xt70rx938c0q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx938c0q/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1948-09-24  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, September 24, 1948 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 24, 1948 1948 1948-09-24 2013 true xt70rx938c0q section xt70rx938c0q The Kentucky Kernel

Let's All Go
ToSuKy Rally
Tonight At 7

Football Weather!
Sunny And Cool;
High Of 75





SUB To Be Host

For College Night
Cdrnival To Begin
Evenings Festivities
College Night, sponsored jointly
by the YMCA. YWCA. Student Un- ion Board, and Student Governent
Association, will be held tonight
in the Student Union Building.
.Festivities will get underway immediately after the Suky pep rall
7 pm.
First on the program will be t
carnival in the gre3t hall and mezzanine of the Student Union Building. Virginia Henry and Kennetl
Wood, representing the YWCA sr.c
YMCA, are overall chairmen. Fit
tickets to the various booths
be handed out to students at the


Booths and their managers
show. Dorothy Doyle end
Billy Brown; fortune telling. Carlos Scott and Frances Farmer
cookie walk. Nancy Potts and Ralpt
McCracken; bingo, Lee Miles anc
Louise Rhoads; movies. Gene
and Dorritt White; silhouetU
cuts. John Cashman and Mary Sue
McWhirter; bean guessing. Landor

Certs To


Says Darbishire

Studio To Begin
Kyian Pictures
Monday Morning



Scene in the bookstore during the recent confusion. Not visible is Gladys Overschmaltz, freshman heroine
of the accompanying feature, who is being trampled underfoot in the left foreground.

Registration Labyrinth Baffles
Freshman Gladys Overschmaltz
By Stanley J. SchiU
Feature Editor
The other day while idly sauntering down the shaded walks in front
of Patt Hall, we happened upon a
young innocent miss who looked as
though all the troubles of the
United Nations had fallen upon her
Being the kind nature (and she
wasn't a bad looking filly, either),
we asked her what her troubles

"Well come along," we told her,
we can do to
And so, retiring to a local brew
emporium not far from Stoll Field,
we attempted to steer the little gal
alcuj the rigM rhi-p- ls
linn'ninir what t.hew mil In cross- wnrri nuzzles
"malt beveraee"' of
Her name, we learned, was Gladys
bverschmaitz. and she came from
Wedonwanner, Ky. which Is situated on the Yucanaver River. That's

"and we'll see what

UK junior, recently won over $5,000 worth
of prizes when he was awarded the
national championship in Sammy
Kaye's "So You Want To Lead A
Band" contest in New York.
Luigart won the local contest at
Joyland in March. Kaye later selected him as the representative of the
South in the national contest.

Luigart defeated three other candidates from the North, East, and
West on the "Chesterfield Supper

Club" nation-wid- e
radio program.
Among many other prizes, Luigart
won a television set, a honeymoon
trip to an upstate New York resort
hotel, complete sterling silver set,
and $1,000 in cash.
When asked by Sammy Kaye what
he would do with the cash, the
student said he intended to
buy a ring for his girl, Betty.
Luigart led the band at Joyland
Friday night during Skitch Henderson's engagement.
pre-dent- al

By Wynn Moseley
Bop! Re, De, and Ee! The hottest
thing to hit the ancient, honored
villa of Lexington is here and exploding nightly. "Zebraites" claim
they are better than "smoos."
Three very hep fiends and "The
Angel" (girl vocalist) are giving
with musict?) and words never heard
before In this area. These "hot cats"
make every number they play into a
A word to all you freshmerr: stay
away from these mellow men. They'll
get you "in the stream" and you'll
really be "knocked out."
These "Bop People" are stuck with
the monicker of "The Three Satans
and The Aneel." The fellow who
wraps his mouth around the microphone more than anyone else is
Johnny Raymon of Brooklyn, N. Y.
He puffs a torrid trumpet! Jackie
"The Angel" Ramon is the "Canary"
with a creamy velvet voice. She is
Johnny's "everything."



The character of the outfit, and
the one that the anthropology department is looking for, is Dave
Gardner of Jackson, Tenn. (Not
Jackson ten ) When he pounds the
jskins (drums), the temperature be-- !
Prof. Robert Haun of the College comes overwhelmingly hot. When
of Commerce was elected president lured into conversation, Dave's voof the Faculty Club at a meeting cabulary consisted of "very nice,
on Wednesday. Prof. W. L. Mathews very nice, solid!, and it leaves me
Jr. of the College of Law was chos- cool." In the midst of a session,
stomping the skins, hair flying
Miss Vera Briscoe of the Bureau around the room, Gardner's eyes
of Business Research and Mr. Frank will extend on their hinges and he
Peterson, Comptroller, were elected says, "Blues In The Night Confess!"
secretary and treasurer respectively. J Johnny Ramon said the outfit

Faculty Elects Haun
As Club President



somewhere in the L'il Abner country, we were told.
She was a freshman, she explained
a very bewildered freshman.
"Well, what do you think of UK?"
we asked her. always ready to put
in a plug for the ol' alma mammy.
"Censored," she replied.
We were horrified.
"Why, what's wrong with it?" we
asked innocently.
"A long time ago," she related, "a
high school English teacher told me
that in polite company the word
confused' covered a lot of territory.
So, I'd call this jemt (she has a
cousin who comes from Brooklyn)

we were embarrassed. We
know; our buddies surely didn't know; the people who filled them
out don't know; we have a suspicion
the deans don't know; and there's
an outside chance the President
dcesn't know. So, how do you ans
wer a question like that?
"Score one for your side," we
dodged. "What else is bothering
you?" (As if that isn't enough!)
."This thing they call 'freshman
orientation' if that's orientation.
Webster had better buy himself a
"You've got a point there, now
that we look back on it. Anything
TT '
In else on your mind?"
two Saturday classes
"E-exactly that sen,"
and three eight o'clock classes." She
actly what do ycu mean?"
"Y'know .this business they call lifted a bandaged foot painfully.
' "And have yo seen the mob In the
registration and classification?"
were beginning to bookstore?"
ail we can say to that is
catch on."
"Well," sh quizzed, -- what are U
have another 'malt' and welcome
those blamed cards for?"
to the University of Kentucky."





Mu-ski- e

as members. Selection is based on
Interest shown, cooperation, and attendance at SuKy functions, Whaley
Cheerleader tryouts will be held
within two weeks. Eight regular and
W. C. Chestnut Jr.. 21 of Trenton,
four alternate cheerleaders will be
died Sept. S in a Veterans' Hospital
in Nashville after a long illness.
an arts and sciences
sophomore who entered the University in the fall of 1948, had to leave
school last December when he became ill.
He is survived by his wife, lone
Cheerleader tryouts will be held
Friday, October 1, in Alumni Oym Tutt Chestnut, a UK senior, his
at 6:30 pm. Sue Warren. SuKy parents, and a sister, Jean.
cheerleader tryout charman announced today. A bonfire and snake
dance pep rally will follow tryouts.
Any student is eligible to try out.
Interested students should report to
the gym at 8 pjn. Friday io nil out
application blanks. Miss Warren
Dr. Thcmas D. Clark, head of the
history department, returned Sat- Applicants
will be judged as urday from Europe after teaching
follows: voice, 15 points; technique, in Salzburg this summer.
coordination and timing, 30 points;
Dr. Clark's latest book. "Southern
poise, 15 points; personality, animaby
tion, appearance, 25 points; audience Country
Bobbs-MerrCompany, will be reresponse. 15 points.
The tryout can give any yell leased
he desires, but UK yells are prefer- -' f The Salzburg seminar lasted from
able. SuKy officers said. A public July 17 to August 31 and was spoil
address system will be available to sored by the Harvard Student Council.
Twelve cheerleaders will make up
About 100 European students,
this year's squad, with eight regular mostly instructors, attended from
cheerleaders supplemented by four 16 countries. Dr. Clark said. Courses
alternates. There will be an equal otffered were on history, government, sociology, economics, labor
number of men and women cheerrelations, and American literature.
Three outside judges win have one
After the seminar's close. Dr.
vote each, and three SuKy members ciark traveled through France and
will cast the fourth vote.
England, sailing from Southhamp
Charles Waley. SuKy president, ton.
will be in charge of the tryouts.
He is now editing "The Bluegrass
Reader," a collection of the best
writings on Kentucky. The book will
be one of a series of six "Town and
Casey Goman Russell. '47 grad- Country
Readers," dealing
apuate of the University, has been
variens sections of the country and
manager of the published by Farrer Straus Com- pointed business
Guignol Theatre for the fall of 1948. pany.
Mrs. Russell, former managing
orlirnr nf the fCernpl rpnlaceS MarV ' Dr. Clark has resumed his duties
Lyons, who has been connected with as department head and is teaching
two classes.
Guignol for the last three years.

Student Dies
After Illness



The UK Troupers will start workouts Monday, according to Joe T.
Wyatt, publicity director.
Anyone intrested in trying out for
the Troupers, Wyatt said, should see
Bernard Johnson at the Physical
Education office. The Troupers are
lcoking for anyone who can dance,
sing or do acrobatics.
The date for the tryouts will be
announced next week, Wyatt said.

Saturday Is Deadline

Thurmond May Speak
At UK In October

Kernel Staff Meets
At 2 PM Today

Gov. J. Strom Thurmond, Dixie-er- a
t candidate for president, may
address UK students soon if plans
of the newly formed campus States
Rights Party go through.
Either Gov. Thurmond, who will
witness the
game tomorrow night, or the vice
presidential candidate. Gov. Fielding Wright, will speak here in early
October, according to Harry V.
Rouse. Reuse, a University student,
is chairman of the States Rights
campaign in Kentucky colleges.
Gov. Thurmond opens his campaign in Kentucky tomorrow with
a speech i n Madisonvllle.
there he will fly to Lexington for
the football game.
The States Rights Party will hold
rallies and talks to get student support. Rouse said. The organization of the new campus group brings the number of student political organizations to three
Republican and Democratic groups
were formed last year after first
being rejected by faculty action.

There will be a meeting of the
Kernel staff at 2 p.m. today in the
newsroom, according to Ray Fulton, editor.
All staff members and all persons interested in joining the staff

UK-Xavi- er

must attend.

Bowman Hall To Hold
Open House Sunday

The first open house to be given
Tomorrow will be the last day on at the men's residence halls will
which any student may enter an or- be held at 3 p.m. Sunday at Bowganized class.
man Hall, the recently completed
dormitory for men.
The last day to withdraw from a
All new women on the campus
class without a grade is October 25.

would move next to "The Riverside
Ball Room" in Green Bay, Wise.
"One of the best in Wise. the
Brew Land."
Monkey Shines
It takes three minutes for the boys
to warm up on the stand, and no-oplays a note but the piano player.
Just prior to going on the air Tuesday night, Dave Gardner gave the
fans a kick by putting a cymbol on
his head, slanting his eyes, and
smoking a cigarette fully equipped
with a long holder. Gardner also
gives with a perfect imitation of
Murphy. This
Rose "Chee-Cherivet-hdrummer downs a super
elongated drink of liquid which he
calls "The Russian Rose." His comment, "it leaves me cool very nice."
Psychologists, humanists, sociologists, and anthropologists alike were
gathered around the bar to study
these interesting specimens of humanity, "very nice, very nice!"



'48 Kyians Available
A few more

1948 Kenluckians

are available on a

served basis for those who failed
to get a, copy.
A table where one may purchase the yearbook may be found
in the postoffice. Books also are
available at the Kernel business
first-com- e,

are invited.
Dr. and Mrs. A. D. Kirwan and
Dr. and Mrs. B. H. Wall will greet
the guests.
Presiding over the punch bowl
will be Nancy Shinnick and Ann

Registration Falls Short
Of Mark Set In 1947
Registration for the fall semester
has reached 7,284, according to fig ing. The men's barracks. Dean A.
ures released from the registrar's D. Kirwan reports, are all full.
He added that If all the people now
The previous record high, reached living In Cooperstown and
veterans housing projects
during the fall quarter last year
was 7,802.
However, University were to move out tomorrow, all the
authorities expect the enrollment homes could be filled just from the
to reach 7,500 this week, and might list of names on the waiting list.
Dean Kirwan
The University,
possibly hit the record mark when
all figures are in from special continued, has managed to find

The University's two
centers, the College of Pharmacy
in Louisville, and the Northern Extension Center in Covington report
enrollments of 225 and 152 respectively.
4,000 Veterans
A preliminary check of registration figures indicates an enrollment
of more than 4,000 veterans, about
500 of them new students, with
more than 2.000 freshman and
transfer students.
During the record year of 1947,
about 4.300 veterans were registered.
The existing record on the largest number of first-yestudents
stands a t 2,256 established last
No Housing Difficulties
Despite the almost-recor- d
resis tration, the Dean of Men s office re- ports no serious difficulties in nous- ar


rooms in town for all single men
who could not be put up in either
the dorms or the barracks.
The only difficulty so far. has
been finding apartments for families o.f students he said.
Dr. Maurice F. Seay, Registrar,
added there is no shortage of rooms
for single men in town, and there
has been some response to the University's plea for rooms and apartments for veterans and their famine.
I'niversity Well Prepaired
Dr. Seay pointed out that the
University is now better prepared
tham ever before to handle a large
student enrollment. The teaching
staff has been increased and the
construction of temporay buildings
has made more classrooms and
laboratory space available,
course offering will be the largest
ever given here.




To Be Selected

240-pou- nd

All-Oh- io

Dr.T. D.Clark RetumS


Eastern last. week: and .Jim March. .






Mav Start
Ed KUihka.

little more elusive. He is 5 10'.
178 pounds and formerly played with
Cincinnati Elder Hi.
Lefty Charles Keefe kicks all of
Xavier's points - after - touchdown
While End Frank Glade, a sophomore, usually kicks off for the Mus-kle- s.

I K Starters I'ncertaia
The definite starting lineup for
the Kentucky eleven won't be known
time. Should the
until kick-o- ff
Wildcats receive to start the gani
the following men will probably Uk9
(Continued on Page Six)


Formal Rush To End

With Pledges Monday


Tou Name It' Contest Opens
Today For Recreation Center
In a search for a name for thef
newly acquired UK recreation cen- ness and grammatical
will be
ter, formerlv the Colonial Bowling judges. factors considered by the
Lanes, the University today opened
If duDlicate names are entered.
a name contest for students.
entry givlna the best reason for
A five dollar prize will be awarded the
awarded the
for the winning name. Comptroller its selection will be
Frank D. Peterson announced. The
All entries should be addressed to
contest, open to all students, closes
the Kernel office, where they will
Oct. 9.
be turned over to the Comptroller,
New Student 'Hangout'
Judges selected for the contest
Mr. Peterson stressed the importare Dr. Leo M. 'Chamberlain vice
ance of the new center as a stu- president: Mr. Peterson, and Helen
dent, gathering place second only Deiss. news editor of the Kernel.
to the Student Union Building.
Hours for bowling In the center
"I am anxious to make the stu- depend on the demands of the
dents realize this is their 'hang- physical education department.
out'," Mr. Peterson said. "It sup- When no classes are scheduled it
plements the facilities of the Stu- will be open from 9 a.m. until 5
dent Union."
p.m. daily, and every evening from
Located at 187 Euclid Avenue, a p.m. until ll p.m.
across from the practice football
For students there' will
field, the center features a
of 20 cents a frame. For.the general
bar and 12 lanes for bowlpublic prevailing prices in the' oilier
ing. During Intramural meets it downtown lanes will be-ieSfici.'
will accommodate 60 players at
Dan Jones, formerly connecled
the Dormitory Grill, will be
The former Colonial Lanes, known manager of the center's grill.
to students as the "Bowl," was reJoe Brooks, a new member of the
modeled and redecorated at a cost physical education faculty, will be
of $8,000.
in charge of bowling and reserva- Suggests Names
tions for leagues.
Suggested by the comptroller as
"Bowling is one of the best
names for the new center were such sources for physical development
names as "Wildcat Hall," "Universtudent can
that the
sity Lanes," "Wildcat AUey." "Wild- participate in, and I cannot possibly urge enough that all students
cat Lanes," and the like.
These names or any other names will avail themselves of the oppor-mu- st
be accompanied by an appro- - tiinity which the University is offer-pna- te
ay," Peterson
reason for the selection, ing them in tins
written in 100 words or less. Neat- - said.
be'a-eliar&- e




non-athlet- ic

Purcell High,
Davis Ami
Xi cagey

started a pair of speedy aophoalore
halfbacks against t.h e Maroons
namely Left Half Bill Davis and
Right Half Charley SquerL Boct
played well for their first appearance in varsity competition. Davis.
190 pounds, to a very hard runnar
and usually plays a'ty. when
Xavier is on the defense. He is 19
years old and hails from Steuben-vil- le
( Ohio i
Central High.
Squeri is faster than Davis and a

Grad Gets Position


player. McQuade is a Junior, is 5 11".
180 pounds, and comes from Colum- bus. Ohio. Last season. McQuade
threw nine touchdown passes.
The No. 3 man on the Ohio team
is Fullback Bob Conway, a 6 3'.
hustler who can move
fast. He is X's best ball carrier and
also excels in punting. Twenty-ChestnConway has been bothered
quite a while with a trick leg which
might suddenly force him from the
game. He is a senior and played for
St. Xavier High of Cincinnati and
Holy Cross College before moving
to Xavier U. He and McQuade
serve as
of the team.
Other Xavier men to watch are
Rar Stackhouse. a
tackle who made
last year:
Jim Liber, a 58,"
200-pou- nd


Troupers Scheduled
To Begin Workouts

Three Safaris And A Hep Angel
UK Student Wins
Kayc Band Award Hit Lexington With A Bop! Eel
Fred Luigart,



Garrett and Jo Daugherty; pop


By Tom DUkin
I'JkS foibaIl

will net uiulcrway toThe
morrow night for the kcniutky W'ihkau tvhen Xavier University
A pep rally at 7 p.m. tonight on of Giiuinnali invades Stoll Fielil. Game time is 8 oYlotk.
the Intramural Field will launch
The Musketeers from Buckeyeland
SuKy activities for this year.
opened their campaign last SaturA huge bonfire will be burned, and
day night in Cincinnati by whipping
last year's cheerleaders will lead i
a mediocre Eastern Kentucky elevyells, SuKy president Charles
en. 31-This was Xavier s largest
Wha-le- y
Whaley will
margin of victory in four seasons.
introduce University athletic officHad it not been for several bad
ials, including Coach "Bear" Bryant.
plays and costly fumbles by Eastern,
Frank Maturo is chairman of the
the final result of the game would
pep rally committee.
have been much closer.
A parade was not scheduled for
Eleventh Meeting
the downtown area Whaley said, beSaturday night's skirmish will be
cause It would Interfere with the
the eleventh meeting of the UK-Xtraditional "College NighP program.
series. The Lexington Lynxes have
pep rally on the field has been
won nine of the games; Xavier only
coordinated into that program.
one. that being in 1938.
Pictures of the team may be purFor Kentucky, Quarterback George
chased today in the SUB ticket
Blanda will be on the firing line.
booth from SuKy Circle members.
Sophomore Carl Oenito is also ex- Whaley announced that any stupected to do some aerial tossing
dent interested in trying out for
by Coach Bryant's lads.
active membership in SuKy Circle
Blond Bob McQuade,
is invited to a meeting in the SUB
quarterback, will handle most of
Monday at 5 p.m.
the passing for the visitors. He is
Tryouts serve for one season and
considered by UK coaches as an
new members will be announced at
"excellent passer" and most of tne-the May Day Dance, sponsored by
Queen City's chances for any pos
SuKy, next spring. Because SuKy
sible upset center around him. Un- membership is limited to 50, only
doubtedly. he is X i most valuable
part of those who tryout are chosen
lung-awaiti-- d


In European Aid,


Expected To Have Aerial. Duel


Funds Well Used

Shelby W. Darbishire, University
representative to the International
Student Service conferences In Europe this summer, returned List
A floor show, sponsored by the Sunday with the impression
Student Union Beard, mill begin WSSF funds contributed by Amert 9 p.m. The master of ceremonies ican students had been "on the
will be Doug Osborn.
whole well used".
Features of the show are a hula
dance by Betty Andes; blackface complete he was not able to mak a
inspection of the use of
act by Kenny Wood; monologue by all the relief
funds he said peop'e
Priscilla Hancher; specialty sing- over
ing by Pat Knight and Bob Young: the there who had contribute) to
fund were apparently well satisand the Hoskins Sisters.
Eleanor Gash and Martha Ann
Darbishire's trip consisted aof a
will sing and dance as one
bicycle tour through Engof the acts.
land, conferences with students of
To end the evening the SGA will
hold a dance in the ballrocm of the other countries at Combloux in the
Stundent Union. Bob Bleidt and French Alps, and a study tour of
his Blue and White Orchestra will Italian universities.
While England actually looks more
furnish the music.
drab during the present stage of
Admission is free to all events.
recovery than other countries ne
explained the situation is reali."
healthier there because everyone is
working and taking "austerity"
Darbishire's trip consisted of a
that there is serious unemployment
in Italy, and that graduating University students
Pictures for the 1949 Kentuckian, living becausefind it mass to make a
of people
will be taken beginning Monday ac- cinrot afford to pay for rhPi'
coining to Chailes Whiiiey, eduur.
As an example,
The final day for signing up for though there Is an extreme he said.
l' pictures will be Oct. 2, Whaley said, of medical care, many doctors can- but stressed the fact that everyone not make a living from their fees.
should' sign up as soon as possible
Darbishire will fill speaking endue to the inevitable last minute
gagements for service clubs and
All Juniors and seniors, as well other organizations during the next
few months. He emphasized that
members of all campus
must sign up for appointments while he does not consider himself
-- Y" lounge
of the Student an expert on Europe yet, he is avail- which
Union building. The lounge will be ame to any organization
closed during the noon hour every would like to hear about his experiences and observations.
day during the registration period,
Whaley said, and no students will
be able to sign up at that time.
The pictures will be taken by the
Applications Ready
Chidnoff Studios of New York until
For Med School Test
Oct. 16. This is the tame company
that took pictures for the yearbook
last year.
student plan
Pictures are beginning early this ning to enter a medical school in
year in an effort to get the book 1949 must call for an application
blank for admission tests at Room
published by May.
302, Funkhouser
Whaley also requested that all orBiological Sciences Building.
ganizations who have not yet picked up their pictures from the 1948
Dr. R. S. Allen, head of the deKentuckian do so immediately in partment of" anatomy and physiof ology, announced that all applicathe office in the
McVey Hall. Any that have not been tions must he mailprl in time in
by Oct. 1 will be destroyed.
be received by the board on Oct.
This year's staff includes besides io.
Whaley, Nancy Bird, business manAdmission tests will be given on
ager, Charles Patrick, managing edi-- f
Oct. 30, Dr. Allen said.
tor, Lois Ann Flege, assistant editor, Kent Hollingsworth, sports editor, and Stanley Schill, Karl Christ,
Sue Warren, and Monte Ft. Tussey,
associate editors.

Quarterbacks Blanda And McQuadc

SuKy Plans Rally
Tonight At Seven
On IM Field

Parking permits are being Issued
only to students who are physically handicapped or. to commuters.
Dean A. B. Kirwan said.
Permits to the physical handicapped are issued as soon as they
come to the Dean of Men's office.
Commuters may sign for permits
starting Thursday and all will be
issued by the first of next week.
Unless a student has
he can not bring his car on the
campus. Dean Kirwan said. Parking fines will still be enforced.
All together there will be about
30 parking permits issued.

Vio-Jett- e.


Open Season
Saturday With Xavier


Parking Permits Ready

corn. Bob Weaver and Margaret
Steele; and balloons, Juanita




Formal rush week for the tea
Greek sororities on campus will end
with pledging services Monday night.
Dr. Jane Haselden, Panheflenic adviser and assistant dean of women,
has announced that 335 women signed lush cards.
Parties will be held tonight br
Alpha Gamma Delta. Alpha Xi Delta, Delta Delta Delta, and Delta
Zeta. and Kappa Alpha Theta. Sat
urday afternoon parties have been
scheduled by Panhellenlc Counc J
for Alpha Delta PI, Chi Omega.
pa Delta. Kappa Kappa Gamma, and
zeta Tau Alpha.
Rushees may accept three invita- -i
tions each day. Sunday night is pref-- I
erence night, and aushees again may
visit three sororities.
Rushees who wish to plrdac
must l to rooaas 23 and JIM in
the Student I'nioa Building Monday morning between 7:4 and
11:0 a.m. to sign preference cards
Dr. Haselden said. Sororities
first, second, and third choice are
to be indicated, and the caada will


an impartial

pcr- -

' Rushees are to

be at Memorial
Hail Monday night at 7:M In
whirr, ready to be pled;eL
.' pu.h
activities began with
eral teas held on Thursday, FridaT,
Saturday, and Sunday afternoon v.
Parties were also held Tuesday and
Thursday nights this week,
Tau Alpha Pi. a local sorority for
girls of the Hebrew faith, held
tea Sunday afternoon,
Dr. Haselden urged rushees to read
again the section on rushing in the
K" Book, where complete instruc
tions on rushing procedures are
The Panhellanic constitution and
sorority fees are also listed.
The maximum membership for a
local sorority is 65 members.




� Best uopy Avaiiaoie



Paoe Two


Friday, September 24, 1943



.lack McComus; Sue Allen to West
Pointer Bob Frantic Mary Falley
to Tommy Mattingly; Donna Wyg at
to J. V. Larkin; Katherine Wine- briner to Snake Simmons.
We all miss Barbara uoeii our.
her sister is carrying on for her in
high style.
irw uuh""""nu""g
Mason and Rodney Beck. Hasn't
,, v,

to Bill Simmons: Betty
to Joe Turner (U. of L.)
'Mary Frances Futrell to Jimmy
Ford; Margaret Larkin to Harry
Hinton; Bobby Bidwell to Howard
All rivnr4 articles un4 column ore to b
opinions of the
By Rubve Graham
Claude Berry; Shirley Stivers and Logan (Sewanee transfer); Peggy
rriarea- - the do not necesianlt writert Ray Fulton
News Editor
reJfct Helen DeiSS
thrmirtvrt. ont
hark tn th drill thi. Mark Marrard: Man Jane farter I'urvear to Stu Mahiirin: Libby
tur opinio ol The Kernel.
Tom Diskin
'!or Tavern. Patt Hall, and, last but not and George Sparrow; Betty Lloyd Conley to Do Saylor; Gene Cecil
Stanley Schill
Feature Editor least, the classrooms at the Unlver Martin and Tommy woire; Kathy to Aaeie tmar; netty
Allen Terhune .... Business Manager . .,. r,r
'"iirauij. """"""J vonr Tram and Keith Alhrifrhi IT: Kanriv Hubrryor ., a eal from New York
uienn or a
prootreaaer h rn nrohnhlw a reariv taken uiwrv sexton, - ana iimm. nutts. iipien i
Rusty Russell
M.therr- -- nd
hut if nnthinn tn
larnne me miner ann lariivn
Kntrrpd at th Post Offlc at Lfxlnrton.
certainly are
last year's
MnuiniD roa hxiokil aovarTiaiM mr about. The crop ofcompetition coeds Oimstead and Bill Overholtz; Betty Bowerfrom the Delts. getting a big
Kentucky, as second class mailer under
is having tcugh
with Hill and William Cornett;
ll.c Art of March 1, IB79.
Buck a n d Charles Hesser; Mary
the Patt Hall crop of convertible
stuarl Hallowe ougnt to proud
CaUwa 'asauiara UtnttnletiM
nd Joe M.ller ; Barbara of little sister Catherine.
To those who aspire to be in cam- - Kinanl
Naw Yon a. N. Y.
4SO HMnsM Ave.
intareollnrlate Press Association
"d Charles Ransler.
pus society: If you can't get a date Lul
New chicks on the campus, take
aasiae - tsa aaaaisa
Lcsinton Board of Commerce
More weddings: Jimmy Lee and cover: men aren't scarce! One gal
.now. it might as well be never, what
Kentucky Press
Henry Foushee; Wanda Batson and on campus has been pinned and
National Editorial AssociHllon
with all the parties being thrown
t .50 One Quarter 11 50 One Year
and I do mean thrown. I felt like Edwin Scott; Weston Jayne and a unpinned twice, engaged and unen- all in one summer
something hit me in the face this Phi Delt in Florida; Carmaine gaged twice
Bruce and John Hail; Mary Horn- - to four different boys. We wonder
nd Lows
Lou if the other three know
no edi- Jan Kehm. local sweetheart of br
Sigma Chi and especially John Allen VVUherspoon and Buddy Tooled Sue torial comment!
was honored this summer as one Fry" and Bubba Sutherland; Mary
Juhn McCoy (tne real stuff)
of six finalists in the natior.Ul ?"J0"' and f.1.., ?,yes;. M"y Kay loud
these nice fall days.
LaMasters and Bill Hornback; Jean
Mary A(ice Mayer (new haircut)
Returning sukIciiis will lo jilcnsfil. wc utto, villi Tlir Kn iK I's sweetheart the shindig.She went to Stewart a n d Jimmy Cox; Joanna has been going steady wiln Joe
Seattle for
"new lKk." A nioio dkmIciii
if lie;i(lliiH' is
used wliit li
Mike Mills is now being featured Y
at sandwich counters between two Jan Len Weolridge and Porter Engagements: Norma Green to
inijxoves llie aM ;iiaiic and i ;id,iliilil y of our iicws;ikt.
tomatoes. Hope he knows when the
everyone knows lli:il a newsiiaiier cannol lie a hxk1 one il onlv il crcn eets riDe!
Another Yessln to keep 'em gues- time a female named
Wedding bells:: Marcla Cloy d and
mii fare has lieen IDolislutl
Mini Itolonnniuri ITn.lanJ on4 Hinda.
Tm not quite sure under what
I lie Kernel lias lost I
(they wear more lw- Pin
n i graduation, manv o its most Max Rhodes; Nancy . Taylor and
j elry Points:less lipstick): Jamie headine the enrlnsecl attemnt "
c n...
iaalile leaders. Our Mall is now comparatively "green," and a
poetry should be ;Kmi((, Perhaps
i snoum say u is an appreciation,
gieal effort will lie rtquiicd of us in order to maintain llie sland-aidfor the fine, friendly way everyone
edilois and stalls. We iniend lo ul lorih that
vl by
has treated me since I came to
effort, jilus a little extra "oomph," to attempt to hiing "the slate's
Anyway if you feel it has sufficient
wild-eyelargest weekly" ioan exen higher osiiion. We want our pajHr
To (hose oor,
individuals who have leen ineathed tneTit- - 1 would be pleased to hav