xt70rx93bd4n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx93bd4n/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1983-03-09 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 09, 1983 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 09, 1983 1983 1983-03-09 2020 true xt70rx93bd4n section xt70rx93bd4n I l - V. ,
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R Jemnln'len
‘ ' the Jeff Lorber Fusion. in it: Monday
I appearance at Breeding's. wowed fans
t with its torrreaching ombination of tall.
l .\ rock funk and other mound genres. _. . M,
For a review of the performance 3.0
Vol- lXXXV, NO- 130 Wednesday. March 9. 1983 An independent student newsPaper unites.” of Kentucky Lexnngton. Kentucky,
- ym‘v l V
SGA I t' 4“" ’
V... \
I'GSO ll IOI‘I I‘GCIUGStS . s ‘ - t
more commuter parking
\ V , _ ‘ c . ‘ . , “v“
» y . , we can)“. {we >5} « sci > . .
R . i, », t 3”“ ‘ 'N j? .§¥~§"x"{1 353.3% ’
__—__— V ., ’ Ye a - t (‘9‘... ' . c , . z ,.‘__ “a,” ‘3"; é~,:’
By “.0” WILIIUIT .lohn (aini. senator—at-large and _X has led lobbying efforts to clas- ._ ' ». l a a?‘ g ' -. ’ I"; m - " NNQNKN ; (3" .3 ‘3‘ n§
, _ Senior Stafth’riter eo-sponsor of the resolution. said his sify forcible sexual assualt or inter- " N " . N ~ ‘ ' .' ‘ . A . i . *‘ v 1 ‘4': . yaw-1. xf i _ Q,”
; main concern in presenting the bill course byaspouse 0r dateas rape. l? . , g . . c, . t , . g . \.rrs}_;§;,§, i r
. was the lack of parking for coininut The Senate also passed a resolu- i Z . .t .9 g ' .tl ; g "it ~, * t s§ sf _
1. er students “Last year the lot tion sponsored by Cheryl llardcastle ‘ ‘ .N a . l ‘. .. é . t ‘ - he“ t. E _
' «across from (‘heinistry litlllt‘lltlgi endorsing a report by an ad-hoc - I i; t ; f 1“ § - <\ its; *§2M3¥9§}=s »~g-‘
For the second successive week was originally a ‘(" lot." ('am said committee on sexual harassment ap- t ~ ' ‘ M, j: '2 3 . ‘. l ‘ ‘j’fw‘w ‘ tt " N s ‘i-N-N afar
. the Student Government Asstxriation "The paiking department this year pointed by President Otis Sin~ - . 3- "3’ - ; .t P 1’” f lg ' t‘ ’ “a“: - M
Senate was unable to consider most has changed it to an ’A‘ lot and has gletary. The report defines sexual f ' I f . '3 cl _- 1‘ “if it ; w ,- “$9
of the bills on its agenda because of drastically reduced the number ot harassment and asks penalties for > -~ N «gt-go }' l f 3' ‘ ,. N‘j it “a5 .. g;
. p .. i _ i, t '3, . >1 ‘3‘ 7‘. ,. ¢"\_ -‘.." . .1‘.\<(;.\“-V.-J;:"'
sparse attendance. It was the sen- ‘( spaces available faculty members and staff members c. . A «i 5 ,; V . 5v ». "Nl WNW“
ate's first regularly scheduled meet- The resolution also called tor the engaged in such acts. ,' " ' r' ,. (it; I“ . ‘ . M ,1: «3% {gmlsfig-iil
ing in three weeks designation of 13 K parking Earlier in the evening. Senator J0_ . - so ’ . 59‘“
The roll call at Monday night‘s spaces in the ( lot behind Memo seph Biden. ”pep who (1911“.er , e t v z 3" r ;fiai, “ f" it
meeting showed 27 of 42 senators rial (‘oliseum ('urrently. the K' an SGA-sponsored lecture txiftmi the - F, {1* ”out?
. . 4 . > s .. . ~,,.-.
present, one short of the number parking permits allow students to Senate‘s meeting. told the Senate _. i y ‘ a ”x
m l to ‘o " ' ' ' ' ' ‘ \ v f ' ’ ‘ - , , ' ' l .
l ‘e'dled c nsider constitutional park at (ominom (alth stadium. that politics at the college letel is , , V « «was?» ,_ ~ . *a
98154310“- _ Ont) comparable to proceedings in the s. ., .. ,. _ a . ~ ,. m... .. “a.-.” ._ , l M
David Bradford. SGA \'l('(‘ presi— "It really isn‘t fair tor north cam Senate .- . " a“ " «1w “ - t. “‘2‘- .N . ' . A“; m” V ,3 "‘ gar
dent. told the Senate that it is imper~ pus students who have bought 'K “1 know that many other students ., ‘V. N ' c ' .M , ‘“ $7 i ’ N‘ gage. a, ‘ % A. .
‘ .. ‘ . . 'Z s. ,» u s c . r g» ,- v <1; «“1 . g .. - ’
ative that the full Senate attend the permits. said Senatorat-large John think you have to be a little screwy ‘» ., , , t, x3 > T“ a . . ., .....
remamderof the meetings Burress. primary sponsor ol the hill to want to work in student governs ‘ ' I. ‘ l S . - r“ f
”We have a lot of very important "The people on south campus are merit." Biden said. “But let me tell 3?," f”; ‘ ~ V, . c ‘ #3 fit.
legislation still to consider.” Brad obwously getting more of their mon you. it does make a difference leam< » 2, ~ a it” h J "t
ford said “It is very important that ey‘s worth than the people over on ing whether you can get along thh . ‘ _ . _ 7
we have all our senators attend the north campus." Buress said the jerk on vour left . so that later j . » ’ , » > ”a; fig,”
.. . _ ~ 2 » .-v, ('5‘
"It‘f‘lmES In other action. the Senate allo m life you can get along thh a I “" .asxe‘ft was
He reminded the Senate that unex cated $850 to sponsor a forum on world fullof jerks " . . ' ‘ . . “(t
"UN“ itlJSf‘nt‘t'5 may “Mill In re marital rape and (late rape in coop Bldg“ said that “hm. he was In. W . ‘ i s ,- v‘:
mot-allromtheSenate eratioii with the Socially ('oiicerned \‘olved with student government at t“ . ,_ t!
The Senate. however was able to Students and the [K chapter ot the the l'niversity' of Delaware. he de . A , ,
pass a nonconstitutional resolution National Organization ot Women \‘plopod ms first taste for DOlllK'S , . ‘0 - . .
urging the Public Satrti Depart Featured Speakm W the April 11 "learning not in be driven crazy by MlCHAIlLAMI/Korne w.
nient to revert parking permit desig forum in the Moot t'ourtroom ot the all the manure slung around is a on the move
nations tor the lot across trom the (‘ollege of Law include Laura X. es good lesson taught m student gov
3w"??? rt’hy'sicis‘ltuildin‘g‘on “”7“ ecutive director ”l“ ”1le ?{:‘t'l"l“ll ernment."hesaid When Virginia Smith decided that her 4-year-old daughter October was getting a little too big to
. rec c an et rom ": iermi . ‘ . . ( . irl ' 'l X‘ a j i w , . . y ,
g _l.. N Hearing ”mm m . f d l “'AS next regular meeting l" carry everywhere, she bought the child some wheels. The pair was seen on campus yesterday in
only. to its torniei B and ( per the Woman s Research ( enter in scheduled tor into pm March 21 at .
mit sldlus Berkely'. ( 'altt Holmes llall front of Patterson Office Tower.
Student Activities Board SBBkS SGA f "d. f SA l V ' t
x g p I
" m— SAB to promote the l'nn'ersity as a center tor could be tapped He said he belictcs the once president elett said she hopes SAB will be
- «s. ' StatHVriter culturalactivity students find out about the SATV protect :r. dE.lt> to i-.. sponsor more eyents mm other stu
;. "The problem we hate right now is obtain tev'estwilldexelop deiz' tll'fl;t!1‘tf pron, ‘That “at we can gear
» " mg the 381““ needed l“ buy equipment" Kt‘“ ’ “Flu-“l lldH’ltth‘i lht‘mml'llll. ht'sétlit towards better relations between orgamza
" ' nedy' said He said he and Bill Burke. chaii‘ of He said that it money cannot be obtained tions she said Both groups can double
.‘ f hAB's adhoc SATV t'omniitee. submittut a lrom S(i.\. other tundinu alternatiws rest in human art-t fillillliitti resourttts h} cosponsor
- '.’ . l'nless the Student (;(,\t.m,m.nt Asstx-iation student bill to S(.,-\ yesterday requesting 8.3 ill)l£ilnlllt.’. support trompritatecorporations 1m;
Senate approves $3.000 for needed Nlllpmt’nl« ooo to help the SATV protect get started Keri "The possibilities of getting tinancial asal‘ I,” .,» . ,. .. J .i . l’ , ,
tm. Student At-ttetttpc Board's SATV protect tiedy said he hopes additional funds will he tance without haying soniethim.‘ to show tirst l_":V":‘_'jl““ ”“1““; ”muff" MW “"lflcn;
. i" “I“ suffer a "big “pm" Doug Kennedy. SAB availablethrough SABscontingency lands are not likely ” Kennedy said l". “ml" l\‘ l'll'Nlll “ll“ lmm ’"le I‘m!" l f’c”
l V Public Relations (‘on‘imittee chair. said at a H" 58'“ lh" M“ “'1' probably come betore ”Th“ " lht' "“N ”1”“‘4tll‘t‘ ltlt'd anybody luNllHl-h UN VLLNHllll -,\-‘lnl‘\ RNleNWNr
‘\ iiieetingot theore'iiiization yesterday the SGA Senate at its March It meeting, but has come up with around this otttce ii. ii long “"‘ ‘l " lll“-L"“~”“ 'l-‘d Mill
- \\ ' added that he belieyes SAB does not "have a time. ' liicliai‘d t'ook SAB secretaii ttcastii t harlze \Hiitehead will he in charge ot (‘en
l '* The project is intended to allow SAB to chance in hell of getting the money without t’t'.\'ll(l lt!'\lilL‘t ski: s concert and lecture organiz
show y‘ideotatx‘s ot campus and cultural studentiiiterest ’ In other business. SAB began transit; ll‘ sitit- ljiii-isteii: the s;\B t'inema. t‘athic
events on ('lth'edflrllll teleyision in the Stu Kennedy said the SATV ('ommittec hopes to newly elected ltlh". m ltlllt‘t'l\ who .issiiiiw or \oitra "r t ittilt‘tll;)ltl‘.'ll‘\ »\tt.iirs Seth llall
dent (‘enter and possibly on cableteleiision lobby S(l.~\ senators and "spread the word to ticeMay 1 ll tlYlt‘t ‘tlt.ifl;.‘ and may lllleuood Little Ken
SUSAN VAN IUIEN Kennedy said he hopes SATV will allow students" to demonstrate the interest that \larketine rumor Nisan \aiiBurci. l‘tl'i§."»-l tank-i her.“
i . l
‘ cl 1
' l From Associated Press reports ‘
’ S'n er/actress talks e | ab 1 al e 'e ces l
g p Y p p Wall Street prices fall l
“t ltbll\t RIIVI"I\ lit-ll]. \\.i\ lt‘\[>':~ii:3:ens-Ft ,- I:
x . v . . . L .<.~:I:'a:=-'rr'-;,t-‘:'-= ’I. t
tyyo years. the cries of impoverished colleges . P‘lhdps‘ l I9 comgiittee shsuggestion of a Q h-".~1f._‘I.r‘L;Li3.S‘-}‘1I{;I".‘I‘I.(:23:ng "-3.5; _, ~ I'
- x t - ~‘\:.} (wit: -.~".".‘i-G 719-33. 2'1 .
and departments have echoed throughout formula funding mo (“9" t e elm“; ml.” 3:23.?>}.-€g;§-_.£;~;.5;.-;»,-:{sf-gigeie‘:-..¢. /’ _. 9
this campus A pharmacy budding here. in— 5".“ ‘5 a cure. despite "5 undesirability. “k“ 0 ”IEQ-Iffilgfij' Jet .11" I" '
digent care there. telecommunications in the ”IT" Pmpw’d [fix “wallei?5 to fund tMiI' ’ if
_ . V . I I I _2-,:If,_I.::_II.--.t~._.I~rj-I.I;I.:I .475" :I- 331‘: z E‘ . - v .
“MIMI everyoneis hurtingfor money hingyLibrary. is en wt. 1 0 one wan s to o gsij~f駧};;:z;£;3}.;,-;_.- ‘~f;~“f.‘-v"t~?‘~: fl :-
Perhaps a new governor. a new govern» rob from Peter [0 pay Paudl. ht'heh ”Wile Lea-5...; e: . J 9r
ment and a iieyy attitude would solve the Peter t" Paulshousefor [0" an C ”C at '. ‘
problem 'l‘wo Democratic candidates for The alternative resembles an insurance
governor said Monday they would certainly policy for literacy. whereby the College of increase in allocation has been less than $3 For now. the college must sit and be con-
”) t0 >1“ things right ttil‘ the utttVt‘tSItK’S Arts 8: Sciences would get first dibs on its million. there is no chance the college could tent with its station in the University. al» -’
and make a greater share 01 the state 5 gen» division‘s allocation. leaving the rest for its grab a Significantly larger share. even if not though it‘s difficult to be contented while sit~
eral fund available to finance higher educa 11 neighbors. Considering. however. that in having the extra money means losing the na- ting on the edge of a precipice. But after all.
non four of the last five years the division's total tionally-acclaimed anthropology department. that‘s just a fact ol'lif'e.
W '
To ' t q est 'ons linger as public’s health 'gnored '
\.n. is? da..'. reyeiations .ibout years. or one Yankees fan iii all the soil and water of future generations a recently published book. Hazard tioii. constxiuently. much of the na- and private sectors have been slow
bosszble whiny, o; Ililpl‘vsl .Iha militia! crowns hi the history of the tromoutright poisoning" bus Waste in A"1(’-'l(‘(t. federal law tion's dangerous leeches through to research and develop new appli- ~
other uidiscrctions at the Environ New \orkcluii While the answers are too com makers even during the ecologi legalloopholes cations ' ' ' ' f
menta: IvIIIImIIIIII Agency hdw plex to men! more than outlines cally oriented 1970s » liayc Then there's the Superfund. signed Despite-the overwhelming costs ‘
III‘IIIIIIIM Iii-pitheiiiiar I-timiompg my " 6'. here. they have roots in Americas attempted with only kid gloves to into law by President Reagan Fir and implications of ignoring these
Journalists llt‘l‘t‘ inakr odds or. how 5 EN tremendous industrial and techno- take on polluters nanct-d largely by contributions improvements in toxtc management
tar 'fic scaiida; s taint 'Iy'll reach. H I a and logical growth during lllt‘ Both C011» Take. for instance. the Toxtc Sub from private industry. the Super law's. most lawmakers may '1' 911""
“F‘lm‘lm'r‘ ““W “Tm”! ”1"” ”h ’ SHEARER buy “this PrtKlUt‘l!‘ from textiles. stances (‘ontrol Act of 1976. a well- fund law also encourages states to ronmentally‘ content ll. only “'1‘
sesseii ‘Iyi'r. -‘till.sl1{tllltll‘aii powers ‘ metal finishing. tatinerics. steel meaning law that. by all regards. contribute money for cleanup costs chief Anne Burford loses her job in
'nan with pubiit health mills. pharmaceuticals. solvents and has become practically useless However. most states. already the coming weeks .
ltlttirlllllalci‘. llltist- outside this all mannerof chemicals have generr TS(‘A empowers the EPA to ban strapped for cash. don‘t set aside But America's toxtc mess extends E
poi.‘a a. trait... tit'st‘l‘yt to be t'\i': rlnviroiimcntalist tins Speth says ally been discarded by tnanufactur certain toxms before they are mar money for tornc cleanup. if the state beyond the combined glop lti land }
la stirs» retrain: .tllt'l' i-ongres the dangers of such subtle nit-nae» (‘l‘slnth't‘l’it‘atX‘Sl“lty'pOSSIlllt’ keted L'nfortunately. the law re doesn‘t contribute its share to a fills. private dutnps and wisoniaced .
sztttia wtxttiif'ees have stalked lllt'll' es vary in inyersc proportions to While consumers happily reaped mains only half implemented. unr cleanup effort. Superfund's response lagoons aroundthel' 8
pre‘. .ir.» stil‘ilt- ..ugvthia'l- :Iiiustions their ability to be quickly and easily rewards of “better living through derfutided and excludes byproducts is statutorilyltmittd Without pressure from the grass
.iboii' "In .yas‘. tiiiilt-isiomf chemistry " producers often rer from its purview As a result. ar Perhaps more discouraging. how roots. continued congressional disre« .
rIii I-y..i:.II.I lai.\ suit'is Mut- ythy do we allow lhc manufacture sorted to dumping byproducts to gues Epstein. the EPA has banned ever. is that certain solutions al- gard for life\1ll. kwpoverheads down only a few dozen of the several thou ready most for the safe manage- \\'Ill assure the recurrence of (-“n. i
'io-o‘r‘ 'iiuigt‘.‘ .I: t ".t a ma. tic oi which only llircc ounces could At first. the wastes were nominal sand chemicals invented since tttTt; ment of toxtc wastes Many tamination horror stories in the hi
aasv 's 'f:~\.r: t"‘tll‘.' wyimufs sate wipe out New york t ity s popula in bulk. today the t S accumulates tir consider another 1976 statute. substances can be recycled. refined turc
lam -t It park l” '1..:oi l-toiig‘r tioit‘ yylio decides to unleash dan 33o lbs of hazardous waste per per the Resource Conservation and He or incinerated safely anti profitably
~. stin'IiK.!,fi i W?" pet ti L..Ioi: .s gerous substances on an unwitting sort per year And yet. according to covery Act The law exempted small Safe. non-toXic substances are also Muxw'cll (item and (‘odv Slit'itrct I
W l‘yiiit'l.‘ ‘o .i with ItIttiii‘ a train of populace lioy-s totigrt-ss have the Samuel Epstein. a l'niversity of Illi businesses and any hybrid of to.\tic available for many dangerous prode urc Pulitzer Prize winning notional i
:w Him. tars .Im- scctttlti Ill t: political will to hilly safeguard the iiois medical professor and author of and nontoxu- material from regula~ acts on the market Yet. the public columnists ' I
R ' I k f educa ti ' '1' f ' '1
epressmn, ac O SEX on II) VI 98 ear, Ignorance
sm, a ma. . sw ..n has grew: hotly Iooits til-yt sadly does not know any better Feminist Nisan ltroyynniillei an A British parltnientary committee excuse to amid the reality of the sit«
.rr' i.' I. Perhaps t.» . .iiiioiu 'iioeI ‘yln The Playboy (‘hannel is only one thoi oi At’tlltls’ ()li’ WI. said lllt' conducted similar studies and iouiid uation
fr.- will" III“. I: w. t, I19; I..III.~.. viM “hm-elicit...h:.IIi_ti.«1,_tt-.I tat-ct of the continually harassed act of rape is a social and political no casual relationship between por III . .
lrstiiIit t ’ ~' “It \' ittt'fi's tit t.i:: perstti Has 'to- llltllt ttkwI llt' is H pornograpln ittrittslt‘y Another ltit't'l Instt‘ultlcttl ltioppt‘css \\t)lllt'll .Nltc is tltigrapliy antiyttilt‘nt'c I M lltltiltnatttiti “p dctiy titlt‘
leis \tmlht‘tl f 'iiritIoi 'iia' ll‘..iti'ti go out and tape soirii- t.’yeai oid is the recent conviction of Larry one ot the tlf‘gunllcrs in “omen I ‘f' . . youtlintll [’9 sought ““1 ”'l “'1‘”
raw 'th ltut :.~ii roivs' '\\llt‘ lye' gti. Hint and Hustler magazine iii (in Against Pornography Browtimillci \‘ltu “pr'VIU‘H” Ml” put H M"! m “um.”
'10 III,..I:.:. wing .I 'oiiii ~ saw cinnati not to mention other anti has led weekly tours through .\ltiti ‘ ‘ totitttaga/int ltampant teenage pregnancies iitd
. . I . l -. I. I ‘ .. , . .. . . , - , . \tolencc against women is ‘ ‘
.is Ios I .1qu tIiIitIIa .i. poiii trttsades llkt l-ittt s laxally. hattan. \\ .s tedlightdtstttcts on I t I t' . ll' f .. cases of venereal disease arc plain
a \a... v 't .- yyusueii. .ttilt : /calois have put pornographic mag The smut. she contends. is a sig ( IHIW n ml :“fou'hnur _M; .(ITINI indications that today s young poo.
two-I I oi: hi this near James .isiiies under the counters (11' in plain nificant factor in the country's ’I‘" '11 :4. \Il: {Itttttlfl t “t Md," H. ":H plc are not only practicing sex but
i:..-.. Iii-I .ie * ’ilir‘tlt'3'l‘ri oi: fictttg STOLL brown wrappers somewhat alarming rate of sexual 11m iii )9 l' til .HNII )UI ”inward”; they are going at it unprepared ‘
point»; ill “by Violence against women and Chll' ‘ u "\‘H "H m '"N mu" H” ‘\ We know that they are "doing it
. I ., . ., . ..I. I ,., , v , _ . ., ,, . contrast. \tolcncc against women is ~
ta... I. son.- ....II..s.oi. lttstntiy thtrt an thru tontli dren ‘l- I . "k and even it some dcctdc to save
ll '9: - .- im e: t, ti- tions ior iiidging whether material is l disagree. and not by anything as l: MIN .\ tInItIItIimnionI inII lltInmdl themselves for marriage. “I. km,“ 5
..:I;.~ t)l).\t‘t'lll' slight and insubstantiated as my Imus” "'"I I]: h” 1”. I‘mH‘I ”fl they will "do it" someday it s high '
l' "a ‘: I - ' t- 'tVII'i ll"..:.‘I' l'o-t-iaI» ’10 :‘ lllitf‘.\.llt oi 'llt‘ sin»: t 'l‘fit- .iycragc person. applying ownopinion ‘ ”Fl l’l"”"h"‘l’ -‘ I"_‘I‘”I‘*‘ ” I“ time ”‘1'." we“. informed about what
tl‘.s.i I, .II .I . .ey,i..~IIIL I.“ ititt,t:i;ssltttit'tl i. llit t tlllt'tl ioiitenitxirary community stan The National (,‘ommission on mm "m“. plentiful ””11th than they art-doing
”1 = MI" W t‘ ' t t ' Jr" '1: f \ttttw and hurt 'bt litt'isti dards. finds that material. taken as Obscenity and Pornography studied ”1"“ l nitedhtates it is. at best. Presumptuous to say
lli‘l' t t a; t~ - .i 't. t twat. .ytiii ii tout !tltlt‘tl 'lial a whole appealing to the prurient the issue to years ago The comniis Denmark dropped all legal bar— pornography cati do as much to re
ginu‘ to ..I it ‘- t it it r :.i illlltt'\ scyual .iggrt-ssioi m t‘t' sexually arousing interests sioti presented its findings to the riers against pornography for adults lieve sexual tension as regular sc.\
,I,.I .., ,. .,,I:I III. 'in . II., t..,,. :io' till't‘t'l|\ that to up. ”\IIIIIIIIIIII-t or J The material shows. iii a clearly president and ('ongrcss 'l‘hc littd in the late 1960s In Israel and Swe— education in schoolscan
ts” two-Ito. i ii.,ii-;. pornography oifrnstye way sexual conduct spt‘ itigs state that no support eXisted bc den. various commissions have "so It is obvious. howcyer. from \a
\~ i i o pom-i: :I» t~i"-t' \l.i\bi- no- has iievei ltl'.i1‘tl ot the (ifitally defined as obsceneby law tween the thesis of a casual con ommended Similar action be taken. rious government studies and the
Imp. 'I . union, \t ,v: Imp-i hdriohs ant-re seyuai siippri-ssioiI '. The material lacks serious liter nection between the availability of and Sweden has relaxed restrictions case histories of those nations which
\laur‘it l‘t'tt‘t Itll‘lll"l ‘titoiigf .i has been iau-d and violent crimes any artistic political or .st‘tt'nllllt' erotica and sex crimes amongeithcr considerably do not prohibit pornography lltat My
reirictiiititi lmlllllltL’ dam-«i bodies against women have dropped cort'e value tuvcniles or adults ' it Is Ferre's political, head-1n-the- called "smut“ can provide-a healtln
I” IIIiIii It. III III .» . Iohtiiui spondittgly H w“ LIN tlit‘t‘t‘ ”We im-‘M’rs to The toinniission s findings contin sand mentality that encourages mis- releaseinrihogoipnmmg .
iiity \ ll.til.iI \‘.flitl.il'f l’crhaps and this is my opitiioii the conditions. what you re reading tied to say that "in comparison with information and the general lack of Healthier. “mm". “I“ admit. than t
l-aotidii 'Jtlthlllll knowing the titan personal is probably not uplifting However normal adults. sex offenders and information Offered today‘syouth. rape ‘ f
lioes ll llllt‘liti w s.l‘.I' the sin. ly he is either pumping on .‘i \ictori must ll betllegal' sexual deviants are significantly The notion that explaining sex to .-
shtttt' stat» from 'm Httrr‘itlt' (tll‘ist‘ .in bandwagon to preserve his politi And more importantly. what are less (‘Vll'l‘lt'tlt't‘ti with erotica dumig pre-teens is the same as giving them Jnnu’s A sioti It I, (til-aim (”is I“ ’
tIllt'llii-s IIi hi'i‘t'»\illL .-.ii.i' l main-v: tat power or he simply plainly and theconsequencesof makingitso” adolescence license for promiscuny' is a foolish nitit(thKt’Hlt'lt‘HlH t'tlllttt
———_———————_—_——— -
BLNM COUNTY by Berke Breathed
W-‘04AWERTWOI "“65 "t ;
——————————————_——_——— .m. BOURBW. .
little refresher course in medical This is a common error. yet this ~ I ?
IncorreCt word terminology one time that gave tne a laugh when ’l "'
“Prostrate. according to the you. I needed it Thanks Hut l also hope v ,_ . , fl ' ( rs
I must admit that the headline Amorirnn I)lr‘fl')n(1'y'. is defined as this letter helps Ms Simmons out Ci . ' It}. ' I. L {4? L. 3
"1K Med t'enter in program study “To make toneselt’i bow or kneel with any future articles on this I. “I 'mo'M ti‘lh
ing prostrate cancer really down in humility or adoration l topic 5 ct-
helde lift my spirits on another belieye the word she meant to use is q? I ' ’ % a}
blah Monday morning "prostate ' a gland in male mam Suzanne Kronauge I %
Perhaps Susan Simmons needs a mals Socialwork graduate student ' ’t' "'

 l l ' . ,
l - ‘ '
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Hidden treasures MM" Boa"! ”mum" “3'1"” "w
The deadline for membership nomi- of equivalent academic standing may ~
nations to Mortar Board, a senior honor seek membership and only seniors can
soCiety founded in 1918 to promote beactive members, Breen said.
. 0 o scholarship. leadership and sauce. is The minimum scholastic iequirement ,._.__..-_ ~~
. thtIe'known museum disp|ays rare artifacts tomorrow. Chuck Breen. Mortar Board for jaining the honorary is a 30 GPA,
I presidentsaid. regardleSs of the stud