xt70vt1gj58v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70vt1gj58v/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1926-04-23  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, April 23, 1926 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 23, 1926 1926 1926-04-23 2012 true xt70vt1gj58v section xt70vt1gj58v THE KENTUCKY KERNEL









Sung at Woodland

Professor of Philosat State University
of Iowa

Men's and Women's Glee Clubs
Will Take Part in Concert
No Freshmen or Sophomores
To Be Presented May 4
May Attend Unless AccompanThe men's and women's glee club ied by Upperclassman ; Juniors
Prizes" To Be Given to Prettiest of the University of Kentucky will
To Get Stag Bids Only
and Most Comical Floats
participate in the Artists' concert to

In Big Parade
Through Town





bo held nt the Woodland auditorium
Tuesday night, May 4, in which four
widely known artists brought here
under the auspices of the Central
Kentucky Choral society will take the

ministration building from




The girl receiving the highest num-- J
ber of votes in this election will be
crowned May Queen and will rule over
the campus festivities on May Day,
Saturday, May 1. The co-e- d receiving
the next highest number of votes will
and the four girls
receiving the next greatest number of
votes, will be attendants to the queen.
Big Celebration Planned
Plans are being made now for the
festivities of May Day which will be
"observed on the campus Saturday,
All classes will be dismissed
May 1.
at the end of the second hour. The
program for the day is in charge of
the Su-K- y
First on the program is the senior
exercises. These include the planting
of a tree a; talk by the senior orator, William Simpson; the history of
the class by Ava Cawood, historian;
and the prophecy by Wallace Saunders, class prophet. G. T. Fenn, junior
class prophet, will receive the hered-

is a part of the May
to be held in Lexington May 4 and 5. On the following
night, Wednesday, the oratorio "Elijah" will bo sung by 250 persons accompanied by a 55 piece orchestra.
The orchestra, which is built upon the
33 piece orchestra of the University
of Kentucky, and the chorus have
been prepared for the renditions of









itary spade from the senior class and
make a short talk.
Following the tree planting, Mortar
'Board, honorary women's senior fraternity will hold its pledging. Lump
.and Cross, men's senior honorary
fraternity will not hold its pledging
at that time due to the fact
of the activities will be out of town
with the baseball team., It is understood that Lamp and Cross will hola


D 17




HERE MAY 8-- 9


Establish Shop in Fuller
Building Late in May Featuring Men's Apparel





Kaufman Clothing Company will
open a branch store about May 15 in
the Tavern building (Fuller building)
at 329 South Limestone. They have
leased this storeroom for a long term
of years, and will have a modern up
to the minute shop for college men.
They are installing modern fixtures
throughout, and will feature clothing
for college men exclusively, and silk
hosiery for
Prize Offered for Name
The name of the new store will bo
selectc.l from names suggested by the
stddents of the university, and a
prize of $10 in merchandise will be
given to the person submitting the
name which will be used. Mail all
suggestions to the Kaufman Clothing
Company, attention publicity department, at once, since they must be re
ceived not later than April' 30. All
suggestions will be numbered in the
order in which they are received, and
in case more than one person suggests the name chosen, the first one
submitting this name will get the

Will Have Buying Advantages
The now store will have exceptional

Two Groups

All students are invited to attend

the men's gymnns-iutomorrow night from 9 to 12
o'clock under the auspices of the
Alumni association of the university. The subscription to the dance
n dance given in

will be $1.
A special feature of this danco
will be the music which is to be
furnished by the Kentucky Kernels
from the Strand theater. As an accommodation to the Kernels, the
Kappa Sigma orchestra will furnish
the music at the Strand.
The committee in charge of the
dance is composed of Mr. and Mrs.
Wilson, White Gwynn,
Brown, Viley McFerrand, Read
Wilson, Nancy Inness, Irene
Maie Barkley and Helen


Editors Named
and Ruth

Kehoe Will Publish Bulletin


Miss Ruth Kehoe and Miss Betty
Regenstein have been appointed to
take eharee of the bulletin of weekly
announcements of the University of
Kentucky for the next year. They
will succeed Miss Cleone McWhorter
and Miss Maria McElroy who served
in that capacity this year.
The bulletin, which announces all
events of the succeeding week, is sent
to newspapers oi tne cuy, urBiuu-o- f
tions on the campus, and university
people in general.

ered for the former group, and an interesting program has been planned
for them under the leadership of Pro- feasors R. D. Hawkins, E. A. Bureau,
C. C. Jett. and J. R. Johnson,
During their stuy in Cincinunti the
delegation will make its headquarters
at the Hotel Gibson. The first after- noW in Cincinnati will be spent at
the Le Bload Machine Tool Company,
trip to the Zoolofml
Am optiotuii

upoaker wjll bo Deun Anderson, head
of the engineering department of tho
university. An elaborate program has
been planned and plans to broadcast
the program are being made, accord
in.r to Professor Hawkins.
will be spent at the
Columbia Power company and tho







Enjoyable Program Given












Drama Will Be Presented Here

In Early


Part of


The cast has been selected and
hearsals arc being held daily for the
1920 Stroller play "Icebound," which
will be presented in the early part of
May, according to A. H. Wicmann,
director of the dramatic organization.
The leads in this year's play will be
taken by Miss Mnry Lair and Alvin



"Icebound," a

drama by
selected for this
year's presentation by the university
dramatists after long consideration.
Comparatively a new play and copyrighted only in 1924, "Icebound" hns
enjoyed long runs in many of the larger cities and has been highly praised by critics wherever produced. The
scene is laid in New England and the
action occurs shortly after the close
of the World War.
12 Characters in Play
Twelve' characters appear in "Icebound," of whom six are male and
six female. The Stroller cast consists of seven girls and five boys, however, as the part of Orin Jordon is
played by Alice Le Mere.
The cast selected follows:
Mary Lair
Jane Crosby
Alvin Hammel
Ben Jordon
Mabel Sadler
Ella Jordon
Virginia Robinson
Sadie Jordon
Lily Parrish
Emma Jordon





Nettie Jordon
Henrietta Blackburn
Hannah, the servant
Rankin Harris
Alice Le Mere
Orin Jordon
Henry Jordon Harry McChesney
Bob Thompson
Judge Bradford
Tom Walters
Dr Curtis

Dr. McVey Announces That
Summer Session Will Increase
Year's Registration ; New
Board Members Named


Dr. Ligon To Speak

The University of Kentucky debating team met the University of Ari- 'zona team Friday night, April 10, in
Dicker Hall to debate the question


Mary Lair and Alvin Hammel
Will Take Leads in Annual Play of Dramatic

child Labor

Bullock Represent Kentucky
No Decision Given


Deliver Commencement
Address at Carlisle May 20

Including the students expected to
attend the forthcoming summer session, the university will have approximately 4,500 students for the year, according to a report made by President McVey, at a meeting of the Board
of Trustees last week.
President McVey reviewed the legislation affecting the university enacted in the last general assembly,,
the appropriations
and announced
made by the assembly.
To Require House Mothers
The board outlined the budget system for next year and a resolution
was passed requiring the fraternity
houses to arrange for house mothers
not later than January 1, 1927.
The resignation of Dr. W. W. Zwick,
of the hygiene department was accepted and Dr. Paul C. Taylor from tho
University of Illinois was appointed
to succ.eed Prof. H. B. Eversole as associate professor of accounting in tho
The following
College of Commerce.
appointments to the board were an-

("Resolved: That the iroposea unuu
Dr. M. E. Ligon, principal of the
"Eneineers do not expect credit as Labor Laws Should Be Adopted."
University High school of the Univer- Dr. G. K. Brady, of the English
individuals for what they do, but
they "have satisfaction in what they i department of the university presided. sity
have accomplished as a whole," W. II. The university representatives were.""-"r n 'uJn. hLv. - M,nni
Driscoll, president of the National William Hanratty and John Bullock P"
side of the on M.0?
Heating and Ventilating Engineers, who took the affirmative
This year's class is the largest in
,i uofio
told the engineers in an address in
Thirty-thre- e
the school.
afternoon. Arizona,' upheld the negative side. the history of 20 girls and 13 boys
Dicker Hall, Wednesday
His subject was "Engineering of Big No decision was given.
...Ml l.
Tim 10"K crrnlimt- Buildings."
'i,n,i or' mpmiiers. and was
Prof. W. R. Sutherland, who has
The engineers were also fortunate charge of public speaking, announces
HJ thig
, w Rnmmon. of the local nounced: Hon. W. J. Webb, of
in having with them Col. Morrow who that the University ot ooiumoia win
E. B. Webb, of Lexu.gton, and
was introduced by Dean Anderson. send three men into the southeastern Presbyterian church wH1 prcnch the
Col. Morrow gave a humorous talk states to debate .on the Child Labor baccalaurcilte sermon in the city the reappointment of Frank McKee
'these representatives
and J. W. Turner, of Paintsville.
which was woll received.
nud.toriumi Mny 1C.
to be in Lexington during the last
Describes Road to Success
of May when they will debate
In his address before the students
with Jonn . buiiock, wiiiium huh- - o
f Vta- - or K orn
ri i ' i
Mr. Driscoll stressed tho fact that all
Omilll 1 I1H1K.& VV UUIC viv,vv ial ivviuv.i







Make Inspection Trips Next Week;
Will Visit Many Points of Interest Dr. McVey To Speak at
Vanderbilt University
gardens is to be another feature of
tho day.
To Inspect Plants
Tuesday the entire morning is to be
spent in going through the Newport
Rolling Mills and the Andrews fateei
Plant. The afternoon will be spent at
tho Stanvood Corporation of Coving-- .
ton and the party will return to Cin- cinnati in late afternoon. Tuesday
evening tho engineers will be the
guests of the University of Kentucky
alumni of Cincinnati at a banquet given at the Hotel Alm3. The principal

and Drills


On Program; Commissions
To Be Presented; Lieut.
Governor Will Speak






Students Who Will Publish Herald
May 3 Asked To Meet Monday



G:30 o'clock.



Betty Regenstein


Military field day for the Reserve
Training Corps of the Union
in Editing Edition of versity of Wednesday will be heldMay
All Journalists Who Will Take Part
Stoll field
To Receive
Local Paper Must Be
20, from 2 to 4 o'clock, it was anInstruction and Information as to Their
nounced by Col. II. P. Hobbs of the
Various Duties
military department. The program
for military ceremonies leading up to
the field day exercises and to the inAll students in the department of who will also have charge of the
who are to serve on The graph desk and who will be assisted spection by a board of officers from
Herald staff on the night of May 3, on this desk by Joseph Palmer, Fran- the War Department on May 13 and
when they will publish the May 4 edi ces Cregor and Blanford Taylor, of 14, was also announced.
College; editorial .staff,
tion of that paper, are requested to Georgetown
The first regimental parade and rebe present at a meeting of the staff, J. L. Crawford, Ted McDowell, Kyle view was held at 3 o'clock on Friand LeRoy Smith; city day afternoon, April 10; other reviews
which will be held in Prof, Enoch Whitehead
Grehan's recitation room, in the base- desk, Jack Warren, editor, assisted by will be held on the afternoons of April
ment of the Science building, on Mon- John R. Bullock, Curtis Buehler, Flor- 23, May 7 and 21. These are for the
day afternoon, April 20, at 3 o'clock. ence Ogden and Allan M. Trout, of perfection of the unit in anticipation
sport desk, of the spring inspection. The schedule
This order has been given out by Georgetown
Arthur Morris, who will act in the Frank Hoover, editor, assisted by of events for this inspection is only
capacity of managing editor of the Warren Price and C. M. Dowden; state tentative as. yet, but it is probable
student edition of The Herald. Mr. desk, Niel Plummer, editor, asisted by that the examination of the class unthat Virginia Conroy and Catherine Carey; its will take place Thursday afternoon
Morris says that it
each member of the news staff be society desk. Edith Minihan, editor, and Friday morning, and the review
present as the purpose in holding this assisted by Thelma Snyder, Ava Ca- on Friday afternoon. There will be
meeting is to instruct each member wood, Elizabeth Glascock, Pauline an inspection of equipment in addiof the staff in his work and to inform Adams and Virginia Kelley; proof tion to the exercises.
each as to what his or her various readers, who will read copy, Delos
The ceremonies on the military field
Nooe, Stanley Royce, Lucile Cook,
duties will be on May 3.
day will include regimental parade,
Those who have been selected from Llewellyn Jones and Virginia Boyd; drills and other military exercises,
Pumphrey, Dave
The Kernel staff and the department reporters, Byron
the presentation of commissions in the
of journalism to take part in the pub- Alexander, E. T. Higgins, who will Officers Reserve Corps to the graddog watch, Wayman
lishing of the student edition of The handle the
advanced course by Gen.
Leonard Tracy, Willy King, uates of the
Herald, and who are expected to be
D. E. Aultman, commanding
Maria McElroy, Louise Jefferson, Ros- - of
present at the meeting of this staff
the Fifth Army corps area, and the
on April 26, are as follows:
administration of the oath of office to
Managing editor, Arthur Morris, (CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT) the officers commissioned in the organized reserve corps. Lieutenant Governor H. H. Denhardt will deliver the
Meets address to the students selected to
take the advanced course in military
training next year.
Prizes and medals will be awarded
LI O 1
William Hanratty and John

of Junior Engineers to

A group representing the mechani-- l
cal, electrical, and a few of the civil
engineers of the junior class of the
University of Kentucky will leave
Lexington Monday morning, April 26,
anfor Cincinnati, on the thirty-fir- st
nual inspection trip of plants and
mills in Kentucky and Ohio. The remaining civil engineers and thoso"in
the mining and metallurgy group will
start Sunday, April 25, for Birmingham, Muscle Shoals and other points
of interest in the South.
Two special busses have been chart-



who maintain an office in New York
200 Fifth avenue, where they employ a staff of buyers who are trained
specialists in the buying of men's apparel. These men are in constant
touch not only with the market, but
with all the big eastern colleges.
The new store will be in charge of
Jim Strauss and the present plan is
to use as his assistants, students from W. H. Driscoll, President of
the university. The exact date of the Association Addresses Engiopening will be announced later.
neering Students Wednesday ;


The women students of the university will hold special programs May 8
and 9 for all mothers who accept the
second annual invitation of their
daughters' to visft them here. Mothers of the men students in Lexington
have also been invited, but due to the
lack of suitable quarters, it will be
impossible to entertain the boys' moth
ers who do not reside in Lexington.
According to Dean Franke, who is
in charge of the arrangements, the
guests will be entertained at various
sorority houses and at Patterson
hall. Plans include a tea at Maxwell
Place by President and Mrs. Frank
L McVey, automobile rides over the
campus, dinners at sorority houses and
at Patterson hall, and a musicaie by
Phi Beta, Woman's musical fraternity.
Last year 300 mothers were entertained by their daughters and it is
expected that the attendance this year
will be much greater.
will be held Saturday morning, May
. twAn
in naffmiifa
the exact
number of visitors. A definite outline
the program for the two days to
be had will be published later.

Students Invited to Alumni
Affair Tomorrow Night

upper-clnssme- n


The speaker for the monthly convocation of the students of the university, Friday, May 7, at 10 o'clock, will
be Dr. Edward D. Starbuck, professor of philosophy, in the State University of Iowa.
A graduate of the University of
Indiana and Harvard College, Dr.
Starbuck has been affiliated with the
State University of Iowa, as professor of philosophy, since 189G. He is
an authority in this line of work and
besides his work as a professor has
written several books.
Dr. Starbuck will also be the principal speaker at the banquet to be
given by the Graduate Club of the
university in the palmroom
of the
Phoenix hotel on the evening of May

Kaufman Clothing Company To

Women Students Invite Parents buying advantages, as the Kaufman
To Second Annual Program ;
Clothing Company is connected with
Large Attendance Is
the Affiliated Clothiers, an organization composed of 76 big retail stores
Expected This Year

To Give Dance

will be invited
to attend the annual senior ball, which
is to be held May 28. This rule was
made by the senior ball committee in
a meeting last Sunday afternoon.
The plan devolved from a discussion
in which facts were shown that Kentucky is one of the few universities
where anyone but seniors attend the
"senior ball." The committee put
through a modification of this by ruling that seniors, of course, will be allowed to ask anyone they wish and
that junior boys will be allowed stag
bids. That is, a senior boy may escort
a girl from any of the classes and a
senior girl may ask a boy from any
class for an escort.
No "date" bids will be issued any- one bu'i sen'ors- - All seniors will bo
nsketl to cooperate with the committee
in mnlinn fVin affair ilVnl I lal Vol If fill

"Senior Exercises Are First Fea- leading parts.
The concert
ture; Mortar Board To
music festival
All men students of the university
will be privileged to vote for May
Queen and her attendants at the election to be held Monday, April 2G. A
voting booth will be located on the
campus directly in front of the Ad-

NO. 20

The Annual Senior Ball on May 28 Speaker Is




APRIL 23, 1920

Dr. Starbuck
Only Seniors Will Have Dates at At ConvocationToMay 7

PI ANS Eliiah" Oratorio







To Speak by Radio
Professor Hooper To Lecture on
Dairy Development over WLW

Deliver Commencement
Address June 9; Accepts
Prof. John
Other Invitations




Dr. Frank L. McVey has accepted

the invitation of the Vanderbilt ad
ministrators to deliver tho commence
ment address at Vanderbilt Univers-ity- ,
Nashville, Tenn., Juno i), it was
announced this week.
President McVey will also mako the
address at Converse
College, Spnrtansburg, S. C, High
school and the Paris High school during the first week in June.
He will leave toduy for Washington, D- - C, to attend tho meeting of
the educational division of the
Research Council of which he is
Following the Washinga ineniber.
ton visit ho will go to New York to
attend to matters pertaining to tho


Diet; Gives His
Banquet Had Been
Opinion of the Speeches and Speakers

Well, nil us which writes for The
Hooper, head of the dairy Kernel give ourselves n banquet down
College of Agriculture, to the Lafayette last Friday night.
About G:H0 the whole benzine floor
will address a radio audience through , was cluttered up with hungry report- I
WLW. Crosley station,
I'TSi ers' nm1, from the stnipede that come
Tuesday evenincr. May 4,
0,r when thc cook say.s' C0,,V nn,,
o'clock. His subject is to be unuy get it before I throw it out,' you d
Development in Kentucky.
of thought the whole crew hud gone
Prof. Edwin Uoou, lieaa oi tne tie- - n a diet all week,
j told Artie Morris, ho hadn't ought
partment of animal husbandry in tho
tun i fY.w. fiuul (ill tlio niirhL
nf A irripnHiirit. siinko at this i .,, I.
I looked the mob over when
same station last Tuesday, April 20, ,efore.
m.l R,.n Umt tin. Invi.
fm. Ma RiiMpnt "Kentucky's
A.lunntnir.w ns .1 T,ivo Stock State" fJnn l..wl li.x.n !KI1.,I ll II VOl'V
Thc arrangements for this series of democratic basis, and with the Wi
talks were made by Thomas Cromwell, that everybody was free and equal,
secretary of the Thoroughbred iorseuie acuuy was repreenie
associate in, a national organization oi the business ami mccnnnicn tiepari-- 1
linrKpmen. organized for the nurnose ment was there in force, morns umi
of informing the world of tho oppor- - me that the whole Kernel stall was to
Utilities for stock raising in the Blue bo invited, but I seen that most of the
mere aiso.
. subscribers was
finish state.

We finally got parked around the
tables in the most strategic position
tQ nttack the rationS( and j observed
Umt l wa(J nnchoml between a cute
mUe SwcUiah Bjrj nainw
Cnnrnv mut-- or
if,i(iv nn,i
vivi-ini- .i

les8 Frenchi

Thcro was enough artil- -

planted around my napkin to
drive anybody crazy tryin' to figure
out which I was least likely to cut myt
tm.oat with
(Jives Etiquette Lesson
I says to Kelley to quit
napkin for a necktie, and put it iii lfejl
hI. She come back at nn y pijllinJJ
U kllife lllul fork Ollt of D1.V piMlkljl
ough she d nee d her
the whole dinner, I done.







C. Wilson, Alumni Secretary
Assistant Editor, Helen J. Osborne

Editor W.


the meeting and underwrites its success with his brain and his energy.
Big ComU. K.
School Alumni
Don't forget that the little things anticipated count most, and that the
party is devised for the enjoyment and profit of all present. And don't Makes
forget, either, that tho greater benefit will, if the nffair is rightly engineered,
Arc Offered to Alumni Day Is May 29; Alumni
be experienced by the college or tinivrsitics of which those present nre Fellowships
Encourage Graduate
Banquet To Be Held at

Rapid Progress mencement Reunion


Shakertown Inn


Finally, don't leave your mooting at loose ends. Let the master of
ceremonies call for the college nntliem, all standing, or for some other
The Graduate School of the UniverExtensive plans nre being made for
touch of ceremony in which preferably all present can participate, and tho sity of Kentucky has grown very elaborate entertainment for nlumni reday Uegular) luncheon at 1:15, En- story will have tho right kind of ending. Then stand in the lobby of Ihe rnpldly during the past few years turning to the campus this year for
gineers Club, 1317 Spruce street.
exercises. The
theatre and tnke in the comments as the players drift out. Find wherein and at present has a registration the comenccmcnt
which compnres favorably witli the program that has been arranged Is as
A hi uini Association
Buffalo, May 8 (Second Saturday your alumni meeting failed, nnd don't let it happen again.
April 24
other colleges of the university. This follows:
Regular) luncheon at 1:15 ChamDnncc 0:00 p.m. nt the Men's GymAfter that don't don't don't; do do.
semester over one hundred students Friday, Mny 28
ber of Commerce, corner of Main and
nasium, University of Kentucky.
nre enrolled for work leading townrd
Senior Ball.
May 1 (First Satur- Seneca streets.
A Serious Purpose Essential
advanced degrees.
Snturdny, May 2D
Chicago, May 17 (Third Monday
day Regulnr) luncheon at 1:15, Elk's
Reunion of nlumni, Art Department,
Graduate work is now offered In all
Regular) luncheon at 12:15 MarYale Club do for Yale?" the president of such
'What can the- Philadelphia, May 1 (First Satur shall Field Men's Store. (Grill Room). a club asked not long ago. We told him; ho had put the question to us of the colleges in the university nnd Euclid Avenue, 9:00 to 10:15 a.m.
Annual business meeting of nlumni,
idly, and now his association is commonly referred to ns a model Yale approximately three hundred courses
are listed in the catalogue, under the Little thentre, 10:30 a.m.
club. We believe tho trick is to get every local club to ask thnt question
Meeting of Board of Trustees, Presvarious departments, which nre
in all sincerity. The club, like tho class, conserves and strengthens fche
ident's office, 11:45 n.m.
for graduate credit.
college spirit, but the best expression of thnt spirit is lacking until the
Trip to Dix River dam, leaving
The university confers tho advanced
In analyzing the field of the local alumni club wq have naturally enough
organization, ns such, has found how to add to the purely social interest of degrees of Master of Arts Mnster of campus nt 2 p.m.
come first to inquire what manner of organization the typical nlumni club is.
service to the college.
The social success Science, Master of Science in AgriculAlumni banquet, Shakertown Inn,
the association nnd the nttitude of
A Yale man writing on the subject of graduate interest has referred to of n club is of great importance; the application of the answer (to the ture, Mnster of Science in Home Eco- 6:30 p.m.
Sunday, May 30
these local alumni- associations ns "the great federated outposts of pnst question we have quoted, though curiously enough dependent upon that nomics, Civil Engineer, Mcchnnicnl
Baccalaureate sermon, new gymnasEngineer, Electrical Engineer, Metalstudents." Further, ho has written: "And once a year nearly every one 3ocial success, is the most importnnt objective.
lurgical Engineer nnd Mining Engi- ium, university campus, 3:30 p.m.
of them meets somewhere bo it in Hartford or Honolulu, be he a last year's
At this point We want to take our epistolary lint off to the ladies. We neer. The amount of work required Monday, May 31
Address to graduating class and deB. A. or a reverend gentleman of '(36, and sings and cheers himself hoarse call them the nlumnac and pronounce it the way we were taught in school for ench of these degrees is minimum
credits exclusive of livery of diplomas, 10:00 n.m.
nil one long night for the simple and solitary reason that he went to Yale and college to pronounce it the way wo wore taught in. school and college of twenty-fou- r
Classes that will hold reunions tfiis
to pronounce "alumni." A survey of tho local alumnae clubs, which the the thesis and a year in residence.
like tho other men besido him.
He does not always argue the cause
foltitle of our discussion would seem indefensibly to exclude, suggests how The degrees of M. E. nnd E. E. may be year and their secretaries are ns
of all this. But he knows there is going marching through his brain a far the women sometimes excel the men in making their local clubs function obtained for work done in absentia lows:
regiment of old memories, gorgeous and proud and tattered like the to best effect. In the first place, they organize thoroughly, with neatly three or more years after receiving 1881 Dr. A. M. Peter, Experiment
Station, Lexington, Ky.
the bachelor degree, providing this
and a clear notion of what they are getting time
ranks of ancient battle flags thit hang above the aisles in so many of ordered constitution nnd
has been. spent in practical engi- 1886 Dr. A. M. Peter, Experiment
Then they appear to be pretty successful in keeping their neering work nnd an acceptable thesis
Station, Lexington, Ky.
England's churches. The loyalty of a college graduate is one of the most out to accomplish.
numbers actively interested. That a most important. Th6 slump that is presented.
Prof. V. E. Muncy, 104 West
extraordinary and one of the humanest things in the world."
Ninth Street, Cincinnati, O.
comes through, lack of leadership takes on the complexion of tragedy.
For the encouragement of graduate
commentator the graduate associations are Having divided
But, adds my fellow-Yal- e
the country territorially, they proceed to preach their gospel work, the university offers each year 1896 Dr. Harry L, Davidson, 666
Frances Building, Louisville, Ky.
not mere reunion clubs. That is true, and the danger of letting the useful- in legitimate ways, to study the problems and needs of their college, to ten university scholarships with a
ness of the local cldb stop at that point very decidedly needs to be borne in take an interest in their future fellow alumnae, and to work out a variety stipend of $200 each, five university 1901 Frank Daugherty, Scofield Engineering Co., Commercial Trust
mind. At the same time we must recognize at the start the importance of of meetings which we think rather put the men, who are not quite properly fellowships with a stipend of $400
Building, Philadelphia, Penna.
invited, to blush. We may, of course, be wrong in so doing, but we each and a Registrar's fellowship with 1906 Mary E. Sweeney, Merrill Palso. planning and conducting gatherings of the association as to provide the
a stipend of S500. Fellows and scholhave taken it for granted that the problem of successful local clubs is ars devote their whole time to gradumer School, 71 Ferry St., Detroit,
greatest possible social benefit for the members. We can not agree with
in the main, the same whether it be nlumni or alumnae, wether it be a ate work and no teaching or departan earlier writer on alumni clubs in dismissing this phase of the clubs' small endowed college or one of our great modern state universities.
Mrs. R. C. Wilson (Olline
mental duties are required of them.
as one which will simply take care of itself.
Cruckshank), R.F.D. 1, Box 385 G.
All graduate students are members
We suppose that the first serious and essentially altruistic purpose of
West Albany, New York.
Quite to the contrary, we want to step right in with some suggestions
d local club is to keep its members informed concerning the college or of the Graduate Club which brings to 1916 Erie McGuffey,
608 Fayette
Ihe campus each year prominent
born of distressing experience with lack of foresight and good management university. Happy the club that is regularly visited by an inspiring and
Bank Building, Lexington, Ky.
speakers on subjects of interest.
The right man, or the right group of men, first, to take the planning of informing representative of the college!
Fortunate, too, the club whose
Robert J. Raible, 171 W.
that meeting in hand; It may be the annual meeting and dinner, a smoker. members are fairly frequently in receipt of bulletins in one form or another issue year the Graduate School will Brookline St., Boston, Mass.
a special bulletin outlining the 1923 Charles D. "Graham, Room 408
a luncheon in honor of a visiting representative of the college or some other designed to remind them of the healthy existence of their, association, and of
jraduate courses, and listing the grad
Board of Edu. Bldg., Sr. Louis, Mo.
guest, an outing, or any one of the many potentially delightful and profitabl
he things of interest in connection with both their club and their alma mater
late faculty and students.
gatherings which arc possible lor the local club. No matter what the Lacking the sense of continuity of established by the occasional meetings and