xt70rx93b98b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx93b98b/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1935 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, May 1935 Vol.6 No.12 text The Kentucky Press, May 1935 Vol.6 No.12 1935 1935 2019 true xt70rx93b98b section xt70rx93b98b ' 4 — - ---;_-.-,-»::4.2,o;-r-.-;:--.~L-;-;--.--.-2--,-.—--..-2\r:.:--,I...-.....--:.e-iv‘-..:=-«.-«..--_--..;-.-;-.2§.=.2.-a»...--,.--.-.-.;.-..:.2.,2-.,..,,.._......,.,_.......... . 5 ; . . . . ,_ . . ,_ , .7 H 1...?-
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 s 5533; 3;: ' 5 rage Two 5 '_ — - THE KENTUCKY PRESS , May, 1935 ,
.3 3-: 3 1 _ J ‘ 5 ’ . ‘2‘
31 1 3. . I 5 ' 5 . "45 .311? ' f lei-r"
3 3 + 3 New Contest Offered In Memory Of Ben Cozlne . »
3 j x .: 3} ; Through the generosity of Wade M. lary, and fitness of subject matter in from this standpoint with Kentucky 3: 3 'JL'
3 ‘5- 3 ' I‘ ‘3 . McOoly, managing editor of the Shelby the contents of this page. printers and newspapermen (not by Q ,3}
‘ 3 3 ’ 3 I ‘ News, Shelbyville, a new trophy is add- 14. Each contestant will submit three letter) and the common vieypoint was ~': 3 . he
a 3 ; 3 5 3f," ed to the prize contests for the Ken- consecutive issues of his newspaper, “that Kentucky editors look upon the r th
‘ 3 3 3 3 . 35:; tucky Press association This silver lov- from which the judges will select the editorial page as a good advertising "”7353 ‘ or
3 ‘33 3 j ‘ 3?}; ing cup is to be known as the Ben best single issue for competition. page, in many cases promising mer- ” ,i 'or
f 3 3 3' 5 3 “ .3 'Gozine Memorial Cup and is offered On account: of the time limit until chants preferred positions upon it. ~" so
3 33 3 , . 33;; - annually to that newspaper which is the association meeting; entries to this Probably such editors can not be in- 331'? 3 pa
' 3 . 3 I- adjudged as having the best editorial special contest may be submitted to the duced to change their opinions by just if:l'.‘ ' gt
:33 1 _ 3 3 page. It W111 become the permanent chairman up and including June 8. a contest.” The suggestion was made l at
. 3 .3", possession of the editor who wins it Entries should be mailed to Professor that if the rule held, few newspapers pe
‘3 3 3 ‘ if, three times. AS the title implies, this Portmann, U. of K., and should he could qualify. The thought came to me .- 3133'
3- 3 : 33?. " handsome trophy is dedicated to the plainly marked as to contents. ’ that the ground was fertile for such 3 331.:
4‘ 3 " , memory Of our beloved Ben Cozine, In regard to the second rule, Mr. a restriction—just as Indiana editors . ‘:.".¥;f'-'f:""' m
33 . 3,3 3'; " 3 , who made his editorial page an out— McCoy has written the following: are beginning to- eliminate ads, hooey. “ f _ co
‘ ‘5“; 3 f . if ~ “ standing example of the best in lour— Several days ago I was sold decided— canned publicity, and plain tripe from 11
3‘. '- .33} “31151“! and his editorials a far—felt 1y on the idea of eliminating advertis— their pages by the examples shown w
1'}? 3‘ 3 ‘ f ' force in the afiairs of his town and his ing and foreign matter from the cal—5 them in state contests.” ' j 9 re
33: i _ 35 53-53;; 4 I state. . torial page, whih is in accordance with The chairman agrees with Mr. Mc- {f '
‘- 3 $133.59 ' With the advice and direction 0f the best ideals concerning such pages. Coy, but, together, we have amended in
‘3‘. ‘ ‘- * . ; '1 ' Mr. MCCOY the following 111188 W111 The idea still is good, I believe, but I the rule to serve for this year’s contest . st:
333‘: 3 ‘ 3 ‘31:: F", . govern the selection of the winner each have discussed the matter recently at least. Let us have plenty of entries! . he
33 “i 3 I ' year: _______________ . ‘33 ."
3‘3 3 3 _ 55:31.33 , 1. Page content: the page must con- ' :03
33 33 3‘53 tain articles of literary, feature, and PROGRAM - or
. 3. 3‘ 3 , ‘2‘ editorial matter only. 7 - 0f the Mid-summer Meeting of the Kentucky Press Association to Be :41 243 ba
, E3 4‘. ' . 35.5fm : . 2' N0 advemsements thou.” appear - Held on the Steamer Gordan c. Greene, June 13, 14, and 15,1935 or
31;: 3‘ , ' 5’;- 5 5 on the page. However, this Will not bar ”v.2 ca
3.33 i, 3‘ : 3.;5,_i~;f;. , . contestants using such advertisements, —_3. 3 33.333333: wi
33; 3 . .3'jrf”.}'..;¥;..5» _ but said use will count against per- 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., June 13. Registration on steamer 3GORDAN C. g- : 5st
33 3‘. 3,1373%}; faction (see note below). GREENE, at the Greene Line wharf, foot of Main Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. .353. agi‘j'
33 “ ' 31:12:113; 3, Editorial material: preference will This can be observed from either the Central or Suspension bridges, t
. '3 -‘ 3 ‘ £3553; ' .. I. V ‘be given toI‘fhom'eewritten” editorials crossing. from Covington, Iand you, can driveright to the boat to unload ‘ ‘ g3
‘33 '33 .3 3: while “canned” editorials will be a ' your luggage. Arrangements have been made with a garage to pick up st‘
3 ,3 3 3‘3 2 3 -‘ detriment. _ 3 . _ the cars at the boat, store them and have them at the boat upon its ‘ ‘“ sé
3‘ 3 3 : : .. ‘ .- 4- Clipped editorials 0f commumty return Saturday afternoon. This garage service will cost only $1. ,3; pg
33 ‘ 33 3 ,. f nature W111 be acceptable. . 3 8 pm, June 13. Leave Cincinnati on steamer Gordan C. Greene. Ar— ‘5; be
3:33 “- 1‘ ‘ . 5":,§.7:.':~ , 5.Featl:1:res and literary. "features ' riVe Coney Island, famous resort, about 9 pm. Free entry into Coney 3* er.
3.“. 3 3 E -. ' such as Twenty Years Ago, syndi— Island and Moonlite Gardens ' L‘Tilfi w]
333.; 33 3 - ‘ ,I’3'. ' ~ cate materials such as written by Doc- 5 3 . ‘ ‘- .‘é‘lj'ffi 7“ at
333 33 3.3I- 3 tor 0013913311313 Will Rogers, etc, essays, 3 11.30 pm, June 13 Leave Coney Island forIAshland, Kentucky. We '35.“;5" ~35. d:
3 3’3. 3 .3 33 i r poems, etc, will be acceptable. Will have breakfast on the boat; a busmess sessron that morning; lunch - - t
j‘ 3. .3 ‘ 3. 3 . 3 2 . 5 ‘ s, A column, whether Serious, hu— - on the boat and arrive at Aehland between 4 and 5 p. m., June 14. ‘ , a
3333‘ 3 3 : 3 ',- j ' morons, or a mixture, will be consid- 7:30 p.m., June 14. Banquet, followed by dance, as guests of the Ash- .j: S“
33-13 3 3 ' ‘ ered editorial page material. - land Independent ,. ‘ - 3 f f:
3 33" 3 3 ‘ :' .. . , '7. Editorial cartoons will be accepta- - / '12 M. Leave Ashland. We will have breakfast on the boat; a business m
3:3; '3‘ .: " ' ’ ble. session that morning; lunch on the boat, arriving back at Cincinnati ‘13:; m
3 3 3 u. : 8.. Headlines, "whether spot heads or about 4 p.m.,.Saturday, June 15.
3. 3 .33 3 I i - 1 5 - standing departmental heads, Will be . The complete program for the two business sessions will be announced I Ci
3 .‘33 3 ‘3 ‘1 3- I 'j- ‘ 5. :judged for typographical ”13‘?”- later, but awarding of the annual prizes will feature the Saturday session. _ _‘ ' M
3‘ 3;} i 53 ‘ , ,- 23 -f : 9. Mast heads: the typographical ap— . . I ' ' *3: t 7;
3 33 3 3 ‘3 73 pearance, the content, and relation to _—'——.—_—_—_——_‘—' ,f to
33:35 3 3: *3 3 . 35;»: : 3. the page as a whole will be consid- .. On account of an unprecedented run fided to her best friend, “is that while
32.3 3 3 :3 E - 3.314; _-’ _ ered. on the Kernel press, due to the print- he is very formal and circumspect in , ff", 5‘ la
3-3 3 . 33 33:33.; 10. Art work: if any, will be given ing of several high school annuals-in the tone of his letter he.finishes every 15- , ,pi
i; 33 3 33 33 3 , .full' consideration. - a last-minute rush, the Press reaches sentence with a kiss.” . Is
‘3 I 33 :13 . I -- 11. Makeup and balance: the page you late and printed on news-print. ~———— 1‘::‘5 W3
3 ‘3. 3 3 ‘3 f j makeup with emphasis on balance, We’ll do better next time! 5 "Now is the season when political “L 3'5:' . 1a
3‘ 3‘3 3 3 '3 . ‘ symmetry, and contrast will be given “*— vertising Will be coming forth. ' , 1.3? at
l; I ‘ ‘ . E ‘3. . $0? igzmsémfixg: 13:51:32; £101.11 mns, THE PASSIONATE REPORTER There is a growing tendency among ‘l‘ E tT‘r
‘3!- 3 3 : 3 ‘ ‘3 I. . ‘ ym . y . . ‘? page, A pretty girl who hadspent a week newspaper publishers to get away from ‘
333 3 . ._ 3 3.3;; 3 will be given specral consideration. at a sum rt h . . : :---333 . Ti
.53, 3, , 3 I . ,3 . _ . mer reso , on or return the idea of charging an extra rate for e; m
23,3 . ‘ ' a 3 .3 5 , . , 12- SUbJeCt matter. 335 3: community home received a letter from a young political advertising. "S n3
33333 3.3 33 3 95,115,, _. ‘ paper, should emphas1ze community newspaper reporter she had met. There are two sides to the question: 1 ' .
3 3 j 3 L, 5 neWS and community interests, tOO As is customary in newspaper copy, both of which have ample arguments 17:23. .2413, N
ig3i‘ 3 I 3 3 ‘ ,5 5much outs1de news W111 be marked the reporter had used a small cross in favor of them. :, it w‘
333. 3 3 33.3 3 3 _ down. every time he needed a period. ' On one thing, however, there-is mu- ,3 3 11"
3:3 3 :3 .3 3.331; I ' - 13. Special attention will be given to The communication puzzled the girl tual agreement—cash with order, on all 331.}? " _, C”
933.33 3‘ E 3 33“"? the rhetoric, punctuation2 unity, co— very much; . political advertising—and that is 3 n 33 to
33-} 33333.3 : 3 33:35:33; , 3- herence, expression, dignity, vocabU‘ “What I can’t understand,” she 0911- good rule to follow, .. ‘ 3 31-23, .
l - -: 1' ' ; ;:":~£ 7'. > L " ‘ ' - > , ‘ V /' ’ 1: ”’21:? x
1.2- i.‘ ‘ 1 a , ’ ' . ' , 5 ' . - ‘ : > - ‘ 5" . " 3 ‘ ' , "'9. .3 , .. - '
~ l-

 gory“. ‘ 9‘" ,m , 7 7- 5 . : - ' 7 7 57 , ’ 5 , ‘ 7;“. . ;;:7»7_>e.'.:~.e:.,;-,1;,-:.;~.-,l,;:,-.:;:/vJ; 7 "
1.7-, 77 , - " "2 ; ,- , ' 7i, :7 .' "7:173'“.--2-3531”? I J
'5‘. ' ' ' _, - 5212* 2 i-f',f2-.'é:.5 ' t
- May, 1935 7 _ THE KENTUCKY PRESS , 7 Page-Three, r 3 ;
‘ 5 editors are assured a good orchestra association demands that. the none ‘ ‘ ' 'é ' '
7 7 Kl P' A- “ates and other entertainment at Coney-Is- .metropolitan publishing and. Printing ' , 'j' 7' I
5357.};- 3- 7,733» 7 .__._ land. establishments be eliminated from the 1’ i '
; 3 7, g» The K. P. A. boat trip will be made Business sessions will be held on the provisions of any code." ’ " g ' 2
:y 37,773 - June 13_157 1935! boat Friday and Saturday mornings. Urge One-Rate Plan ' 3:: f ' E
>y7 3.3777, ) Today we have 100 reservations and ' The 1’“)ng will be announced later. Other “501113510115 called “P011 the ' r E '
is 7 have signed the agreement to charter The boat trip on the beautiful Ohio association to continue its fight against w 7 1
le .75, 11.: the Gordon C. Greene, the finest and promises to be one of the most gnJ'OY- government competition in the form 0f '~ ' 5 F
lg ‘ {.77 one of the largest passenger steamers able outings ever taken by the K. P. A. printed stamped envelopes and urged 7: 7;7:7 .‘ 3
.‘- --’7'l_"'2'£7 *on the Ohio River. Only 12 more per_ ‘If you haven‘t made reservations do so {amendment of the postal regulations to . ,,: 7‘ J
t- - sons can make the trip, as the ca- at once, as no more reservations Will Pl'Ohibit the distribution or unad- ' i i
l- e ~17 * pacity of the boat is 112_ We have be accepted after the 112 mark is dressed circulars through the mail; ' _ , 1;.9‘2 ; ‘
5t $73: guaranteed 100 persons at $10 each, reached. 7 ' 7 urged all publishers to take immediate ' ' '7 7i i
[e 7,.” and we must haVe 14 more to pay ex— 7 Sincerely, steps toward establishing a general ' ‘ -7; i
,‘s 2'2; ’27- penses. _ 3- CURTIS ALCOCK. one—rate plan; create a labor commit- ‘ " i ,'
‘e 7 .93" Those desiring to make the boat Secretary K- P. A- tee to‘ function as an advisory group 7 77 I j
h 5' ‘/ trip and have not as yet made reserva- _._.._.__.______._ to the membership on employer and ' 7':r ~ ‘ i
’5 ' 3: tions should do so AT ONCE. First NEA Holds Splendid employee relationships; authorize the ‘ 1-2: 37 ‘
V' 1‘ . come, first served. Remember, only Meeting at New Orleans government legislative committee to7 . 3; i :-
n 7 112 will be taken care of. The “book —— study all government proposals which 7 7‘ ', 7
n , will be closed” when the 112 mark is New Orleans—Robert I-I. Pritchard may adversely affect advertising in pa- ‘57,. . 7 '
reached. of Weston, W. Va., was elected presi— pers published by N. E. A. members; 7 g; 3 i
"' 7.153;: The $10 to be paid for each person dent of the National Editorial associa- indorse the work done by the 25800191“. 7 'fij} , 3 -
d ' includes transportation, meals and tion at the final session of the fiftieth tion to develop national advertising and 7 , '7-_j71 [ 7!
w ' .' stateroom. To make reservation it is annual convention in New Orleans. authorized publication of the complete 7 . '35; ' 1
.- necessary to send your check for one- Clayton Rand of Gulfport, Miss, was history of the association as soon as 5 if; I i
- 547." fourth the cost to Secretary J. Curtis elected vice—president and W. W. funds are available. ‘ ,l
\f,» Alcock, Danville, Ky. That is, $2.50 for Loomis of Lagrange, Ill., treasurer. The delegates also passed a resolu- _ 1 E. I I
i one reservation, $5.00 for two, etc. The Chosen on the board of directors for tion honoring W. W. Aikens of Frank- 77 7 7» _ 7-; i §
5; ‘37}. balance is to be paid when you register a three-year term were R. B. Howard lin, Ind, the retiring treasurer, for his 7 , _7 3;; , 7 i ‘ 7i
on the boat. Please be prepared to pay of London, Ohio; Keen Johnson of long service to the organization and a 7-{35‘ ;
cash—and not by checker—as the cash Richmond; H. z. Mitchell of Bemidji, also pledged to the officers and direc- 7.7.5
:, -,-.;"'-J-,:- will be turned over to the Green Line Minn.; Garvin P. Taylor of Montclair, tors their wholehearted and complete . ' 7,: 7,; g '
)7 3-15 ' 2 Steamers. ' N. J .; Roy A. Brown of Sanger, Calif.; support to secure fulfillment of the 2 :37 7 : 11
; .f— :7 ThOSe making the boat trip are re— and for a one-year term, ‘Clyde A. Ep- aims and purposes of the association. 7 7 3 i
d' ; quired to be at the wharf of the Greene person of Kaysville, Utah, and Joe B. Although final decis1on .a to next ' - 2 7727-; ,- J
3 Line steamers at the foot of Main Redfield of Omaha, Neb. year’ convention rests with the board - 3; g
p " ' :',1'.L street, Cincinnati, which can be ob- Hold Special Session 7 of directors, it is generally 11115.35th 7 , 7 fiat i
s 7'T%.';=_' .77'7'. served from either the Central or Sus-- The discussion on the code, which that-the N. E. A. will go to Maine in j:‘_"7‘7:-'- I i
7 (. pension bridges. Arrangements have occupied most of the session on Tues- 1936 as a result of the invitation er- 3 i
— ,J been made with a garage to have their day and carried ever into a special tended to it by D. E. Esters Of the '. 723?. ,iii
y 27' employees drive the cars from the seSSion that night, resulted in the Houlton Pioneer Times and J. B. 7 . 77 1 t
. ~_ ' wharfto their garages and store the adoption of the following resolution: O’Kane of the Rumford Times. 7 7 7 . 7 ~ 577.7777..:;,:; 75 f
e . 3:,- 7 automobiles until the steamer returns, “Resolved: That it is the sense of this Warns Publishers ; 7 t '
1 deliVering the automobiles to the Wharf convention that the National Editorial In this day of growing demagoguery, . 7 - 55:5? 7 7
“ abOUt thirty minutes prior to the association shall retain the adminis- it behooves the publishers and editors 7.7“.7 ‘ ‘
_' “ tie steamer’s arrival. The cost of this trative agency for divisions A-2 and of United States to be on guardtopro- .
, . service will be one dollar per auto, to A-5 of the Graphic Arts code so long tect the freedom of the 131.6557 Kenneth 7 :7 .3733
s “at; .. include storage from Thursday after— as said code remains in effect, and that r. Baldridge, president of the Natmna‘ ; I
. ~ 110011 01‘ evening until Saturday after- no other organizaton or agency should Editorial association, said, at the open~ ‘ i2:’-f7";77-:,7- -
'1 . . 110011 01‘ evening. ' be permitted to assume jurisdiction ing of the 50th annual convention. 7- ,,.;77'7;=7«;,
.. The Gordon 0- Greene will leave over the non-metropolitan publishing Mr. Baldridge’s address sounded an 7 7.37. ,
i ":1" Cincinnati, from the wharf at fOOt 0f and printing establishments of this optimistic note for business; He said he ' . . 5'17775533‘7; i
l. 33333:: 7' Main street, Thursday, June 13, at country under the Graphic Arts or believed. now that prosperity was at . . g‘
- '-.'.,..."" 7:30 P- m. The steamer W111 be ready any other code. ' last on the way to realization. He re- '7 i
for registration at 5330 pm- “Resolved: That immediate action be _ viewed the history of the editorial as- 737'":._-_-:\;;.‘7-7e“;- 7}
e 7- The steamer Will Stop at Coney 15- demanded of the federal government sociation from its formation in New -,7 7 2 .7 3!
1 ‘ land, just above Cincinnati, where the in the collection of deunqujnt 19347 Orleans. 7 _ 5 7;.
V press party will be guests of Coney code assessments and that if necessary “Then we had representatives from :7 33.7371}; . ;
. .3?” Island officials until about midnight to attain this end that appropriate only 18 states," he said ,.“Today. We - 1‘ ‘ {7
1,?" when the steamer W111 leave for ASh' action he demanded of the Congress have representatives from every state ‘- . ‘77 ,‘
- 2 land. Kyu arriVing at Asmand Friday of the United States. in the Union." , ' s ,
:7 afternoon, June 14: about 4 01' 5 O'CIOek- “Resolved: That it is the sense of He warned publishers and editors to - 771‘” 7 ,
T 7’ The people of 7Ashl'and Will entertain this convention that the Graphic Arts maintain vigilance, against infringe-7- “}j J 7
i ' E}. the K- P- A- Wlth a dmner and dance. code as it affects our industry should ment of the freedom ofthe press, but 77;??? ,‘
r' The steamer W111 leave Ashland about be simplified to make it more workable admitted that the press had never ;7 7’ 7 - z
midnight Friday and arrive in Cincm' and equitable and that steps should he been completely ‘free in the United, so i
-' .35: ,nati saturday ab?“ 4 °’°1°°k' taken at once to bring about such code States “because most of us have some —. ‘ i
g, ;- - x7. , The Coney Island folks promise to revisions as will attain this purpose. sacred cow to protect.” ‘ ’ > ”1 3
5.1.”. welcome the editors and-admit them “Resolved: That it is the sense of The Western Recorder, Louisville.7 7 ; f
_ free to the grounds and to Moonlite this convention that unless the above Ky” has added a. font of 6 point Lino-”‘7 ‘ 7;
1 i. Gardens, their-Summer ball room, said named policies are accepted and ef- type Excelsior No. 2 with Bold 173197373337. : 7
l ; - ii: to be one of the finest in America. The fectuated that the National Editorial No. 2. - ‘ 73; 3
3- ‘ 3 , 5 ' ' ‘ .‘ 33' 1"
1.371.“ e , z ‘ . - - ‘ \13‘” , 5
iii? 3‘93}..- . ' ' ' ‘ - '— 7 7 7 7 7 _ _ 5,» ' 7
g3.» r. 7 - , _ .l - . - ‘7’ ' 5 ., . . e l
7, 7‘ .3741: 'UE'T-l'f'r’. M‘— 77. -7 7777777. : :7“ 7 77 7 77 _7 , . 7 _777 7 7 ', 77:7 77 7 ., .7 7 71/7177, 7:77;; 7, 7 77 7,: 777.7777 77 777 '1';'.