xt70vt1gj29s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70vt1gj29s/data/mets.xml La Bree, Ben La Bree, Ben (Benjamin) 1898  books b92e484l122009 English Courier-Journal Job Printing Company : Louisville, Ky. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. United States --History --Civil War, 1861-1865 --Personal narratives. United States --History --Civil War, 1861-1865 --Anecdotes. Camp fires of the confederacy : a volume of humorous anecdotes, reminiscences, deeds of heroism, thrilling narratives, campaigns, hand-to-hand fights, bold dashes, terrible hardships endured, imprisonments, ... : confederate poems and selected songs. text Camp fires of the confederacy : a volume of humorous anecdotes, reminiscences, deeds of heroism, thrilling narratives, campaigns, hand-to-hand fights, bold dashes, terrible hardships endured, imprisonments, ... : confederate poems and selected songs. 1898 1898 2009 true xt70vt1gj29s section xt70vt1gj29s 


Generals Fitzhugh Lee, French, Butler, John B. Gordon, McLaws, Shoup, Smith, Taliaferro, R. E. Lee, Polk, Mahone, Frazier, Rosser, Boggs, G. W. Gordon, Vaughan, Hagood, Battle, Wilcox, S. D. Lee, Walthall, Cox, Chalmers, Alexander, Evans, York, Goodwin, Chipley, Boyd, Lane, Ferguson, Dickison, McGowan. Colonels (Ex-Gov.) Stone, Lamb, (Ex-Gov.) Oates, Otey, Clark, White, Hamilton, Lewis, Bedier, John S. Mosby, Walkenshaw, Bennett H. Young, West. Admiral Semmes.   Captains Jones, J. B. Killebrew, Shaw, Jolly, Stevens, Ed. Porter Thompson, W. B. Kendrick, H. D. Stevens, Asbury, Scott (now Maj.-Gen'l U. C. V.), Weller, W. F, Gorden, Clarence W. Smith, Leathers.    Lieutenants Polk, Pearson (now Brig.-Gen'l U. C. V.).    Privates J. O. Casler (now Maj.-Gen'l U. C. V.), Jos. McMurran, L. T. Dickinson, P. L. Ellis, James Boyd (now Maj.-Gen'l U. C. V.), A. T. Watts (now Brig.-Gen'l U. C. V.), Smith, Jackson, Lewis, Preston B. McGoodwin, V. Y. Cook (now Maj.-Gen'l Ark. State Troops), John Boyd (now Maj.-Gen'l U. C. V. of Ky.), Bishop J. C. Granbery, Rev. J. Wm. Jones, Rev. J. A. Hopkins, Henry W. Grady, W. A. Campbell, J. Birchard, Dr. Henry W. Wilbur, Eddie Souby, Sergeant Raiford, Wm. L. Rhea, Wm. Morrison, F. G. Fontaine, J. J. McAfee, T. H. Hines, Father Abram J. Ryan, Lamar Fontaine, Dr. Francis O. Tichnor, Sir Henry Houghton, F. H. Gassaway, G. W. Harris, E. Bowers, A. B. Cunningham, L. W. Canady, Butler Brayne Minor, A. L. Moore, J. K. Emmett, G. L. Kilmer, W. P. Carter, R. H. Dixon, Sam'l H. Hargis, J. L. Molloy, Mrs. Kate Lee Ferguson, Florence L. Holmes, Miss V. E. Davidson, Virginia S. Hiliiard, Mrs. E. L. Vena-bles, Willa Lloyd Jackson, Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Dickison, Mrs. M. L. York, and over 200 other brave officers, privates, sailors and patriotic women. 



a volume of

Humorous Anecdotes,  Reminiscences, Deeds of Heroism,   Thrilling Narratives, Campaigns, Hand-to-Hand Fights, Bold Dashes, Terrible Hardships Endured, Imprisonments, Hair-Breadth Escapes,  Exploits of Scouts and Spies, Perilous Journeys, Daring Raids, Boarding and Capturing Vessels, Sea Fights, Tragic Events, Etc.



CM. L.  T. Dickinson, Adjutant N. B. Forrest Camp,  U. C.  /'., Chattanooga,  Ten* , Charles Grunwald, E.  Ur. Girard, John C. Johansen, Salina B. Flexn*rt and other well known Artists,

kditkd by


Author of " The Pictorial Battles of the Civil War," " The Confederate Soldier in the Civil War," etc., Editor of the " Lost Cause," and former Editor and Publisher of the Confederate War Journal.

louisville, ky.: courier-journal job printing company, 1808.



of that brave and intrepid host who, from the beginning to the end of the long and gallant struggle of the South for political emancipation and autonomy, followed, with unwavering fortitude and devotion, its flag, and shed their blood in defense of home and kindred, these pages are dedicated, with a firm conviction that the descendants of such immortal heroes will continue to keep alive the memories, and honor the deeds, of their brave sires. 

A third of a century has passed since the last gun was fired at Appomattox in the great struggle between the North and the South over a question of principle. Time has softened the asperities which grew out of that fierce and bloody conflict, and death has cut down many of those who came out of the war alive, and returned to ruined homes and bravely set about repairing their fortunes.

The world furnishes no parallel to those gallant followers of the flag of the Confederacy, who, when the unequal struggle was ended, quietly took their places in the peaceful ranks of industrious citizens and accepted the situation with a resolution that deserved the praise and excites the wonder of mankind ; those penniless but uncrushed followers of Lee and Jackson steadfastly sought the recuperation of their fortunes, and succeeded, alone and unaided, except by the partiality and assistance of family and friends.

The present age is an important one, and the young Americans who were not on the scene of action when civil discord plunged the country into the most bloody war the world ever saw, are anxious to know something about it   especially how their forefathers deported themselves on the field of battle, in camp and on the march   and to become acquainted with the thrilling episodes which, though pleasant to read of now, brought sorrow and desolation to thousands of homes   homes in which to this day surviving friends worship the memory of the loved ones who left them in the vigor of manhood, but on whom they never looked again.

War is a serious business, but it has its humorous situations as well. Every military organization had its wags and humorists, whose witticisms and pranks lightened the darker phases of the struggle.   These irrepressible funmakers were to be found in 

every company and on board every ship beneath the Confederate banner.

The purpose of this book, "The Camp Fires of the Confederacy," is to truthfully and accurately set forth every feature of the struggle. It contains the greatest anecdotal collection ever made of the humors of the war; thrilling narratives of deeds of heroism performed, hand-to-hand struggles, bold dashes, brilliant successes, clever captures, exploits of scouts and spies, perilous journeys, terrible hardships, imprisonments and hairbreadth escapes, daring raids, and various other interesting incidents ; also Confederate poems   the martial melodies dear to Southern hearts, pathos and patriotism   and selected songs, sung by the " Lads in Gray," which encouraged in trials, cheered by the lonely camp fire, and incited to victory.

It is with pleasure that acknowledgment is made of courtesies extended to me by the brave and chivalrous officers, privates and noble women whose names are mentioned in these pages, and by those whose names are unknown ; without their kindly assistance the work could not have been completed.

It is the only book of the kind ever published ; and, with the conviction that it will be read with pleasure and profit, not only by the friends and descendants of Confederate soldiers, but by people of every class and affiliation, it is submitted by

   Table of Contents.


The Confederate soldier   His return home, by henry W. Grady.

DEPARTMENT I. Humors of the Camp Fife.


Whar is the Front?.......---......---------------..............---- 21

Why Don't You Go to Bed?......----------.....----------.....----- 21

Asking for Pardon..........-------------------------.........-..... 22

No, Thank Ye........--------------........----------------.......    22

Let 'em Camp Where They Please------------------------..........- 24

Have You an Opening for a Substitute?-----.......----------------- 23

The North Carolina Soldier Boy------.....-------------........------ 22

What About Goliath?-------........-------------------------------- 24

Disgust for Card Playing---.......----........----------.......---- 24

Confound Him ! He Told Me It Was His Leg-----------.....----.....- 25

Peternezer Wright --...............------------...........---------- 26

Magruder's Confusion --..........--.....--------------------.....-- 26

Fun in the Camp.   By Dr. J. Wm. Jones----...........-.....------ 28

Py Tarn, the Stopper Come Out of the Shug----------------.........- 27

The Hungry Reb-----........------------.....---------------------- 26

Who Cares a Cuss?---------------.................-.....---------- 28

An Officer's Wit-------------.......-------------------------------- 31

A Story of General Logan--------------------................-------- 30

Who the Devil Are You?-----------......-----------------.....-..... 30

The Camp Thief-----.......---------------                                     -   -------------.....---- 29

A Brave Man.......------------.....---------..........------------ 31

She's Full ofShnakes--.....---------.......-   .......---------------- "34

Early and the South Carolina Troops-----------.....-----........---- 29

Chock F-full of Pie-.............---------........--------------..... 35

He Forgot His Brains-.......---------------------------------...... 34

Substitute Refused--------.....----------.....---------------------- 32

The War Dude........------.....---...............------.......... 33

Special Providence........---.....----...........................--- 35

Would Not Stop---------------------------.........----------....... 33



DEPARTMENT II. Incidents of the War.


They Did Not Drink the Toddy.  By General Fitzhugh Lee........---- 37

The Most Destructive Single Shot of the Civil War.   By Preston B.

McGoodwin---------....................-..............-....... 40

The Famous Snowball Battle.   By Gen. George W. Gordon ----------- 48

A Hard-Fought Battle and Bloodless Victory.   By Rev. A. C. Hopkins-- 55

Capture of Cattle   By Gen. Thomas L. Rosser........-------------- 58

A Gallant Incident During the Battle of Gettysburg. By Lieut.-Gen.

S. D. Lee---------------.....--......-.....----------------..... 61

Few Incidents.   By Gen. A. J. Vaughan.................---------- 65

/ho Ate the Dog ?   By Gen. James A. Smith--------------......---- 70

The Negro on Guard.   By L. T. Dickinson-.....------------......... 71

A Grim Joke.   By Gen. William B. Taliaferro......-------------..... 79

/as it Not a Miracle?   By Gen. Lafayette McLaws-------......----- 74

Little Charlie, a True Incident.   By Mrs. E. L. Venables-------------- 83

some of the Adventures of my Orderly. By Gen. S. G. French-------- 87

Confederate Deserter.   By Gen. C. A. Battle -...............------ 98

The Boy Courier.  By Gen-Clement A. Evans-......---.......--..... 94

Vmusing Incidents. By Col. William C. Oates, ex-Governor of Alabama, 91

ieneral Kilpatrick's Narrow Escape.  By Gen. M. C. Butler............ 102

I'd Conscript Every D   d One of Them.  By Major H. Kyd. Douglass-- 107


Sparks From the Camp Fire.

.Patriotic Fellow----------.....-...........-----.....

Couldn't Be Rallied-----............-----.......---

Jot Flesh Enough--- -............-.............------

lusic Will Soothe-----.......-----..........---------

io, 1 Thank You...........--..........----......----

)ead Man With Spurs On-------.......--   -----.......

Terry and Smith-----------......--------------.......

The Largest Meeting-------------------------.......--

)ld Billy Hell-----.......--------.......--------------

The Old Straggler---------.......--..........---------

Jim's Despair------------.......... ......------------

Small Feet and Big Shoes-.........-----..........-----

-et Me Go Up and Take a Look----.....-.....--------

/ell, I Hope to Land in H-!-----..........-.......

Uways Tell the Truth----................------------

. Weary Picket------........-............. -------- -

The Confederate Uniform-----........--......----.....

ieneral Mahone Wants to See You- -------............

Jrought Them Too Close-..............-----..........

Spirited Girl........-.......-.......-...............

-ile-Closers Don't Count---......-.....-----.........

Hot and Heavy................-.......................


13 13 15


14 14 14 21

   6 camp fires of the confederacy.


The Rebs Were There----------------------------------------------- 127

Officers and Gentlemen........--------........--......--..........-- 126

Jackson Forgave Him.....-...........-.....----------.............. 122

A Kind of Prisoner------------......-----------.....-----------..... 126

God Bless Your Honor-------.......-------------------.........---- 120

A Soft Place--............................................-.....---- 119

How General Cheatham Escaped Capture---------------------------- 120

Cut a Tree Down-----......   ................-.....------......----118

The Last Shot-------................--........-..........---------- 120

Gee Them, Sir, Gee Them----------------..............------------- 113

Had All His Brains Shot Out---.....------......-.......------------ m

Job Discounted------........---------------------------..........-- no

What He Was Fighting For---------------.................-----...... no

Who Can't Be a Scotchman?--.......------------------------....... no

Tar on Their Heels-------............   .....- - -.................---- in

Haven't I Been With You?------------------------------------------- in

Do Your Duty--......--------------- - ............-------........- III

Made it Sure...........-------.....------------..................... 112

War, War-ter-----.......---......--...........--.................. 109

He Will Soon Be There-----......--.............----.....-.......... 109

Description of General Sherman-......---------------.......--------- no

He Kept His Promise-........----------------------.............--- no

Why They Die So Fast......----------------.......---- ----.....---no

Born in the Light of the Moon --------.....----......--------------- 127


Heroic and Thrilling Stories of the War.

Services of the Corps of Cadets of the Virginia Military Institute. By

Capt. W. B. Shaw-------........--...........-.............---- 151

Were Human Even in Danger.   By Gen. William R. Cox.......------ 155

The Southern Soldier.   By Major-Gen. E. C. Walthall---------....... 129

A Scout in the Enemy's Lines.   By Gen. James Boyd.....-......---- 171

Promotion for Extraordinary Valor and Skill.   By Major-Gen. Thomas

L. Rosser.....----------------------......---------------------- 190

Bravery Honored by a Foe. By Eddie Souby, New Orleans, La......... 180

Winning Their Spurs   "Jeb" Stuart's Boy Hero.   By George Langdon

Kilmer........   ........------------.....---------........... 184

Escape from Camp Butler.   By P. L. Ellis, a Private------------------ 193

Heroes Unsung.   By Col. Robert White---------.......-............ 166

Private Pasco.  By Clarence W. Smith, Formerly 4th Corporal, C. S. A.- 199

Every Inch a Hero.   By J. B. Killebrew-----.....-------------------- 157

A Tennessee Horatius, One of the Bravest Deeds Recorded During the

Civil War.   By a Comrade-----...........-................----- 133

Our Cavalry: Cheerful and Merciful in Victory, Hopeful Even in Defeat, They Rode to Death Dauntlessly and Won Manv a Field, Equalled

by Some, Surpassed by None.   By Col. Bennett H. Young-------- 136

Bravery of Richard Kirtland.   By Bishop J. C. Granbery ------------ 198

A Thrilling Adventure.   By William Morrison, 5th S. C. Regiment---- 189

Bravery of a Green Mountain Boy.   By Capt. John H. Leathers -..... 162 
   contents. 7


Don't Shoot Into My Men; Bravery of Major-Gen. Edward Johnson.

By W. P. Carter ------------------------------.......---------- 164

Bravery of the Little Georgia Cadets.   By Capt. John H. Weller...... 165

Two Brave Cadets-------.....---.....-.....----------.........---- 179

Endurance-------........---------...........-------------.......... 163

A Spartan Mother.   By Col. R. W. Walkenshaw-----.....---------- 131

Saved from Death.   By R. H. Dixon---------.....-----......-....... 178

Noble Act of Unselfishness......-------------.....------------------ 180


Sparklets From the Camp Fire.

Loved Peace-.......------------.....------------------------------- 203

Beauregard and the Private------......' -............................ 203

A Gain of 50 Per Cent-.........----------------..........-......-    205

Close Up, Boys-------------------------.....---------------.....--- 203

A Long Way from Headquarters --......--------......-............- 204

Wanted a Relish for Water-----........-------------.....----------- 205

Where All the Soap Went to.....---------------------------......... 205

Quartermaster Hunters------------.........--.....------------------- 205

Lost in a Glorious Cause-----------------------......-----.......-- 203

Why the Pickets Ceased Firing, Etc.-------------------..........--- 205

The Doctor Knew-----.........-......---------.....-------......--- 206

Good to Pass to Heaven-------------........---------..........----- 206

Bottle-Scarred Hero------------........-------..............-.......- 207

Father Ryan and General Butler.....-------------------.........---- 207

Too Much Crow-----.....----...........-.......----------........ 208

The Unconcerned Negro---------.......---...............------...... 204

Call Them Suffering Angels------ ----------.....------------------- 207

Tin Spouts for the Army of the Tennessee-- ---.....-.......-.....---- 206

The Virginia Blues.....-----------------------.............-....... 207

Shootin' ToderWay--...........--------------...................... 209

Soldiers Took That Cannon...........---------------------......... 209

Reether Be An Officer or Jine the Cavalry---------------------------- 209

The Dutchman and His Mule.....----------------------------.....-- 210

Pat's Ready Retort..................-------------......----......... 212

They Knew Their Daddy.....----...........-.......---------------- 211

Don't Let the Old Man Bleed on the Biscuits-----------------.....--- 212

He Swallowed the Drum-----.....----------------------------------- 213

General Ewell's Grim Joke-----........------......----------------- 218

Will Hold His Position.....------------------..................---- 218

Surrendered to a Pump..........---------........-.............----- 212

The Side of His Head Off-......-----------------.......-------------- 211

Stampede Among Texas Horses-............------..................- 219

Left-Handed Compliments--------..........----------.....-......... 214

The Lieutenant's Bluff-- ----.....--..........-.....--.......------- 214

The Fat Bee-hive and What Became of It--------------         -------- 217

Got There, All the Same--------......----..........--..........---- 215

What an Empty Barrel Did-----.........-.....-------...........----- 216 



Anecdotes and Reminiscences of the War.


A Good One on General Fitzhugh Lee-----------.........-----------227

Magruder and the Private.   By Gen. J. W. Frazer---------......----253

Food for Sharks.   By L. T. Dickinson---------............-......--- 228

Mistaken Diagnosis, an Amusing Incident of the War.   By Surgeon

Henry W. Wilber-................-----.....-.......------ 221

Rebel Bees and Union Foragers.   By Florence L. Holmes------------- 267

How Stealing Became Justifiable.   By Col. William C. Oates, ex-Governor of Alabama and Brig.-Gen'l U. S. Volunteers in the War with

Spain --......-------.......-.....------------------------------ 271

Two Reminiscences   "A Mishap on Cape Fear River," "A Sailor's Revenge."   By Capt. John M. Jolly -......-......---------........ 264

Two Reminiscences   "A Remarkable Escape From Prison," "A Daring

and Successful Adventure."   By Gen. John O. Caster.......... 304

First Time Under Fire   Experience of My Body Servant.   By Gen. J.

M. Pearson - -............---.....-------...........------------ 302

General Ewell and the Private.   By Gen. James Boyd--------......-- 306

A Night of Adventure.   By Lieut. William N. Fairfax.......---------- 292

How Pat Arrested a Straggling Lieutenant.   By Capt. John M. Jolly -- 295

Anecdotes of the Siege of Petersburg.   By Miss V. E. Davidson------- 310

General Lee and the Private.   By Henry H. Smith..........-.....---- 311

The Bold Soldier Boy's Dinner, and What It Cost Him.   By Col. S.

Bedier ........--------.......----------.....-...........------288

Anecdotes of Capt. Davy Crockett.   By Major-Gen. Cadmus Wilcox-- 284

An Amusing Incident of the War.   By Col. William C. Oates--------- 270

Anecdotes of the Late War.   By Virginja S. Hilliard--------.......... 262

A Thousand Shirts.   By Gen. J. A. Smith -....................------287

Anecdotes of the War   

"The Only Time Stonewall Jackson Was Ever Flanked".....----249

"Captured Our Own Men"---------......---------------------- 251

"A Fat Conscript."   By Peter J. Otey......................--- 252

The Stonewall Brigade.   By Jos. McMurran.................---------275

Artichokes.   By Gen. W. R. Boggs........-...........---.........-- 286

A Few Anecdotes   

"The Thankful Private"---------............___________________ 244

"A Confessed Coward."   By Gen. F. A. Shoup---.....---------- 246

Humorous Anecdotes.   By Capt. W. B. Kendrick.................... 272

General McNair's Defeat at the Ball. By Samuel H. Hargis------------ 247

Mary and Her Little Cup.......--................--------.........287

A Woman's Army Experience.   By Kate Lee Ferguson----.........--- 254

" Traveler," General Lee's Famous War Horse -------------.....____ 307

Adventures of Bill Ettenworthy.   By Virgil Y. Cook, a Boy Soldier, Now Major-General, Commanding Arkansas State Troops, and Colonel

U. S. Vols, in the War with Spain------------.................... 230

Reminiscence of the Second Battle of Manassas.   By Col. J. M. Stone, Former Governor of Mississippi-----...............-.....________297 










302 306 292 295 310 3"

284 270 262 287







246 272


287 254 307

DEPARTMENT VII. Stories Heard Around the Camp Fire.


His Ammunition Was Getting Low----..........-----------------                                          -- 315

Nothing to Eat-----.....-.....---------......................-...... 315

Shoot 'em in the Line------------------........----------------.....- 315

General Burnside-------------------------------------=------....... 316

Rather See Her After it is Over......-------------------------------- 316

Wo   0   oh, Shtop.......-----......------........-............---- 316

Not Covered with Glory-.......-....................--------------- 316

Certainly- -----------------------------......-......-......---..... 316

A Full Hand---------..................-----.......--------........ 317

Best Troops-------------.....-------.......-----   ......---------- 317

He Saved the Cider......-......----------------......-------------- 3I8

He Died-----------------------.......----------------------.......- 317

'Taint State Bank Notes.....--------.........----........------..... 315

The True Ring-----...........------...........------.....--.......- 318

Right About Face----------...................----..............---- 319

Hear'n Tell of Chancellorsville?--------...... --------.............. 320

Burned Up a Regiment of Home Guards-- -------------------------- 319

Fight on Hand---------------------------------.........   --------- 319

Half Rations-----............----------.............---------.....-- 320

Riding the Yankee----------------------.....-..........------...... 321

Seethe Point?......-.................-----.........---------------- 320

Yes, Be Jabbers---......-............ .....--------------........... 317

Can't Crow Over Georgia---------------......-..................... 320

Don't Mind the Boys, Mister------------------.....---------......- 321

He Got it--------.......----------------------.........-............ 322

'Taint Near So Dangerous-----------------------------.......-....... 322

Three Cheers for Me, Boys.....................--------------....... 322

Passing the Sentry-.........-----.......--............-----......... 325

Sacrifice Man-----.....---------............---.....-.....-----..... 323

Don't Think You Ought to Blame Me, Doctor ---.....-------......... 324

A Good Soldier's Weakness.....-............................. 324

Where Was John?------------.....-----......------,--.....-------- 327

The Irishman's Bluff......-..............---------------...........- 326

Talking to Spoiled Meat-----------------......-------............... 325

He Dodged, Too--------.......--------................-............. 327

He Divided the Soap----------.........--------------------........ 328

Could Do Nothing for the Ladies.....-----------------............--- 329

It Cured Him-----------..............------------------------------ 329

A Spirited Adventure-----.....--....................---------------- 330

Terrors of Conscription - -.....-.........-..............-------....... 331


Narratives of the War.

Under Sentence of Death, an Episode of the War.   By Capt. W. F. I Gorden------------..........-............-.......-----......... 333




A Strange Battle Scene   The Meeting of General Toombs and the Son of

Daniel Webster-----------------------.........-----------------. 342

Walked Off With a Locomotive.   By T. C. DeLand------------------ 344

The Soldier Dog.   By Capt. Ed. Porter Thompson.........------ -345

Noble Act of General Mahone.   By Gen. Zeb York----------.......... 348

Capture of the Maple Leaf.   By Capt. A. E. Asbury.................. 352

The Baptism of General Hood by General (Bishop) Pope.   Described by

Col. Douglas West.......------.........--------------......... 354

Christianity in the Confederate Army.   By Bishop J. C. Granbery----- 349

A Horrible Scene.   By A. T. Watts, Private Company A, 16th Mississippi Regiment------.......----..........--------------......--- 363

Hood's Charge at Gettysburg.   By a Private of Company H, 5th Texas

Regiment -.........---..........--.......---......-------...... 366

The Foe That Jackson Feared.   By a Confederate Officer------------- 368

Old Thunder. By a " Three Starred Collar " (Willa Lloyd Jackson)---- 370 Memoirs of the Confederate War.   By Capt. T. M. Scott, Assistant

Adjutant-Gen. C. S. A---------------......--.......------------ 375

The Drummer Boy   A Touching Story of a Youthful Hero.    By a

Corporal - ....................-...... -........---------------- 383

Dickison and His Men.   By Mary Elizabeth Dickison-----------...... 385

Incidents at the Battle of Franklin, Tenn.   By Gen. S. G. French----- 393

Heroic Deeds of Gen. Zeb York.   By Mrs. M. L. York------------- - 395

Some of the " Makeshifts " of the Southern Women   a Reminiscence of

the War.   By Lilian W. Dale---------------......--------------- 360

The Confederate Girl Wife, Who Fell at Gettysburg.   By Captain A. R. Fitzhugh......-.....-.....-----------------.....-........... 356

DEPARTMENT K. Funny Tales Told Around the Camp Fire.

Hospital Sore Eyes.........--------......-------......-------------- 401

A Joke in the Thick of Battle......---------------------------------- 399

Don't Shoot, That's Father.......-.....----..........--------------- 399

Fighting and Praying------.......-......-.......-------.....---- -- 399

Bring Your Captain a Few......-..............-.........-.......... 400

Who Killed Tecumseh?......---.......---------.....-----.......----400

Who Jumped?-----...........--------.............-----------------401

A Pass to Richmond--------------------------.............---------402

How "Stonewall" Got to Heaven----------.....--------------......404

Rebel Grit - - -...........................-------------------......... 402

Taking a Proper View---.......------------........------------.....402

Deaf Hunter--------........---..........---------------------------403

Well, So Am I................-----------......--------------------- 405

Don't Care a Continental..........---------..............-.........410

Military Wit..........................------------.....---......----406

Old "Jube" Was Anxious to See Him.........-.......---------.....404

The Indignant Dutchman Captured by a Lasso--------------.....----- 401

Walked All the Way on Horseback-----------........--- --......... 403

Goin' Home to Courage 'em Up-------------------.......-.......----409

The Colonel Tumbled..........-............._____-.....-............ 405 


354 349

CONTENTS. II Page. Page.

O, You Sweet, Darling Confederates--.....-----..................... 409

Modesty and Spy Glasses------------------------------------.......- 407

344 Huddle, Gol Darn Ye..........--------------............-......----415

345 It Cured the Chills..........   .....------.........-----...........-406

348        Has the Whole--Battery Blown Up?.....- ............---------- 410

Would Not Obey-------.......--............--.......--------------413

Could Not Tell His Rank-----......---------...........-------.....416

A Bold Game for Liberty...........------------.......-............. 412

A Bombastic Captain-----------..........-......------------........ 411

36j        The Trials of a Conscript--------- ------..............-------------- 417

Got His Pardon........---------------.........---------............417

366 _



375 .  A Few Noted Battles by Sea and Land, Etc.

383        Pickett's Charge at the Battle of Gettysburg.    By Brig.-Gen. E. P.

385 Alexander - --.....-----...........---............--------....... 419

393       Battles of Fort Fisher.   By Col. William Lamb.....---.....-.........427

305       Davis' Mississippi Brigade at the Battle of the Wilderness.   By One of

the Brigade---.....---......................-.....---------.....438

360       The Last Days of the Confederacy.   By Gen. John B. Gordon--------443

Fight Between the Virginia (Merrimac) and Monitor. By Capt. Catesby 356 Ap R. Jones, C. S. Navy.......-----.......- - -.....-------------464

Exploits of the Alabama, Including Her Fight With the Kearsarge. By Capt. Raphael Semmes, C. S. Navy-----....................----478


399 399


Embers From the Camp Fire.

By Order of the Burgess -.........-..........-----..............---- 506

I ish Got to Shmell it All-------------------------.................. 507

399 Darky Reminiscences...................................----------- 499





404 402



405 410

Can Cross on a Log..........-............-----------------........501

The Bridge is Built, General------------......----------------....... 508

Jest Thought So.......- -........---------------"--------------------498

A Lucky Shot-----------........-...........................------498

He Captured a Grindstone.......------------------------------------ 499

Didn't I Capture You?------------------............-..... .......-- 5  3

An All-Night Call-.....-----.....-------------------------......---- 500

I Wish 1 Was a Gal Baby........------........---------------......501

Ramjammed the Coffee Pot-.....-........----------------.......---- 511

Masked Batteries and Black-Horse Cavalry---------...............--- 504

40<5       Hard on the Parson......................---------.....------------- 506

   04       Surrendered to a Hog.....--.................----.....---.......----- 505

40l        What He Thought of War--------.............-............--------- 514

Have Me Sent to Meridian-----------.......-...............---------- 511

4CX.        Whipped the Conductor and Captain..................-........-.....499

405       The Girl 1 Left Behind Me--------..............-.................... 513

How Teasley Stole a Horse and Disguised It.......-.................. 502



Are You Secesh, Too?.......----------......----------------------- 5'  

They're Thar Yit, General-------.......------.....------------------ 5  5

One at a Time, if You Please---.....-------------.................... 500

Whistle, Daughter, Whistle----------------------------- -