xt70vt1gj44z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70vt1gj44z/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1894-05-dec12. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1894-05-dec12. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1894-05-dec12. 1894 1894-05-dec12. 2011 true xt70vt1gj44z section xt70vt1gj44z 


LATIN and GREEK in Academy.

     On motion of M1r. Gathright ordered that all students
in Latin and Greek below the rank of Freshman be relegated
to the Academy, after the close of this collegiate year.

     The Board then adjourned to meet 9 A. M. suntime
Dec. 12th.

     The Board of Trustees met in the President's room in
the college building at 9 A. M. Suntime December 12th,

Present                      Bird,
                             Dr. Spurr,
                             R. A. Spurr   &

     The President requested permission to read a communication
from              Oneill, an attorney in Louisville requesting
that a Record Book belonging to the College be sent to
Louisville to be used as evidence in court.

COLLEGE RECORDS not to be sent away.

     On motion of Mr. Gatbbight ordered that the President
be instructed to say to Mr. cneill that the Records of the
A. & E. College cannot be sent away except by an order
of Oourt.


MINIUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,Dec.12,1894 -page 167-168

     The Committee on Report of the President of College
composed of Messrs. Gathright, Riddell and Flourmay,
reported as follows: viz.

    " To the Board of Trustees.
             'our committee on the President's Report beg
to report that the only recommendation made therein and not
acted upon was that of the appointment of a standing committee
on Internal Expansion. After consideration and conference
with the President your committee recommend the adoption
of this recommendation, and the appointment of this as
one of the standing Committees of the Board.


     We further recommend that the request of the Professors
in the Department of Natural History for authority to pub-
lish a bulletin of the researches and original work of
the advanced students on the Zoology, Botany and Geology
of Kentucky, at an expense of not exceeding $100.00 be
referred to the Executive Committee with authority to act,
if in its opinion such Bulletin should be published and
the funds of the College will justify same."

     On motion of Judge Hines ordered that Report of
the committee be adopted.

     Mr. Gathright moved that Cadet Harry Davidson, of
Louisville, Ky. be excused from military duty on days when
the performance of this duty prevents his enjoying the
benefits derived from compensated labor.

     Mr. Gooding moved to amend by striking out the words
" Harry Davidson i' and inserting instead the words " Any
student " Amendment lost.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,Dec.12, 1894 -page 168-169

     Original motion was then put and lost by Ayes and
Noes as follows:

Ayes:                        Noes:
Gathright,                   Bird,
Hines,                       Clardy,
James,                       Flourmay,
Riddell,                     Gooding,
Dr. Spurr,                   Hindman,
R. A. Spurr,                 Johnston,

     President Patterson not voting.

REPO1T ON Regulations and Rules.
     On motion the following Committee Report, submitted by
Messrs. Gathright and James, on ' Suitable regulations
and Rules for the government of the meetings of the Board
and the guidance of the Executive Conmmittee " was read
and adopted section by section, and the Report as a
whole was adopted, Viz:

         The following by - laws are hereby adopted by
    the Board of Trustees, for regulating the order of
    business of the Board, and the functions of the Executive
    Committee, the Board of Control of the Experiment
    Station, and various offices of the Agricultural
    and Mechanical College of Kentucky.

REPORT OF PRESIDENT, When made and what composed of.

l.  It will be the duty of the President of the College to
    prepare for the consideration and action of the Board
    of Trustees at its regular annual meeting in June of
    each year, a report accompanied by the reports and
    estimates of the Treasurer, Business Agent, and the
    several officers having charge of Departments or special
    objects of the College setting forth the amount of the
    funds on hand from the previous year, including the
    unexpended appropriations, the estimated income and
    total means available for the ensuing year, and the
    Specific sums required for the various expenses of
    the College for the same period.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,Dec.12,1894 -page 169-170

   In this estimate of expenses will be included, under the
   head of " contingencies " a sum not exceeding 1500.00
   to be employed under the direction of the Executive
   Committee solely for accidental and unforseeable
   damage to buildings or outfit, or other pressing
   emergencies that could not be anticipated; and whenever
   the contingent fund then appropriated is found to be
   insufficient to meet an existing emergency, a special
   meeting of the Board will immediately be called to provide
   for the case. This report of the President shall set
   forth such facts in the experience of the previous year,
   and such recommendations for the future as he may deem
   of importance to the welfare of the College. The Report
   shall be submitted through the Executive Committee in
   due time before the meeting of the Board of trustees,
   and the Committee will add such further facts and recom-
   mendations as it may deem proper for the consideration
   of the Board.


2. The regular meetings of the Board of Trustees shall be
   held, as required by law, on the Tuesday next preceding
   the annual commendement in June, and on the Second
   Tuesday of December of each year. In the absence of
   the Governor of the State, Ex - officio Chairman of
   the Board, a chairman protempore shall be elected,
   to continue in office until the next regular

BUSINESS, Order of.

3. At the meetings of the Board of Trustees the following
    order of Business will he observed as nearly as

        1. The meeting shall be called to order by the
            last elected chairman, or in his absence by
            the Secretary of the Board, and a new chairman
            shall then be elected.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,Dec.12, 1894 - page 171

2. Calling of the roll and noting of the present
   and absent members, and announcement by the
   Chairman of a quorum or no quorum.

3.  Appointment by the Chairman, of standing committees,
   herein prescribed The Secretary of the Board
   shall make in advance for the information of
   each particular committee, a copy of the regulation
   defining its duties on which he shall write the
   names of the particular committeemen as they are
   appointed, and then deliver it to the Chairman of
   the particular committee.

4. Reading of the minutes of the last previous
    meeting of the Board and approval, if not already

5. Reading of the minutes of the Executive Committee
    since the last meeting of the Board and action

6. Reading of the report of the President and action

7.  Report of Treasurer (to be read if required) and
    action thereon.

8.  Report of Business Agent (to be read if required)
    and action thereon.

9. Reading of the minutes of the Board of Control
    of the Experiment Station since the last meeting
    of the Board of Trustees, and action thereon.

10. Unfinished business from previous meeting of the
    Board of Trustees.



11. Current committee reports including the
    appropriation budgets and action thereon.

12. Election of Secretary, Treasurer, Business Agent,
    Executive Committee, and Board of Control of
    Experiment Station.

13. Election to fill vacancies if any in the
    College, including Experiment Station.

14. Election of Trustees.

15 . New business.

16. Reading and approval of Minutes.

17. Adjournment.

     All elections by the Board of Trustees shall be by

4. At each regular meeting of the Board of Trustees, the
    chairman shall appoint the following Standing Committees.,
    consisting of three members each to wit:

1. Committee on
   the College.

the Report of the President of

2. Committee on Finance.

3. Committee on appropriations.

4. Committee on buildings and grounds of College

5. Conmittee on Experiment Station.



      6. Committee on salaries.

      7. Committee on Internal Expansion.

      8. Committee on Military Instruction and College

DUTIES OF COM. on President's Report.

    5. It will be the duty of the committee on the President's
        report, to point out such facts and suggestions as
        may seem to call for special action, and recommend
        the reference of the various subjects to the appropri-
        ate standing committees, respectively, or to
        special committees.

DUTIES of Com. on Finance.

    6. It will be the duty of the committee on Finance to
        investigate the financial condition of the College
        and Experiment Station, their sources of income and
        objects of expenditure; and to devise such means of
        argumentation and point out such objects of reform
        as may seem practicable and advisable for increasing
        the one and curtailing the other.

DUTIES OF Com. on Appropriations.

    7. It will be the duty of the committee on appropriations
        to consider the objects to be provided for, and the
        estimates presented for the various Departments; to
        make in each such modifications as the merits of the
        case may suggest, and the available means may
        require; and to see that the various items are
        properly described and tabulated, for the
        consideration of the Board.

DUTIES OF Com. on Buildings and Grounds.

    8. It will be the duty of the committee on college
        buildings and grounds, to ascertain by inspection
        and inquiry the conditions of the College buildings
        and grounds, and their adaptation to the purposes


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,Dec.12,1894 - page 173-174

       for which they are intended; and to specify such
       repairs as may be necessary, and recommend such
       additions and improvements as the interest of the
       College may require with the estimated cost of the
       proposed improvement in each case.

DUTIES OF Com. on Experiment Station.

    9. It will be the duty of the Committee on the Experiment
        Station to ascertain by inspection and investiga-
        tion, its condition and system of management, and
        to recommend such improvements in the facilities
        and such Modification in the methods as may seem
        to be advisable and practicable.

DUTIES OF Comr on Salaries.

    10. It will be the duty of the Committee on salaries to
        take into consideration the amount and character
        of the work pertaining to the several positions:
        the sufficiency or excessiveness, and the relative
        equity, of the existing compensation; and to re-
        commend such modifications as may seem proper.
        Provided, however that except for special reason
        no salary shall be altered or changed except at the
        end of each period of five years.

DUTIES OF Com. on Internal Expansion.

    11. It will be the duty of the committee on Internal
        Expansion to visit the college from time to time
        in order to ascertain the condition of the several
        Departments, with a view to the enlargement, modifi-
        cation, contraction, or discontinuance of any one
        of them, the enlargement or curtailment of courses
        of study, or the establishment of new ones, and to
        report upon the economic and financial import
        of the changes proposed.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEESDec.12,1894 - page 174-175

DUTIES OF Com. on Military Instruction.

    12. It will be the duty of the committee on Military
        Instruction and College discipline to investigate
        from time to time the condition of the Military
        organization and the instruction given the
        Military Corps, the discipline of the students
        generally and of those resident on the college
        grounds particularly, to report negilgence or laxity
        of administration, and to suggest means by which
        instruction in military science, and college
        discipline may be rendered more effective.

        These specified duties of the several standing
        committees may be amplified or curtailed in any
        case at the discretion of the Board of Trustees.

    13. In accordance with the terms of the law the Executive
        Committee is charged " With the general administra-
        tion of the affairs of the College under such by-laws
        and regulations as shall be prescribed by the Board
        of Trustees, and with the execution of measures
        specially authorized by the Board."

EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE, General duties of.

    14. It will be the duty of the Executive Committee to
        exercise a general supervision and control of the
        affairs of the college, under the Regulations and
        orders of the Board of Trustees.

        It may attend recitations and inspect any Department
        or function of the College, to see that the duties
        of the various officers and employes are faithfully
        and efficiently performed, that discipline and
        gov d order are maintained, and the regulations
        enforced, and that the persons and means employed
        in the various capacities are necessary and proper
        for the efficient conduct of the College! and



     it may point out to the President or other executive
     officer any faults that shall be corrected; but except
     as herein provided, it can make no suspension, addition,
     or alteration of any sort in the established regula-
     tions and order of instruction and government, that
     function belonging exclusively to the Board of Trustees.
     The committee shall also carefully scrutinize all
     current requisitions for the various departments,
     to make sure that the things asked for are necessary,
     and have been authorized by the appropriations or
     orders of the Board of Trustees, and do not exceed the
     sums appropriated by the Board.

MECHANICS and Laborers, employed and discharged.

    15. Unless otherwise specially provided by the Board
        of Trustees the Executive Committee may control
        the employment and discharge of the various mechanics
        and laborers required and employed by the day or
        month and authorized by the Board for the
        service of the service of the College and
        Experiment Station.

SUSPENSION OF ANY Officer of Employe.

    16. For flagrant cause affecting immediately the honor
        and welfare of the College, the Executive Committee
        may suspend from his functions, for the final
        action of the Board of Trustees any officer or
        employe of the College or Experiment Station,
        and pending such suspension, the pay of the person
        suspended shall also be suspended, or cease
        altogether, as the Board of Trustees in
        acting upon the question involved may
        subsequently decide.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, Dec. 12,1894 - page 177 -178

INTERRUPTION of functions of any officer - How performed

    17. In case of the interruption of the functions of any
       professor, teacher, or other officer of the college,
       whether by sickness, death, resignation or other
       cause, occurring between the meetings of the Board
       of Trustees, the duties of the position shall if
       practicable be temporarily performed by some other
       officer of the College designated by the President.
       This arrangement may be continued, with the approval
       of the Executive Committee, until the next meeting
       of the Board of Trustees; but if the deficiency cannot
       be provided for, the Executive Committee may employ
       temporarily a suitable person for the vacant place
       until the next meeting of the Board, except in the
       case of a vacancy in the Presidency of the College,
       or the Directorship of the Experiment Station, or
       any full professorship in which case a special
       meeting of the Board shall immediately be called.
       A special meeting of the Board shall also be immedi-
       ately called, in case of a permanent interruption
       of the functions of Treasurer, Secretary, or Business
       Agent. Provided, however that if such interruption
       or suspension from duties of any officer or professor
       by the Executive Committee shall occur within one
       month of the regular meeting of the Board, the
       Executive Committee may as above make temporary
       provision for such case until the regular
       meeting of the Board.


    18. All accounts of money's belonging to the College,
         received from whatever source, shall be subject
         to the scrutiny of the Executive Committee, and
         all sums appropriated by the Board of Trustees for
         the expenses of the College or the Experiment
         Station, shall come under the supervision and
         guardian ship of the Committee. The authorized
         expenses of the College Trustees, and all proper
         accounts for salaries and wages already authorized
         by the Board of Trustees, may be paid when due out
         of the proper appropriations of the Board, in
         the manner prescribed, without the intervention
         of the Executive Committee; but all other expenses
         shall only be paid from time to time with the
         approval of the Executive Committee, upon itemized


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES ,Dec.12, 1894 -page 178-179

    requisitions submitted through the Business Agent and
    signed by the President of the College, and any sum
    appropriated by the Board for discretionary objects
    which, in the interval of meetings of the Board, may
    prove to be unnecessary or inexpedient, may be retained
    by the Executive Committee.

SURPLUS FUNDS, How disposed of.

    All sums remaining on hand at the end of the accounting
    year in May or June from any appropriation for the
    previous year, shall be returned to the general fund
    for further disposition.

SUPPLIES, How purchased.

    19. As a general rule, supplies required for the use
        of the College or Experiment Station shall be pur-
        chased from lowest bidder on sealed proposals. In
        the absence of a specific rule on this point, the
        Executive Committee may determine the precise
        manner in which the rule shall be employed,
        and in what cases it may be omitted.

MEETINGS OF EX. Com. and Board of Control.

    20. The Executive Committee shall meet monthly on such
        stated day as it may by resolution permanently
        adopt. It shall keep a full record of its proceedings,
        and submit   the record to the Board of Trustees at
        each regular meeting of the Board, and at special
        meetings wher required, for the consideration of
        the Board. The Committee will adopt such rules
        of proceeding as it may deem proper in the conduct
        of its business. It will also hold such special
        meetings as it may deem necessary.

        The rules and duties prescribed in this paragraph
        for the Executive Committee will also govern ths
        meetings and duties of the Board of Control of the
        Experiment Station.ft


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEESDec.12,1894 -page 179-180

     The Chairman called on each of the standing committees
in the order of their appointment to report, but each
reported " no business.I

     Messrs. Peak, Gooding, and Wilson, submitted the
following Report upon the requisition presented by the Dean
of the Mechanical Engineering Department, to wit:

     " We your committee to whom referred the Report of
Prof. Paul Anderson, would respectfully commend the appropri-
ation of $200, asked for in said Report to the Executive
Committee, with full power to make the appropriation
when in their judgment the financial affairs of the
college will permit.

     With regard to the appropriation of $600, for grinding
machine asked for in said Report, we believe it necessary
for the Mechanical Engineering Department, yet in view of
the financial condition of the College, prudence and good
management forbids our recommendation that said amount
be appropriated at this time."

     On motion the Report of the committee was adopted.

     On motion of Mr. R. A. Spurr ordered that 075, to be
taken from the emergency fund, be allowed the Department
of Physics.

     The following resolution was submitted by Mr. Hindman,
Chairman of the Committee on Military Instruction and
College Discipline, and was considerably discussed by
Messrs. Johnston, Hindman, Patterson and others.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,Dec.12,1894 -page 180-181

      " Resolved that in order to give the occupants of the
    dormitories an opportunity to test the scheme of self
    government for whose trial they ask permission
    authority is given on the following conditions:

    1. The petitioners shall mature and present to the
        President and Commandant the plan of self government
        under which they propose to operate.

    2. If the plan presented be deemed adequate by the
        President and Commandant to accomplish the purpose
        proposed the President and Commandant may at their
        discretion suspend the operation of such Regulations,
        for the government of the dormitories, for such
        time as they may deem advisable.

    3. The authority of the governing Board, Executive
        Committee and Faculty is by the foregoing neither
        impaired, relaxed, nor abrogated, but may intervene
        with full force and effect whenever in the Judgment
        of the President and Commandant it is expedient."

SELF - GOVERNMENT in the Dormitories. - Roll-call may be
     No vote was taken upon the original Resolution but the
following substitute was offered and carried: viz.

       " Resolved that the Committee on Military Instruction
    and college discipline be and they are hereby instructed
    to investigate the management of the Department of
    Military Science and condition of discipline in the
    dormitories and report to the next regular meeting
    of the Board what modification, if any, may be made in
    the existing regulations, and that mean while the
    President and Commandant are authorized to suspend or
    abolish such roll calls as they may think expedient
    to dispose with."


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEESDec. 12,1894 -page 181-182

     On motion ordered that $150.00 be set aside from the
emergency fund to pay the expenses of the Board of

EXPENSES OF BOARD, part of, charged to Expt. Station.

     On motion ordered that an equitable ratio of the
expenses of the Board of Trustees and the Executive Committee
be charged to the Experiment Station and that this expendi-
ture be chargeable to the income from the farm and the
rent of the house thereon.

GARMAN, MATHEWS, salaries.

     On motion ordered that the question of the salaries
of Professor Garman and Professor Mathews be referred to
the Committee on salaries.

APPOINTED Mar. 6, 95, by Dr. Spurr.

     (The Chairman appointed the following Cormitteemen to
serve on the Committee on Internal Expansion viz: Messrs.
Hindman, Peak, and Johnston.)

     On motion the Board of Trustees adjourned to meet
at 10 A. M. June 4, 1895.

                             R. J. Spurr, Chairman
V. E. Muncy