xt70vt1gmg6p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70vt1gmg6p/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1999-12 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, December 1999 text GLSO News, December 1999 1999 1999-12 2019 true xt70vt1gmg6p section xt70vt1gmg6p "Home for the Holiba s" SisterSovmb
Lexington Men's Chorus."1 “WFORGETTABLE” World AIDS Day
For persons living with AIDS

Think friends and family, fire- Prepare to live. swing. rock and For their family and friends
places and holiday decorations, or roll as SisterSound opens its 5th For those in the healing professions .
snow and caroling. This season you season with a look back at the unfor- For those who are afraid or angry ,
can find all that with one stop shop- gettable music of the century. A very For those who wish it would go away -
ping---the Lexington Men's Chorus different format than in past For all who seek .
holiday concert "Home for the Decembers, this concert is guaran— God's healing power l
Holidays." On Saturday, December teed to chase away the winter blues A Service in Remembrance and .
11 at 8pm and again Sunday with dance hits, radio classics, Show Hope for World AIDS Day Wm be help
December 12 at 3pm in the Recital tunes, anthems for social change. Wednesday, December 1' 530 pm at 1.
Hall of the Singletary Center for the and soulful 909- We will also be wel- Christ Church Cathedral, 166 Market
Arts, LMC will kick oft it‘s 10th coming Vlflshing Chair as our special Street, Lexington. The service will be ,
Anniversary Season with a festival of guest. followed by a Candlelight Vigil to the i
song. The "Unforgettable" concert Wl“ courthouse grounds. Sponsored by

The concert will be a mix of tra- be on Sal-r 030- 18 at 3 PM in the the Episcopal Diocese of Lexington 1
dional carols, not so tradional tunes Recital Hall of the Singletary Center AIDS Ministry.
and holiday tavorites. As part of the on UK's campus. SisterSound is Of the 5,484 Kentuckians who 5
yearlong celebration of its' 10th under the direction of Caron Tandy, have been diagnosed with HIV 1
Anniversary. LMC will sing some of interim director Tickets are $12 and/orfull-blown AlDS since 1982:
their favorite selections from previ- adults, $8 seniors/students, and $5 1,385 are living with full-blown AIDS
ous holiday concerts. Long time for children 12 and under. Tickets 2514 are HlV+ but have not devel-
supporters of LMC will remember may be purchased from the oped AIDS. 1,585 have died. The
the powerful "BetelehemU" with drum Singletary ticket office (257-4929) or total HIV and AlDS cases reported in
acoompanment, the piainiive from chorus members. SisterSound the United States as of 12/31/1998 is
"Christmas Without You" by our own will be rattling off a beautiful "cosmic" 533200. Join us in rememberance.
Brian Throckmorton and the soulfull double-wedding-ring quilt as a
“Hallelujah" from years past. fundraiser.

Additonal highlights include:--"ln SisterSound is a non-auditioned
the Bleak Mid-Vtfinter," directed by women’s chorus aimed at fostering
Richard Giles, LMC's new Assistant diversity and community while doing
Director, —-"Alleluia,“ a moving piece something we love—-singing. You
for a capella men‘s voices by Randall don't have to be a diva to participate;
Thompson, --"Christmas Salad," the focus is learning and working
Brian Throckmorton's clever homage together to share our music with the
10 aimOSl ...Continued on page 3 community at ....continued on page 2

 Unitarian Universalist SistchOMnb...conrinued from page 1
/ Holiday |nvitation large. SisterSound is a member of
”fag???” _ GALA, an association for Gay and
figs At this “m? 9‘ year, someof US Lesbian choruses, but welcomes M
as” yearn for a TellQIOUS community, or women of any orientation. For more e
’%:_;%(YW perhaps a simple spiritual moment, information visit our Web page at S
@236?» —/ even if we have [en the religion Of our http://www‘geo cities_com/We||es|ey/ O
“/F/ wi§i~WQCntuck7 childhood behind for good reasons. If Gazebo/7788. Come on out on it
.. Lexgngm" this is true for you. or if you are look- December 18 and join us as we say e
ing for a spiritual home, we invite you ”Bye Bye Blues" and hello to unrog. b
to attend the Unitarian Universalist gettablefun' [3
Church sometime during this month.
We are a collection of diverse individ- B ARN€Y FRANK E
The GLSO News uals with t: varrefty” Of That? with? in a witty and often biting speech, 5‘
Vol.14 Issue 10 ”me oge er or e ows 'P’ s imua I US. Rep. Barney Frank urged gays
Ing conversation, celebration, musrc, and lesbians to o be on d rallies and
“”13th Monthly by and opportunities for social justice 9 ‘y. .. it
work. Services start at 10:45. marches and work Within the political C
On Dec 5 our new minister Rev system. Frank “came out" half way n
The Lexington Gay C . ' .‘ . ' through what has now been ten years a
. ynthia Cain Will preach on in the US. Congress. $
Lesbian S 37‘1”“? "Expectations", a theological '59“; Politicians "don‘t care if you're not 2
- - and’ at ”"5 "me Of yea" a mammal voters " he said "The National Rifle
Organization challenge. What do we expect from Association is the most influential C‘
. 9 _
321 Second St. tiring? xgyms'hggdsvxzrfigpe: :3; political organization in the country,
Sunday Lunch after the service so and I don‘t remember the last time
bring a dish if you can or be our they had a demonstration or parade."
EditOl‘S‘ guests Frank emphasized that paying atten- L
' On Dec 12 the choir will be tion to detailed political planning and
Mary Crone . . rt. le d 1, M . h personal lobbying is how we will even- p
Peter T ‘01. srnging pa 5 0 an 9.3 essra ‘ tually become successful. (i would say L
33' accompanied by a string quartet. that this worked for Fairnessi) a
Interweave will be having its holiday Frank believes that thereligious a
pot luck luncheon after the service at right is scrambling to find ways to c
GLSO Annual Dues about 12:20. Join us. I . m f M [e _ b
and Newsletter: 5‘5 On Dec. 19, the service will honor oppose equa “g s or gaysa . s if
Dues and Newsletter for the Solstice. Last year, children pre- bians because overt discrimination isI Y
Couples: $20 sented a traditional nativity scene; this nobl'ongejr acceptable to the geEera
year they will participate in honoring Ege'fhse aflMiilrzilangen :3: :2: in: e
Opinions expressed in the GLSO News are the Four Directions, an older, earth have of making their positions sound F
those of the authors and don’t necessarily based tradition. _ reasonable. "if they were honest, they K
littlest?!”i [“039 0? the GLSO Board. On Christmas Eve, Friday 2.4. at 5 would call it the ‘We Don't Want Two L
Submissions are welcome and become the pm, we W'“ have our traditional Lesbians to Live Together Act . n Frank A
property of me GLSQ The staff reserves Christmas candle lighting service with said "Defense of Marriage’; It’s like b
the right to edit submissions and advertise- carol Singing and good cheer a plenty. the 6' d V -8 commercial As if this act d
ments as well as the right to reject any sub~ The service after Christmas is often in didn't pass heterosexual men a" over A
mlSSIOHS or FthBffisemems~ honor of Kawanzaa. Please join us in the country would say (smack) 'l ta
celebration. could've married a guy?!‘ " _
GLSO Page 2

 Men’s Chorus..continued from page 1 GAMES NlGHT favorite'among the pageant Circuit. its
every Christmas carol ever written, "I The Metropolitan Community a contest where you can have some
Saw _Kissing Santa Claus," as Church (LMCC) will be having games lun-
only Fourte, LMC's quartet can twist night on Friday December 3, starting Miss "Mary" Christmas began
it, "Cold and Fugue Season," a nov- at 7 pm. Please bring your favorite during reign 16 and has been a good
elty take on a Bach fugue performed game and a snack. lt is always free of time ever since- This year. an added
by Sweet Evening Breeze, and "Ta- charge and will be at the Pride Center, feature of the show will be a toy drive
Do" a new commissioned piece by 387 Waller Ave. ending at about 11 for Toys for Tots. Bring a new toy for
Brian Throckmorton about lire hold- PM. For more information contact the drive, and you will getadiscountof
lng promise and the evolution of the Tomas Wayne Edison at 606-226- $1 oft the admission. The discount will
spirit. 0978 or at twedi399@aol.com. probably not save you money in the 1
. Tickets can be purchased long run. but it may make a child's ‘
i through the Singletary Center Ticket Interweave Christmas a bii more merry.
l Office at 257-4929 or from any cho- On Sunday. December 12 _ . . ‘
r rus member. Adults are $12, senior Interweave will be having second Discrmhaiion PrOJeci
i and student $10 and child under 10 Sunday lunch at the UU church after The GLSO Discrimination PrOlect 3
$6. Season tickets subscriptions at a the service (about 12:20.) Members or has been well administrated by Jeff
t 20% savings are still available by Interweave and friends are invited to Jones for many years. He iS now tUl- l
a calling Shelby at 231-0090. bring a dish and join us for pot luck. ing over the collection of data about l
I This Sunday service is dedicated to discrimination to the Human Rights l
', Leigh Angelllique’s the singing of Handel’s Messiah so Commission. Jeff serves on the com- l
3; "yew Choice! Awwds music lovers should arrive by 10:45 mission, They will take calls, answer i
" A number of lesbians and straight questions, and compile data. Please ;
- . 0" we‘lneSdaY' Decembei 8t“: women will also be gathering for the call them if you are ever discriminated
j Leigh Angelique wrll once again be Women‘s Spirituality Group Solstice against. We need this data when peo— l
- pie?e“t'”? awards ‘0 30"“? 0* Ritual on Friday, Dec 17. We will be ple ask why we need legal protection 1
y Lexrngton s most talented entertainers having a pot luck supper at the home as a Specific group of people. .
and bar employees..The show and of Mary Crone. Call for directions.
5 awards ceremony Will take place at bkcusfignemop
3 Crossrngs on Limestone. Awards will Miss 'Mary' Christmas The GLSO Discussion Group is
;_ be given in various categories includ- . . marking its one-year anniversary in
5 mg Best Stage Performance of the Deck the wrgs wrth boughs 0i “OW December. We will be meeting every
Year. Fa la la la la la la la la . .
ll . . Wednesday night In December, except
3 A fabulous collection of entertain- F'" the 59530” With some folly. the 22nd. We will definitely be dis-
y 9'3 Will be on hand. Ashley KlUin Fa la la la la la la la la cussing how to get through the holi—
d Rayna Starr, Cassie Carlisle, Karen Don we ”OW. our gay apparel days with family and friends. Come
y Kollett, Chi Chi Rodriguez, Trene',and Fa la la la la la la la '8 out to the Pride Center on Wednesday
0 Limit/a, Erica” W'" be feature? Yes folks its that time again forthe nights at 7:30 for some good talk. sup-
:k AdiU'SS'O“ '5 $3 and the Show Wt," only Christmas Pageant to feature cre- port, and laughs. Call Jane at 389-
e begin promptly at 99"" Start the W" ative Christmas-wear. Held December 7698 for details.
at day $9350“ 0” ”9m i0'”_ ”3'9“ 8 at Club 141 for the third year in a
3r Angelique and Crossmgs for ”"3 spec- row, this contest has become a bit of a Community news continued page 4

 3:15:32 ff; ..; yj. ,1 g, , film maker, to Lexington in April. She is
CGMMMHWNeWsConhnued 5:4"; _ the editor of Regret To Inform, an b
_ Soci a1 Concep ts January15th at the Pride Center. ' Academy Award nominee for best
_ , Plans are in the works to develop documentary in |999. Phenix’s work k
Somal Concepts has the plans for a Website to represent the activities of has been shown in Lexington and at ‘
December. We wm get together for the group. Also planned is a Women’s Music Festivals over the last It
the SisterSound concert on Saturday, Valentine‘s Party on February 12th. decade. in
Dec. 18 at 8pm. Come to Portabella's We are looking for volunteers, 0
:ichlneongeggad—ereereenthel: ”gig/fang: [XVEPSITY FLMS financial sponsors and contributors to e
War movie theaters) for cocktails or Diversity Films has scheduled enable US to lbrlng these women to 0
dinner at 6pm and join the group for “”0 films to be show at the Downtown exmgton. t {ye}: areC interegted lit
the concert. Call the Singletary Center Central Library Theater on Dec 18. 2:39 0°” ac a'y ”he“ 66‘ ti
for tickets to the concert. free of charge. At 1:30 Europa. ) p
Then see in the Millennium with a EUTODar directed by Agnieszka . , d
New Year's Eve party. Don't stay at Holland, tells the true story of Solomon ()lnItemlga't|:ll-|a'l wiws'rt
home on a night like this. The party Pereli a German-Jewish teenager R 0th t '8 .,:9l S 0" s
will start at 8pm and go until we've who survived WOhd W5" “ by conceal— es mi St em ? f Uigery s
seen the New Millennium in in style. "‘9 his identity and using to his advan- on n ereex n an e s
This will be BYOB. Contact Gin er at i898 the oddest twists of fate u
389—7698 or gg40504@hotmaie.com At 3130 Visas and Virtue which 2060.”! COLOMBIA " The n
for details and directions. won the i997 Academy Award for Live onstltutlonal Court of Colombia h
Social Concepts has held suc- Action Short Film will be shown. This recently issued hNO deplslons Wh'Ch
cesstui social events for women over film explores the moral and profes- Significantly restrict the ability of par- v
the last six months. They have recent- sional dilemma Of Japanese COhSU' ents and doctors to resort to the
Iy had an organizational meeting and General, Chiune Sugihara, who made scalpel when. children are born “7”“ E
established a five member board the dilricult decision to disobey his atyp‘ca' gen'ta's- These surgehesi p
They will continue to provide a variety govemment’s orders and issued 2000 also. knowh ee IGM‘ or Intelrsex s
of activities including social events for visas ‘0 Lithuanian Jews enabling Genital Mutilation, have been wrdely
women of all races, sexual orientation, them to escape German persecution. practiced for over 4.0 years He most 9
ages, backgrounds and livelyhoods for Although both of these films are in the industrialized countries. c
the purpose of camaraderie, fun and context of the Holocaust, they are both 'h_ the h8 we estimate that at f,
sisterhood. affirming of the positive within human least we children are 0‘“ every day. h
They will sometimes have events nature. (”Qt depressing-really!) Here In the 93’ doctors who he.“ it
that include family members, which These films will be foIIOWed by a form lGM continue to reject the VOIC- a
means children, cousins, even hus- reception and diSCUSSiOh in es of those harmed by the surgery'.’ t:
bands. They will also focus on events Conference Rooonn the lower ‘EVEI Current laws do not protect us, r
that promote the Gay and Lesbian 0’ the Library, netee Cheryl Chase 9* the intersex e
Community, in particular the events In March, Diversity Films is plan- Somety 0’. NOhh America hSNA)' . l
sponsored by the Gay and Lesbian ing to show Golden Threads, a docu— Th's '5 the first time that a h'gh a
Service Organization. mentary about Christine Burton who CCU” anywhere has. consrdered i.
in addition to social events, Social founded an international network for whether 'GM '5 a‘vlolatlon of human
Concepts plans to develop a mentor- midlite and elder lesbians. The film “th3 Co‘omb'as Cons‘ltumha' a
ing program to offer friendship and makers, LUCY V\finer and Karen Eaton, Court went further than the pressing n
support for individuals newly coming are coming ‘0 Kentucky for This VieW‘ issue of IGM' The Court reeeemzee 5
out or new to the Gay and Lesbian ing in early March. that intersex people are e minority it
Community in Kentucky. A training We are 3‘50 planning {0 bring Wh'?“ enjoys the constitutional 9’07 C
program for mentors is planned for Lucy Massie Phenix, another lesbian teChOh 0f the State against discrimi-
nation, ”continued on page 5 .
GLSO Page 4 i

 Be Of G 00 d Cheer... Silent Night to baby Jesus, who was childhood.
by Lori Shepard actually Baby Wets-A lot wrapped in So, when all the hoopla of
a bath towel on lying in a cradle that December is over and i am left feel-
They say with age the first thing was painted brown to look like a ing spent financially and emotionally,
to go is the eyesight, or is it the san- wooden manger. i will take January and bewith my God.
ity. Well, either way, i disagree. l Now as i work extra hours in my Whatever you may perceive your God
believe that the first thing to go is retail hell to accommodate the hate- to be, i suggest youdothe same.
optimism. ful and sometimes frightening holiday ———————.—.___.__
When you are a young child shoppers, I am inclined to believe Intersexual Rights (from pg 4)
everything is full of light and promise that what i felt was just stage fright or and that every individual has a consti-
of the future. As you grow older that too much pumpkin pie. tutional right to define his or her own
light is replaced by artificial illumina- The fact that Santa isn't real is sexual identity. The Court concluded
tion from fluorescent bulbs and that the least ol my problems when l both decisions with the same emphat-
promise of a new day gives rise to imagine another holiday of that is exhortation:
dread of tomorrow. aforementioned, family fellowship. "intersexed people question our
I am acutely aware of my pes- Now i understand why my mom capacity for tolerance and constitute
simism as we go into the holiday sea— looks so grim in all those pictures we a challenge to the acceptance of dif- ,
son this year. As i begin Christmas took on Christmas morning. I realize ference. Public authorities, the med-
shopping, too late in the game as her gift to me was that she didn‘t tell ical community and the citizenry at 3
usual, it is hard for me to hold onto me what the future would hold, but large have the duty to open up a
my reasons for participating in the then again how could she have space for these people who have until ’
‘ holiday madness in the first place. known. now been silenced. We all have to lis-
Okay reality check, these Now that i am the adult, my part— ten to them, and not only to learn how l
; women who wear the pins that say ner and I face those same night- to live with them, but also to learn l
; "Jesus is the Reason for the mares my parents faced every year. from them." ,
Season," need to put down all those Whose house will we go to and ”The Court noted that this is not i
1 packages that are cutting off blood when? Why did her mother and my a medical decision, but a judicial and
; supply to something vital. grandmother have to schedule ethical decision. Ethicists in the US ;
t NOW for all Or you who just Christmas dinner for the same time? have uniformly denounced lGM as
gasped in terror at my blasphemous Whose house can we go to as a cou- unethical, but until US courts act, .
t comments, blow it out the other face pie and whose house do i have to American doctors will continue to per-
, for awhile! lam “good Christian" and take my "good" friend too? When do form lGM on 2,000 children every
‘ have a very personal relationship we actually get to sleep and where? year," noted Chase.
' with my God, but I was not thinking of The holiday season must be In addition to the Colombian
'— anybody‘s god when i bought that exposed for what it is, awell-planned Constitution, the Court also based its
talking Winnie the Pooh bear for my attack on our sanity, our wallets and holding on the United Nations
x nephew. 9 bought it because 0f soci- our dignity. it was, in another time Convention on the Rights of the
etal obligations, not a religious belief. and place, a time of year for a partic- Child. According to Shannon Minter,
1 i bought it because it was so cute ular religious sect to celebrate the staff attorney for the National Center
j and Meijer did a good job of market— birth of their Messiah, but that time for Lesbian Rights, “By holding that
n ing it. has passed. parents must place the well-being
n When I was child Christmas held Yes i am aware that those peo- and best interests of their child above
a multitude of wonders for me, the pie who wear the pins that are sup- social prejudice, the Court affirmed
a magic of make believe, the fellow- pose to remind me why we are doing the inherent dignity and worth of all
ship of family and the religious bond- this to ourselves have a pretty good children, including those who are
’3: ing at church. i felt the magic of argument but I just can't buy it with gender variant." The US is not a sig-
i- Christmas when my peers and I sang the same innocent blind faith of my natory of the UN Convention.
" GLSO Page 5

 3.3}: ~,,*_-'_- 4‘. s ,, ~'«_" ‘. ,"1 \ . ' , ; '- film maker, to Lexington in April. She is
CGMM”HWN€'WSC0"”"“EA ‘1 . the editor of Regret To Inform, an t
V " social concepts L January 15th at the Pride Center. Academy Award nominee for best
_ , Plans are in the works to develop documentary in I999. Phenix’s work h
Somal Concepts has “9 plans for a Website to represent the activities of has been shown in Lexington and at .
December. We W!" get together for the group. Also planned is a Women’s Music Festivals over the last n
the SisterSound concert on Saturday, Valentine‘s Party on February 12th. decade. b
Dec. 18 at 8pm. Come to Portabella's We are looking for volunteers, 0
§rc230n§°§2am$fltiming DWEPSWY FLMS “new sponsors and contributors to e
War movie theaters) for cocktails or DiVe'SltY Films has scheduled enabletus to '53an these wement to 0
dinner at 69m and join the group for two films to be show at the Downtown exrng on. t tyellu areC m ere: :d “l
the concert. Call the Singletary Center Central Library Theater on Dec 18, 2:3? CO" ac a'y ”he" 6 ' ti
for tickets to the concert. free of charge. At 1:30 Europa. ) p
Then see in the Millennium with a EWOPa, directed by Agnleszka . _ d
New Year's Eve party. Don't stay at Holland, tells the true story of Solomon ()lnlteg‘baitlgT-ia'l ”ecws rt
home on a night like this. The party Perel, a German-Jewish teenager Regtigcts genitlgl Sugue s
will start at 8pm and go until we've who survived World War II by conceal- on Intersex In fantg ry st
seen the New Millennium in in style. "‘9 his identity and using to his advan- s
Thi ill BYOB. Contact in er at tage‘he OddeSlinstS offate‘ u
3893-;598be0r gg40504@hot?nal£l;.com At 3330 Visas and Virtue WhiCh EOGQTA.’ COLOMBIA _- The rr
for details and directions. won the l997 Academy Award for Live OhSthUhOha' CCU” hf . Colombia h,
Social Concepts has held suc— Action Short Film will be shown This recently issued hNO decrsrons Wh'Ch
cessful social events for women over film explores the moral and profes— Significantly restrict the ability of par- w
the lastslx months. They have recent- sional dilemma 0f Japanese Consul ents and ““073 to resort to the
Iy had an organizational meeting and General, Chiune Sugihara, who made scalpel when Children are born mm 8
established a five member board the difficult decision to disobey his atyplca' 9‘3""3'3- These surgellesi 9,
They will continue to provide a variety govemment’s orders and issued 2000 2'50. known as 'GM‘ or lntersex SI
of activities including social events for visas ‘0 Lithuanian Jews enabling enital Mutilation, have been wrdely
women of all races, sexual orientation, them to escape German persecution. practiced for over 4.0 years In most gt
ages, backgrounds and livelyhoods for Although both of these films are in the industrialized countries. C,
the purpose of camaraderie, “J“ and context of the Holocaust, they are both I". the tJS we estimate that at m
sisterhood. affirming of the positive within human least f'Ye children are out every day. he
They will sometimes have events nature. ("Qt depressing-really!) Here In the LlS, doctors who per- w
that include family members, which These films will be foIIOWed by a form lGM continue to reject the vorc- ai
means children, cousins, even hus- reception and discussion in es Of those harmed by the surgery... ta
bands. They will also focus on events Conference Rooonn the lower level Current laws do not protect US’ nr
that promote the Gay and Lesbian of the Library. noted Cheryl Chase of the Intersex et
Community, in particular the events In March, Diversity Films is plan- Socrety of NOhh America hSNA)- . l
sponsored by the Gay and Lesbian ing to show Golden Threads, a docu- Th's '5 the hrSt time that a h'gh a,
Service Organization. mentary about Christine Burton who court anywhere has consrdered in
in addition to social events, Social founded an international network for whether lGM IS a'vr'olation 0f. “u."‘ar‘
Concepts plans to develop a mentor- midlife and elder lesbians. The film rights. Colombias COhShtUhOha' a
ing program to offer friendship and makers, LUCY V\finer and Karen Eaton, Court we‘gthhurther than the pressing m
support for individuals newly coming are coming ‘0 Kentucky for this view— Effie. 0: ' The ‘Court recognized sr
out or new to the Gay and Lesbian ing in early March. S. hn ers ex ‘3: ope a: ta ”who” y in
Community in Kentucky. A training We are also planning to bring l” '5 ehfl‘t’h’s Stetconslufiha 9“: Cl
program for mentors is planned for Lucy Massie Phenix, another lesbian rhgtiznnh ....:ont:rt€:eadg:r|in:agesgnm _
GLSO Page 4 G

 Be 0] Good Ch e er... Silent Night to baby Jesus, who was childhood.
by Lori Shepard actually Baby Wets-A lot wrapped in So, when all the hoopla of
a bath towel on lying in a cradle that December is over and I am left feel-
They say with age the first thing was painted brown to look like a ing spent financially and emotionally,
to go is the eyesight. or is it the san- wooden manger. lwill take January and bewith my God.
ity. Well, either way, i disagree. l Now as i work extra hours in my Whatever you may perceive your God
believe that the first thing to go is retail hell to accommodate the hate- to be, i suggest youdothe same.
optimism. ful and sometimes frightening holiday -———-—_—.__.._
When you are a young child shoppers, i am inclined to believe lntersexual Rights (from pg 4)
everything is full of light and promise that what i felt was just stage fright or and that every individual has a consti-
of the future. As you grow older that too much pumpkin pie. tutional right to define his or her own
light is replaced by artificial illumina- The fact that Santa isn‘t real is sexual identity. The Court concluded
tion from fluorescent bulbs and that the least of my problems when l both decisions with the same emphat-
promise of a new day gives rise to imagine another holiday of that ic exhortation:
dread of tomorrow. aforementioned, family fellowship. "Intersexed people question our
i am acutely aware of my pes- Now i understand why my mom capacity for tolerance and constitute
simism as we go into the holiday sea- looks so grim in all those pictures we a challenge to the acceptance of dif— ,
son this year. As i begin Christmas took on Christmas morning. l realize ference. Public authorities, the med- f
shopping, too late in the game as her gift to me was that she didn't tell ical community and the citizenry at ;
usual, it is hard for me to hold onto me what the future would hold, but large have the duty to open up a ‘
my reasons for participating in the then again how could she have space for these people who have until 3
holiday madness in the first place. known, now been silenced. We all have to lis- ‘
Okay reality check, those Now that i am the adult, my part- ten to them, and not only to learn how
women who wear the pins that say ner and l face those same night- to live with them, but also to learn l
"Jesus is the Reason for the mares my parents faced every year. from them." l
Season," need to put down all those Whose house will we go to and “The Court noted that this is not 5
packages that are cutting off blood when? Why did her mother and my a medical decision, but a judicial and 1
supply to something vital. grandmother have to schedule ethical decision. Ethicists in the US
Now for all of you who just Christmas dinner for the same time? have uniformly denounced lGM as l
gasped in terror at my blasphemous Whose house can we go to as a cou- unethical, but until US courts act, If
comments, blow it out the other face pie and whose house do i have to American doctors will continue to per-
for awhile! |am“good Christian" and take my "good" friend too? When do form lGM on 2,000 children every
have a very personal relationship we actually get to sleep and where? year,“ noted Chase.
with my God, but i was not thinking of The holiday season must be In addition to the Colombian
anybody's god when I bought that exposed for what it is, a well-planned Constitution, the Court also based its
talking Winnie the Pooh bear for my attack on our sanity, our wallets and holding on the United Nations
nephew. i bought it because of soci- our dignity. it was, in another time Convention on the Rights of the
etal obligations, not a religious belief. and place, a time of year for a partic- Child. According to Shannon Minter,
i bought it because it was so cute ular religious sect to celebrate the staff attorney for the National Center
and Meijer did a good job of market- birth of their Messiah, but that time for Lesbian Rights, “By holding that
ing it. has passed. parents must place the well-being
When I was child Christmas held Yes i am aware that those peo- and best interests of their child above
a multitude of wonders for me, the pie who wear the pins that are sup- social prejudice, the Court affirmed
magic of make believe, the fellow- pose to remind me why we are doing the inherent dignity and worth of all
ship of family and the religious bond- this to ourselves have a pretty good children, including those who are
ing at church. i felt the magic of argument but i just can't buy it with gender variant." The US is not a sig-
Christmas when my peers and I sang the same innocent blind faith of my natory of the UN Convention.
' GLSO Page 5

 "Multiple VoiceS' We especially encourage submis- one-paragraph biographical sketch. I

_ _ _ . ' stone on the following broad topics: For panels or multl-paper sessions, 1

DlVerse identities In the Queer Theory include the names, addresses, and
Queer Community" Queers and Rural America biographical information for all partic-

Marshall University's 10th Queer Politics ipants. Include a description of audio- y
Annual Pride Celebration and 1st Ethnicity, Sex, Gender, and Race visual needs or any other special tl
Annual National Lesbian Gay Issues in the Queer Community arrangements, 10 copies of a one- C
Bisexual and Transgendered Queer Activism page abstract of panel or presenta- v
Conference will be hosted by The Queer Spirituality tion. Abstracts for papers or presen- v
Marshall Lambda Society and The Queer Scholarship tations that are selected will be pub~ f
Marshall Uniiversity Lesbian Gay Perspectives that take on an interdls- lished in the conference program. t‘
Bisexual Outreach Office. Dates are ciplinary approach are encouraged Proposals must be received no ‘
April 6 _ 8 2000 Marshall University The program committee also later than January 15, 2000 Please y
Huntington West Virginia strongly encourages proposals for send proposals to: h

Keynote Speakers include: Best entire sessions based on a central Conference Proposals t‘
Selling Author and witch Starhawk' issue or theme. Multi-paper presen- %The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual ti
Two-Spirit Clyde Hall‘ and Poet Jefi tation sessions should include no Outreach Office lc
Mann ' ' ' more than four presenters. Marshall University V‘

A Call is extended for individual Individuals and groups are limit- 400 Hal Greer Blvd. n
papers multi—paper sessions round ed to submitting two proposals for Huntington, WV 25755 “
table or group discussions panels consideration. For More Information Call: 304-696— 8
films or performan