xt70rx93bc5p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx93bc5p/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1975-02-06 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 06, 1975 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 06, 1975 1975 1975-02-06 2020 true xt70rx93bc5p section xt70rx93bc5p VOL LXVI No. 105

Thursday February 6 1975

Due to inflation, cutback rumors



an independent student newspaper

21 University of Kentucky



lexington Ky 40506

UK maintenance employes may unionize

Kernel Staff Writers

Due to inflation and rumors of cleaning
service cutbacks. l2 University workers
are attempting to organize a union.

The movement to unionize became
evident Monday night when leaflets were
posted in an effort to gerenate interest.
said an official source from the proposed
union. The source preferred to remain
annonymous because "I could lose my

“l'K GIVES ITS workers as little as
possible and in relation to other industries
in town it rates poorly.” the source said

“The unions mam emphasis will be in
higher salary for service and maintenance
crew workers." the source said ” But I
think other employes are interested too ”

The number of night custodians is being
reduced by not filling vacant positions.
according to three night workers The
workers addedthat they are worried about
rumors of a Bliper cent layoff in their work

none are planned.”
president for business affairs

been no layoffs and
said Larry Forgy'. vice
"But there

will be reductions in the force by not filling
jobs when people quit.“

When informed of Forgy's statements,
one night worker said they should have
had a meeting and reasoned with the men.
"You don'tjust start taking people off with
no explanation." he said.

"You con‘t work with a lot of disturbed
men." the worker said “They should feel
their job is important or they will come to
work half-hearted "

“THERE IS NU reason they ithe
w'orkersi should have any fearover that ta
cut in their work force. said James
Wessells. Physical Plant Division (PH)!
director ”I don‘t know that we have less
night janitors now than in October or
November "

liniployes' time sheets would show how
many night custodians worked for the
l'niversity in the last fall. Wessells said
ltut he added that because the sheets are
bundled up. being baided or key punched it
would be “a great deal of trouble” to
examine them

l'icsident (His A Singletary' is taking
care of a 8.3 per cent faculty salary in
crc the expense of the cleaning
\ci‘y ices. according to the workers "It‘s a
case of the big fish eating the little ones."
one night worker said

ase at

Red River Dam delay
continues one week

My RUN .\llT('lll‘ll.l.
Managiig Editor

Land acquisition in the Red Rivertlorge
area by the [7 8 Army ('orps of Engineers
will be delayed forat least one more week,

Land purchasesfor the proposed Red
River dam were scheduled to resume
Friday after a two-month delay. The delay
resulted from an agreement between the
corps‘ Louisville district office and
plaintiffs in a federal suit to allow each
time to prepare a case

'l‘llE Sl'lT “AS brought by several
conservation groups and Powell County
residents who would be affected by the
proposed $29.6 million project. The
Louisville district office is in charge of the
proposed dam‘s construction.

The corps will give lawyers representing
the plaintiffs a five-day notice before
resuming land acquisitions. according to
Martin l’edigo. corps public affairs of

"When we recieve word from the Office
of the Secretaryof the Army in Washington
to procede. then we will give them (the
lawyers) a fiverday warning.“ l’edigo said

l’l-Illlfifl .s'.\ll) 'l'llll five days would not
include weekends and that
expect notification from Washington
before early next week

The live warning will allow
plaintiffs time to fli'l'lflt’
st't‘K ” (mm order pi‘i-vciitiiig the corps
from pun-basing land and proceeding with

he does not

want to

it they

dam construction l’i-digo said

l)eaii llill RlVKln. an attorney
representing the plaintiffs in the suit. said
a court order would be sought as soon as
the delay ends

"ll‘~ THEY \RF. going to proceed with
the pmject. and if our clients want us to.
we will attempt to halt the construction

('oiitinued on page 3

“V\ E HAVEN‘T HEARD of them
messing with the day people," he said.
“We're making just enough to get along
now.“ the worker said

liven if there are no actual layoffs, not
being able to fill the vacant positions
causes just as big a problem. the. worker
explained. “We‘ve got the same amount of
students to work with. maybe even more.“
he said. "Now they've built a new biology
building. so there‘s less people to do more
work '

If the work force is cut St) per cent. there
will be slightly more than one building per
worker to clean. the worker siad

“l IHIN'T THINK the men will take it.‘
he. said. ‘I think they will break down and
ask someone to represent them "

The workers are in a fighting mood the
source from the proposed union said.

Mary Green.
through thick fog which billows from the

London fog?

“Anyone who talks to the people can see
they‘re angry. I mean. people have to live.
It's just a matter of getting solidly

“There‘s always some concern over
losing your job if you talk of a union,“ the
source said. But in the case of the workers
at llK.they don'thavea lottolose."

“SOMETHING HAS TO happen—7 the
men have a questing look in their eyes,"
one worker said? “They could take it if it
were a proportional cut to all the PPD
departments. but they feel the night
workers are being picked on."

Although the administration. faculty and
students are represented on the Board of
Trustees. the worker said custodians are
not represented on the Board. “Half the
people on the Board don't even know who
thc maintenance people are,“ he said. “If

Continued on page 5

nursing junior. passes

l'niversity heating system in damp cold

Carroll sees himself as a ‘c00perative'
individual; will share state's problems

Kernel Staff Writer
Assistant Managing Editor
At first glance the inside of the Kentucky
State (‘apital in Frankfort resembles the
monolithic Temple of Karnak. It‘s as if the
marble walled tomb of King Tut had been
shipped piece by piece to America and
reassembled here in the heart of the
Traveling edifice a visitor
eventually happens upon ornate
wooden doors. the knobs of which are
engraved with the (lrcat Seal of the
commonwealth of Kentucky.

into the

"III. now mic y'all loday""‘
Kentucky's (.ov .luliaii ('arroll
kindly silver liaii‘cd gent who could pass
julep sippiii' Southern
approached with

He is a

for evcryliody's

aristot rat llc an

outstretched hand and a down home
mannerism which belied his position as
governor of Kentucky.

A little over a month ago Julian Morton
(‘arroll vacated the simple third floor
lieutenant governor's office in the
Capitol. walked down about 187 solid
marblesteps and moved into the plush and
power laden Kentucky governor's suite

"There are two ways of being a leader."
(‘arroll said. as he leaned back in his
amply padded blue swivel chair. “( )ne way
is with the heavy hand. I've never been
known to be an individual with a heavy
hand. It might be presumptuous of me to
say. btit I ha vc been known to be a leader "

'l‘lll'? U'I‘lllfll \\ \\' fll‘~ being a leader.
according to (‘arroll “is through
cootx-rative action

“I've had a iepiitation throughout my
life of being a cooperative individual."

f‘arroll said. "an llltll\ itlual who is a team

player. [can bethe team leader or I can be
the team player.“

Carroll said this "team" political
philosophy will place a greater burden on
the members of the state legislature. He
indicated he would share “the problems of
the state with the members of the General
Assembly.“ if he is governor during the
1976 session.

(IUtROLL. A l’/\l)l'(‘:\ll Democrat.
rose to the state‘s highest office following
the November election of former (lov.
Wendell Ford to the l' S Senate.

A graduate of the l'K (‘ollege of Law.
(‘arroll brought extensive experience into
the executive post He was elected to the
Kentucky House of Representatives in
1963. becoming Speaker m 1968. in 1971
t‘arroll climbed further up the political
ladder with his election as lieutenant

('oiitiiiued on page i:



Editorinctuet. Linda Carries
MIMQI‘Q editor, Ron Mitchen
Associate eater, Nancy Doiy
Editor-at page gluon Dan Crutcher


Features editor Larry Mead
Arts ednor. Greg Hotetich
Sports editor Jim Mauom
Phaoqraphy editor, Ed Gerald

Coal industry booms
devastation looms

In times of economic distress it is
tempting to rearrange priorities so
that everything but economic con-
siderations gets shunted to the
background. It appears that is what‘s
happening today in the L'.S.. par-
ticularly in regard to energy sources
and their effect on the environment.

The temptation to disregard
potential environmental problems
could be especially devastating to
Kentucky, where coal has long been
“king“. The “king“ may have
seemed lethargic in past years. but
there is no doubt that he is wide
awake now. The “energy crisis." with
its high oil prices and resultant
general inflation has made coal an
economically attractive alternative
energy source. and Kentucky has the
dubious distinction of being the
nation‘s number one coal-producing

According to a report in last Sun-
day's Courier-Journal and Times,
based on US. Bureau of Mines‘
estimates, Kentucky mined a record
130 million tons of coal in 1974. The
nearest rival. West Virginia,
produced 105 million tons.

The most significant figure is not
the total tonnage mined. but the
percentage that was surface mined—
an indication of environmnetal
disruption. In Kentucky. an
estimated 54 per cent of the coal
produced in 1974 was surface mined.
as compared to 22 per cent in West

'On the spot'

Virginia. That difference can be
largely attributed to a ban on strip
mining in 22 West Virginia counties.

The largest percentage gains in
coal production came in Wyoming
and Montana. where. according to the
Courier-Journal story. “there has
been a rush to open large new strip
mines in areas where the land is
relatively level and the coal deposits
are large."

Coal profits are undoubtedly the
main reason for the present increase
in strip mining. since strip-mined coal
can be produced more quickly than
deep-mined coal. thus taking ad-
vantage of the current high prices.
Kentucky had a considerable rise in
both the number of underground
and surface mine licenses last year—
lrom 1.498 in 1973 to 2.655 in 1974.
Most of the new mines opened in
Eastern Kentucky. underground
mines increasing 87 per cent and
surface mines increasing 75 per cent.

It is clear from these statistics that
coal mining in Kentucky is growing at
unprecedented rates. What is not
clear is whether environmental
protection in Kentucky is keeping

Kentucky has a strip mine
reclamation law. in fact one that is
workable. though some may disagree.

However. if past and present ac-
counts of how the reclamation law is
being enforced are any indication.
there is reason for more than a little



Editorials represent the opinions ot the editors

concem about the future of Eastern

The responsibility for writing and
enforcing strip mine regulations lies
with the Department for Natural
Resources and Environmental
Protection‘s division of reclamation.
(.lov. Julian (‘arroll‘s appointee to
head that department. John S. Hoff-
man. may be just the man for the
“[1105. He has a reputation as a strong
environmentalist and he once led
efforts to ban strip mining in liens
detson (‘ounty

Hoffman. and ultimately Carroll.
face some hard decisions in deter-
mining how strictly to control strip
mining Many in the state are
counting on the coal industry to pull


Kentucky through the recession
without undue hardships; and in an
election year it is not considered wise
for a politician to anger the wealthy

political contributors who operate
coal mines
The best interest of Kentucky

demands that strip mining be strictly
controlled It would be a tremendous
mistake to accede to economic
pressures and allow the mountains to
devastated tor a temporary
economic boost

It should aLso be remembered that
coal. like oil. is an exhaustable
resource it this resource is not used
wisely. it may not be too long before
people are talking about the ”coal
shortage "


Dancing dialogue . . . ‘going to the clamity ball'

It takes two to tango:
“I could have danced all night.

dance in lieu of the administra-
tive recognition denied the par—
ricipating interest as a campus

"Ytll'R TALENTS would have
been appreciated
cording to the restroom wall the

tion for religious. ethnic. and prevail. women. booze and
Anyway. acr political differences character bi‘oads'
izes the attitudes of the people " "He reminded acceptance is



i could have danced all night. and

still have danced some
inore...and the dance is on. and
the dance is on. the Gay

Coalition dance is still on.“
“No. no sorry. Excuse me. I
heard you singing. There is a
mistake. You see. the Judicial
Board overruled that presidential
veto of the senate rescission of
the senate decision to sponsor the



student group. thereby producing
the now on. now off. on again. off
again status of the aforesaid
social function and causing the
prevalent confusion in which
some remain and from which
others have emerged."

“Huh? Say. that’s pretty good.
did you speak at the judicial
board hearing?"

“No one asked me."

dance is on once more and Free I'
is behind the affair; no more
rescissions. It is high time the
gays on this campus were recog-
nized...recognized and eliminat-

”That attitude typifies the
emotional and irrational phobia
with which the bulk of society
regards the homophile. In a free
and enlightened society. tolera~

.“i '\"“\' “ ' \‘V


. . OH, HI, KELLY. CIA . .
. . HI . . .’

"Yeah. but this is none of that
The things those dudes do are.
well. are downright. .unconstitu
tioiial. I mean the laws specify
that their relations are illicit The
(.‘onstitution extends only to the
normal The gays cannot claim to
benornial. that after all. is the
meaning of the word queer as I
understand it."

"YOl'R ARGl'MENT forfeits
any gay claim to humanity. Gays
are human. and are entitled to
theinalienable rights to which the
Founding Fathers subscribed.
Repression of any variety _-
social. legal. or cultural W
springs from weakness not
strength. doubt not certainty.
Homosexuality is a stark depar—
ture from common notions of
propriety and stands to threaten
the insecure "

“Now quit joking with me. I
don‘t care who writes those
things about fraternities in li
brary carrels. but i just refuse to
let the name of this school be
associated with immorality. lust
and debauchery and take it lying
down. so to speak. If it gets
around that everybody here is for
unnatural sex acts. [‘m transfer
ring to where traditional values


not promotion nor toleration sup
port Sexuality can operate as a
means to procreation. recreation.
or communication. depending on
personal values Homosexuality
is a product of preference differ
ent from that of the majority.
Granting people political. eco
nomic and religious freedom and
in turn denying them freedom of
sexual choice escalates the im-
portance of sex beyond these
rights and beyond reason. and is
a function of a Victorian preoc-
cupation with sex in a realm that
is probably not subject to legisla-
tion anyway. When the emphasis
shifts from what people do to
what people are.a synthesis of
renewed priorities will scrap
anxieties over similar issues of
minor import and shift energies
to the question of the survival of
the race of man After all. the
ancient (ireeks actively practic-
ed ll‘llt‘ brotherhood


Dance to the music


“i bet you are one of them,”
going to the elaniity ball "


Luther Langsdon is a junior
Psychology major. His column
‘()n the Spot' appeari- Thursdays
in the Kernel ‘



Opinions trom mute and OU'Slde the universny community



'With the multiplier marching on before us'

By GREGORY lll\'l‘2l.\'

(Editors note: This is the second of a
two-part series concerning Keynesian

Let us proceed now to describe the
basics of the Keynesian model. Recall that
it was assumed that ('onsumption is a
given function (‘t\') of Income. We now
make the following additional assump»
tions: 1 I) Expenditure E equals Income Y.
13> I‘lxpenditure equals (‘onsumption plus
Investment and (Iii Investment is not a
tiniction of Income Note that the account
mg ltlt‘lllll) r1) may be regarded as a form
of Say‘s Law

We now have these equations. (' equals
(WY). K equals \' and Iu‘ equals (‘ t I_
(‘ombining these ingredients and stirring
gently one finds that Y equals (‘t Yt 4 I so
that isurprise‘ 1 Income is determined by
Investment (see figurel. More precisely.
there is only one value for Y satisfying this
equation for a given value of I.

-\.\'I) NOW FOR a miracle? Recall that it
was assumed that Investment was not a
function of income 'l‘hus. reasons the
Kt'}ll('.\litll. if we can somehow cause
Investment to increase by an increment X.
why then the level of Income will
magically rise by an increment which is
approximately the increment X multiplied
by a quantity in which is the reciprocal of
one minus the slope of the consumption
tiinction i.Mathematically. m equals I/tI -
dtVdI) I This is the famous multiplier




The multiplier effect is usually proved in
one of three ways' either algebraically tin
the case of a linear consumption function i.
by calculus or by a geometric series
argument. In any case. the typical
economics student is so intimidated by
“higher" mathematics that he feels
incapable of challenging this. After all. it
was proved by calculus?

of course. the mathematics alluded to is
indeed quite unchallengeable. The point is
that tllively's Dictum) the soundness of an
economic model must be determined by
economic -not mathematical consider—
ations. If. for example. I assume that
savings S is an increasing function Strt of
the interest rate r. then it‘s clear that
that‘s merely an assumption and that I
haven't proved that it's actually so. If. on
the other hand. I want to "prove" the
opposite. all I have to do is tell you that S
equals I tan accounting identity) and that
Investment is a decreasing function Itrt of
the interest rate. Now draw a few graphs
and the poor student “understands“ how

lowering the interest rate increases

ItETl'RNINtI TO the multiplier, let's
strip it down to essentials. I ask the reader
to accept the fact that we will be doing no
violence to the multiplier argument it we
consider its meaning when (‘ is a constant
proportion of Y. Thus, suppose that
Consumption is always 90 per cent of
Income. Then it follows that Investment
must be 10 per cent of Income, So if
Investment can (somehow) be increased
by an amount X. then Income must
increase by ten times X If (somehow: we
can double Investment. then Income will
also double. Isn't that wonderful? With the
multiplier marching on before us the age
of plenty is at hand?

In fact. a more simple-minded theory
could scarcely be imagined. One is
reminded of the saying Asimov puts into
the mouth of one of his characters: “Such
folly smacks of genius. A lesser mind
would be incapable of it.“

Let‘s examine for a moment how it is
that Investment might somehow be in-
creased. The obvious answer is that we
might divert some of our income from
Consumption to Investment. But if we do
this. then obviously the consumption
function has shifted downward and we
have a alas * no multiplier effect.

HAPPILY. TIIE Keynesian has an
answer for this, What is required. we are
told. is an autonomous increase in Invest-

ment. This means that the additional
Investment expenditure must come into
the system from outside. How can this be‘.’
Easy! Just get the government to print up.
say. a billion or so crisp new Federal
Reserve Notes. Then have them spent for
something that the national income ac—
countants will classify as Investment.
There it is. folks w autonomous Invest-

This provides one explanation of the
otherwise incomprehensible fact that. in a
country which once produced such truly
great economists as John Bates Clark and
Irving Fisher. the absurd Keynesian
macroeconomics has received almost
universal acceptance. The explanation is
this: the Keynesian system provides an
excuse for a policy of inflation and serves
as a justification for government control of
the economy. The result is that political
expediency, peer pressure and the desire
to wield power combine subtly to produce
a new strain of homo oeconomicus — the
Government Economist.

In sum. we now have a generation of
economists who. indeed, know a great deal

_ when it comes to individuals and firms. but

who manage to forget everything when it
comes to aggregates. Truly they deserve
the oblivion which awaits them if ever the
Keynesian system should be recognized
for the hoax it really is.


Gregory Ilively is an assistant professor
of mathematics and “a sometime econo-

When the (racist) wind blows, the cradle will rock


Itiinng the first American revolution.
Boston earned the nickname “(‘radle of
Liberty." But recent events have exposed
the unpleasant fact that the “cradle of
liberty" has been rocking a little monster
called llate

When school opened this fall. an
organization called “Restore ()ur
Alienated Rights" called a school boycott
in South Boston to protest the integration
plan Some people still believe that the
issue is oneof the right to walk to a neigh-
borhood school But Boston residents know
this is not the issue

l-‘lttHI 'I‘III'I beginning. walls along the
school bus route have been covered with
slogans like “Niggers go home" or “Kill
the boneheads " Itiisloads of Nazi Party
and Ku Klux Klan members have gone to
Itoston. like maggots to a carcass. to
plaster the walls with swastikas and Klan
symbols Rocks ha\e been thrown at the
school buses. sending several black
students to the hospital

Hn the It. antrbusing organizers
passed out Ieatlcts to wtnte students en
ti-ring school. telling them what to do if
arrested White students inside provoked a
tight lconsidering the provocations. it is
amaznig that the black students have not
exploded inoreofteii t. and then walked out
en masse. A crowd of titltl whites
surrounded the school. yelling “Lynch
them" to the too blacks trapped inside.
Mike (‘oachman. a black ninth-grader.
later said. “They had eggs. bottles. stuff
like that They didn‘t just pick an egg up
off the ground. It had to be planned."

I’retty words like “neighborhood
schools" are just excuses for the filth of
racism (‘oretta Scott King recently said
that theanti busing forces ”are making an

undemocratic assault on equality. This is
why the attacks on school children and
integration must be opposed by everyone

even those who are not fully committed
to busing."

'l‘llt: (‘.\.‘\'('I‘ZR has even spread to at-
tacks on blacks for the “crime" of simply
being in South Boston. The Amalgamated
Meat (‘utters union. a union with offices in
South Boston » and a large black mem—
bership has been unable to hold
meetings there for months. for fear of
slashed tires or another arson attempt.
Blacks attempting to drive to work in
“Southie” have been pulled out of their
cats and beaten Last fall. for example. a
llaitian immigrant was attacked by a mob
yelling “Lynch him"‘ and “Offer him


up!“ His life was saved when a cop fired
into the air.

The antiintegran’on forces mobilized
rallies of up to 4000 people all last fall.
while the small Boston black community
and its white friends in “Southie” and
around the city were intimidated into
silence. That is. until Dec 14. when 15.000-
20,000 supporters of democratic rights
marched through downtown Boston.
chanting “End mob violence — keep the
buses rolling!“ The next day. anti-busing
forces were only able to bring 3.000 people
together. and they haven‘t rallied since.

Some of the student leaders of the
December march have called a National
Student (‘onference Against Racism. to be
held in Boston the weekend of Feb. 1-1.
Supporters of civil rights will come from


all over America to decide on the best way
to keep the buses rolling in Boston.
defeating the racist drive.

RACISTS ALL over the country are
watching the events in Boston. If in-
tegration is stopped there. civil rights will
be attacked in Pasadena. Detroit.
Louisville — where anti-busing groups are
already organizing. And then maybe
Lexington. where many whites still have
Jim Crow mentalities. That's why
everyone should support the student

Help us send a I'K delegation?


Mark Manning is L'K chairman for the
National Student Conference Against Rac~

O .
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news briefs

House votes to block
oil tariff increases

\\fi-\Slllf\t;'l‘nf\‘ (Al’t —- The Democratic (‘ongress confronted
President Ford today with its first major move to block his oil
import tariff increases .

The House voted to suspend fr‘ord's authority to increase any
import levy on petroleum for 90 days. to repeal his initial increase
last Saturday and to refund any money collected.

The measure w as sent to the Senate. where It could be delayed by
a filibuster

The House vote was :tttfl to 1H 37 more than the two-thirds
required to override a \eto

With the St a—hariel increase that went into effect on Saturday,
Ford embarked on a series of tariff hikes that would bring the fee
increase tip to $3 by April

Congress may freeze

price of food stamps

H \Slll\t'.'l‘il\ .Xf’ congress reiected l’resident Ford's plan
to increase the price of food stamps and \otcil \\ ednesday to freeze
the pl'lt't‘ tor the rest of the year

lt \\ asthc first legislatii c action completed l)) the ‘ch f'ongress

The Senate passed the hill Th to .‘i and sent it to Ford only a few
hours after its .\grtculturc t'omiiiittcc .tppf‘tnt’tl it without
hearings The House had passed ll 'l‘uesda) £74 .tt“.

The Senate also .ippi‘oyed a resolution. which needs ito further
action. directing Secretary of agriculture lfarl I. But] to make
recommcndations h} June to on ways to improve and reform the
program The resolution was urged by Sen ltohert [lolc ‘li Kali "

The Senate titrned hack an attempt that had failed in committee
to make the resolutiona part of the hill That would have meant
sending the measure liack to the llousefor another \ (tlt‘

Carroll delays state Construction

in address to Commonwealth

.lulian (‘arroll told Kentuckians Wednesday he is delaying for one

-« Stressing harsh economic realities. (ioi

year construction of three state office huildmgs in l-‘rankfort

He also said in his first State of the commonwealth address that
he has deferred construction of two projects at the Kentucky Fair
and Exposition ('cnter and reduced the hudget for the new state
horse park near Lexmgton

And the governor. in office only five weeks. indicated he might
have to reduce highway expendituresortransfer money to the road
fund from the general fund which finances other state government

“It would he more popular. more pleasing to llt‘ ahle to announce
new construction projects. new and hold programs than to do what
l have been compelled to do." he said

"But it is inconsistent with the trust you have placed in the office
of governor Kentuckians should have nothing hut contempt for
the kind of governor who places present popularity ahove long
range necessities "

'l'he commonwealth address. the first by ('arroll. was carried on
the Kentucky Educational 'l‘elevision network plus more than till
radio stations. and was made axailahle to all commercial hroad
cast outlets

Dean cancels campus appearance

BLUUMINHTHV. lll. (Al’t ~ John Dean. former White House
lawyer comicted in the Watergate affair. canceled a speaking
appearance Wednesday at Illinois State l'mversify

School officials said llean told them his mot hereinrlaw was ill in
('alifornia and he planned to cancel his next five speeches and
return to (‘alil'ornia




The Kentucky Kernel, HA Journalism Budding, Universny of Kentucky.
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Umbrella convention?


Students greeted Wednesday‘s rain with umbrellas and
wet feet as they anxiously wait for a bus in front of the
(‘hemistry Physics Building on Rose Street.

Some University maintenance
employes may form union

t‘ontiniied from page 1
they say ‘cut the maintenance
costs the Board members don't
think iw ice about us

"We‘ve got the right of free
speech," he said "But you have
to have somebody powerful
behind you to back you up."

'l‘lll'I lVHl‘IRSlTY “ILL
argue that they don't tune the
funds for pay increases or to hire
any more people to fill the
\.'ic.incie.s. the source from the
proposed union said

"They managed a lactilty
raise. so they can do it for us."
the source said "It's not up to us
to show them where to get the
money ”

Several custodians were
iwssimistic about chances of
forming a union because of a 1972
attempt which failed 'I‘liat effort
went before the Kentucky
legislature but died in com-

'l I”: l'.\ll)\ Stll'Rt'F, said the
current effort to unionize is
directed at the Moloney Hill
‘.\lll('ll will go to the state
legislature in 1070 The bill will
set standards for unioni/ation
procedun-s Mate Sen Michael

Moloney ‘llrlA‘XlllIllOll' is
cha irin an of a special sub
committee on collective

bargaining for public employes

It is hoped that the unio