xt70vt1gmm6w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70vt1gmm6w/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1983-11-10 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 10, 1983 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 10, 1983 1983 1983-11-10 2020 true xt70vt1gmm6w section xt70vt1gmm6w l
_______.._ __ ______._ ______.______________________.___._______.____.___ -_._____..____.._____. __....________. - _____ was“- .
‘ Wilma: WI.“ . ~ WJMW Kentucky Imam-l”! - m, ~ in
'0 V G l lk d' h K ’
- overnor-e ect ta 5 to me la an out entucky s government
By EVERETT J. MITCHELL ll " '— mendous amount of work to do in a - ' ' ' " " "‘“”“ r" ‘ ' '"I’P- . ..
Senior Staff Writer and very short time. in four weeks. the .. , . _ , . ' l
ANGELOB. HENDERSON , inauguration will take place. Then. - - - “ P ”i .20! -“””<’ _v ,
Senior StaffWriter. ELECTION 33 in less than four weeks the General verl' exciting (limos III . "Q‘ ‘
Assembly will convene ' . ‘
FRANKFORT —- Martha Layne “We know what we want to ac- store/or Iht’pt’o/l/t’ of .
Collins “hit the ground running" on _ complish. We have programs that [\t’lllllt'kl' . . .
her first day as governor-elect of the By defeating Republican state we intend to propose and other steps - ‘ .. :
Commonwealth with an early mom- Sen. .lim Bunning, Collins will suc- we will take to move this adminls- Martha Layne ('ollins.
ing television talk show and a press ceed Gov. John Y. Brown Jr.. who tration off to a fast and productive ~ . .
conference. could not seek reelection became of start.“ (’0 ‘ ernor-elect . -..V . .
After the inaugural. Collins. 46, statelaw. Collins said she intends to spend ~— V '
will become the nation‘s only “Both of us are determined to the rest of the week on the job put- pect a woman governor to he scruti -. "
woman governor and only the third make the transition as smooth and tingtheadministration together nlzed very closely " V J .. w ~ _
woman ever elected governor with- orderly as possible." Collins said, .. . . .. . .. . , She responded Similarl) to a does W . . .
out succeeding her husband. “Gov. Brown told me that he will entlliurgigcic‘i‘c‘catsi’s]: féie {tortns‘oirlli tion concerning a p(l\.\'lt)lt' Vice-pres- V V 1
With 98 percent of the vote in, Col- make the full resources of his office ve exciting things in store for the idential bid w W
lins had 525,150 votes, or 54 percent, and his administration available to ryle of Kentuck .. "I don‘t cross ant bridges till the ‘
to 431,200, or 45 percent for Bunning. assist in the transition. I appreciate peop y. time comes nor do I burn {ht-tit"
Independent Nicholas McCubbin ran his assistance and cooperation.“ As a woman governor. Collins said she said '2 , .i - , .
adistant third. Collins said she will start today she expects to be scrutinized very “I‘m going to do a jot) for the poo . ~ .
Collins appeared on the ABC-TV developing detailed plans for the closely. Saying her campaign was ple of Kentucky as their governor," ”
program “Good Morning America” change. not based on a gender issue. Collins Collins said “We‘re hitting the r»:- ‘ _
and later held a press conference at ”I expect to have an announce- deemphasized the subject during her ground and we‘re starting \cr) t .V , ‘_ ‘ i
the State Capitol building in Frank- ment to make concerning the mem- national television appearance. early and vie t' running We haw a :‘Q { 1... . , t
fort where she discussed plans for bers of my transition team very On “Good Morning. America." lot of work to do in a very short pt- “'" .. ‘ ~- ’ ’
the administrative transition. shortly," she said. “We have a tre~ however. Collins said, "l really ex- riod of time " \I All I "A l A\ \l ( HI I l\\ _
o o o o ' , '
Collins’ skillful campaign Wins her governor’ 5 seat I L") T"'“""
. ‘ , . . . . .
Inept campaign of Republican opponent may have propelled Democratic candidate to WCIOI')’ to perform
By HERBERTSPAEROW evidence in her campaign ty to fill in for him making And in a state \HLh a Demo 1 for StUdentS
Assoc1ated Press Writer against Bunning. many valuable contacts and cratlc edgi- in registered voters
ANALYSIS Even before Bunning jumped friends along the way of nearly 2 to t that was hard
FRANKFORT _ Hard work, into the gubernatorial ring last Collins also reached into her if not ltntmsiblc for Hunntng.
persistence and an organizatio— — spring. Collins already had orga- bag of experience Within the making his first race for
nal skill that goes back to her from a Bunning campaign that nizations in nearly all Of the Democratic state party orgamza statt'Widt-offict- toovercome
days as a school teacher helped at times was baffling in its inep- state‘s 120 counties. And she tion to pull together a united V .
propel Martha Layne Collins into titude. gave peronal attention to those front following a sometimes dl\'l' (”mm at“, benefited greatly i
the Kentucky's govemor’s chair. Collins cut her teeth on politics organizations. often noting dur- sive primary against lmnswllr from the fund raising abilities or
A knack for raising money at a at the precinct level while work- mg the campaign that she had Mayor Harvey Sloane and for- he, imam,” p,” who was an...
record clip and a campaign that ing in the gubernatorial cam- beentoa11120counties mer Human Resources Secretary to build he, a record M" (th ‘L"
made virtually no tactical errors paign of Wendell Ford in 1971. Collins also was adept during Grady Stumbo that approached the :5 million t‘ ' .
also played a part in Collins’ Even then she displayed a will- the [33$t four years 0‘ taking ad- She let the heal Ol Postprlma mark for both the prlnlar\ and Q I ' .
easy victory in Tuesday’s elec- ingness for hard work and detail vantage of Gov. John Y. Brown ry passion die down. then grad» general (.lwmm ' ‘ h
tion over Republican Jim Bun- that have marked her steady rise Jr‘s disdain for the traditional ually worked on bringing the . ‘
ning. through the Kentucky political political trapings of hisoffice. Sloane and Stumbo people into \ \
Some observers also feel Col- scene. With Brown often declining her fold, Even though some of And on Tuesday. Dec 13. thr- ,
lins, a narrow victor over two Those traits and the organiza- personal “ribbon cutting" ap- the support may have been Iuke- former precinct worker will take 4 '
male opponents in the Democrat- tional knowledge Collins gained pearancos at local events. Collins warm. the Democratic Party put the oath of office as Kentucky's 0 - "
ic May primary, also benefited working for Ford were much in was quick to seize the opportuni- ona united front first woman governor ' . I
- ~ r_._______________._.__.. A mighty fortress ”W
What do you do when it world ta
. - mom comedic-mu- asks to come- and
. . Clergymen still remember Luther and the reformation work in mi omit... m. .t
’ + your facility" Well if tho- humorist
. Y r..____......~__..,_..__.__.__..___- "r“ is Lily Tomlin and the ltu‘lllt) iii the
. By ALEXCROQCH t . . ' L'K theater department. a realism
“ Senior Staff Writer ’ mg “Please come" iii heard
. . - ' ’ " ' "‘ "Lily Tomlin lh (‘0!th for a work .
x u . . ~ r— misfit.m:.r’::‘::;":.i':9ie°i;: , .. w m...” at Wt..-
\ ‘55 suffered for the Christian truth. If I . ‘l’lferrzrmn‘gt cxgwsd"?
’ ‘ '3‘ :ZrIeostgefihrtl: 3:1: 0:223:21 finite? i E Q 4 I), a very interesting coup for m. be
‘ , . . . 1 cause she's getting ready to work on
\s . > \ turtes. may God grant his spirit to I . a new Broadway shin and she
. x 5'; another O God. if Luther is . ‘ wants to try out thr- material m
g ' _ 15;. - ' - ' k g dead who will henceforth explain to ‘ _ '. . frontofsludenl audiences
g usthe Gospel? I . \i , . “College audiences ".9 her but
‘ V‘VV 3; , W —— Albrecht Duerer. after the Diet of , 1‘ * . p,“ .1. audience." Rodgers [lid 'She tell
I .., ‘ t 3% ' *3“? V Worms.1521 l ' i V» 5;;- in love wtth lzxington after playing
. ' V "I. 3"“; " - «- k a . ‘Q; here last “by lt'li also l'rr home
Though he is dead. yet he lives. I V. . j ' ‘ state so that has sanction to do
I . ' PM with it But. also. her reception at
— Phlllpp Melanchthon. 1546. =-,. r ’ . ' » the Opera Home was a highlight for
_ _ _ l w l , , .- ,. 7‘ :r. Tomlin. who outsiders herself a
. inter nights were dark in l ’ '" ”‘11“ N. salsa“? "I'Mwimmh’: '3:
. i the naked Saxon forests. Demons ' ., _,V, , ;; m" show at 7 pm Nov 14 to M
" called from the branches and leered , ‘, - and at 9 m Nov '6 After her an
: . from beneath fallen logs. And light- . V. f mm?“ the mm 09er-
“ . .. . ning ripped the veil to show the liv- V- Home last W Tomlin has con—
I ‘ ”‘8 G°d- “15 “”3"“ Wing “9 “k9 ‘ "~ tinned her tour itch.- this Satur
..~ .. . . thunderheads against’ all unrigh- 7" day in Chicago
. . WW” and WW!“ ”“98 She will also pertorm at the Ken-
. .... . me” Tnecornlnaludee Chm“ tuckyCenterlortheArtainWs—
. ,, — scowled from has rainbow. Who may ‘MARTIN LITHER' B\ it ('ASfRAVM‘H vi". wmchmmi..¢
. standwhen Heappears? 'Her MN MW Ml
if .,1 On this Martinmas Eve. NOV. 10, SWIHICI IIW u." UNM‘Y d
‘ ' ‘ ' ‘ . in the year of our Lord 1483, it was though psychoanalysts like Erik His Biblical suidy showed him the Kentucky and she called to l!
. g . j- j - still the Middle Ages in Saxony and Erikson have tried. Yet clearly. like light. lint through the ruin:- and w M h, ,mm ,m
" ‘ ' ‘ probably wouldbesoforever. any potential Christian. he was then St Paul. God spoke to Hm Lily Tomlin '0, a week in n",
, Q ' The Luther's sort born that day deeply troubled in spirit. the begin- through Scripture; it was St A“ deuce" mm and m“ that
, was baptized thenext morningsohe ning of a Kierkegaardian “sickness tine‘s child timing in the garden. the alter w” m the W'
' . , , V V might go to heaven if he died. He untodeath." Christ'scradle Wm”...
' ‘ ’ was named for the saint of the day. The famous Stotternheim thunder- ”He brougm the Bible out of the Tomlin m" be mm mu,
V Martin. storm at age 22 focused his amtletes closet." Raymond Huddle. pastor of um"! m collected m m,
. . -. . Martin Luther": early public life and set him to seek salvation in a Our Redeemer unheran clutch.
l- ‘ " ‘ ' . was imremarkable for his class. His monastery. on the front lines of sptr- said. "The Blble was Wm ~ “"ml‘m' 9‘" 2
father wanted him to be a lawyer. a itual stniggle. to begin dyiig There clear as spring water He thoqht
burgherandtomakesometflmof hewentthroughall thepreecribed everyoriecaildunderltandit"
his life. Luther took the count at motions to make himself right with
suidyforthiavocation. ble m God—tofindagraciom God,0ne ®
His face in account , wholovedhim. , . W .3, M,
scores of portnlts were painted of Jane Kramer. in a “better from he can get an idea of Lu— ”flQw "4 3:? a l .
him. One of the finest in by Lucas Europe" in a recent New Yorker ther's jamy from neuron-pair to ‘ " t» ‘ ' tit "‘43" 3
Cranach. It is dated 1525. after his magazine. described the uitherm “MW. 1,, m, a, m m ML : ft... .x it??? a .
break with Rome, the radical re- St. Michaela church in Hamburg” kmwn hymns. which goes sane- ”W w“ g ”Q 4': 7..
' _ formers. the 'rebel peasants. and “a little like the ‘graciou God“ that museum: isj’fif‘fif‘:
Erasmus and the “Gunman" hu- Martin hither spent his first to on. from docp dlflreu i cry to ETHYQ‘5""YW “'55
manists. The late Sir Kenneth Clark years as an Augustinian monk try- Thu. .7 I” .. .5. ’
_ described him “with a coarse peu- ing to describe — gave on the out- Lord God. hear me calling. LV Q, ‘3- ;»“
ant's jaw and the brow of Miche side but at the imide full of warmth Tum Thygract’ou eartome. m Mg; ' ”M _’ Q .
W0." Indhdlt.” Andliwmwrtomy MIMI “I ' "W" " m' “4:! ’W’ '
Robert McLaren has published I But Luther's attempts to win over For urhou wrclonotl 3., . . V , i ‘
Inndwritlng analyslsln theOctoba' Godbytryingturder onlydeepened Whatainandovtl'adono.
issue of Chrutlanity Today. can in some of guilt. modem-q, fail- Lord who could stand before That?
mummy-mm. lu- mandaln.flehatedGod.
the was notional. opinionated. an Partially. howeva. be advanced Nothing else than my you and
_ energetic W with an active in In reliant- career. He was or- mercy WWWW
l.D.VANW&-ff intuit-tion; he had I W. memtwammdapm Gouforglwmalorourgtm Wt. ." f
Fine lines blunt. mm mm. martin: to tour at theology and the Bible. He Allwecondotauorthuu ; wmfih
"clam. rammed an academic for the nest Emtnthebutoluvtu .. anagrams» it ..
Ed Black. a UK wpcntry employee. appears to be absorbed 0' NI We. m W“. m 0' Bolorcrhummmboau. "3:“? . ‘ , . to
- in his work on the backstop of a tennis court on South cam- m :1ng Ouch and inn-Let: 2::rnxlahouuhc'mdmmb“ at .1 -
- - [m M, v. x. , L. '1‘; 4-,... L... .
pus yesterday. Hesaidtheold woodwasrottingaway. be M of II: N cu- m be libs. M not. "hr yr . .. k 1‘ ‘
not really be W. al- Mulmw," Serircruer-or‘ ‘* .1 "“3” ”l“

mm” .
N “I m, 1" 1.:
\ Hear' at . ‘ .
lng imp ' ‘ ‘ ~
_ airmen
2 W“ “Amman ts are mare SeriOus than
‘ - » man
hearing ' ' - y e -
1.5:“ nun-1mm: h. "W“"md' ‘ “9““ mi N p Ople r eallze, doctor .50
M v W ‘ : ' V A
across m. m“ *0 mm c" “' scholar ‘ WM. 3 “m", m. mix... "V9 loss. m, y 5
union people . agreed (ha v ‘ an - hams -neu.
”fl” v 18 I mmh m I ma)“- t hug-i“ I“! . banal [ml-ins [“3 and f 'If adOlm .
realize “an” than m “’9 “Bel' Noblem among the ‘5 lam dd 10“. The “m' (in-ecu '5 em are
Mum?) low-ding u, 14:;th G "VF emedtmnmmd elderly. w,“ ecu m comm? preva- can: 3" after. they an lczwcked 7
w'm’ r D" death. said “1:23 3 NW college . NW md'd'f’c‘Q‘d- ve and hm‘WiIamZ-lgéflcam Wm;
- 02:?" m mm. .. “mmmrmww mas: ”WWW .0... “i“ 6.13% 3ng
dc“ I and mafia [Emma lil“W’Ildxni l-1 in "Mani. but don' new“. whicyffom “We to” Md returh at” m m9;
0 ' pOKe 'nudl r. M tn, heflid t mw- cannot be the Ear . Mtda m .
~u’ m; mt can I” y “1 “Hearing . “t d ‘1” WV. any. “Yul.” m . [mm hen {Hague m0“! y, “Id.
\ canyon find mudwhe ”‘dGreen's 8" When much more .- . “he with w misc); .e‘ 8 Women;
was help?" The disc _re on the Speech Was inform - Green sa'd 'Sniflcam prob] a extreme] loud “fulve exposure
\ 5M by “881011 , cam and . (Ive hes . l about s cm,” prob] y now he . to
Wm "B Damv heal “18 I“; prevent)“ WINS, awry-neur- l em Can be ’ said. This
' an Wham? we“ as the differenoi The a :{Tlong inmlfialmmmmtely
Green defined ' . ”’0 ma‘ ei"volvedwi m and
heart - un ' 10" Causes f . thtlremiy p00-
38 m “a 1m im Gm“, also , Went are Or bean nary.
anism w .e ‘0 the hearings 9'“ SOry and $10er of noises and - ”Wyn to 103 “90831 surge
hlch mxh. COmm . In“! men- mic m ” hen . ry can ml .
ca ‘38 a difficulg - pmflm at the “mauve disorders Cotnes ‘0 noise t, . 581d. When it nng aids are the P at tuna, .0
y 1“ explained UK Medical Ce to prevcnt ' 13 most imPOrta and useful WM of most effecfive ‘0.-
the four t nter. sa-d .. the prob] ,. m ods he ' °°necti
was of hearing nolt . SWBery and magi, . Green hav'e nfund. “In the last 20% man.
BE S TYPE help," Catmn will who czlfiinmt into half dmgurs,ll Va
- . ' H no be M] MD e
for all your ty fling need C 0 u e . m8 and. he said. ped by a heap W
257:?” 8 118 lm mo.
. C
33' KEN PAYN g cent f " G
Reporter E er I“ S a Ile w h “Cm-um I
Th's' College life can be . _ said1c or personal aspects of u, - . ome
|Slim . tut! AniN‘l’lo a myriad of difficult Stu de Th elr meg, Dutt .
n" N: bad . Pmblems ._ m5 face e center direcm of
nun study: - from de - - w was Started' . r the ce
'ONAI. s - ng habits and . 81mg Wlth 3" 11 v t m 1948 lea - nter and
moist; emOtlonal chaos e eFans ca When Wo mine Sknls supervisor
YOu are F:Cuuy ‘ STAFF ' problems Muir-ins cmgwnsaelcamr w 31:“: comm!" aboutiuihback t° "‘8 0mg: ”Students femM'Wd 0‘ the
. , Cor ioll - . ins. e ero eir futur hi y learned
"$033355“ for???“ Thanksgixgeg- to attend on In thw‘th "‘6 aim of h 1 Sc"‘The laienmggmfidflege‘heesgilgm and "3:2, firm?“ they exver:how tpms Lil”
‘ ' ' . ' ' e ping 5t d lences _ ~ ‘te, dea ' hard ey have to -
English 10 b r. °Y. Nov, 25 . "War 8 Presento. at? PTOblems th 11 ems co . T . . ”mbllshed n of Arts & er Wits and read mac
1-002 ° "° c“urge f0 °' 6‘00 Pm Th semce Whi n’ e Cmeling and pe w.“ ”“8 Center to h the CounSelm than to 'ust 3” re‘luinred z "‘k‘
ho r "19 meal ‘ ere will in Fr ’ C has been rec Testmg nal inter elp veterans . g apd abo J memofize _ 0 do "I".e
W33? “5 ~13va I Olly ‘00 Se0's :2: Presemafion‘ and pzxzsegmlilacllo‘,lmomirs wmfisgyvgofated Buae’a” ifpfigngirnovme c°m52?(if°:octflg& 1:! Xfiit‘itgygemofimufzhzziedm .
pic u available said Lo ~ eing 565' 1Ohm ttsaid 8 Personal e Skill ewnsel’ -
3 gan'l' the S'Udem p YOur fserv r _ SC mse Dun , 10m to Stud ~ prObleInS n S, the cente . mg m lamina
Came .- , ° '°" 'Icket Center‘ The ' 8555mm di ems, V ‘ ' f°r most :- provlm a t to - .
©®®@© f ICke' thCe_ 5 01 p” ams ”‘03:?er also proVidegegzgl-d 0f Fhe helgcsiflgnal sessions offered b All 18:50:13? Offered at me amcengsemCe
.900 . 0 3 BA bad StUdy habits er to help students “3;,ng Students Tfhgsfrom freshmenytcfh; cgnter confidential “gig; "flows are conlstiy.
n O ' e reer Choic e 3 "Wm , a “ate “’mtenco ° 3’ be re] med
.. 05. he ‘ ““d pOSS‘b merit“the used with
@0090 0| Eye 1 a The Prima _ for those Studentssald' Personal “$511)": ca— 1 All .COUDSeling witMenL Taylor am
6.90 0 0 a Buy 0 > sses (York “’i‘h “gnaw?" 0‘ the center is to and sometimfi mafia? have ””0““ swag figueng "mam 211?;E (:2: a few 0‘ the
‘ ‘ ‘ . w u . ’ ar
@0990 o ”9 f dlr bet Aflother p . mam pertaining :3 3:23:21?“ am“ inggflglprimary functigffnons' “‘9 Prosrznfxsemffiammmg antiohnosswenem‘s'
86"” FREE 1m °“"" toleamié’mmtoteaiiesmzzygeam- Wemm‘ehsopexeézrfsmm ‘
eam‘n [1 ho . 0 SC 8.111, to .
@099 Kmm’muky S I" Peg Tam” assis‘al: °’ ‘°r general in“ ‘3 counseling g!“-
6300 0 ‘ son Co , ‘ Jungé’" lan'baCke “Wm“ “flags???“ “33
O 909 n 0C? Le d b l 01.
. n 5 By El
@9093 g s 5 9 es mung»... mt”. re e s attack PI
0 p Iete “Muck Of TBIPOLI Debanmer ma 0
o u f L‘Xlngtor; Syna raineh hundrggs— Palatinian rebel mg? “’0‘” lOyalims in“, .
mm W ,Ky, 59’.Arafat’s 1 . 0‘ Shells On p s.backed b e EaSt — Tripo‘ "‘5’" last smug,m .
We'lmm n W is nenng mmmTfigolthddle EaSt basticlfi? Chan-man Yasy Egg" 1’000 peOple hat}; miles north 0‘ 3w]: 1:) the
. Th land" - . yesterda ~ ' an No , . ' - t. M
1:1...mmmlvvw o p t | c it?!“ oh”, grgaiigggnbfiggge pre;%%fl3thhéslgalltleastf0r a trgc’e'cor‘ ofThe ”gel: fifi‘gdxlrgafto ”flag? the fights;
ON. ou'_”':nfl" Co isB" a duflig m e besieged Bad: {Fom ViSiting 10 e? me Liberalidn rebvzreStmg a hOmeland at has be‘rayed the , ,
“comm,” I m Plaza Rose & EU | W”. V08,“ 312:: $0“ from rrglinrgeff‘i’f: camgaéiisfi‘fldgfis 35‘ wanimhfizgibeen deceixfrgmbfirgel: Arafat 511319,;5‘3;
Wm y' ~ mm m 385”“ Robbins c Id mg, ,“lii'gm But, karat ' - hung “er the partially" Syria denigitmfpw' “18' We" he says I
'16. 2532361 ‘ Mm gowns the strgtlstegnmaimed supporter; . h $20315 {in north ”£3352; in the mUtiny but S
' romr be] . 8 Cha ‘ m 05- “meets - ve bee ' yrian
347 Southland Driv Wm“ mmih£¢£££i§2f$d 33%;? :{hile 3313?; affirm rep3$§figsfmma§ W’ “m
”There‘ F '50“ “a y Slam l'°ne0us b 118 Ara: t
LWOXIW to 8 been no me. med the com madcaSt re a and him
2375 40511 ' Ky‘ wld ”WM” who {3:10ng ‘.“ ‘alks an h ,, 0n try' "9 ShMed: “3°" T" Y that he mam:
. herehe Owed h] YW ere Ar TUCSda 0uhdiv . d fled
. . The ”gunned with Patientsm to .me Islamic 'Hos fifat death in my,uAra{at abandonedfig'“! ’
5361p” mes- mu‘ineers hav and Signed autOgr pita], of munici p0 ’ saying he Was Voxy to fight to the
. e ChaSed mos aPhS. off pal leaders t “M to
Pl 1 '93,! $15 t°f Arafat‘s - eredtOSto f“ - .0 Spare the 't the plus
'”‘°’ mEIIIfl 5'“ at" The "“1th 1mm“ "‘6 rebels diel y 8' bloommu: a
mailed ““W ‘nm "Em shells an *5 responded d.- ' e
OSt K a m .;;»C‘ j. I Him mm tens“ 'nd rockets 0n Arafat, by ralning hm
On ”my K ' k :9; 2“ u" ”Am . m In.“ In 31 gme barrage yfiter s feminine ”it ’Of
5 is ”In,“ 9m“ 3%» é ~ , ‘° 31 masons. Official ““1 ‘°“" “"
.\.-- by :2: ~11 : “'wvdm-amgm. s1 vs 9y "0‘ be identified 5.0““6 Who spok
‘ “Huan- WW ”an,“ ,, ;~. I gummy :“ 3:123“ worked with 55"” mediators {,0an °°ndition
o w g I ‘ a o ISS"(I) ”has . PLO l yrian 0 . m
RlChard H 413 imm'wb ’ ' 1:51:31 3mm o, a sald rebels 8:33;: to end megfighe‘tm'melg officials an:
' ‘yn Ian Park, an?“ Air rum 3:“ *°"°w53;'":?;'°g .. . T323: leaves Lebanon anal“0t “We to a mm,“ m
”1 C 011C 1 - '- vlllg X 9031‘3L73."‘°'9" w..'h";',°§“ drug Arafat has not ever return-i e“ Arafat
Lrt \y H K John" on", sand rammed
I , l 1 the ”My m1§ Lad...“ ' U" ' to the demands the
, \ \ ¥ . . ." ‘ 0V" 18 51’1qu M'dm M ’
. . HM \ bl we .. a. m
‘ ‘ K I ' l I ' ‘ ‘ Mann 0.: a O .
i ( (“\H-{fi / 1 l 1\ i l IIIQI 1 lk‘ UNY IV nunhlm 9 P '0 vh... omlln
l ‘ I (a .d . ‘
I t k, \Illng INHK u” CHEVY CHASE . (,‘Ominuedf
! I: a «l 1&2 - ' _ > . ‘ mm Page one
f “c dyr NOVClnl * 269 6302 Rusty James m‘l‘eh‘:w°"“°"“Program "Rods
‘ 8 ) . )er 1 1 STUDENT PR ,' 55:.2”   Can't live sa .5 really interestin’ n “$53“!-
. I \ 8 ‘; Ice u ys L11 . 8 he
' Q " 1' L.K (‘ . . I ’ ~ “TER 6m :11 75 R . " » to his broth 1), and “my Tomlm’ on the’top “sand of the program ..
I . 1 ntt‘l' f Ul‘ ”1 C \ . CHEVV CHASE ; -. .5- re . er 3 'Works isngrme third line What]; Reading, on the-”2t
I I It“ CHEVY .. g, . Putatwn. with ‘ . W' with ’ ‘s the bi88ml: '
; CHASE . . .. Hts b ‘ 8 c on topofit So _ an X through the ‘ , . ream
} In 1| . m 23 . "Other Can’t ‘she wants . .ltthenbeco . 8 and ‘r’
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Volleyball Kats fall Basketball Cats catch
‘ O 0
second straight time college-bound players
O b , .
to Japanese quickness . , of multiple talents
‘ 34
they. .__.V. ..._ . , A_-,_.. .
Seruor Staff Writer .6 ; _~ :4 infill? ‘- Andy
Getting beat is never fun, but there is always some '5 V DUMSTORF
goodif somethingislearned from it. _ r»?
And as such. the volleyball Lady Kats took a lesson in ‘3 _—
I quickness last night in Memorial Coliseum from a tiny J V i
. Japanesesquad — translated into English. make that , .1 ' ’ ttnw again l'h’ has ltimt national high at tn»: tum-t
mightymltes . " “ _ hall prmpn'ts a“) lmm all thr MM mat-tr nilrgr
Gn’mu With an average height of around 5-7. the Japanese ‘ - . ,W {11% . .‘ :12“ and [\rrsuadfll than in sign still the l h lulll
team, representing the Ito-Yokado supermarket chain, ' .. .~. z,
took the Rats in three for the second consecutive night, "1 . it seems that for thr put lrvi mm Jan ll tint: .iml
this time 15-7, 15-7, 15-3. UK was also beaten 'hlesday b ' "r " \. his stall hau- managtsl tit gam mitt-nit v'uugiiiliut: l-\
y 4. s.
thesame team at Bellarmine Collegeinlouisville. *f _. . \ signing top mitt-gr ptcltn \Ihlt‘h rluhlm thrill in point .t
. the _ . . . 4 \ dynasty here in the stall- of Krnturlti and in thu- ritlirr
The Kats relatively towering stature worried Japa~ ' a. natitltusuell
. in nose head coach Kazuo Sakaue, speaking through inter- ‘ '
col- preter Keisuke Sakai. . Hence the signing til lhrm‘ lop plint‘l" .Ilri‘dll‘.
, take - as, ' , last year Winston Bennett of lAIll\\lllI‘ ~ \lalr lltgh
more “They have good jumps,” he said. But big UK was School win. conuncni that [It had thr ll‘llo'l lunkrllull
think outplayed in another area. . i .‘ 1- pnigriim in thr stall-
-. O f
3,. “They were a lot quicker than us." UK junior Lori * _ , tinct- again t'K has uninhtnuu-mi that in... .. .nn
rvice ErpenbeCk said. “When you’re that QUjth it doesn’t ‘ h 9 . -. . \'('r.\ll) It) signing t'i.‘ ltlf'V-Idl‘ll lit-til [tailor «if Jt‘lll'f
_ matter how tall you are. " ’ “‘ ‘ ' I ' sontmui High School
M u , lu|~ll\lll\ k: .. . Y
with If we were that quick, our team would be WW' Karolyn Kirby keeps the ball in play while worrying about what the Japanese will do ltt‘\l lll l.l\l nit-tux . TM“ “”1 t" “ “mm“ “W" “’ “‘" l'”‘"“”‘ ”"“
ble, cause we ve got thehitters. . . . Mill
_" the Erpenbeck can rightfully say that, as she was one of volleyball match m Memorial COI‘Seum' A delimit-asset mot-«l
.‘7 ts them. So was senior Karolyn Kirby, who played with Death” hit-raged ."ll potan and it» rr-liuiultla .. gain.»
' her ususal determined look, perhaps even more so thatn H o g o 0 last year for the J ann squad with a in percent \lilltl
ea")- . usual. tl t I] I ing percentage from the. field on the wasn't Hr was
pm “Our mm} was lot better tonight" Kirb 'd us lng men S ennls r0 In a ong named to lht' 3000!“ team all stair team lit-it war and
Iy a , ysal. ha. lredhren ‘lmthrlrxlt- llllli‘.
”“0“ “We were a little more ready for them knowing how By CONCEPCION LEDEZMA the best that I can,“ ‘v'arga. who "I figured someone playing at No 1,1;nuearfit-ixfiw35131p 1 mm A ~ A r "n
' d they played. Wejustneveradjtsted." Senior StaffWriter played at the No. 2 and 3 spots last 6 would be heritable Since that Its in “(imam hunhmm
As intheprevmis matchup,_theKats came out hot to season. “At the beginning of the the low position. so l just went in Six lint tun lid llairndt-r lmni limitklin \ i in
start the match, and hung With the Japanese most of Dennis Emery, the UK men‘s ten- year. I realized that the younger with that attitudi- and stayed re formed l'K that hr in would hire in pi... h.“ m m.
theway beforefallingapart. nis coach, was yelling at one of his players were looking to you to pro taxed." Andrew said "The (No . Muslims“ my...“ “1.. mm“, in cm... ”mg 5", .i. .
“They just don’t make errors," Kirby said. . . But players during practice to move his vide leadership and I really wasn't five and six positions is still up in third team high school All America tmim
we made error upon error upon error. We leameda lot feetwhilehittinghisbaselineshots. usedtoit. the air. The coach is still expert A, 3 Jun.“ “new... awn“, ,9 "mm. m," n.
an from this." Emery’s team has Mn mOthg ”I “'85 playing more uptight in the menting but I thlnk that our depth m and “VP ““3“ P" pm.- “9 N‘Nfil g',‘ punt, m _
More The downfall once again came in the last game, as its feet on the courts during this Fall start of the season. I've taken some makes those positions one of the one um.- and mm in .54 percent ul hlh ltrltutnlu and in
1 . the Japanese spent less time worrying about returning season as it improved its record to of the pressure off myself and have team‘s strengths " percent of his ”Rum", Ht- “, Hiram ”W; m
“m theballbecausetheKatsdidnotgetitoverthenet. 5-1 with a second-place finish in the handledmyresponsibilitiesbetter." Junior Mark Bailey also was a hmmmwmamgi. u'lvxtlplavlmimnie
aim “muationin EmenbeCk said. “we're jUSt “ct med South Carolina Fall Classic tourna- “Anyone would be hard pressed (0 threeqnalch winner at the No 4 A8 it [w [Int J”, 8 Will hi". .W W“) "I,“
‘_ the , tothatquickness.’_’ ment last weekend. South Carolina do as well as Paul did.“ Emery seed position, Bailey is currently In er and last ball handler in go along with lmtmun
" Sakaue was relieved that his team’s quick-foomdness won theeight-team tournament. said. “He beat two real good players a six-match winning sin-alt in Sin Jam“ gleam.“ in “arm"
“Y8 came through aftertheearly scare. “we’ve been having a real good in the tournament," glos. i'K must havt- been anticipating the nml tn hau- .n
, “I didn’t like it at all," he said. “But it was a 800d fall with a lot of good results,“ One Of the matches was a 76- 0-6. “As a team. we played real well other power toward to go lilting with Zieglur humm-
. ' game.IlikedNo.8(Kirby).Iwasimpressedwithher. Emery said. “Our guys have shown 7-5 win against South Carolina's Ri- too,“ Bailey said "In am. of my my pm“, an mum“... m” pm." m H mm",
“I'd like ‘0 have that killd 0f player. She seemed to some real good hustle. I know that if cardo Acioly. matches I felt like I played had but I Madison '
bout havealotofguts.“ . _ someone loses it won’t be because “We had a lot of three-all games." still came out of it winning and that The H 1-5133“, mum; a, ll‘ hm i..." aunt-«i
" {1 ed The first game featured the most inspired UK play of he gave 80 percent or because of Varga .said, referring to the second is pleasing “ plays mm “plow... {mm hm. pi“, and “flu“, it, ‘
the mght as Kirby. Erpenbeck and Marsha Bond coun- lackofeffort.” set which he lost 6-0, “He was hit- Emery plans to send four play?“ pom“ and 13 rem a, a yum”, m cwuwm “My,
the W the balanced Japanese attack. A5 “1 the earlier Paul Varga has hustled his way ting a lot of winners too. but I knew to the Mm" Ill lrdoor tournament School m Memphis, Tenn
' mat-Chi Japan's Hatsue Oda took charge down the into winning his last six matches at he wouldn't keep it up. After that set . . ' ., ‘ um hard I, nor thlet M m ,m. m . .,.. M,
pl“. ,, stretch'Mth he ball-dum . . Lad t d . .. . which WI” be held in Athem (.a tn 9 3 3 5UP? a H V‘ l l“ .V
. He ”a , l we 1' ngi causmg y K3 9' mEiChNo.‘ ll seedthsrmghf ”mg; mixed 3““133‘1 l 810‘ 2359;: two weeks. The tournament Mu m, allatater in W in football as well as '«shrl
. ,., ., "01F. _ w incudos ee ourna w re new c " Hall-nu. " nu eat finesse and as tho-
, of H N eEttaue said his team showed more balance than pre- wins last weekend. The junior is him." wmemSouthat calculate players #0.. Ht . gr - ow p-m‘ lm
"‘ , viously,but thatalsomeant more balanceinmistakes. emerging as one of the team leaders Varga‘s younger brother. Andrew. ‘ . ' 4mm"; .5 ,mi 3 Pity" that d"... .i all llo- ..m”... ‘1
'~ ‘3' “In terms of everything it wasn’t good," he said. after filling the spot left by the grad- made his collegiate debut in the ”This l5 Smely an inleldual 10‘" lot and gets along with everybody "
'ti “The serving receiving wasn’t good; it wasn’t going to uated Joe Leytze, who was ranked tournament by winning all three of nament. and the"? ls 8 “mil in NM Madison plays mm” M“ u w.“ m. “mum“ and
.Ara the setter right. We had maybe 30 percent serving re- nationally (