xt70vt1gjk3j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70vt1gjk3j/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1938-05-03  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, May  3, 1938 text The Kentucky Kernel, May  3, 1938 1938 1938-05-03 2013 true xt70vt1gjk3j section xt70vt1gjk3j m












3. 1938


Back Talk
Acnin we mention the slogan con
test. Reports continue to drift in.
Stories of scoffing, of disinterest, of
"child' play." The scoffers are in
the minority but this little bit is
at them, nevertheless. You
want to know why we "stoop" to
engaee in sucn a cnnaisn iaea. wiiy
iont "save our face" by leav
ing AWS. ODK. and the Men's Crack Drill Unit Of R.O.T.C.
Rtudent. Council "holding tne Dag
To Leave Friday To Take
Sirs, we pity you. we really pity
Part In 3rd Regiment
you. Don t you realize mat oecause
of the childish actions of a very
rfnrrori la use m'hat you
you UK NOT
call childish methods?
see that before we win prim any
which you
of the "fiery" editorials
ask for) that we have to be sure
that rou can safely play with fire? Platoon Goes To Columbus,
Ohio, May 21, For Drill
And dont you know that before we
niM ahsnrfon a worthwhile pro
With 1st Regiment
gram, we would let our face be
hanged because we wouiam warn
Pershing Rifles, crack drill unit
to use it again in public, anyway? of the ROTC will leave Friday. May
6, for Bowling Green where they will
Plus-- For Fraternities
participate in the 3rd regiment's
"Please allow me space in your drill mact under the command of
column in which to express my Cadet Col. Arthur Plummer.
gratitude to the social fraternities
Although not a member of the 3rd
Being a graduate regiment, the University company
of the campus.
student, and having transferred to was invited to compete with compaD. K. from another school. I deemed nies from the Western State TeachIt inadvisable to pledge or Join a ers' College, University of Illinois
social fraternity, since my limited and the University of Indiana A
time would have curtailed any par- silver cup will be awarded the victicipation in activities and conse- tors.
quently cut down on the benefit to
The Pershing Rifles' drill platoon,
be derived. However, the courtesy commanded by Cadet Col. Arthur
social fraternities have Plummer. will go to Columbus,
which the
shown me and I speak for others Ohio, May 21, to participate in their
In my position) In the matter of regular meet with the 1st regiment
bids to the formals, and In many
The Kentucky unit will compete
other instances, has been sincerely against platoons from Ohio State,
For ob- Ohio University. University of
and deeply appreciated.
vious reasons. I do not sign my Akron. University of Dayton, Uni
versity of Cincinnati, and Michigan





At Fourth Hour


Havea Of Kriuft
"It usually takes student about
seven months to find one of the
largest buildings on the campus
From the crowds that have gathered
the last few evenings In the library,
one would conclude that they aU
found It at the same time. From
here on. one can expect a
finish." S. Suren.'
neck-to-nec- k

Lout Mafic
"For some time, certain individuals on the campus have spent their
leisure hours collecting phonograph
records from the various fraternity
and sorority houses. Perhaps they
do not realize that students spend
theil- - own money buying these records. The most recent pieces seem
to be the most sought after recordings, and an individual certainly
lowers himself wt-- n he deliberately
walks in a house and takes these
records which are the possession of
the fraternities and sororities. This
is nothing more than plain thievery
May QaeeB Elects
Quite a bit of discussion arose
over the addition of three names
to the voting list for
yesterday. According to the Judges,
who were asked to select nine girls
out of twenty, they didnt know
anything about the three additional
.selections until Just before the
On the
names were announced.
other hand, the Men's Student
Council states that they selected
the three prospective queens after
they had been informed by a Suky
member that there are to be six
honors conferred rather than the
usual three on May Day. They also
insist that the three additional
names carried the next highest
points in the Judging and that since
each girl is "numbered" that they
had no idea as to the identity of
the added selections. At least this
should be a lesson to
plenty of outside witnesses on such
occassions. This campus has been
fooled so many times by "thrown"
elections that everyone is Just naturally sceptical.


aim-ay- s

Pr and Con
Sometime ago we carried some

Jeanne Barker Is Queen;
.Beats Bewlay 51 Points

Friday Classes
To Be Dismissed
Classes will be dismissed at
a. m. Friday for the annual
May Day convocation and following May Day activities, it
was announced yesterday from
the office of the registrar.
Classes will be resumed Saturday with the regular schedule.





89-- 37

Mortar Board, Cwens, Lamp






Several Hundred Fans View
Contest On Slow Track
At Stoll Field

plaques, will be awarded to the out-

U. P.

Livestock Judging teams from


The "Echo Song," by Orlando Di
Lasso, was well received by the audience due to the natural echo
phenomena created by the small
group of singers that assembled in
the far end of the auditorium.
by Robert L. De Pearsall
was sung with such youthful vigor
that the audience received it graciously and responded with a good
round of applause.
The male voice were given an
excellent opportunity to display their
ability and volume control in, "O
My Lawd, What Shall I Do?" by
David Ouion.
The sopranos and altos retaliated
with an extremely beautiful song
by Elinor Warren, "Children of the
Moon." '
With the rendition of "Rain on
the River," by Oscar Fox, the chorus
showed its ability to follow the director through a difficult series of
swells and fortissimo chords that
were so pleasing to the audience
that it was repeated as an encore.
The girls of the chorus were
dressed In white while the boys offered a strong contrast In their
dark suits.



have been presented to such outstanding Kentucky citizens as Lewis
Humphrey. Linda Neville. Major
Sam Wilson, Brunswick Nahm. E. O.
Robinson. Katherine Pettit. Charles
Welch. Mary Breckinridge
George Goodwin.
have received
Students who
awards are Jeanette Metcalf. John
Rachal. Charlsey Smith. Gayle Moh-neMargaret Gooch. William
Glanz. Elizabeth
Benson. Nancy Scrugham. Rex Al
lison, Elizabeth Poole, Robert Allen
Wise. Jane Dyer. George Skinner,
Jeane Peake. Walter Steitler. Lucy
Jean Anderson. Henry McCown,
Frances Kerr, Elvis Stahr, Dorothy
Whalen. and Ike Moore.
Pledging exercises will be held
for Mortar Board, honorary leadership fraternity for senior women;
Cwens. honorary fraternity for
sophomore women; and Lamp and
Cross, honorary fraternity for senior men.
Lamp and Cross will also present
a $100 scholarship and a silver cup
to two outstanding freshmen. Selection will be based on scholarship,
activities, and character.
The procession of the fraternity
and sorority floats will begin at
2:30 p. m. from the Administration
building. Prizes will be awarded on
the basis of humor for the fraternity floats and beauty for the sorority floats, method of presentation
and originality. Thirty point will
be given for each of these and an
additional 10 point will be given
for carrying out the coloniol theme.
The campus organization which best
represents, with a float, its capacity
on the campus will also receive a

Six 'YM' Members
To Leave For Annual


j..L-1l!-i'- ..











Instructors Chosen
For Summer Class
Six Professors To Participate
In Reading Course At
Extra Session
Headed by Dr. Arthur I. Gates,
head of the department of education psychology at Teacher's College,
Columbia University, six instructors
have been selected to participate In
the course, "Diagnostic and Remedial Problems in Reading." which
will be offered during the University
summer session, June
' Besides Dr. Gates,
the list includes
Dr. Laura Zirbes. head of the department of educational psychology
at Ohio State University, Dr.
A. Betts, of Pennsylvania State
College, E. A. Taylor, of the American Optical Company, and Mrs.
May K. Duncan, head of the department of elementary education at
the University.
The purpose of the class is to find
out the difficulties encountered by
children in reading, and methods
to correct them. During the course
the University elementary school
will be used as a laboratory for
reading work, including demonstrations with the lectures.


retreat at Camp Daniel Boone, on
the Kentucky river Friday, April 29 Graduate Was One Of Only
repto Sunday, May 1. Seventy-fiv- e
Two Women To Edit
resentatives from all student "Y"
School Paper
organizations in the state were pre-

Mc-K- ee,





Spring Conference FORMER EDITOR
Six members of the University OF KERNEL DIES
YMCA attended the annual State

Speakers on the program of forums, platform hours, and discussion
groups included: Dr. Huntley Dupre,
associate professor of history; Dr.
Judson King, pastor of the Lexington Congregational church; Dr. Walter Muelder, Berea College; Gene
Powers, Berea: J. R. Martin, memAnnual installation of officers of ber of the K.S.I.C.; William W.
Atlanta, Ga.; and Rev.
the Association of Women Student Cassell, Kentucky Wesleyan. W. E.
will be held at 5 p. m. Wednesday,
Students who represented the
May 4, in Patterson hall. House University are: Raymond Sutherpresident
of sororities and resi- land, David Sageser, Howard Walters, Tom Spragens, Campbell Mildence halls will also be Inducted.
ler, and Arthur Bicknell. Bart N.
Members of the AWS council who Peak. YMCA secretary, accompany
will be installed are: Ruth Johngroup.
ston, president: Mary Ann Stiltz, the
Leslie Lee Jones, secRIDGECREST RALLY
retary: Susan Clay, treasurer; and
Mary Elizabeth Koppius, Y. W. C. A.
William Hall Preston, associate
president and ex officio member.
southwide secretary of the Baptist
House presidents include: Virginia Student Union, R. H. Falwell, Jr.,
Ferguson. Alpha XI Delta: Mollie state president and Pete Gillespie,
Acree, Alpha Oamma Delta; Ida state secretary,
will conduct a
Jean Phillips, Chi Omega; Mary Ridgecrest Rally at 7 o'clock Friday
Jane Braly, Kappa Delta: Charlotte night, in Memorial hall
PcrclvaL Delta Zeta; Hattie Richie,
Zeta Tau Alpha; Genevieve Montgomery. Kappa Kappa Gamma;
Mary K. Boland, Delta Delta Delta;
Janette Reanker, Alpha Delta The-tand Frances Young, Patterson
President of Boyd hall and Shelby House annex are to be announced
later. All women students are invited to attend installation services.
"Grass closed for repairs. Detour
on sidewalk!"
That was the slogan which was
adjudged best in the third installthe
"The Discovery and Development ment of and Kernel's
conof Artistic Talent" will be the sub- test.
submitted by Carolyn
ject of a talk by Dr. Norman C. Sigler It was will
receive the $100
Meier, associate professor of psychology at the University of Iowa, first prize by calling for lt at the
to be held at 3 p.' m. today In the Kernel news room.
The deadline for the poster conphysics lecture room of Pence hall.
The talk will be given under the test; held in conjunction with the
sponsorship of the psychology de- slogan competition, has been set for
Wednesday night. May 4. All pospartment.
on 11 by
should be
With the cooperation of five tersinch pieces constructed cardboard.
of white
schools and 40 leading artists. Doctor Meier has headed a research Cotistxibutlons are to be entered
project to study artistic capacity with the agreement that the buildmay
and creative Imagination which has ings them grounds department prize
been carried on for the last 10 year use $5.00 as they see fit. A
will be awarded for the
with the support of combined grants of
of $50,000 from the Spelman and winning poster.
slogan vras
Creriisg the rtr-nlrCamtle fcusiatiocs.


Wildcat Track Team Whips
Mountaineers While They
Turn In Best Of Year's

and girl and
I, And Berea standing senior boy for consplciousa
Kentucky citizen
Are Among Schools
service and high Ideals.
To Enter Meet
Awards given annually since 1927,

L, S. U

Irene McNamara. former editor of

the Kempl, died Sunday morning,
at the Good Samaritan Hospital.
Cincinnati, where she had undergone an operation.

Miss McNamara was graduated
from the University in 1923 with an
A.B. drgrea in journalism.
Following her graduation she was associated for a number of ysars with
the Lexington Herald and during
instructhat time was a part-tim- e
tor in the department of Journalism
Since going to Cincinnati she has
been supervisor of publications in
the trade schools, a branch of the
public school system.
Funeral services will be held at 9
a. m. today in Mt. Sterling.
In the first start of an extended
Northern invasion. Coach H. H.
Wildcat tennis team
defeated the University of Indiana
net team yesterday afternoon in
Bloomington by the narrow margin of

In their second and final home
appearance of the year, the Wildcat track team presented their best
performance of the season in rolling over the Berea College cinder
artists by a score of 894 to 374
Saturday afternoon on Stoll field.
Lured Into the open by the perseveral
fect weather conditions,
hundred fans, including state high
school music festival participants,
sat patiently through the entire
show and cheered lustily as the Cat

varsity collected first place tokens in
11 of the IS events. A slow track,
caused by rain Friday night, prevented the track entrant from hitting their fastest times and most of
the clockings were not exception-al- y
Kentucky was off to a flying start
when Hellard breezed home ahead
of the mile run pack in 4:44. After
dash, in Which Kenthe
tucky's Hineman. Rankin and Ford- respectively, the
en placed
ultimate outcome of the meet was
never in doubt. McMakin. Forden
and Hineman further added to the
Berea embarassment by placing in
that order in the
Powell collected the initial Berea
first by skimming the
hurdles in :17.1 to head the field.
(Continued on Page Fo"ir)


a timely bit of banter about thi
latest Sour Mash hero written by
W. W. Moss: "Don't be a McCarthy;
There are others to 'mow it down!' "
Chick Young gathered inspiration
from Kilmer to produce the following little rhyme which captured the
show position: "Fools like you can
trespass, But only God can make
the grass!"
Other good contributions were
made by Warren Steckmest. who
wrote "A path a day keeps the
grass away" and Georgia Ellyn
Conley. who sent in the following:
"Put your best foot forward but
put it on the walk."
Denoting a rising interest among
students, a new peak in the number of contributions was reached.
Fewer offerings lacking seriousness
were found than at any previous

Name Soda Grill
In Student Union
And Win $50
A cash prize of $50 will be
given to the student who sub-

mits the best name for the
soda grill located in the new
Student Union building, it
was announced yesterday.
Judges for the contest will
be selected from University
officials. The contest will be
restricted to students in the
University. Those entering the
competition must submit their
own name, their class and
their address as well as their

The date for the closing of
contest has been tentatively
set for Wednesday. June 1.
Entries should be sent to
James S. Shropshire. Director
of the Student Union building.


Thro; Dramas, Written And
Directed By Students,
Will Be Offered

100-yar- d

220-yar- d








Logan, Hillenmeyer, Coliiver,
And Allison Elected To
Hold Positions As

Nine Candidates Sekcted By
Judges; Three By
By a margin of 51 points. Jeanne
Barker. Alpha Gamma Delta, barely nosed out her nearest rival. Betty
Bewlay. Chi Omega, in yesterday's
election for 1938 May Queen. Betty
Bewlay automatically became Maid
of Honor. Attendants chosen were
Virginia Logan. Kappa Delta; Dorothy Hillenmeyer, Delta Delta Delta:
Dorothy Coliiver. Delta Delta Delta;
and Elaine Allison. Alpha Xi Delta.
The result of the voting was Barker. 2249 points: Bewlay. 2198 points;
Logan, 1866 points; Hillenmeyer,
1682 points;
Coliiver. 1104 points:
and Allison. 1063. Approximately
ment student voted.
Students listed their first six preferences among the twelve candidates. Each vote represented 21
point, six for first choice, five for
second choice, etc.
Judges selected nine candidates
to compete in the election on Thursday night. Twelve names were entered on the ballot, three being
added by the Men's Student Council. Roger Brown, president of the
council, explained that, according
to the original plans, only four candidates were to be elected. After
the Judges had made their decision,
however, a member of SuKy. organization directing the May Day
festivities. Informed the council that
six candidates would be elected. The
council then added the Judges' next
three choices.


laboratory plays
Three one-ac- t
written, directed, and enacted by
students and former students will be
presented at the Guignol theatre
at 8:30 o'clock Thursday night. May
S. There will be no admision price.
"Noblesse-Oblige- ,"
a comedy of
manners by Greer Johnson, is being directed by Ross ChepeleS. and
assisted by Mary Frye. The cast is:
Dorothea. Dorothy Wood; Mr. Bruce
Cork, Gordon Bugie: Mrs. Bruce
Cork. Esther Montgomery: Poppy,
Mabel Bos well; Lord Hlggenbotten.
Andre Bowne; Lady Agatha. Peggy
Clark; and Doctor. Stanley White.
John Lynn, assisted by Ntell Hardin, directs "Retribution." written
by Mrs. Violet Foster Beehler. graduate of the University. The play fa
a tragedy of the deep south, and
the cast consists of: Amanthis. Jerry Stapleton: David, George Jesse;
and Laura. Genevieve Howard.
"April Intermin," an episode of
Reading the War Between the States, was
'The Romance Of
written by Miss Katherine Phelps,
Yill Be Subject Of Adformer University student. Frank
dress At Library
F. Davis is directing the play. The
McCon-nell- ;
Becker, cast includes: Ann. Jean
Mrs. May Lamberton
Jack. Arthur Bicknell; Captain
Journalist, and editor of the Lewis,
John Wilkirson; and Jones.
New York Herald Tribune Sunday
magazine, will speak at 3 p. m. C. D. Hawkins.
Thursday, May 5, In the browsing
room of the University library on
"The Romance of Reading."
Editor of the magazine "Scholasthe
tic." Mrs. Becker conducts
"Reader's Guide" column in the
New York
ODK-Cwen- s
Sponsor Annual
Her published works include "AdSing At
ventures in Reading," "Books as
Memorial Hall Windows," "First Adventures
Reading." and "Under Twenty." She
The annual all campus sing,
is also editor and compiler of the
"Golden Tales" series of regional sponsored by Cwens, sophomore
honorary for women, and Oruicron
Delta Kappa, men's leadership fraone time Mrs. Becker was edi- ternity, will be at 7:30 o'clock toAt
tor of St. Nicholas magazine and night, in Memorial ahll.
during the World War was chief of
Miss Mildred Lewis will direct the
the Foreign News Bureau of the audience in singing while the Judges
National Council of Defense.
are making their decisions as to the
Following her lecture, Mrs. Becbest women's and men's groups.
ker will be guest at a tea In the Cups will be presented by Hazel
staff room of the library. Students Perkins, president of Cwens. and
and faculty members are invited.
Berkley Benneson. president of O.
On Thursday evening, she will be D. K.
guest of honor at a community dinAll groups are 'required to sing
ner at 6:46 o'cock at the Phoenix at least one verse of "Alma Mater,"
hotel, sponsored by the Woman's and one other selection. A miniclub of the University. Her subject mum of twelve and a
maximum of
will be "The New Books."
twenty-fou- r
voices are required.
In recognition of the Children's
The committee in charge includes
Spring Book Festival, Mrs. Becker Mary Lou
McFarland. Susan Jackwill lecture on "The Festival of son, Virginia Pettus,
Harlowe Dean,
Children's Books", at 9 a. m. Friday Jr.. and William Young.
in the department of library sci- of Cwens and O. D. K.
will usher.

"The three additional candidates

were selected entirely according to
the Judges' voting and the council
did not know the identity of the
girls." Brown stated.
Jeanne Barker. Betty Bewlay,
Dorothy Hillenmeyer and Dorothy
Coliiver were backed by the Fraternity Combine. Virginia Logan and
Elaine Allison received the support
of the Progressive party.
Members of the queen's court, as
selected by sorority and independent
committees are Lucy Bach, and Mildred Griffin. Alpha Delta Theta:
Mabel Payton and Eleanor Ruth
Jones. Alpha Gamma Delta: Florence Greene and Eva Clay. Alpha
XI Delta: Lucy Anderson and Gien- da Burton. Chi Omega; Ruth Dillv
and Margaret Rhodes. Delta Delta
Delta: Dorothy Santen and Marie
Snyder. Delta Zeta; Margaret Mark- ley and Caroline Adams. Kappa
Delta: Claire Taylor Spencer and
Jean Mahan. Kappa Kappa Gamma:
Fannie Benelll and Barbara Dennis.
Zeta Tau Alpha; and Mary Jane
Roby and Rae Lewis, independents.


Kernel Slogan Contest Pays Off
To Carolyn Sigler In This Issue

Memorial Prizes
Will Be Awarded Norman
To Lecture Today



Be Installed
rrrrimn rwr. Will At 5 Tomorrow



Teams From Seven Colleges
To Compete In Southeastern
May Day festivities will begin with
Intercollegiate Livestock
the annual students' convocation to
Judging Contest
be held at 11 a. m. Friday, May 6.
in Memorial hall, with Pres. Frank
L. McVey presiding.
The Sullivan Medallions, bronze

Music Festival Winds Up
With Mass Choral Singing

adverse criticism of our reporter,
Mr. Winer. Now, it is only fair to University
Will Oven Discussions
I with to
priwt th following:
comment on the recent write-u- p
With Williamson
Allenby Winer on "Stage Door." It
was far superior to any previous
Miss Marian Williamson, Louis
Guignol story. It was Interesting,
different and I vote it one of the ville, director of the Kentucky
best stories of the year. Let us Crippled Children's Commission, will
speal( at the first of a series of four
see more articls by Winer." J. M.
round tables and programs to be
Plra for Action
held at 7:30 o'clock tonight In Room
"Mr. Editor: Can't you suggest 201, Neville hall, under the sponsomething about this campusing
system at the University? It's hap- sorship of the University public
pened to all of us to have a date, health nursing department.
and then, all of a sudden, the gal is
Miss El ma Rood, director of pub
campused. And it's not always her lic health nursing education in the
fault. The last date of mine to be University's department of hygiene
campused was treated in this man
and public health, will be in charge
ner because the house president felt of the meetings and will introduce
resentful of something she. she (my the various speakers.
date) had done, and not because
For the second meeting, at 7:30
W. W. o'clock Friday evening. Dr. D. A.
she came in late . .
That's something that can only be Reekie of Louisville, a member of
worked out by the individual houses. the Kentucky State Department of
It's a good thing to think of those Health, will discuss, "Various Means
things alien selecting a president.
of Evaluating The Effectiveness of
a Public Health Program."
Public Notice?
We don't want to overwork the
Mibjecl. but Judging from reports
received and from what we have
noticed ourselves, the worst offenders in walking on the grass are
professors, Charles S. Brent Prize And
fraternity presidents and members
Bennett Prize To Be Given
of prominent organizations. Wonder
This Month
It mould do any good to start
publishing the names of all such
The Cliarles 8. Brent Memorial
prize and the Bennett prize will be
awarded this month to the best
Before We Clow
Junior student in American history,
One of the largest votes cast in and the student submitting he best
the May Queen election In a long essay of "Dictators and Parliatime . . . Glance over the second ments," respectively, it was anclean editorial page
we cant nounced yesterday.
believe It yet . . . read that syphilis
The Brent prize of from $25 to
editorial but don't stop there . . . $50 worth of books dealing with
read Dr. Parr an s book . . . another American history Is given annually.
honorary editorial . . . also notice
The Bennett prize contest closed
the tribute to the singing groups yesterday and the essays submitted
fix up that float for May Day will be Judged on a basis of original
. and so we
go to press et 10 concept and thought, end research


And Cross Will Hold
Pledging Rites

en colleges will compete in the annual Southeastern Intercollegiate
Livestock Judging contest to be held
on Friday, May 6, on the Experi
ment Staticn farm. This year's
contest will be sponsored by the aniKentucky has won every meet mal industry department of the Colsince the beginning of the compelege of Agriculture and the Block
titions six years ago, and, according and Bridle club. Awards will be
to Lt. Col. B. E. Brewer, head of the made at an evening dinner in the
military department, "Chances for Commons.
winning again are excellent because
Beginning at 7:30 a. m. contestthere are so many experienced men ant will Judge twelve classes of
on the team. Nearly every man on beef cattle, sheep, hogs, horses, and
the team was a member of last mules. In the afternoon each conyear's winning team and all have testant will give reasons for his
profited by the year's training."
(Continued on Page Four)

More than 400 boys and girls, rep
resenting 63 high schools throughout
the state, gathered in the University gymnasium Saturday afternoon
to climax the 15th annual meeting
of the Kentucky High School Music
Festival by rendering a commendable choral program In excellent
four part harmony before an attentive and responsive audience that
numbered In the thousands.
Noble Cain. Director of music for
the Chicago Studios of the National
Company, achieved
amazingly fine results as the con
ductor of the chorus. With only
four rehearsals In which to develop
unity, feeling and understanding,
Mr. Cain proved his outstanding
ability as a director and interpreter
of musical compositions, by the
quality of the concert which he so
deftly referre dto as the final re
The first number of the program
"Today There Is Ringing," by F.
Melius Christiansen, famed composer and teacher, was handled with
such exactness and feeling that the
chorus' could well have been com- pared to an organ due to the true
pitch and perfect harmony which
the chorus had mastered.

Festivities To Start
At Annual Convocation
In Memorial Hall

May Day


Wanted: Senior man who is a
typist and preferably one who ai.knows accounting and can
some dictation. Good Job Fee t;ie


Dean of Men



There will be a meeting of Theta
Sigma Phi at 4 p. m. today at the
Woman's building.
The book group of the YWCA
at 3 p. m. Thurday. Mav
Instead of Wednesday, in the
Browsing room of the library to
hear Mrs. May Lamberton Becker
Tea will be served afterward in the
Staff room of the Library.
will meet

There will be a SuKy meeting at
the Alumni gym.

5 p. m. today in

J. C. Hull,
of the
Smith Incubator Co.. will speak to
the Poultry Club at 7:30 o'clock
Thursday night. May 5. in the Dairy
building. The meeting will be open
Dr. Amry Vandenbosch. head of to the public.

Prof To Lecture
At Eastern College

the DeDartnient Of Political Rrlpnm
wll deUver four lectures from July
ll to 14 at the University of Michigan. He Will lecture nn nnv nhu
of the government and politics of
the countries of Southeastern Asia.
Under the joint sponsorship of . The graduate school of the University of
the Association of Women Students, extensive Michigan is developing an
course of studies on the
the Men's Student Council and
Far East. Hu Shih. the Chinese
campus leadership fraternity, nhilosoDher. will alsn h ni nr h
the contest is held twice a week special lecturers.
was recently
and the winning slogans are printed elected Vandenbosch
a member of the American
in each lasue. The
Council of the Institute of Pacific
first prize winners are awarded Relations.
$1.00. and a grand prize of $5.00 will
be given to the originator of the
semester's best slogan.
couEntries may be made on the
Election of officers of
pon located elsewhere in today's sity student branch of the Univer
the AmeriKrnel and should be deposited in can Institute of Electrical Engineers
which has been placed in was held Friday. April 29. at a meetthe box
the University Station for that pur- ing of the society in the Engineering
pose. Phrases may be either rhymed building.
or unrhymed. but should not exNew officers are D. C. Schafer.
ceed two lines in length. Winning Lexington, chairman: W. H. Hall.
slogans are selected on the basis Nicholasville,'
of originality, cleverness and per-- Harry R Smith, Brandenburg, sec- O-D-


All old and new A. W. S. council
Inembers are required to meet at
4:45 Wednesday afternoon in th
Patterson Hall Study room for the
installation of officers.
Ail sophomore and Junior men ii
the College of Commerce who ar
interested in the reorganization of

Delta Sigma Pi. professional commerce fraternity, will meet at 3.30
p. m. today In the men's studv room
of White hall


Election of WAA officers for the
next scholastic year will be held in
the organization's office from 10 a.
m. to 12 noon and from 130 to 3
p. m. Thursday. May 5.
All those interested

in organizing
7 30 o'clock.
in Room 111,

a boxing club meet at



McVey hall.

Those wishuig to attend the WAA
camp May 1 please register in
th gynvat once. All WAA members are siljlSle to attend.

� two





Filtered t the Post

Ofn- - at Iri1nirtnfi, Kentucky, aa
matter under the Art ot March I, 1879.
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Editor-in-Chie- f

F. H. MtFHsim
J f an Mr El roy



Managing Editor
tSews Editor


Busiurss Manager

Ramsey Garrison
Leslie Lee Jones
Louts Ha pies
J B. Faulkner

Sporta Editor


Society Editor



S. Louis
Jack Treadway

C albert

Cecil Kittenger
Sam Ewlng

Lee Allen Heine
Robert Cohen




Aii-nt- y

James Howell
AmbrMM Arthur

The Best
Of The


tar Reporter
PM1 Cattle
Irvlnn Danziirer



Jotkfabif. on the
campus Friday
and Saturday of last
week were the crowds

of hopeful-facehigh
school students who were here to compete for
honor in the 15ih annual Kentucky High School
Musical festival.
In this event which precedes National Music
UV-k- .
May to 7, four hundred bovs and girls
ftom sixty-threschools throughout the state
Coming from rural communities and
small lilies, many of these students were privileged to roam for the first time over the grounds
of a large university. A few troups huddled together near a building and watched with awe
the cosmopolitan shifting of scenes. It would be
inietesiing to know what impressions these
young and enthusiastic students carried home in
their fertile minds.
Some of us who are only two, three and four
seats giaduaied from the
stage may
have hwtked with disdain on these voungsters.
Th ir programs of song were open to the public,
but too lew of us attended. 1 he
m hool c hoi