xt70vt1gk43w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70vt1gk43w/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1963 athletic publications  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Football Programs University of Kentucky vs. University of Georgia, October 26, 1963 text University of Kentucky vs. University of Georgia, October 26, 1963 1963 1963 2014 true xt70vt1gk43w section xt70vt1gk43w OFFICIAL PROGRAM • 50c ggffijéjigg
Homecoming     O  
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A0 *5%.% Kentuck ’s Fr1e11dI1est Sho me Center
N The "WILDCAT" by
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I Black Grain • Ham]_S€“:n Mocassion O Brown Grain
O Brown Grain . Sizes 6%-13, A_B_C-D O Black Grain
  Shoe Center — Main Floor
Q  \ `  
  M P    P ‘\
. . . Alwa s Sho Purcells For Your Familv, Your Home, Yoursel I
ZY P -

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KENTUCKY vg, GEORGIA Georgia undoubtedly has other big guns available in its
“,h.l tl Ut SL IK S mu .n .ts . {mc SCVG Pd arsenal but Rakcstraw looms as the biggest in the Cat—Dog
~1e ieeurre ·1·>nwa. 1 1.1n ~ . r. _ _ _
k b k H ids {th U . .t {K mt (Ly look d {ight on tap today. The splendid senior put in his hid lor I
wees ae·0c r. 0 e niversi 01 e 11··1 e _ _ _
{ It ith g dl lf {tl y .g ,t1 } d Ur C the hard-to-pick All—SEC quarterhacl< post by turning in
orwarc 0 e seeon ia 0 ie earnpar n wi 1 a eg e- _ _ _
_ _ , _ , , 0 e of the reatest aerformanees ever seen in Dixie as hc
of comparative relish. VV1th the coming to town of Georgia s H t I g _ t \I_ _ 7_ { _8 f I
_ eonnee ec a ams 111ami on ;.0 0 FJ iasses or a ire-
Bulldogs for a Homecoming clash, the schedule seemed (on 1 40% I I L_ tl [I t _ mq; I
. . . omena o vans- >rea·1n5r ie reenr se in .¤ >y
the surface) to begin to ease oft a bit from the torrid pace EK, { I I   I P _H_ ° I
. _,, _ `i1)10lS aw t11`1l.
et the Mrssissippis, Auburns and LSUs. S I L L  
A I ) _ qml t, fmt T, G 01g,q 1 k d t One of the most interesting and wide-open oftensive ev- I
. it meconnn 1 tc 10n ·—i u IH e · 1. 00 ·e a , , 1
thllt _ I . _ gb I ._ IA I g { .f _ , plosions of the year could well result today as lxentuckys I
. ear y time to e particu arly savory or 1 any team in _ _ _ _ _ _ r
th O tr I d b C q _ _t S G (1,1 I I H t sterling soph flmger 1`t1cl< Norton (No. 2 passer in the SEC) I
e e un ia e·n . nemesis 1 wa e0r 12-21 e ui ia _ _
7, y_ _ . Q challenges his top-ranked Georgia counteipart. 'lhe sta- I
the \\1l(1CZ1t5 (many times the stronger of the two on paper) t_ t_ I U ,
_ . is res s ia 1e 11 i ns way:
had been unable to measure since 1956. Years of frustra- 1 I
tion seemed ready to be ended as the troubled Bulldogs this NORTOX D Of 8' fm j4“ } nds md thru TDS'
_ _ _ ’ { 7_r"1 ` ( ( ` F) ., , 1 , .
Swim.   poked to wma up ..0 bam than tenth ..1 rim R-W?STRA" rt 0* J1) for 80- mls md 10111 TD~· ,
league. Georgia leads in the series, 10 wins to four and one tie  
All thoughts of Georgia as “easy picl1>.Z1— .--.   1··-·· ¤     1     Q ·_»·     .. »-»» ’ .1     ·1 . .»-I ‘ s-;. ’ »·.. 1 M 1   —   .»‘` 1   .   .. l
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— T V ,      ’.A_A      the honorable
    A AA AA      AAAV  A vrii   » —V ~   BERT T- COMES
    if         V“-·» ·   K k
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Closing out a four-year term as Governor of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, Bert Thomas
Combs is able to look back with a special degree of pride on a distinguished career of public service
that carried him up through the ranks to the chair of chief executive.
The 52-year-old public servant, who in his capacity of Governor also serves as chairman of the
University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, began his career as a lawyer immediately upon gradua-
tion from the UK College of Law in lf?37 and later entered political life when he became city at-
torney of Prestonsburg. l·le next held the post of Commonwealth Attorney for the 3lst judicial dis-
trict of the state and from l95l to l955 served as a judge on the state’s highest tribunal, the Court
of Appeals.
l·lis distinguished background also includes service as a captain in the Judge Advocate General's
Department and he was the recipient of both the bronze star and the medal of merit during Army
service. (
During his administration as Governor, an office to which he was elected in l959, the State of
Kentucky has made outstanding progress in many fields-—including education, agriculture, industrial
development, highway construction and social welfare.
Governor Combs is a native of Manchester in the Eastern Kentucky mountain area and worked
his way through Cumberland College prior to entering the University l.aw School. l·le is married to
the former Mabel l·la|l and they have two children, Lois Ann and Thomas George.

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! Sports lovors of tho world, unito. . . lot’s all go \Vildcat-ing!
t Face it—if you‘re the rocking chair, watch—it—on—TV type, forget the wild, wild '64 Buick Wildcat. But if A
you like your action furious and Hrst—hand, Wildcat is for youl You can bark your signals to a regular ·
325 hp \/-8 formation, or really take to the air with a 340* or 360* hp passer. Three scat—back transmissions
add to your fun: 3»speed synchromesh; 4—speed synchro stick shift on the floor*, or Buick’s new trigger-
quick Super Turbine 400 automatic* (very sparing with gas, too!). Four new models: 4~dr. hardtop; 2—dr. ~
sport coupe; 4-dr. sedan; convertible. Give one a workout; see why we say. . .
*Opli0nal at extra cost. Buick Motor Division above     S8 a   ! g
‘ l

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