xt70vt1gmg8v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70vt1gmg8v/data/mets.xml  Kentucky Equal Rights Association 1916 Minutes and reports from the annual conventions and other meetings of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association. Includes the following titles: Minutes of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association; Minutes of the Annual Convention of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association; and Report of the Annual Convention of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association. JK1883 .K4, 24 volumes. annual reports  English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Equal Rights Association minutes and reports Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky -- Periodicals Women -- Legal status, laws, etc. -- Kentucky -- Periodicals Report of the Twenty-Seventh Annual Convention of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association Held at Louisville, Kentucky, November 15 and 16, 1916. text Report of the Twenty-Seventh Annual Convention of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association Held at Louisville, Kentucky, November 15 and 16, 1916. 1916 1916 2019 true xt70vt1gmg8v section xt70vt1gmg8v I . “up
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I:: _ . , - OF THE i
1 . . . i
3,. 3 Kentucky Equal Rights Assoc1at10n i
.. 7 PRESIDEN'I‘ 1
I“ 7 Mrs. John Glover South. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Slute ileanimulrlters. Frnnkl'orl, ‘
- . F] “ST \‘l(‘l£ i-nicsi max'r i
3;; Mrs. Robinson A. .\lei)o\ve|l.................................lmuis\‘i|le i
SECOND \'[(‘E runsuncx'r }
“w Mrs. Joseph Alderson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..\li1|(ilesl)oro i
Tn-un) \Wleic ennsunax'r ‘
“w Mrs. James A. Level)........................................l.ouis\'ille .
4- 3, :


1 Mrs. E. L. Hutehinson......................................|.exingi.on ’
RECORDLVG Sl£(‘l:[£'l‘.\l:\'

:1; Mrs. J. 1). 1[ays...........................................()\\'ensl)oro “
. ' 'annAsunlcn '
“a." v. Mrs. J. T}. Judah. . . . . . . . . .............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .lmuisrillc

£531) A U L) 1 ',L‘( ) n

i... , Mrs. “2‘17.Dillard..’....................................1.21wreneehurg‘

gag-33g: CHAIRMAN or ('.\.\uu\n;.\

:~ Mrs. Mary R. \\"11itesi(le.... ............... .. ..... . . . . . . . . . . .Louisville

STATE MEMBER icxneurn'r: ('Olwru. i
5* Mrs. Edmund M. Post”......................................]'mluenh {
E OlmumAN or eoxonlcsslox.\1. \\'on|< ,
1 Mrs. Samuel Henning.......................................l.onis\'i|le ‘1‘
"’3‘ Mrs. Mary B. Clay.........................................ltiehniond

”:39 Mrs. Edmund Post. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l'uduenh

13-3” ———-V—


."':”I~<:’:'.€*Z‘;LZ . . . _ ,
“3.5;: Miss Laura Clay. Lexington. Ky“ . . . . . . . . . ..l’resnient, il‘l)lll 1888 to 1012 ‘
$3455.: M'rs. Desha Rreekinridg'e, Lexington . . . . . . . .l’resident l'rom lflltz to IE) 1 3 -
“$23.1“ Mrs. Thomas J. Smith, Riclnnond.. . . . . . . . . . President. from 1915 in In It} 1-
$3.”?! _A_.._,,.,,. , i
V— '32? ' skis}: ‘
Jfitfii‘g‘g PlessMrs.I:1,nms.\.Leeeh

igfi‘g-‘wg Publicity“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . .Mrs. Robinson A. Me|)owe|i

filgi‘L; Uhurch. ......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mi'ss Heheeen Ari-rill. i‘:1'11|li\'i:()l't

wag?” Literature. . . . . . . . .Mrs. John 11. Sower, Miss Alnellu \\ eltxel, l‘ rnnklort,

4?”;3, Research. . . . . . . . . .M'rs. Edwin ()Iossop. .\lrs. Jim. (T. (irnlnnn. Louisville

“ifs/E”: State and County Fairs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mrs. George Speer. Frankfort


@k>f~ Miss Laura. Clay...........................................Lexing‘hm

313:: Mrs. Desha Breekinridge. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l.ex1ngi,on

€37?“ Mrs. Thomas Jefferson Smith. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Louisvulle,

i’qur'f Mrs. James Bennett. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . lheh-mond

E35», Mrs. John B. Castlemanu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [.OinsVIIle

23333;;st Mrs. S. M. Hubbard. . .. . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . .Thekmuu



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 ' l
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i i
. l
‘ i
l November 15-16, 1916 5‘
‘ i
i —“— i
i The 'l‘wenty-seventh Annual Convention of the Kentucky Equal i
‘ Rights Association was called to order by the President, Mrs. Thos. J. l
Smith, at 9 :30 a. 111.. November 15th. Meeting held in the Auditorium i
of the Seelbach. I
All officers were present except the Third Vice-President, Mrs. F. A.
Rothier, of Covington. i
Invocation, Miss Laura Clay. i
In the absence of Mrs. Mengel, President of the Louisvill eAsso- .1
ciation, the President announced the following committees: “j
Resolutions—(Aims Laura Clay, Chairman; Mrs. E. L. Hutchinson, 3
Mrs. Arch Pool. 1
Committee on Courtesies—Mrs. Luther Willis, Chairman; Mrs. .
Arch Pool.
Election Committee—Mrs. Edmund M. Post, Chairman; Mrs. Harry ‘
i , Whiteside, Mrs. J. B. Judah. This Committee to be assisted by Miss ~
15 Lola “Talker, State Organizer.
Resignations of Mrs. Breckinridge and Mrs. Roth-ier were read by
, the Secretary.
Mrs. Leech moved and Mrs. Alderson seconded, that these resigna—
'= tions be accepted with regret. j
l; Mrs. Leech moved that the following telegram he sent Mrs. Morris 1
1 Bartlett, 0f Lawrenceburg: “The Suffrage Convention sends greeting j
i and sympathy to you today.” Endorsed by rising vote. 1
i The following message was sent to Mrs. Breckinridge:
, “Mrs. Desha Breck‘inridge, Lexington: Convention greetings. We 1
_5 think of you; we miss you. We will try to do our work a bit better
i. for your sake.” ‘
l Mrs. Post moved that the courtesies of the floor be extended to ‘
i all visitors.
ii Voted upon motion by Mrs. Leech: “In accordance with notice i
j given last year, I move to amend Article III of the By-Laws, by striking :
i this last sentence, ‘Local delegates present may cast pro rata the vote i
y of absentees.’ ” i
i Miss Clay made a comprehensive report of her work as Congres- ‘
: sional and Executive Member of two Conventions.
3 Mrs. Leech, as Chairman of Speakers’ Bureau, made the following
. report: “Only three requests for speaekrs, one request from Teachers’
Recommends discontinuance of Bureau. 1
Reports were then made by First and Second Vice—Presidents, l
‘ Mrs. R. A. McDowell and Mrs. Joseph Alderson, and the Corresponding ,g
Secretary, Mrs. John G. South. ‘
Mr. Denny B. Goode, Chairman of the Louisville Publicity and Con-
‘ vention League, welcomed the Convention of the Kentucky Equal Rights ' ‘
Mrs. Thos. Crutcher, Chairman of Ushers, was then introduced with
i her corps of assistants. 1
i‘ Mrs. D. H. Cheney, Chairman of Credentials Committee, made the 2
{ following report: “Twenty-six delegates and six alternates present.” ‘
.‘ 2 ‘

1 l
[i it
i l
l 1
l l
. . Mrs. W. F. Lillal‘d. Auditor. reported that she had examined the i
: 'l‘reasnrer’s books and found them to be entirely correct. ‘
1 Mrs. Jno. C. Graham. Chairman of the (‘onstitntion Committee.
1 submitted Articles of incorporation and lly-laws. .\lrs. Leech moved 1
a and Mrs. Firth seconded that they be read as a whole and voted upon 3
l in sections. 1
; Voted upon motion by Mrs. Leech that only delegates occupy body l
I of house during voting. 1
; Atter much discussing and amending. Articles of lncorporatimn l
l and By-laws were adopted. 7 l
t Mr. McDowell moved that the (‘onvention instruct its ollicers to
l execute Articles of Incorporation. (‘arried. .
1 Vote of thanks. moved by Miss Clay and seconded by Mrs. (‘henanlL l
3 was extended the Constitution ('onnnittee. ‘
l Mrs. J. B. Judah made a most complete report of the Kentucky 1
l Equal Rights Association’s finances. ;
' Mrs. Hutchinson moved and Mrs. l’ost seconded that all reports ’
J be accepted.
1 Meeting adjourned at 1. p. m. to meet at 2 :30 p. m. i
1} NOVEMBER 15. ]010—;\l‘"l‘l\ntis;” Mrs. (,luil— -
ford Dudley. President ’l‘enncssee Equal Rights Suttrag'e Association:
E and, Mrs. Nellie L. McClung'. of Canada. 7 .
l Meeting adjourned, i
i NOVEMBER 16. IUIG~.\IOI:.\‘I.\‘(} SESSION. .\[,?l)l'l‘()llll'M E
E Convention came to order at 912:0 a. In.. President presiding: E
Invocation by Dr. Jones.
' Minutes of the previous meeting read and approvm'l. J
The chair requested Mrs. Lillard to preside at afternoon session. i
'I‘he follmving' resolution was oli’ered by Mrs. Bennett and adopted. l
copies of which are to be .sent out by the Corresponding Secretary: E
' ' “We petition Congress. to protect: women against State denial of
i the right of" citizens of the United States to vote for members of (‘on- .
gress. Presidential Electors and United States Senators in the State ‘
wherein they reside. by making Federal laws in pursuance of that
clause .of the l<‘ourtccnth .\men('lment of our National Constitution
which says: 'No state shall make or enforce any law which shall E
abridge the privileges of immunities of citizens of the United States.’ ”
Miss Verhoefl’. Chairman of Supplies Committee. announced that ‘
. there were very attractive articles suitable for Christmas. also Mrs. i
McClung"s book. 'l‘wo minutes recess was given the, Convention to visit ‘
E the supply counter which added materially to the sales.
5 The chair called for Mrs. Firth’s report on institute work. which
E was accepted.
Mrs. Lillard then took the chair. ‘
g Chair called for reports of the Congressional Chairmen. E
5 Mrs, Post reported for Miss Dow Husbands. Chairman of Eleventh . l
i. Congressional District. l
7-. ' ' Mrs. Arch Pool. of Frankfort. made her report of the institutes.
g Reports aceepted. l
’5 Chair requested Chairmen otCommittees and Presidents of Leagues .
‘: to come to the platform.
Credentials Committee then reported 78 delegates present. E
. Voted upon motion by Mrs. Judah. seconded by Mrs. Hutchison
E that money paid to Treasurer in excess of dues for delegates present. i
be made a donation to the Kentucky Equal Rights Association. '
; President then read her report and her letters from the, National I
President, Mrs. Catt. Report accepted. l
Voted upon motion by Mrs. Leech and duly seconded. that all bus- E
‘ iness be postponed until aft-er the election of officers. E
Miss Clay then took the chair and proceeded to election of ofiieers. ‘
i Chairman of Elections Committee asked for rules which were read ‘
l by the Parliamentarian, Mrs. Leech. ;
i rl‘he following; nominations were made:- 1
l President—stirs. South. Mrs. Haileek. .
E Corresponding Secretary—Airs. E. L. Hutchinson.
i' Third Vioe PresidentAMrs. Leech. Miss Averill, Mrs. Post. Mrs. Lil-
i’ lard, Mrs. Rozelle.
State Member National Executive Council—Mrs. Leech, Mrs. Post,
E Miss Clay.
E 4

 ~ l
3 l
‘ Congressional Chairman—Airs. llenning, Mrs. l’ost, Mrs. Graham, l
; Mrs. Whiteside, Miss Averill, Mrs. Flournoy, Mrs. Bernhcinl. l
1‘ Chairman of CampaignaMrs. Whitcside, Mrs. L’ishop.
. Note :——Chair called for Credentials report before voting began.
Reported 86 delegates present. .
Motion that chair entertain the following motion was lost: “That
nomination ballot be made election ballot.”
Election of President was announced. ‘
Nominees for President: Mrs. John C. South and Mrs. R. l’. llal- i
‘ leek. Mrs. South elected. i
‘ Voted upon motion by Mrs. Smith, duly seconded, “that the Ken-
tucky Equal Rights Association assures the National that it agrees to
‘_ meeting at such time as suits that body.”
l Election of Third Vice President then announced. Nominees: Mrs. ‘
Leech, Miss Averill, Mrs. Rozelle, Miss Clay. Mrs. Leech elected.
Voted upon motion by Mrs. Judah that telegrams of congratulation .
be sent to Miss Jeannette Rankin, Montana’s Woman Congressman. ‘
Election of Corresponding Secretary was then announced. Mrs. i
Hutchinson elected. » i
J Election of Campaign Chairman then announced. Mrs. VVhite- l
, side elected.
} The following counties then reported: (Jrittenden, Hardin and ‘
l Madison.
i State Member National Executive Council election was then an-
"‘ ’ nounced; Mrs. l’ost elected.
j Franklin County then reported.
Miss Hast announced that they were taking subscriptions for
Woman’s Journal. .
, Election of Congressional Chairman then announced. Mrs. Ilen— ‘
‘ ning elected.
Bell County report was then read.
' Upon motion all reports were accepted.
‘ New ofi‘icers presented and President South responded in gracious
‘ manner.
Meeting adjourned for luncheon.
. , SEELBAC-H. ‘
i Afternoon session opened at 2 :45, President presiding. i
l Miss Verhoeif, Chairman of School l‘rize Committee, made report. i
. Chair introduced Dr. Shaw, who spoke briefly. i
Dr. Jones and LMiss Vittum were invited to the platform. 1
i Miss Emma Hast, Chairman of Prize .l’oster Contest, made report.
' Chair then introduced Mrs. Harry \Vhitcside, Campaign Chairman, i
; who responded. i
1 Chair introduced Miss Harriett Vittum, of Chicago, who spoke ,
most interestingly of “\Vomen in Politics in Chicago.” ;
i Chair called for the following reports of Congressional Chairmen:
Miss Averill and Mrs. Beekner. Mrs. Beckner reported for Clark County. i
I Voted upon motion by Miss Clay to send message of sympathy for
i the Kentucky Equal Rights Association, to Mrs. Obcnchain, of Bowling !
i Green.
1 Congressional Chairman, Mrs. Whiteside, then gave her report.
‘ Chair then called for reports from Mrs. Firth, Congressional Chair- ‘
man of the Sixth District.
l Other reports followed: Shelby County. Fayette County and Mrs.
1 Hutchinson’s report of Senator Helen Ring Robinson lectures.
‘ Voted upon motion, duly seconded, “That this Association adopt
the National’s policy concerning women empolyees under civil service.”
Mrs. McDowell reported recommendations of Executive Board.
Voted upon motion by Mrs. Leech, duly seconded, that “The Avery
legacy be invested and interest on same be used for suffrage cause.”
5 .

Voted upon motion by Miss Clay to postpone change of name of
the Kentucky Equal Rights Association.
Mrs. Hutchinson asked to take the chair.
President read report which was adopted. l
Mrs. Leech then presented the platform of work of Association,
’ which was adopted:
i We, the Kentucky Equal Rights Association, at our Twenty-seventh
, Annual Convention Ieafium our behet 1n the Justice, expediency and
i necessity of extending the franchise to women.
Resolved, That we urge the Kentucky members of the United States l
i House of Representatives and Senate to vote for and support the sub- V
5 mission of the Federal Amendment providing for the extension of l
. suffrage to women throuhout the nation; that they vote for and sup- i
, port the United States Elections Bill protecting the right of women to .
' vote for members of the House of Representatives and Senate of the
United States; and, all other Federal legislation in behalf of Woman
Suffrage approved by the National American Woman Suffrage Asso-
Resolved, That we petition Congress to protect women by appro-
priate legislation against State denial of rights of citizens of the United
States to vote for members of Congress, United States Senators and
Presidential Electors upon the same terms as are used in granting the
right to men ‘in sursuance of the Fourteenth National Amendment
which says: “No state shall make or enforce any law which shall
abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States.”
1 Resolved, That we refi‘iarm our non-partisan attitude concerning
political parties; but this policy does not preclude the right of. any
member to work against the election of any candidate who opposes .
i woman suffrage. j
, Whereas: That National Democratic and Republican parties in en-
dorsing the principle of Woman Suffrage have especially recognized the
right of states to settle the question for themselves, be [it :
Resolved, That we call upon these parties in our State to take i
action endorsing the franchise for our own women by supporting the
.‘ submission of an Amendment to the State Constitution conferring upon l
' them suffrage on the same terms as men have now. ‘
=. Resolved, That we rejoice that every political party has put in its !
5 platform a plank endorsing suffrage for women.
‘1 Resolved, That we co~operate generally with the National American
Woman Suffrage Association in carrying out its plan of work. ‘
; CAROLINE A. LEECH, Chairman. i
Upon motion work for Elections Bill was agreed upon. i
Voted upon motion to extend thanks to chairmen of all local i
. Committees.
‘ Miss Clay then spoke on Election Bill.
Minutes of meeting of morning and afternoon session then read
and approved Chairman of Resolutions Committee read the follow—
ing resolution which was adopted:
“We wish to extend thanks to our hostess, the Louisville Equal
Rights Association, for all of its charming hospitality and to the able
Chairmen of the local committees; the generosity of the Louisville
Publicity and Convention League; the Press for its sympathetic interest ,
in the Suffrage Proceedings; the visitors who come to us with vital
messages; the Seelbach for its splendid management, and the Louisville
l merchants who decorated in honor of the Convention.”
E Meeting adjourned.
‘ - 6

 l , :l
‘ The last session of the 'J‘wenty—seventh Annual Convention of the
K. E. R. A. met in the Seelbaeh Auditorium at S :30 p. 111.. November 16.
Mrs. Post, of Padueah. Campaign Chairman. presiding.
Dr. Jones was introt’luccd and made a convincing talk on Financing
\Voman Suli‘rag‘e Cause. The ’l‘reasurer proceeded with the raising of ‘
A feature of the evening was the award of prizes in the poster
1 contest. The winners were as follows:
E First Prize $15~Miss Myrtle Coons.
' Second Prize $IO—Miss Nourse. of liopkinsville.
. Honorary Mention~Miss Genevieve \Valker. Neville Cain, Constance
i Sheltmann.
Dr. Shaw presented Miss Coons with the prize of $15. The prize
winning posters were placed above the speakers’ platform, and all of
the posters were displayed in the hall leading to the auditorium.
Dr. Anna Howard Shaw then gave the concluding mldress.
No other business the Convention adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
FRANCES II. HAYS. Secrefury. !
‘ President’s Report 1915-1916 I
l . Members of the Convention and Friends:
1 It gives me lunch pleasure to report the work of the Kentucky i
Equal Rights Association for the past year. To the hearty co-operation !
‘ and sympathetic help of my l'ellow—workers is due the success olf this l
‘1 years work. “
. it is interesting to read President W‘ilson’s definition of politics— E
“Politics is, after all, a means of getting something done. of putting .-
l forward ideas. It is a fight, but the man who does not love the fight l
. has no red blood in his veins.” l
Our suffrage organization is composed of county leagues. local i
. leagues and Congressional districts. Since our last Convention four l
“ new leagues have been organized and thirteen leagues reorganized. .\t -
‘ present, the membership in the ninety—seven organized counties is 20.298.
l in some of the counties Where we have not a strong organization, we .
I have a chairman and some good suffrage workers.
“’6 have had the pleasure of hearing the following prominent
' speakers during the past year: Mrs. Carrie Chapman (lat/t, of New
York; Mrs. Forbes-Robertson llale. ol’ New York; Senator llelen Ring
Robinson, of Colorado; Mrs. l’hilip Snowden. of London. England; Mrs.
T. T. Cotnaln. of Arkansas; Mrs. ‘Millie J1. Trumbull. of Oregon; Miss
Florence “lattles, of Indiana. and Mr. Walter J. Millard. of Cincinnati.
Other speakers and organizers, local and foreign, are as follows: Miss
L. Lola \Valker, of ,l’itt'shurg. J’a.; Miss Margaret Foley. of Boston;
Mrs. Henry S. Jafiray, ol" Chicago; Mrs. Desha lh'eckinridge. ol‘ Lex-
‘ ington; Miss Laura Caly. ol’ Iiiexington; Mrs. Harry R. Whitesidc. of
Louisville; Mrs. Thos. J. Smith. of Richmond; ‘Mrs. Chas. Firth. of Cov-
ington; Mrs. Arch Pool. of Frankfort; Miss Lizzie l’lunt Chinn, of
Frankfort; Miss Rebecca Averill, of Frankfort; Miss Alice Lloyd. of ,
Maysville; Mrs. John C. Graham. of Louisville; Mrs. Herbert Mongol, of

 . 'l
' l
Louisville; Mrs. Theo, Blakey and Mr. Patterson, of Beattyville. Among
these are eleven distinguished speakers and organizers. Eighty—three
counties were visited during the year and 186 speeches made.
The President made the following addresses: Danville, at Mrs. i
Lowndes’ Luncheon, March 4th; Richmond, before the “Toman’s Club,
January 10th; Third District Arleeting, Kentucky Federation Women’s
Clubs, Harrodsburg, January 28th; two schools at Versailles; Luncheon,
Seventh Congressional District Meeting at Frankfort. February 3rd;
é Princess Theatre to Chicago Assembly during the Republican Conven-
i tion, June 7th; May-day Celebration at Richmond, Banquet for Gov.
5 Black, May 2nd; Frankfort before the Red Men, May 10th; Frankfort
i with Miss Foley; Teachers’ Institute at Richmond, August 28th; W. C. 5
i T. U. Convention at Lexington, September 26th, and speech at Suffrage ,
. Rally at Court House in Richmond. Attended parade at Lexington, May
i 6th, Democratic and Republican Conventions, and at Lexington, May
S 24th, and Louisville.
At the request of President Catt a Congressional Conference was
held in Louisville, March 27-28. This Conference, was of great benefit
to our work.
. The Republican and Progressive Conventions endorsed suifrage.
The Democrats refused to do so. ,
. Twenty delegates from Kentucky attended the Republican C'on- i
I vent‘ion at Chicago, fourteen of whom marched in the parade. The
! Kentucky member of the Resolution-s Committee voted for the plank 3
i in the platform. 1
The “Kentucky Division of the Golden Lane” at the St. Louis Con— l
- Vention numbered fourteen enthusiastic women from all parts of the l
State. All twenty-six delegates from Kentucky, men I mean, on ac- i
[ count of the “unit ruling,” cast their votes in favor of suifrage by the l
. States Right Method.
E Kentucky had seventeen delegates and eight alternates at the At-
. lantic City Convention, September 6—10. Mrs. A. M. Harrison was the
i member of the Resolutions Committee; Mrs. R. A. McDowell was a .
member of the President’s guard which was represented by every State
5 in the Union.
E The three Kentucky speakers at the Atlantic City Convention were: ‘
; Mrs. Thos. J. Smith, who spoke on “Dixie Night ;” Miss Laura Clay, who (
‘ took part in the three-cornered debate; and, Mrs. A. M. Harrison, who
, presented “Kentucky and Her Constitution.” t
- The three Kentucky members on the National Board are Mrs. Thos.
I J. Smith, Recording Secretary; Mrs. John Sower, on the Publicity l
Committee; and, Miss Laura Clay, State Member National Executive l
' Council. Mrs. Jas. Bennett, Mrs. A. M. Harrison, Mrs. R. A. McDowell, .
, Mrs. Thos. J. Smith and Miss Laura Clay attended the National Execu-
tive Council.
I. As President of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association I should
,. have attended eight Conventions. It will be rather uninteresting when
i‘ We vote just to go to two conventions. We women will have to run
for Congress. Think so?
:‘ As President, I have tried to do what I could to raise money.
[ Have written many letters, asking for money, and have had contribu-
[? tions given me amounting to $1,267.00. Of course, as I had expected to
I give $1,000.00. during the three years of my presidency, it gives me
i ‘ much pleasure to give $335.00 for the time that I have served as Presi-
' 8

 ‘l l
, .
1 :
dent. My original plan was to get fifty women to raise $100.00 each, T
but I was unable to do this.
We gave some aid to West Virginia and Iowa. and wish we might ‘
l have done more. Miss Laura Clay gave her services in the Iowa cam-
l paign, and the Kentucky Equal Rights Association gave $168.00 to the '
campaign fund of Iowa and “'cst Virginia.
i At the Atlantic City Convention. Kentucky pledged to raise $5,000.00,
twenty per cent of which was to be given to the National.
There were five demonstrations on Federal Amendment Days, the
i largest of which were in I’aducah and Louisville.
' The Preparedness Parade in I’adncah and Lexington was a great
Suffrage Demonstration at opening of the Democratic campaign
in Winchester. September 0th. Mrs. Lucien Tleekner, Chairman. Eight
- thousand leaflets circulated. Mrs. Beckncr will report this work.
i Suffrage Demonstration at opening of the Republican Campaign in
Lexington. September 5th, Mrs. E. L. Hutchinson. Chairman. Ten
thousand leaflets distributed. The chairman will report this work.
The May Day Parade in Lexington was the best we ever had in the
The Banquet in Richmond. given in honor of Lieut. Gov. Black.
was a great success.
- Suffrage Mass Meeting during the Federation Meeting in Maysville
l was productive of good results.
l Literature was distributed on circus day at Richmond. October 6th.
A prize of twenty-five dollars was offered by the Suffrage Associa-
3 tion throng the Chairman of the Art Committee, Mrs. Zembrod, of the
5 Kentucky Federation of: \Vomen’s Clubs. The prize was awarded to
3 Miss Mary McPherson. State University. Lexington.
i The Poster Contest Committee, of which Miss Emma Hast is Chair-
; man. has offered a prize for the best poster at our Convention, which
i is in session now. November 15-16. See the exhibit.
‘ A Study Course was arranged by the President and 500 were sent I
out to the Suffrage Leagues and Women’s Clubs in the various counties. ‘
SUMMER “1012K. l
Propaganda work has also been done at the Teachers’ Institutes, at l
the State Fair in Louisville and at the County Fairs. During the past
summer the work at the Institutes covered the following counties:
l Carroll, Clark, Clinton. Daviess. Floyd. Franklin. Gallatin. Hancock.
( Jefferson, Larue, Letcher. Madison, Menifee. Monroe, Shelby, Owen, p.
Fayette and Johnson; making eighteen in all. Twenty speeches were
i made by the nine speakers. engaged to do this special work. At the
various Institutes we were able to report 387 signers to our membership
f of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association.
‘ The Suffrage. Cause was presented at ten fairs, and literature was
distributed, but we did not get as many cards signed as last year.
1n the absence of the Press Chairman, Mrs. Desha Breckinridge, of i
Lexington. news was sent out from the President’s office to the various
newspapers: VVoman’s Journal, Louisville I'le‘rald, and the Lexington
Herald. in which latter paper two columns was given to suifrage in
each Monday’s edition.
'As a member of the Finance Committee of the National. I have
‘ secured twenty-six subscriptions to the \A’oman’s Journal and The Head-
quarters News Letter, besides. seventy-nine single copies of the Head-
quarters News Letter, which were sent to the Board members, Presi-
dents ot' the County Leagues and Chairmen of Departments. Made
donation of $10.00 besides what Kentucky gave of commissions.

 >“’ ' ' " . l
. l
i The Associated Press of thc National during the past year was i
i greater than ever before. Mr. Chas. Heaslip, Publicity Manager of the. i
3 National. reported that nineteen different newspapers have asked for
i suffrage material. 1
. Should any of our members desire to join the International Asso- ;
l ciation they may do so upon payment of $5.00 dues. ‘
i The following Kentucky organizations have endorsed T‘VOlYlflll Suf-
, frage: The Northern Methodist Church. The Christian Church, State
i Grange. Federation of Labor. and State Federation of “Tonicn’s Clubs. I
Tl‘hrough the influence of one of our ablest members. Mrs. Chas. Firth. i
i of Covington. the National American Association of Freight Agents
. endorsed Suffrage.
i During the Legislature the President’s Headquarters were located .
E in Frankfort. \Vith the assistance of the Campaign Chairman. Mrs. i
_ Desha Breckinridge. the Vice Chairman of Campaign. Mrs. Murray