xt70vt1gms3w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70vt1gms3w/data/mets.xml Historical Records Survey (U.S.) Nevada Historical Records Survey (U.S.) 1942 xv, 127 numb. l. 28 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call Number: Y 3.W 89/2:43 Am 3/2/no.7 books  English Chicago: Historical records survey  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Nevada Works Progress Administration Publications American literature -- Nevada -- Bibliography Nevada -- Imprints -- 19th century A Check List of Nevada Imprints, 1859-1890, 1942 text A Check List of Nevada Imprints, 1859-1890, 1942 1942 1942 2021 true xt70vt1gms3w section xt70vt1gms3w  





The Historical Records Survey
Division of Women’s and Professional Projects

Works Progress Administration

N 0. 7i A Check List
of Nevada Imprints



Chicago .
The Historical Records Survey , ’
1939 ,










American Imprints Inventory

The Historical Records Survey
Division of Women’s and Professional Projects
Works Progress Administration

‘No. 7. A Check List
of Nevada Imprints


The Historical Records Survey






 The Historical Records Survey

Luther H. Evans, Director
Robert H. Slover, Regional Supervisor
Ray D. Harris, Nevada State Director

Division of Professional and Service Projects

Florence Kerr; Assistant Administration
Mary H. Isham, Chief Regional Supervisor
Harriett G. Spann, Nevada State Director


F. C. Harrington, Administrator
R. L. Nicholson, Regional Director
Gilbert C. Ross, Nevada State Administrator


 Prefac e

During the pioneer period the printing press was not particularly
active in the area represented by the present State of Nevada. There
were few issues of the early Nevada press other than newspapers.

So it may be eacpected that any records of “melts:J pamphlets, and broad-
sides printed in Nevada during the early period will be a bit sparse.

This expectation is borne out by the list of Nevada imprints
earlier than 1891 which is presented in the following pages.

There has been no previous effort to compile any bibliographical
list of Nevada publications, therefore the present list represents an
excursion into virgin territory. Consequently it is not claimed that
the present list is complete or even nearly complete, for it is inevi—
table that in the preparation of any first list of local imprints many
ephemeral publications will be missed.

The present list represents, however, a careful and painstaking
effort to discover and record just as many Nevada imprints as could be
found, after extensive search in hundreds of libraries throughout the
country. The field data on which the list is based has been wholly com-
piled by workers of the American Imprints Inventory, and the list has
been edited by staff members of that organization.

The American mprints Inventory constitutes one branch of the work
of the Historical Records Survey of the Works Progress Administration.
Dr. Luther H. Evans has been National Director of the Historical Records
Survey since its inception. The program of recording early American
imprints in libraries throughout the country and preparing and issuing
regional check lists of these imprints was first undertaken about two and

a half years ago and has been prosecuted on a vigorous scale for the


 past W0 years.

Well over a thousand workers have been engaged during the past
year in recording books, pamphlets, and broadsides printed in the
United States earlier than 1877, and in eight western states (of which
Nevada is one) earlier than 1891. The titles of these imprints have
been sent in to a central clearing office in Chicago, where they have
been filed by place of printing and date. These title slips provide
the basis for compiling lists of the issues of the press of any region,
within any period earlier than the final date limits established.

The field work in Nevada libraries has been carried on under the
direction of Ray D. Harris, State Director of the Historical Records
Survey. The detailed editing of the present list has been done by
Dr. Lester Condit, a member of the editorial staff of the centralclearo-
ing office in Chicago, under the technical direction of Douglas C.
McMurtrie, National Editor of the American Imprints Inventory.

The first printing within the present limits of the State of
Nevada was done December 18, 1858, at Genoa in Carson Valley, when

Alfred James and W. L. Jernegan brought out the first issue of the



Territorial Enterprise. Despite the fact that the Territorial Enterprise
was the leading newspaper throughout the territorial period, no good
file of it has been preserved. However, an exceedingly rare pamphlet
printed in the office while it was at Canon has been preserved and is
represented by the first entry in the present list.

In November, 1859, the Territorial Enterprise moved to Carson City,


and here Jonathan Williams and I. B. Wollard became its proprietors.
In the fall of the following year they began to issue the paper as a
daily and moved it to Virginia City, which became and remained for may

years the economic if not the political capital of Nevada.



In December, 1860, a second press began operations in Nevada,
when Lewis 86 Sewall began publication of the 353333: .453. at Carson City.
This paper became a daily on September 5, 1861, but in‘the following
year its plant was purchased and removed to Virginia City to establish
a new paper in that conununity.

No attempt here will be made to provide a history of printing in
Nevada, but it may be helpful to give the Jmown dates, where these can
be determined, of the first printing in various Nevada communities

through the year 1875.

Genoa. Dec. 18, 1858 Belmont Mar. 30, 1867
Carson City Nov. 12, 1859 Reno July 4, 1868
Virginia City October, 1860 Treasure City Dec. 26, 1868
Aurora Nay 10, 1862 Hamilton Mar. 27, 1869
Washes Oct. 18, 1862 Shermanto‘wn June 2, 1869
Winnemucca (formerly Elke June 19‘, 1869
Unionville) May 2, 1863" Eureka July 16, 1870'
Austin May 16, 1865" Pioche Sept. 17, 1870
Gold Hill Oct. 12, 1863' Schellbourne July, 1872 "
Como April 16, 1864 Colutnbus August, 1875"
lone June 25, 1864 Battle Mountain Dec. ‘26, 1875
Dayton July 16, 1864 Silver City July 5, 1874

Among the 520 imprints recorded in this list, 416 (80%) are official
documents of the Territory or State of Nevada. 01‘ these 225 are executive,
51 are judicial, and 160 are legislative. Among the 104 unofficial publié-
cations (20% of the total), 52 are fraternal or social, 19 represent
industrial or business interests, 18 are professional or scientific, 14
are literary or historical, and only 1 (which cannot be located) is re-
ligious or philosophical. Of these, 355 were printed or published at
Carson City, 50 at Virginia City, 21 at Reno, and 15 elsewhere in the
state. In the Appendix will be found 84 publications of Nevada origin
which were printed outside Nevada, 80 of these bearing the imprints of
San Francisco printers.

To present ‘a conspectus of Nevada printing and publication from

1859 to 1890, inclusive, the following statistics may be tabulated:







Printed Printed
Year in outside Total Unof— Offi- In App— Session
Nevada Nevada ficial cial endix

1859 1 1 1 Utah
1860 1 1 1 "
1861 2 2 2 Ter. 1
1862 3 5 8 3 5 " 2
1863 2 1 3 1 2 " 3
18611 36 1 37 1 36 93—3, 1
1865 an 6 30 1+ 26 11+ lst
1866 20 3 23 3 20 * 2nd
1867 16 3 19 2 17 * 3rd
1868 6 2 8 L1 L1 * "
1869 16 2 18 11 11+ * Nth
1870 1 2 3 2 1 * "
1871 16 2 18 3 15 * 5th
1872 1 2 3 2 1 * "
1873 25 3 28 3 25 16 6th
1871+ 7 3 10 5 5 "
1875 27 . 27 3 2h 22 7th
1876 2 3 5 u 1 "
1877 27 7 3n 5 29 20 8th
1878 u 1+ 8 3 5 "
1879 3 23 26 L1 22 18 9th
1880 u 5 9 5 u "
1881 20 2 22 1 21 16 10th
1882 u 1 5 2 3 "
1883 211 . 21 L1 20 17 11th
1881+ 8 . 8 u 11 "
1885 30 . 30 5 25 20 12th
1886 9 . 9 3 "
1887 31+ . 3h 3 31 211 13th
1888 12 2 11+ 3 11 "
1889 33 . 33 9 21+ 23 1l1th
1890 18 2 20 8 12 "
Town M36 8b 520 1011 I116 190 Total

96 83.9 16.1 100 20.0 80.0 36.5 %









It will be noted that 190 official documents (36.5 % of all pub-
lications described) are listed in tables of contents to the Appendix
to Journals of Senate and Assembly. As serials within serials, many of
these have been rather inadequately cataloged in libraries possessing
copies and they cannot always be easily located. To facilitate their
location, the following table may be found useful:


 ~ vii —

1.561299. lskliibjsssiess.























829921-91 1 2 3 M 5 6 7 8 9 10 ll 12 13 1“
Adjutant—general's office .................... 6 * 1h 10 8 11 10 19
Agriculture, Board of .................................. 13 13
(annual) ................................................... “Mm. 1H
Attorney—general‘s office .................... 13 13 8 7 6
Auditor .............. 3
Bond commissioners ........................................... 21 18
Capitol commissioners ............... 20
Centennial commissioners ......................... 1H *
Controller... .................................................................. * 1- * * 3 2 2 3 2 3 2 5 l1
(annual) ............................. 3 3 u u 3 6 5
Fish commission... ........ 15 11 15 111 16 17
Governor ........................................................................... 1 * * * * 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
(additional messages) ............................ 2 2 2O 2
Indigent insane, Commission for, ' * 13 16 11 17 12 16 15 12 12
Legislature —— Standing rules { 12 * 2
Assembly committees ............................. 13 11 21 23
Joint committees ........................................ 7 * * * 16 9 12 18 2o 22
9 13 17 19 22
Senate committees .................................... 10 * 10 17 16 2M
11 15 i
14 19
Miscellaneous documents .................. . 2 12 2O 21 15 17 {g} 21
Library .............................................................................. * * 11 12 2O
Minerologist ................ * * * 7 15 10 16 *6
Orphans' home .................. 9 22 15 13 9 13 12 8 9
Printing office ............. 17 10 8
Prison .................................................................................. 8 * * * * 8 12 9 ll 10 12 11 9 10
Public Instruction, Supt. of .......... 5 * * * * 5 7 7 8 g 9 8 15 16
Secretary of state ........................................... * * 6 6 7 7 6 7 7
Supreme court, Clerk of ........................... 19 18 16
Surveyor~genera1 ................................ mm. * * * * 6 10 8 9 7 10 9 11 ll
Treasurer .......................................... H * * * * H H M 5 3 5 H 3 2
(annual) ........................................... 5 5 6 6 5 l1 3
University, Regents ofm ....... 8 1H 1M 1M 13 1h 15
Weather service ..................................................... 16 17 18
Total numbers in each appendix 1M * * * * 16 22 21 18 16 17 20 21+ 23




* Issued, but not present in table of contents to appendix; appendices"
with total numbers starred do not have table of contents.

Since this table was compiled, it has been discovered that not all
copies of the contents for the 13th and luth sessions are identical. It
has not been possible in this checklist to attempt to distinguish between
possible variants of these reports. In addition to c0pies bound in the
fippgndig and listed in the tables of contents, cOpies are to be found
which are bound separately. Sometimes cover—titles are reported, but more
frequently it would appear that the covers are missing or that the report


 l-viii {-

was issued without covers. One or two errata slips have been reported.
Comparison of copies might reveal two or three variants of the same re—

Since the official documents of the territory and state constitute
eighty per cent of the recorded Nevada imprints, some account of offi—
cial printing in Nevada may prove of interest. A humorous account of
the territorial printing may be read in Mark Twain's Roughing it.

Much of what he has to say is confirmed by extant typographical evi-
dence. The journals of the first session of the territorial legiSlature
were printed in San Francisco by Valentine & Company, but before an
appropriation could be made for the printing of the journals of the
second and third legislatures, Nevada was admitted to the Union, and
there seems to have been no desire on the part of the state legislature
to have these proceedings of the territorial legislature printed in
permanent form. The bills reported favorably in committee had been
printed by Israel Crawford at Carson City, where he continued as terri-

torial printer until his newspaper, The Carson Daily Independent, was


obliged to suspend publication. In the meanwhile the session laws were
printed. Those of the first territorial legislature Were printed in
San Francisco by Valentine 6c Company; those of the second session, at
Virginia. City by J. T. Goodman 8c Company; those of the third session,
at Virginia City by John Church & Company.

John Church became the first state printer. During the spring of
1865 he dissolved partnership with his associates in Virginia City,

disposed of his interest in the Virginia Daily Union and opened offices


at Carson City. It was Church who began the practice of iSSuing the

Appendix t2 the Journal 3f the Senate, which was merely a volume contain-



ing collected reports with a general title-page and table of contents.
In the appendix to the journal of the second session, no table of con-
tents is found.

After the election of Joseph E. Eckley as state printer in 1866,
his newspaper, @113 m M M, suspended publication. The sessions
of the legislature Were now made biennial, and all of‘the state printing
for the session of 1867 appears to have been executed. No service was
provided for official reports which could not be compiled before the
close of that year.

Henry R. Mighels, state printer for the fourth legislative session,
previously had been editor and later was publisher of the w 1333.31
weal. Subsequently he was speaker of the Nevada assembly. As state
printer, however, he was defeated for re~election.

Charles L. Perkins, the first Democrat to serve as state printer,
did not dispose of his interest in the Hmboldt Register until after his
installation in office. After Perkins had removed from Unionville to
Carson City, his newspaper removed from Unionville to Wirmemucca. He
continued the policies of his immediate predecessors, executing such
printing as was specifically authorized, expending such appropriations
as became available, and complying to the utmost of his ability with
statutory requirements.

In the election of 1872 the Republicans were successful, and
Charles A. V. Putnam was called from the proprietorship and editorship of
the MM gnpirg at Hamilton to the state printer's office. None
appears to have been more delighted than his local rivals, the publishers
of the w Bing Ms. Putnam was entrusted by the legislature with
much more printing than any of his predecessors. There was such an

increase in encecutive documents that he revived the Appendix to the


 Journal of the Senate, begun by John Church,'with its halfatitle and


table of contents. He was required to print, in addition to customary
documents, two volumes of the compiled laws of the State of Nevada, a
catalog of the state library, and the proceedings of the joint con—
vention of the legislature. The printing craftsmanship in Nevada dooué
ments new began to compare more favorably with that of documents of
California and Oregon.

During the campaign of 1874, when the Democrats sought a nominee
capable of improving upon the state printing, the choice fell upon an
independent candidate ~u John J. Hill, of'Winnemucca, editor and pube
lisher of Eh§_§il32£.§tatg. Due to his election he was obliged to
relinquish his editorial responsibilities, but he could not be induced
to dispose of his printing and publishing business. The neWspaper I
firm.was reorganized as John J. Hill & Company. A further increase is
now to be noted in printed executive reports. The title of the appendix

was now changed to Appendi§ to Journals 2: Senate and Assembly. It then



became a supplement rather than an appendix, since its contents were
too numerous and too bulky to be bound conveniently with the journal of
either house of the legislature. Reports possessing only a coverutitle
or caption title now decreased, but the aversion to title~pages
persisted. The half—title continued to be a favorite. However, Hill
printed his name on the verso of the halrétitle, thus making it a
titleepage in embryo.

Effective January 1, 1879, the office of state printer was
abolished, and a contract for the state printing was awarded to A. L.
Bancroft & Co., of San Francisco. As state printers and binders
they demonstrated that California craftsmanship was not inferior to

that of Nevada, but local pride demanded that the printing of state


 documents be executed in Nevada and that the craftsmanship be of
satisfactory standard. A bill was introduced into the legislature

by J . C. Harlow, creating the office of superintendent of state printing.
The term of office was fixed at four years. In order that popular
sovereignty might not be infringed upon, the office was made elective,
but the Board of State Printing Commissioners were authorized to appoint
a superintendent to act until the next general election.

J. W. Maddrill was appointed superintendent of state printing for
documents of the tenth session of the Legislature. Imprints then were
more frequent, but they varied. Some documents were issued from the
"State Office" and some from the "State Printing Office." Wherever the
printing was executed which he superintended, the documents Were published
at Carson City, where the superintendent maintained his office.

With the election of J. C. Harlow as superintendent in 1882, an in-
creased state investment in the printing business appears to have been
made. The superintendent was then required to submit a printed report
on the'work of the state printing office, and all branches of the govern-Q
ment 44- judicial as well as legislative and executive 4-— were required
to have their printing and binding done by the state printing office.
Harlow contimed in office for two terms, serving continuously from
1885 to 1891. Among the imprints listed in this check list, 106 are
attributable to him or bear his imprint.

Among the 104: unofficial publications, representing twenty per cent
of the total number, fully half (or 10% of the total) are fraternal or
social. Before 1880 practically all of them, with only one or two
notable exceptions, were printed in San Francisco. During the same
period the majority of other unofficial Nevada publications were printed

in San Francisco, but there are a few publications with imprints of Nevada


 neWspaper and job presses. Undoubtedly there are many extant imprints
of the period which have as yet escaped record.

Appropriately enough the largest number of titles located in may
institution is reported from the Nevada Historical Society which, in
the main portion of the list and in the addenda is credited with 504
titles. The splendid document collection of the Wisconsin Historical
Society is responsible for the location of 259 titles in that institu-
tion’s library, while 215 titles are located in the libraries of the
University of Pennsylvania. A total of 248 titles are located in the
libraries of the University of Chicago. Other libraries from which have

been reported considerable numbers of Nevada imprints or documents are:

maesachusetts State Library 147
Philadelphia Free Library 80
Harvard University 79
Society of California Pioneers 62
Virginia City Public Library 58
Library of Congress 51

These figures do not necessarily represent all the Nevada titles to
be found in the collections mentioned, for such statistics only could be
derived from a thorough checking of the list against the holdings of each
library. The figures cited represent only the copies reported by the
field workers of the American Imprints Inventory.

It should be pointed out that the statistical summaries in this
preface do not take into account the additional or revised titles to be
found among the addenda, but the few changes involved will not materially
affect the percentages herein stated.

The undersigned desires to express his special appreciation to the
director and workers of the Historical Records Survey in Nevada for the
care and patience they have displayed in providing much of the material
for the present list. And he further desires to record his appreciation

to Dr. Lester Condit for his scholarly and conscientious work in bringing


 - xiii -

materials from this and other sources into form for publication.

The librarians of practically all the collections in which these
Nevada titles are located have been exceedingly helpful in providing
detailed descriptions of individual imprints represented in their
collections. We desire to accord our appreciation to all of them
for their generous cooperation.

All the titles in this list have been cleared through the Union
Catalog of the Library of Congress, through the courtesy of its
Director, George A. Schwegmann, Jr. As a result, all of the titles
in the present list are now represented in the Uhion Catalog, being
there filed alphabetically by author.

The American Imprints Inventory is under cordial obligation to_
the Illinois state office of the Historical Records Survey, first,
under the directorship of Howard E. Colgan, and later, of Dr. Royal
S. Van de Wbestyne; for assistance in memeographing this check list

of Nevada imprints.

Douglas C. McMurtrie
National Editor
American Imprints Inventory

Chicago, Illinois.

June 24, 1939.

Luther H. Evans
National Director
Historical Records Survey

washington, D. 0.

June 26, 1939.







IC Law


MH :




British Museum, London

Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley
Public Library, Berkeley, California

Public Library, Los Angeles

Public Library, Oakland

Society of California Pioneers, San Francisco

Henry E. Huntington Library, San Marine, California

Office of Education,'Washington, D. C.

U. S. Geological Survey,‘Washington, D. Go

Library of Congress, Washington, D. C.

Senate Library, washington, D. C.

Department of State, washington, D. C.

Supreme Council of Scottish Rite, Washington, D. C.
Army Medical Museum and Library, Washington, D. C.

Public Library, Chicago

Field Museum, Chicago

John Crerar Library, Chicago

Chicago Law Institute Library, Chicago

Newberry Library, Chicago

Scottish Rite Library, Chicago

University of Chicago Libraries

Gary Law Library, Northwestern University, Chicago Campus

Iowa State Historical Memorial and Department Library, Des Moines
Iowa Masonic Library, Cedar Rapids

Kansas State Historical Society, Topeka

Massachusetts State Library, Boston

Harvard College Library, Cambridge, Mass.

Law School, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.

Baker Library, Graduate School of Business Administration, Harvard
University, Cambridge, Mass.

Boston Public Library, Boston

Boston Athenaeum, Boston

Grand Lodge of massachusetts, F. & A. M., Boston

Social Law Library, Boston

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul
Nebraska Historical Society, Lincoln
Nevada State Library, Carson City
Nevada Historical Society, Reno

University of Nevada, Reno
Washoe County Library, Reno


 Nva Public Library, Virginia City, Nevada
Nj New Jersey State Library. Trenton
NjP Princeton University, Princeton, N. J.
NN New York Public Library, New York City
NNLI New York Law Institute, New York City
NNFM Grand Lodge of New York, F. & A. Mo, New York City
chS Supreme Court Library, Raleigh, N. C.
Nd—L Supreme Court law Library, Bismarck, N. D.
0 Ohio State Library, Columbus
OCHP Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio, Cincinnati
Gr Oregon State Library, Salem
PHi Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
PU University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
PP Free Library of Philadelphia
PPAN Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
PPAmP American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia
PPB Bar Association of Philadelphia
PPCemm Commercial Museum, Philadelphia
PPPFrI Franklin Institute, Philadelphia
PPL Library Company of Philadelphia
R Rhode Island State Library, Providence
RPB Brown University, Providence, R. I.
RPL Law Library, Providence, R. I.
Tx Texas State Library, Austin
U Utah State Library, Salt Iakn City
UPB Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah
won University of'Washington, Seattle
WHi Wisconsin State Historical Society, Madison
Wy wyoming State Library, Cheyenne
* * *
009 William Robertson 006, New York City
Eberstadt Edward Eberstadt, New York City
Mthrtrie Douglas C. Manrtrie, Chicago and Evanston

Streeter T.‘W. Streeter, Morristown, N. J.


1 N E V A D A I M P R I N T S

1859 - 1890


Utah (territory). Courts.

Report I of the I Grand Jury I of the I Second District of Utah
Territory, I September Term, 1859. I [filet] I Carson Valley: I
Printed at the office of the Territorial Enterprise. I [row of dots]
| 1859.

4 p. 15 x 24 cm. [ l ]

The report inveighs against the "Theocratic Tyrany” of the Mormon

church, complains of the difficulties of civil government in a

district seven hundred miles from the capital of the territory at

Salt Lake City, and recommends the creation of a new territory

(Nevada) or of an independent judical district. The document is

thus an important landmark in the history of Nevada.

NvHi. Coe.


Virginia City, Nev. Territorial Enterprise.

Territorial Enterprise. I Arrival of the Pony! Extra. I Virginia
City, T. N., Nov. 7, 1860.

Broadside. Narrow folio. [ 2 ]

Item no. 112 in sale catalog of American Art Association, January

51, 1921.

Present location of copy not known.


Nevada (territory). Laws, Statutes, etc.

Territory of Nevada I [wavy rule] I No. 24 I [short rule] I Council
bill I [double rule] I An act I A mandatory of an act entitled An act
to I exempt the homestead and other prop-Ierty from forced sale in

certain cases. I Approved November 1861. I [Carson City 1861?]
7 p. 21 x 30 cm. Caption title; no'imprint. [ 5 I

Nevada (territory). Laws, Statutes, etc.

Territory of Nevada I [wavy rule] I No. 56 I [short rule] I Council
bill I [double rule] I An a ct | entitled An act to amend an act, en—I
titled "An act to regulate proceedings I in civil cases in the courts
of justice of I this territory". Approved Nov. 29, 1861. I [carson

3 p. 21 X 50 cm. Caption title; no imprint. \[ 4 I

NVH j ,1


 2 1862—1863


Nevada (territory). Governor, 1861n64 (J. W. Nye).



. Second annual message I of I Governor James W. Nye, I to the I
Legislature of Nevada Territory, I November 13, 1882. I [short thin
rule] Together with I Reports of Territorial Auditor, Treasurer,
and Superintendent I of Public Instruction. I [filct] I Carson City:

a. T. Goochnan a 00., Territorial Printers. I 1862.
48 p. 15 x 25 cm. I 5 ]

While the imprint is here reported as Carson City, there is no
evidence that J. T. Goodman & Co. printed elsewhere than Virginia
Citya Apparently the Carson City imprint here is fictitious.
Caption title: Governor's message.

"Report of Superintendent of public instruction," p. 51-36; "Audi-
tor's report," p. 36-43; "Treasurer's report," p. 44-48.

DLC (incomplete report). ICN (copy without title page).

Nevada (territory). Governor (de facto), 1862 (Captain Jim, chief of

Annual message of Captain Jim, chief of washoes, and Governor (de
facto) of Nevada, delivered before the Third House of the territorial
Legislature, Nov. 14, 1862. Carson City, B. Wbolf [not before
1862]. [ 6 ]

Broadside. Reported to be two feet long; measurement not verified.

The "proceedings of the Third House" were reported by Samuel L.

Clemens ("Mark Twain") and his friend, Clement T. Rice ("The Un—

reliable"). During 1865 they were published in the Territorial

Enterprise. Cf. Myron Angel, Eigtoryflgf Nevada (Oakland, 18815,

. 81—84.
Eecent efforts to locate the copy described have been unavailing.

Nevada (territory). Legislature. Joint Committee on Territorial

Territory of Nevada. I [wavy rule] I Report of Joint Committee
on Territorial I Prison. I [Carson City; Printed by Israel Crawford,
territorial printer? 1862?]
7 p. 21 X 30 cm. Caption title; no imprint. [ 7 ]


Nevada (territory). Laws, Statutes, etc.

Laws I of the I Territory of Nevada, I'passed at the I Second
Regular Session of the Legislative Assembly, I begun I the eleventh
day of November, and ended on the twentieth day of I December, eight-
een hundred and sixtyhtwo, at Carson City. I double rule] I Virginia:
I J. T. Goodman & Co., Territorial Printers. I [ short rule]



 3 1864

215 p. 14.5 X 23 cm. xiv. [l], 1 blank. [ 8 ]

Nevada (territory). Laws, Statutes, etc.
Territory of Nevada I [wavy rule] I No. 5 I [short rule] I Council
Bill I [short rule] I A bill for an act to encourage the discov-
ery and manufacture of minerals. I [Carson City: Printed by
Israel Crawford, territorial printer, 1863?]
3 p. 21 x 50 cm. Caption title; no imprint. [ 9 ]
NVHi c


Clagett, William H.
Territory of Nevada. I [short rule] I House of Representatives,
I February 9, 1864. I [short rule] I Hon. Mr. Clagett, on the
inadequate judicial force. I which was ordered printed.
[Printed by Israel Crawford, territorial printer, Carson City.]
5 p. 21 X 30 cm. Caption title; no imprint. [ 10 ]
NVHi. .

Hardy, James H. '

Argument I of I Jud e James H. Hardy, I in the case of The
Potosi G. & S. M. Co. I versus I The Bajazet & Golden Era Gold and
Silver Mining Co. I [filet] I Before R. S. Mesick, esq., referee.

I [filet] I Virginia, Nevada; I Goodman & M'Carthy, Enterprise

job printing office. I [dash] I 1864.
40 p. 13.5 x 21.5 cm. Printed in double columns. [ ll ]

Nevada (territory).

Annual Reports I of the I Secretary of the Territory, I
Territorial Auditor, I Treasurer, I Superintendent of Public
Instruction, I and I Adjutant-General. I January 13, 1864. I
[rule] I Carson City: I Israel Crawford, Territorial Printer.

6, ll, 12, 9, 6 p. 22 cm. Cover-title. [ 11a ]
Each report has its individual caption title and pagination.
See items 12-15, 41-43.
DE. M.

Nevada (territory). Adjutant-General.

Report I of I Territorial Adjutant General, I for the year 1863.
I [rule] I General Headquarters, Territory of Nevada, I Adjutant
General's Office, I carson City.


 4 1864

6 p. 22.5 x 14 cm. Caption title. [ 12 ]
Also issued, together with other reports, with a cover title

printed at Carson City by Israel Crawford, territorial printer.

See item 11a.

DE. N. NN. WHi.

Nevada (territory). Auditor.
Report I of the I Territorial Auditor, I for the year 1863. I
[rule] I Auditors Department, Carson City, N. T., Jan. 12, 1864.
11 p. 22.5 x 14 cm. Caption title. [ 15 I
Also issued with a cover title printed at Carson City by
Israel Crawford, territorial printer. See item 11a.
DE. M. I. WHi.

Nevada (territory). Boundary Survey Between California and
Nevada Territory.
Report I of I Butler Ives, I Commissioner of the I Boundary

Survey, I between I Nevada Territory I and I California. I 1863
[filet] I Carson City: I Israel Crawford, Territorial Printer.

8 p. 14 x 22 cm. Title within border of type ornaments. [ l4 ]
NVHic A. MoSHi.

Nevada (territory). Boundary Survey Between California and
Nevada Territory.

Territory of Nevada. I [wavy rule] I February 12, 1864. I
[short rule] I Report of the Boundary Survey between I California
and Nevada territory, 1863. [Carson City? Printed by Israel
Crawford, territorial printer? 1864.]

23 p. 21 x 30 cm. Caption title; no imprint. [ 15 ]
Signed by Butler Ives, commissioner.

Nevada (territory). Governor, 1861—64 (James W. Nye).
Third I Annual Message I of I Governor James W. Nye, to the I
Legislature of Nevada Territory, I January 13th, 1864. [filet]

I Carson City; I Israel Crawford, territorial printer. 1864.
11 p. 15 x 25 cm. Cover title. [ 16 ]

Nevada (territory). Laws, Statutes, etc.

The I Common School Laws I of I Nevada T