xt70vt1gmn23 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70vt1gmn23/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1988-09-01 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 01, 1988 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 01, 1988 1988 1988-09-01 2020 true xt70vt1gmn23 section xt70vt1gmn23 Kentucky Kernel


“W since 1971

Thursday. September 1. 1988


State legislators expecting rules on special education session

Associated Press

FRANKFORT. Ky. — State legislators
are speculating that Gov. Wallace Wilkin-
son will create a council soon to develop
guidelines for the education program he
will offer a special session in January.

[n a booklet released last week outlining
his plans for changing education, the gov-
ernor said he wants to start developing
standards by the fall of 1988 in evaluating
schools for a bonus program.

Wilkinson said a council would draft the
standards and. under the law, he has the
power to form such a group.

Whether he would do that remains in
question. So does the effect that would
have on legislators already angered by

Wilkinson’s latest comments that he won't
consider raising taxes unless his package
is passed.

Rep. Roger Noe, chairman of the House
Education Committee, said he has heard
the possibility that Wilkinson would ap-
point the council soon. “They‘re talking
about going ahead and doing it." Noe said.
although he refused to say who was in-
volved in the discussions.

Rep. Joe Clarke, chairman of the House
Appropriations and Revenue Committee.
said he suggested the appointment of the
council to Education Secretary Jack Fos-
ter earlier this summer.

Guidelines written by the council could
give legislators a better idea of what Wil-
kinson has in mind before they act in Jan-

uary, Clarke said. “Right now, it‘s just
sort of an idea." he said of the governor‘s
education proposals.

However, Clarke added, “If he‘s going to
do that. I think he ought to talk it over
with some of the troops l legislators ) . “

Otherwise, ”At this point, almost any-
thing that happens can be antagonistic now
because we're in such a confrontational

Foster agreed the governor could ap-
point the council before the legislature

“I presume that technically it can be
done," he said. “But don't construe that to
mean we are plotting to do it, would do it.

“It would be imprudent to do it without
conferring with the legislature.“ he said


Contributing Writer

(ixtord. England will be home for 17
[K students this semester.

The L’K students, along with students
from three other state univerSities, are
part of a group that will be studying at
Oxford University this fall.

The "Semester in Oxford Program"
is sponsored by the Cooperative Center
for Study in Britain iCCSB). and is a
humanities oriented program, said Conn


nie Baird, director of Off-Campus pro-
grams. The Oxford location lends itself
to the humanities rather than business
and the sciences.

"it's the perfect opportunity to go to
the places I‘ve read about and visit the
places where the writers lived. It brings
the experience to life," said Lisa
Croucher. an English senior,

Croucher studied for six weeks last
summer at King‘s College at the tin»
versity of London. and will be studying
this semester in Oxford



Lance Olsen and his wife Andrea leave for Oxford, England today with a group of 17 UK students

UK students leave for semester at Oxford

Admission to the program was lim»
ited to 45 students. Baird said only
about 30 students will be gomg, though.
and that the smaller number of students
would allow everyone to have a positive

“We'll be so much closer to our pro-
fessors." said Christine Brandner. tin
undeCided sophomore. No skipping
classes allowed. You ll do your work be
cause you'll feel obligated to get the re
spect of your professors. ”

\ec s'i'i oasis. l’agc n


United Way fund-raising campaign
to begin this month on UK campus

By ELIZABl-l'l‘ll WADE
Staff Writer

L‘K is kicking off its 15th annual fund
drive for the L'nited Way of the Bluegrass
next Thursday.

This year’s campus goal is 3337.800,
which is 316.800 more than last year‘s
total. The campaign goal for the entire
Bluegrass Area, which supports eight
counties, is $5,106.31}

The campuswide campaign. which iii-
yolves both UK employees and students. is
the only philanthropic fundraiser L'K has
each year.

Eighty to 90 percent of the funding
comes from payroll deduction. Employees
fill out a payroll deduction iorm in which
they pledge a certain number of dollars to
be deducted from their paycheck each

"Sixty four percent of our 10,000 employ
ees give through payroll deduction," said
Ralph Derickson. cochairman for the 1988
[K l'niled Way Cabinet. “We hope to in-
crease the number of people who donate
by payroll deduction this year."

L'K employees are not the only donators
to the [Med Way cause. Students also
play a major role in the campaign. Last
year students raised close to $10,000 by
sponsoring several campus events.

Boyd Hall held its yearly haunted house

which raised $1,200, and Holmes lrlall spon-
sored Vegas Night, in which students gam~
bled with play money. There also were
sports events such as flag football.

“The students raise money and have fun
at the same time," said Derickson.
“That's part of school, to learn to think in—

Derickson said many schools in the
Southeastern Conference sponsor a yearly
campaign to avoid solicitation during the

"We run our campaign in the fall so no,
body can solicit us after that." said De—
rickson. "It's a pain having people running
around campus knocking on doors,"

UK is at the top of the list among SEC
schools for raising money for SCI‘HCL‘ orga-
nizations. Derickson said.

Derickson and cochair Kris Muller have
gone to the University chancellors. \icc
presidents and their respective cabinets,
asking them to make their contributions
early to give the campaign a head start be
fore the kick off luncheon Sept. 8. The lun-
cheon will be at noon in the Student Center

The luncheon will be a gala event where
600 coordinators and solicitors will meet to
officially begin the campaign and an»
nounce the campaign goal. Special guests
who are involved with. and have benefited
from, the United Way will be speaking.

Speakers at the luncheon will include l‘K
President David Roselle. 17K campaign co—
chaii's Kris Muller and Ralph Derickson,
and the l'nited Way of the Blugrass gener-
al campaign manager Fred llull.

Special guest will be UK college of law
graduate David Holton. Holton, who is
blind. used the Red (‘rOss sponsored
Wheels program when he attended Hi.

This year's poster child. Dustin l’ortcr,
who attends the Growing Together l’rc-
school. will be accompanied by his parents
Gary and Adra Porter, both [R employ-
ees. Dustin has communication problems
and has been helped greatly by the l'nitcd
Way. said [)erickson.

Dustin will accompany Louise Roselle
for the drawing of prizes at the luncheon.

Uther special guests include .lim Bur
dell. director of the United Way physical
plant division. and Richard Domek, dean
of the college of fine arts. The two men
will be singing the theme song of this
year‘s campaign.

This year's theme. which is appropriate
for its cause, is “What a Difference You
Make UK and United Way." The theme
emphasizes the connection between l'K
and the United Way.

“It's a two way street." said Derickson.
”We send money and they provide services
to many of our employees."

"We're trying to see what we can work out
with the legislature before we proceed with
anything of that nature

"What we want is the program itself
We're not trying to think of ways to get
around the legislature “

For the administration to begin paying
the bonuses to employees in improving
schools in 1990. it would need to have stan-
dards ready to use in taking a “starting-
point" measurement during this school

"Schools could then begin working to-
ward the tirst incentive bonus during the
198990 school year." the booklet said
Even it Wilkinson s package passed in Jan-
uary' something not at all certain. given
the tact that it failed last spring and

work began immediately ‘ mu would be
difficult to award luniiiism or: that '1lllPlH
ble Foster said

And it the bonuses (aw delayed a xviir
that would nil-an s‘arti-it‘ llzt'lll li’lrfi‘E the
last yearol Wilkinson s li‘l'lli - law—Lu.

Foster said fins “taill‘l‘ P- “ .~
'zon l‘ho- .ivliiiiriisti‘vlwir
‘make stirr- “int
going l‘t‘vllll"llll' ' ln‘
governor takes ii 44'


a tight N. '

"w 1- illit'~ ' i'.i“‘


. l'r".\

“(.iulnqy-g ll H,, '., - t 1 i. . -.l
2988 roster \ .id
of Importance i)‘ '1'” .

:il in


l' - .’: ' l!)4“"]
’ionerl when ‘rww-
1‘ ii \‘ilmlltt'l‘ \1lt‘t“ .l- ‘

Manuel eligibility
may be in danger,
TV station reports

stan and “er reports


'.‘f.\illl‘. x'ation
c'l 232m 'llal .‘i
1K .iivesligation :'ito 3’”, "

illegations ~i .irong _
g ..



vfoing 'f'ic \t‘iitlt‘l s


basketball program
vould li-ad u] guard
Eric Manuel being dc-
viiii‘ed ineligible
\VKYT 'l'\' reported
'riat ? R l'rf‘sltlt‘lil
liznid iioseiie .Illtll'lllt‘il .ittili-tii i‘zl‘t‘i'li”
‘liil iiagan .illtl i‘LlSKt‘llitlll ioiicn Zedon-
Sutton in a meeting Nlllutl} iriai l’lt‘l‘t‘ was
i substantial chance that Mandi-i. c N'llliU'
snore. tould be ruled ineligible lit‘LdUSt‘ in
..iiegatioiis tie cnealeii on his Ax'i' 'csi
\lélllllt'l, 5.1m .nicgediy l.illt’(l the t iiiegt
entrance i win ’i~\lt‘t‘ ix: l‘ls home s‘ati i'
ncorgiii. passed 1' (iii a cum taking .i‘ in
iiiyeltc inch .‘i'lillL‘t .exingzon ii. We
spring til Wit? Me lvllll'x' t‘ie stt t'ie
day .is scan suitiin. {fiddle .‘~ll'l i.
ind dist-u guard on incl K li‘itlll
toxiiy «anon, .xno administered the us:
.st i‘.;.iuy~.-iit~. I‘JS said M AA if»\t‘Sii;.’.dliil\
.iskeo .I het'ner \tllltll‘i :riiglit
‘.ikeii ‘zie "itaiiiici. succinct
\lanuei iiiiglit have cheated 1‘1 Sean >1l'.
ton the younger Sutton rad ;.;icgetiiy .,
t't,"'.itly tumat'tl lilt‘ I \all. '-‘ llt‘ll l'i‘ I
.l second lllllt‘ w .lh Maiiuci
tillitilt told \\l\\”l in... she
fleshgdlol's stit‘
not cheat on the emit.


‘ illi"

ll! ii‘

\f‘iiil Twist

t‘xdill 7» t1

Hi‘n l' I -l


was “illllt“\\lit‘l‘c ii". T‘Llll' c llt‘l L l ‘.‘
"t‘tltllt‘tl tor l‘~t‘l im-

ilei‘lieidc, director of public intui‘iiiaiion.

Wot) "mutt

Ult‘ \tllli l‘t‘

winniciil. xi”: Sort

t ‘tll‘lt‘l‘Ht‘ltlt
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"(‘(ll‘iltu i- '

"“il'l't": ‘ .'..

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.».rii'li;t-.'i w...
‘ in 'T "


9.4070 "DUHYFSV ’\r NI *nvn’vr‘u filflvlf‘E‘

This year’s United Way poster child. Dustin pv'lb"



80‘ -85"

Today: Sunny
Tomorrow: Sunny & warm







For a preview of premiere play
at Actors’ Guild. See Page 2.



Sharpshooting a way of life for UKrifle '
team.See Page 4.




 2 — Kentucky Kernel. Thunday,809tombor1,10u



Overmyer’s premiere play has Actor’s Guild
‘On The Verge’ of another upcoming season

Contributing writer

Actor's Guild Of Lexington will
open its 1988439 season tonight with
"On The Verge or the Geography
of Learning," a new comedy by
Eric Overmyer.

David Tillman, the play's direc-
tor and set designer, is very enthu-
siastic about the show.

“We‘ve been on a very tight
schedule. but it's really come to-
gether." said Tillman.

"On The Verge" is the story of
three Victorian women who set out
to explore an unchartered land in
1888. In their travels, they go from
Africa to Terra lncognita. Some-
how. the ladies get caught in a
time warp and wind up in 1955.


tl the principal characters rehearses her role in preparation
'rir‘gi". s‘ D'e'niere of "On The Verge" at the Opera House

said Tillman,
seriallstlc play
place "

“The biggest challenge to me,"
“is that it‘s a very
Every scene is a

time or a different

The problem of staging a play
that has many different time and
location elements is solved by the
set, which is based on a square,
and has easily changeable parts
and props.

Tillman said that the play has


60 Alf/W
arm’s rwo



' SAY #6 WM:
7w fill/V65 W
OWE mm

MACK/N6 (/F: "
\ ..

been particularly difficult for actor
Fred Zegelin, who plays eight dif—
ferent characters.

“He has to change his costume
and character so fast and there are
a lot of monologues. but now he‘s
gotten it," said 'I‘illman.

“K66? ”1056

f/fl/K ’ /

KEEP 771055
/IV MlfiH/MéID/‘l
M 0‘ MY ,
Li 7'

Rob Song
Arte Editor

“On The Verge or the Geography
of Learning" runs September 1-3
and 840 at 8 pm. at the Lexington
Opera House. Tickets are $5 for
students and senior citizens and $10
for the general public. For reserva-
tions, call 233-0663.

by gen-kc Breathed‘



by Berke Breathed


‘The Boss’ experiences ties that don’t bind

Angeles Superior Court seeks un-
specified spousal support and says
property rights will be determined
later. said attorney Arlene (‘olmari-
t.\i;}~j;ij_s Singerrsong‘ Schwunmer representing Phillips.
ilztii t‘ Springteen‘s actress 28
Phillips. filed Ll peti-
u. or Tuesday against The Springsteens, “hll were mar
claiming "ii ried on Ma} H 198?: in Miss Phil
m-rlrl‘terences lips homeloiin ol Lake ()su'ego,
“I rinse petition filed in I.os lire. maintain it home in the Ins

"u fill ll \lllllli‘ \Tll-W

m.‘ I)Ti‘\\


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T fie Lemon Tree

Arming [uncfi T uesrfays 6’7

Thursdays this semester. Cafl‘

5 7-1 6 75 for reservations.
‘Eri/{son flafl'fim. 205

LOOK 1‘“






by Ba'JSCI‘ & term

not be reached
Slott did not immediately respond
to a message

Angeles area. she said

A spokesman for the singer could
immediately f0.r
and his attorney Barry

Rumors began floating late this

spring that the couple had sepa-
rated The petition filed Tuesday
did not mention a specific date

"(Mi/’72)? 0V6
flit W/iiflC/lKF



“ 7H6 F/Fffl’Ei/Cf 567W”
Mil/WWO“ W? A M. /f'
flflLé MMW CAW WEN/”£5
85 A7 WW #5 WE
5007757704pr 665 0‘ A



l" m I tea/gr; Io€ aw H

mm prim/55 Mm fie

rpm Yflfflfl, fill/WK You ,











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Newman Center’s
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EKU faces challenge,
but should win OVC

Associated Press

RICHMOND —- The challenge
will be a little tougher for Eastern
Kentucky this season.

The Colonels are picked to finish
first in the Ohio Valley Conference
despite losing 11 starters from last
year‘s 9—3 team that reached the
quarterfinals in the NCAA Division
I-AA playoffs.

“We‘ve got to stay healthy," said
Coach Roy Kidd, who is entering
his 25th season at Eastern Ken-
tucky. “That‘s going to be the key
to success. If we lose any of our
first—team players, we'll be using

The Colonels lost some valued
members from last year, including
defensive tackle Aaron Jones to the
Pittsburgh Steelers in the first
round of the NFL draft. career-
rushing leader James Crawford
and all-conference cornerback
Danny Copeland,

One of the reasons Eastern Ken»
tucky is held in such high regard is
tailback Elroy Harris. Alternating
possessions with Crawford last sea-
son. he rushed for 1,423 yards and
l7 touchdowns.

"I don't think there‘s a back bet
ter than Elroy," said Kidd of the 5~
fnot~10. nepound junior. “If there
is. there can't be many better than

Harris will carry most of the
rushing load as the Colonels will
look to develop freshmen Tim Les-
ter, Markus Thomas and William

The Colonels also return sopho
more quarterback Lorenzo Fields,
who rushed for 362 yards and five
touchdowns and completed 30 of 69
passes for 428 yards and three 'l‘Ds
after earning the starting Joh three
games into last season.

"They‘ll «backfield: be no better
than the offensive line." Kidd said.
“You‘ve got to knock them lde-
fendersl out it takes it men to
move the football .'

Randy Bohler and Mike (adore.
the leading l‘f‘C(’l‘.UT'>. are also
back to bolster Eastern Kentucky‘s
attack. Bohler caught it passes- for
206 yards and Cadorc had nine
catches for 107 yards a year ago

"Fri like to run the football 60
percent and pass 40 percent it i
had my druthers." Kidd said ‘But
\t'hatever it takes to .zc' on the
scoreboard. that '5 what we‘ll do “

Center .‘tlikc l)el\rsco ‘tllfl guard
Mike Kelly are the unh returning
starters on the offensive line \x‘hi‘c
Oscar Anguio has net-u moved to
tight end after a «Non a? t'i‘lh'ielr.

'l‘he Colonels return itlt' players
from a defensur unit that led the
tt\'(‘ in team dt tensi-


UK fresher-a," .loi‘r Vancy emoticon

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“l ( (nit saint

Kentucky Kernel, Thursday.$optombor1,1988 — 3


3.) \ \l.l.l \l \l V
Slit“ 'l‘el ’i'"

\l .llli 3 Hill: U1 lht‘ llll‘Ct‘
.e; I. live lK men‘s tennis
wring his first \car at l'K

‘ t «.1‘eessl'ulonc
l, tlLl‘it‘l but talented play
‘ nut of hrosse Pointe.
» > '(lll‘l'lt'tl 'u break into the
heart) and possihlly per
high as ihr‘ \t- 'l or Vt»

"li> year

vaginally from North
sazd the Southern loca
I”. ain't its enacting staff
".n' ‘lv tnla'. to." the Wild
beer-mher i met all of the
at. ‘.l\ll lllll I really
l-Ttnez‘} 5. ‘i'anc;
_ .. cit-i ‘he game teal xtell
.: ' i t‘ .- , - tr . mild help me \wht-n

"‘} would not lie happier

AWN tuplay for hm;

.V‘. .urln-lreyahle athlete
internal " timer}.

"‘t‘ "mil ,Ilt'l-I‘. ’a. get

twin: .: ‘alcnfed

517“» \lf‘xt‘ ‘».Ii~ it

~ kc ".l?‘ Minna" .: teeth
a. .


:‘JN'KC'i :il'

’ll titan

' :izawr '-J t»

, ._ .l


21 (it at




11} C it

Tom Spaldlng
Sports Editor

UK frosh Yancy going for tennis team

but I'm very excited to see how
much my tennis game will improve
since he never played the sport
year—round "

"He should make a dent in col
lege tennis within the next couple
of years." said assistant coach
Jerry Berkheimer “You can defr
nitcly look for a lot out of that guy
in singles and in doubles "

Bcrkheimer said Yancy i~ ;. \u-ll
discrphned plzixer who ;,- .i quu'k

"He's a: teachahle kind of rod
who is quietly confident :n::de‘
iterkheimer said

John is qurck on picking up or.
thetourt instruction which helps a
lot an ill\ ‘mprrvwment' Emery

Yancy got a «mm-w to meet
some of llli :‘t'itlt‘ihlli'ir this sum
mer when he mien t-l welder rm

‘i aneji said t.» rwn',.r.:;ti wph/
more Nimitz} Vlrrx‘“ ‘ . r“
l'arolina helped *1 "
iegiate lxl’e

lte liters.”

about lvl gm."

i guess ‘fil’TW‘:
sell a\. the tther‘ ' -
Lt‘urts Sen" tin!»
mr i Liv-1: ‘
that the ( a’s "

imp Lil
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l't‘lltiili‘li' ‘1qu tjll_i.ll\ l'tt

‘ i' v . .
:t4its tint \‘xlui: run at. hilt-1,

\rt\l lull: l warm

“\«3\l l‘lili\.: li ll ll.‘H

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,. m lune QNitliitt‘ Lites .‘i l l ill?

itt‘l’illl "i U\\i\i.lilt t

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"t’tiittihgllli 1't‘lttt'ttlalt'tide}:


'll' W l" 'llLLf illlil‘rk‘l"

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«sultllttt‘ ltiitt \l"Ill.lll\ till“ i
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1"‘t' \li\l \‘Alf'lti‘Hilt‘ i ‘. L‘l.l_1\l‘l

\\l‘t'll l1\l2lltt‘l~ \ Ti H N


1 reel lite ginlntlt t\\ and: um

are i'tteiiiecut t hmc \l;\‘l
if\r~lltlltl\et~l\1ul\\ llllll‘t'

rill till l 'lll iti‘ixiut‘ts « rt" scrum \

:lxc li‘lt‘l‘lhllll lltdl l altar; and

[derlb‘ngl-L’ ‘ l i A; . _ N? N ‘ ‘ , {he \l‘s; Tani. “til l.\_ll
- __ .. " ' ~ gslulgjjtlfitlli

27_mc. «(rm-6.11)
Sept. 1

M: 'Bar/{er 9121K
'Dance Studio





'chra (far/(g
Rayma 'Beaf

The right Choice.





 A - Konhiclty Kernel, Thursday. What 1, 1088

Rifle team is making a mark,
hopes to draw more attention

Contributing Writer

Don‘t be surprised if you hear
shots gomg off inside of Barker
Hall. It‘s not a sniper or robber ~
just part of a routine practice for
the [K rifle team.

with their guns firing. it‘s not un-
usual to hear a lot of n0ise. But
that's about the only sound this
team creates The UK rifle team
has been part of the campus for
many years. but not that many
would know

The lack of notoriety his team re—
ccives hasn‘t discouraged second
year coach Harold Mullins He's
too busy trying to run his program.

"l kind'y'c play God and
everything in between." Mullins
said ‘I set up practice and train
mg schedules. as well as being like
an athletic director "

Rifle teams aren‘t that common
in Kentucky high schools. But in
Georgia. where Mullins learned his
trade it was as popular there as
football to other schools. And it
was so good Mullins said the school
has produced Olympians

Why isn't rifling a more popular
sport" Mullins said many people
might be more attracted and in-
volved if the [K squad could shed
the stereotype of being "hunters "

"Also. improved media and mar»
keting would improve our program
as well as others national visibility
in sports." Mullins said

Rifling is just a little different
than. say. your normal game of

Mullins said two matches are
held a halfcourse and a full
course match In it. players take
shots from three different. baSlC

['K also has a air-rifle event.
Mullins said The difference is that
it requires both standing and shoot~


“I kind’ve play God and everything in between.
I set up practice and training schedules, as well
as being like an athletic director."

Harold Mulllns,
UK rllle coach

Mullins said he'd like to see his
program rise in stature. But that
takes plenty of able-bodied re»
crmts. It‘s easy to recruit in foot
ball and basketball when your jer-

sey says "Kentucky " Not so in
rifle shooting There is no free ride
in the sport

“We don‘t give scholarships. just
the chance to grow as a player and
face the rugged SEC and national
powers.“ Mullins said "Also. Our
good budget for travel. which other
schools don't have. seems to entice
quality prospects. "

But even though they don't get
the publicity that the other I'K
teams get. they‘re just as success-
ful in their own sport

The team finished 1173 last year
and won the Southeastern ('onter

“We feel when we really start
winning. that our program will at-
tract more and more boosters]
Mullins said

Mullins believes his team wrll
start winning and keep it up Last
year. he said the team improved
This year Mullins said he thinks he
might have his best team ever at

“The first match on Oct 8 will
tell the tale on how our season wll
go.“he said

The players that hope to make
Mullins prophecy come true in-
clude freshmen Jennifer Clark.
Tom Hodgkins and Monica Combs

But Mullins said at least for a
while, seniors Tom Mullaney and
Kris Gerig will be the leaders

For now. Mullins is focusing on
winning. But on down the road, he
said hopes to have a strong pro
gram capable of offering schol-
a rships to deserving shooters.

“lle‘s pretty concerned with us.
in-andout of the rifle range. He
really cares." said Tim Layson. a
sophomore rifle member.

Mullins hopes the dedication he
gives his students will be recip-
rocated. and that someday it will
land L'K somewhere near the elite
of rifling

1988-89 schedule
Oct. 8-9 VMI Invitational
Oct 22Lake Erie Match
Oct 29 Meet with Jacksonville
St. Citadel. and Xavier
Dec 5 Akron in Lake


['K practices at Barker Hall
from 5 to 7 pm. daily . Ken-
tucky will square off this season in
tournaments against what Mullins
said are the best in the country
Murray St. Tennessee Tech. and
West Virginia

ALAN NAWSEJ Kernel 3!.”

UK rifle coach Harold Mullins helps one of his Mullins took Kentucky to an 11-3 record and

players during practice Tuesday at Barker Hall

SEC Championship in 1987.

N FL’s random drug-testing policy in full force this year

Associated Press

NEW YORK w Over the period
of a month this summer at NFL
training camps across America. a
strange ritual was acted out.

More than 2.500 young men
stripped themselves nude inside a
tent. were handed a cup by a rep-
resentative of SmithKline Labo
ratories. and told to urinate in it so
they could be tested for the pres
ence of illegal substances.

“It was one of the most degradr

Like to Write Sports? — Call the Kentucky Kernel, 257-1915

ing things that ever happened in
my life." said one New York Giant.
who asked not to be identified.
after it was disclosed that his tea-
mmate Lawrence Taylor had
tested positive

Taylor. who voluntarily under-
went drug rehabilitation in the win»
ter of 1986. was one of nine players
disciplined by the NFL this sume
mer for violating the league's sub
stance abuse policy

He and seven others were sus-
pended for 30 days for second-time
violations —— voluntary submiSSion

counts as a first time. The ninth
player. Tony Collins of Indianapo-
llS. was suspended for the season
for a third-time violation

L'nder NFL policy. agreed to by
the union in the 1982 contract that
expired last Sept. 1, drug testing is
permitted at the start of training
camp and for cause. The latter
usually means a previous positive
test. a history of drug use in col‘
lege or behavior that would lead a
team to believe a player is using il-
legal drugs.

That provision continues to be

enforced despite the lack of a new
agreement following last year's
strike In its new contract propo-
sal. which remains in limbo while
the labor dispute is in court. the
NFL wants random testing for all
players. something strongly resist-
ed by the union

For the third year. the tests were
administered this season by
SmithKline Laboratories of Norris-
town. Pa under the direction of
Dr Forrest Tennant. the NFL's
drug advisor For the first time
this year. steroids were included

with such illegal drugs as cocaine
and marijuana as substances
whose use would subject those who
took them to league discipline.

The tests began in July and con-
tinued through August. usually at
the convenience of the team, which
is why Taylor‘s suspension came
later than the others. The Giants
were not tested until Aug, 15.

L'nder the system. the players
must urinate under the eye of a
SmithKline employee five feet
away ~ to prevent what Taylor de-
scribed in his 1987 book. “LT -—

Living on the Edge.“ In it. he said
he would smuggle "clean" urine
obtained from a teammate into a
lavatory stall and substitute it for
his own.

If only nine of the more than 2.-
500 players in camp tested positive.
the NFL has an enviable record w
that represents just .0036 percent
positive. But that cannot be as-

Under league policy. the names
of first-time offenders are not even
given to the league. nor are they
made public.



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