xt70vt1gmj2f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70vt1gmj2f/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1996 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, December 1996 Vol.67 No.12 text The Kentucky Press, December 1996 Vol.67 No.12 1996 1996 2019 true xt70vt1gmj2f section xt70vt1gmj2f . X: .1" ,, W .. 7 77w“ ,,,,
L ,1. . On the F (UK) scr= LEX 405 i
I « ‘ 1, lookout MARGARETIKING LIBRARY D ecember, 1996
' V Dec. 24-25 LEXINGTON KY 40 505 W
1' ~ re KPA Central Office “10“" - The Official Publication
' DMD of the Kentucky Press
'i ' " Deadline forsubmitting PERIOEWWWSPAPEHSIMIC OTEXTS
,. , ' W entries for Winter Convention * ~ . .
» .~ Photo Exhibit THE KENTUCKY DEC 2 3
i ‘ 1m 1 I I r r '
. i KPA Central Office closed I
i Jan. 23-24 I 3 '
! KPA 1997 Winter Convention 1 ' 1
i Seelbach Hotel i 1
Louisville. / , I ‘
‘ A d' kdf W'tc t' '
. Fora complete schedule of the 1997 on“? Sim’iceS- h d f th I a; '
- - ‘ar son is t e irector o e nteractii'e ‘11"‘5" - ‘a .i- .
Winter Convention, see pages 8 and 9 Media Lab at the University of Florida College D D ' 4 17' fig. ' "
By LISACARNAHAN of Journalism and Communications in L if! ‘ ‘ t
. KPA News Bureau Gainesville and is a member of the college's ”E1 "9' ) -
The only problem with the 1997 KPA Winter journalism faculty. He has more than 20 years - "m , \ ’
Convention at this point is trying to fit every- of experience in newspaper journalism and most “‘1 ‘ . l 1 .
thing into a two-day meeting. recently worked at the Pulitzer Prize-winning - _, . U‘_ _ i ' ‘.
Those who are fortunate enough to escape Albuquerque Tribune where he was founding , .Q ' '-—- , 1
their newspaper offices for the entire conven- editor-and designer Of The Electronic Trib, an t" : . '-». l 1
tion will have an array of beneficial workshops early interactive newspaper. It was one 9f tWO ‘ 1 ’ " . '11 I
and information-packed meetings to attend. newspaper-operated electronic systems In the '~ W" ' "‘ .1
If you're puzzled by all the commotion and world when 1t.was 1311110th 1“ 1990- _ . j. .
fuss over the World Wide Web, Internet, home , He and ms students launched th‘? firs? JOUF— _ e.- .. .
Pages and online services, you can find the 331158“ 311; fihn‘V‘éhelll‘U m we World \IZ‘N nu,- .z. . - ”I" ; v. 11
1 answers ThUFSdai’, Jan. 23 In a WOFkShOP BPPTO- . cm $3 93 an t eylcodntinuse woaNlEg‘sn fir David Carlson, director of the Interactive Media ‘ I ‘
Prlately named 'Internet 101-" The four-hour 10“? e proleas’ me u mg ‘m' 96 3" Lab at the University of Florida in Gainesville ,
- ~ 11 se ma azme Sun.ONE Web and others. . . . ’ . ,
seminar, from 1 pm. to 5 pm, Will be present- 9C p g ’ wnll lead an Internet semInar at the conventIon "
ed by David Carlson, a leader in the world of See CONVENTION, page9 entitled, “Internet 101.” 1 .
' o o c
. V \ a
Hatfield named Commltments for trainln g programs / ‘ \
' t0 NNA pOSl t f b h b ° ‘
Guy Hatfield, COI I 16 011 O CDC , 31', prSS lll€€tlng '
publisher 0f the . -~ I ' ' the Kentucky Press Association, Kentucky Broadcasters
"' Citizen Voice & A“ New reporters laCk Of tralnlng on court Association, the Association of Criminal Defense attor- ‘ "
ailmesbln'irri‘e, and § 1; 1": i proceedlngs Clted as major concern neys an the 1fiar Association tohfbmiuliiteéa traéning pro- -1 .
ay ity imes, ? gram or roo ie reporters on t e met 0 s an require- 1 .
Stanton, has been By LISA CARNAHAN ments of the judicial system.
’ named NNA state _ KPA News Bureau- . _ In addition. Stephens said he would also move, to .
chairman for k . They came .v1ew1ng themselves as adversaries Wlth have the AOC include the news media in its training pro» *
Kentuck ' irreconmlable differences. They left acknowledging that grams for district and circuit court judges.
' H f): h _ h while the adversarial role may always be true, there can And in response to an irritation of not only the news ;
atield as been m t e newspa- a working relationship through open lines 0f communica- media but the public as well, Stephens said "as soon as
per busmess over 20 years, mic? he t10h~ he had the votes" he would promulgate an order to open ‘
,, started what was then The Citizen "Hacking at the Irritations" was designed to ease diS- up to public scrutiny the disciplinary proceedings of '/
_ Voice in 1973. He has won first place temper between members of the bench, bar and news lawyers and judges, The chief justice said he would rec- ‘ ,
- awards for feature writing, sports writ- media in Kentucky. The two-day conference was spon— ommend this be done after the charge has cleared the tri- i
, ing, investigative reporting, editorial sored by the University of Louisville's Center for burial of inquiry process, which is similar to a grandjury
writing and photography from the Humanities and Civic Leadership, College of Arts and indictment.
Kentucky Press Association. Sciences, in association with the Administrative Office of Stephens said a continuing dialogue between repre-
the Courts (AOC). sentatives of the bench, bar and press was vital. He said
. He replaces Max Heath, who has . . . . . . .
- The focus of the conference was to an irritations and even though the parties involved may not come away
served as state chairman for the past . . . . . ‘. .1 .-
1 b h ite misconceptions between Judges, lawyers and the news from the conversation convmced of the other sides posi-
' severa years I“ gave up t e post a r media and to discuss suggestions to ease or remove the tion, communication itself was the key. _
_ being elected to the NNA Board Of tension. The need for communication between the three sides
', Directors. ‘ 1 Unlike some meetings in which participants may was expressed by all the more than 20 participants with 1
. Hatfields appomtment was made come away with a better understanding of the given several saying they planned t0 take the concept (If. meet-
, by NNA chairman Roy Eaton, publish- topic but nothing substantiative, three commitments ings between the bench-bar and press back home.
. er of the Wise County Messenger, were made by Supreme Court Chief Justice Robert RussellPowell, editor. of The Daily Independent.
’1 Decatur, TX, on the recommendation of Stephens. Ashland, said Similar meetings had been done Involving
’. . In an attempt to address one of the chief concerns of h“ paper 5 staff but only on an ad hoc has”
See HATFIELD, page 15 all three sides, Stephens said the AOC would work with See TRAINING. page 7
1’ ‘ '1- t” ‘ '- .‘ ' fl "i - ., ' i . V M \" ”““*YW“Wwifi“so—v¢am ”Mew-1’" ’ '-" _‘ . f “‘ _‘ ’ 1"" M" ‘1’." I- ~'-~~~~ nu tench ‘ t~ “ --"~ ' “ ‘ . '
Vt“. ~ ' .\ . Li...’ . '. 1. .f‘ ., -_~‘._, ; .- ._ K _.'« t. ". 1 z r ‘1 ‘ 1
_1 ’I\ _. 1 _ .5 i - .'- .l’ . ~ 1 vi. s S ‘1 ,. - 1 , a , , .

 Page 2 - The Kentucky Press, December, 1996
Herald-LeadCr names for The Fourier-Journal and for- Daily Record in Portage, Wis. County weekly.
. nierly worked in the paper's McCarty is currently undergo- Barnes, who has worked in vari-
tWO t0 Cdltor posts Hazard and Frankfort bureaus. He ing,r training and meeting advertis- ous newspaper departments during
Th L . t ..__,,, ,,,,. it a graduate of University of ing customers. He and his wife, her career, became news editor in
H 'ldeL 3X1”: on ‘ Kentucky. Naomi, live in Bourbon County 1987. As news editor, Barnes led a
nckxi‘dcit- :35): (1:; 2: ? 0'00},er joined the Herald- where she is employed at Elmendorf four-person news team in covering,r
* ' ' i t z . . u . a
new suite editor j, Leader staff in October and Voskuhl Farm. “9W5 1“ Harrison County.
Mary O'Doherty 4‘; ; started in November. _ .
is city editor. She ' \ C d Frakes to head sports Nelson accepts posmon
comes from The s 7 MC art name , - - ~ , - ,, ,
Louisville Courier-.. h , . y staff in Bowling Green atDanv1lle, Simpson takes
zWWM‘hI ' man’r ‘ . -. .. , - ..
Jf)ll‘rn 11 litre s ( O‘DOHERTY Cynthland ad 32:6 Sports writer Jason l'rakt s has OVCI‘ mlgns d1 PLlldbld Week
“11> an abblbtant M -_w___,,...,. William M. McCartv has been been named sports editor of the _
neighborhoods editor‘ f ~ Bowling Green Daily NCWs. He Day—to-day operations at
. ‘ named advertising manager of The _ ~ . P l k' W ‘ )k .11 l . t *d
and 13”vale a (‘vnthiana Democrat and Harrison replaces longtime sports editor Joe u as 1 ft W1 _ )‘ “mt 0"”
reporter. She is a ‘ . Si] _ ‘M( t , :‘3 M Q ~ ‘t Medley, who has accepted a position Jan. 1 to Stuart Simpson, current .
' graduate of Indiana ‘_ ‘ ‘ ”M“ r. ‘ L or 5‘ J‘ ‘ “‘1‘ mos 'it the Annigum (Al'i tth managing,r editor and co-publisher.
. ., ,- , 3'. recently emploved :it the ‘ ‘ f‘ " ‘ ‘ q- . . . , , - ,
Lnixerslt}. W' ‘ 1 S 15‘. }' h‘ Frakes. 23‘ is a graduate of Limpson will I‘Lpldtt.‘ editor and ,
Johi‘. Voskuhl C" - ”Mhpfitor ' un. 1“” to “fit“ (' Western Kentuckv Universitv. He publisher John Nelson, who has
has burn nampd “XL" general m {‘WUI‘T “l‘ 'lll‘“ oined the nt‘VN'flYF’lPI‘IS qtriffin' 19g; accepted an editing position with
, .7 , , ~ , . . ‘J liltlt‘ptrl‘itlt‘nt, u lb.U()0 eireutatioii l . '.‘l ‘ ' ‘ , " l 'D .-H iAi’ . ,, MV') 1)
stat: Lditor. llt also 4..-. .. y , _ . and has primarilv covered Vt estern t K ami t (\()L8t( i (ssuigtr,
1'5 a former rppwnm- VOSKUHL daily ll'.'\\'.~';t,.;)t‘r in Miissillrn, Ohie, “{eiituckV l‘nixersitv's women's bas- Nelson will remain a partner in
(i5 «ed as «general niimagt r of the lW‘llt‘lll‘N'W’ll ln‘ his new m“. The (mumps Group 1m.” the WW”
_-.._.m - « v _- ‘_ *~ (r ,, i
‘ q .1 ”de uill he responsible for super— rationvhitlroA ns lUl/tfilwv “H k.
e entuc )7 reSb ‘ rising the sports section ”f the and W1“ continue to l];t\;‘ input in
I ""‘W‘l‘Wl’W‘ 41ml my. “my.“ ”0“,va the operation ()1 the HO“ spaper. ‘
Thelxentuckyl‘resstlSSX—tlilltBZ-l'ispub Distritt 1;; l H r Sllllpmlll is ;: leuiYTl member (Ii. ‘
lished monthly by the Kentucky Press tilenzi 9: .mt, Manchester litter-prise ' . _ x . .. , . _ the Rt")! L.‘- in \. i’r‘er'r' .\s~1r\t‘izit ion, 3
Association/lx'eiituckv Press Serum, liit' ' l'Ln-lplUVCCS lL‘CClVC Ll\\ {U118 reim “.11.“. jglqrid H. MN} Nelson ‘
Periodical-classpostageis paid itikaoktort lien-”41.: i , ' , ‘ > .. ,I ~ .. ’ .. _ . .
- A , ‘~ ..,., . , ‘,. ‘. :~-!1-.\A:t:\>i\*\\>l‘it‘ltlt.t
K‘i «Mott! Stihst‘ni‘hoii priteis 54w: war and?» “may, yum“; \«,,.. , “)1 \Ci \‘l'\ {_f k11 (lldfifltlfi ‘ \ x l k i l
Postiinister Seiidchaiigtu‘taddreStw the : ~ ‘ . l -. LMV ‘ . hlfl‘q‘m
KL'i‘lex'lK‘V l’y-c>\ ll!1(v\ll\tl!flt~t lditr‘. tlislftfl is-rx i ""I‘rhl‘ LEM l,\""\ “I ll“ (did-\i HM ~ y
transmit Kt 43mm !~.o:»22_lfs‘<;. lull. <1 anon} l vwztiztnit ll» ' : 'Iil innit. r' l .1 I H. l H‘WN W i" 1; rm 1" 1);»in ”.1“ l()l~n]Cl KNCW \/()l.k
> ' j ,‘ V t (:I‘ ’l rit‘.'"\'ii't' W] i‘. the
' - i \1 ‘ r a. . . ' .
”MUM”? Dmidurk l)l>ll’lLl 1‘ t‘» l I)” {I f‘ ”M“ (”"ll’ _ l 1“le lllCllU C(llltll '
IN}: ”A" {Imi‘fl'munmm Tum \lo, 4 » «mi lute" «* l ‘lli'it l; i l‘illll’l".\"""‘ r“*"’§'“-""‘l “VHF-1“” . . ‘
{twitrm l 'l"*'l “735“” ”wheel-"1' ("11143 lilkCS pOSlllOll ill ( ‘J
twig: l)l‘lgklz~ltll,.'\.\|‘lillll\jl)(111‘\yllldtlpt‘lldtll‘lf 5L1“: it)! l...tf;'i'. ‘ ._ . l“r:tllt'i'.\ I? t\llt'll. t‘tllltil‘ (ll lll- l)('l)l)lt‘ ilt‘lllt‘V. l‘)rlllt'l‘l\ llll'
Rll>>l(3\\'t'll,.\‘-l‘.1t‘iiltl [mm lrinegw-mtent (:lasgov; heplihlieiiii and :i l);iil\ St ‘ . . .‘ ~ . .
, . , n .. ,,, . undm. metro editor of lhe New
I'resitientlzlwt . > . limes statt writer: Martha ilioiiios. York Tunes h“ MW“ ”mu"! ”H”
(n'ttt'lel‘t’fi,RCUH‘O‘L’T \ewsPdI‘t‘rs l‘ld RH‘L‘}'-("“tll‘immMessenger “NW7” (‘HlllDUSlIL‘I supervisor; l’iill 'l‘lHSll‘fv‘. . » I - i . t d ‘ i . ‘.
. . .. .. .iuiiie editor ot Flir- ( ouriei Journal.
‘ . ‘ publisher; Lihliv l’rottitt othtw- mart , . _ . ‘ . . ~ » , ,
. l’nstl‘resideiit (.hip llutt‘liesui‘., t'rHKL‘lUH liriie» leader U _.., ll' 1 l l l q .. r . (1V . [Vs-i u lit‘lire), d mm”) M H“ lim'mtl,
littrottwAbemiithy,()ldhamEra '15“: “Ml \l 1;.“ “‘l l (‘yrl'l‘l l" \'.i . is responsible for viavtodziy
Men Auheshzr Louisnllt t ouriei'louriizai (In-(hm “I" I “(I ”M." ‘“ Ml ‘ '\ news enverzigv in her llt. \\ f)()\l at
V1“- Prm‘lml the (‘ourier Journal. She re )ltlt‘t \-
(iii‘v’lit’ittleld,thi/el‘v I‘t'ilL‘L’JIKlTHHt’S {teem l;1h"~l)l\l\lt>!‘ Bclt‘ne\ l1'ln]C(l C(1it()r gt _ l . l l“ i l l ‘ ‘I _ l'l
. I. ‘ \g1c1)l l ‘V r‘ ‘4‘ ‘ r g ., g L (If; M ii . “X \K 10 )(\()[Il( '(lttr
mrtmtm illli‘i l" U. 3‘“. y.’ , f 1 \T 1
'lrxisiirer .. wt, , , I i “ I '1 . \-. m It ()rum‘ JD" _ ‘ .
Mitre. int-tn». Amniotthtm \etxslixpress W'Mfmmn‘ (ll Cy nthl‘m‘l DCHNXJ ‘11 llt'nll‘fi' him Worked m NW \ er‘lx‘
A .'\..l\-‘I'tt\tlty Dixismn i (“\nthiaiiai l)t‘nlti(‘l‘;tl Ht‘\\.\ edi (in? 5 lllgl'llXWHHPi"iti‘fl' llt"~‘\<[i.l}>t‘r
“37m“ , iei‘esdRe‘.lett,.\1tl.ean ““1““,ij tor Beelu ltirnes, ,1goiter(’IIIPlHY market for riix years Returw _iomin:
\Alllltl’ll\1ll'LihE‘ll,l'llllt‘7tl.(‘dtlt‘l‘ (-e of the rie\\'sp.’iper, has hm.“ The New York rlUInL‘S .i M iir 31?! _ .
Dbl’l’ld 7 News lzdltorldl Urnsion named editor of the Harrison See PEOPLE, page 16
JQd Dilllngham, Dalfl'g‘n Springb Prugrt’s.“ JUhn i\L‘lSUn, PUIabkl week w ,
District3 . p D th
._ Teresa Revlett, McLean County News loumalism Education ea S
Dr. Ron Wolfe, Eastern Kentucky ________.__________—_____________—_ ‘
District 4 University . , . .
Charlie pmmam' Franklin Favorite RObert Clyde dent of the Monticello hiwanis
CeneralCounsels Club and a member of the First
Districts Ion Fleischaker and Kim Greene, Wyatt, underWOOd, Sf. Christian Church where he served
DavidGreer.ElizabethtownNeWS TarrantandCombs , as elder, trustee and a Sunday
Enterprise Robert Clyde Underwood Sr., S h It h)
. ‘ ' 69, former co-owner and ublisher c 00 eac- L." . . ,
- . KentuckyPress Assoaation p - In addition to his Wife he 15
District6 ' Kentucky Press Service Staff of the Wayne County Outlook, died rv'ved b t sons Itobert
Dave Eldndge,HenryCounty Local David T. Thompson, Executive Director Oct. 12 at his home. su 1 ' y wo ‘ ’ _ I
Dish-i t7 BormieHowai-d, Business Manager Underwood worked at the Underwood Jr., and Mickey i
Keuecwmck 3 H tinCountyNews GloriaDavis, Advertising Director newspaper for more than three Underwood; three daughters, .
y LisaCantahan,NewsBureauDirector decades in several capacities Melody Ann Underwood, April
District8—9 Rebatewrs,Raeardt/Markehng€omdmator including pressman and photogra- West and Dawn Geralds; four
KenMetz,BathCountyNewsOudook Stifycm'mfgéosekkcm? Assistant pher. He garnered several KPA grandchildren; two Sisters, Nora ,
DistrictIO—ll Sherry Harper Adieeftistgng Assistant awards for photography. Teater and Faye Gravel; and one
Marty Backus Appal l . News Express Rachel McCarty, Clipping Director ' He retired from the newspaper brother, J-W« Underwood.
' Linda Slemp, Clipping Assistant in 1988 and he and his Wife, Lytha berVICCS for UDdGI‘WOOd were
District 12 Carol Payton, Clipping Assistant Ann Simpson Underwood traveled held Oct. 15 at the First Christian
LouiseHatmakerJacksonTimes/Beattyviue HollyStigers,Clipping Assistant extensively the past few years. Church and burial was in Elk
Enterprise Audra Douglas, Clipping Assistant Underwood was a past presi- Springs Cemetery.
. . ' . ._ a. v . . ‘ ' new
, 7 . \
r \ n

 The Kentucky Press, December, 1996 - Page 3
The story's much the same, just the newspa- assembled. including the engine and transmis-
per changes. Several times each year, a newspa- sion. on i ,
per advertising department will call with the Today, you don't see those $200 Jeep ads ‘
message: "Tell other newspapers not to accept but you do see a lot of ads for Mercedes and SCCOHd
an ad from (whomever)." other luxury cars available at below rock bottom - ' -‘
The are some coincidences regardless of prices. The vehicles were supposedly taken in i V ‘
where the call's coming from: drug raids. Yeah, right. ThOught
0 the check looks like any other, but there's My favorite is "Earn $1,000 stuffing .
no such bank, or no such bank account; envelopes. Part-time.” Geez, if those things were David T Thom on V
0 the ad and check arrive from one state, legit, why are any of us in this business? Why E t'. D' pts
the checks on a bank in another state, the per- don't we alljust sit at home, stuff envelopes four xecu we tree or ‘
son requesting the ad be run is from yet a third hours a day, and make millions doing nothing? Commission about these scam artists V
state and often the telephone number or address Probably because we know it's a scam. Yet ' go when (Reba refused he asked to g C‘lk to
in the ad is from a fourth state. lMost times, an many newspapers keep running these, and simi— l . k‘ ) I ‘ ( d h '1‘ dl :) t h' 1p :) t
address or bank in Colorado is involved some— lar ads. 1” supcrwsor an .5 L if? y M?‘ lm i)” r U .
where along the line.) Mostly, the reason for running these ads is me. The‘man explained hm displeasurermt'h our
0 the ad is usually always a scam. the money. That's at least how most ad reps policy 0t “0t accepting the type or ad he wanted
And that ought to be obvious from the start. respond when asked why they ran the ad in the to run and asked why. , .
How many times to advertising departments get first place. They knew all along the claim of , I read mm the FTC S memo. Again what thy
an ad order that involves three different states. making $1000s, or getting a Mercedes real ETC described was ““90“ verbatim what the
. even four? Certainly not often if the company is cheap, or finding a government job, wasn't real. guy was offering. And 1“ every ,Slmllar case. w“)
l legit, or if the ad's for real. but the money came in with the ad. Then again. refer the ‘caller on to the Slat} Attorney
I remember as a young tyke my grandfather the money usually comes in form of a check Generals Consumer Protection DWI‘THm and the
talking about an ad for a Jeep for $200. Brand that's no better than the claim in the ad. Better Business Bureau. ,If both 0‘ those okay ,
new Jeep. Just $200. That was in the early One irate Statewide Classified customer the ad. well gladly accept 't' , _
1950s and shows you how long these scam from Lexington raked Reba Lewis over the TYP,'C_31~ though. he assured us h” business
artists have been in business. It's nothing new, phone recently because she wouldn't accept his 'was legitimate andthe Offer m the ad was good.
except perhaps the twist. ad for helping people with their mortgage situa- I don t operate llke those scam art‘StS' he
i Turns out the Jeep was apparently available tion. What he didn't know was that very day, we claimed.
l for $200 but it came in a box and totally dis- received an alert from the Federal Trade See CONNED, page 15
__.__——__.___________ _._....__—_____________
o o ' '
LOUISVIllC Defender sanSQrS Paducah Sun doesnt lOSC productlon
CXpO fOI‘ 59th COHSGCU’EiVE yam. day due to electrical fire in press room
(AP) —— The Paducah Sun hasn't missed a publication date in a
ii The Louisville Defender available in the Louisville area. hundred years, bUt an electrical fir? in the press room threatened that
recently sponsored its annual Among the highlights was a record 9“ 21’ according t9 Editor Jl_m P'axton. , , . .
i Expo, a celebration of Louisville‘s "Race and the Media" panel discus- , It was an incredible situation, Paxton sald 0f the 1nc1dent m
African American community. sion hosted by Kentucky which a transformer short c1rcu1ted, caught fire and melted. A few people
The Expo, which on Oct. 18-20 Commission on Human Rights, were working in the press room but there were no injuries. There was
marked its 59th year in 1996, is a and a Business and Professional minor smoke damageto the press room and publisher's office, he said.
"showcase for the positive side of Achievement Recognition "We had an independent power source in our 0W" computer ,.
Louisville's businesses, local gov- Luncheon. room. We have a new pagination system and some of the critical comput- \
ernments and consumers alike. In According to the newspaper, ‘ ers were hooked up to that. We went out and got lanterns, extension \\
this showcase, participants can "The Expo has always been a cords and got the editorial editing machines going and one processor
sample the best of our community reminder of the many contribu- 1 going," said P3Xt0h~ _
has to offer," according to the tions African Americans make to , Despite the problems created by the fire, the Sun was able. to pro—
paper. the community and the importance duce a 24-page two section paper. /
The annual event includes tal- of the estimated $1 billion a year ‘ The B section was printed at a sister paper, the Dyersburg State .
ent competitions, headline enter- in Africa American consumer clout j Gazette in Tennessee. "We got our friends at the Tribune—Courier in '
tainers and an exhibit floor filled to the Louisville regional econo- 3 Benton to print section A," Paxton said. "We brought them back here for
with displays of goods and services my." ‘ the inserts and got them out the door at daybreak."
‘ o
The KPA News Bureau IS here for you.
Take advantage of having a reporter ’
O C .
for a551gnments 1n Frankfort.
, _
l -i
Call News Bureau Director Lisa C arnahan
,iaaoaawv—V lI nave“ ’ 1 -800-264-5721
mmlnllfilmlilzllfillnl a n I a I l
.. “_-- _.. e...” -. _.... . . . we-“ , , . . . . . . _ . .. . ..
\ . ‘ .
a . .
, 41 - V-

 E i
, i
Page 4 - The Kentucky Press, December, 1996 i
‘Low ’ budgets don’t have Analogies can be valuable
to mean low staff morale communicatlon tools in sales
What happens when current budget levels do not cover salary Ad-libs© .- “i"? . time fishing? I“ a Place where YOU
increases or bonuses? How do you encourage and retain valued employ- By John FOUSt it ‘ ' KNOW the“? are fiSh? 01‘ in a
ees‘.’ Raleigh, NC 3 ‘ place where there MIGHT be
The solution is no-cost employee recognition. Simply stated it is A friend who e“) if; ' fiSh?”
catching people in the act of doing something right. worked in ClaSSl' . . a“ The ade‘TtiSGT smiled know-
It is important to give immediate feedback when you observe an fwd advertismg \Q‘éfl '. ingly, “.1 590 where you're £0ng
employee who puts your goals into practice. Always be specific about 02% told) me ._ x} WM" ”‘15- Of course, I‘m gomg to
what was done and why it was important. it 2:133 ‘rtnhL'Btmagl ._ ' ’ ‘ SP9“? most Of my tlmfi’ at the first
While this may sound obvious, managers often overlook this powerful e a )WI a re . ’ 18k“ . ‘ .
motivational tool. In a 1995 study of more than 1,500 workers in various ETslits'iiilvzf'tcfsgiiliw-Ias thinkin about “WCEL 't 5 th? same ”1T0?“
occupations, Gerald H. Graham. professor of management at Wichita cuttin his news 3 er advfrtisin T estate. 3”” know from experience
State ['niversity. found 76 percent of the respondents said they had g. p p L .i- i” that people read 0*” real estate
- . ~ . . , . .~ . budget and running some ad” 1“ d section. It‘s renerated business for
never received a written acknowledgement from a superVisor. new real estate magazine. All of a , h‘ h B h" .
Furthermore. 58 percent said their manager seldom if ever complimented sudden, my friend was faced with you ”j tf past. Utkt '5 new {gnag—
their work. the task of “re—selling” a long-time aunt is an on “DWI." our
'Tcxas Press Association Confidential Bulletin, Sept. [0, [996/ client. It was a delicate situation. Prufbpt‘fltlh‘ mighht read lt- Then
———-——————————-____..____.__________ He knew that he had to say dgal;;(:mfizvr::f It :iitderstand the
° Kaehthan), lthnpfidpntf (:10) thati advertiser decided to stick with
Kentucky New Era sponsonn g cm, :hrgagggmae; mm m newspaper. hhhhhhh he may
, . might become defensive. The chal— haveeventually made the same
Swarm the Chlldr6n’ 1.0 ram lenge was to compare the two decision Without the fishing com-
p g media in terms that the advertiser parison, the analogy helped hlm
. . would easily understand. On a see things 3.1““9 clearer.
The Kentucky New Era, for the second year, is sponsoring a "Warm hunch that a comparison of rates Analogies are valuable com-
the Children" program. and readership figures wouldn’t munication tools. Here are a few ,
The project is made possible by the cooperation of the Salvation work, he used an analogy. things to keepin mind:
Army, Kiwanis Club. JC. Penney, Kmart and Wal-Mart. He started with a simple ques- . . 1. Use or imply “like.” By defi-
With the promotion of the newspaper, the Salvation Army provides tion, “You like to fish, don’t you?" mtl‘mh an analogy 15 a comparison
names of needy children to the Kiwanis. Kiwanis members then volun- The client nodded, “Sure.” between two unrelated things. In
teer to take the children shopping at one of the three participating stores. “Well, let’s say that there are senmgh'itis a matter 0f comparing .
Last year, $16,143 was donated to the project, providing clothing to two lakes side-by—side.” something WhiCh is new or misun- .
160 children. The goal this year is to provide at least 200 children with “Okay.” derst'ood to something WhiCh is L".
basic, warm clothing. “Now, you’re familiar with the familiar to the client. How would _ :5
7 first lake. You’ve caught fish y0u finish these 31131031953 ,
—_——————_———————_—_— there, and your friends havg ' Advertising on a consistent
' ° ' caught fish there. So there’s no basis is LIKE
NN A encourages part1c1pation houhh hh you. mind that h .meg the We out ora
tains fish. But you don’t know if product ad is LIKE
' f f kl there are any fish in the second 0 Using plenty of white space I
In IrSt-CVCr SUI'VCy 0 W66 y lake. The big question is this: in your layout is LIKE
. t Where do you want to spend your See ANALOGIES, page 14 _-
newspnn usage now underway -
A first-ever survey of community newspapers' newsprint usage is E
Video workshop can help
The survey is designed to fill a void in information available to i
neWsprint producers, who regularly survey many daily newspapers, wur staff create better ads l
but are forced to rely upon mathematical estimates for weekly and l
most small daily papers. was if
All weekly newspaper publishers (whether or not NNA members)
and daily newspaper members of NNA are asked to complete the sur- i . ,
vey. which seeks information on page counts, frequency, special print- =‘p‘ ‘ ‘Wm'flmmx :3 "f: \
ing projects like county fair or progress editions, and commercial W Ii‘ . gy“.§i§ % “U ,
insets or niche publications. \& “g . . ‘ '7' . ,.
"We cannot emphasize too strongly how important it is to collect ‘ it
these numbers." said Robert Nutting. chairman of the National " E
Newspaper Association's Newsprint Committee and general manager E
of The Ogden Newspapers, Wheeling, W.Va. . _ .» ,. , . ' ' i
"The newsprint industry is very carefully watching the shifts in V I i I
the newspaper world as larger papers have trimmed their outlying Alaska program that is tailor-madefor newspapers! i
circulations, reduced web widths and examined non-paper publishing BasicsofLayoutand Copyisgetting rave reviews from E
strategies on the Internet. publishers and ad managers coast-to-coast. it
“Many smaller dailies, weeklies and niche products are growmg to It'saworkshop, not a lectureYour Staff Will be involved ‘E
fill in the gaps We cannot send a message to our newsprint suppliers from the start—working on layouts, getting adideas and 3‘5 |
that newspapers are going out of business, because they will case to writing moreeffective headlines. l l
invest in newsprint production." Nutting said. Findout how totrain your staffthequick andeasy way. . .
Nutting emphasized the survey is not designed to seek or directly Wi’z'tetodayforfrcebrochure. .
affect prices. but is intended to provide data to lead to a more rational 10h" fiiustAdIierth‘ingSeminars '
“WWW f“ “H“ WWW m ”1" W W PO Box 1()861,Raleigh, NC 2760;"),fit91€9it§i42056 l
The survey should have reached offices by llec 6 Extra copies “mum,..,,~,,\,,,,,,,,,,,h, i,,,,x.,,\,,.‘,.,,,.,,
.‘lrt‘Ii available from Michelle Hall at NNA. l~H()()~829-4NNA. __.,_.._
M l
i l l

 I I
i l
The Kentucky Press, December, 1996 - Page 5
M b ° 1th f ° t O b
. . ' 1 By NANCY M. DAVIS born there The newsroom reflects
.. -7 'When All. Belo (‘orp bought its hometown, he says, with little
‘ the Messenger-Inquirer in turnover, only one minority niem~
. s: 3' Owensboro late last year, ending her, and many journalists boasting
M . g . . .. the Hager family's 87Ayear stretch I5-20years tenure "In rootless
. .- , ._ 5 t; ’ ‘ g as owner. Belo executives knew American, this is an aberration." he
" ii (if I'. i' ' ' . . they had a lot to prove. They chose says "An outsider has to he care—
I ~ 1' -~. Robert W. (Bob) Mong Jr, managn ful."
l I, "W a . , ‘ ing editor of The Dallas Morning Initially, he met with every
l - “‘ News. to do the proving. staffer. started tearii»l>uilding dur—
l A. t .. g . In January, Mong became the ing daily management meetings
l with»; “was ‘ .. first nonlamily publisher of the and encouraged readers to tell him
l "3 ”w” “Q?“ a, “HM 37,152~cireulation morning paper, their concerns He finds the honie~
' 7, . ,. .7 tags-31'? l The former college football player. town stall a big plus "There is a
,.r«it:f}~.¥"‘““ " .‘ air first; .;-~'—»aii"fi» who ran both offense and (lt‘lt‘llr‘t' kinship that translates into knowl-
W; ‘ ’7. ’5? .:. 373.. ”‘3 :3 and tackled baseball to hoot. is edgeahle eoyerage and solid rela
“a _ g *0, a r‘ 1"” ‘ ,, equally adept at negotiating lilitlill“ tionships.” he says
I ,* ,.- ‘ , ‘ 3241‘ . . . ”’5 v.2"; ‘ - . . 3. y...‘ ' i . e , . _ u i ’ «
£9 a f " . ;. ‘fig “3‘?! - \ .. «A: v a film“ latent“) and malli r niarkit Journal See MONG. page 16
" .. ? fig; if w” . 3" 'I feel very much at home in Profile
‘ rm f “y" 7.5 “Q i ; W'I'ig‘fih‘ix- Y Uwenshoro.’ he says. "but I miss Education: 1971' bachelor 0, arts, _
11m . $3.52. fl:.".i'-“ ;. .' ' my friends in Ilallas And I knew ,English, Havertord College, Haverlord, Pa.
15.13;.” «3:22, '5 :3 the Texas Rangers would win a JCareer; 1971.73, reporter, Palladium—
“j" '7 $3“ - ‘ playoff spot as soon as I Ieit the Item, Richmond. Ind: 1973-75, reporter,
" T3-"«:»._' ,~:-:-: Metroph-x‘“ ;The Cincmnati Post; 1975-77. reporter.
.I! I : "'.‘.'. ' Mong has sniallerrexperii'nee to iThe Capital Times, Madison, Wis: 1977'
l t," . '_';: . ‘ » \ f3 . :‘(fipgrrtfinial):l;::_l::l”nf::_lfillidjllrifiiii; pendent: 1979—Januafy 1996, assstant
g a ~ “W ‘ .. a . editors‘t-hqirs m limits]; h'I‘l‘ei'idl city editor. busrness editor.‘proiects editor,
. ~ 1,: 3 . > ‘ -_‘ ‘ _ ' ‘j‘ ‘ "r: gaSSIStant managing editor for news,
v n}, . ‘I the publisher title Widens his deputy managing editor for news and
1= _.1 ' ‘3'; purview. he continues to display imanagmg editor‘ The Dallas Morning
. a m . » , passionate interest in neyisroom [News January 1996-present, publisher,
' .: ”"1“?! ' « " L. o )eration and coverage. lThe Messenger-Inquirer. Owensboro.
v ~>~’*"’-’5"3t-‘3“ ‘ , er ' ~ I , ’4 1P r i- A e 47 B r i F nt
: 0:1“ 2-51M“? .3 I, .. “fl 5 s; ()n the capital improvement loi'soraa -. d9 'I “0'0 n R” . fielno v
jf "tawr‘s *fiji‘vgfif .32" . T (”a ' front. Belo is investing 35'] million i '0' ame iv“ e lane 95‘: e, one
s' . rift; .‘i‘if’fiflwfiifl “72%; hr.” : y: g I for newsroom remodeling along ison,one daughter. . . . 3
..--____,__.._ , ,. _ j . m is 2 , ~k' , lDlversrons: Spending time wrth family, ,’
. Robert W. Mong Jr., assumed the reigns at the Owensboro Messenger- “1th (Umpmf F5. P W ‘ i we ”is ,mnnmg and readmg novels and biogra-.
‘ Inquirer in January to become the first non-family publisher of the Plant “Xi’an-“Hm and «'1 MW 1‘0va lphies. ‘
newspaper. Mong, 47, held several positions at the Dallas Morning A“ f‘” (“M‘mflf‘~ MOW kHUWS lConnections: i401 Frederica St. Box]
News prior to coming to Kentucky. In addition, he's worked in news- how i“ ”(Hid lightly among W480 Owensboro. KY 42302. E-mail,‘
rooms at papers in Wisconsin, Indiana and Ohio. (Photo by Messenger- Owensboro residents W 80 percent lrwmong@aol.com; phone (502) 926-0123; ‘ \ —‘
Inquirer photographer Gary Emord-Netzley) ”1 ”10 Pmplt‘ Who 11"“ ”1”“ WW“ ltax(§02)6853446 7 \\\
~, ———-———-———_________________________ '
3 Community focus boosts tab , . _ at 2,; "’f E g
"l T