:uHO(}§eS, First National Pghrg'mgwfi'y Second National 3“ . GROUP 7
an , 1 ev1 e, . ' ‘
R. E. Hodges, Pikyevllle Ky. Mrs. G. H. Rice, Paintsville, Ky. ————-
- ’ - B. F. Richmond, Inez Deposit Bank,
. Mrs. R' E' Hodges, Prkevrlle, Ky: Inez, Ky. C. L. Cropper, Assistant Cashier,
\ .H C’ Holbrook, Assistant Cashler. W B Richmond President Inez Peoples Deposit Bank, Burlington, Ky.
2‘“ F116? NgtliélagBla‘gnk’ Eagltsvtllleilek Deposit .Bank, Inez, ’Ky. ’ Mrs. C. L. Cropper, Burlington, Ky.
rs‘ ' ' ° "To ’ am 5'“ e' 3" Martha Riddick, Pikeville. Ky. G. s. Kelley, Assistant Cashier,
s “:3 11%"??? 9331?”? fohfilBo‘krd' Geo. F. Robinson, Cashier, First Peoples Deposit Bank, Burlington. Ky.
e13? FaéoHa anP, . email ,3 y. National Bank, Grayson, Ky. ' Mrs. G. S. Kelly, Burlington, Ky.
“5' re owes' am 5.‘” e' 3". James L. Ross, Third National Bank, Mrs. D. B. Calvert, First National
. NJt-. 3,- BH‘f‘ghfsr 10515113”, Lomsa Ashland, Ky. Bank, Corbin, Ky.
a “ma a" ' 0“ 53' .y' E. B. Calvert, Cashier, First Nation-
' Mrs. J. B. Hughes, Loulsa, Ky. S a1 Bank, Corbin, Ky.
. —J _ _ Mrs. E. B. Calvert, Corbin, Ky.
_ . . . R. B. Gilles ie Cashier First Na.-
Elva Sword Scott. P1kev111e National - '~ '
,,_ .fi’lrS-KCharles D. Jacobs, Jr.. Pike- Bank and Trust Co. Pikevllle, Ky. “‘:;? gang. £322"; gyr'bin K
V” e: y“ , Frank Scott, Pikeville, Ky. 5' ' ‘ p . 0, ' 3" ,
MISS Beatrice Johnston, Second H S tt Pike llle K E. .R. Gossett, Cashler, Harrxson
National Bank, Ashland, Ky. Clenry e CA0 ,Slocumv Pikevilile Ky IJigelposxt Bank & Trust Co., Cynthmna,
E e t Johnso , First National Bank, arenc - ' v ' -
, Pikegifie, Ky. n H. H. Smith, Bank of Hindman, Frances Gossett, Cynthiana, Ky.
# G. F. Johnson, Virgie, Ky. Hindmanv KY- John F. McDaniel, Jr.. Cashier, Far—
:2 Zach Justice Pikeville Ky. Mrs. H .H. Smith, Hindman, Ky. mers National Bank, Cynthiana, Ky.
. Mrs Z... J..... mm. Ky- ..:.z- 1;.-ism; Care“ Bank °‘ Hmd' mgrNigger-Bhfimshmh. Fist
‘x _Kfl Mrs. W. R. Smith, Hindman, Ky. Hanson Peterson, Attorney, Farmers
' Paul C. Snyder. Cashier, Second National Bank, Cynthlana, KY-
/‘ Herbert Kagley, Peoples Bank, Sandy National Bank, Ashland. Ky. Mrs. Hanson Peterson, Cynthiana,
Hook. KY- Mrs. E. H. Sowards, Bank Josephine, KY ‘
; Edward Keeton, Peoples Bank, Sandy Prestonsburg, Ky. Samuel H. Sebren, Fort Thomas, Ky. .
g. HOOK. KY- G. C. Spradlin, Assistant Cashier, Mrs. Samuel H. Sebren, Fort
1;? Harry Klndt, Ashland, Ky. First National Bank, Prestonsburg, Ky. Thomas, Ky.
‘ Mrs. Harry Kindt, Ashland. Ky. PJ. tE. StargleleFirSt National Bank, KlSamuel H. Sebren, J 1‘., Fort Thomas,
John W. Kitchen, President, Second "35 0’15 “r . - _ -
National Bank, Ashland, Ky. Edmund A. Starling, Pikev1lle, Ky. Lucille White, Fort Thomas, Ky.
‘ Doris Kunkle, Third National Bank, Mrs. Edmund A. Starling, Pikevllle, Lewis Bradley, Vice President and
Ashland, Ky. Ky. Cashier, Georfietown National Bank,
, Goldie Kunkle, Third National Bank, Edgar Stephens, First National Bank, Georgetown. y.
p Ashland, Ky. Prestonsburg, Ky. Mrs. Lewis Bradley, Georgetown, Ky.

 Leonard P. Smith, Deputy Banking Mary Wilson Baker, Princeton, Ky. Mrs. J. D. Riddick, Maury City,
Commissioner State of Kentucky, Ray Baker, Cashier, Farmers Na- Tenn.
GEOPEGtOWH, KY~ tional Bank, Princeton, Ky. Woodrow Riddick, Maury City,
Mrs. Leonard P. Smith, Georgetown, Charlton Gresham, Farmers National Tenn.
Ki;- J k C Bank, Princeton, Ky.
08. . Wal er, ashier, Citizens A ~ . ..
National Bank, Lancaster. Ky. & (1:6ng Pgigggfiiftoi‘gyW' 13' Clancey “LST VIRGINIA
C. M. Thompson. Cashier. National C. A. Randolph Cashier Citizens Mrs Helen Kabler Bluefield w Va.
Bank of Lancaster, Lancaster, Ky. Bank Shelbyville ’Ky ' ' ' ' .
A Owen Hitt Security Trust Co ' 1 I 0' F.-Payne, Gary, W' Va.
Lex'in t n K ' " ROY,A- Bush, P909195 Bank, Shep- C. A. Boone, Vice President First
go . Y- herdsville Ky. ' ~ ‘
, . . - Huntington National Bank, Hunting—
COStaEggiingMoagt1§yChaa A. Hlnch & KMrs. Roy A. Bush, Shepherdsville, ton, W. Va.

-- n . y. _ . ..
NIEQFeYIB/glesk Aisigtant Cgshiei. First J. W. Hardaway Cashier Peoples VaWanda camelbury' Huntmgton' W'
a lone n ,_ - _ , . . . . ~ .
Ky. a ° Bill: Sleptrdilfiiiw‘iy‘ s... be... ..J-.B-HDel-Waite“ result rewi-
NJi" c.1Nfichfls.&vrirce President First ville, 'Ky'. ‘ y' p Hijfltingtgiril,”{i%’.0%a. “’1“ an ’
[011012; a“ “St C0" Lexmg' Mrs. Ella Hardy, Shepherdsville, Ky. W..M. Diehl, Assistant Cashier, First
J, Robert Smith, Assistant Secretary— Mrs. Thelma Newman, Peoples Bank, Eilllltl‘fil‘ffioel Rational Bank. Hunting.

Treasurer, Security Trust Co., Lexing- Shepherdswlle, Ky. (m’ ‘ a' . .
. ton, Ky. ‘ Billy. Simmons, Peoples Bank, Shep- VMTS~ W- M‘ Diehl, Huntington, W-
W. A. Tolman, College of Commerce, herdsvnle, Ky. a. J . ~ ~ .
U. of K. Lexington, Ky. Mrs. R. L- Simmons, Peoples Bank, .L. I. Hardy, First Huntiilgion Na— :.
Mrs. W. A. Tolman, Lexington. Ky. Shepherdsv‘ller KY- “33:33“; limlltmim’.“twt‘ ga'h.
. J e T. B y ‘ . , ' _ ' ._ ae, SSIS an as ier,
J. D. Vailhooser, Lexmgton. Ky. Bafk & T111508: Vigigcrllilggter Pégples First Huntington National B a n k,
L‘S' T. BIShOP' Assistant Cashier, Mrs Joe T Brown Winchester K Huntington, W' Va.
Kincoln Bank & Trust Co., Louiswlle, ‘ ' ' ’ y. G. H. Pierson, First Huntington Nu«
I}: S Bl‘ k t {f A . t t M O I f S] f V '[ tioilal Bunk, Huntington, W. Va.
_ . '. ic ens a . SSIS an anager‘, U 0 a e ISI OI'S John L T - ‘
. . . . yson, Mandgel, Haliis—
Flg‘elgyDggrlsiilposl;8C;;e;oiulstxlillhei)Kty. Upllam & C0., Huntington, W. Va.
.. .,: en,ier .- . ~
Bank and Trust C0., Louisville, K; FLORIDA 143:3:Iliugrfilniz‘gw'vgdmmdl Bdnk Ut
Mrs. F‘ C‘ Dorsey, Louisville, Ky. Geo. W. Berger, A. B. Morrison Kc Miss‘ Glennav Bi‘aiihuln, First Nation—
COCarIlJeouliB. i1lii‘owllézr, W. L. Lyons 5; 0)., Miami, Fla. 81 Bank, Logan, W- Va.

(3 L SV e, y. ' II LINOIS‘ J. F. Cook, Assistant Cashier, Na—
ville K Jones, Almste