xt70vt1gk35h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70vt1gk35h/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1920 journals kaes_circulars_001_1_078 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 078 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 078 1920 1920 2014 true xt70vt1gk35h section xt70vt1gk35h $1
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`;,.[_.;   THOMAS COOPER, Dean and Director.
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in     Extension Division
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W _ , . CIRCULAR NO. 78
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Stomach Worms In Sheep
APRIL, 1920
I Published In connection with the agricultural extension work car-
ried on by co-operation of the College of Agriculture, University of
Kentucky, with the U. S. Department of Agriculture, and distributed
ln furtherance of the work provided for in the Act of Congress of
Mays, 1914. ·

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Stomach Worms In Sheep
flue inf. the im»~t >eri¤»1i> f‘l1f'l|ll|‘~ of. flie >lll‘f‘]> imliisfry in
fi·*i:ii··l<_\‘ i~ tlie >l<¤lfli|¤‘lf xrorin. lt i\ >uf'e tn su_\‘ lliut i»ru<·ti¤hull_x‘
~ *.’·   Zf····l< iii tli•· Stute i< lllf.l'uf`e uml l‘l'fll|t¤I|lll‘&ll wuy of' ]'ill$ll1{;`SllQf‘Il
  ~i··mu··li u·»i·m~ ure u f.&f<‘ll>1' i~ l»_v iiiuiiugziiig the floelas
iii   l'(f*llll`t‘\ lll >ll¤‘ll El \YRl_\Y {IN lf? Ill`f‘\'!'lll if S<'I'l]>lll1‘ll[
~iil.,· tr»·11l»le. -\ll_\' lumln wliiela lius lieeii ufteetetl siitfieieiztly to
~`   tlip exteriiul efleefs lius 1'<‘f'<‘l\`\’tl u serious >etl¤u<·l<. -\ltli<»
l1iiLlflll]fl£l_\` 1·ee·»\‘e1· uml l»e llll'lf.f_\'. yet it lius l¤»>t ut leust u
l..*ll`ll ffl. Nlx \\`l‘t‘l{\ nf. lll`(lg`l°l‘$S lU\\-Ellill tl ]llfll`l{!\l{llllU ('fllldillflll.
liitlier slieep or lumlls muy he iiifesfeil with stomueli worms
at ;iii_r time <»f` tlie _\`<‘ill'. l.uml>s ure uff'ei·tetl first ubout tlie
i;1ll·ll·· ·»f` the >lllfllfl<‘l‘. (lem~rull_v the first sign of treulnle is tlie
·i~·iizli ··f` one or imlre lumlis, Dulliiess. luek of tlirift. uml seour-
iii;. uiwinipziiiieil hy u x·er_v pule. hloodless skiu uml iuueous 1110111-
biuiiie of tlie eyes uml moiifli ure first. syinptouis. Sometimes
fl¢··i‘·¤ is u wutei-y swelling umler the juwi.
ll§‘ 1'l‘lllfl\'lllg` uml opening the l'0ll1`fll stoiuueli (the Ctllll-
ll1ll'ilfl(‘ll[i next to the smull iiitestiiiel of u sheep wliieh lius died l
Gfiliis trouble. its imture muy he easily recognized. The stomach

' .· · .1
·1 ( 11*1*11/111* .\11_ 1H
w111·111s_ if 111*0s0111, (*2111 11:1 S1‘1‘ll 111 1:1l‘g1F l11|11ll1l‘1'$ \\'1'1:I{.{111l{1:11111111,] 11*
lll 1110 1111111 1'1)1l11‘1l1N. 'l`111·y :11*0 1g 111 111 1111*110s 11111;;, :1111.111 110 [11
1111011 :1s :1 11111, :11111 S11l1'2l11)' s11*i111*11 \\'11ll 1*011 :11111 11*11110, s.1111.. _1,
of 1110 11*111*111s 111:1y 110 s0011 2111llt‘l`1l1{.f 111 1110 i11s11l0 \\'illlS 11111.1
Kind of Injury. *`¥
S11111111l°11 11*111*111s lll_]ll1`1‘ s111*011 111 1111*00 \\'il}`S1 In
bil) By sucking 111111111. 1111
* 1 111 111* (1L`$1l.()\·111"` 1110 ]`l`(1 0111* 111S(.1(`$ 11l` 1111} 111111111, 11111
¤ • D
10) 111* 11:10101*1:11 i111`01·t1o11 1111*11 1110 \\`t111l1llS 11*111011 11··. ing
111:1110 111 1110 lining of 1110 S1<1111i11'1l. isi
Manner of Infection. _]
' Tl10 11*111*111s 111 1110 s1o111:11·l1 1>1'1>11ll1*1‘ 1llUllSilll11s ol' 000111-1_§»;_
:11*0 11:1ss011 with 1110 1·1‘1‘1‘N. 111 1111111*s, 11:1ys 111* 11*01-11s, 1l1·111·111l1;; I-W
11111111 1110 101111101*:11111*0, 1ll1‘N1‘ 00*1:s 11:11011. '1`110 1*111111;* st1»11111~’_ W1
\\`0I'1llS 1101*01111) 111 il 1011* 11il}`S 111* 11*00ks. '1`l10y 1111*11*0 111~s1 111 11*:11*11, W".
11:111111 1·o1111it11111s. 1)111*111g 11*01 1101*11111s 1110 young \\`<>1'1ll< 1·lL11.‘~ my]
1111 1110 b1:1110s 0f g`l'ilSS. '1`l10_1* :11*0 s11*:11l1111*01l 11y 1110 sl11~1·11 11:11 WW
:11101* 111*11 111* 1111*00 11*0011s 111s1110 1l11‘ s111111:11·11 11l\‘}' l`1‘il1*l1 1ll&l1lll`l‘}` hm
:11111 P1'(1(111\'C 11101*0 Oggs.
Length of Pasture Infestation. 1110
P:1St111‘0s 111:11* 1`C1112\11l 111f0s1011 for $01*01*:11 lll<>1lI1lS :11101* ~1.1·»*g~
:11*0 1*011101*011. Tl10 0ggs :11111 \\`Ol`l1LS :11*0 11111 (1QS11‘11}`L‘11 111* 1··»l~E
11*0:111101*. If $11001), g`Oi11S 01* 0:11110 Z11'1? 110111 o11` :1 11:1s1111*0 1111*:1
1*0:11*. 11 is b01i01*011 111:11 111*:10110:111y :111 of 1110 1:11*1*:11 s11·11111»;i1
11*01*111s will 11£1\'0 111011 11*1111111 111:11 111110. A s00111111 11101l111111<:11
1111*11 1110 p:1s1111*0 into :1 0111111*:11011 110111, \\'1111‘l1 will 01011:1;
sl1111*t011 1110 1101*11111 1`C(1l11l‘C11 for 1)l‘2lC11(‘2l1 111s111f01·111111.
_ How to Prevent Loss.
P1*01*0111i011 is b0tt01* 111:111 0111*0. O110 g1*0:1t $1011 1(1\\'1`11`111‘\'1i11·
ing 1110 s111111:1011 11*111*111 is 111 11:11*0 1:111111s (11`(111t 0:11*1y :11111 11lt‘ll 11111
t0 11€V€10p 1110111 as 11111011 us possible b01`111·0 1110}* go 10 11z1sl11l`@·

Nl!}/IIIIF/I lliuruis in N/nrp 5
Ell‘¤1lll1¤l llllic <·w<·s uw l`<·ll wvll uml Ili¢· lumlis uw ;:i\‘<·1i l`¢·¢·us p:H'l nl. lllv slll1|11|<·1'.
4 ul 1l.·; 'l`l1¤- si—<·<»ml lll<‘ll1Sill`_\'. 'l`l1•~ ¢lil'li<·ult_\* li•·s in ulwziys liuviiig u lIl'(‘$ll
p;l2l>llll`l’S ul·»m· w<·1‘c usual, unlo-
lpmlv l·<»i1I1‘<»l \\'4>lIl¤~1i1<»v<·¤l ul lvust ¢·\·¤·i·_x· lim w¢,·<·lu11l'll li··l·ls vuu lm ulilixwl iii
zlin l'·rlilll¤>l1. tu l`11i·11isl1 l`i·¤·sli gjruziug.
`~ “`l-li 'l`l1¤· lwsl 1lI•‘lll<* u sm·¤·<·ssi<»ii ·»l`
l*·‘**illY·i l`·»i·ugl— l·i··»ps. l·`ull swim wliwul <·i· i·_n· ¤·uii lw iiswl l`·»i· l;m· full
~?·‘ll*¤*‘l- mill l·ui·ly spring. £ll·lL‘l` wliivli 1l1·~ luml slmulil liv l»i·i»l1l is \'<·1'_\’ Qmul \\`ll<’l'<‘ Q\\'L‘
\2ll\1l`l’j~` lilmlis uw 4·u1·1‘i¤~il <¤\‘i·|‘ l`·¤i· l¤l'<‘<‘   -. 1. .
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N/I}}}}t(I'/I lliuiwus til! 1*/1:1]; T
l Treatment.
Most 1-uses 1»t' st1»111:11·|1 \\'t>l'lIl$, it` 1111t too fill' 2I(l\'2l|l(ff‘tl, <·:111
he 11·1·:1t1·1l >llt‘<‘t‘¥\l·llll_\' hy 111111·.z1s:11l\‘1»1·:1t··1| h_\‘ the l'. N. l;l|l'<'Hll 11t`A11i111:1l Iiidustry,
lllIll°ll ll2lN given the t`11ll1»wi11;; di1·e1·ti1>11s;
··|1i~s1»lv1·11111·»l'1»111·tl1 lvfrlllltl liH\'Ull'4lll]>UlNl) of the powdered U
1·i·_1»>1;1l<1»t`1·1»p111·1·s11l|>h:1te 1hl11est1>11e`1 in 1 pint of hoiliiig
\\`ill1‘l'. using ])0l't‘t‘lillll or 011:11110] ware dish. as the bluestoue cor-
;_ 1·1>1les most metals. Then add enough cold water to make the
  sohitiou up to 3 gallons, using wooden, earthemware, or other
il 11011-I]lQTHlllC receptacles. This will make approximately a 1
  per cent solution and will be enough to dose 100 adult sheep,
l 41ll11wi11g l0 pei- ee11t waste. lll the p1·epz11·atio11 of the dose 11se
  t>lll.\` 1·le:11·. hhie t‘l‘}'Sl2llS of (‘(lIi]>t‘l' s11l]»l1:1te. C`1·11sl1 the crystals
  111 il jim ]11»z1·1l1 r \\`ll<‘ll l‘(‘2l(l}' tu lll2ll{O up the Sf>lllllOll.ii*
  The doses for l:1111hs Zllltl sheep :11*e:
For lamhs lllltl€‘l` l year ot` :1;:0 lil] OIlllL‘OS of the SOlllll4'1ll
0* ` 50 t‘lll)lQ ee11ti111ete1·sl.
For sheep past l ye:11· old ill; mmees of the solution (]OO
Ii \'lllllL° (‘Clllllll(‘i0l`F\.
  lt` il 111:11·h1·d ;i`l‘<lll2|lt‘ is lltvl :1v:1ih1hle :1 glass with lll£ll'l{S
ii l ~1·1·1111·h1=d 1·11 th.· sides 111:1_x· he used t`1¤1· lll(lil$lll`lllg tl1e doses.
('1111t1`1111: -1{I(ltl_}/S {/l`Ii)I(Z {/111 Iilmxluzze (‘l']j§'{tlZS 2`t1f0 a
wr 4 p1111*1l1‘1· ZH`_7·Ol't` illtlhlilljl the sulittzioiz.
D0 not 01‘<`1‘d0.¢r.
[iM` 1`1I}'1` I-il r[1'4`Nt‘]IIiI?{]
T J llest 1·es11hs :11·1¤ St‘&'lll`l‘l‘l`tll't‘ d1·e111·hi11g illltl ;llltl\\'lll;j' lll) \\'illt‘l` for :1t least t\\'<>
i lz11111·s 11t`t1~1·w:11·d.
i A <'**ll\`\‘lll<‘lll ¢ll`(`ll('lllll_$_r 2l]l[lill`&llllS is illl (1l'tllll2ll`)' e<1ez1—e<1lil
l.,} l·1·1tl1~ with the 1»1>1·11i11g lllilllll s111:1lh·1· hy llINt‘I'llll§.I` h:1lt` of :1 eork
T i1¤1··i1. This ]>1·1·x·1·11ts the liquid i`1‘1»111 ll4I\\`lllg out so l‘il]1ltll)' HS
{   l·· >Il'illlg`lt‘ the slleep.
Q   `lrI’~`l'Zll`lllllll[ Cil`Clll{ll` N11, ~lT.

S (lliI'<‘I!/t[)' Xu, 78
liuek tlie slieep into u (‘Ul'lll‘l' untl ullow it to reniuin >t;ni·l.
ing on ull l`onr legs. Sluntling ustritle the sheep or to one >i·l~_
gently open its niontli untl insert the neelc of the bottle. lming
ver_v t·urt·l`nl not to ruise its nose Iiiglier tliun the eyes. Ii` ti.-»
lieud is lieltl too liigli the llnitl n1u_v puss into tlie lungs, t·uu~ir1u
pneninoniu untl ulniost eertuin tleutli. 'l`o prevent. the >li···:~
front stopping the opening with its tongue, rolute the l·»»·· `.»¤
slowly. (live the liquid only us rupitlly us the slieep vun swullw
_ » eoinfortublv.
_ (`ure in giving tln- dose is iniportunt. lluste or ··;ii···{.-W
ness inuy liuve serious results. Like uny Ill(‘(llt‘lll(‘. tliis i< q
dungerons treutinent. when not given ueeording to directions,
When pusture rotution is not possible tlie sheep nitty le
l given ubout three-fourths of tlie regular dose of the blues:·;t:.e
SOlll.TlOI1 C\'C1`}' 111011Ill Ol' six \\`OC‘l{S dllflllg lllC SU111I1lCI` SCHSOYI.
This will aid materially in checking the worm.
Little trouble from worms need be experienced if the fel-
lewing precautions ure observed;
1. Have the luinbs eoine curly.
2. Feed well.
Z}. Drencli tlie tloek us u nieusure of prevention. ·
4. Provitle u rotution of pustures.
. r