xt70rx93bf46 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx93bf46/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1992-04-10 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 10, 1992 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 10, 1992 1992 1992-04-10 2020 true xt70rx93bf46 section xt70rx93bf46  


. tr.

Associate Editor

The state Supreme Court yesterday or-
dered UK to release its 3,500-page investi-
gation to the NCAA regarding rules viola-
tions by the basketball program.

The court affirrned a Court of Appeals
decision in a suit brought by the Courier-
Joumal, the Lexington Herald-Leader and
the Kentucky Post.

“I think it’s exactly right and I think it‘s a
very strong and forceful endorsement of the
Kentucky Open Records Act,“ said Thomas
Miller, attorney for the Herald-Leader.

“This is the first time that the courts have
been that clear," he said.

UK said it will not ask the court to recon-

“;l u,- ..

' in
an. x: ecu-wheyméfi _’. ...

5‘ $31.».

sider its ruling.

“Now that the ruling has been handed
down. we will of course comply with the
court’s decision and make the NCAA re-
sponse a public dOCument." a statement
from UK public relations said.

A Fayette Circuit Court judge ordered
UK to release the SOO-page response to the
NCAA allegations.

However. the trial court allowed UK to
withhold the supporting documents. The
newspapers appealed to the Court of Ap-
peals. which ruled unanimously that the
supporting documents were part of the re-
sponse and had to be released.

UK contended before the Supreme Court
that the supporting materials were protected

asketball to release its N

under the open records law because they
were not the final action.

“There is a strong feeling about that by
the NCAA." said Bemie Vonderheide. di-
rector of public directions.

But the court ruled that future investiga-
tions were irrelevant.

“The contents of the response are a mat-
ter of public interest and rel 'ase would not
constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of
personal privacy," the opinion stated. “(‘on—
sequently, the response is not exempt" uri-
der the open records law.

The University had pointed to a Kansas
Supreme (‘ourt case where portions of in
vestigativc reports were protected to main-
tain confidentiality.

"This, however. is not Kansas and the
NCAA zuid the University‘s preference for
confidentiality in investigating rules viola»

tions cannot supersede the clear intuidate of

the act." a footnote to the opinion noted.

'lhe opinion was written by Special Jus-
tice R. Burl McCoy. who was the attorney
for Emery Air lireight when former UK as-
sistant coach l)wanc (‘asey sued the coin-

limployees of the company had said that
a package from (‘asey to UK recruit (‘hris
Mills opened while being sorted and con-
tained a video tape with $1.000 stuffed in—
side the case.

Justice Thomas Spain dissented. (‘hief

Justice Robert Stephens. a UK trustee. rc—

Friday.Aprtl‘1o. 1902“

CAA findings

moved himself from the case.

The open records law protects correspon-
dence that does not represent a final deci-
sion. UK had contended that the Universi~
ty‘s supporting material was not a final
action. The law also protects documents
pertaining to active investigations.

“'l‘hc fact that the response was submit-
ted prior to final action by the NCAA is ir»
rclcvrutl." the opinion stated.

”We agree wrtli thc (‘ourt of Appeals that
once the University iiiadc full turd coinplctc
disclosure of thc riiatcrials contained in the
response to the NCAA. it subjected these
documents to full disclosure once the I’m-
versity‘s action became final."

Budget ax
looms over
UK writing
aid program

Stall Writer

As it prepares to enter its ninth
year of existence, the UK Writing
Center faces possible budget cuts
which would significantly reduce
the services it can offer and increase
the chances that it could be elimi-
nated entirely.

The center, located in the Marga-
ret 1. King Library, is in a “very pre-
carious position," said center direc-
tor Linda Combes. If the
University-wide budget cuts hit the
center. it could hurt its services. she

“I think it would have an impact
on writers at all levels here at UK."
she said. “It‘s the only place on
campus where writers can come
voluntarily and get individual
help on their writing."

Since its opening in 1983. the
writing center. which offers assis-
tance to students and faculty on
writing papers, has seen steady in-
creases in its use. Last year. over
[.600 people used the service.

But with a staff of only l7 consul-
tants. whom (‘ombes said work ten
hour days. the center had to tum
away 372 students last semester.

Now. while the University tries to
cope with the $26.4 million budget
cut over the next two years, the
writing center looks to be one of the
first casualties.

Combes. who is in her last year as
director. said her position will not
be filled next year. Sh ‘ also said the
center will have reduced hours this
summer and her undermanned staff
will likely be trimmed further.

(‘ombes fears what the cuts may
do to the center.

“I would be afraid that the quality
of the consultations could suffer be-

See BUDGET. Page 6


Assistant News Editor

White House correspondent
Helen Thomas took her turn be-
hind the podium last night for the
15th annual Joe Creason lecture in
the Otis A. Singletary Center for
the Arts.

As a reporter since 1943 and as
White House bureau chief for
United Press Intemational since
1974. Thomas‘ presence has been
felt through seven White House
administrations. Known for her
“Thank you. Mr. President" at the
end of press conferences. she has
witnessed and questioned practi-
cally every issue since John F.
Kennedy took office. But last
night was not about questions, it
was about answers.

Thomas is the first female to de-
liver the lecture. but she does not
take credit for being a pioneer for
women joumalists. First zurd fore-
most she is a reporter, she said.

She laid it on the line in the
smnc hard-hitting style she is
known for and spoke freely about
presidents past and present and
atxrut office seekers.

Thomas said this is the worse
political atmosphere she has ever
witnessed. She said it would be
hard for the public to buy that
President (ieorge Bush is the “can-
didatc of change" in this election
since he has been in Washington
for 30 years. She also criticized
Pat Buchanan saying that on the
crunpaigii trail. he must have the
attitude that “not all the homeless
should be put in jail. just some."

More thrui the Republicans how-
ever. she talked about the demo-
cratic candidates.

She spoke of Bill (‘linton and
his rumored affair turd draft dodg-
ing in Vietnam. but was sure to
point out that while he smoked
mzu‘iiutura. “he did not inhale it,"


UPl White House Bureau Chief Helen Thomas presented the i5th annual Joe Creason lecture last night at the OUS A Singletary Cen»

ter for the Arts. See related story page six.

Thomas was sure not to forget Jer-
ry Brown. saying he was on his
fourth or fifth incarnation. or Paul
'l'songas. the “closet Republican "

And while her anccdotcs about
presidents came straight from the
hip ofcxpcricncc. so did her victts

on the press

“I always think of newspapers
as a shaicd pain and somctinics a
shared horror and while they're
not looking for trouble they must
be C\'L‘I' “alchful.” she said

"You are only as good as your

Thomas reflects on current presidential race

last story.“ she said lint no onc
knows whcn l'honias‘ last story
yyill bc \t 7|. she has no plans to
l'L‘llft‘ and after ycars of lc‘Ptllllllj.‘
still daily arrow at thc olticc bc
lorc many of lici collcagrics

l'lic .innual Icctnic is dcsigncd

GREG EANS “em-kt 3m"

to bring one outstanding iotirnalist
to t.inipns III the spirit of ncuspa~

pciniaii loc t‘icason. knouii hit

his toluiun. ”Inc (‘icasoir's ls'cn-

tntl.y” lcaluicd lll tlic (‘ouiici-

loinnai. his tut» books and .1 radio

sciics ('ic.rsoii dicd in WV




Senior Staff Writer

The Honda-based colt Pistols
and Roses will be out to take his
owners to the “Paradise City" -
that is Louisville and The Ken-
tucky Derby.

- To get there he’s going to have
to impress the Willis Stables in
Saturday‘s Bluegrass Stakes at
Keeneland Race Course. Howev-
er. it won‘t be easy. considering
the strong field.

First of all. Pistols and Roses
will have to outrun rap singer
llammer‘s Dance Floor. The last
two times the two horses have
met, Dance floor has been able
to hold off the late-running Pis-
tols and Roses.


Pistols and Roses out
to take ‘Paradise City’

Also in the running at Keene-
land will be Binalong. Colony
Light. Dash for the Derby. Just
Like Perfect, Line in the Sand.
Ecstatic Ride, Saint Ballado.
Tank‘s Number and (‘ontc Di

This year's Bluegrass Stakes
has a similar scenario to last
year‘s race which saw Strike the
Gold in a rubber match with
Florida Derby winner Fly So

Strike the (‘iold‘s late kick cat-
apulted him into the winner‘s
circle at both Keeneland and
eventually at Churchill Downs.

This year‘s race scenario is

See DERBY, Page 6



Six finalists chosen to design new library

Staff Writer

A University selection committee
has chosen six finalists for the iob
of designing the UK (‘oinmon-
wealth l.ibrtuy building.

The move means the consuuction
of the library is right on schedule.
according to Donald (‘lapp. vice

president of administration.

"We're rcal excited about the
project." said (‘lapp. a member of
the selection committee. ”I‘m sure
we‘ll all be excited at the end rc—

The state legislature recently ap»
proved plans for l‘K to procccd
with initial phases of the building.
including its design, (‘lapp said he

anticipates full support from the leg—
islature iii getting more funds for
the actual construction.

So far more than SH million has
been raised for the new library. the
cost of which has bccii estimated at
SSS million.

No site for the building has been
dctci'mincd yet. brit the architectural
team that is sclcctcd will have a

Students honored for facing physical

Staff Writer

'l'wo students received the (‘arol
S. Adclstcin ()utstaiiding Student
Award yesterday.

Lance (‘alhoiin. an architccttii'c
sophomore and Brian (‘artcr. a tclc-
communications rumor were both
surprised they had been chosen for

the award.

“I had no idca I had even been
nominated for the award." (‘ai‘tcr
said. “I was totally surpriscd."

(‘alhouir said he had heard ol the
award and he knew people who had
won it biit he was not expecting to

lhis award is lot disablcd stu
dents who have had many notable


lhis is the eighth year the award
has been given. .-\ilclstciii\ lainily
stai‘tcd the award Ill hcr iiicinoiy'
l‘olio confined Adclstciii to a
wheelchair But iiistcztd of giving
into hci disability. shc rarscd a illlllr
ily while working as a piotluccr .it
KI l

lcaclicrs s'ttitlt‘nt

and orgarrr'la

once in deciding yslici'c to cori-
struct the “Hill“ square-loot lilt‘li‘
ity. (‘onsrniction is scheduled to be-
gin as early as I‘M-1.indcoinplctcd
lll l‘No

lhc sis fiiiiis \\L‘lt‘ .uiiong HS
yyho rcspondcd to ads placcd in ria-
tronal and local publications

-\ llIl.Ii dccision is cspcctcd by
lunc. (ilf‘l‘ said


lions noiiiinatc stridciits who hayc

qualitics to i'cccryc tlic .tyyai'd
Winners are chosen by laincs Kll'
doi. \lct'rt‘ililllt‘t‘ilttl ol studcnt .rlr
fairs: Russcll ( riot cs. l'is' oinbrids
man; and thc l)iicctoi oi Ilandicap
Studcnl \cix rccs. Jacob l\.rincs. di






Tennis teams to play in pair of weekend
matches. Briefs, Page 3.






100 McVey Hall.


FACTS Center grand opening at 11 am. in

Big Wheel playing
at Wrocklage.
Preview, Page 2.

Diversrons ...................... 2
Spous ............................. 3
Viewpoint ....................... 4
Classifieds .................... 5




 2 - Mucky rumor, Friday. April 10, 1992





Louisville-based Big Wheel

Staff Critic

Like a child pedaling a plastic-
rnolded Big Wheel past parents
backing out of the driveway. the
Louisville-tutsed alteniative band
Big Wheel will probably pass half
the state of Kentucky going the op-
posite direction when they venture
to Lexington tomorrow night.

It‘s not tltat Big Wheel ltas pro-
tnotiottal problems: as just tltat
their home base will be the site of
“Thunder ()ver Louisville." one of
America‘s largest fireworks dis-
plays. It zutnually draws over half a
million people.

But this doesn‘t bother lead vo-
calist turd lyricist Peter Searcy.
whose battd. wlticlt he describes as
a “guitar/vocal battd alortg the lines
of a more technical Husker Du." is
on a definite roll.

They Itave a new label. Make that
a new label that they are really satis-
fied with: Mammoth Records.

“It's like hit arid miss iii the inde~
pendent record world." Searcy said
iii a telephone interview. “They’re
really a great label. I'm just really
excited about Working on this new

Mammoth nicked up their Big
Wheel‘s album Holiday Manor, re—
corded on the Rockville label. It
stands in at No. 5 on U. The Nation-
al College Newspaper‘s college ra-
dio chart. The chart is determined

by air play on college radio.

Searcy. whose wide—rmrged vo-
cals can wrap themselves up irt bal-
lads, thrash and alternative tunes
with equal ease. was shocked when
he heard his bartd had a Top 10 al-
bum on college radio.

“That‘s funny." Searcy said. “I
guess we must have strongholds iii
a couple of those colleges.“

Holiday Manor, recorded at
Mentphis. Tenn.‘s intrunous Ardertt
Studios. features ll tracks penned
by Searcy arid guitarist (ilentt l‘ay-

With a top album. one would
think bass player Mike "Stringb—
can“ Braden: dntmmcr 'l‘om
'l‘hompkiits: 'I‘aylor: zutd Searcy
would throw Big Wheel ittto neu-
tral. enjoy the scenery and coast.

But rest isn't itt Big Wheel‘s vo-
cabulary: They ltave three more
weeks on the road.

Arid like Bela Fleck run] the
Flecktones. Big Wheel is heading
into the studio to cut some detnos
the day after performing itt Lexing-
ton. Its ttew albtnn is due ottt itt late

“I think we‘re going to have a lot
of creative control." Serucy said
about the new album "But I also

think that they‘re thltunmoth) going
to be a quality control rather than a
creative control."

The first thing you hear when you
step into Holiday Manor is that
Searcy‘s piercing sottlfttl cries ctut

embrace nearly any style of trtusic.
But this does not come as any sur-
prise to a voice raised on the Beat-
les zutd Byrds arid further horted as
art angry youth on llusker Du, Mi-
ttor Threat. Black Flag arid the Mis-

About his influences Searcy said.
“Singing—wise. this is art odd thing,
but I would have to say. style-wise.
that Judas from JeSus Christ Super-
star. the album soundtrack. IIc is
wailing arid full of wrger."

Saturday night. the Wrocklagc
will feature. not one. not two. but
three brutds.

Appearing with Big Wheel is Big
lluttk 0‘ Cheese. a brutd formed iii
Bowling Green. Ohio, whose melt-
ittg pot music includes rap. funk.
thrash. metal arid even traces of dis-
co. I)on’t dare to define Ilurtk ()‘
t‘ltcese; just enjoy the Itors

Ileadlinirtg the show will be the
Royal Crescent Mob. a soul/funk
brutd. which ltas strange beginnings
iii Louisville.

According to the huge vault of
omniscient Kentel files. it seems the

Mob cmne to be when a bar battd
natned Ray Fuller and the Blues

Rockers broke up while playing at
Phoenix Hill Tavent.

Lead singer arid harmonica
player. David Ellison: bass player

Big Hunk 0’ Cheese: Food for the

Big Hunk 0’ Cheese
Big Hunk 0’ Cheese

Staff Critic

If Dorothy (from “Wizard of Oz“
fame) was a record producer and if
she found herself seated behind a
32-track digital mixing board with
the task of mixing Big Ilurtk ()‘
Cheese‘s self-titled debut albtnn.
she would probably clutch her fa-



vorite tnutt Toto and shriek. "()h
Toto. we‘re not iii Kansas arty-

That‘s the kind of reaction you
get when you first taste this l7-song
package of hard-core. metal. disco.

rap and industrial music tartly arid
brashly done by this band that now
lives iii Wilmington. NC.

Webster‘s Dictionary and my fi-
rtite mind cannot even begin to de—
fine Big Hunk 0‘ Cheese. nor place
it into a musical food group: unless
we cart iii a limiting sense call it a
grislier. rougher. Red Hot Chili Pep-
pers brand of metallic funk.

Lead vocalist Mark “Ike" Eicltner
describes their music as “some-
where between hard core turd tnetal.




! ,. ....._M



#1 Flrsirida

Lady Kats vs. #4»-

11 a.m. :


Wildeaig: South

if” Carolina

11:00 a.m.



Admission is Free at the

Downing Outdoor Tennis Complex



Louisville‘s Big Wheel will perform tomorrow night at The Wrocklage, 361 W. Short St, with Big Hunk 0‘
Cheese and Royal Crescent Mob. Their most recent album. Holiday Manor, is on Mammoth Records.

Harold Chichester: arid their band-
mate ".8" were forced to soothe the
drunken beasts with perhaps the
longest version of “Louie. Louie"
known to man. (45-minutes). After

Some people describe it as disco
tnetal or Toni lornmi (Black Sab-
bath) meets Ethel Mennzut at Iggy
Pop's Tupperware party on acid."

Musically. it seems Big ”wk 0‘
(‘hecsc has been submersed iii a
ttmgled maze. They formed itt
Bowling Green. Ohio doing KISS
arid Steve Miller cover tunes.

Their first single off of their dc-
bttt album is the bizarre offering
“Jerry Garcia" written by a friend of
theirs who Ioathcs the (iratcful
Dead. The title sounds like it could
be fzuts paying homage to one of
America’s greatest musical institu-
ttotts — the Dad. However. those
preposterous itotiotis vanish as this
tltrztslter dcscettds ittto a swirling.
funttelling chorus of distorted gui-
tars which amplify lyrics shouted in
unison by tltc hattd. "_lert'y (iarcia‘s

()n tltc track “Grateful" lltittk ()‘
(‘lteesc again lashes ottt at what I
believe is a blind optimism of resid-
ttal ‘60s hippies. ltt “Nothing" a cttt
about meaningless things itt life.
surfaces art eerie refcrcttcc to “The
Wi/ard ()f ()I." downing people
who look to false idols for dirccliott.

As if IIurtk 0‘ (‘hecsc needed arty
more spice on the their surreal

their miraculous triumph at Louis-
ville (they escaped with their lives
zutd equipment intact) they quickly
tagged their new bartd The Royal
(Trescent Mob.

musically adventurous

menu. tltey threw itt sleigh bells on
“Ain't The Hype." a twisted night-
club scene itt “My Dog" and “XIS”
a backwards instrumental.

After the 17th song "Jerry Garcia.
Surtshitic Version" fades ittto white
ttoisc. you Itave only a vague cort-
cept of this album's direction. But
that’s all rigltt. You do have a better
idea wlterc the battd is comittg frotti
lyrically. but you still can‘t exactly
place just where they are now.
which is part of the fttit of this re-
cording. It's raw. It‘s funky rapped

thrash. Attd it‘s definitely not for

the weak-spirited or narrow:


Big lluttk ()' (‘heese is on the
Wrocklagc‘s Saturday tttgltt plate
that includes diverse portions of Big
Wheel (alternative) arid Royal (‘rcs-

ccttt Mob (funk/soul)

If you detest what rapper (‘ltuck
I) attd Public littcmy has dotte with
lhrashcrs Anthrax then you might
wtutt to remove yourself from audi-
torium durittg their set. However. if
you like a little musical adventure.
make that a lot of musical advert-
lttre. Then you might wzutt to cltcck
out this somewhat spicier etttrce of
the Red Hot (‘hili Peppers —-- Big

Ilttttk ()‘ (‘heese.



And don’t you forget it!!!

Kernel Graphics Staff





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Thou lino. pod On! Friday only



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I prountodin D .1: XXL. J

j. 1, ”q.

Royal Crescent M0!) will play
with Big Wheel and Big Hunk 0'
Cheese tomorrow night at The
Wrocklage, 36] W. Short St. For
more inflmitation. call. 231.7655.



Actor has
in his blood

Associated Press

When he was first called
“Mr. Hollywood." actor I.er
Talbot disliked it.

That was decades ago.

Arid anyway. who‘s Lyle

liven the
buff cart be
drawing a blank

Talbot definitely fits itt tltc
itrune" category. arid many of
his movies cart cltarilably be
described as forgettable.

Despite appearing tn “Plan
‘) l‘rom Outer Space." which
cinema culttsts consider the
worst movie ever made. the
(Xi‘year-old Talbot had a Iottg
career (almost 200 movies).

IIc workctl with some of
Hollywood‘s biggest lumi-
naries. helped found the
Screen Actors (.iuild. arid ac-
cumulated ltundrcds of sto-
ries he plans to pttt ittlo a

“I was tlterc wltcn tltcy
were still hiding microphones
in the curtains and vases oti
the sets." said Talbot. who
started on tltc stage tutd went
to Hollywood iii the 19305
when the cirtcrtta capital
needed actors with good
speaking voices.

“In some of the old mo-
vies, you cart even see the
shadow cast by the boom of
the microphone." the white-
haired actor said durittg rut in-
terview irt his apartment near
Sari lirzutcisco's (Tity llall.

“Everything was leanted
by trial arid error. We thought
it was clever to hide the mike
behind a curtain. only to real-
ize that on the screen it
looked like we were having a
conversation with the cur-

llis first movie role was as
a cad tit “Three on a Match"
which starred Davis :utd Attii

Ilis last was itt [960 as the
blimp salesmatt iti “Sunrise at

Bortt Lyle llendcrsort iii
Pittshtirgli. iii l‘)()2 to theatri-
cal parents. 'l‘albot‘s grand-
imnher‘s faintly name was

The industry publicity mill
quickly jumped on the fact.
often insisting that I.y|c llol-
lywood was his real name.

"I ttever told them that."
Talbot said.

“IIcIl. Hollywood is art old

fi Itti



lnslt name arid it was around
long before the town."






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Sports Briefs




Staff reports

The UK men's and women's
tennis teams return to action this
weekend at the Downing Out-
door Tennis Complex.

The fourth-ranked UK men’s
team faces No. II LSU in a re-
match of last year‘s 5-4 Wild-
cats victory over the Tigers In
Baton Rouge, La.

LSU (12-4, 7-l) is ranked
llth and leads the Southeastem
Conference. The Tigers are on a
five match winning streak.

The UK women's team (I I-6,
2-2) will face No. I Florida Sat-
urday aftemoon. The No. 18
Lady Kats are led by junior Su-
san Klingenberg. who is riding
an ll match winning streak and
hold s the No. 8 spot among the
nation‘s collegiate singles
players. Klingenberg pairs with
freshman Bethany Avington at
No.l doubles team, which is (>0
and ranked l0th.

Through 11 previous meets,
Florida (20-0, 8-0) has never
lost to the lady Kats.

Both matches begin Friday at
2 pm. Admission is free to UK
students. The men's tezun will
face South Carolina Saturday at
I pm. and the Lady Kats will
play their second weekend
match against Duke Sunday at 1


The UK gymnastics team will
compete in the NCAA Southeast
Region Championships tomor-
row in Gainesville, Fla.

The Gym Cats (9-10) will
compete against No. 2 Georgia,
Florida, Towson State, West
Virginia, George Washington.
and North Carolina State.

Georgia and Florida both fin-
ished above the Cats in last


Tennis teams facing
crowded schedules

weekend’s Southeastern Confer-
ence Championships. Georgia
won the title, Florida was fourth
and UK finished sixth.

UK topped West Virginia ear-
lier this season, but lost to both
George Washington and Towson
State. UK nd NC. State have
not faced each other this season.

Junior Amie Winn will lead
the Cats, but sophomore Su-
zanne Gutierrez, who played a
major role in UK‘s season, will
miss the tournament due to inju-


The UK rugby club (0-3) will
look for its first win of the sea-
son in this weekend‘s Bluegrass
Invitational. But don‘t let the
record fool you.

“We haven't lost a game by
there than four points all semes-
ter," said player and team
spokesman Taylor Marret.

Also taking part in this year's
Bluegrass Invitational are Ball
State, Fasten] Kentucky. Wcst-
em Kentucky, Indiana, Paducah,
University of Cincinnati Law
School and Wabash l Iniversity.

The games will begin at the
Rankin-Iless Rugby field Satur-
day morning at 11:30 am.

In last year's Bluegrass Invita-
tional. the Cats beat Indiana
spoiling its chance at a charnpi-
onship. In what ended in contro-
versy, Middle Tennesee State
was awarded the trophy with
UK finishing third.


The UK waterski club will
compete in the South Atlatttic
Conference Toumament this
weekend in Lexington, N .(‘..

UK will compete in a three
round toumament that will fea-
ture skiing events in the slalom,
trick skiing and ski jumping.

Also competing in the touma-
ment are clubs representing
[INC-Charlotte, Clemson, Geor-
gia College. Georgia, North (‘ar-
olina. Southem Califontia and





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Dance Floor early favorite for Stakes

Associated Press

Dance Floor will try for his third
victory at Keeneland on Saturday as
he preps for a bid at a second tri-
umph at Churchill Downs on the
first Saturday in May.

The colt is the 9-5 early favorite
to beat IO other 3-year-olds in the I
l/8-mile Blue Grass Stakes, a major
steppingstone to the l I/4-mile Der-

Pistols and Roses is the second
early choice at 7-2. followed by
Colony Light, Line In The Sand
and Saint Ballado, each at 8-1.

The $500,000 Blue Grass will be
the first start for Dance Floor since
he finished second as the favorite in
the Florida Derby on March I4 at

“Ile bled a little bit in that race,“


said Chris Burrell, one of the colt’s
owners. ”We think with Lasix he'll
bounce back and run a good race."

Dance Floor is owned by Burrell,
his father Lewis and his brothers
Louis and Stanley.

Stanley. better known as the rap
star Hanuner. is scheduled to arrive
in Lexington on Saturday moming.
So is Dance Hoor, who is stabled at
Churchill Downs.

Dance Floor's three wins in eight
starts as a 2-year-old were in Ken-

He broke his maiden by seven
lengths Oct. 8 at Keenelrutd. then
won the Breeders Futurity at the
smne track I2 days later. The only
horse to win both the Breeders Fu-
turity and the Blue Grass was
Round Table in 1956-57.

Dzutce Floor‘s other victory last
year was in the Brown :utd Willizun-

Tyson bail

plea should be denied

Associated Press

INDIANAPOLIS -—- The Indiana
Supreme (‘oun should not consider
Mike ’I'yson's request to be re-
leased on bail while he appeals his
rape conviction, the state’s attorney
general argues.

But if Indiana's highest court de-
cides to rule on the bail request. the
five justices should deny Tyson his
freedom because he poses a threat
to flee or cormnit a violent crime
again, the state‘s attomeys claimed
in briefs filed Wednesday.

"()ur position is Mr. Tyson de-
serves the same rights and proce-
dures that every other criminal in
Indiana gets.“ said William Daily. a
deputy attorney general.

Ilaving the Supreme Court re-
view a bail request would be an ex-
traordinary step that could set a bad
precedent. the state‘s attonteys

'l‘yson, 25. was sent to prison
March 26 to serve a six-year term
for his convictions for rape and
criminal deviate conduct. He was
found guilty of raping Desiree
Washington. a Miss Black America
beauty pagezutt contestant. in his In-


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Both Marion Superior (‘ourt
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week. Altut M. l)ei‘sltt)\v'itl. a Hat'-
vard University professor repre-
senting Tyson. asked the state‘s
highest court to review those deci-


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son Nov. 30 at Churchill Downs.
Four weeks earlier at the Downs, he
finished sixth in the Breeders“ (‘up
Juvenile, won by early Derby favor-
ite Arazi.

Asked what he thought about
Amzi's victory against a weak field
in a one-mile grass race Tuesday in
France, (‘hris Burrcll said. with a
smile, “In my opinion I think they
assembled a field of maidens for

Dance Floor. trained by l).
Wayne Lukas, concluded his 2-
year-old campaign with a second in
the Hollywood Futurity Dec. 22. He
then won the Fountain of Youth
Feb. 22 at (iultstrezun before finish-
ing second In the Florida Derby.

Fach of his six previous races.
beginning with his maiden victory.
was at l I-lo miles.
three starts as a 2-year-old. Includ-
ing the scycu-l'urloug Bahamas zutd
the | l/S-Intlc livcrgIadCs at Ilia—
lcah. He made his 1002 debut with
a win in the I l/X-mile Flamingo at