xt70vt1gk363 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70vt1gk363/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1924 journals kaes_circulars_001_3_163 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 163 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 163 1924 1924 2014 true xt70vt1gk363 section xt70vt1gk363 i . COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE
, Extension Division
Y THOMAS P. COOPER, Dean and Director
S 7...
Lexington, Ky.
March, 1924.
Published in connection with the agrlcultuml extension work carried
on by cooperation ot the College of Agriculture, University of Kentucky.
with the U, S. Department of Agriculture, and distributed in further-
ance of the work provided for in the Act of Congress of May S, 1914.

 X la
' T

;\~11111}'111` 1111* 1il1l11 i|1111 1·1·1111 s1:111~111·s 111. l{(‘11111('1(}' 111 1111*
1·1·11>11< 111` 19211 S1111\\`S :1 111S11’1*>>111{I1}` ]1111·1· 111111z:1111111 111` 11111
1:11111s111'1111· >1:111· :1s :1 11111111-.
'1`111· 1`11111111·111;; 1:11111· s111111·s $(11111* 111` 111(` 111111‘1~ 111111111%:1111 0f
1111·s1· s1:111>111·s;
1,:11111 :11‘1·:1 O1` 1{1·111111·11' the (
Ll11it0tl States 1)t‘p1l1'111lt‘111 t>t` .\g1*it·11lt111·t- \rt*21l' l§t>t»l<. :11*t·; 1
Corn. b11s11t—1s .__,...,_.._,..,.,....,., . ..... . ........,.......   . 26.8 _
\\'l10;1t, l111s11t~1s _,,..,...,.... . .,..... . .V,..... . ......»,   . 11.2 2
Outs, lJ11SllL“lS _,_..,...........,........ . ...... . .,...... . ..,...». . .... .. 21.0 1
_ 11115*, tous __..,,_,._______..,.._._.._..... . .,...... . ..... . ...... . .... . 1.2
'I`t11>;1t·t·t1. [)L)lll1llS _,,_.,. .. .,,.   .,_. ...   .. . 501
Cost 0f p1*t1tl11t.·tit111 st11tlit·s t·t111tl11t·tt·tl hy tht- llt~1»:11·t111t~11t tt1` 1
1"211`11l 1·1t·011o111it·s of thte (`t1l1t·gt~ t»t' -\q1*it·11lt111·t· t1t' tht- l·!l1\`t*l`- i
sity t>f1{012t11t·ltl11tttit111. This 111t·:111s 111211 thc l`2l1'1Ill*1' :11111 tl1t1st· 11111111* 1
b01·s of his filllllly L*11g2Igl‘ll i11 tl1t· ]t1·t»tl11t·tit»11 t1t' t·1·t»1»s 1·t~t·t·it·t;·l
0111)* tlity \\`ilgt.‘$ t`t11· th0 lz1l1t»1* tht-y put 11pt111 tht· l'l'<1lt$.
'1`hc total 21111111ill \`i1l1lC t1t` 1111 p1·t»tl11t·ts t1t` tht· sttil tlt1t·s 11·tt .
;111101111t to 11101'C than $1,000.00 pt-1* t`:11·111. l.ivt· stt1t·l; l;t—1»t 11111111
fi11`11lS 0f this p1*0tl11t·tivt}110ss t·:11111t1t 1*t·t111*11 il vt·1*_v lill'Q’t' 111-
001110. 1.il·01·11l CS11lIl211t’S pl;1t·0 tht· \'2lll1t‘ t»t` :111 livt— stt»t·l< :111tl
I)O1111l'}' 111 1{t·11t11t·l11t $1.100.00 pt—1· 1.£ll'1Il.
01* $250.00 pt.·1* ]_1L‘1`Sf1l1 living 011 1Ell'll1$.  2
T0 shmv thzit those 0sti111:1tt·s :11*0 l>I't` st;1t1lt· t·1·t111s ]tt‘l‘ 1.2\l'lll was ;1< 2
follows; l;F1'tlL‘l1t')11S (l1S1't‘gi11`tlk‘tl.;l
C0r11, :1011+; ___.,,.,,.,...__,._._..__._. _ ,,____._,________,_______,__,,,_ . 12.0
v\\v11Ul1t, z101·t·s ___,_,__.,,. _ .,.____. _ .,.,   ,,,,,___.,,_,_,._,_   2.3
Outs, :101*tgs _.,_,_,.______.___,____._,_, . ____ . ,,___,___,_______, _ ,_,_,__ 1.0
Hay, z101·0s ....,.........,_..,.......t.,.......   ...., . ....,............... 1.0
Tolnucco, :101*05 ....._.....,_._.....,_._..__..,..__,,,.._,,_..,............. 2.0
'1`ll(} 0011s11s 011 1920 slimvs tht: :1vt·1*:1gt~ tl(‘1't‘£l;l`t‘ t1l` :1ll 11:11*-
\’()St(}(1(‘1'()]tS10lt()2:1.52l(’1'l‘S]1t*l` t`:11*111. .\SSlllll1llg{` tht·st~ :1s El t`:111*
cstimtitc of thte 1lSll2tl z1t·1*t·:1gt2s, 1110 zivtrrttgtr va1l11t~ nt` lltll'\'t‘S1<'tl

 Better Land Utilization in Kentucky 5
hc 1 Crops per farm according to the average farm prices for 1917 .
{01921 and for 1922 would be:
` 1917-21 Price 1922 Price
Corn, 12 acres .............,....,........................... $365.64 $231.84
Wheat, 2.5 acres ........,,..........................,,.... 54.25 33.92
Oats, 1 acre ....,...................,......................... 17.62 10.25
` Hay, 4 acres .,................,,............................,. $7.23 72.43
Tobacco, 2 acres ,.........................,.,............. 398.68 331.50
` Miscellaneous, 2 acres ....................,,...,.... 60.00 40.00
tli .. —  ..
wr- Total, 23.5 acres .........................i............ $983.47 $720.00
WI. Estimated value of all live stock, ex- .
my elusive of poultry, January 1, 1923 355.00
Wl $1,075.00
According to the estimates of the United States Department
ot`1\gi·iculture, the value of all crops for 1023 was $237,600,000,
ll"? while the value of live stock exclusive of poultry on January 1,
l"‘ll 1924, was $$2,000.000, making a total average value of all crops
ilk and live stock of $1,180 per farm. The average value of poultry
and is about $40 per farm.
uler It must be remembered that only a small part of this is for
nets sale, because most of the products of the soil are consumed by
{mt the farm family and by live stock, while most of the live stock
is used for work stock and food for the family.
the V It can readily be seen that there is not much margin left to
spend upon family and counnunity welfare. It may be said
  safely that Kentucky `s school system and the road system will
" `l` Hcver be what they should be until the earning capacity of the
54 per cent of the people living on farms in Kentucky is in-
creased. In this connection it should be remembered that about
20 per cent of the population of the state lives in towns and
villages of 2,500 or less and are chiefly dependent upon farm
trade for their business.
While it is true that farmers are sut’t`ering severely from
low prices for farm products, including live stock, it is not pos-
sible for them to be prosperous on the present crop yields at
il*ll" HUF Prices that they are likely ever to obtain in normal times.
ilillf Live Stock is a means of obtaining larger profits from crops,
estcd and the profit of keeping live stock will vary with the profit in
. _ i \ . * _

 `t l
E5 Kczzfuchji; ]J.z·{n1.•l11<·tire-
ness. Live stock is :1 growl means et` helping to keep soils pre- _
dnctive. lint it will not 1`t‘llll<‘l' naittirally iiiiprtitliictive sails
protlnctive. -\ protitahle live stuck iiitlustry can nut. he maia-
tainetl on the crop aml pasture yieltls ohtaiiietl on the larger ‘
V part of T{L‘lltllL'l{}` lantls.
Since the il\`\‘l'ilQ`L‘ size ot' l(\‘lllll(‘l(}' t`ai·ms is small. the la11·l T
must he utilized to the very hcst atlvaiitage it` the l.2ll\lll_\' is In
have Slll`lit‘lCllT lllt‘(}llll‘ to satisfy the legitimate tleiaaiiils at ;
motlern life.
The proper ntilizatimi ol` the la11·l retlaires;
1. That the lantl i11 liarvestahle crops he so treat···l that it will
_ l\1’t>tlllL'L‘ crops with a iiiargin ot` pratit.
2. The use nf a cropping system atlaptetl to soil ··<>i1tliti··a<
and to the type of l.&ll'llllll;j hest siiiteil to availahle lllill`l{t'l~
for crop antl live stock protlncts.
3. The p1·1>¢lnctio11 of gootl pastures thru the proper treatiiieiit
_ of the soil and the use ot' pasture grasses saitetl tw the sail.
4. Larger l\1‘4>llllt‘lit>ll of live stock in t)l'11. as far as possihle. of the tlmtl supply ol` the
fainily illltl the t`ee]1-
I ping systems of tl1c state. 4\t'l't)l'tllIIQ[ ta the census at ltlftl.
there were the tlillowiiig acreages ot` leginiie crops for liarvest
in the state in 1$llt):
Clover alone, acres __,._.........,......_..___.,,__,,___,,__,___,_, ]<»T,2t$G
Mixed clover anal tiniotliy, acres .,___,_,,_ _ _____,__..,. 25t},l5S
Alfalfa, acres __________1___,_.____...___,___,____,,___,_,__1________l.,_, 5ti,21l
Cowpcas and soybeans for hay, acres ........   35,**20
Total, acres _________,,,..,............................................... 454,655

 Ihr!/wr Lund I`{i/twlimi in Ifcii/nc/ry 7
.k ln this stnti-, inixml <·lnnting th<· vrup n l<{{\lll1(', thc total lc-
_,_ mime zn·t‘<·2lgI»* il~1 >lI<>\\`ll &llN>\'¢‘ is ¤»lll_\‘ ps. while only <»n¤· n<·r¤· in nhwnt (59 is in <·lt inixwl <·l<>\‘<·i· ninl tinmtliy. they nnnnint to
Tx.]- Hlbtllll (lll(‘ Zl('l`\‘ lll   Ul. llI(‘ llill`\'('Nl|‘tl ('I`UIlS,
lt inn_v l»t· lmssililu thnt th¤·i··· is n t·t»i1si¤lut‘:1l»lc nvrcngc 0f
UI] (·l4m·1· in tl1t· stulv Illini is HMI ll&ll‘\‘•·si<*]>iiig syst··ni will not innintnin siitliciciit nit1·0-
‘ gwn for ]»i·t»titnl¤l<~ ]>i·<»¤l1t<·ti·ni nnil this nin<»nnt will lw sntlicicnt
Vit] only whim tht· ]t·gt11in·t·i·¤»]i is ]i1‘<»ti<·1‘l_\' tttililwl l¤}' tllt‘11it1g llI1(lQ1‘,
linstnring <»t· t`<·t·tlin;; with <·ni·<·t`nl snving nntl 1'l‘Ill1`11 0f ninnurc.
my A gnntl sttpply <»t` lt‘§.{’llllllll’illS hny is inst ns lll‘L‘QSS2ll'}' t0 :1
;t·ts pi··»titnl»lt· liw stm-}; inil— thc cnso.
Results nt` tvsts on th¤· vnrions soil c·xpt·i·inn—nt tivltls hnvc
ills nlm shown thi- iw-nn~tly t`<»1· tho liilllll1't‘ ot` t·l<»vci·s. Those cx-
i ]wi·iiin·iit ticltls nrt- l l‘\'(‘l`}' l}'Il(‘ Ul- Nllll lll lll\' $lEllC.
ll l"` ln nll cnsvs thv t1·t·ntnn·nt nt` tht- soil with linntstnnc nntl
l`°ll‘ ]>ll0s[iltnt0 hns tnntlv tht- gmwiiig ot` t·lm‘t·1· ptissilnlv. Sixty-foul'
ilgll t‘l‘·>]is ol <·l<»\‘<·1· hnvo ln·t·n grown on thvsw tiehls in 1'UlililU1l with
`vcst <>tln·i· <·t‘llt>$}>llilltf it is l)(’ll(f1` to use 17000
of i · tl, 151111 ]1t1llIltlS at an a]111li<·z11i011, which will hc Sllili/l(jl(}l]t for
,111 Ill1'Ut‘ to tive yi-ars.
1ll- l \\'l1··1·•· ]>ll(1x]lll&ll(‘ is 11s¤·al \\’llllUlll llIll(·Si‘*1]{* or liincstonc is
{gc 11,,..1 “—j1|11.111 l1l10s1»l1;1te, ('ltl\'t'I` does not {!l'llt}l2tll_\' Sll(‘tJt‘Ctl very
1011 well. 'llll<‘]`t* are. l1¤1we1‘<·1·. sonic lllllltlflillll. f*X¤'(}])llUl1S. (ln the
liu highly1»l1·»~11l1ati¤· soils ol` the (‘\‘llll`Eil liliiegrass I`t‘{!l(I]l. liiiiestnm;
isnlitvliIl11·1111l)'il'<·21l111t·Hl that is n<·cd1·1l in order to gzct clover.
ids (lI1SUII1t‘ soils that are only very slightly acid, or sour, !1‘¤1\]Pl|2|lt‘. 'l`h<· results ol' t‘XI><’]'llllt‘]lTS i11 the state
(lyk i leadtotl1··<··»11··l11>i011 that il is not <1t`t¤-11 advis;1l1l1· {01159 1-nel;
Itllt'l>l¥llZll•‘ with li111¤·st<111•·. lA*QllIllt‘S for avid soils will he dis-
thc t‘ll~S·‘}W]>lll! systein will he d¤·t··r111i11ed i11 :1 large meas-
tlfa. lll`O hy the size ot' the l`ill'lll. the lll2lI'l(•‘iS 2l\`2lllE\l¤lt‘. the type of
.l1e soil, the hind nt` t`··1·tiliz1·r 11··~:1t111··11t possihle to give the soil.
1out ;1111lth·- ]>l't‘l.t‘l`t‘llt‘•‘ ot` the t`:11·111··1· t`·»1· t‘l`t\]>$ or livt-st01·l<.
e of -\s 1tl1‘t`·tltl}` stated. an essential of all <'1`t1l1I\l]lg systeins is a
my lt‘Q‘llIll•‘ in the r0t:1ti011 011ee i11 Illl`t‘t* or l'Olll‘ years. lf tl1e land
may will grow 1·1·d <‘lt¤\`t‘l` or can he inade t0 grow it hy the proper
e of il`t‘2lilllt‘lll. there is 110 hetter l1·g111111· l`<1I' the 1`tll2lll0ll. lf the soil
.·l1e will not ]>l'Utlllt't‘ 1·l01·e1· and lllllt‘Si<1llt* 1-:111110t he used. a. liheral
iced t1·e:1t111e11t wi1l1 l*lltlS[)ll2llt‘ will St\Illt‘llll\t’S 111*0d111·e a i·2lll'l}` sat-
,l1e- l$liilt‘lUl`}' growth. lt` l‘lU\`t‘l' Uillllltli he ;fl'U\\`ll. soyheaiis or cow-
pczis 111:1)* he used. As :111 ave1·z1ge of all the S0}`llUil1l crops
*011c. §_'l`O\\'ll 011 the l{t‘llill<‘l{}' soil (‘X]lk‘1`lll1l‘Ilt tields, tl1e yield has been
S by Qwlllll ]ll')ll11tlS per aere 1111 1111l`ertilixed soil and 3.000 pounds pc?
uces acre 011 soil treated with 2200 pounds of acid phosphate per acre.
tone Results 011 the soil experiineiit fields show that Japan clover
bthc (Lespedexal is a sat.isfa.ctory ll‘g\llllL‘ where liniestone Cannot be
cent used. Japan clover is generally looked 1111011 as a crop to occupy
-8 of WOYII land where nothing else will make a. satisfactory growth.
tthc Under sucl1 conditions it does 1lOl inake a tall growth, but makes
. s . · t

10 11111/111-/1‘_1] [J.l`/('}lSl·(I)I (lliI'1'1l[1ll` X11. /11.}*
‘ il (l1‘llSt3 111111 lllill l)l`(‘\·l`1l1$ \\'21Sl111I;[ 111111 il1·1l‘1' :1 111111: 111111- 1111-
pl'0\'L‘S 1111 soil 111 $111111* 1‘Xl1‘lll. '1`l11- 1-1·11s1111 l·t>l` tl1is ;11ti111·l»·
10\\`il1'1l 1111111111 t‘lt>\`1‘l' is 111111 ;;1-111-1-11lly 1`1l1'1I11‘l'S l111\'t‘ 11111 s1·1·11 11
gI‘O\\'1l llllllllll l·1l\'t11`illll1‘ (‘1lll(l1llt11lSL 111111 is. \\'ll(`l.(° it w11s 111111..
t‘l'l}' 1`1-1·tilix1-11. l1` 1`1-1-tilim-11 with 11 11h11s11h11t1-. it will 111 f1l\‘l*lI‘
. 211111* s1-11s1111s lllZ1l((` g11111l yi1-11ls lll. 11:1)*. (lll 1111- )l11_v1i1·11l l4lX11l°l`·
. 11111-tit 1*11-111 111 21 1·11111t11111 111. 1t)ll1l('('t), Slllilll Ql'i111l 111111 -111111111
011111-1-. 111 whi1·h 111-111 I>1l(1S[1ll&1l:‘ \\`i1S 11s1·1l 111 1111* 1-11t1· 111' 21111
})01l1l(lS l1l*1` IlL'1`•1* ]11.‘1' }'t‘11l'. ·lZl11il1l ('lU\it‘l° 1121N [)1`11llllL'l*tl 1`1'U111 1_L10ll
l)()111l(lS 10   111111111lS IN’1' Il1‘1`(` 1.(11`   _\'t‘2ll`S. (‘Xl't‘l\l lll 11111* t'{1`.~
\\'l1L*1l it 1`11il1-11 111 I`(‘$l‘l‘|l 1ts1-lt' s11t`1i1·i1-111l_v 111111 w11s 11111 1·111. 11 1
this }'(‘2l1' is 11-1`t 11111. 1111- 11\’1·1·11g1- 5-i1·l1l 1.111` th1· 111111-1- 11\'1‘ }'t‘t1l`~
is 2.5117 1111111111s 111-1- 111-1-1-.
'1`11l1111·1-11 i11 tl1is 1·11111ti1111 11215 111·1111111·1~1l {lll 2l\'t‘l'il§t‘ yi1·l1l 111
- 1.0315 1111111111s 111-1- 21l‘1`t‘. 11g11i11s1 530 I)l|l1l1(lY 1111 11111`1-1·1ilix1·1l s111l
with 1111 11¤;;111111·s. l)l11`1ll§.l` 1111- 111st 1lll`('\` }'1'1lI'N. \\`lll°1ll 1111s l11···11
118011 1111112 111111-0 111 1-y1- 111 tl1is 1·11111ti1111 111111 1111- i1\`1‘1`11}ft*}`1t*1t111i1~
111*1*11 15 11115111*1S 11111- 2l(°l‘(`. 11g‘11i11st -1 l1llNl11*l$ 1111 11l\° 1111l`1~1·tiliz1·~1 .
1111111 w1t111111t 21 11-g111111-.
n 011 thc (i1·1-011\‘1ll1- `liX[)t‘l'11l1t'11l 1·`i1-111, 1111 11\·(l1`1l;.rl° 111` 4.111**
pOll111lS (11·l2l]1i1l1 l'lU\'C1° 1l21}' 11l‘1`2lt‘1'1‘ l'1>1`1\\4l1 }`t‘il1`S \\'i1$ l11`l1t1ll|'1'11
1111 1111111 11-1-tilixt-11 \\'11l1 111·i1l ]\l1t)>[1ll211t‘.
111 O1`tlCl` 111 g1-t s11tist`111-1111-y _\·1('lll$ 111` .111111111 l‘lt1\'t‘l'. it Slllllllll
110 S0\\']l 111 11111- \\'11ll(‘l‘ 111- 1‘Z11`l}' N]11`1l1§l` 111 11111 1-1111- 11l` i1l111111 12
111111111ls 111-1- 2l('1'(‘ 111111 2l1ll)\\'1'tl 111 1`(‘$1‘(‘t1 its1·ll` i11 lllll l`11ll. '1`l11·
$0001111 }‘0111·`s 1-1-1111 will 111- 11111- 111111 will 111:11:1- 1111- l1t’&1\'_\` 5*111111,
It 1st11111-x111~11s1v1· 111 Sl'(*ll llt'11\'ll}'(‘1111l1g‘1l 111 11111111- 21 111-11vy 111-111
1’(11' thc first y1·111-`s 1-1111111;;. 11 is 11 Qt)<1t1 1111111 111 Sl1\\' 1111- s1·1-1l
011 wh1r11t 111- 1-5*1-. which 1ll21_\' 1111 1111st111-1-11 111- 11111-v1-st1·1l. 1\1-i1l
i p1111s11l111t0 s111111111 111- 111-1111-11 i11 with 1111- 151-11111 111 1111- 1-1111- 111
200 111 2300 111111111ls 111-1- 111-1-1-. 111lll‘SS 11111 11111111-1-11 111- ll1l11‘l' 1'1'|>]1
])l‘0C(‘l`Utlll('ll\'t* soils.
ml" l11 tlu- spring ol` ltllti a pit-ee of lantl till tht- Berea Experi-
"'l" mt·n1 l·`it·l·l was trt-att·tl with two IUIIS ot' linu·stont- and 300
l‘*‘l’ ponntls ol` at·itl phosphatt- pt·r at·rt- antl set-ded to swt-et elover.
2"" 'l`lu- next year tht- t·lo\‘<·r was t·t1t lior seetl and protlneed 275
Ya" ‘ pounds tnti ll|ill'l(l‘lE|lPlt' st·t·tl tin hall- ]>t‘l' at·rt-. whit.·h was worth
·2t~·· at that lllll4‘ l5t· pt·r po1111tl. or $4].25 per at·rt·. t.\ strip was ·
lil · lt-t`t nnlinu-tl on wl1it·l1 tht- elovt·r was a total t'ail111·t-.l
»‘il¤'> 'l`lu- t·lovt·r straw was l't*llll‘ll<‘tl to tlu- soil and plowed under
. antl tht- ;!l`<>lllltl was plantt·tl to t·o1·n tht- next year. The season
l ot was a vt-ry tlry ont-. l»t1t tht- yit·ltl was 40 ltnshels per aert: against
soil 2o l\llSllt'lrl trll tlu- llllIl't*2|lt‘tl lantl.
·t·t·t1 Swt·t~t t‘l2ls11ll`1‘ 111ix1111·1-s 111 l1l(1S1 111lS1lll'1‘S.
Some grass 1Il1X11ll`1*N w1—1*1- {J,’l'1>\\'ll 1111 1·1)lll' 111. the 1-x111-111111-111
tields 011 f1-1*111121-11 211111 ll111‘l`1'1111Z(`l1 s0il. '1lll1‘ il\'1‘I`1l1.[1' 1*11-111 111.
hay 011 the u11t`1-1·1ilize1l soil was 1.311111 I1|1llll1lS 111-1* i11‘l'1‘i 1111 sail
1 treated with aei1l 11ll(1S11l12111‘, 1111111; :11111 1111 s11il 1l'l`111\`(1 \\41111
- a1·1d 11ll11S111lil11‘ 211111 1lI1l1‘S111l11‘, 31.71111. 'l`h1- 111ix1111*1- was 1-.11
el0ve1*. alsike 1·l0ve1·. 11l'1'l12l1'11 grass 211111 tall lll1'211111\\' 11111 gl`El>S1111
- 801110 tields 211111 the 1'l11\°1’l`S 111111 111110111)* 011 1111l1‘l'S.
Pi1S1llI'1‘ is the ()l11}' 1*1*:111}* (°111‘11l1 1`l‘1‘11 l11.1)(1111°(l11 1111 1111- 1.11I`lI1. 1
But a I)1`11111£l111L‘ live stock 1Il1lllN11'}' 1-:1111101 111- 1111111 11111111 1111~.  ‘
tures that will pl'111lllC1‘ 1111 11l11l't‘ tl1a11 the 11111'1-1*1il1z1-11 [1El$1lll`1‘>
of the state are 11I`1111l11‘1I1gl`. 211111 this 11ll'1l1(1\`$ 111-111*1)* all 111. 1111:
11ilS1lll`1‘ area 1111151110 0f 1111- l1ll11‘gl'&1SS 1*1-gi011.
. The average total \`illllC 111 1111- 11\'1‘ >1(1('l{ 111-1- 1·21l'l1l 111 1{1·11-
tueky 1'il1lgL·S fl'11lll $31111.1111 10 $41111.1111 'l`his is 11111 l‘1l11lI1[1l 111*1-
stoek to yield IIl1lL'1l l111*11IIl1‘. 1111 111:1111-1· i1` 11 w1-1·1- l11.(1l1ll(·l`(1 at 11
111'O1'11. There will 11111 111- 111111·h 11l1'l'1‘i1S1‘ 111 111*1- S1111‘1{ 1111111 111-·
pastures are iu1111·0ve1l 211111 the yield 1111 11211`\`1*S1L‘1l 1‘l`1111S is 111-
· 1·1*eased. (1f 1'11lll`SC tl1e 1ll1‘1'1*2l$L‘ 111 111·1111111·1i1111 111111 1Il1'1`1‘i1$1‘1l live
stock should g11 11211111 111 11211111, 01* 10 state it 111-111-1*. 1‘\'1‘1`}' s1··11
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