xt70vt1gj302 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70vt1gj302/data/mets.xml Ford, Sallie Rochester, 1828-1910 1864  books b92ps1694f13r35018642009 English S. H. Goetzel : Mobile, Al. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Morgan, John Hunt, 1826-1864 --Fiction United States --History --Civil War, 1861-1865 --Fiction. Raids and romance of Morgan and his men text Raids and romance of Morgan and his men 1864 1864 2009 true xt70vt1gj302 section xt70vt1gj302 






Author of" Orace Trnvn  b," " MaryBunyan," V Romance of Frea Masnnr'/,"

&c,        &c. .

srconp* edition. v

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   Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1863, by


In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of Alabama, for the Confederate States of America.

. V 




the determination.

"The cause is a noble and just one, my son, and if you have decided, you must go, I will no'longer oppose you."

Thus spoke Mr. R. to his eldest son Charles, a youth of nineteen years of age, as,the two stood in consultation beneath a large elm tree in front of their dwelling, in Jefferson county, Kentucky, near the city of Louisville.

It was the evening of the 23d of September, 1861. It were an unnecessary task to attempt an extended history of that eventful period in that gallant old State, now the wild theatre of dark injustice and lawless tyranny. The lofty but unsuccessful struggles of those of her sons, who boldly and at all sacrifices, have dared to oppose the reckless encroachments of a despotic Administration upon their constitutional rights, are but too familiar to every generous heart that has pulsated in sympathy with her now down-trodden people.

The heel of the despot crushes her sons to the earth; his cruel hand has torn from them their liberties, and dyed itself in their blood. But they were born freemen! And when injustice and hate have done their work of purification; when K^ntuckians convinced through suffering of the great   rror of that party-spirit which now controls them, and of the unnatural prejudice which blinds their reason   when they shall see clearly and appreciate fully the policy and aim of this dreadful war, which, if prolonged, must ultimately carry ruin to every homestead throughout both sections   they will then arise in their might, and like Samson Agonistes, rend with one fearful effort the fetters that now bind them. 


Charles R. was the eldest of a family of six children   four boys and two girls. Charles, or " Charley," as he was familiarly called by his family and friends, was a fine exponent of true Kentucky character! Noble, impulsive, brave; quick to perceive the right, ready to defend it.

When, on the 15th of April, 1861, the dread voice of war echoed and re-echoed throughout the land, rousing the millions from their peaceful pursuits into the wildest fury, .fired with patriotic ardor, Charley besought his father to allow him to seize his gun and rush to the defence of the South. The father objected. His child was young, he was his eldest boy and greatly beloved ; and, moreover, amid the rapid rush of dread events, which had so convulsed the nation, Mr. R., influenced by his life-long love for the old Union, had not been able to decide satisfactorily to his own mind where the right rested.

But the fearful unfoldings of the war policy of the Administration, which took place between the date of Lincoln's " War Proclamation" and the time of which we write, had.fully decided him in favor of the South; and although a man distinguished for his reticence and aversion to, all unnecessary political discussions, he boldly avowed his position, and defended it by clear and logical argument, whenever it was attacked. And his opposition to his son's enlisting under the Southern banner was dictated by his attachment to him, and not indifference to the cause.

On the morning of the day of which we' 'speak, Charley (as we shall continue to call him throughout this narrative) had gone into the city, as was his daily custom, to learn the news and procure the morning paper for the family. Passing along Green street in the vicinity of the Custom House, he met young Fox, an old friend of his,whom he had known for years.

"Why, I thought you were in Dixie Land, Amos," exclaimed Charley, in surprise, as the two encountered each other.

"Silence, Charley, do not betray me," whispered the young man, as he slipped his young friend's arm through his, and fuming info Third street proceeded towards Broadway. The two walked quickly along, avoiding observation, until they reached the Commons, outside the city. Then seating themselves on the green grass at the root of an old beach tree, which stood removed some paces from the public road, the two engaged in earnest conversation.

"Charley," said his friend to him, "I know you have from the beginning of this war been anxious to go South. Buckner is in Kentucky, as you know, and every Southern man who can bear arms ought to join him. I have spoken to a great many of our acquaintances, and there is a number of young men now ready and only waiting for an opportunity to get through."

"And tlrjs-is all that deters me," responded Charley, his whole countenanoe expressive of the strong emotion that fired his breast. 


"I have been .thinking over the matter for days, and once or twice I have spoken to father about it.. You know he has always objected to my going, because he thinks I am too young; but his opposition seems to be yielding. And I am assured, when he sees I am determined to go, he will "consent. I shaM make every thing ready, and the first opening that presents itself, I will go. But, tell me, Amos, how did'you get back, and what are they doing down at Bowling Green 1 We have had so many rumors here, no one knows what to believe."

" I came on the cars to Elizabetbtown. Being detained there a few days, I was caught, by the blockade of the railroad, and had to take a buggy to come to the city."

"But, tell me, Amos, why did not Gen. Buckner and his troops come to Louisville t Last week everybody expected him. The Union -.ladies kept themselves and children dressed and in readiness to leave at a moment's notice. Union men sent their money and silver-ware to Jeffersonville. Old Prentice, it is said, had all the valuables of his printing office moved over the river, and he himself took refuge every night on the other side, that he might be safe from Bupkner and his men. The whole place was one scene of wild excitement, everybody appearing to have taken lerrve of their wits." t m

" Gen. Buckner would have taken possession of Muldrough's Hill, most assuredly, had it not been for an untoward accident on the railroad. I do not know whether he ever designed moving on Louisville."

" And what was this accident ? Do tell me all you know with regard to the Confederates coming into Kentucky ? We have wild and conflicting rumors there."

" You must promise me secrecy, Charley. I do not know how long I may have to stay here. And should my name be known as connected with their movements, I will certainly be arrested."

"Trust me, Amos, I will keep every thing most masonically," responded Charley, drawing closer to the side of his friend.

" I must begin back, in order fully to explain the whole matter satisfactorily to you."

" Do so.   I wish to know every incident."

"But wait a moment. Yonder is John Lawrence crossing the Common. Your old friend John, you remember him, Amos. He has just returned from Yale, completely disgusted with tho Yankees and everything pertaining to them, and is longing to get South.  Let me call him."

" Can we trust him 1"

" Oh, yes, thoroughly with us, and as true as steel."

Charley rose, and advancing a few paces from the tree beckoned to the young man who was leisurely pursuing his way from the high road across the open grass-plat that intervened between it and the woodland to the left.   His attention was arrested and with quick 


step he advanced to the spot where Charley stood. The two approached the tree. Young Fox stepped forward and grasped the. hand of his old friend, shaking it most cordially.

" I have not seen you for a long time, John," skid he, as he continued to hold his hand. " You have been living with the Yankees for the last two or three years.  How do you like them ?"

" Plague take them. Don't talk to me about liking Yankees, Amos. 1 datest the whole narrow-minded, nigger-loving thieving race. And if I could have my wish, I would send a bullet through the last one of them before sundown."

" You are ready to shoulder your gun against them, then, are you?"

" Yes, at any moment. But tell me, how is it you are here ? I made inquiry for you only a few days back, and your brother told me you were South. How did you get through, and what are they all doing down there in Dixie? General Buckneris at Bowling Green we know, and the boys are having a glorious time, we hear, but further than this we can,learn nothing."

" Amos will tell us all about it, John. He was just about to begin, when I discovered you passing across the Common, and I begged of ,hini to allow me to call you. I knew you would be so gratified to hear of Buckner's entrance into Kentucky, and his occupation of Bowling Green."

The three seated themselves. Removed as they were from the    road, there was no probability of intrusion or interruption.

" All I tell you boys is to be kept secret. Our enemies must not be made aware of our most trivial matters. It is necessary to deceive them, for I tell you, boys, we have a great deal to do before we are ready to give them fight! "

The two readily acceded to his proposition, and the young man commenced his narrative.

" On the 17th of this month, Gen. Bucker, then at Camp Boone, despatched Major Dick Wintersmith to Elizabethtown to seize all the cars and locomotives that were concentrated at that point. He had previously written in cipher, to Cols. Hardin Helm and Reed, who resided in that town, to hold themselves in readiness to assist in such a movement, which would take place in a few days, and'it was necessary they should have rolling stock to transport their troops rapidly into the State. Major Wintersmith proceeded in haste to Russellville, from which point he telegraphed Helm, ' All right.   I will be up on next train.'

"From Russellville he went to Bowling Green, where he made

known the secret of his expedition to Dr.-, a true Southern

man, with whom he left the business of guarding the bridge ove   Barren river, which was to be done in such a manner as to avoid all suspicion. It was necessary to use every precaution, for had the Home Guards or Union men for a moment supposed what was 


on hand, they would have torn up the trUck, or destroyed bridges, thereby frustrating the whole project.

" Having made every arrangement for safety and success at this point that his limited time would permit, Major Wintersmith came on to Cave City. .

" Here, as you are aware, the trains pass each other. As the train bound for Bowling Green came up beside the up train, Blan-ton Duncan, who you know is an excitable man, rushed to the platform and called out to know if Mitchell La Peet was on board, stating in a hurried nervous manner, that twenty policemen from Louisville were in waiting at Elizabethtown to arrest him as soon as he should reach there. This, of course, was alarming intelligence to Major Wintersmith, who felt for a moment foiled in his undertaking. But being self-possessed, and of a brave, daring nature, and fully realizing the importance of the work entrusted to him, he in a moment decided to call in the council and aid of several gentlemen on board the cars, who he well knew were Southern, and would dare anything to serve their cause. The few minutes allowed him to execute his purpose were actively employed in providing for guarding the road at all points where it was feared rails might be removed or bridges burned.

"With two or three friends on whom he could depend in any exigency, he pursued his way to Elizabethtown, not knowing but that he would be seized as soon as he should reach the depot, yet determined to risk his life in the accomplishment of his trust, Reaching Elizabethtown, and ascertaining there was no such police force there, as Col. Duncan had mentioned, his first inquiry was for Col. Helm. To his bitter disappointment and deep chagrin 'he learned that that personage had left and set out with his family on the morning train for Nashville.

" At the depot he met Col. Reed, who, with others, had come down to meet him.

"' And Helm is gone !' was his exclamation, as he seized Reed's hand.

" ' Yes,' was the response.

"' And what is our prospect 1   No Union force here, I suppose 1' he asked, hurriedly, of his friend. " 'None.'

"' Well, then,' added Major Wintersmith, ' we shall accomplish the work. Are you armed Reed ? What we do must be done quickly. Not a moment to lose. And we must proceed quietly, also.   Any alarm will ruin us.'

" Major Wintersmith, accompanied by his telegraph operator, whom he had brought with him from Nashville, and followed by young La Rue, a nephew of John L. Helm, rushed, without a moment's delay, up stairs into the telegraph ofiu-e, which was situated at the depot. The operator, scared out of his propriety by this sudden appearance in his room of two armed men, and awed 


by their .stern words and determined manner, made but little opposition, and with a few remonstrative remarks, yielded up his position to the young man whom Major Wintersmith had brought with him.

"' Dispatch to Louisville,' commanded the Major, ' that the cars are off the track.  Nobody hurt.   Will be in late this afternoon.'

The order was oheyed. The Yankee operator was then placed under guard, and the Major, with the assistance of Colonel Reed, young La Rue, and others who readily joined his standard as soon as his object was known, proceeded with all possible energy, to seize all the locomotives and cars found in the place. One engineer, when commanded to leave his position, positively refused to yield.

"' We do not wish to hurt you, sir,' said Major Wintersmith, to him in a tone which bespoke the decision of .bis heart, 'but we must have your locomotive and train, and it is useless for you to resist. We are armed and determined to perform the work assigned us by our authorities.'

"1 Well, gentlemen,' replied the engineer, who was convinced of the propriety of acquiescence, 'Iyield only to force, and I.wish this distinctly understood.'

"' Oh, certainly, sir,' replied the Major, ' we compel you.'

" ' Will you give me a certificate to this effect 1'

'"Assuredly, sir.'

" The certificate was written, and the engineer withdrew, leaving Major Wintersmith and his friends in possession of the train.

" This was a most valuably acquisition   the locomotive being the finest on the road, and moreover the cars were laden with such provisions as the Confederate troops most needed."

" Bravo, bravo," shouted two listeners, wild with the enthusiasm with which the Major's success had inspired them. " Three cheers for Wintersmith and Reed I "

" And I do     hope," added young Lawrence,." that the Confederates may get every pound of the vast stores that for weeks have been accumulating at Elizabethtown. Father has a large quantity of bacon and flour there, and, in his name, I bid Buckner and his brave followers a hearty welcome to it all. Three times three for the South!" he vociferated, as he took off his cap and waved it energetically in the air. " May she triumph on every battle-field, and whip the Yankees to death in every engagement. But resume your narrative, Fox, excuse my interruption."

'iAs soon as Major Wintersmith had obtained full possession of all the rolling stock, and so guarded it as to secure it against any attempt at recapture, he sent a locomotive and tender, with' about twenty armed men, led by Colonel Reed and La Rue, towards the Junction, for the purpose of capturing the train from Lebanon to Louisville, and also the evening train from Louisville to Bowling Green.   This undertaking was eminently successful in getting pos- 

session of both trains, but unfortunately for the sortie, some wretch escaped from the train while it stood at the Junction, and running about a half mile in advance, tore up the rails-; and when a few minutes afterward the train came dashing along at full speed, the front passenger car was thrown off the track anctprecipitated^ome thirty or forty feet down a precipice. The next car, strange to say, was detached and fell directly across the road.

" This, as you may well imagine, was a fearful situation for the expeditionists. Some two or three locomotives, "together with a freight and construction train were behind the fallen car. This .must be removed and the road repaired before there was any possibility of advancing towards their destination. They were momentarily expecting an attack from the Home Guard of that region, who, they had been informed, were assembling to capture them. And, to add to their troubles, night was rapidly approachipg and the rain began to fall heavily.

"But nothing daunted, the boys, led by Col. Eeed, threw off their coats and set about removing the car that blocked up the road. It was an arduous undertaking. They worked with right good will, however, using fence rails and whatever they could make available to expedite their undertaking. - The passengers, of whom none were killed, and only one man severely bruised, lent their assistance. They were mostly Southern men, and those who professed Unionism were not so tenacious of their avowed principles as to prevent their participating in the novel and exciting work. But the task was a gigantic one, and it was near the morning before the car was hurled over the precipice to take position with its predecessor. This being at last done, it was the work of but a few minutes to replace, the rails, bring back the locomotive, which had strangely leaped the gap and landed safely on the other side, attach it to the train, and drive at full speed to Elizabeth-town.

" Meanwhile, Major Wintersmith had placed the town under martial law, sent out pickets and videttes, dispatched messengers to Bardstown and other points to collect together some companies Which were in a state of partial .organization, and.bring tbem in    and had made all necessary preparation to return to Bowling Green, where he was to meet Gen. Buckner and the troops from Camps Boone and Trousdale."

" And what was the sum total of the expedition, Fox ?" asked Charley. " The Major and his friends must have gotten a rich booty."

" They took eight good locomotives ; among the number, that superior one I mentioned, which is by far the best in the West, about two hundred cars, fifty of these being construction cars, that are so much needed at Bowling Green, an immense amount of provisions of all kinds which will be most acceptable to Buckner's army, and all this without the loss of one life." 


"Capital!" exclaimed young Lawrence, springing to his feet, and again tossing up his cap with cheers for Wintersmith and the Confederacy. " I heartily wish, boys, that they would corhe and take Louisville as easily."

" But tell us, Fox, why did not General Buckner come to Louisville ?"

"I am not sure that he designed the occupation of our city. He wished, however, to possess Muldrongh's Hill, and the day after he reached Bowling Green, he sent forward the 2d Kentucky, Hanson's Regiment, for this purpose. But, unfortunately, some vile Unionist'had torn up the road, and the cars containing the men were pivcipitated from the track."

"Any body hurt?" interrupted Charley.

"Not a man. It was really Providential that no life was lost. Before the road could be prepared, Rousseau had advanced, and thus Gen. Buckner's designs were wholly frustrated."

" How unfortunate !'" exclaimed Charley. " This city .would have been an easy prey, and Gen. Buckner and his men would have been hailed as deliverers, benefactors, by a large portion of the citizens. Now, I fear, it is too late   too late. These hordes of blue-coated Abolitionists that daily pass through,the streets, must necessarily impede his progress ; I fear, may prevent it altogether."

" And this is the reason why Gen. Buckner did not come to Louisville," remarked Lawrence. " We could not tell why it was, but this explains it all. Rumor gave a thousand reasons, but you know nothing can be credited in thes'e days of falsehood and exaggeration." ,      1 ' '

"Do you think, Fox, that Buckner will come soon," asked Charleyj thoughtfully." ' ' '    Not soon." '   " Why not ? "

"Because of his want of men. He has but a small force; much less than persons suppose; but he is determined to remain in his present position. As to whether be will'advance, that will depend entirely upon the reinforcements ho shall receive and the force sent against him." 11 1

" If he cannot come to us, John, we pan go to him. We should not remain idle here while'our cause is'suffering for men to defend it. What say you, John, shall we not hazard every thing to reach Buckner 1 "

" Yes, Charley, I will go home and make arrangements to leave at the very earliest opportunity.  When do you go back, Fox ? " " I'll leave to night."

" Could you not delay a few days in order to give Charley and me time, to get ready?" Wti

" I am under promise and have \\m\e all my arrangements to" set out at ten to-night, otherwise 1 would wait for you with plea- 


sure. But you will find opportunities for getting through. Young men are constantly leaving this portion of the State to join Buckner. There is a camp near Bloomfield, where whole companies have several times rendezvoused amd gone through. Your safest way would be to go there.  But list, what does that music- mean?"

" Another Abolition regiment wending its way to the Nashville depot, no dpubt," replied young Lawrence. "My blood grows hot as I think of their polluted feet desecrating the streets of our city. Itds hard to bear the sight, boys. And yet, where is the remedy?"

" It can be found only in throwing ourselves against them, John, and driving them back to their own homes. We are subjugated unless we can conquer."

    " True, true ; there is no other deliverance. And I for one will risk my life for freedom."

The three arose and walked towards the city. At the corner of Broadway and Third streets they separated, each to enter upon active preparations for joiuing the army at Bowling Green.

An hour afterward, Charley and John encountered each other in front of the Gait House.' | ,

" I shall leave to-morrow night, Lawrence. I have just seen young Ashmore, who tells me that my only hope is to go through Bloomfield, as suggested by Fox.   He sets out to-night."

"I will go with you, Charley."

"Meet me, then, to-morrow night, at the first toll gate on the the Bardstown pike. I shall be in the city again to-morrow, but for fear I may not see you, I now will make this arrangement."

"Very well."

Charley made some necessary purchases, and without delay drove homeward.


the parting.

As Charley reached the stile, he saw his father approaching the house through the lawn. Securing the horse, he hastened to meet hiin and unfold to him his purpose. The father was not surprised.' For weeks he had observed the restless, thoughtful manner of bis son, and had divined the cause. It had given him much anxious thought and many a heart-pang, for he was conscious the time 


was fast approaching when a final decision must be had. He could not forbid his son's going, yet he felt very averse at his immature age to yield .him to the chances of a war which he already foresaw must be sanguinary and protracted.

Therefore, when Charley broke his intention to him, he endeavored with alia father's yearning tenderness, to dissuade him from his purpose.

Charley listened to his father's arguments, but remained unconvinced. :

" I must go, father, and go now. It will not do for me to delay longer," he replied, with fixed determination. " To remain at home while the Southern cause is calling aloud for aid, would be disgrace, infamy. . You, yourself, father, could not respect me, if I should hesitate, now that our own Kentucky is invaded by the dastard abolition foe."

His face was flushed   his voice trembled with the depth of his emotion   his dark hazel eye gloWed with patriotic fire.

-The father'gazed upon his son   his opposition yielded. The noble ardor of his boy had conquered him.

The two passed into the house. The family were made acquainted with the young man's resolve. Witheringly the intelligence fell on the fond mother's heart. Like the fiery shaft that suddenly darts from the surcharged cloud, spreading death and desolation over the beautiful and glowing landscape, so came this terrible blow to sweep away in darkness and sadness every hope, every joy. She bowed her head in silence. No word escaped her lips, as she sat gazing on the smouldering embers in the grate.

How could she give her boy, her eldest born, her well beloved son to the horrid fate of war 1 Her keart^stood still before the appalling picture.

" Oh, my son! " she exclaimed, after a few minute's thought. " I cannot let you go. It is more than I can bear. You are so young, so inexperienced. You can. not conceive of all you will have to undergo, even if you could get through safely. But this is impossible. Danger is on every side. The enemy is scattered on every hand, and the Home Guard, an undisciplined mob, are Well armed and infest every town and cross road. There is no way open for you."

"I know it all, mother, and have fully considered all I shall have to undergo, but I would brave all this and ten-fold more to strike for the right. I must go, and that immediately. These dangers that you speak of increase every hour."

" But, how can you go, my son ? You cannot make your way through the Federal lines. There u n   way. We are hemmed in on all sides.

"There is a camp, mother, near Bloomfield, in Nelson county. I will seek that and go out with others. Men are constantly leav-4 jng this point to join Buckner. 


The mother could not give her consent. Neither could she further oppose the unalterable purpose of her son. With that sadness which only a mother's heart can feel under a similar trial, she busied herself with the necessary preparations to secure a comfortable outfit. Every thing was conducted quietly. Neighbors might betray, servants might tell tales.

" Lu," said Charley to his sister, who sat beside him sewing away as fast as she could on some flannel under-garments for her brother, "you must go into the city to-morrow and bring out    Mary Lawrence."

" But she will not come, Charley. You know John is going to the army."

"I will see John, and get him to come out too. We will leave here together."

" Oh, well, that will answer finely. I should like to see John once more before he turns soldier. He used to be one of my great friends. But I have not met him since his stay among the Yankees. " I might not admire him so much now."

"He is not changed, Lu, only improved. Tou would be charmed with him.   He is so agreeable, so noble, so handsome"."

" Ah, don't speak his paises'too rapturously, Charley. It might revive the old flame. You know we used to play sweetheart when we were children."    

" Oh, yes, so you did, and who knows what may result from your meeting to-morrow. But you will bring Mary out, won't you ?    And get her, Lu, to go to Elrod's and have her ambrotype taken for me.   She will not refuse."

" Very well.   I shall do all I can to meet your requests."

" Dear kind sister, you are " said Charley, throwing his arms around her neck and kissing her soft white cheek.

" I cannot go with you to-night, Charley," said his friend to, him as they met the next day at Manderville's clothing store.

" And why not, John V asked Charley, surprised.

"Mother is quite sick to-day. As soon as I told her last night of my arrangement to go out with you, she was seized with one of her old attacks, and Dr. Hardin told pa this morning, that if I should persevere in-my intention it might cost her her life. You know she has disease of the heart, and is likely to die at any moment. I feel that I can scarcely relinquish my undertaking. I have made every preparation. See that large package of goods there. Pa got me a. complete outfit, and, moreover, has bought for me a splendid horse from Bacon's. But my duty to my mother, Charley, is beyond my duty to my country. And.I feel that I must delay untilT can gain her consent."

'    I regret this John, deeply regret it. But you have decided rightly.Good-by, my friend, time presses me. I hope we shall soon meet again where, with the brave hearts of the South, we can shoulder our arms in freedom's cause." 

They grasped each other's hands firmly, and with a hearty shake and a word of adieu the two friends parted.

It was the sunset hour. Charley and Mary sat beside the open-, widow, looking out upon the still, quiet scene beyond. The lawn with its carpet of green, and shaded here and there by clumps,'of grand old forest trees, spread out before them. Beyond it, in the distant horizon was the dim hazy outline of the city. The rich mellow rays of the autumnal sun were flooding the western sky with a radiant glory,.such as we dream lights up the faraway abode of the angels.   It was a soft, sweet moment for love.       -

The two young hearts sat there in silence, each pulsating with fervent emotion : " What an age of anxious bliss we often live in a few moments." The hand of the dial has scarcely moved over the horoscope of time, but in these few fleeting moments, we have added to our experience either of pleasure or pain years of thought and feeling. Oh, these dashes'of joy and of grief, how far adown our life-path they throw their gladness and their gloom. Charley was first to break the silence.

"You will not forget me, Mary, when I am gone! Years may pass before we meet again. Others will gather round you, and perhaps will strive to win your love. Will they succeed? The thought is madness to me. You know I loved you, Mary, when in our earliest years we used to go with the Sabbath-school to our holiday pic-nics, or in winter-time meet with our school-mates in our childish parties. I have loved you always, ever. My-affection for you has never known change. And could I feel now that you could love another; that while I am away, an exile from my home and friends, you should cease to think of me, forget to love me !   Oh, the thought is anguish, Mary, but I will not doubt you. You have ever been true, even when far away. Shall I not rely on your constancy in the future, as I have found it in the past 1"

Great tears stood in Mary's large blue eyes as Charley's words of doubt fell on her ear. She felt that her heart was wronged even by a suspicion of her faithfulness. The pearly drops, gathered and chased each other down her flushing cheeks. In a voice broken with emotion, she said:

" How can you doubt me thus, Charley ? You do me wrong to dream that I could ever forget you. I have always been true. When We were separated for months, you had never a reason to suppose for a moment that I ceased to remember you. Why should ypu feel so now, that I am oldej* and have loved you longer?",

" Oh, I do not doubt you, Mary," he answered, clasping the soft dimpled hand in his, and pressing it to his lips. " Pardon me if my language seemed to betray a thought of change in your affection.   You know love is jealous, apprehensive."

" Oh, do not say so, Charley, you pain my heart. Love should be without suspicion, trusting, confiding.. I do not doubt you. I do not feel   that any dark-eyed daughter of Dixie could ever supplant me in your love." 


" Never, never, Mary. In life and in death I shall prove faithful to you. And should I never return, should I fall unnoted, and no friend be near to bear my dying words to you, rest assured that as now, your image shall dwell in my heart, and naught but the dread hand of death shall ever wrest it from its shrine.