xt70vt1gmp60 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70vt1gmp60/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2002-03-01 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 01, 2002 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 01, 2002 2002 2002-03-01 2020 true xt70vt1gmp60 section xt70vt1gmp60 Writer makes leap from Internet to print books | Page 7



March I, 2002


Celebrating 30 years of independence

Hayes will fight

Deja vu: Experience clause at issue again

EL John Wampler


After being denied the
chance to run for Student Gov-
ernment president by the 80
Board of Elections. history in»
nior Ben Hayes said he plans to
file an appeal for injunctive re-
lief with SG's Supreme Court

”It took a thousand names
to get us on the ballot. but only
five to get us off." Hayes said.

With one member absent.
the board voted 4-0 to disqualify
Hayes' from the election on the
grounds of the experience
clause of the SG Constitution.

Hayes said precedents set
by decisions of last year's board
led him to believe he had met
the qualifications for running

for SO president.

The experienc: clause
states candidates for chief lead-
ership positions must have
served at least one year in Stil-
dent Government. Last year's
board interpreted this to mean
that a student must have served
one year in the same leadership
position in any organization
at UK in order to be

This year‘s board ruled
Hayes' position as vice-presi
dent of Phi Kappa Psi this year
did not count as being in Stu-
dent Government. Nor did his
experience the previous year as
Student Government represen-
tative on the Student Appeals
Board, because it is an appoint»
ed position. not an elected one.

His running mate Amy
Thomas was automatically dis-
qualified because she was on
the ticket with Hayes.

"We feel that the claim
against us just doesn't hold wa
ter." Hayes said.

Patrick Robinson chair-
man of this year's board said
the decisions of last year's
board do not serve as

“Last year's interpretations
are immaterial." he said. We're
a whole new election board. and
we‘re not going off others'

Nic Wilson. a political sci-
ence senior, had problems simi-
lar to Hayes' last year. Wilson.
who had transferred from
Morehead State University.
spent two years in Student Gov-
ernment there, But having no
experience at UK. he initially

board's decision

wasn't permitted to run even.
after the election board's first

Eventually. Wilson was al~
lowed to run. but he said that
having to tight to just get on the
ballot made the election rough
going for him and his running
mate. (‘hris Schwartz.

“It took the wind out of our
sails.“ he said

Haring to file an appeal just
to be able to run for SG presi-
dent puts Hayes at a disadvan
tage, Wilson explained.

"Right now he should lie
worrying about the election. lllr
stead he's having to worry
about whether he's even in the
race or not," he said.

Hayes said he and Thomas
weren't going to wait for a rul-
ing to start campaigning

“We're gonna still caiii~



Two lockers
in Rupp
Arena now
stand empty
after four
years of use.
| to

Wynn“... _

36 election board
fears controversy

Advice: Board denied early advice

By Sara Cunningham


A week before the Student Government Election Board
of Supervision prohibited Ben Hayes from running for SC
president. the board's chairman. Patrick Robinson. sought
to avoid having to make such a controversial decision.

Robinson sent a letter to the SG Supreme Court asking
for the court's opinion on nine specific questions about elec—

tion rules and guidelines.

Robinson‘s letter read. "It is in the best interests of my-
self and the Election Board of Supervision that we have sol.
id footing when enforcing the rules. so that the student body

can have faith in the election system."

Unfortunately for Robinson and the Election Board. the
86 Supreme C ourt denied the request foran advisory opinion.
The Supreme Court's response read, “The court feels
that it is Mr. Robinson's job as Chairman of the Election

See E-BOARD on 2



Laura Flowers, a
Lexington resident,
carries a sign that
expresses her sen-
timents toward U.S.
activity in
Afghanistan. Flow-
ers gathered with
dozens of other
activists at Trian-
gle Park in down-
town Lexington
Thursday to sup-
port a protest
sponsored by the
pacifist group
PEACE. Protesters
gave speeches and
sang songs. UK
professors and stu-
dents were among
other Lexingtonians
in the crowd.

JESS: Ltaus i KERNEi



Some UK offices moving downtown

By Curtis Tate


In a move designed to expand enroll-
ment and increase class and office space.
several departments at UK and Lexing
ton Community College will soon have a
new home in downtown Lexington.

UK President Lee Todd signed a
lease Thursday for two floors of the Ken
tucky Utilities Building on Vine and
Quality Streets. three blocks from the
main campus.

Todd said the move is an initial step
toward his goal of bringing downtown
and UK together.

"It seems like we're 46 miles apart."
he said. "This gives us the chance to
close that gap."

Todd said he envisions an environ-
ment where students can interact with
professionals on a daily basis and have
access to a greater variety of food and
retail establishments.

“We want our students to have more
choices of things they can do." he said.

Todd also said the building will offer
more space to LCC faculty to address
growing enrollment.

"They are really cramped." he said.

LCC President Jim Kerley said an-


other goal of the expansion is to provide
people who live in the north end of Lex-
ington and downtown a more conve-
nient place to take classes.

“What we're trying to do is offer
new markets and get more opportunities
for people to access higher education."
he said.

He said classes in the facility would
be on a flexible schedule that meets the
needs of people who work. Courses
could be offered anywhere from 7 am. to
midnight. he said.

LCC will relocate its Continuing Ed-
ucation and Workforce Development Co-
ordinators to the eighth floor of the KU
building and eventually offer classes for
credit there as well.

About 60 faculty and staff from L'K's
College of Social Work and the Interdis-
ciplinary Human Development Institute
will occupy the seventh floor.

Crystal Collins-Caniargo. a clinical
assistant professor iii the FR College of
Social Work. is among those moving.
Her department is currently spread out
in three different locations on campus.
and the downtown facility will consoli-
date them. she said.

“We‘re very
she said.

excited about it."

marosm ! ream gun
M ow. ti; g;
President Lee Todd announces Thursday morning that

UK will use a portion of the Kentucky Utilities office
building on Vine Street for classes and offices.



Student's video
wins on TV show

Score: Pre-schooler's antics equal money

By Rebecca Neal

S'Ar" Wit 'EG

When Michael Hochmeister. a UK
MBA student. was taping his son
Caleb's preschool skit. he never
thought the recording would win him
Sloooo from America's Funniest
Home Videos.

Caleb was practicing a skit for his
preschool class in front of his parents
and a video camera. In the middle of
the performance Caleb quit singing
and announced that he needed to go
the restroom.

"It was as cute as a button." said Hochmeister.

Hochmeister and his wife kept the tape for more than a year
before deciding to send it to America's Funniest Home Videos.
Friends and family found the tape hilarious and encouraged
them to enter the tape for months before they finally agreed.

“()ur finances were tight and we were bored. so we sent it
in." Hochmeister said.

Hochmeister submitted the videotape to America's Funni~
est Home Videos last semester.

It won the show's weekly grand prize ofSlODOOi). The fami»
ly went to Los Angeles for the taping of the show in January.

Submitting the tape to America's Funniest Home Videos
seemed like a fun idea. but Hochmeister said they never thought
they had much ofa chance at winning the grand prize until they
heard their name called.

"We were really surprised to win." he said.

The star of the winning video. Caleb. was even happier with
his take of the prize money; he got a PlayStation 2 and hockey

For Hochmeister. the prize money was even more reward-
ing "Imagine that. a fiveyear-old putting his dad through col-
lege," he said


(f . .
America's Funniest
Home Videos" airs at 8
pm Friday on ABC-

WTVO 36.


Julie Hartung
describes one of
many desserts
offered at The Cafe,
a new delicatessen
on the first floor of
the Whitney and
Hendrickson Cancer
Facility in the
Narhey Cancer
Center. The Cafe
offers soups. salads.
sandwiches and

JESSE um i
“MEL 8"“




 TISFFS'D".inflicts“: l, W V mm I ' *




The Low-down

5.? {7

Cool, with
chances of

VOL. 0109
ISSUE 33104


SINCE i97l

Call 257-l9l5 or

Call 257~2872 or

Call 257‘2871 or
fax 3Z3-i906

Editor in chief
If you have
comments. e-
mail them to
Ashley York at
kykernelcom or
call 257-!915.

'Sarary .
‘Flerilile Ht hrs
'I‘aut Training
"\0 (will Gehrig
'Weeklv Pavrhfilts
‘SZOO Referet Bonus
‘E Kr Went hit \‘me
Viv M t'nu' Needs


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Hourly Rate“

If you at? .1 money intimated .zittrvit‘ua.
mm free time and excellent (temple skins
we J like 70 talk to you Right now we net-U
a few more ramble individuals who ire look
ing to begin .\ ‘rocarrve long ten“ f‘l pb‘


Student found dead in his bed

A UK biochemistry graduate student was
found unresponsive by a roommate at his Conn
Terrace residence Tuesday afternoon. After the
arrival of Lexington emergency crews. Michael
S, Sheehan. 26 was pronounced dead at 2:40 pm.
by the Lexingtonl‘ayette County Coroner. The
coroner’s news release said that there was no
foul play suspected. The cause of death is unde-
termined. pending toxicology and autopsy results
from the coroner's office. Lexington police are
also investigating the death.

Women's Studies conference March 1-2

The UK Women‘s Studies Program will spon-
sor the fourth annual Women's Studies Graduate
Student (‘onference on March 1 and 2 in the UK
Student Center. The event is free and open to the
public. Registration to attend the event is free
and will remain open through March 2.
For more information or a complete schedule of
events. call (859) 2511388. send an
email to lipasleyaa ukyedu or visit
ww\v.uk_v.edu AS WomenStudiesVGradStudent-

City street clean-up will affect parking

Lexington Fayette Urban County Govern-
tnent will be cleaning many of the city streets in
and around UK on March 6 - March 8. A com-
plete list of streets and cleaning dates can be
found by visiting our Web site at
http: wwwukyedu/Parking, special_announce-
menthtm Vehicles must be moved by 11:30 p.m.
the night prior to cleaning and may resume park-
ing after 3 p.m. Any vehicles not moved will
be towed at the owner's expense by the Lexing-
ton Police Department. Questions may be direct-
ed to the Division of Streets and Roads at 258-

Call for Ombud nominations

Nominations for the position of Academic
Ombud for the former Lexington Campus and
the Medical Center are now being accepted for
the 2002-2003 academic year. The committee is ac-
cepting nominations from students and faculty
and welcomes selfnominations. If you wish to
nominate someone. please contact Larry Grabau.
Ombud Search Committee Chair
(lgrabauu' emailukyedu. or 547 WT Young Li-
brary 0456. or 257-1573). Nominations will be ac-
cepted until March 8. 2002.

The Force will first
reappear for
charity. Lucasfilm
and 20th Century
Fox have
announced it
sneak preview
screenings of
"Star Wars:
Episode II --
Attack of the
Clones" on May
12. four days
before the wide
release. Portions
of the receipts will
be donated to
local children's
charities, with
some seats given
to disadvantaged
children. Lucasfilm
and the studio,
which hosted
similar benefits
three years ago to
premiere "Star
Wars: Episode l --
The Phantom
Menace." did not
disclose specific
theater locations
or prices. "Star
Wars" creator
George Lucas said,
"Throughout the
years. ‘Star Wars'
films have enter-
tained generations
of children. I'm
delighted that
these premieres
will provide an
opportunity to
benefit the
children who need
it the most."


Court throws out NYPD convictions

NEW YORK ~ In a stunning turn in one of
the nation’s most shocking police brutality scan-
dals. a federal appeals court Thursday threw out
the convictions of three of the four white officers
sent to prison for the torture of Haitian immi-
grant Abner Louima. A three-judge panel of the
2nd US. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled unani-
mously that Charles Schwarz's lawyer did not de-
fend him adequately and that the jury was taint-
ed by news reports when it convicted him of vio-
lating Louima‘s civil rights by holding him down
during the 1997 assault in a police station bath-
room. The court also said there was insufficient
evidence to sustain the obstruction-of—justice con-
victions of Schwarz. 36. and officers Thomas
Wiese. 38. and Thomas Bruder. 35. Wiese and
Bruder had been accused of lying to cover up
Schwarz's role. The ruling did not affect the
guilty plea of the main attacker. Justin Volpe. 37.
who admitted he sodomized the handcuffed
Louima with a broken broomstick in a fit of rage.


58 Muslims killed in Hindu attacks
AHMADABAD. India —- Angry Hindus set
fire to homes in a Muslim neighborhood Thurs-
day and then kept firefighters away for hours.
dragging out one former lawmaker and burning
him alive. At least 58 people died in revenge at-
tacks triggered by a Muslim assault on a train.
Police in western Gujarat state appeared out-
numbered or unwilling to act to quell what ap-
peared to be the worst rioting to hit the country
in nearly a decade. The officers stood in bunches.
watching as groups of Hindus. wielding iron rods
and cans of gasoline or kerosene. roamed Ah-
madabad attacking Muslims in their homes.
shops and vehicles. The government promised to
send the army to Ahmadabad. the region's main
city, to end the rampage. But there were fears the
violence would spread Friday. when Hindu na-
tionalists called for a nationwide strike.

Palestinian death toll surpasses 1,000

The Israeli military attacked two West Bank
refugee camps with helicopter gunships. tanks
and paratroopers Thursday in a high-stakes at-
tempt to break strongholds of Palestinian mili-
tants. An Israeli soldier and 12 Palestinians were
killed - pushing the Palestinian toll past 1.000 in
17 months of fighting. It was the first time Israeli
troops have stormed refugee camps in the cur-
rent Mideast conflict. The fierce. sustained gun-
battles began before dawn and carried on past
sundown in the camps. on the edge of Nablus and
the fringes of Jenin. Palestinian towns less than
20 miles apart. A thirteenth Palestinian was shot
dead near the southern edge of Jerusalem.

Compiled from staff and wire reports




Continued from page i


Board of Supervision to make
an initial interpretation of the
rules. When and if a dispute
arises, it is our job to make a
final determination of the law.
Until that time arises. we feel
it is improper to make any

Mitchell Page. Chief Jus-
tice of the SG Supreme Court.
said not even the United States
Supreme Court can issue advi-
sory opinions. Advisory opin-
ions threaten the balance of
power but can be changed af-
ter a dispute arises, he said.

“We could never really
know all of the implications if
we answered his questions."
Paige said.

Even if the Supreme Court
was to answer the questions.
none of the problems would be
solved. said the Court‘s Re-

“Even if Robinson fol-
lowed the advice of the court.
his decisions could still be ap-
pealed to this court and our
justices would then be asked to
answer many of the same

This was the first time any
Election Board of Supervi-
sions member has officially


Continued from page 1

paign hard and make sure stu-
dent voices are heard in this
election." Hayes said.

Martin Bidegaray. an Eng-
lish sophomore, said he felt
the concept of an experience
clause was invalid in the
first place.

“If Hayes is the only other
person running, whether he's
qualified should be up to the
student body.“ he said.

Robinson said the fact that
Tim would run unopposed was
mentioned during the board's

asked for this type of advisory
opinion from the Court that
Page can remember.

“I believed it to be in the
best interest of everyone to
send out these questions to
make the election run
smoother," Robinson said.
“I've been in SC for five years
and these types of questions
are brought up every year."

Concurring with the rest
of the voting justices, Justice
Jonathan Gay wrote separate-
ly in response to Robinson. He
recommended Robinson clari~
fy who would be eligible to run
for office before the filling
deadline had past. The filing
deadline was 4 p.m. Wednes-

His response read, “This
will allow their supporters to
adjust their positions before
filing deadline has passed. If
he does not, this court could be
forced to use its equitable pow-
ers to deal with this issue in a
way that is both untimely and

Robinson said he under-
stands the reasons for the
Court's decision. He plans to
proceed with the election and
answer questions to the best of
his ability.

“I respect the decision and
will abide by it," Robinson
said. “We‘ll take problems as
they come and try to work
them out."


deliberation. but the decision
had to be based on the SG Con-
stitution. He said the decision
involved a lot of deliberation.
Election board members feel
they did the right thing.
Robinson said.

Hayes said if his appeal is
denied, he will try to get a ref-
erendum in which students
will have to vote as to whether
he should be allowed to run.
He said he hopes it doesn’t get
to that point.

“It‘s a shame that stuff
like this has to happen simply
to run for Student Govern-
ment president." Hayes said.
“This shows what has
happened to Student



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, « -v ,- .- I & sundeck .-.Coaveuient to many area shop- ~--.
ping centers ‘
- Washer 62 dryer connections
° Washer & dryer units available
'6"'Firepraces in select apartm’én

I .

*Spacious clubhouse with large
, ielevison

. '1 I hes cgrgcenter
{e graham! balconies

g ,


BUY ONE a" SUB. \.
GET ONE is" sues _/


V’s/ill 7 «Ag ll

All students initiated
Alpha Lambda Delta last year
(January 1- December 31, 2001)
are eligible to apply tor a $500
academic scholarship. You may
pick up an application lorm at the
1‘ -' UK Career Center. Stuckert Bldg.

V"*’“"' ”I ‘V ,— (Wt ‘ 408 Rose Street between the

hours ot 8:00 AM ~ 5:00PM.




Application deadline is Friday.
March 15.

Please call 257-2751 for more

\ Information r

2313—}??? 1,










College Night
Tuesdays 9:30pm

Cosmic Bowling is Cool!

“DATE PARTY“ Lane Rentals available Student lD's get
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mum-saucers. liquid walls, INC.




check us out on the web!

xii-filial Faiths: 33.31}; - ‘_





Come Home With Sweet Deals to

Cheer About
° Fireplaces - Washer/Dryer hookups
' Two tanning beds - State of the Art
Fitness Center - Free Kick Boxing Classes
5 -' A ‘ 4-. . s 3‘ ' Large Screen TV in Clubhouse for
6! LCCELZ}! L’LS‘ ll 8? Games

Spaciou“ ma

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» [\xbulilfil x 3”-

Stoneyégg 2020 Armstrong Mill


Ask about our

Falls 273-7500





Spring Break in Panama City Beach, Florida!

800 tedof(inlt'llnell‘oola§p -'2 hair
(Manor Suhninil‘mla . W. .H Ski
- Airport We Sank-c
“min large-Si a limit-st
Keg Pally
\l'rl T-Shirl («mini and “H Joelle; Shirl (’imtral
. V0 ('ni or for Sandpiper (ideals

Reservations 800.488.8828


o t a _. “W, .2 (a ,l
3 V6?" 0gp?" ’fs -::

“Evening Prayers on Lime” is a meditative service
of beautiful music and prayers.
Afterwards, hot drinks at “Coffee on Lime."
Wear jeans!










WHERE? Arlington Christian Church
1206 N. Limestone, Lexington (phone: 252-4393)

Wi-lEN? Sunday Nights (including Easter Sunday) at 6:30

In 2001, m of UK
students reported they

did NOT drink and

HQW TQ GEIWIEEB‘E? Driving North on Broadway:

-Turn right on Withers Ave. (stoplight by Legends Ballpark)

—When you come to the stop sign you'll be facing the church

-Park in the lot to the left of the church and come down the
steps in the side entrance located in the parking lot

Like to sleep late on Sundoys’
Out of town on the weekencg‘
Looking fa" 30:“!

For more information go to: W

ij’lii’ig diff" find:






 6 Linw- FABEH_.!«29°2 I kiiiwmist




Step 1. After the first Florida player is announced, yell: "So what?"

Step 2. After the second Florida player is announced, yell: “Who cares?"
Step 3. After the third Florida player is announced, yell: “Who's that?"

Step 4. After the fourth Florida player is announced, yell: “Go Home!"

Step 5. After the fifth Florida player is announced, yell: "Welcome to Rupp!"
Step 6. After the Florida Coach is announced begin chanting:







0 -.

t.i\H<\i 0:anth
til-i tulip »\\i\i'l ll‘.|\«,lti\





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Liberty Tax Service Provides Tax Cut On Fees For
Teachers And School Employees

Liberty Tax Service will be saluting area teachers and all school
employees on the days of Saturday and Sunday March 2 and March 3.
2002. by offering them free tax preparation at the Turtland Mall
office. The free tax service is by appointment only.

Entrepreneur magazine ranked Liberty Tax Service as #50 on their list
of top franchises and Black Enterprise named the Liberty tax Service
franchise oppotunity as one of the most affordable in its September
2001 issue.

Please call 373-0990 or visit us on the web at www.libertytax.com


.\’I‘TE.\”I‘|().\‘ PRE-PH.‘\R.\l;\(‘\ S'I‘I'IHINTS!

:\d\ ising Sessions for Priorit} lull &
Summer Registration:

8 a March 25—April 17 E K 3

You may sign up for a group ttLl\ ising
session with Phyllis Null}; beginning
Friday. March lst. Sign-up sheets will
be posted on her ut‘liee dour. located

in the (‘ullege of Pharmacy Room 329.





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“any: Going On High Street at Euclid :





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Our waiting List has started for the fall
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flak—Student Special

all 5

By Sta


and V(

sor tl
he fin
past ft
play r

and st

ing tc
I've h:












Stacie Meihaus
Scene Editor

Phone: 257 I915 | E-zmail kernelartwyahoo. corn




From Internet to print books,
a new writer makes her debut

Hypertext: Love, volleyball and bulimia
all shown through Eisen’s Making Scenes

By Stacie Methaus

Making Scenes is a book
about love. religion. bulimia
and volleyball.

"I write a letter to my advi~
sor thanking him for all the
he finagled for me during the
past four years. and p.s. I with»
drew all my applications to
graduate school I want to
play professional beach volley
ball." says the unnamed main
character of the book.

I She moves out of her house
and starts to embark upon her
volleyball dream.

“It‘s about that time after
you graduate from college
where nothing you ever learned
means anything and you‘re try-
ing to figure out what to do."
said author Adrienne Eisen.
“It’s a lot about experiences
I've had.“

The character goes through

her uncertainties. Her life is a
lot like the pro vol