xt70vt1gmm7g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70vt1gmm7g/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1983-11-15 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 15, 1983 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 15, 1983 1983 1983-11-15 2020 true xt70vt1gmm7g section xt70vt1gmm7g ”W____. 1,..- .1. . _ ..
Val. LXXXVI, No. 69 Estebllshed "94 University at Kentucky. Lexlngton Kentucky lndependmt Since W71 lveedoy. W IS, was

W- _,__,1, 1. 1, . - .

t nlverSIty enate amen 5 repeat Option rule
BySTEPHANIEWALLNER “Ifastudentwitha Bwantatoget Medical Center's Academic L‘oun- assanly what happens ntivt Sands gum tl-i: ' .tm- - it.“ e. ' : .t .i. ' '_.t. . :~ n .-...i-(,,,. V”
SeniorStaffWi-iter an A for whatever reason. they now cils. said “All of its rm‘lws all of its lake at my 22.. a .ls .,, t as...“ \i....t..~ mm; wrath-

‘ have the opportunity to," Drug ”The tSenate t‘ounctl research ad- cow‘se ctxtsrderatiotm are based on really “45? t z m : . »: _.:.t r.~-..- ...‘y. ”a... t... \L,
Students next semester will be Rees.SenateCouncilchairmansaid. hoe) committee was appomted tour program ’ tly It. was» ...x. ..tsmt ..

. abletorepeatuptothree classes for In other business, the Senate de- years ago because the faculty was ‘ in mom.» ',' ","P\.t in Name or Ln : -:t.r- a». l:.«.-..:. ._ . .m:

0 a better grade - regardless 0f the feated a bill stmnsly endorsed by concerned." Winer said He also 58”” “'d b) “mm“ “”1”“ pr“ umruiiiumu. .ilv'pr ~l"- a 11W -..~..: " d‘w ms nu aw i -~ '.i't\ '\
fu'stmarksreceivedinthecourse the Senate Council calling fora cen- said the formation of the JCCP P5315 through “ ““"lralm‘l "0"“ maximum: tin-r tn. ;v.’t'\t'l'. mutt-n: t i. ”win“, .. ".1... “.1
l The University Senate yesterday tralized committee tohandlethead- would free up W percent of the Elmalg‘i‘olgnr‘zihlniiiiildOlin!“tit-l'ltli‘; hm” W RN.“ .. ‘ . Mat.” .. . A .... «.m- ”“0
unanimously passed a proposal dition. change and termmation of academiccouncils time . prtigrdnix i u it.” H... g... , ., ..., W ”PM...“
. - _ Umversrtycourses “The committee feels that this is “Stem .lpprmu. tintr. rm .r:.. at; llklivi . a
amending the repeat option. chang . .. ‘
- - - _ an idea whose time has come. l‘AlUt'Jllil. ' w lt' ' w-szm .l _ .
ms the P°llcy 0‘ only allowmg stu W‘ - Al . "l see a real problem a fatal .. .. “4"" lim" 19"?” -' "~ ltt
dents to take a course again if they Al Winer, Senate Council member. "'9’ 5.8“.1' 50‘ the committee obl m .1 n . . .( f . \, ‘”?l"’"""’l”""“' . «.2», ms.” '2:rxq"uj 3 .. a...‘
- - - would eliminate delavs and concerns pr e ‘ ”pd” '0“ " ““1“ l'hr truliugt» :. : ...«\ ;.. .t .i..-l\\\ ' . i
eamedaC‘DOI-E- said the Idea behind the "med “about Proposals being INK lo the and "Ogram' Joseph Musslt‘ pro the (lr.itlil.llt- imLi '. 'Ii.lht‘ :i-\ “W .. lyl"r“'~:"'!l”‘ l“ l‘ f". 1“

As stated in the written rationale $233112er “aasmm' frtee :fcademlc system,"hesaid {mmmmaml‘emem ‘3‘" tll‘limt'llti.i'..'Il.~ -. m. i.i-.. t.t..:.v l’m ""“‘,"‘ 'r" "W“ "t' "“ ‘ ' "
for the WWI» ”If the University processi work aJOI'l y course Donald Sands. assoc1ate Vlce , illl) \t'l‘mlt‘ t titliit ..tri‘. l lll\r'l\ it it": "is?!" " “ ‘I " in. ‘I: “N“
is going tohave a repeat option “110v rig ' chancellor for academic affairs and ”“9 '9“ m‘“ ‘0 “”“s'd” ”W” N'Imlt' Fl“l"‘l ..- ' -'.*l"'”\tl- "w” ‘ "V ‘ “”

(faculty and administrators chairman of the undergraduate ‘COW‘SGS' 35 P'f'K‘t‘mt‘al Chum!“ “M . . . , . . ‘ . .. \l.if.\‘ . s W. - . “up,
couldn’t) think of a logical reason The Joint Council for Course Proc- council. said. however. the commit- 'mPprOPr'a‘“ Em“ “3mm” U” ,_ I; "‘l‘ ““"fi', my. "1‘: A... e. : -.-< . «...i. . u ..t '3‘
for allowing the rule to discriminate essirig was suggested after nearly tee was "perhaps an idea whose dergraduate“"u“cllmember-bald :‘"‘_“‘V“_l"‘ l:“'}“l“”"h “" .w\.n~.pl,y.vr. » .., ...g,... . w ‘1..." ‘
against a student who received a 8 three years of debate in the Senate timehaspassed :‘_’1."r"f"l‘t:':'. .fir'f'f ' "'2" V' t.;!'t'.‘ i. p... . t: .m t ..
in a course but wants to repeat it Council called for improvements in “Based on perceptions three years “We denote t‘ouncil tell ll l.\ " ' l “m“ " H """" " \“ " i... . -. .. ;. .. - ..t
...” Undergraduate, Graduate and the 330, what happened then is not me needed but omen there ltxla) ni lllll>iilt' .ii til.- I git-ixni .l. .. rm. -.‘l:~
»- . ~ --~»--~ ,, 1, ~ 11.. g ————1 P e e e e
V . , i roposed tuition hikes to be revrewed
., ' v ’5. ‘1: l. ’31? i i
. ‘ {a '1 g .~ l By ALEXCROL'CH ternative. F‘t‘eudenberg said that take a pnstllun against them the til it it lli..t x Xingu Minimum-rt;
,v . ,3“, ~. . ! SeniorStaffWriter tightening ofmoney for financial aid cream-s at its rim-ling \\t‘tll\t'.‘~ m 1
-’ “ «.,,... and The Associated Press simultaneom with the rising cost of da) ‘ l-rr-ilik-ntii-rgsaitl 'Hit- In-l'it‘lJi \\~~o~ll:l\li .t . '2...-
.. we M J education has cut into UK enroll- SUA president l)a\lll llrmtluir‘. it Lilu‘ .t mils; lkiltl link at lit-v. hurl
“*Wn‘WW " ‘ The Council on Higher Education ment. said. ‘I l‘t'illllt' that an illtrmu- ix v: mlmnlmii l\ lillitlwl .ml :--»k '--l
\ Will review in llS meeting today in “We're m about a,“ sum“ necessary lllWHWt'l' l li‘lli'\t' llN' Iiiwt -l.i\\ lll url H‘H-liru ltr'iltls'l.
‘ , Frankfort proposed tuition increases on the main camptn." he said prim-(ted lllt‘l‘t‘flst' l.\ ltll nigh ..m 2.4.; ..tl-lul llr .\ mu ...;l..i.-.r
" ~: which Student Government Associa~ “Economics is a big reason " Some should be t'lll in half Hr \t-ll in. llllll guwrriui G'lnl \t.iiill.i l.m..~
tion vice president Tim l-‘reudenberg of the students not going to the main has made lll\ tipiillnli klltml. 'tl lllr‘ t nililis uii. not lt‘l ll‘ llalli‘ .l .Il.llt
says may have “potentially a lot" 0f camptl are gm to the community sludt-nl rl‘pl'tN‘llldllH‘ (III the A null limtltm but will lmtk in
‘ - g impactonUKstudents colleges.accordingtoPneudenba’g i-il Jnt-kliuluoril. till ltlrlt'l that . ill. -. ill'tltlH (ll
M”? ’ ‘QX . :«w I ”‘31. ‘ Under the plan. undergraduate But Kentuckiam attending UK'I l‘lt‘lltlt‘llll‘l‘fl hope-s \t-.lll\ lll It‘ll” \lllll lllo‘ll lulllllli lll in r‘tll
'1" t f V "‘ 1.2.-" 'i .' . .t 7 M SlUdenl-S at UK and the UlllVBl‘Slly 0f 13 community colleges would face )3 t'l't-tlst‘s \till lltll lrt’ llii- llUlll. ltuir'lllx Muir‘s has ll‘t'll figured uri .t lnrnlilln
- . 1 .- “W . .11....”4. “w.“ ,_ .. Louisville would have to deal with percent tuition increase neat {Ill ti tk‘tl‘vuw Ill t-dilt‘litluilal tiltlllrllllll that consult-rs the ll‘l lupitn ilk-umr
‘ ‘h 3 an 11.3 percent annual hike begin- and 11 prcem hikes the following l} (ll Kt-ntut'kiam and “UNIX? rail-n .tt
‘2 ml II wflw~ ning next Fall and a 10 percent year, raising their annual payments There are ;l lilllrihrr til \l.llt‘\ lllll)llt' mile-gm and ilrilwrxllim lll lll
I .- jump the following year. Fall semes from “14 this year to $520 in two 'l‘t'xas is it good example “ht-re Mutt-s
( ‘ ter in-state tuition at the two schools years. in slate lilllitirl l.\ lilt'rwllhlt ltm lnvwr' lililltiil l\ std; flu lu-«l
. ‘ . a,“ . was $934 a year; the proposed hikes Also targeted for increases are the Kt‘nlllt‘k) was llllt'l' kllaul‘, int llll\ lllllli til lilinnt l.“ .lltl t-«i-N ...Ll‘, rm
- " would push the figure to $1,040 a tuition rates paid by graduate stu which rellm-ti-d “I‘ll on tln- \lilll' Ii Ilw flair lvwi’ i'tv-iiilriilriii em
' ‘5' I Year next fall and $1.144 a year at dents attending UK and UL's profs» showed a \AllllllfllltN5 in lllin'ltll‘ lllr l‘lit- unit- iltlfilil ll.t\l' :l-...i Huh I
" .3 thestartofthe1985-865choolyear. sional schools, including the medical tipptirlilmli ltlr whit-.ilinll ll \llll liltlllm lnr iii-”lb .ititl ltulris
{ - l While conceding that tuition in- anddentalfrgrarns kt‘t‘p increaxing liiilitili ll ll puts ”in l'rI-iltlrilln-lu I‘lltl‘lILAQ‘l ’lml twirl
l ‘ ‘ l creases may be the CHE'S only al- “I would hope the SGA Senate Will ul hand [l‘tlpll' \tlll ltm- lllt- «iiiptirltl 'llllH-ll .
if“; ‘Cll fB& ' ° ‘°
% t ‘
i o ege 0 E changes its scope and direction
‘ 'l' ! By SCOTTWILMOIT growtng schools on campus With of what 3w \wrt- titling \Au\ \ll'll ll} till'xl said lit‘ whillll\ lli lillllll .l till
' Associate Editor this ETOWUL the college is changing \‘lx‘ullmull lt-gv wilt-H- riallutmll) lmwtl «ninth. '
I in scope and direction And at the 'l‘vwnl) years ago. a student trill nlt'5 willt-ometnl'Ktnrwruil
_l AS advanced registration draws to helm Of this transformation iS lllCll- wring in business would liitel llltt'l\ Another weak area the (”Hair has
____..-1.1_-111_, W " 'H’ ' 1,1,11,1_ ——,-— a close many students will be Sign- 8rd WSl. dean 0f ”'19 (‘Ollt‘lle Ol take courses In lht‘ fish and rippling \llI'(‘l'h§lull} ”\l‘rt‘tlllil' in, art ll‘lllu
Traffic Signal “(hmu’ k‘mm'” ing .up for classes in. the College of Busmoss and Economics tlons til cash registers t-alt'illalnrs liuti Although the «allure t. undo-r
Busmess and Economics. and typewriters l‘lll'\l \nitl 'lirrzt-s gradual:- prugram hm tum-r nun-«l

Agriculture graduate Student Dilild Drcycr‘s left turn signal According to University records. “We had been the illegitimate have-changed itul \lll'l‘ lira) and ttu- Illltslt'r \

gives him a look of defiance Drcyer managed to complete his the college is one of the fastest childon campus." Furst said “Most "()Vt'r the past [\At‘nl} tum the program \llk't' lsuti lhr- tullrgt- n-

[urn without being flattened by [he gar behind him. ,- ”M -.-, _. 1.1-. _ M. business (‘tillt‘gt' ll'gill. lti \lllll ll“ vim-slut .tti l'Klt'nhllll lit-furt- .i in will

' _ y ...jfi ‘f'h ”mwmf said lit-laying tllr t'tiriirlit-lils \irgll ..ttr't-ditnlimlmaliullltul
I 'i.i::"_;.::.-x_=.'.,.,x.i;157 2,... g . t ('hrislizm. professor til ti'tllltllllllN rum sold tho- years wilt-mum
. . . . 50 .v . ‘4‘: 1.3: and the (llllt'rt’m‘t‘ lit-lvuw-ri tlw ml was IM!‘P§S&1F§ in lower the high lair
age tICket lstrl utlon Wziiiireir‘ M- - ‘ ' W “a": logo lulu) and twenty tr-llrs rig“ IN llll_\ «mill-ill rulln lli' \llltl llll‘ t'xlr-ri
cquwalenl tn the Illllt'rt’nt‘t' ht'l‘vl‘t't'n \l'lll ll‘nl‘lllwl the ”illegi- ll‘tilu’W‘ ll
e “basketball and ham-hall ‘ 'ihllltt' the l'riivt-nily in the troubles

to begln tomorrow at 9 (‘hrlstian said when he first at w-w-rv-tulvirigm't-i ll'l’t‘
rived in the mid 505. the college- was \inct- thr- rollegc r. rt‘t’lt‘t'l’l‘dllu
_ . .. . . structured much dlllt'rt-rillt llt' \c’lill liuii rum hm high atllhitltirix lur
By MICKEYPATTERS).\ dentsxsal’d. We (11th want afipuf- ‘0 that all the buslnl'ss Fl'lillHl studios. tho- Mlle-gt- ' lri Ill) mind w- are al
SportSEdltor rate distribution m.” igame oulld Exil’fi‘flfi were alllunlix-dlugt-tht-r read} the in! huitltu-m mill-gt- lll
. . . . all the “Chasm?" t ta en we w ' '5 liven secretarial skills VH'H‘ the state he staid ‘ We are lhr Milt
The ineVItable wtld rush for chorce have to sell tickets to the public the W , taught m lhl‘t‘lillt' . . , . _ . _ _ g , , '
._ 1.51.. gt Ilirlsltan said stat: tnllt-gt with a Hi I) pro

student seats at UK basketball day of the game. ll d El“ . t-‘urst gm m" the “N 20 ”an gram .

games begins tomorrow with the To acquire tickets a stu ents / .‘ ’ . j .- ‘ . , .
scheduled ticket distribution for the must have a validated student ID 30 A " t‘ :he ”“9““ ““93“ t," ‘hd’w I“ "‘ ”9"“ be“ ”‘ "“ 5“" "‘ "°‘ “"‘d
. . . . r .‘,-_, _ , ectlon The emphasis of thr Khlll enough for l-‘unt, however He said

~ 8.8m? mm“ file Netherlands Na- al‘d an actwrty car: No $23M" be i r" i .n was in research and llh :ipplit-ntmns he wants to build a nationally remit '

tioln‘ia team. _ . given “was wrt out e two 4 l ' . ~ tomebuainesst-ommumty rim-d program at UK And accord

ckets for the contests wrth Unl- cards. I . 1. u. - Cotnciding Mm [his shirt rum m .

. . . . W . . . . . g to the American Assembly of
versrty of Louiswlle on Nov. 26 and And students can only receive one , a... said ”in?“ mum“ “wan m "x Collegiate "one!” of Baum t'K
Indiana University on Dec. 3 will be ticket per ID and activity card - no t .1 t l t it .. l «l- is I , h, ‘ -ll u . l m
distributed be 'nni at 7 am. Sun- exce tion will be allowed. Students l , t ~w 9“ mm " “" ‘ ” ‘” ”F” . “‘ U“ ' “f" “ ' 4“

3] ng p . , . 20 -' 1 ’ ’:.,,‘7‘-:‘ would wager that a student rumor ”(is (allege of net. was ranked
day. . . . . . . showmg “p with m9 ID 5 and activ- I A i *5: ail: ‘ ing in 881E will encounter one of the nth in the nation

The first ticket distribution IS ity cards Will be issued only one 1 . , z 1 .5 ~- . . .. . ..

. . . k . . .1 e, . ”$2M most Vigorous M lit-duh: tm (dill [1 turn was my," 3 “mm“. sup
scheduled for tomorrow beginning at ticket. ,5. § 1 .- “at“: . pus “hesaid ply M fund“ from the l‘mvmty

- x - n - ‘ tar, 3*... . . .
9 am. and ending at 4 pm. at Me- Students are not permitted to l .~ l {it puts; ‘*.. . ’ But. he said the mm.“ (m m... admmmraum‘ he would mm"
mortal Coliseum for the Netherlands begin forming lines until 7am. Sun . '. i“ m2.-. at“: _ "5 share M pmmoms .In W. W" {mum ltkr-hell
, game only. The Wildcats, ranked day morning. Anyone in line before to : . ,V g; , . i 53%;: We? . we havedonc a Mm lob m plan. W; m" m mmmr MT '

No. l in numerous polls. are slated the designated time Will be pedal ’3 l 'r gigi‘: “ mam, mum , f 1 .. w . ’ m int!
to take on the Netherlands National ized. “If I find anybody over there , " ', $1 if é ' 'f” ““d _ " "r" “e m‘“ "’m'
Team next Tuesday night. early I will remove their ticket priv~ . ‘ j,._.r;,-"’-.jr it”, , 53 . _ ' Last summer lht' rollt-go- l'lli mill) lup’ntitl n proplr'

The distribution time for the Ne ilcgcs. possibly for the entire year.“ I l a. ducted a nun st-ientilit aunt-y lll him has an uptmmiu riutlv-lk lur
therlands game is earlier atxnrding Palm said. ”M" "h ":7 "If“ Where "1“” ”Mum“ ““‘l ”P ”t“ ”H" ‘ mu" ”“ “’d m" ““V‘ “n'
to University officials. because the In the past students camped out in m we" I“ W“ “mph W‘ may“) ”l ”V” “W“ “d"“l‘mll 0"" had -" “‘1’"
game falls on a weeknight and is . , . . those who responded stayed in Irx nest. mayir meant sham:- and 5-H}

. _ _ Set Tickets. page 2. *' nassmr-nl
[king played before Thanksgwlng boarcezul DQIlthhlllllllnl.llllnlllllllk “(snow .45th DA‘ID'IIItl Lei-it luv-cm- Infill)" M

“The reason we’re doing it early . ' '
m... ourse ex ores ove re ations i s an marria e
chael Palm, assistant dean of stu ’

By EMILY MORSE Staley said some men think love is said Crosby "I want to work on the

Reporter a natural process that requires no things they fight about. argue about.
instruction. “I think males have the and teach themhowtofightfair

Are you in love? How do you idea that sex. love and marriage are “My real goal with the aim is to

s"-""*"""'*”““”aw—"W“" know? Do you want to be in love? like walking and breathing." be slow people down to ask them ‘ f

' . ”a“ “M' What causes love to die? What said. He also cited the fact that the what's the hurry to get married I __... -

0U“ “my“ 5 M m‘ causes disillusionment in marriage? class is in the Home Economics think people ought to work on lm' . ) —-— \l}

for Ul‘s .m’ M The answers to these questions Building discourages males from proving themselves. have fun." he

W 33 9!; “2"”. will be explored next semesta' in a taking it. said. ‘

émfi “=2 ‘» “a. course on “The lndivirkul. Mar- Chandra Gunn, a political science W has “ugh: the course for a

‘W “- riage. and Family," scheduled to major. took the class with her boyf- total of 13 years He taught the \

“- "" meet on Monday nights from 6 to riend. She enjoyed the class and course at Syracuse in New York and , 4.? [3’

“w my In W 81wp.m. 8w up to be a teacher‘s aide for at Indiana University before he 7" V. / V. t.

by.“ M. M. 00' M "I hope that scheduliiu the course next semester started teachim its: UK in rm ' \

wfim M- F0?“ only once a week and at night will “It is far away from my major. "I've been at both ends, I was on , ,3,

‘ mmpfld- attract more couple.“ said John but something you can't avoid in the end of marrying people as a o ‘ t

Crosby. profasor at family stinks. life." she said “I think the class Presbyterian minister Now l'm a
who will beteachingthecoune. helped me understand the process of marital and family therapist." Cros-

WEATHER “Whether they're dating, pinned. dating and marriage better " bysaid f ..
steadis. living together. married or “Taking a class like this is proba- Butwhatishis definitionoflove" t. ' ”v - /

. .; , - divorced. l'm trying to build the bly the only time that people set "I‘m heavyonfour words— libido ’ K, ' ' ’ ,

; .5. '9 my m ‘4 course tribe more innta'est tocotr aside a chmk of time to examine (the basic sex drum ems ipas- . V l . /

w‘- “Btu-um ples."hesaid. than topics,” Staley said. "And aim), pink- (brotherly level. and / ' V t o ‘

is W a D ”- Jimmie Staley, prrifeaswdtamlly with the divorce rate sanething like agape tunatdlttonal love for the * .

‘. ,.. ..‘._...g.l1ieansile.- studio. teaches the same oi.- this s: poem. I tl'a'nk it is important deityl." he said "My definition re / ,‘ - - QC

"a“ Ins-e nit semesta'.Hesaidoutdmstudenta thattheydo.” quiresallfou’ . 3.. i - , ,. A;

_ ' .. .1 .. battle! lnhisclassmnlyeightweremale. “In class we'll be doing “he “I never advise anyone to get ’ ' "

f. ‘ 5: . “I sent them out to remit sane am in fair fight We married mtil they have a blaiding —":_— _—__—-“"_—"

“at. ‘ w . i r mwemalufortheclal,"lnsald. like staglm rights and role-taklm." dallfml'."Crnlbysaid. "I'M-O" "~10"


.4! el "1 .

 ‘ \
1 - THE KENTUCKY KEINEI. Tueelhy, m 15, 133 . . .
' |‘ ' ' d d
. when New definition of deterrence nee e ,
Continued from page one t .d .11.] t. t. . t
alfunds “werenotcutasdrastically said. “I hope the increases will be money the institution neerh andsub- 0 3V0] annl l a 10“, ac lVlS says
"pawl: m landing (ill the 1pm idli‘lafiuuimflm: on em mimm' “W“ a” WWW“ ““5 Society is afraid of soils hem In March 1m. be was convicted
level :ietg other thirfis going upin of universities instead of an arbi- Staffm deterrence'because it has-never ex- on eight of I? ”W?" for his involve-
] .. This will be the trend with ther -m rtant f . “The CHE staff say, you have the . penenced it before, Berngan said. malt in a Civil disobedience action
ose. trary fl‘ ' 0 I 9° ac - . - - DEW and disarmament “ “Deterrence means sometlu in its at a General Electric plant in King
President Reagan in office, rreud- tors in higher education are not option of mm tuition. pm to me nuclear ”m m words of on, root _8 km We” ,, “mud “T0 of h Pa ‘
film-i "“‘i‘f‘h‘mywu‘ule "”“y ”d" ”Exile“ a. .y Sfmzmu u" detoxifiwxo‘: pusuuse — peppy applied m up- mommies." ' ‘ ““” ' '
' hope 9c 10" go or David . ‘ prest n s as- lla p ai t that h usual ways in today’s society. said Berrigan described today’s world In May 1m Berrigan partici-
theeducation vote. . . sistant for business “d finance. pre do r you w ve you ge muc Rev Dam'el Berrigan author, p08! as a“ rmanentstateof war ” ted in a meetlng on nuclear arms
“What the Councu wants to do is dicted that the. Councilwrll discuss less from the state because the for- andpeace activist. ' “WEhave been asked to. raise a ad in Buda t H under .
lock intoa formula wheretiuilon au- theoptionorwaivinghiitim. . mublzhasalready se‘tmuifiiiltatzegon- Benign" save a speech Wed child am will march to the beat of the amt): 5‘ "18‘3““!!! ed cu
mmcommucan'y ‘reasesmmu’? ”$33? "°£“‘li'2difm'mo‘l“£i mill illlhittilfnn' It 1 m. “The Deterrent Nation Wu The 018- the whip,"hesaid. Churches at Central Europe. His E:
e me ‘ g one es ' armed Conzchiencego about 900 880 Berrigan said a new definition of visit was expanded to include taking W
e pie 183i ni i 8‘ Newman en- the word deterrence must be part in the Christian Peace Confer-
.TleetS ter. . reached to avoid the extinction of enceinPrague,CLechoslovakia. (Si:
Berrigan began ms 1901“"? by our entire human race. “Both the m.
reading a letter he had vintten t0 a bombs and the children we will not senigan is doing pastoral work m
Continued from page one prisoner on death {0W "1 Florida, long have." with terminally ill cancer patients in r
. . . questioning the rationale Of G°V~ “The handwriting is on the wall," a hospital in New York City and tea- p
line overnight for ticketsthowever. fact that they must stay in line.” dent's chances of getting better tick- Robert Graham's decision for a he said. ”Our leadm cannot read chins coll ”New m to the er
two years 38° the admmstration Palm 53“ “We make periodic ets. . Nov.29execution. the writing." poorintheSouth Bronx. so
outlawedtheprsctice. checks on the line and if they're not .“It’s a lottery - that’s what it ba- “The ‘dea that kill‘ someone “The only factor that stands be- U.
Studentss “E"?uf’ebzwgene; “:1 fwremz‘lisl‘gt d"? 91:” number :fiaa: (Slfillfhw‘f'iéierfilfi: 9:; will solvle the problelrllg of killing tween annihl' 'lation and the next gen- The author of more than 30 books, 2':
newshound: mm m: so monuments someone u u puuuuuuy puuue issiszhmolvmhzehsu ”Miridmsretri‘dhie: .
’ termine line priority - randomly. For the Fall semester they may chanceofgettingagoodseat." formofloglc,”hesaid. criesourcdmmunitiss" ’ poems, Time Without Number. His th
Students arriving after 7:i5 will is- be purchased after Nov. 7 and for Students should not go to Rupp “Mr. Graham is trying to prevent Berrigan was involved in the anti- most recent books include Com- m.
, I sued control cards on a first come the Spnrlg semester after Dec. 5' Arena “tho“! tickets and expect to crime by killing people," Berrigan Vietnam War Movement and found- mandments for the Long Haul. The ' h”
firstserve basis. . . Palm said when students attempt to gainentrance, Palm said. . . said. “The irony is b10091 “ b100d' ed the Catholic Peace Fellowship in htmars of God and The Words 9
All those Wishing to acquire tick- acquire tickets With their spouse With some football games it is ridden." 1967 Savior Gave Us. m
ets must stay in line until the tickets book. another person must be pre- possible to show up on game night '
are actually distributed. Waiting in sentwith the student. and go to the event, however, he 0
uuuyuuuuuuuyueu my use up that uuuuu pe- suuupeuuuyeuupu Black Studies Program moves up ..
“Students need to be aware of the fore 7 am. does nothing for a stu- ball games. to
‘ to
By J-STEPHEN MOSES year’s chairman of the Black Stud- t
would you I I ChCCkel'S FOOd Marl Reporter BLACK WWW“ ies Program, said six names were 2::
. I Delicatessen _ , . WW submitted by the committee of who so
like to be an I I A black studies curriculum Will be . .. - so they thought were best qualified. is
.Fuli line of Groceries 0Health I. Beauty Aid offered. as a new minor under the “a .{ w: Michael A. Baer, A&S dean, will t :
eleer OHot 1. Cold Dell Sandwiches 33pm” 0‘ the College 0‘ Arts and Wu““* _ be making the final decision. on who fr.
‘ OretcSoup .g at D”. '1'“. Bar ‘0'". sc’lgllgfipring will be the first time A d, h... 0' m. ”Mn 32333ng Black Studies Pro- f '
0 ce ream 0S t lee-t . ~ 1.
forthe KOI’I‘IOI? . ones "I. .' OYogurt that the program has been. offered them _ ' 53:: “We've been told by the Dean of C.
Fresh Pastries Dally School Supplies - - -. . . ‘ t'
«GAME ROOMay as a minor, said Ernest Middleton, kit“ é 1 Arts and Sciences that there ‘5 no
mm saw... to 11:30. In -Mon. thru Sat. assmiate ”0‘55” '“ the (3011839 0‘ m . ‘ ”" extra money available, and that the
c‘ szoo..m.to io:oop.m..simd.y Education. ENG-fl " ' " directorship will be have to be run ua
at 251-1915 915 S. Limestone(Across from U.K. MedCenter) “The minor in black studies Pm‘ . EM » similiar to the women‘s studies pro- it
;____sammu3____ vides students with an opportunity m ' gram,”said Middleton.
' to examine the contributions of as ENG-I7 According to Middleton, the prob-
. Call You Went “Milli; “talent: mg’SC'Pglrfis. 10' m . - lem with finding a director is an un- ‘
‘1 war un ers n ng 0 mean ' , _ tenured rofessor will not be likely
The Central Kentucky Concert It Lecture Series Presents New (3???an m . ml? patiiglal‘ly those peoples m . #5 to take fie position, considering the
wear Contact Lenses at no cost lo 1“ e ew or . L 13:, time “it“ to Shepard thls pro.
rh. :::.:."“.:°;:‘;"°:::".:.°.":'..:':3". “It also Provides a frameWOFk W M'" . gram Tad that it would interfere ,
wnh your lenses perlecllylmed by research and analySlS 0f issufi m ’ «2:: with the profssor's research‘ and R
F RA N z 2.33:? nylon): 15:30.?ch WhiCh focus 0" the experience 0‘ . m . ,wa the directorship of the' program will 'I‘ ,
m . black people. All students Will have M‘ 1 ”peg not benefit their tenure.
‘mmcmmrr a primary field of study $8 “1310“ m. I 5 or “I think if people get involved in (.
R H E T '“"".‘f‘3:'.‘:£.."1i’m’:°,'"“" ll" a_ [:1ng {tr less traditional aca- ‘ SF!“ “it"? programs such as this, you really (7
l ' emic SC‘P me. ' é ‘ I ‘ et to understand the issues, ou et
0* BUdCPOS‘l lNCLUlggssavA'zlfijA'flON “Their fi81d Of study W111 be 111‘ w m w W”? a) know why people are thye wvgay [h
flau"l,':u':.: hanced by the added awareness of was -, 3:“: they are,”Middleton said,
. o Mam'flr'lfl black experiences. which will be . ., “People are not the way they are Fi
TONIGHT 8.0 p.m. mm.,,:_’:.'_‘ availabjle from the minor." Middle- “The profasors will come from because of some fault of their own. I to
”nus tonsai . ' the University faculty; we havealot think there are some instances in
U.K. Center for the Arts Concert Hall 3mm“ The Black Studies Committee fac- of experts m different fields" Now this country that allow Women to be 3?
Free to U.K. Students with valid ID. and Activities 1",, I H “"Y members w.“° are m. the ”“939 that the Programis on‘the books. all it! this niehe. this minority in this To
C d w I Ht» of Artsand Selences Will serve as that is left to do is to find a director mche, Tlurd World peOple in this bl
or .g. III-mm ' academic advisers for black Silldlfi for the Black Studies Program, niche. I think a person coming out of ' ‘
. ‘ mltlliotlhsy Kgilgflimg glftilt‘ aCilVltlfi according to Middleton. this program would have a good un- m.
- wi e Vlsmg ice. Middleton, who served as last derstanding of people."
D'd 0 ever wonder ' “mum“ ° ° ' '
I V U $2.0031t‘oii‘2‘th. Lebanese afraid of U.S. retaliation .
V ' 1' BEIRUT. Lebanon (AP) — Druse expected to travel to several Middle tains in central Lebanon. Syrian ' ‘
h ow sa nta m a kes al I Imkfiflflmglzfi ' shells hit Christian east Beirut on Eastcountries. gunners shot at the planes last week
Richard Pryor yesterday, the Lebanese army fired Lebanese state radio said shells butnofiring was reported Monday.
' " ' ' - _ at militiamen in nearby mountains from Syrian-supported Druse posi- All informed Western source, who
t ose e Iver|es In lust WilliamHurt ‘ ‘ and U.S. jets roared over central tions slammed intothe Hazmieh and spoke on condition that he not be
— Lebanon. Furn el-Chebbak neighborhoods of identified, said the flights were rais-
- "”‘55‘57‘5’;‘5 _ In Israeli-occupied southern Leb~ east Beirut, killing one person and ing fears in Lebanon of a U.S. retal-
O ne n '9 ht? F‘YETTE All , anon, Israeli troops guarding the wounding one. iatory strike for the Oct. 23 terrorist
' mm‘mmmwmum “H“, Awali River bridge shot and killed The radio said Lebanese army sol- bombing attack on the Marine base
. ‘ Stephan a...” an unidentified man who tried to lob diers shot at Druse positions near in Beirut that killed239Americans.
‘ ' a grenade at them, the military in the mountain town of Souk el-Gharb Druse gunners had fired heavy ar- '
‘ ”0:323:12, " Tel Aviv said. Earlier, a roadside overlooking the U.S. Marine com- tillery and Soviet-made Grad rock-
v o - ‘ legglgssrgssrggi” . bomb slightly wounded two Israeli pound at Beirut‘s airport. 3:5 iiitoteitist Beirut Slljmsmy “dehsliffill
\ f‘ ’ soldiers as their vehicle traveled . e irs ime since . . an u '
u ’ . . There was no word on casualties . .
" ' \ , . / “ atoning“... east of Tyre, the command said. It in that fight, but Marines said they mediators arranged a cease-fire
, ‘- '-‘53‘55‘"."°‘5 didnotelaborate. Sept. 26. That truce has been v10-
. 3' l »- ' . . were not affected. The leathemecks l ted l t da‘l
' ‘ ‘ ‘ ' r~———————— AS the largely ignoredLebanese are part of a multinational force pa- a 3 mos 1y"
" I civil-war truce entered its eighth trolling Beirut To protest the shelling, the rep-
] BUY ' week, the new U.S. special Middle ' resentative of the Christian Leb-
! KERNEL l East envoy Donald Rumsfeld con— U.S. F—14 jets based on the carrier anese Forces militia boycotted the
a ar e ec ors , ferred W‘th President Amin Gem- Dwight D. Eisenhower offshore flew Monday meeting of a four-man mili-
CLASSIFIEDS' aye] and (op aides in Beirut reconnaissance missions over Beirut tary committee set up to oversee the
S Rumsfeld, who arrived Sunda , is and nearb S 'ancontrolled moun- cease-fire agreement.
y As lowas 118- g y H"
, . X
. . Downtown Pll .
Ma Park free at . . _ ‘ Thisisnetatest!
‘ . . our back door , ’ G ET IT .
e 6 er . TOG ETH ER
. ' 1 Cook.“ .
- . m WITH COLOR i
F1 Sh a Pom
33 ~ A GIFT U ' I"."' rats! Ct
11 MS k: . up s-na
, lllllllll
Will be given to UK students pen. 89 ®®él
e ‘- ’97-‘1—
Faculty, Staff and their spouses at the Student Terc muse «y 2 2000263 ‘
. . y , n .
Health Servnce (Medical Center) Annex 4 / °°' "m" °5 ° OOOGQ' IO
Across Rose St. from University Hospital ., H. _ '
“’~\ @0900
West. NOV. ‘6 & Thurs., NOV. 17 mmmnm / P- I 00.05 ’
10 A M 2 P M “mum"... “MM...“ Illa "n ooooo
. fl . . liegerrhbiqlsrssethsslwritieg egg. m'
CHARGE: Student with the healthfee 84.00 m m “a peiat. Sa
cartlls sail. w 0 90 09 9 w
Faculty, Staff, Spouses, and UK Students m ! so a 0 9 (a W
' n. 3700 M,.m“""""°‘“"' » sc
without the hen l fee. . M Asdbsstsfall...yos'll Tuesday 0
wheelsd. ,
’ %*.;* m‘“ 5'00 psms- 8:30plms l'hlslsyour frl
IMPORTANT aim-'7. «"332» ' . y ' mum-"m m. '9
‘ ‘ ~ " -’ 09 Yelt- te your adviser t ..
< y i $3. Buys All ................. ..
:“ ‘“*W""M7e'*u ‘Mxfiu"‘z’ "117.1234" ’ thlseut—tltenhe F'
smm~ ‘
Annual vaccination is stron I recommended for individuals ” “KW“ ’he ._\ The P1218 mmnmmhm U-
, 9 y _’ »- ‘1 -",».I.-.'e.~.e:= .. '5ng geffl'flgVLf ‘ . ' 3 w . 39
with diabetes. those with chronic heart. lung, renal and other ; . r _ s of“ v . p; H I u. 88
debilitating disorders. Older persons, especially those over 65 . hwy j gi‘v; r' _. Pasta And "" BfOOdWOY . -
years and persons providing essential community services are 32-; p '"' "y S; 9233*?" "“ “ " j I g R .c 1
also advised to consider annual vaccination. Influenza veccina- gm“ -‘ infirm“ __._. s lad W“ "" ln
. tion will not be given at the Health Service to pregnanlwomsn " "~71" " sW""T’7 stew ”' w a c t '
or anyone who is allergic to eggs, chicken or feathers. UNIVlanY IOOK 51’0“! ‘E' Norm Pm _‘ _*’ fri
OW E Show
N Student Center You can Eat! 3 cm” 31.35.an I
Kennedy's look Store 2mm ”7'63” .
l I, . , . ._____._.__g

. d ____________._———————————-——————-’"——___———-—-—————— ___ - __.----.--- A __ _. - _, ,, , .
/ .04" J film's-u
A . - -
0." w '10".
involve- M4; .. . —.;.;T'-‘—;___";_.__._—‘;——;—;L.fl:s
~ action
in King ‘ 0 9 9 ' ' 9
an 1 s non-v10 once may p ay into government 8 hands
: ml lndia Night, a program of Indian ———_——_—— C1885 people. Bntmneducated law his very large following Hut him “and haul a \i'iww. .:. ~ -::.:. ir..i.. t:-.' 1:. ‘luflnu, ...3_.... : :.-
. ed culture and philosophy, will be pre yen. landlords and industrialists could he hope to change the explicit and itk- "..'.l..(.\\l‘.l\\ .. \m: .~i.. .m- -~ .s' ,... . he . ..,
ormflis serited tomorrow at 5 PJH- "I "w AWiM 39ml 8 Initially. and lb? CIISS 11nd ly opprusive condition of the land ll\t‘l ulx ilf»lt'lu1"u ‘~ -1I~ -. 'ti ~t"..‘..rv~' .’\ ‘!u~' ., ~ ‘ u' ' a 4
" taki Student Center Grand Ballroom. The MJAGOPAL mediately below the British them- las "untouchables without clung i‘ ninth Mm: \r‘l A'ul' «m aim .’.:~'. -r\
C [n8 event is sponsored by the Indian Stu- selva, they piled the least threat to ing their matenal H‘lallt‘b with the all iinli .in «-\.u-.~.ti..- as '3.» -.tz.i.;m iv 2hr ' .:v s . or s ,,.i.-1
. er. dent Association, the International theBfitish government in termsofa upper caste landltxds" l‘l initl‘f'ldlhlii .~ turtrnint .n 'hr .u .I humane- m: v"‘n' .. .i... z
8 Students and Scholars Office, and Violentuprising The film not only does not raise