xt70vt1gmn48 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70vt1gmn48/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1990-06-29 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, June 29, 1990 text The Kentucky Kernel, June 29, 1990 1990 1990-06-29 2020 true xt70vt1gmn48 section xt70vt1gmn48 NEW STUDENTS EDITION


Permit No. 137
Lexington, KY








Established 1894 -

Vol. XClV, No.5

University of Kentucky. Lexington, Kentucky -

Independent since 1971 -


Friday. June 29. 1990





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NOV cowauowxumi all

A CAMPUS ICON: Memorial Hall, just off S. Limestone Street, was built to honor UK
students, faculty and alumni who fought in World War I. it is used today as a lecture hall.



‘Healthy weirdnes

edictorian or even class clown w
are over.

You become a social
number, a No. 2 penCil and a note-

But if that role doesn‘t sutt your

While eating in a favorite restau-
rant this summer. I was chatting
with a co-worker about the merits
of UK. the school in which most of
you will spend the next four or five

In between greasy slices of piz-
za, we came to the conclusion that
UK jazzes up what otherwise is
pretty dead town.

UK is not unlike a circus -——
complete with a ringmaster who
wears Italian suits and has a prefer-
ence for silky shooters.

When 23.000 very diverse stu-
dents converge on campus for the
beginning of school each fall. they
inject what my friend. a UK grad,
calls a “healthy weirdness."

Don‘t believe me? Just go to a
Wildcat football or basketball
game. tune in the campus‘ excel-
lent alternative radio station.
WRFL-FM or try to dodge the fris-
bees being thrown by the zany
Pence Hall Architecture students.

The UK campus could be com-
pared to a small city with a large



case of urban sprawl.

It has its own police force, its
own governmental body and its
own problems, which are great in-

And. soon, it will have you as
well; a University exists because of
students. and it forms its identity
based on the kind of students it
takes in.

But that won't happen unless
you inject your own "healthy
weirdness“ into UK’s flourishing

That means go to class. Take in
a movie at the Worsham. Study.
Party hard (but be responsible).
Stand in line for tickets.

The glory days of high school —
when you were the star athlete, val-

sec urity

taste. get involved and make a
name for yourself.

Do you miss making crunching
tackles and getting blood on your
shirt? Join the nigby club. Or if
you are more into eartwheels than
take-downs join the UK Dance-

Want to do something for your
fellow student? Jom the Student
Government Association and help
make decisions.

Like to scribble. draw or shoot
for a living? Come down to the
basement of the Journalism Build-
ing. We‘ll try to teach you how.

Above all else. you have to re-
member that making changes is a

You‘ll get homesick and will
likely skip that 8 am. class that
most freshmen take and then re-

Residence halls provide
home away from home

Staff Writer

For a recent high school graduate
bound for an institute of higher
learning. the donnitory may serve
as the student‘s first real home
away from parents.

It is a mini-bachelor pad. 21 place
to freely hang that collection of
posters that mom and dad would
frown upon. It‘s a chance to stay
up late and expose yourself to new
ideas and attitudes.

And if you live In one of UK's
many residence halls this year. the
experience is ll time for sharing
“space" with someone you may
barely know the biggest adiust
mentof all.

In order to succeed at this new
experience, according to UK rcsi~
dencc hall officials, ctitniiitinit';i-
Lion with your rooiiiiii'citc l\' csscti-

Although dorm room beds are
less than live lcct away from each
other. the communication gap is
very wide.

From decorating styles to person-
ality styles. tooiiiiiiates should
learn to be open LlIltI honest to one
another, said llctty Sutherland. .is-
sistant dirct tor of Rc‘sltlt‘nCC l.:fe Lll

“The main problem with college
roommates l\ ih.il they don‘t talk."
she said

The (lflice , l Residence l tfe ol
fers brochures .itztliiiing tcthnittubs
for coiiitiiuni..:ting with your
roommate, Also resident advisory-
are available it help with prob-

One way to leSler proper com-
munication with your new room-
mate is to talk before you arrive at
UK this fall. \iost incoming fresh-
men will receiye the name of their
roommate in .idvance. Sutherland
recommends calling or writing
each other as soon as possible.

“Sometimes you find out right
off the bat if it's going to work or
not." she said.

Also, becoming acquainted with
your roommate before moving in
can help with coordinating decorat-
ing ideas for your new room.

“Check with roommates instead
of having two TV's. two stereos.
etc." she said.

Sutherland also said students
should not overpack because of the
limited amount of space when shar-
ing a room.

“Students make the mistake of

bringing too much before they see
how much space they have." she

For example. don‘t bring that
outfit you‘ve been planning to
wear but Just haven‘t because
you probably won't wear it here.


Imagine the following scene:

You are stumbling home from
the library (or some other enter-
taining adventure) at about mid-
night. All you can think about is
getting back to your room and
going to sleep. But as you enter
your box-like cell, which has
been given the generous title of
“room,“ your eyes swell at the
sight of seven ragged rednecks
wearing assorted Motley Crew
and WASP T-sh'irts.

You notice they are crushing
receptacles froin $1.99 six-packs
against their heads — some cans
empty. some cans full. You hear
tortured little screams from small
laboratory animals that you as-
sume were stolen from UK‘s
Chandler Medical Center.

Although this sounds like a
nightmare, it‘s closer to reality
than you might think. Whoever
said, “A man's home is his cas-
tle" obviously did not experience
living at college.

In college. you must be willing
to put up with some of the weird-
er aspects of American youths.

The patterns of sleeping. eat-
ing and every other “normal“ ac-
tivity are drastically altered
while in school. The college life-
style can be a real learning expe-
iicnce for those who think being
free from the parental units
means they can do anything at
any time.

For instance, would this ever
happen at your parent's home?

You are hungry so look inside
the fridge (which, in the dorms.
is only big enough to hold a few


Patience, flip—flops are
necessities for survival



measly leftovers and a \l‘.
pack). and you see the three
day-old pizza you've been sin»
ing for Sunday brunch. lit-tag.
cr, one of the green peppers is
inching across the plate. so you
decide to pass or: eating ;it:.l
to bed.

As you lay down, tfi; c_:li
crushing geeks, who h.iyc
fused [0 leave your room. bcgizt
to flagently inipersoiistc tli.,i
favorite heavy metal Llcl iii oitl.:
to impress girls walking titMt‘.
the hallway. At this Illllt‘. you
decide to give up on sleep tutti
take a shower instctitl.

With your dirty toyycl tlito.~.:t
over your shoulder, you not: .13:
into the bathroom. \otir it»z
step into the shower niccts .::2
horror as you feel a Siltlhll l»;
tween your toes lt‘s .ll titty :‘lli‘
you realile that somootic if: i r. e
quite make it lo the . oiiiiiuul.‘

This kind of scene ctll‘t litippei.
anywhere, whether II! the fa;
dencc halls, apartments or in
temities. So here are some tips
to help you cope with etich en

-If you live iii :1 lialcrntzy it
sorority house, be prc‘p;ir._.l 1


See LIVING, Page “


She advises students not to
"overpack until they see the \llllll-

Of course. out-of-sttitc students
may be forced to bring clothes for
both seasons Sutherland said But
Lexington icsitlcnts should brim:
only necessary items Lll first.

This summer. incoming l'K
freshmen will rcceiyc information
concemitie other items that tire
needed tor tlorni iiytng and llL‘m\‘
that are not permitted. But when
packing tor school. Sutherland
said. it‘s .iiwtivs Ll good idea to
“talk to ~.oiiicotie who has been
[hCI'L‘ ..

Rctictiotis lroiii dormitory yctce
tans who h.iye bccn there I\ noted
Each otters .i Htlly‘ti experience

living lll :i rt‘sitIt-titc ".tll '-
“tttitmg.” \JltI \litch Siiiyti .:'i .it
ttlllnllnll tumor t'witi
who spent three sum» tors "l ;i dot
\Vlll‘l so iii1in\ .y '
the pressure ol th: ti. "
lege starting out t.
Smytli said
lhe main key to mine"
with cycryonc new. .\lll\‘i'
“to lost be yourself tititl to M ‘
blc with the people you l . , -
\Itiiouy'h .i maturity '
.it'fllh lilt‘lf 'ti '

._‘\l'.'.'li ‘l‘

liitiyc llllll

some thoosc to live .it how; i» " ‘l.

ycnturilig tiway from the lit‘\l
’-\ iill l‘l lrt‘shlltt‘ii c.ill'l

i tliiiit'


’ drives UK life


You Will have your heart broken.
whether it's a girl or a guy or the
fratemity or soronty that turns you
down. And in all likelihood. one of
the folIOwing three will occur in
your first year at UK: I) Your car
Will get towed; 2) You will not uri-
derstand a professor; .‘\l and you'll
get pissed off at something you
read in the Kernel.

So what is this strange-looking
publication that you hold in your
hands‘.’ Well. a little background
information is in order.

We‘re a student-run publication
which prints daily during the
school year 7 the only college
newspaper in the state which does
so. We‘re also the most important
student organization on campus.

Given that. consider this issue of
the Kentucky Kernel your guide to
the University of Healthy Weird-
ness. In it. you‘ll discover informa-
uon you need to know about this
wonderful. wacky. frustrating

So tiun dribbling that basketball
for ti few minutes and give us it
look. After till. we‘re hert‘ for you.

Although the information in this
issue won‘t keep you otit of long
lines, lI might \thL‘ you it little

()ur effort here is somewhat no-
ble and somewhat futile. based on
previous New Studcnts‘ liditions
which I received and probably
your older brothers and sisters who
came here received; otherwrse all
the new students who come to (K
would finish school with a degree.

Sadly. that‘s not the case. Not
when beer and Bart Simpson is all
there is to life tor \OmC people.

Don‘t fret. however ‘ all that‘s
needed is a little perspective.

When you arrive here. before
school begins, take about 10 min-
utes and rummage through the
campus phone book.

Visit the Student Center; prac-
me your Jump shot at the Blue
Courts near the tennis center, home
to some of the best pick-up basket-

btill in the yllllller

Swim .i Lip .it one oi i i\ s l.\:
pools. ”Call to the \ltll'lltlit‘l
King Library llI \oii t.:ti mince/c
throughl and read ti book

If you feel like Liking .i chi;
lenge. go rock tlimbmg Ill kit-ll
River Gorge, ( )r. cycn t‘.l\lt‘f. tuil .it

Realize that [K is ;i trzi/y pinto
and you'll save yoursell .l .ot oi
frustration. l'hcre‘s plenty .it
proof. Just follow the biased l‘ft‘\l
dential scarch or wonder in tlllltl/t'
them why the University is IWUIItl'
ing a new entrance tit ll.\ m.iin gate
while faculty continue to retctye
mediocre salaries. Keep .in cyc on
the tatned Memorial t‘oliseiim,
where the level of hypocrisy Il.l\
grown almost as much as the egos

What keeps a person sane in th\
place? Oh. the popa-yhot at the l‘
Club, for starters; the faculty who
get paid chicken feed compared to
the volume of work they do; and

See CAMPUS. Page 11







2A - Kentucky Kernel, Friday, June 29, 1990

Fall Orientation helps nervous students find campus, identity

Arts Editor

Fall Orientation ‘ — mandatory
for incoming freshmen but optional
for transfer students will begin
Sat. Aug. l8, and end Mon., Aug.

Participants will be allowed to
move into the residence halls on
Friday, Aug. 17 from noon until 7

“It‘s a great opportunity to meet
people," said Becky Jordan, assist
ant dean of students. “And based

on feedback, not only is it wonh—
while, but it is a lot of fun."

The Residence Hall Association
will sponsor a pool party and free
movies for the students on Friday.

The orientation will officially
begin With convocation at 2 pm,
Aug. l8 in Memorial Coliseum.

UK Interim President Charles
Wethington. Student Government
Association President Sean Loh-
man and Vice President Sarah
Coursey will address the students
and their parents.

Jordan said students would be

split up into groups of no more
than 20 people each.

Transfer and adult (25 or older)
students will have orientation
groups separate from the freshmen.
Orientation leaders will answer
questions about meal plans, hous-
ing or any other University activity
and will conduct a campus tour.

On Saturday. DinerCard (one of
the University's meal plans) pic-
tures — will be taken in Room 206
of the UK Student Center from 9
am. to 1 pm.

An optional mathematics place-

ment test will be administered at 9
to 10 am. and ID to It a.m.. l06
Whitehall Classroom Building.
There also will be an optional Eng-
lish placement test given from ll
am. to noon.

The placement tests are for stu-
dents who did not take them during
summer orientation. The tests are
mandatory for MA 113 (Calculus)

Students with an ACT subscore
in English of 25 or higher may take
the English test to bypass English
101 and 102.




Where can you find campus news. arts reviews. sports coverage & students thoughts? ....The Kentucky Kernel







The Dean of Students Office is
planning a picnic and dance to take
place during orientation weekend.
but Jordan said the highlight of the
weekend will be a reception for the
students at the Singletary Center
for the Ans.

Students will be able to meet
Wethington. Chancellor of the Lex-
ington Campus Robert Hemenway
and respective college deans. facul-
ty and staff.

Students should also take advan-
tage of the Student Center's open


house on Sunday. Jordan said.
Vendors will give away free sam-
ples of their wares.

Monday, there will be an organi-
zational open house during which
students can visit various organiza-
tions on campus and tour the Mar-
garet 1. King Library.



Jordan said orientation will pro-
vide new students with a chance to
get accustomed to the campus and
the opportunities it offers before
many of full-time students have ar-






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4A — Kentucky Kernel, Friday, Juno 29, 1990












(‘harles 'l‘. Wethington

Interim President

\ ou'd have difficulty finding
s; .iicouc on the L'K campus who
knows as much or cares about the
l'iuveisity than (‘harles Wething-
ton. who took over the position
l,1~1 December after David Roselle
r nagned to take another tub.

\ (‘ascy (‘ounty native. WethA
1.. "1111 ,4 who is a candidate for
111. t-icsidency has a reputation
to: helping students. lle‘ll serve in
[HA :wlc u: :il a presiden: :1l~“.11ch
connnittce recommends the 1"fo

l1 \\'ethington is picked for the
in.“ .o doubt many skeptical fa-

. .. will second-guess his peiloi-
1.1...1. But Wethington has rid—
den 1 *1'_.‘hcr \toniis out befoie



Edward A. Carter

Vice President for Administration


Caner is the figures man, ajovi-
al fellow who handles the finances
as well as the numerous calls from
media personnel when UK releas«
es its annual budget.

There’s little reason for students
to contact him, especially fresh-
men, unless you have money to

Fortunately, with a bigger ap-
propriation from the state legisla-
ture. Carter will have a little more
cash to put in the piggy bank.

As vice president, Carter offi-
cially is UK’s No. 2 man, but he
typically doesn’t stray too far
from his specialties, which are
bonds, bills and bonuses -— but
llt‘l gtH'CTIIUTS.

Robert Hemenwa y
Chancellor for the Lexington Campus

Hemenway's job description is
not unlike that of a high school
principal — except that he has to
take care of 23.000 students.

He oversees daily operation of
UK’s campus and is beginning his
second year.

Although he is more in tune
with the works of Shakespeare
than Johnny Depp, Hemenway
relates very well with students
and would be glad to talk to any
— that’s if you can fit into his

He’s up usually way before the
crack of dawn and stays at his of—
fice late.

He is the agenda setter for the
sprawling campus.


Jack Blanton
Vice Chancellor for Administration

Blessed with a quick wit, favor-
able disposition and interesting
southern drawl, Blanton is proba-
bly the most popular administra-
tor on campus.

His job is to regulate construc-
tion and ifa new student center is
ever built, he’ll be the driving
force behind it. Blanton has been
an administrator at UK for more
than 15 years.

He is on the support side of the
University in charge of the main-
tenance of residence halls, the caf-
eteria and food services, the book-
store, parking and police.

He's also an expert on state
government, and is known as a
demanding instructor.

James Kuder
Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs



C.M. Newton

Athletics Director


As the chief liaison for students,
Kuder‘s job has two key func-
uons: administrative and commu-
nicaUVc. The administrative func-
tion is a general overseeing of
University offices including resi-
dence halls, the Student Center
and financial aid.

Since most of the individual
work with students goes through
his staff — which includes Dean
of Students Doug Wilson — Kud-
er focuses more on student lead-
ers, like SGA President Sean Loh-
man. He helps these students
organize their ideas and thoughts
in constructive and practical ways.
And, like Wilson, he says his door
is always open to students.

Newton, described by many as
one of the most honest men in
collegiate athletics today, is an-
other well-liked official who has
closer ties to the administration
than any of his AD. predecessors.

Newton, 3 UK alum and former
basketball coach at Vanderbilt
and Alabama, is credited with the
resurrection of the basketball
team when he and Roselle select-
ed Rick Pitino to be hired in May
1989; his presence also led to the
hiring of Bill Curry as football

Students like him, even the
ones who can‘t slam dunk or
catch a pass. The feeling is mutu-





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Trustees supreme authority at UK

Staff reports

Ever wonder who makes the
rules you've got to follow once
you become a UK student'.‘

There are three governing poli-
cies in the l3nivers1ty that establish
UK's policies.

The Board of Trustees is the au
thority in all matters affecting the
institution. lt exercises jurisdiction
over financial. educational and oth
er policy aspects in accordance



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with the state and federal regula~
tions. The Governing Regulations
of the University of Kentucky de—
scribes the composition, powers
and duties of the board as de-
scribed by Kentucky statutes.

The board consists of 16 people
appointed by the governor. who
each serve for four years.

Three faculty members (two
from UK and one from the Com-
munity College System) vote on all
matters except faculty compensa-

tion and serve for three years. One
student ,_ the Student Government
Association president A— serves as
a trustee for one year.

The board, which meets at least
four times a year, has the final
word conceming govemance and
welfare of the University. All ap.
pointments of presidents. profes-
sors and instructors must be ap-
proved by the board.

The board designates all academ-
ic matters to the University Senate
and Senate Council Academic pol~
icies of the various colleges and de-
partments are set by the University

The 85 faculty members, elected
by the faculty, serve thrce«year
terms. Each college and preprofes-
sional college has a student repre-
sentative in the Senate who serves
one year. There are 24 administra-
tive representatives, of whom 12
serve, in rotation, a full year. The
Senate meets once a month.

The Senate deals with new and
existing academic programs as well
as changes and the possible aboli-
tion of any program. The official
University calendar, which is orga-
nized by the registrar's office, must

See RULES, Page 6


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Kentucky Kernel, Friday, June 29, 1990 — 5A




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 6A - Kentucky Kernel, Friday, June 29, 1990

Office provides personal touch when dealing with problems

Managing Editor

A change in scenery as well as
the size of UK are two of the oppo
nents a new student must combat.

However, a student should not
become intimidated by a faculty
member if a dispute arises. Instead,
the Academic Ombudsman Office
provides students with a construc-
tive path for solving problems.

“It seems to me that this office
makes a very large effort to deal di-
rectly with the students,“ said
Gretchen Lagonda, a College of
Nursing professor and ombudsman
for the 199091 school year. “in a
sense, I guess the message which
will be imponant to the student is
not to be hesitant to bring anything
to this office. If this isn’t the right

place, we‘ll help them get to the
right people."

The office's main function is to
handle complaints from students
about faculty and vice-versa. Ac-
cording to Daniel Fulks, last year's
ombudsman and associate dean of
the College of Business & Eco-
nomics, complaints about grades
and cheating are the most common

“The range is just incredible,"
Fulks said. “Of course, we get
cheating cases, but they are the
most unpleasant."

According to Fulks, however,
grading questions are the most
troublesome problems.

“A lot of calls that we get are
students questioning grades. I be-
lieve that those are the most diffi-
cult cases to deal with those are


“A lot of calls that we get are students questioning
grades. I believe that those are the most difficult
cases to deal with those are more difficult than


Daniel F ulks,

associate dean of the College of Business & Economics

more difficult than cheating,"
Fulks said.

Other issues for the ombudsman
office include:

-Excused absences

-Syllabus alterations

~Faculty conduct in class

Fulks said the ombudsman’s
duty is to protect student rights, not
students who are wrong.

“if the student is wrong, we
don't support them," Fulks said.
“We do as much outreach u we
can. It is imponant that we have
the cooperation. the respect and the
support of the faculty.“

According to Fulks. the office
receives about 2,000 calls a year,
but only 500 to 700 become cases.

“There are a lot of students out




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there that don't know that we ex-
ist.” Fulks said.

Frankie Garrison. assistant to the
ombudsman, and Donna Bruszew-
ski, staff assistant, deal with most
of the calls.

“They‘re like the front line,"
Fulks said. “Many of the calls
don't get past them. They usually
deal with everybody."

Before handling any complaints,
however, the office encourages stu-
dents to take the following meas-
ures first:

-Attempt to work out problem
with instructor

-Talk to the course coordinator
or the department chair

-Talk to the associate dean or

However, if a student does not
feel comfortable taking a complaint
to the instuctor, the ombudsman
will handle the problem.

“It can be intimidating," Fulks
said. “If we have a student who
feels uncomfortable. we'll take it
immediately and make a few phone

Fulks said students can feel com-
fonable disclosing information be-
cause the ombudsman's office
keeps the complainant abreast of
what is happening.

“(The cases) are strictly confi-
dential," Fulks said. “We will not
do anything without asking a stu-
dent. We would not call a faculty
person or a chairperson without
telling the student what we had in



Continued from page 4

be approved by the Senate.

This governing body also ap—
proves all degrees and honorary de-

The University's selective ad-
missions policy was devised by the
Senate. Curriculum, admission and
retention standards are determined
by the Senate.

Within the Senate is the Senate
Council. Before the Senate votes
on any academic policies, this ex-
ecutive committee must set the
agenda for Senate meetings.

When the president requests that
committees be established to study
a particular aspect of academic pol-
icy, the council nominates the can-

The council advises the president

on search committees for deans and
other academic officials, as well as
nominating and granting tenure.

Nine faculty members are elect-
ed by the Senate to serve on the

They serve as council members
for three years. Two students also
serve on the council, for one year.

UK is organized under a very
rigid, structural system.

The Board of Trustees serve as
the base; under it is the President’s
office (Charles T. Wethington cur-
rently serves in an interim position)
and the vice president for adminis-
tration (Ed Carter).

UK's administration. directly un-
demeath, is divided by three chan-
cellors: the Chancellor for the Lex-
ington Campus (Robert
Hemenway); Chancellor for the
Medical Center (Peter Bosom-
worth); and Chancellor for the
Community College System (Ben
Carr serves in an interim position).



TheKentucky Kernel
-. dentsgetexpeflence



Kentucky Kernel, Friday, June 29, 1990 - 7A



Student Health Service offers variety of medical advice, help

Staff Writer

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