xt70rx93bg4r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx93bg4r/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2001-09-25 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 25, 2001 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 25, 2001 2001 2001-09-25 2020 true xt70rx93bg4r section xt70rx93bg4r Lexington


I consider myself a fairly
adept driver, despite



my tendency toward
having a heavy loot.
No matter how alert I
am there is always
someone dumb, or at
least someone who
has decided to drive
around with their
head up their butt,
on the road around
me. These people
come in every
variety. Here are
some of the worst:

The Brakellght Bandit:
This guy is easily
identified by the
brake lights that
flash for no reason at
all. When his foot
isn't resting on the
brake pedal, it has
the brake mashed
against the floor.

The Merger: Perhaps one
of the scariest
people, she decides
to lay claim to your
lane while you are
still in it. Short blasts
on the horn and less
than subtle hand
gestures usually put
her in her place.

The Lexington Cruiser:
It's not rush hour,
it's not lunch break,
it's 2:30 in the
afternoon, and these
people are out in
droves. I say, go
home, go to work, go
take care of your
kids, it doesn't
matter. Just get off
the road and out of
my way.

The Fast and the Furious
wannabes: The guys
with the pimped-out
Chevy Cavaliers, Geo
Storms and Ford
Escorts who think
their loud exhaust
has somehow made
them kings of the
road. My Celica and i
usually have to just
stop and laugh.

The Cell Phone Psycho:
Nothing is more
important than what
they need to get at
the grocery store.
Not even stopping
when the other cars

The Emergency Vehicle
Morons: Those people
who go through lights
as fire engines and
ambulances are
coming through.

Good grief. At least
look around.

The Geriatric Roadster:
These are the old
dudes with the brand
new Corvettes that
have never broken 55
mph on the
expressway. Give it
some gas. Life is
short. Enjoy the few
years when you can
actually afford the
insurance on a car
like that.

I'm starting a campaign
as of this moment to
get all the stupid
people off the road.
E-mail me if you're
with me. Drive safe.
Drive smart.

-Jered Wholen


63 41


Get out your mittens.
jackets, boots. scarves
and hats - it's getting


VOL. M08 ISSUE 021


News tips!

September 25. 2001


Piano man
lien l’olds
to play at

http' ”w.kykrneliznr.o

Hispanic heritage month a celebration for all

Diversity: UK professor says events
welcome everyone on campus

By Andrea Uhde

This month is a special
one for Sheila Rodriguez. a
business management ju»
nior. And she. like many
other hispanics. intend to
actively celebrate their her-

son . it's National Hispan-
ic Heritage Month. Bee
tween Sept. 15 and Oct. 15.
a period of festivities pro-
moting the immigration of
Hispanics to the United
States will occur.

National Hispanic
Month is fairly new to UK.
though it was set aside

years ago by the federal
government as a month for
recognizing the contribu-
tions of Hispanics and [mi
nos. It was not brought to
UK until a few years ago
when members of the Latin
American Studies Program
decided to involve students
with the celebration. said
Francie Chassen-Lopez. a
history professor.

“I think that it's been
really well received on
campus since we've begun

doing this." Chassen-Lopez

The month of recogni
tion is not limited to His
panics. though.

“The truth is. National
Hispanic Month is 1111p()1‘~
tant to the nation as a
the Latin American Studies

Pool said most students
who come to events
planned during the month
are not even Hispanic.

said Chris Pool of

itage this month. The rea-



UK is home to a "few
hundred" Hispanics. and
they come to Lexington be-
cause they find it to be a
tolerant society. Pool said.

UK students of all cul-
tures are recognmng the
diversity in Lexington and
on campus.

"I think it's a month in
which we just really sit
back and realize being His-
panic is nothing to be
ashamed of." she said ofthe
growing population.

Upcoming events

“Tang" Is a movie about a
director creating a tango movie.
6:30 pm on Oct. 8. CB 00.

The film, "The Gringo in
Mananaland." surveys the media
views of Latin America. 6:30
pm. on Oct. 29. C0 00.

"A Place Called Chiapas" is
a documentary about the l994
uprising in Chiapas, Mexico.
6:30 pm. Nov. 28, C8 110.

Community impacts Kentucky

A rapid increase: Hispanic population
tripled In last decade; Ky. ranked No.33

By Alonso Soto Joya


“Explosive" the word
Lexington Mayor Pam Miller
used to describe the growth of
the Hispanic population in the
Bluegrass area over the last 10

During these 10 years. the
face of Lexington changed as
Hispanics settled in the region
and began to impact the area as
a whole.

Miller said the local govern
ment was not prepared for this
rapid increase in population.

“We didn‘t have enough
people who spoke Spanish in
our schools. social services
agencies. police department and
health department." Miller said.
“It really put a stress on our so-
cial services."

Hispanic population. as
part of the overall population in
Kentucky, has almost tripled in
the last 10 years. Growing from
21.984 in 1990 to 59.989 in 2000.
Kentucky rose to 33rd among
states with the highest popula
tion of Hispanic immigrants.

“The number of Hispanics
living in Kentucky today. ac-
cording to the (2000) census.
does not tell the real quantity of
Hispanics in the region." said
Abdon Ibarra. the immigrant
services coordinator for the
Lexington-Fayette Urban Coun‘
ty Government.

Data gathered by the Cardi-
nal Valley Center. a social ser-
vices institution established by
the Lexington government and
run by Ibarra. estimates there is
more than 80.000 Hispanics liv-
ing in Kentucky. a difference of
more than 20.000 compared to
the census. The data also sug
gests the number is increasing
by 20 percent each year.

Ibarra said he believes the
face of the Latino immigrant
coming to the state is changing

as fast as Kentucky is changing.
due to the impact the popula‘
tion has on the region.

The Hispanic immigrants
who come to Kentucky are
mostly young single males from
Mexico. who are attracted to the
region because of the demand
for agricultural jobs. Ibarra
said. Immigrants usually move
to other states when the harvest
season is over. Overall. 95 per»
cent of Hispanic immigrants are

But this behavior has been
changing in recent years.

“Now the immigrant work-
ers are bringing their families
and becoming permanent resi-
dents in the state." Ibarra said.

Ibarra said this means more
female immigrants are coming
to the region. and the result is a
growth of the number of Ameri-
can children born to Hispanic
parents. Today 90 percent of
Hispanic children under 5 in
Lexington are US. citizens.

Hispanics are also moving
from the rural areas to cities
like Louisville and Lexington in
search of jobs in the service and
construction industries.

This is the case for one ille-
gal immigrant. who wished to
be known by only his first
name. Octavio. a 19-year—old
from Veracruz. Mexico. came to
Lexington a year ago and re-
turned home to bring his father
and two sisters to the United

“I want to stay here. work
and learn English for the better
of my family back home." said
Octavio. who sat waiting for a
job opportunity in one of the
rooms at the Cardinal Valley

Octavio‘s father. Adrian.
said one reason for emigrating
from Mexico is a lack of jobs for
people older than 40.

"That‘s why I came here

See GROWTH on 2



JESSE Linus l KERNEL stir;


(Top) Socrates and Hafit Martinez look for books
on drawing at the Lexington Public Library.
(Bottom) Florencio, a chef at Red Sevilla restau-
rant in downtown Lexington, prepares a side dish
for patrons.



Expert reviews building


A growing population: Officials say
more than 80,000 hispanics living in Ky.




1997 lm ”9 2000


Death toll rises, stocks surge



Call 2574915 or e-mail

Committee Members Dan Rowland, David Morgan.
Dennis Donor and Jim Potts tour the building.


A renowned architectural preser-
vationist says the UK Administration
Building has great potential for re-

Charles Phillips made a number
of recommendations to an ad hoc com-
mittee charged with advising UK offi‘
cials on the reconstruction of the
building. The building caught on fire
May 15.

Among them was restoring the
original museum on the first floor. as
well as a classroom-lecture hall.

Phillips also supported construct-
ing two full entrances. one opening to
the Patterson Office Tower plaza and
the other facing South Limestone

“The building should face both di-
rections out to the community and
in t0 the campus." he said.



- President Bush signed an order
In -ezing assets of 27 people and orgaiiiza
tions. calling it a strike at the financial
foundation of terrorists lie demanded
foreign banks follow America's lead.

. Government officials extended
grounding of crop-dusting planes
through Monday amid fears of biological
or chemical attack and indications that
a susjwcted hijacker showed interest in
crop dusting.

- (iowrnment officials said all air-
port workei‘s IA Ith access to planes and
secure areas must submit to new I‘i‘lml‘
nal background checks. Officials also
said they want to reissue Ills

- \‘Iispecri-Il terrorist Usania bin
Laden called on Pakistani Muslims to
tight ‘ the American crusade."

' - Russian President Vladimir Putin
said the nation will intensify support of
Afghan oppositional forces. He said the
nation is prepared to supply them I\ ith
swamps and military equipment

- \femlwrs ofthi- mling Taliban said
thev are dispatching .ilklikm fighters n.
defend Afghanistan‘s borders. I'iutcd
Nations officials said the Taliban threat
ened to kill I'N. relief uorkers In

- Stocks surged. relmilniliiig from
one of Wall Strwt's Worst weeks I'\i'l

- The death toll at the World 'I'ride
I‘enter rose to 176. and the number of
missing persons climbed m ii if»;

~ Attorney General John .\sh: roll
said .52 people have hwn arrested or do-
tained in the Imestigatiou \Iiotlicr W'f
[X'Iiplt- han- lw‘n sought for Illll‘\llillllli‘.'

The Student Newspaper at the University of Kentucky, lexingon




32% i ” meson.






"’I‘he surest
way to
corrupt a
youth is to
him to hold
in higher
those who
think alike
than those
who think


- Friedrich
Nietzsche (1844-
1900). German



simmer: 25,2001 | itchiucitv itcniicL



Some gas stations offering refunds
FRANKFURT Some gas stations that iiikod
prices the day terrorists attacked are tiiit‘l'illlcl re
funds. Attorney General Ben l‘haiidler an
iioiiiiced Monday. About 1.3 unidentified stations
were offering refunds. Through Friday. (‘iian
dior's office had heard from 4-17 people who re
ported gas price increases at about 185i stations
since Sept 11. when iiiiacked ietiliiet‘s crashed
into the World Trade i enter anti tiie Pentagon It
appeared that some stations began raising prices
around it p in on Sept. 11. just as people were get
ting oti‘ work. t‘haiidioi' said. Pump prices came
down again the iie\t day (‘haiitiier said his stall
iii itlt' spot checks of more than liili stations on


81,1 1' The \ intt iy ll wed opei itois of Jet sta
tiotis who ii iii 1‘ es aiio gt tily i‘lt‘ ic hodS ’ oi iiioie

Death certificate procedures hurried

\i.il.-\X\'. N Y tioy George Pataki signed
in e\ociiti\o order Monday that will allow rola
mos of World Trade (‘entor attack \‘ll‘illils‘ to get
death certiticatos within days instead of years
.\s oi Motility. more titan t3. too people were miss
lilLI and feared dead :it the trade center Now
\‘oi'ix .\i.i\oi lliidolph liiiiliaiii said lawyers will
be .i\ iiiibie at .1 family contor later this week to
iiolp iliiiiiiios with tiie paperwork necessary to
obtain tie.iiii cortiticaies The i‘Xt‘t‘lli1\'t‘ order is
intended to help iaiiiiiios fiio insurance claims.
disburse estates and withdraw as much as
Siltllili iroiii bank and money market accounts
that are in \ ictinis‘ iiaiiios

Stocks rebound, but remain nervous

NEW YiiRK Stocks surged Monday. carry
tin: the How iiidiistt'ials up more than Jiliti points.
as bargain hunters returned to iieip Wall Street
rebound from one of its worst wooks over The
liow's advance was its fifthliiggest daily point
gain in history. Monday‘s gainers were spread
across nearly all market sectors. an indication
that cheaper prices lured buyers to tho iiiarkot
rather than lessening fears about how the l'nited
States will retaliate for tiio terror attacks and
how ioiig tiie economy will suffer. Eyoii airline
stocks were tip The [low closed Monday up
Slot; (is. or 13 percent. at 8.60186. recovering more
than :i quarter of the 1.369 70 it lost last week iii
its biggesteyer weekly decline. The Iiow was tip
as much as 113.31 in the last hoiii‘ Monday

Mining accident could he worst in history

iiittitii\'\\'titiii. Ala An explosion in a coal
mine kill ed. tloast tiiroc minors and loft nine
otiiois missing and feared deati. a spokesman
said If tiie deaths are confirmed. it would be tho
worst mining accident in the i'iiited States since



Andie Agassr and
Steffi Grat
definitely plan to
get married. but
the wedding bells
are on hold until
after their son is
born in a few
months, accord
ing to Agassi.
"The question
isn't so much are
we (mum to."
Agassi told The
Assoc-ated Press
on Friday in an
tniervaew about
an UDLO’iiinq
charity tuncert.
Agasm said he
and Grat w1|l wait
to marry "until
the little one is
around and
everybody (has)
kind of recov~


Paul McCartney
Will stage a benefit
concert in New
York next month
to aid the city's

A statement
quoted the former
Beetle as saying
he was in New
York when
terrorists attacked
the World Trade

"l've been here in
New York ever
since and. in a
way. i was pleased
to be here to
Witness all the
heralsm.” he said.

1984. Some of the victims were volunteer rescue
team members who went into the mine. the na-
tion's deepest, after a cave-iii. Four people were
injured in the Blue Creek No. 5 mine. one criti-
cally. Federal mine safety officials suspended res-
cue operations Monday because of fires still
burning inside the mines.

Content manipulated on Yahoo!

SAN JOSE. Calif. Security experts are
warning of a more pernicious aiitl potentially
more damaging kind of attack on computers - the
manipulation of content on trusted Web sites.
The issue became clear with the recent revela-
tion that a hacker had rather easily entered Ya-
iioo news pages aiitl inserted phony quotes anti
wrong information on stories. The hacker. 20-
year-old Adrian I.amo of San Francisco. says he
wanted to show Yahoo! Inc. that it needed to fix
what he considers a basic mistake in its network
setup. Yahoo says it has taken steps to solve the
problem. The incident highlights how vulnerable
the Internet could be as a tool for quickly spread-
ing misinformation.

Woman shot, truce tallts delayed
JERUSALEM Israel Palestinian truce talks

sought by the United States were again put off

Monday after a Jewish woman was killed in a
shooting attack in the West Bank Israel also took
a step toward sealing itself off from Palestinians
militants. closing offa swath of West Bank land.
angering Palestinians and drawing UN. criti~
cism. The United States wants triico talks to piit a
lid on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict while it con
centrates on building an anti terror coalition in
response to the Sept. 11 attacks. But Israel again
caiiotl off a meeting between Palestinian leader
Yasser Arafat and Israeli Foreign Minister Shi
mon Pores after the shooting death of the 28-year
old woman iii the northern West Rank

0.5. and allies prepare for assault

iSLAMABAD. Pakistan , In signs of an inten-
sifying showdown over Afghanistan's refusal to
surrender bin Laden. the Taliban drastically cur-
tailed the activities of the remaining United Na-
tions relief Workers inside Afghanistan. and

noigiiboriiig Pakistan piiiietl its diplomats out of

the Afghan capital. Kabul. in what could be a pre
little to soverii'lg diplomatic ties. The 'I‘aIibaii.
who control more than Sit) percent of Afghan tor
ritory. have been battling a northern based oppo:
sition alliance for control of strategic areas north
of Kabul. Heavy exchanges of iiioi‘tai‘ and ai‘
tiiloi‘y fire could be heard Monday in the Pan
ishir Valley. 4.”) miles north of the Afghan capital.
The United States and its allies have increased
contacts with those forces iii preparation for a
possible assault on botii bin Iiadon's bases and
his Taliban hosts. Iiiii I.aden‘s latest call to arms
came in a statoiiietit provided Monday to (Qatar's
Aluiazoera satellite channel. which the exiled
Saudi iiiultimillionairo anti accused terrorist
inastorniind often uses to comiiiimicato with the
outside world.

Compiled from wire reports



Continued from page i





JESSE mus i ittimiismr

Juan Carlos Martinez, a native of Mexico. and Jesus Rodriguez, a
native of Honduras, wait for the bus at the LettTran station Monday.

aiitl left my wife anti younger sons." he said.

For another illegal Hispanic immigrant. Rosi. 63. of
Guatemala. tiie situation is not that different. She came with
her son's faintly. running from the poverty and conflict preva-
lent iii her country

“In Guatemala we didn't have enough to eat. and the vio-
lence was too much." she said. "We had to leave the country.
even thoiigii I will return soiiiotiay."

Like ()ctavio aiid Rosi. tiie center estimates nearly 85 per-
cent of Latino itnmigrants in the state are undocumented.
meaning they I‘lilit‘l' have lapsed visas or illegally entered the

Along with the growing population. the perception of His:
panic immigrants in the area varies greatly.

Pat Freibert. a former Republican member ofthe Kentucky
House of Representativos. teaches English to immigrant work-
ers at Lexington’s Saint Paul's (,‘iiui'ch. Froiboi't said she be:
iieyes in restricting the number of immigrants coming to the
country. btit at the same time. she thinks they are impoitant to
the area.

"These people need help; everybody benefits to integrate
tiieiti to society.“ she said “They are not going away "

Fred Nosler. a [iotiiocratic member of the Kentucky House
of Represctitatiyos. recently iiiiplementod a resolution to im-
prove tiio performance of tho Immigration and Naturalization
Soi'yict- in the area.

Nesloi' said he doesn‘t blame Hispanics who come here
looking for a lif‘iit‘l' life but said he believes “lfyoii go to a couii
try. you get there according to the laws of that country you
just don‘t tlo whatever you want."

Though some opposo immigrants iii the area. the Losing
ton govoriiiiieiit has taken steps to implement a series of pro-
grams to iospoiiti to the needs of tiio Hispanic cotiiiiiunity

()ne. tiiel .exmgtoii i‘ oiic o exc iiange progiaiii with Moiolia.
Mexic o. allows Losingtoii policemen to ti ivei to Mexico anti
learn not only the language but also the culture of the neigh-
boring country.

Lexiiigton‘s (‘iiiof of Police Anthaiiy iieatty said the ex
change programs are fundamental to tight the communication
barriers the police have everyday iii working with the Hispan-
ic population

“We want to serve and protect everybody in Lexington.”




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 Stacre Meihaus
Assnstant Scene Editor
Phone 257 l9l5 I E mail keriietart'wyahoo com





Folds pounds the ebony and ivory

By Stacie Meihaus

'AN'tl‘i-M N

F: spit-INC 2002

Temples, I’alaces and Churches:
Time-Travel in Sicily

Sponsored by the (.aines ( enter
l\'llt li/i l/Ii' XII/NINA. the solo album from lien Folds. makes
\llll lt'l‘l Qiiiul

lleii Folds Fiye played the music your best friend would bring
oier after ion had been dumped. Spouting smart-ass. sometimes
mum l\rics1sn‘t necessarily diflereiit iii the era ofteeii angst and
:iltei‘ii.iti\e rock. but doing it using a piano as the main iiistru»
iiieiit .sets lien Folds Five apart. Through the seven years the band
spent together-they released three albums and an album of‘llsides.

Made up of lien Folds. Darren .lessee and Robert Sledge. Ben
Folds Five professed to offer the best sound quality possible. They
achieved this by placing microphones in the vicinity of their in-
s'truiiients and also reminding people they had three band mem-

After recording albums with songs about wooing girls who
look like Axl Rose. taking a girlfriend in for an abortion and de»
mandiiig money back from an ex-girlfriend. the hand went their
separate ways in March.

Over the summer. Ben Folds hit the studio. this time with pro-
ducer Ben (‘irosse (known for producing Fuel and Filter). Folds de»
eided to play the entire album by himself.

The album gets away from Ben Folds Five's sad cynicism of
their last album. The I'naulhorized Biography of Reinhold Mess-
ner. but still has the spectacular piano that is reminiscent of the
former band

The album is set up almost as 12 separate character sketch ‘.
From the first track. "Annie Waits." to the last track. “The L1 . i-
est." the album is driven to the characters and their stories. We
get to know the separate characters in the different songs and feel
their joy and pain.

Another higl ight oftlie album is a growing up anthem called
"Still Fighting It." The Luckiest" is a loving tribute to Folds' wife

very absent of all rancor. but nice. The typical spite returns in
the upbeat title track.

Throughout the entire album there is a bittersweet sadness
with the vocal and technological expertise. It's wonderful and you
love it. and then you realize that Ben Folds cannot possibly har-
monize with himself live like he does on the CD.

The album is lyrically powerful and technically brilliant. It
speaks a lot for the future career of Ben Folds as a solo artist. It is
an album you will find yourself not skipping through because
you‘re enjoying each track too much.

Grade: A4

for the Humanities

The Seminar and travel will focus
on surviving monuments of
architecture, mosaic, painting and
applied sculpture from Antiquity,
Medieval and early Modern
periods as well as on puppet
theatre and foodways.

Applications are available .it

the (antics (enter. 1%? last \liiswcll Stir ct
Application deadline is ( lt tobei s, _‘(l(ll
For more information call .‘3' l3 1"

(Milli (lllllllll

mmwnmo Week of September 77 23, 2007 ,

Concert Information , ,

an. Folds will play at a p.ln. Thursday night at mans in Cincin- ”W ' ‘ " " "”5;;;.;,.,',;,'
no“. Tickets cost $16.50.






-' ' ' . . http/lwww ukv lulu/Campus
; 25778867 ' ‘ '

’UK Dairy Club Mtg , ' t ,

'Young Lita- First Year Fellowship
4.,“ it)’ i p. >3.


“Bounce, 4—5'00pm. Haggin Study Rm
'Alpha‘Phi Omega Meeting, ‘


'Graon Thumb Environmental Club,

'Loftist Student Union Mtg , - t ..

'Tuosday Nights Together ‘

'UK Dressage Team our xv ,; t

'Gatowood Galbraith. 7pm, Business 81 Economics Building, Rm TBA
'AKPSI Co‘Ed Business Fraternity, , - . .


Ghetto Fabolous

By Chad Reed
Eoii'iii‘éiii’iifi‘ 6mm

After being featured in
songs by such musicians as
Mariah Carey and Mary J
Blige, Fabolous is taking the
lead mic. With the single
“Can‘t Deny It" playing on ra
dio stations across the nation.
nobody denies Fabolous‘ abili
ty to compose a hit. However.
Ghetto Fabolous. the debut al

Matthew Jay


By Scott Lashinsky
Foiihiniziub'ériiiic ’

What do you get when
you combine vocal elements
of Dave Matthews. a song
style resembling that of
David Gray. vocal harmonies
and structure reminiscent of
the Mamas and the i'apas.
and a synthesis of 60s. 70s
and Fills-style music
Matthew .lay. He‘s a 22year-

bum bv the rising rap star. rru
veals potential but l'x'iuisws ~.
rookie behind the mic

While listening to the a}
bum it was hard to ignoie the
obvious talent I'abelous [ins
sesses Many songs have in
ti'iguuig bass lines r ontaiiuiig
deep bass hits accompanied by
higher pitched instrumental
and synthetic sounds. The
beats blend nicely, borrow ing
from modern techno and con
taming some elements of late
To. funk

Fabolous :is f: rapper Jip
pears to have little to say The

old with a debut album on
(‘apitol Records entitled

"I wanted no it litil l: to be
created in a llllll rent way " said
In lit a news release. 'to have a
llllll‘ll'lll teel.‘

Although the album has
a retro pop feel throughout.
the songs definitely have a
different sound. .lay mixes
upbeat pop tunes with slow
movers, calls on different in
struiiients and sound effects.
from accordion to harmonica
to string act-oiiipaiiiment.
and alters his ‘x'llll'tf iti order
to give the album some vari—

lyrics lack the social relevance
found in songs by musicians
such as Tupac Shakur. and fail
to impress on terms of witty
rhymes like the ones heard in
songs by (Hill or Snoop Doggy
flog. Furthermore. Fabolous
voice is subdued and soft. cre
:iting a dull. restrained quality
to his songs Fabolous show;
potential in his catchy chorus
cs. allowing listeners to sing
along With relative ease

Songs such as “Take You
Home" illlll "( let Right” are sure
to follow lziii‘t Item ft" to disc
t‘llélllgi'lsltllll party iiiiyesecer‘.’

cti.‘ men sounding like l’er
r'» Farrell of .lane's Acidic
tion on the chorus of "Please
limit Send Me Away ”
“.\letwiiology.” one of the
album s finest tracks. is an
l"illlsllt gum” and orchestra
dri‘u-n ballad that really
The slim. rhythni ind
tight bass line make this a com-
inlet tious tune .r\nd I can‘t help
but sense some spiritual over
one s lit the lyrics lanes like
Stzll sees his father over the
riyei’ lle pours a little his
way Shows liirii there's a way.”
and Won't be here Very long I
know where I should be nww.”

gt levies

where The catchv choruses and
tei hno funk bass lines are sure
to inspire rumpgrinding (lane
mg wherever the songs are
played. (Any objections? I didn't
think so)

With a little time and some
more experience, Fabolous may
develop into a big player on the
lllpAlillp scene. For a debut
album. (.‘hetto Fabolous is good,
but I‘m hoping the future will
bring better. Not to worry.
(ihetlo Fabolous is already a suc-
cess by currently doing what it
was made to do sell records.

Grade: 6+

sound like he's looking to
Another highlight on the al-
bum is "(‘all My Name Out."
With retro-70s guitar sounds.
high vocal harmonies and mod-
ern rhythms. this song is a win-
ning combination of older and
more modem sounds and styles
Through I)rau'. Matthew
.lay has shown himself to be a
creative and interesting song-
writer. He has created a pretty
unique style by drawing on sev-
eral different elements. Jay has
the ability to write catchy. pop-
based tunes.
Grade: B

‘LE.AP,'3 - .i -~ ._
“Master Your Time Workshop I

'Tho Many Lives of the Kentucky River, ‘- 1'
=i . is)

‘>.i,4v w m


’UK Shaolin—Do Karate classes, f ' ' '
'UK Tae Kwon Do practice, v‘ 35/ r ,
'UK RUGBY practice, r‘ .: :
'Rapo Awareness Seminar « "l: .
‘Ptii Sigma Pi Hush Into/Parties
'Litoracy Kentucky tr e. i" r ‘

f r , ‘

.r'a'v i"~ i'ei . cm,
