xt70vt1gj464 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70vt1gj464/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1970-08-aug4-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1970-08-aug4-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1970-08-aug4-ec. 1970 1970-08-aug4-ec. 2011 true xt70vt1gj464 section xt70vt1gj464 

        Minutes of the Meeting of the E\-ecutive Conm-nittee of the Board of Trustees
 of the University of Kentucky, Tuesday, August 4, 1970

        The Execulive Conmmittee of the Board of Trustees of the University of
 Kentucky inet in regular session at 2:0Uii o'clock (Eastern Daylight Time) on
 Tuesday, August 4, 19c70 in the Board Room in the AdcInnistration Building on the
 University campus with the following men-ibers present: Mr. Albert G. Clay, Mrs.
 Rexford S. Blazer, Mr. Thonmas P. Bell, Mr. Richard E. Cooper and Mr. Robert
 H. Hillenrrmeyer. Mr. George Griffin also attended the meeting. ln addition,
 University personnel present were: P-esident Otis A. Sinolet-ay, Dr. Alvin L.
 Morris, Mr. George J. Ruschell Dr. A. D. !lbrighLt  r. Lewis W. Cochran,
 Dr. Glenwoood L. Creech, Dr. Robert G. Zumlwirkle, Dr. Stanley Wall, Dr.
 Howard Bost, Dr. Donald Clapp, and ilr. John Darsie. Representatives of the
 various news mnedia were in attendance.

        A. Meeting Opened

        Ir. Clay called the meeting to order at 2:Uu o'clock. After the invocation,
pronounced by Mr. Clay, the Secretary reported a quorum present and the meeting
was declared officially open for the conduct of business at 2:03 o'clock.

       B. Minutes Approved

       On notion by Mr. Bell, seconded by MIr. Cooper, and so ordered, the
reading of the Minutes of the July 21, 1970 i-necting, of the Executive Committee of
the Board of Trustees was dispensed with and the Minutes were approved as

       C. President's Report to the Trustees

       President Singletary announced the receipt by the University of Kentucky of
a grant in the amount of $578, 700 fromi the Kellogg Foundation to be made available
over a five-year period. This grant, supplem-iented by University funds, will be
used to establish a regional center for the training of teachers and administrators
whose mission will be to prepare youing mi-en and young women for careers in the
allied health professions.

       Dealn Hamburg was introduced and commented that although the program will
be administered by the College of Allied lHealth Professions, it will also draw upon
the faculty of the College of Education and the Comm-nunity College Systerm. It is
expected that the University of Kentucky center will produce 60-80 allied-health
educators for an eight-state area which would in turn make it possible to produce
600 or inore additional graduates a year fur careers in the various allied health


        President Singletary recommended that the members read the reniailidelr
 of PR 1 at their leisure. The report was accepted with thanks by Mr. Clay anid
 ordered filed.

        D. Recommendations of the President (PR 2)

        There being no questions relative to PR 2, Recommendations of the
President, on motion by Mr. Hillenmeyer, seconded by Mrs. Blazer, and without
objection, PR 2 was approved as a whole and ordered made an official part of the
Minutes of the meeting. (See PR 2 at the end of the Minutes. )

       E. Supplemental Recommendations of the President (PR 3)

       After taking a few minutes to look over the recommendations in PR 3, the
members indicated they had no questions and on motion by Mr. Hillenmeyer,
seconded by Mr. Cooper, and passed, PR 3 was approved as a whole and ordered
made an official part of the Minutes of the meeting. (See PR 3 at the end of the
Minutes. )

       F. Names Approved for Various Campus Streets and Drives

       President Singletary said he would like to bring up an item which did not
appear on the agenda and explained that the physical growth of the University had
been so great that it was becoming increasingly difficult to direct visitors and
guests to any given location on campus. By naming certain of the streets and
drives on campus, it is hoped that some of this problem may be alleviated. Copies
of the recommended names and a map showing the location of the streets anddrives
were distributed.

       On motion by Mr. Bell, seconded by Mr. Hillenmeyer, and passed without
dissent, approval was given to the naming of streets and drives as follows:

               Administration Drive           Complex Drive
               Patterson Drive               Donovan Drive
               Keeneland Drive               Sports Center Road
               Blazer Drive                  Hospital Drive
               Dickey Drive                  Medical Center Drive
               Sorority Drive                 VA Road
               Funkhouser Drive               Farm Road - East
               Library Drive                 Farm Road - West

       G. Candidates for Degrees Approved (PR 4)

       On motion by Mr. Bell, seconded by Mr. Cooper, and passed, the President
was authorized to confer upon each individual whose name appeared on the list



prc sented as a part of PR 4 the dcgree to wh i h hle is c rititlcd upon cc rtificatiori by
the Dean of Admissions and Registrar tha. saild individual has satisfactorily com-
pleted all re(([iirerments for the degree for which he has made application arid been
approved by the University Senate. (See P'R 4 at the end of the Minutes.)

        H. Five Schools Designated as Colleges (PR 5) '

        Under the Governing Regulations adopted on May 5, 1970, the Schools of
Architecture, Allied Health Professions, Home Economics, Library Science, and
Social Professions became Colleges. In order to make the redesignation of these
five major educational units a matter of record, on motion duiy made, seconded,
and carried, the Board of Trustees officially recognized that in the future they
would be kinown as the College of Architecture. the College of Allied Health Pro-
fessions, the College of Home Economics, the College of Library Science and the
College of Social Professions. (See PR 5 at the end of the Minutes.

       I. 1970-71 Budget Revisions (PR 6)

       In answer to a question from Mr. Bell relative to the $400, 000 expenditure
item, "Encumbrances Carried Forward from 1969-70", Dr. Clapp explained that
this was merely a change in accounting procedure arid that the $400, 000 expendi-
ture was offset by $400, 000 encumbered in 1969-70 but not yet expended.

       There being no further questions, on motion by Mr. Cooper, seconded by
Mr. Hillenmeyer, and passed, the budget revisions recommended in PR 6 were
authorized and approved. (See PR 6 at the end of the Minutes. )

       J. Amendment to Retirement Resolution Approved (PR 7)

       Agreeing to the proposed amendment to Section X11I of the University's
Retirement Resolution, on inotion by Mrs. Blazer, seconded by Mr. Cooper, and
passed by unanimous vote. the amendment recommended in PR 7 was approved.
(See PR 7 at the end of the Minutes.

       K. Suppletnental Compensation Provis'on Under Physicians' Service
Plan Approved (PR 8)

       At the request of Dr. SingIetary, Dr. Howard Bost, who was representing
Dr. Williamn R. Willard, explained that thel retaining and attracting of faculty
menmirbers in the clinical fields is acute and will be even greater in the years ahead.
Because of budgetary restrictions upon the University, it is becoming increasingly
apparent that income from professional fees and other sources must be incrteased
to meet the greater program requirements faced. The proposed change in the
present Physicians' Service Plan would provide supplemental compensation on an



incentive basis and would result in the generation of increased income from pro-
fessional activities. He closed by saying that the plan had the approval of the
Faculty Advisory Committee of the College of Medicine, as well as the Board of
Directors of The Fund for Advancement of Education and Research in the University
of Kentucky Medical Center.

       On motion by Mr. Hillenrneyer, seconded by Mrs. Blazer, and passed. the
supplemental compensation provision within the Physicians' Service Plan was
adopted. (See PR 8 at the end of the Minutes.)

       L. Meeting Adjourned

       Mr. Clay having determined there was no further business to come before
the meeting, called for a motion for adjournment. Mr. Hillenmeyer so moved, Mrs.
Blazer seconded and all present concurring, the mneeting adjourned at 2:20 p. m.

                                              Respectfully submitted,

                                              Lucile T. Blazer, Secretary
                                              Board of Trustees

(PRs 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 which follow are official parts of the Minutes of the
August 4, 1970 meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the
University of Kentucky. )



                         Auqust 4, 1970


     With the assistance of a major grant from the W. K.
Kellogg Foundation, the University next year will establish
a regional center for the training of teachers and adminis-
trators whose mission will be to prepare greater numbers of
young men and women for careers in dental hygiene, physical
therapy, medical technology and other allied health professions.
The Foundation has committed to the program the sum of %578,700,
to be made available over a five-year period. Supplementary funds
will be provided by the University, which will assume full re-
sponsibility for the program after the fifth year. The program
will be administered by the School of Allied Health Professions
but will draw also upon faculty of the College of Education and
the Community College System. Under terms of the grant, the UK-
administered center will produce 60-80 allied-health educators
each year for an eight-state area that includes Tennessee, West
Virginia, Virginia, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and Missouri. It
is expected this level of production will make available annu-
ally a sufficient number of instructors and administrators to
establish new programs or expand existing programs capable of
turning out within the eight states 600 or more additional grad-
uates a year for careers in the various allied health specialties.


     Direct grants to the University from the W. K. Kellogg Founda-
tion have been nearly $1  million since 1933, when $2,000 was given
for a Medical Technology Loan program. After World War II, major
programs were underwritten by the Foundation, beginning in 1955
with a $130,000 grant to the College of Education. It involved
eight universities in a study aimed at improvement of administration.
Kellogg contributed $3  million to the total program.   A program
aimed at improving economic conditions in 30 Kentucky counties,
known as the Eastern Kentucky Resource Development Project, received
from the Foundation $754,000 in 1961. In 1963, a $258,527 grant
launched the Associate Degree Nursing Program, administered through
the Community College System. Others include $15,000 to the College
of Medicine in 1962 to set up a Revolving Student Loan Fund, plus
$15,000 to the College of Dentistry in 1963 for the same purpose.
A cooperative program between the College of Dentistry and the
Community College System for an Experimental Program in Dental
Laboratory Technology in 1965 received $142,984 from the Foundation.



     A third-year medical student is one of 21 students in the
U.S. and Canada awarded scholarships by the Allergy Foundation
of America of New York. Ronald Wayne Cotlair of Brooklyn, New
York, is the recipient of the $750 award, designed to encourage
and assist medical students to obtain a broader understanding
of allergic diseases. The scholarship is for two months' re-
search and clinical training, His area of work, "A Study of
Phagacytosis and the Inflamatory Response Using the Skin Window,"
will be under the supervision of Dr. Kenneth L. Gerson, assistant
professor of pediatrics.


     The centennial celebration of the College of Pharmacy began
officially at the annual meeting of the Kentucky Pharmaceutical
Association, a three-day session at Fort Mitchell July 20-22,
and for the next 12 months the college will continue its 100th
anniversary celebration with a series of monthly lectures at the
college by persons noted in the field of pharmacy. Other cen-
tennial programsv411 include a practitioner's seminar in October,
a dean's seminar in March, and a pharmaceutical science seminar
in April. The March seminar will be highlighted by the college's
presentation of its first Outstanding Kentucky Pharmacy Alumnus
Award. The college began with a meeting of Louisville pharmacists
on July 28--a century ago, and from that meeting came the creation
of what now is the College of Pharmacy and its traditions of edu-
cation, research, and service to the Commonwealth.


     College and university business and finance officers from 34
states registered for the 18th annual College Business Management
Institute here over the weekend. Problems in purchasing, personnel,
housing, financing, budgeting, and numerous other management sub-
jects were studied by the more than 230 officials, according to
A. Paul Nestor, director of business services, and coordinator of
the institute. College and university presidents, vice presidents
and finance officers are among the 19 teaching staff members of the
annual institute. The University this year was represented by
Donald H. Boyanowski, manager, plant asset accounting department,
and Harold L. Hall, coordinator of administrative systems planning.
Transylvania University representative was Bruce C. Cotton, vice
president for planning and development. Transylvania President
Dr. Irvin E. Lunger and Stuart Mill, vice president for finance,
hosted a buffet for the participants on Wednesday.

     In addition to Nestor, other administrators on the coordinating
committee were George R. Kavanaugh, James 0. King, and George J.




     The student's role in curriculum planning and evaluation--
and evaluation of teachers--was a major topic of discussion at
a "drive-in" conference for college and university departmental
chairmen sponsored by the Department of Higher and Adult Education
in the College of Education, July 20-21. The 20 delegates, in-
cluding 15 departmental chairmen and representing nine Kentucky
colleges, were hosted by Dr. Collins Burnett, chairman of the
Department of Higher and Adult Education, who said discussion
topics were drawn from questionnaires sent earlier to the dele-
gates. Other topics discussed included the changing role of the
department chairman, the working relationship between the chair-
man and his faculty, and academic governance. Assistinq Dr.
Burnett and his faculty with the two-day conference were Dean
George Denemark of the College of Education; Dr. A. D. Albright,
vice president for institutional planning, and Robert Ward,
assistant dean for business affairs in the College of Education.
Dr. Albright opened the conference with a discussion of "Academic
Governance and the Department Chairman." Others from the faculty
assisting in the conference were Dr. Charles Elton, who spoke on
research on student behavior, and Dr. Leslie Martin, who dis-
cussed administrative relationships and the departmental chair-


     Several University scholars will contribute to a pictorial
history of Kentucky featuring approximately 1,000 illustrations
(140 in full color) to be published in October of 1971 by the
University Press of Kentucky. J. Winston Coleman Jr., noted
Kentucky historian and bibliophile, will be senior editor, with
Dr. Lawrence S. Thompson, professor of classics, as associate
editor. Seventy-five other Kentucky historians, authors, li-
brarians, and journalists will assist in the preparations of the
volume. Based on an outline by Professor Emeritus Thomas D. Clark,
the history of the Commonwealth will be traced pictorially from
the prehistoric era to the present. The illustrated history is
expected to be one of the most significant and colorful wQ5s of
its kind ever done, according to Mr. Coleman, who points to "The
rich and varied history of Kentucky, the distinction of the con-
tributors, and the fortunate existence of large photographic and
other illustrative resources on Kentucky history." Among the con-
tributors will be University scholars A. D. Kirwan, Holman
Hamilton, James F. Hopkins, Mary Wilma Hargreaves, Rhea Taylor,
Hambleton Tapp, Clement Eaton, Joseph Massie, A. Lee Coleman,
Burton Milward, Jacqueline Bull, and Charles Atcher.


- 4 -


     In the last two years nearly 80 students have received
orientation and on-the-job training in health careers in the
"Summer in Medical Sciences" seminars developed by the Univer-
sity Chapter of the Student American Medical Association (SAMA)
which recently hosted a conference designed to orient disadvan-
taged students into health careers, and climaxing two years'
work by the medical students.

     The University of Louisville, University of Cincinnati,
and the Neighborhood Youth Corps Program at Eastern State
Hospital, each with a similar program, were represented. The
conference brought together students who had participated in
the past along with their student advisors. The program is
aimed specifically at students from financially-deprived homes
and racial minority backgrounds. The first year of the pro-
gram was conducted solely by the UK SAMA members under the
directorship of Tom James, then a second year student in the
College of Medicine. Sponsored by the Albert B. Chandler Medi-
cal Center, students in the colleges of medicine, dentistry,
and nursing visited state high schools, presenting assembly
programs aimed at creating interest in an introductory sym-
posium which was conducted at the University.

     As a result of their efforts, 23 students were brought to
the Medical Center last summer for eight weeks'training with
pay. They were given responsible jobs and attended daily dis-
cussion groups. Each student had a volunteer student advisor
who supervised the work and acted as a "Big Brother." The
summer program was followed by monthly discussions and personal
counseling throughout the year. Because of the success of last
year's program, additional sponsorship was received from the
Association of American Medical Colleges, the Office of Economic
Security, and the Ohio Valley Regional Medical Program. The
program has grown to include the Universities of Louisville and
Cincinnati. James, now a third year medical student, is the co-
ordinator for all three programs. He is assisted by John Joseph,
also a medical student. This year, 55 students were enrolled.
Orientation areas now include psychiatry, physical therapy,
occupational therapy, and pharmacology, as well as medicine, den-
tistry, and nursing. Twenty-nine students are at UK, including
nine returning from last year. They assist in the labs, clinics,
and wards, and some assist in research. Discussion sessions
allow the program student a greater exposure to the health pro-
fessions than he would be afforded from a lab job alone. Dis-
cussions also are held on the financial and educational require-
ments for careers in health professions.



     Approximately 15 black students will be awarded Martin
Luther King Scholarships for the fall semester. The awards
will be for full or part payment of fees and books. The grants
will be made in the next two to three weeks, says Dr. Michael
Adelstein, associate professor of English and president of the
King Scholarship Fund, which was established three years ago
as a memorial to Dr. King. Dr. Adelstein said the awardees
will represent a cross-section of students, including grants
to law students, upperclassmen, and freshmen. Some also are
previous recipients. Loans also probably will benade by the
fund to students who cannot raise the needed cash for fees and
books by September 1. Such students often can obtain the need-
ed funds later in the fall, but they cannot begin their classes
until the fees are paid, he said, adding that they tend to fall
behind in their class assignments if they lack the necessary
texts. Professor Richard Freeman, professor of art, is serving
as the fund's campaign chairman. Donations are welcome any
time, he said, and should be sent to the fund's secretary, Mrs.
Evelyn Black, School of Social Professions, Room 431, Office


     The National Safety Council has presented Kentucky Extension
Homemakers an award of honor for a concentrated three-year edu-
cation program on traffic safety. The Award of Honor is the
highest of the National Safety Council's citation awards for
state and national women's organizations carrying out significant
safety programs. From a field of 71 entries, KEHA was one of
only six groups named to receive the award. Opal Mann, extension
program specialist in the College of Agriculture, said 40,928
adults and several thousand 4-H'ers were reached with safety edu-
cation from 1968-70. In addition to traffic safety, KEHA put
emphasis on a program of self-defense for women, and in cooper-
ation with the state department of public safety, 100 leaders
taught this subject in 140 Homemaker clubs. An estimated 5,197
women and young people participated. The 30,000-member associa-
tion plans to continue its traffic safety program with added
concentration on pedestrian safety and the effects of alcohol and
drug abuse on driving ability.


     Lawrence Welk will brino his entire show to Memorial Coliseum
on Friday, September 4, for a two-hour performance under sponsor-
ship of the K-Men's Association. Don C. Sullivan, president of the
K-Men, said Welk had agreed to visit Lexington because of his close
personal relationship with Wildcat coach Adolph Rupp. The K-Men's
Association is composed of former UK varsity athletic lettermen
whose primary objective is sponsoring academic scholarships at the
University for needy but worthy students.


- 6 -


     Dr. Collins E. Burnett, chairman of the Department of
Higher and Adult Education, has described some of the contri-
buting factors to the organization of the department. He said
the college calls the new master's degree a master of science
instead of a master of arts, because the MA refers to those
degrees involved with certification, and MS refers to non-
certification.  The program concentrates on educating pros-
pective college and university presidents, vice presidents and
academic deans. An early request came from Dr. Joseph Hamburg
of the School of Allied Health Professions, who asked for a
master's degree, so a physical therapist could earn a master's
and also enroll in some advanced courses in physical therapy.
Then came a request from the Office of Student Personnel, where
thon acting vice president for student affairs Dr. Stuart Forth
nointed out that the University did not have any type of pro-
fessional program to prepare college student personnel adminis-

     "In setting up each student's study program, we work with
what he or she states is the individual career goal. A secondary
purpose is to serve as a support area for people wishing to teach
at the college level. Ours' is the only course on campus which
specifically helps junior college teachers. In helping him be-
come an effective teacher, it also reinforces other academic
disciplines," Dr. Burnett said. A total of 30 semester hours is
required for the master's degree. It includes courses in college
teaching, research design and statistics and the theory of higher
education. Three recently-added courses are student personnel,
the junior college, and a seminar in higher education, all coming
about because a need was seen for them. The doctorate features
an area of concentration in higher education. Some graduate
students in other academic areas have a minor in higher education.
Dr. Burnett said the aim is to work with the doctoral candidate,
"help him do a good learning job and get him out fast. We do not
want him to hang around as a graduate assistant for four or five
years."  The higher education program brings in top-ranking
speakers so graduate students "can see and meet the guy who does
the writing and research."

     Full-time faculty members of Dr. Burnett's department are
Dr. Charles F. Elton and Dr. Leslie L. Martin.    Dr. Edgar L.
Sagan, assistant to the dean--academic affairs, is a part-time
faculty member. Others working with the graduate students are
Dean Lawrence A. Allen of the School of Library Science; Dr.
Morris Cierley, coordinator for graduate studies in education;
Dean Georqe Denemark of the College of Education; Dr. Ellis Hart-
ford, former vice president for the Community College System;
Robert C. Ward, assistant to the education dean for business
affairs, and Vice President A. D. Albright, recently returned
from a year's leave in Belgium.


- 7


     Dr. C. D. Auvenshine, director of rehabilitation counsel-
ing and associate professor of education, has written a "Manual
For Supervised Clinical Practice in Rehabilitation Counselina,"
recently published by the Bureau of School Service, in which he
tries to help the counselor grow personally and professionally
rather than stressing techniques. Dr. Auvenshine began planning
the manual in the summer of 1966 while on a Teaching Improvement
Grant in the Graduate School. The author has administered the
training grants made to the University by the Rehabilitation
Services Administration of the U.S. Department of Health, Edu-
cation, and Welfare, since 1962. The manual primarily is for
students, faculty and supervisors in supervised clinical practice
of rehabilitation counseling.


     Residents of Pralltown are studying a plan that could turn
their neighborhood--one of the oldest of Lexington's "vest-pocket
ghettoes"--into something of a modern urban community. Not only
would they be able to continue living there, but they would own
the new neighborhood, including houses, stores, and shops, through
a non-profit community housing cooperative. The plan was presented
recently by five students who spent about a year designing the re-
development of Pralltown as their fifth-year project in the School
of Architecture. Under the plan, the University would be one of
the absentee landlords pulling up stakes in Pralltown. About half
of Pralltown's 140 families have expressed their ideas in inter-
views with the architectural students, who have been doing their
work in a rent-free office in one of Pralltown's "shotgun" houses.
The students, David Edrington, Ray Love, George Vaughn, Nick
Warren, and Wes Worley, concluded from their surveys that Prall-
town residents have a strong attachment to their neighborhood.
They found that some of the residents trace their ancestry to the
beginning of Pralltown, which once was part of an estate owned by
Paris, Ky., lawyer John A. Prall, who freed his slaves before the
Civil War.


     Fayette Fiscal Court cooperates with the University in the
federally-funded work-study program. Robert Halsey, assistant
director of student financial aid, explained that students, chosen
on the basis of financial need and ability, are employed on a part-
time basis by various county agencies and the federal government
picks up 80 per cent of the cost. Most of the students work with
the recreation and parks board, but others work with the county
attorney and in welfare and other offices.


- 8 -


     Steve Edwins has been named a Kennedy Fellow for the
1970-71 academic year to work with the Mountain Studies Pro-
gram in the College of Architecture. Edwins has been involved
with the Mountain Program since its inception and this past
year was affiliated with the program as an out-of-residence
graduate student from Yale's School of Architecture, according
to Dean Charles P. Graves of the UK college. His appointment
is effective in September. His duties will be worked out
following consultations with the Kennedy Foundation.


     Tests given to entering freshmen provide some answers to
who miqht succeed and who might fail in college, but the tests
do not provide enough answers to why many students who are other-
wise capable drop out of college, writes Dr. Margaret Knox Morgan
in her doctoral thesis. She says that for the half century be-
Qinning in 1920, approximately 50 per cent of the students who
entered higher education failed to receive a degree. This
phenomenon has been deplored as costly in emotional wear and
tear and as a waste of national resources.  She notes that
social scientists concede that no one or two neatly packaged pre-
dictors of attrition have been found, and that "at the same time,
investigators have tended to categorize students broadly as drop-
outs and graduates or dropouts, graduates and continuers."  Dr.
Morgan sought greater precision in categorization in studying
the freshman class of 1966 to determine whether the various test
scores would discriminate between groups classified by sex on
the basis of persistence seven semesters later. She found the
most able of those who took the tests as freshmen were male stu-
dents who withdrew from college in good standing and did not re-
turn, and that a measure of "social comfort" indicated senior
women were more socially extroverted than women who withdrew in
good standing and did not re-enroll.  A major finding was that
different factors determine behavioral patterns for men and women
students, for both those who stay in college and those who drop


     "The Musical Faces of Man" was staged recently at Xenia, Ohio,
with the cooperation of the University Department of Theater Arts,
and presented as a part of the National Humanities Series there
sponsored by the Woodrow Wilson Foundation.  The National Humanities
Series was set up to bring cultural events to small communities
which might ordinarily not have access to such events.  Xenia is
one of about 30 towns throughout the U.S. participating in the


- 9 -


     During the period July 1-31, a total of 77 agreement awards
were received by the University of Kentucky Research Foundation,
amounting to $4,006,446.24.


     S. C. Bohanan, Thailand Project, Agency for International
Development, $312,000.

     Department of Agricultural Engineering--B. J. Barfield and
J. N. Walker, Development of Prediction Relationship For Water
Requirements With Irrigation Cooling, Office of Water Resources
Research, U. S. Department of the Interior, $8,240. C. T. Haan,
Characterization of Water Movement Into And Through Soils Durinq
And Immediately After Rainstorms, Office of Water Resources Re-
search, Department of Interior, $7,050.

     Department of Agronomy--W. 0. Atkinson, Preparation of Tobacco
And Fabrication of Sample Cigarettes, U. S. Department of Agricul-
ture, Agricultural Research Service, $64,987. J. F. Benner, In-
vestigations On The Preparation and Chemical Composition of Tobacco
Leaf, Smoke And Fractions Thereof, USDA, Agricultural Research
Service, $190,454. C. E. Bortner, USDA Tobacco Research (Cooper-
ative Agreement), USDA, $16,200. L. P. Bush, Tobacco and Health-
Related Research Involving Transfer and Biosynthesis