xt70rx938q07 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx938q07/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1960 journals ky_farm_home_science_v1_8_num_3_6_4_fall_1960 English Lexington, KY : Agricultural Experiment Station, Lexington. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Kentucky farm and home science. Special progress report. v.6 n.4 fall 1960. text Kentucky farm and home science. Special progress report. v.6 n.4 fall 1960. 1960 1960 2014 true xt70rx938q07 section xt70rx938q07 gféxzmcu; FA R M  .
Q: , .
  ‘ Number 4
ig VVVVV V V V Full 1960
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li()liER'I` C. MAY .......................................... Photographer Station Building, University of Kentucky, Lexington. ge
P .
In Th is Issue
Hicri Scr1ooL SEN1oRs i
By Harry K. Scliwarzwcller Page 3 N I
NEW l)()UL'l`RY FARBL IN Ol’E1\A'1`iON - .
By Thonms II. lolinson and XV. M. Insko, ]r. P(IgG 4 ge,
By Fmnk B. Borries, Ir. Page 7 W
The Cover
X-  .   M
 ff  . »»t:r*·r  ·  These random-bred chickens are being used in breeding experiments Q
`   · ·— . . . . .` ·
;     to develop meatier broilers at the U.K. Agricultural Experiment Sta-
\ · " ___ _ e tion`s new Poultry Research Farm. For more details about the farm, ‘·—
     #4 located about 2 miles west of Lexington on the Leestown Road, see
  - •     the illustrated article starting on page 4 of this issue of Kentucky Farm n
_   _     and Home Science. (Photo by R. C. May.) at · 
’§ ..n_;.s V

la Career Plans of
L Migratmg from home county after
  { Rural Kgntucky completing school is a se1·ious
· g H. h S h 1 S _ consideration for them
ll [)t']1(ll`l7ll('7ll of Rural Sociology
f` As young people approach graduation from high é ussvlm ”""”°
. . . i
g school, flltly lUllSt begin formulatrng some very ggrrgug Willi'; _\u\*‘ • •
plans about their future careers in the work world.  
'· . . . , Ol •
`* \Vhat they decide depends, in part, on available DLIVILLTCHN ° nunuz
tw opportunities and, in part, on their own personal ,
 p abilities and interests.
" A recent U. K. Agricultural Experiment Station
_ _ . 7 I
• study was designed to determine the pattern of career % °Ll'§u°:l.?$ - `°¢u¤i»ii`¤zs
Plans Ol Seniors in Nu-al K€“*¤CkY high SChO0lS> and Location of the eight counties included in the U(jill`CCl`"
` to hhil Out hOW Chhtaih 5OCli1l and Chltuml back- survey. The shaded areas designate the four "Bluegrass"
  _ ground factors affect the career-choosing process} counties; dark areas are the "mountain" counties.
The information was obtained by questionnaire in
l the 5P1`hlg Of 1959 hmh 248 girls and 203 hOY5 in the Central Bluegrass Region (]essamine, Anderson.
  th€ 5€‘hi01` classes Of 8 wuuty high 5Ch0Ol5» 4 lh Scott, and Clark counties) and 4 in the Eastern
I i rm Mountain Region (Powell, Menifee, \Volfe, and
. if llVlOI'C lI1f0l`ll]t`ltlOl] ill)Ol1t tl]lS study lllld i'l1](liIlgS iIp]_)C2l1`S ' . ' s
_ in the author’s "Sociocultural Factors and the Career Aspir— Elllott ('Ouutl€S)`
¥" ations and Plans of Rural Kentucky High School Seniors], R . I C .
Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Progress Report 94. eglonu ompcnscn
‘  — ‘ The Eastern and Central Kentucky seniors exhibited
`— much the same nattern of choice in their vocational »
_ l
Yes  Don'? Know No and educational goals. In both regions, similar pro-
U Pl°"TT° WS 55*   "Z portions of high school seniors planned to go to
Go o . . . .
· ·llege and similar proportions planned on high-
V College _ 7 _ CO ’ ‘ _ _
Pl hhs 294   ZW status; occupational careers such as the professions.
¢` However, as anyone familiar with the economies
.. Yes N° of these regions might anticipate, a much larger pro-
'_ pnqn For nors azz sax _t. { E, _t)_ K)t _k7 __ . __ lr t lm _
High Smus por ion o as ein tn uc y seniors pan o tavt
-. Occ., qfjqn _ their home counties and nursue their careers elsewhere
P cunts zu my _ , _ l _ .
_ __ after finishing school. Approxnnately 55 percent ol
nig; Yes Dom Know No the Eastern Kentucky se1;iog4boys said ihgy rguniecl
. . Plun To ms HZ   ZH to nngiatt, compaict witi - pticcnt o tit. cntia
do h*°°"§ Kentucky boys. About 63 percent of thc Eastern
· om , , . . .
I A County cms SM   ,67; Kentucky girls planned to migrate, compared with
'*" g -10 iercent of the Central Kcntuckv iirls.
T . l 4 l"•
' {_ Yes N  Furthermore, Eastern Kentucky seniors, as a group,
P pmfe, roy; 4QZ M expressed more uncertainty about their career plans
f*‘» gfbfldn than seniors iu Central Kentucky schools. Career
esl ence GIRLS 68% 52% opportunities for youths arc quite (llfljCl`CIlt in these
y (Zarcer plans of senior boys and girls in cight ,~m·u] Km. two l`<‘lll0ll5s Wli1Cl1 is reflected in the tlillcrcmju]
` K tucky high schools (248 girls and 203 boys). (Continued on Page G)
"‘ t

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QWN V VVVVV   -V~V V   ;· ·V   up  A,  _;_ _· ;_  ,_; .V.VV   .VV. V.; V.V·     J   __·-v:·»__ V   V_ V ,  V1.: ·,VV — ·’·‘ ` V
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ln these three buildings various phases of work are being conducted; (center) the Reynolds aluminum cage layer L_
done at the Poultry Research Farm. (left) The "Hom0sote" house used for nutrition work, and (right) the breeder house '
house in which reproduction and management studies are used for studies on improvement of meat-type chickens. ` \
BW Oll try 3I'IIl 1Il lf)€l‘3 10Il N
N P l F ' 0 t' ’
Use of 89-acre unit marks the start _ J . "'
Il · Il l1     __,_,   -aV,V   VVVV.   _ t ____,   J     V; V§"`>*g 5V
of lo g ra ge poultry researc     A-M     A t,..     _,  ____ , .. ..__    _.,gV}A
• ·V *·¥~ .. '-—*-  · V V 5 ` E ’fZ     ‘*fw"a··=~·w"""aVV"·m··::a·-<~;·~’“’“/
and teaching program     r·V‘ ‘"·’·· V ~*V·’ VV _ t·r· g   . _ V»'    —VV  'V  VV  ** "  VV   w
 >   »·—·=-...     ··—. =   =V·    Q
By THOMAS H. JOHNSON and \V. M. INSKO, JR. `    `*`/   ` T H
,),V,,,,,,,,,,.,,, U) p,,,,;,,,, gLV;,.,,,V,V Residence of farm superintendent and (in right background) vn
r _ _ _ the brooder house.
l`he new Poultry Research Farm of the U. K. Agn- •"# 
cultural Experiment Station is in full operation. The _
. . . · W . g'
89-21CTU I`CS(¥21l'Cl1 lllllt IS lOC21tC(l 011 the L€€StO\VH ll &11`€   PENS €k1Cl1   l'€€t Sql1L11`€. k.t1Cl1 PCI1 IS Llt‘—
road, adjacent to the west side of the U. S. Veterans signed to hold approximately 150 baby chicks, giving .
Administration Hospital, west of Lexington. Use of the house a capacity of around 3,000 chicks. Various
the facilit marks the berinninv of an ex sanded tv ues of electric broodin e uinnent can be used. ,
¤ . ,
l()Ilg-1'i1IIQ',(' l'(‘St‘11l`Cl1, lllltl lC21Cl1ll1g 1`)l'()gl`21l11 l)y tl1€ Tl](5 l]()t1S€ ()l'l€1'S O]_`)]_)O1`t1lI1ll§y to Stlldy pI`()l)l€I1'lS lllklf 2** }
Poultry Science Department. arise in the brooding of chicks. Different types of ·_ `
At the entrance a main road runs south to a feed litter management have been observed, different water V
I11lXll1j.{ CCl1l€l` 1lll(l 2111 Cqlllpllltilll St0l'21g€ Z1l'(:‘21. Oli SySl§Cl11S l`lt1V6 l)€€I1 t1'l€(l, V€l]tllHtl0l1 p1'Ol)l€l1)S l1k1V€ ." .
the wa one nasses the residence of the farm man- been studied different feedint mana rcment methods  
a fer. have been used and various tnes of rations have
7 l
Turning right leads one to the brooder house. In been fed to chicks in the house. There is storage room
V   ·VVV  · ‘    ` r " V `Vi·i“‘‘`   ~it‘   `‘V' Y V *   V    
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'¤.,·—¤·‘ : `•              . .;’   . ..· L   ? ’V’¢   Y     VV   “
*L=~   V-: ·*»» V»·‘‘ =~ >»- y   VVVVVV   V .  .... aq VV--— V V  V·     ri V V.  ·_- V       VV M , .,,_.,
°° `*§ 'V -·V._ X uf.   ww     .§*       »V’j°‘*   V; Tv ’V 
rv ~       ~·=· __f-3§.Q?¥*"`§V,;    ,_ ,_  , V     ,.-=   ‘V    .,"   Vp,. .1 f    
EQ *3       __,V    VV‘’t‘ -   .·.,_  . V .f“¥*V%· 
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. .   ·...   ·VL"’ ‘.’··‘‘   .-·—   VV V V .V V· ..4·      “    VV··°’  ”`
(above) The farm as about 2 miles   ..V   ’ .““`     " »    VgF' *V¤V. Z V
J ·     V      k W A J} { ,V   . 0,   V..__.
west ot Lexington on the Leestown     V%V;`?YZ i ..p V ;  _ . " . V `  `°  
. . . ` t I "" ” '* ": {·‘=   :V  I. V . .  -.v·‘:r:§ ... V;-:ZV‘°{,`i £=  M   '     .
road. (right) Baby clncks under in-  "       ·‘`--€   °‘·.   `‘V’   V Q         .   . V.
V ‘ 1   ·.     ·~·=·V he *  “*Y·¤~»‘  ==_ ·-   ..   V   "‘*‘“TZ;T* ‘‘V*`*‘tt VV*’··2V
Iraretl brooder. Note fence to keep   ·   ·**V· _ *·’V     V ~  >·._   V   »~   V ,    ,_..__    ___, _ fg V
·   V.·V··   .5    »VV   VV··.     V`VV     V> —VVV  *` V      ee l    `V‘‘'   V`
clitrks close to heat. feed and water.   j i?    V    __-. -VV· f  ? .       ‘   ·
  ·‘·*      ~VV»  V             V»" '  
» 2   *._.§>`__ `    `\ I I         lh`?  `ni   xg  »W5_:'  
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p ~   s;;`;3"+ E t. ; .;” J- \, s   ig?   t V p '
          ~      `   i°  1  

 available for feed and the various kinds of equip-  
" ‘ ment needed in a house of this type; A '((i<'_     _,.. » #·‘/      
*5, Turning left from the main road, one finds a series   ·· ir n `V " I ' ii it   
` ,, r of three houses, the first of which is the breeder l   l   *T**1?`%lIE?F`    
` house. This house, like the brooder house, is con- A—··‘—*·:·A    A
P structed of concrete blocks. In it are 62 six-foot-      ~ .   _ #**1;   _
square pens used for single-male matings—one male I V   "" TN  
bird and eight females. This house offers opportunity Th€ “H0m0S0i€" l10¤S€ derives its Hilmc from thm of thc
for feeding, litter, Watering, nesting and vgntrlatrorr thick, cardboard-like material used on the sides and roof.
management studies. The bulk of the work carried   »_ V. _,   , e _ . —— -V
_ on in this house, however, concerns breeding and           V
” reproduction studies. At present there are nine pens     ,   ....,
providing chicks to be used for oxygen-consumption  1 ‘ \i.. `   `—  
J work. The birds in five of these pens showed high ` I   ,,—,, Ai .  
oxygen consumption when tested at 3 weeks of age, TQ {   zi? __,, if
_;_ with the other four pens showing low consumption. 1/Agri 4   Gmcrrcisr D W
 _‘ Eight pens are being used to establish eight inbred _/r ` ` · V - ¥$}`$Y”i ¢EZ»»5f` »— Ke  MuCLam_r, rm  
4 ye lines to be used in further breeding research. Four °““"@¢     gmdumc Student
E r _ r r     A _,     _ · i' {iii;   Gene Plumley ex-
, V   '°V»r `\°~t"5w~`~;lgl¥ °      ’   2  • ~`   f  amine cross-bred
·y~ A, ri          A  AA Ar     , A A A ,1,   r_Ak r _r rr -
  s __,re . r. A A _ _     gk   enc en or ea 1
  · ·-»·‘V Pl  __     · l _‘    *-“`cV x Lr pattern_
  V   ,,_,;     A   pens each of \Vhite Plymouth Rocks, New Hamp-
  ¤'rf V_,  shires, Rhode Island Reds, and Silver Cornish are
_     VA  being used for Hook replacement and teaching pur-
_ g     /—  V·=‘    .=__‘',‘A,’_   poses. Twenty-four pens provide eggs for special
J M€m`[yP€.bu`d be-  ~·     Tc      incubation projects. The remaining pens in the
ing examined by ~~_ ‘   . _ _
. Srrrfr M cmb cr ?   I A   .r~W_ _ breeder house are used for male birds that might be
Tljomas H_ John.   -g~»   _A   ' A   needed in other pens. Storage space is also available
4 son for breast   _A n     A_  i '```li   for feed and equipment. _
l width and °l°l°fh’     ,,,,_   A   Next is an aluminum house, the Hrst house to he
zgsgistlrgycglrii   `‘‘-V   _  ’ .=,-“   built on the farm. This is   cage house having  
A A marker birds are  "   A  3 ~     capacity of 480 egg-type laying hens used in experi-
·A judged   _ {Ag 3  Z-.3**   ments on feeding different levels of protein, fat and
-* i .. Hber.
i_§yj—   ALA;    ...._     A:  __;   A; The last of the three houses is the `ilrlonnosote"
_ V Ar " : .)A     .-._r   Q   ‘°’‘‘°‘ ·*   rr, house. It housAes approximately 400 birds being used
  r    AAA                     for reproduction anld mrtnagemetrt ;tutl1es.lll#Iomo-
 . ..._             f L   *   ‘      55 sote is a connnercia ma eria mate rom ot news-
·    rs  ./ e rr     _‘-’ 1   — papers, cardboard, etc., pressed hydraulically into
I     ’        l _ Vf.‘‘. l thick, heavy sheets. The material has unusual strength
§   A        rr    Ar A_   and lasting power. Some shelters on the old poultry
Ar   V         V f;_`{]']]]Ah}_1(l coverings of Homosote that had been lll
   F,   rl i‘  I _,:- A_     ‘‘A it    us; foir Ifirytrars. H r r I t
H y  I  _   . __V.   · `outi o tie " r omoso e’ iouse are wo new ex-
,   . 'TI`'. A llllfi l     peritnental houses under construction. These con-
,_       A__V     A   sist of pole-frame construction with heavy plastic
        ·._r A A   i   A   being used for the roof and sides of one, and metal
A    Wh,     A roofing and plastic siding on the other. 'Ihesc will
· Department Head \V. M. Insko, ]r., checks egg shell quality be Usul for l`“*“`lllg houses uml llollslllg lll*llml—iC‘
J in the caged layer house. Cans above the cages contain feed ment studies.
· . for the groups of pullets being studied. (C(m({m;g([ mr. Page 6)

 New Poultry Research Farm be mixed with various supplements to provide the i
icimtinned from Page';) rations for all birds on the farm. "
 ,_    sew., .. _   . e ~  The equipment storage area is designed to store -,,4
    l''l V ilvvlzl       H     i ..___,__   li equipment that is seasonal in its USG. It &`llSO PTO- ‘ i
    E,   __VvV A.     _ ’ V _ "   :'V_ ‘ - vides a place where repairs can be made.
·  ·r·;     ~   ,.V./ I.  V··· { .·.-. ·.=: The old poultry farm, near the University campus .
    is - .,,,d:r,:rrV., i gr. . `i.& i rr.   V.,».   ,...,.;,.V; l   i   _   l and consisting of 18‘acres, did not provide enough s
   ri,   'Z     ‘   "‘·_   ·~  ·· land for both buildings and range management A
  p·*‘p   T       ,   i   studies. The new farm allows greater use of range
4 .     -·»‘_           i    _    ,i` 1 area and will permit the comparison of range rearing _
      ,,V.,-V,     Q i     V zi versus confinement rearing. Range areas will be larger
      tg   A   i t  » is l [   and birds will not be crowded in the range shelters
ii   ‘  ;   Q 4,g_ X,   it ` l  —·`·__ since {here will be 1`OO1Tl for more shelters than Q
·‘   A T #— . I, ,   '   , I i V.i;_o,   , _V  i  Ollllel Y·
nl ,r4·' l V i‘ *    ·‘ l   .             This research unit has been needed by the poultry _ ii
         · ··-r= ·   V .     industry of Kentucky for a long time. The Poultry A ·-I
· -  l.~.i~   ,2;    _ A   ll Science Department feels that it provides oppor-
i , l Z l°"*=‘l  ll ~, #··§‘1=·i l.,.,   ’··· , V *   tunity to carry out much-needed research that the i--
Notc the overhead plastic insulation and provision for ven- (l€Plll`llllOlll has l)€€ll llllablé to (lO lll the Past Owlllg
tilation in the "Homosotc" house. The ventilating system, to space limitations. ll ,,.
·'¤~*¤¤¤·l Pr ·'·¤ A¤*l¢··l·· ·*‘=· ' ¤¤g*·*<=€*l¤s ”a~=·¤m¤¤[ he circs iiei-gamer mia incubation aiaiiiia Wai aiu e
l’""'°‘l hlghly sullccsslull be maintained in the Dairy Products Building on the {
At the ieixl mixing eenien grinding end mixing main campus. Also various nutritional and metabolic
equipment is available that will permit the iiiixiiig Studies will be conducted in the small animal lab-
of experimental rations used in nutritional studies Ol`alOl`Y *llSO Oll llle lllillll CillllPllS· `
conducted on the farm. Soon to be constructed will Further expansion of the research and teaching ' X
be large bulk storage bins that will permit the stor- facilities ofthe Poultry Science Department is planned "
age of larger quantities of grain. This grain is to and will be put into operation when feasible. .
Career Plans of Youths planning to enter college, with only about one-fifth 4
((TouIinae‘ ·¤~~lll<·s<· it they ¢<¤·ll>gr. 1959-ll Farm P¤l>Ul¢1fl0¤, Series CGHSUS AMS (1*27}.
iii   i·ii i tial   iriii i   ii.·   in aw tiaai sim     ii·;,_lAP“l gil “”*“>» B lll<*=ll· Ol Ce lslls 9 “’=*S‘ llll em
6 Knxrocxr Frxnsr AND Home SClENCl£———FALL 1960

 K t k R h R lt ’ B ° f
Y COPPER SULFATE IN RATION controls (no chemicals given) to 1.39 for the copper-
_ __ HELPS GAINS OF DRY—LOT PIGS sulfate ration. Feed efficiency ran from 276 pounds
W Copper sulfate, a standby material used by Ken- (tne eePPe1` Snlfnte EYOUP) per 100 Pennds gain to
1 1110111, {111.111615 101 1110111, 11111110565’ 11,115 1,611, 61166111,6 308 pounds; the latter was the ration where Terra-
  in a ration given to Hampshire weanling pigs in a ‘nYeln alene was nSed·
_ U_ K_ A01.10111111101E11116111116111 $11111011 1116111151 561-15011 All the treatments increased daily gains somewhat.
_- Charles Barnhart, swine researcher, said test pigs
. . . TOBA PL
,11 on a ration COHt9.1l]1I]g 2 pounds of copper sulfate UNDEiCgONS§_E;;I¥I€':RvESTER
_ per ton of feed had the highest average daily gains
(1.39 1101111115) 111111 1,1,61.6 1116 111051 6p11016111 115615 01 Research work to develop a machine that plants ’
1 _ 166117 1.6111111.11111 01111, 276 1101111115 01 16611 to 1110111106 pelleted tobacco seed and one which harvests to-
. · 1 _ · ‘ baceo—both votential labor—and-costs savers— vroceeds
100 pount s o ne WC1g it gain. 1
ep 111611 01 1116 1651 1,1,115 to 0116011 1156111111655 01 061111111 steadily at the U. K. Ag1'1CUltlll'2ll Experiment Station.
01 material such as nitrofurans (which apparently con- A Pnet lnnelnne to Plant the Pelleted Seeds hte?
· 11.01 500111.517 11111111101105 111111 1116 00111161. 511111116 115 been used for the second year in experimental plant-
· _ · . , · in YS here, and a iilot model of a harvestin Y machine
r disease pieventatives. 1 B
. _ Barnhart said another ration treatment that had nes been nnne The S*WlnS$_ te tebaeee f¥U'me1`S it
1- good results contained Terramycin and Oleandomycin tne two nnlelnnes can be Pefieeteil are S1Z¤bl€·
(110111 11111111101105)_ 11 11111110611 11 1111111, 011111 01 ]__29 Tobacco planting 1S done by the lkll)OI`~COI1Slll]]ll1g
000111157 111111 1.00011011 01111, 281 1101111115 01 16611 101. plant-bed system. The experimental system would
each 10() pounds of gain. One of the nitrofurans nnew Plennng (lneetly Inte the Held by Use of Pel-
5 (NF-67) had 1.37 pounds daily gain and a feed leted $ee€lS- E. Nl. Sliiltll, agucultural engineer m
_ 0111010110y 110111.0 01 292 1101111115_ charge of the two projects, estimates that enough
1 ’ A1/01,000 1111111, 00111 1.1111 110111 1113 1101111115 101. 1116 seed to plant an acre can be pelleted for about 50
_, 4 1 1 H   1 _   or 60 cents cost. The tiny seed are commercially
- ·       ·‘-»—·“` ‘ ``‘_*?     i``````i C " covered with a thin coating of clay and are about ·
  ¢       W1 _ the size of a common BB shot.
5: 1   -=·· I   ng 1 `_   - · -
_ .,4   11 -  _.1¥r’·*1 ¤_  1 1 , ·‘ The harvesting machine also would save larmers ·
" rrr   ‘‘‘‘‘ . 1.    -  V   . .
1 * * %    ,  1_lt1;;—j1_¤     rg .1 _,__ hundreds of dollars. Present harvesting is by hand-
·— 1      if i · .1   ‘·‘· £`~?=—». .. ‘ i - · - .
" an              _ cutting. The experimental maclnne would do this
¢’“f"°i`4."z 2     -   , "’*¤’:~`e"Z_"*`°.. *»¤ . ;".  ""z“""‘  ‘ . · . . — .
    3 _ '¢·t · 6     ?'····i   . mechanically about six times as tast and require only
  =     .~. W.  t 1    Q   ··-' ·‘ - ·.`· · “ ``’·   · Y - '
  »-··- ,     . ·.?:~...,,.; .·... _‘·-».;; one man for oneration.
=..     ea;. re       $—·~_‘*= ·—¤.~:··¤.. , _ I
      “° ;·   af?          ,.   Smith is the first to admit that the problems in the
  * »·1e" ’ `   .   ‘*"“` »y‘<   .*7, A     `L _.L   =’* gc; A   . - a . ~~
1     . fj  ee  ,  —~2.·-;1·· j=,_~~ 1-_,= two projects are blg. In 1959 the row prohle was
  ·       4 1   ‘ ” " o ‘’t·-r $1:5..     ‘i E .
_ . , #?"       jf\`   ,· were covered by silt. VVeed control also was a problem,
»      ef.? .3/~;   ··-= » ·....» V =»·   1 i‘’‘    * 1 11 · · 1 ] - 1 ‘ ·
       ;- ·· J  ,;,.. .....1 Tie pe ets were plantet tnougi a light plastie
  at      rr   ie ...~   mulch in which emertence holes for the nlants had
.     _1__   ,.  ..., ·\ <:. r1a1~_>’/. J V, fifjx -1  1 in I
0  .‘*;L;;`F‘·   ° pi", /   _;~,g€¤?  been punched by hand. But last vear and this year
-· »-=~·   .4**   M       1. .   ‘ . · .
_ yr ‘ ...;    ze  -·        ~   e.· weeds also found the emergence holes useful and m
` A mechanical tobacco harvester is being developed by U.K. IUHUY CHSCS (!i`0\V(l€(l out the t0l)2i(3CU· Tlw l)l&lCl<
~ agricultural engineers. Three of its four main components plastic mulch is, however, a good conserver of
' 1 huve been d¤S¤s¤¤d wd lnnn innl ne n‘“f’ ¤¤<*¤¤‘s<·¤¤s moisture, an anti-erosion device and is hard on weeds
laboratory tests. The completed machine will cut. spear, um11_1_ thc 1_WCl_ 110011
- and place the stalks evenly spaced on a stick and convey it T}! 1 ( *1   i ` 1 ’ I _
to a wagon without being touched by workers. This picture le mlvebter le *1 more Unnl) ex lnne nm/· It must
ve shows Researcher \Varren Smith checki