xt70vt1gjr9t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70vt1gjr9t/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1980 course catalogs  English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky course catalogs, 1865- University of Kentucky Bulletin, Vol. 72, No. 3, 1980-1981 text University of Kentucky Bulletin, Vol. 72, No. 3, 1980-1981 1980 1980 2013 true xt70vt1gjr9t section xt70vt1gjr9t     {uw M U i
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PUBLICATIONS Ray, Affirmative Action Office, 202 Administration Building.  
This Bulletin is distributed to all newly admitted un- Phone (606) 258*8927-, . . f 
. . . Efforts to comply with the laws and regulations applicable  —-.
dergraduate students through the Advising Conference, and . . . . . . . li 
. to qualified handicapped lndlvlduals are also coordinated by ,i
to graduate students through The Graduate School Office. . . . . . . »-  l
. . i . the Affirmative Action Office, as required by Section 504 of ·. 
Additional or replacement copies may be purchased through .. .  ,··
. . the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.  _·. i
the University Bookstore. . . . . . , 
Reference co ies are distributed to all hi h school coun- Ouesmns concemmg comphance Wlth regulations may be  
.p.~ . . V 9 directed to UK’s Affirmative Action Office, or to the Director E
selors and public IIDTBTIGS lh the Commonwealth of Kentucky. . . . . · .  
. . of the Office of Clvll Rights, Department of Health, Education   .
information about the Community College System may be and Welfare Washfn mn D C I
obtained by contacting: Community College System Office, ’ g ’ ` ' El
University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky 40506. V f
In accordance with the Family Education Rights and Pri-  
O A O t vacy Act of 1974, University of Kentucky students have the it
Specific information about different parts of the Universi- right to review, inspect, and challenge the accuracy of infor- i
ty’s program may be obtained by directing inquiries to mation kept in a cumulative file by the institution unless the
members of the administrative staff. The post office address student waives this right in writing. It also insures that records ,
is: University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky 40506. Tel: cannot be released in other than emergency situations with- ·
(606) 258-9000. out the written consent of the student, except in the following
General information, admissions, transcripts of credits- situations: §
Dwi 0* Adif•)$$i<>Q$ and RFQISYYBY A. to other school officials, including faculty within the ed- li _.
$}—r¤¤·=tA**¤·r¤—V·¤§= F’r¤¤·¤¤¤¤f¤r$¤¤¤¤¤¤Af*¤•r¤ ucational institution oi local educational agency who  
L“:"g A°°°UrI`°d?t°T4"°`, Off, t have legitimate educational interests; ft
I)`C`smg_ .mV°Is'ty °°is°ng, me I B. to officials of other schools or school systems in which . E.
Dining- University Food Services . . .  
. . the student intends to enroll, upon condition that the stu- · it
A particular college and its program - _ , , f _ _ ff
Dean Offhe college, Dean of Admfssfons t A dent be notified o the transfer, receive a copy of the  
Community CoIleges—Vice President for the Community i *¤°<:d"·i d°s':d· and hav: :" °pp°;umtV f°I a hearmg  
gollego System . toc a enget econtento t erecor ;  
Graduate wotk..ooan 01*Tng Graduate school C. to authorized representatives of 1) the Comptroller Gen- if
Student Financial Aid- Director cf Student Financial Aid ` eral of the United States, 2) the Secretary, 3) an adminis-  
Gonorol publications about the University- trative head of an education agency or 4) state educa-  
Director of University information Services "   5 mma; authorities;  
;'°°°"‘:{"* s°""°°*j‘D'F°°“?'°*PIif°°m°'“S°'V'°°$_ » I D. in connection with a student's application` for, and re- il
ounae lng and Testing Center- Director of Counseling and A cefpf Of, financial aid;
Testing ' E where the information is classified as "directory informa-
Extension, Evening end Correspondence Courses- ' ' , ,, Th f I , , f _ _ f
Unfvmffy Extension Offfce - · tlon. e o Iowlng categories 0 information have been  
pm., Knox com"' Fon Kmm Kentucky designated by the University as directory lnformatlon:  
_ name, address, telephone listing, date and place of birth, `
major field of study, participation in officially recognized
      BCIIVIIIGS and sports, WBIQITI and IWBIQITY of I’TI€ITIb€I'S of
athletic teams, dates of attendance, degrees and awards '
The University of Kentucky is committed to a policy of ¤r¤· received, and the most recent previous. educational
viding educational opportunities to all qualified students re- institution attended by the student lf you do not wish
gardless of economic or social status, and will not di$cl’im· such information released without your consent you .
inate on the basis of race, color, sex, marital status. beliefs. f should notify the Registrars Office prior to the first day
age, national origin or handicap. of classes. `
Compliance with Title IX of the Educational Amendments Questions concerning this law and the University's policy
of 1972, which prohibits sex discrimination, and with Title Vlt concerning release of academic information may be directed ·
of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is coordinated by Ms. Nancy to the Registrar's Office, 257-1826.
2 f I .

l _ l _ _ T
  I Calendar ....................................................................... 5
  l -The University .................................................................. 11
  . Admission to the University ......................................................... 13
L  Fees .7 ..............r.......................................................... 21 ‘
 $.2 Financial Aid .................................................................... 26 ` `
  · Special Academic Programs .... ( .................................................... 33
  Libraries .................................... . .................................. 36
 · ‘ _ Cultural Opportunities ............................................................. 37
  Living Accommodations ..... . ..................................................... 39
  Student Services and Activities ...................................................... 43 _
  ' Academic Requirements ...................................................’ Q ....... ·49
  The Academic Program ........ ‘ .................................................... 59 y
  Curricula and Degree·Requirements .................................................. 62
  _ - V `* Agriculture .................................................................. 62
` Allied Health .......................,........................................ 72 `
  ‘ Architecture ................................................................. 77
ii Arts and Sciences ..................................... · ....................... 79
Business and Economics ..........................................,............ 101
_· Communications .- ....................................................   ........ 104 ,
W Dentistry ...................   ......................................... A ....... 107
` Education .................................................................. 108 _
g Engineering ................................................................. 120
  ·‘ Fine Arts .....~ . .................................... I ......................., 1 27
  Graduate School ............................................................. 131
_   · / Home Economics ........... _ ....... ` ........................................... 133 7
  Honors Program .............. . ............................................... 137
li Law .................. . ........................... ; ........................ 138
L `. Library Science .............................................................. 140
!  Medicine ..... L ............................................................. 141
 if Nursing .................................................... I ................ 143
gt. l Pharmacy ...... I ........................................................... 145
gv; Social Work ......................................... ‘. .   ..................... 148
  Community Colleges .............................................................. 149
i` l University Extension .............................................................. 150
Independent Study ........................................................... 150
A Course Numbering System ......................................................... 153
  ~ · Abbreviations ......................................................... . .......... 154 1
  Course Descriptions .............. A ................................................ 157
College of Law ........................... ` .................................... 263 .
i; College of Dentistry ........................................................... 265
i College of Medicine ........................................................... 269
Faculty ........................................................................ 276
Administration .......,....» . ..................................................... 304 »
L Index ......... A ................................................................ 305

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  ‘V “,‘
 ij;) Students should check the Schedule of C/asses for each semester for any calendar
  changes which may have been approved after publication of this Bulletin. _
i».  ·‘
 lf -»l.
l ?‘:<_, i .
 if ,`‘i " ` .
I 'éy. ‘
  1931 Fall Semester October 19-Monday- Last day to drop a course
 iiir June `l—NlOr1dHy—D9adline for applying for admission or October 1.9"MOnd6V—L6$t daY wd Vi/lThdl’3W flfim Thi?
  ` readmission for the 1981 Fall Semester for all categories of Un'Vers'rY er reduce eeuree eene u e an reeewe any
  ,undergraduate applicants wishing to be included in the . refund _ /d_ _
  Summer Advising Conferences October 26-Monday-Last dayito pay thesnsi éssertaitlon
if  June 15—Monday-Earliest date to submit applications for _ reee rer e December eegree °n Bnhngs an O eeuens
 'Ti; regular and Early Decision Program admission, College of Ornee _ Ad _ _
  Nisuisins, ini Faii 1982 . November 5-Thursday- 1982 Spring Semester vlsing
  July 24-Friday—Deadline for applying for admission or C°"r€"€“°€ r°"f‘€W rfeshmen _ Ad _ _
it  readmission to the Graduate School for the 1981 Fall Nevernber e_Fr'dey_1ee2 Spr°ng_ Semester Vlemg
it  Suinsstsi i i Conference for new advance standing (transfer) students,
  i»li, August i_Seiutday_Deadiine fur anniicatiuns iui. Eatiy Community College transfer students; and readmission
 {Yi Decision Program, College of Medicine, for Fall 1982 and nendegree Students u h W d d Ad
 Ti August 24-Monday- Registration for new students who did Nevernber _e`18"`M°ndey_ threug e nee ey- Venee
yi   not advance isgistsi, registration for 1982 Spring Semester i l C H f
  August 25-Tuesday-Centralized add-drop for Advance - N°*ii/°i"2iP?' *5; Si;"ii’i*‘g’8;D"ad""8 *°' ·’l’l"'°·‘"'°"$# ° egg ° _
r  if Registered Students e ncnne, or a _ i t
 tw August 25__-i-ussuat,_ Last day u studsnt may utticiaiiy umn November 19—Thursday— Last day to schedule a final exami-
i-  · t The Graduate School for candidates for a Decem-
il  a course or cancel registration with the Registrar for a full ga 'egénd - _
    refund of fees i er egree _ {
  August 26__Wsunusday_Ciass Wuik bsuins . ’ November 26-28-Thursday through Saturday-Thanksgiv-
 lli August 26-September 1 —Wednesday through Tuesday- rng H°i'eeYS"A°edem'e Heueeye _ _ f i_
 if Late registration for returning students who did not ad- · December 1_Tuesdey_Deedi'ne fer Subrmeslen 0 app leer
  Vance iegistet and new epniicants eiuaiud inte {ui. ad_ tron and receipt of all materials for admission, readmission
 if mission. A $20 late fee is assessed students who register er transfer te the College er Law fer Sprmg Semester *982
  December 3-Thursday-Last day to sit for a inal examine- _
 ,,;i__. late. _ __ _
  September 1 -Tuesday— Last day to enter an organized class F t'°n r°r eanmeeres fer e December 1981 graduate 4642*88
  for the peii Semester - · _ December 11- Friday- Deadline for applying for admission or
  September 1-Tuesday-Last day to officially withdraw from §edrn'is'°n to the Greeuete eeheel fer the *982 Spring
  the University and receive an 80 percent refund ernes er _ T i
  September7-Monday-Labor Day-Academic Holiday. December 1 1 _Fr'dey_ene er class Wie'; F_ I E _
 it-4 September 9-_Wednesday—Last day for payment of reg- December 14`1e`M°ndeY through _r° ey_ me Xemme
,Yii._ istration fees in order to avoid cancellation of registration nene _ d be _ h _ /d_
 it _» September 9—Wednesday—Last day for new students to December l8~F~¤¤v·;¤ij* iefy te Sudgm e ; ee'?) Issege
  pick up ID cards from Photographic Services in order to eggs; the Graduate e ee er can. I etee ere eeem er _
ii A avoid replacement fee egree _ t —
.   ’_ii _` September 16-Wednesday—Last day to change grading December 18_Fr'dey_end er Fen Semester , ,
i - ‘ D ember 21 -Monda —Fina| deadline for submission of
  . option (pass/fail to letter grade or letter grade to pass/fail; t ec _ V I if b 4
  credit to audit or audit to credit) grades te the Registrar e O lee Y p'm'
  » September 16—Wednesday—l.ast day to drop a course . · i
r. .
  without it appearing on the student's transcript 1982 Spring Semester
  September 18—Friday-Last day for reinstatement of January 11-Monday-Registration for new students who
  students cancelled for nonpayment of registration fees. did notadvance register ·
  Requires payment of registration fees plus $50 reinstate- January 12-Tuesday-Centralized add-drop for Advance
  it ment fee. Registered Students A
  September 24—Thursday—Last day for filing an application January 12—Tuesday-Last day a student may officially drop
{jj fora December degree in College Dean’s office a course or cancel registration with the Registrar for a full
Qt October 15-Thursday—DeadIine for applying for admission refund of fees
rr or readmission for 1982 Spring Semester for all categories January 13-Wednesday—CIass work begins
  of undergraduate applicants wishing to be included in the January 13-19-Wednesday through Tuesday—Late registra-
if November__Advising Conferences for the Spring Semester tion for returning students who did not advance register
. 5

 and new applicants cleared late for admission. A $20 late April 30-Friday-End of class work   gi
fee is assessed students who register late. 1 May 3-7- Monday through Friday- Final Examinations  
January 19-Tuesday'- Last day to enter an organized class May 7-Friday-Last day to submit thesis/dissertation to The ji]
. for Spring Semester Graduate School for candidates for a May 1982 degree  
January 19-Tuesday—Last day to officially withdraw from May 7-Friday-End of 1982 Spring Semester A  
the University and receive an 80 percent refund May 8-Saturday-Commencement Day  
January 26-Tuesday—Last day for new students to pick up May 10·August 21 -College of Pharmacy 15—Week Summer  
ID cards from Photographic Services in order to avoid Term ~  
replacement fee May 10-Monday- Final deadline for submission of grades to  
January 26-Tuesday—Last day for payment of registration the Registrar's Office by4 p.m.  
fees in order to avoid cancellation of registration , June 1-Tuesday-Deadline for applying for admission or  iii
February 1 -Monday—DeadIine for submitting application for readmission for 1982 Fall Semester for all categories of  
admission to College of Dentistry for Fall 1982 undergraduate applicants wishing to be included in the  
February 2—Tuesday—Last day to drop a course without it — Summer Advising Conferences V  
appearing on the student’s transcript July 23-Friday-Last day to apply to the Graduate Admis- ly; 
February 2-Tuesday- Last day to change grading option T sions Office for admission and readmission to the 1982 Fall `  
(pass/fail to letter grade or letter grade to pass/fail; credit Semester  
to audit or audit to credit) . _  jg
February 4-Thursday-Last day for reinstatement of stu- 1982 F°ur_w°ak Intersession  
dents cancelled for nonpayment of registration fees. Re- —. ll);
quires payment of registration fees plus $50 reinstatement April 1-Thursday-Deadline for applying for admission or  
fee. readmission for any 1982 summer term for all categories of  
February 11—Thursday-Last day for filing an application for undergraduate applicants wishing to be included in the  
a May degree in College Dean’s office · April Advising Conferences for the Summer Sessions iff
February 15-Monday—Last day for submission of applica- April 10—Saturday-Last day to apply to the Graduate  
tion for admission to the College of Law for Fall Semester Admissions Office for admission and readmission to all  
1982 1982 Summer Sessions  
March 4—Thursday— Last day to drop a course April 29-Thursday- Last day for Kentucky Teachers to ’;}_i,
March 4—Thursday— Last day to withdraw from the Univer- submit all required documents to the Graduate Admissions  
sity or reduce course schedule and receive any refund Office for admission and readmission to all 1982 Summer  
March 15—Monday- Last day to pay thesis/dissertation fees Sessions    
fora May degree in Billings and Collectionsloffice _ May 10-Monday—Beginning of College of Pharmacy 15-  
March 15-20-Monday through Saturday-Spring Vaca- Week Summer Term .  
tion-Academic Holidays May 10·—Monday—Registration for new students who did QF;
March 31 -Wednesday— Last day for receipt of all supporting not advance register `  
.' credentials for Fall Semester 1982, College of Law May 10—M0nday—Last day a student may officially drop a  
April 1—Thursday—Deadline for applying for admission or Course or cancel registration with the Registrar for a full  
readmission for any 1982 summer term for all categories of refund of fees T  
undergraduate applicants wishing t