xt70rx938b9f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx938b9f/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1952-11-07  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, November  7, 1952 text The Kentucky Kernel, November  7, 1952 1952 1952-11-07 2013 true xt70rx938b9f section xt70rx938b9f The Kentucky Kes NEL


Alumni Association Prexy
Blasts NCAA, SEC Officials
Folio wing UK Pro ba Hon
Team Will Be Barred
From Season's Play
The national president of the UK Alumni Association delivered
a scorcl)in indictment of National Collepate Athletic Association
and Southeastern Conference officials earlier this week after UK's
basketball team was put on probation by the NCAA for the 1952-5- 3
The NCAA action wiped out a player to attend that particular
21 came schedule the Wildcats had school. It is all right for the coach
arranged after the executive com- - of a rival institution whose





of the SEC recently ruled the
University ineligible for conference
competition this season.
The alumni president, William H.
Townsend. a Lexington attorney, asserted:
"The harsh and unprecedented ac- tion of the NCAA does not surprise
the Alumni. Since the SEC's recent
attack of virtue, the Alumni have
become inured to the bare-face- d
vagaries and hypocrisies of
Athletic Conferences and

tentative also sits In judgment on
to outbid the other
coach by making the same offer,
plus a full scholarship for the
young brie. and a comfortable apartnent for them to live in.
It is all wrong, however, for a Cht- capo friend of Kentucky
its knowledge to buy clothing for
an athlete to wear to Kentucky, even
down to a hat or necktie!
"4. It is all right for another
school that also belongs to the SEC
whose representative
and NCAA
"One can hardly believe, and yet sits in judgment on Kentucky
it is true, that the charges on which offer an athlete $5,000, after
has been found guilty, other member of the SEC and NCAA
few as they are. all occurred as far has offered him $3,000, but it is all
and that nobody wrong for a Kentucky athlete
back as
claims that Kentucky has violated even though he be an
any rule of the SEC or NCAA since
to earn a few sweaty dollars on a
Jan. 1. 1951. It is even harder to pick and shovel job at $1 per hour!
believe, and yet it is true, that the This makes him ineligible and an
rulings of the saintly SEC and outcast!
"5. It is all right for still another
NCAA are. In effect, as follows:
"1. They seriously damage, if they school that also belongs to the SEC
whose representative
do not actually destroy, the athletic and NCAA
careers of boys on Kentucky pres- - sits in judgment on Kentucky to
ent basketball team who are, as will buy its athletes, especially Its foot-nbe denied, wholly innocent of ball backs, at so much a head, but
the slightest wrongdoing and touch it is all wrong for a Kentucky ath-i- n
no way any player who violated lete to receive from sport enthus-an- y
Conference or Association rule iasts, in no way connected with the
University, small sums of money or
or regulation.
"2. It is all right for a football gifts ranging in value from $50 to
player to accept $250, or more, for $50 with the later amount a rare
playing in a bowl game which the exception.
SEC and the NCAA both know is in "It may be said by some that the
flagrant violation of their rules that guilt of others has nothing to do
they have winked at for years, but with Kentucky's guilt. I say it has
it is all wrong for a basketball play- - a great deal to do with it. If Ken-c- r
from Kentucky to accept $50 as tucky has violated any rules or
money after a bowl game! lations of the Conference or Associ-"It is all right for the coach of ation, she ought to be punished and
a college that not only is a mem- - no representative of Kentucky has
bcr of the SEC and NCAA but one ever at any time or place contended
whose representative actually sits in otherwise, but we do contend that
judgment on Kentucky to offer a such punishment ought to fit the
school athlete $7,500, plus a fense and no more.
We contend
full scholarship, for himself and his further, that no man or set of men
(Continued on Page 3)
sister, as an inducement to the






On Dating Rally,
To Be Held
"A Positive Approach to Dating"
is the theme of the dating conference to be held next Tuesday, Wed-- e

Game, Alumni Meetings
Highlight Homecoming Events

.My and Thur.-day- .
rrn" onvrram. which will bcin at
n.m. Tuesday, will open with two
skits illustrating an inside view of
the "cat" sessions in both fraternity
and sorority houses and in the
dormitories. After this introduction,
the results of a recent campus survey on dating and courtship procedures at UK will be presented.
Mrs. Ethel Nash, lecturer from the
University of North Carolina, will
be the guest speaker at 4 p.m. Wednesday. Mrs. Nash, who has spoken
on the subjects of dating, courtship
and marriage at many schools, will
discuss the question, "What are
some implications of the dating
complex at UK?" She will point out
the similarities and differences of
our problems to those of other universities.
A pamel, composed

'E' WW

Mock Game
Slated Tonite
In Coliseum









A mock football game and pep
rally at 7 o'clock toitiglit in Memorial Coliseum will begin UK
Homecoming festivities for the
Other highlights for Homecoming weekend include alumni
meetings and dance, sorority and
fraternity displays, and the
football game Saturday
More than 4.000 students and




of representa-

alumni are expected to see the cla.sh
tives of different campus organizaof the "glamour gridiron" tonight at
tions, will discuss the ouestion.
the pep rally in Memorial Coliseum.
"What can organizations do about
News Commentator
teams will be dressed
the dating problem?" at 4 p.m.
as football players. Girls will wear
helmts, jerseys, and blue jeans.
Ruth Ann Maggard, president of
Officiating for the game will be
Mortar Board, said, "We have workDean Sarah B. Holmes, line marker.
ed with Omicron Delta Kappa and
President Herman L. Donovan, down
Lamp and Cross and have tried to
marker. Coach Adolph Rupp and Dr.
work out some concrete ideas about
WORKOUT, members of the girls' football team appear in good shape as they
Lyle Croft, referees. Gov. Lawrence
this problem. We need ideas from
for tonight's event. The football game will be held at 6:3 p.m. in the Coliseum as part of Suky's HomeWetherby will be water boy.
all the students, however, and becoming activities. Left to right, are Sally Maggard, Mary Ann Miley, and Beth Gallivan. Sue Druley is in
Six members of the University's
lieve that at the end of the conferquarterback position.
football team will act as cheerlead
ence we will see an answer to .the
ers for the game.
dating situation."
The mock game will be played in
Eric Sevareid, chief Washington
Mrs. Sarah B. Holmes, dean of
two halves. The UK band will play
correspondent of the Columbia women, and Dr. James Gladden,
during half time, and Miss Helen
Broadcasting System, will give the assistant professor of sociology; will
King, secretary of the Alumni Asthird lecture of the Community be present at all the meetings. They
sociation, will introduce former UK
Concert and Lecture Series at 8:15 have acted as advisors for the conRefugee students in Berlin, mak- cheerleaders, football players, and
A solicitation drive for the World the work of World University Servpjn. Monday in Memorial Coliseum. ference, and Dr. Gladden will preHis topic will be based on the events side at the panel discussion on Student Service Fund will begin ice in areas where it is not fully ing up about 40 per cent of the members of the Alumni Association.
on the campus next Wednesday and established. Material assistance and student body, need $11,000 in maGirls who will participate in the
of the day.
last through Nov. 22, it was an- advisory services are given to na- terial help. A temporary barracks football game tonight are Beth GalMr. Sevareid was a holder of the
nounced this week.
tional branches in countries where has been set up in Munich where livan, Sarah Ann Bobbitt. Louise
Peabody Award in 1950 for outThe WSSF drive is
needs and problems are beyond displaced students may remain from Whitt. Betty Ann Meyers. Mary
standing work in radio, and in 1951
by the YWCA, YMCA, Newman their own resources. It also provides one to 10 weeks to make plans for Wllkins, Claudette Jones. Lynn
he received the One World Award.
Sally Maggard. Ann O'Roark.
Club, Cosmopolitan Club, Wesley for projects and services undertaken their education. No comparable sety,
He Is the author of an
up is available in France, and
Rosalie Redding, Peggy Gibson,
Foundation, Baptist Student Union, on behalf of the organization.
"Not So Wild a Dream."
refugees cannot emigrate from the Nancy Winn Johnson. Mary Ann
Aid Given In Several Fields
Westminister Fellowship, and CanThe lecturer was born in Velva.
terbury Club.
Aid is given in several fields. country. Professors have set up Miley, Sue Clay Stewart, Barbara
N. D. His first reporting job on the
Campaign proceeds are adminis- Lodging and clothing head the list several scholarship funds through Ash brook, Susan Druley, Marie Gog-giMinneapolis Journal came as a reVirginia McFadden. Ann Gril-lio- t,
tered by World University Service, of necessities. Help is also adminis- governmental and private sources,
sult of his account of a 2,000 mile
Mary Rush Lynch, Lois Smith,
College Chamber of Com- completely composed of university tered toward student health, student but not enough to provide for the
canoe trip on the Canadian waterand Lucia Collins.
ways. He later served with the merce registered 125 new members students operating internationally refugees, and in obtaining educa- majority of refugee students.
Twenty-si- x
themes for homecomStudents Sleep In Street
United Press and the Herald in in a membership drive held on the through national branches. Students tional supplies and equipment. coing displays have been turned in to
University Service
not only carry on the drives for
campus recently.
In Karachi, Pakistan, 2,000 stuParis. At the outbreak of World
of the - new solicitations, but also help in decid- operates with other international dents are living in city parks, sleep- Suky, Elizabeth Fisher, homecoming
War II, Mr. Stevareid joined the
ing where aid is most needed and agencies without affiliating with ing in the street, and eating in open chairman, said. Decorations will be
members have signed up for comParis office of CBS.
good conhow the money could best be spent. political groups. Three major agenorwork in the
tents. A plan ha3 been devised to judged on originality,
He was appointed head of the mittee
Assistance from WSSF is divided cies are the World Student Christian build a new youth hostel to house struction and design, and the spirit
ganization. These committees will
CBS Washington Bureau in 1942
of homecoming, she said.
begin the planning of the two main into three main categories. Re- Federation, Pax Romana, and the
when he was 32 years old. Shortly projects
(Continued on Page 8)
sources are provided for developing World Union of Jewish Students.
scheduled by the organizaafterward, he flew to the Orient to
year. The projects are the
For a descriptive feature on
cover the Chinese campaign in tion this
Training Placement
Homecoming displays, see page 4.
Chungking. In addition, he reportBureau and the College Workshop.
ed the Italian campaign, the NorJ. Stephen Watkins, former alummandy invasion, and the fighting in
The Alumni Association will have
Germany. At the close of the war ni president, was the principal
welcoming committees stationed at
he covered the San Francisco Con- speaker at the first meeting of the
registration tables in the LaFayette,
Chamber. He told the crowd of 100
ference of the United Nations.
Tryouts for the next Guignol
Phoenix. Kentuckian hotels. Campstudents that the college student
Mr. Sevareid has a daily broad- should take more interest In the
play, a Moliere comedy, "The Man
bell House, the Coliseum, and the
cast, Monday through Friday at 11 business opportunities in Kentucky
Student Union at 9:30 a.m. Saturin Spite of Himself," will be held
p.m. (EST), "News and News Analyday.
. Dr. Richard L. TuthUl. UK regis
and emphasized the part that the
at 2:30 p.m. Sunday in the Guigdential elections. In 1944 a survey sis."
A facsimile of the original GutenFrom 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. lunch
State Chamber of Commerce plays
trar, was elected president of the
by the Kernel revealed a trend
diTheater, Wallace Briggs,
in the lives of Kentuckians of all berg Bible is the latest addition to nol
Association of Kentucky Registrars will be served buffet style to Alumni
favoring Franklin D. Roosevelt.
rector, announced this week.
the rare book collection of the Uniages.
last week at the close of the 29th members in the ballroom of the StuHarry S. 'iruman polled 25 votes
Urging more interest in the Cham- versity of Kentucky's Margaret I.
annual Educational Conference and dent Union. Arrangements have been
Dewey In the stuever Thomas E.
ber of Commerce program, Watkins King library, Dr. Lawrence S.
the 18th annual meeting of the made to permit alumni to park
dent mock election in 1948. Only
said that the State Chamber was Thompson, director of UK libraries,
Kentucky Association Of Colleges, early on the campus in order to
ten percent of the potential vote,
Students enrolled in "The Second- "whole heartedly behind the cam- recently announced.
Secondary and Elementary Schools. avoid last minute traffic jam.
or 694 ballots, were cast that year. ary School Pupil" class taught by pus organization and would work
Dr. Thompson said the acquisition
A free dance for alumni will be
Dr. Charles R. Spain, president of
V. Shipman, member with this club on both of the plan- of the facsimile, one of ten such
Morehead State College and former sponsored by the Alumni Association
Sponsors called the vote turn- Miss Martha
of the University School staff, have ned projects."
reprints now in the United States,
Mrs. Rachel Johnson Lewis, UK UK professor of education, was at 8:30 to midnight Saturday in the
out this year the largest of any begun working with
children at the
Pres. Herman L. Donovan, in a was made possible by a "generous graduate of the College of Agricul- elected president of the Association. ballroom of the Lafayette Hotel. An
mock election held on the campus.
Greendale Houses of Reform, the short speech, commented highly on gift from an anonymous friend of ture and Home Economics, has been Dr. N. C. Turpin, superintendent of orchestra will provide music, and
About 22 percent of an estimated
Manchester Street Center, and local the college group's plans and the in- the library."
named home demonstration agent in Fayette county schools, was elected the ballroom will be arranged cab6,000 students and faculty voted in
schools and churches.
Published in Germany in 1456, the Fayette County.
terest taken by the state group.
vice president and Dr. N. N. Meece, aret style to permit guests to sit
last month's mock eltction.
original Gutenberg Bible reputedly
They help direct girl scout troops,
A spokesman of the College Chamreplaces Mrs. Pat James, wife UK professor of education, was re- and talk with friends.
The campus election was spon- athletic programs, and handicraft ber of Commerce said that a booth was the first book ever printed from of a former UK football player now elected secretary-treasurApproximately 35.000 persons are
of the
(Continued on Page 8)
sored by the new College Chamber projects among other things. One will be placed in White Hall each movable type. The original Bible coaching at Danville High School. Association.
of Commerce, League of Women boy is working with YMCA chap- Wednesday so that students Inter- now sells for one-ha- lf
million dolVoters, Young Democratic Club, and lains to help children with their ested in joining the organization lars.
"The book still is considered by
may do so at this time.
the Eisenhower for President Club. devotional services.
many experts to be the most beautiful work ever published because it
competed with handsome manuscripts of that period," the library
director said.
The facsimile in the UK library
was one of 150 copies published in
ternity, and senior pictures. All
Germany shortly before World War
out investigating the facts.
The Student Government AssociaA- I by the Insel Publishing Company. tion this week voted to hold a call
Bradley said group pictures are clubs and other organizations will be
Three of those facsimiles were meting next Monday to discuss not only being used this year be- in group shots, he said.
Bradley said the Kentuckian is
printed on vellum, and the first ten financial operations of the Ken- cause other colleges use them, but
had hand-paintinitials.
tuckian, UK's yearbook.
because it also makes a better look- strictly a
Fred Bradley, editor of the Kyian, ing annual. He said it prevents the If profit is realized, he said, it is
was requested to appear before the monotony of one person having the turned back into putting out a betI
Assembly at Monday's meeting and same picture in the annual three or ter annual.
"The only way we have to make
to give an itemized account of the four times.
year book's current budget and
"SGA does not realize its position," profit," Bradley said, "is by reselling
Bradley said. "Formerly, each class annuals that are not picked up by
Pete Carter told Assembly mem- had its own officers and donated seniors."
Miss Downing said. "We will, of
bers this week, "There should be money toward the annual each year.
some way to see where money for When SGA was formed, it undertook course, go to the meeting, because
the Kentuckian is going and why to make an appropriation to the we don't have anything to hide.
group pictures are being used this Kentuckian in place of individual However, we don't have to an. wrr
year instead of individual pictures. classes. But SGA has failed to raise to them, but only to the Student
Arnold Blackburn, professor of organ, will present the second in a
"Let's have the Kentuckian editor their appropriation proportionately Board of Publications. I have been
my oxn experiseries of Sunday Musicales at 4 p.m. over," Carter said, "and invite stu- to the increase in the cost of print- in SGA, and from
- -',
ence, I know they want something
dents to come and express their ing."
Sunday in Memorial Hall.
Anne Downing, business manager to discuss, and it looks like it's us
The program will include "Organ opinion of the book."
George Lawson, president of SGA, of the Kentuckian, said SGA feels this time."
Chorale: Every Generation Must
Dr. Niel Plummer, head of the
Pass Away," "Concerto in A Minor," said he had been told group shots it can cut the annual's appropriagot
and "Fantasia in G Minor" by J. S. are being used this year because all tion any time it pleases, but it School of Journalism, said, "We
other big college annuals are using doesn't feel that the annual should $450 from seniors when we paid
Hinde-mitBach: "Sonata II" by Paul
be cut. (Appropriations for the printers 70 to 80 cents an hour. We
"Chorale Prelude: The Eve- them.
Paul Holleman said, "If 5.000 stu- - Kyian was cut from $800 to $500 in still get the same amount frm
ning Sun Is Setting" by Bruce
seniors, and we now pay pruiteri
and "Pageant" by Leo Sow-erb- y. dents are against it (using group 1949 and to $375 last year).
$2.10 a hour."
pictures), why can't we do some- No Junior Pictures Planned
Bradley said, "There will be no
Prof. Blackburn has a master de- thing about it?"
New Date Set For Elections
gree from the University of Michipictures of juniors in this year's anEditor Says Criticism Unjust
A new date, Dec. 17, was fixed
gan. Before coming to UK, he
The Kentuckian editor said that nual because we can't get enough for holding the fall elections of 1U
taught organ at Oberlin Conserva- SGA does not have a personal money. We need a $1,000 more to representatives. President Lawson
tory. Mr. Blackburn teaches organ representative who is thoroughly be able to print junior pictures."
explained that the original date.
The editor explained that the only Dec. 10, conflicts with the annual
NANCY DON FREED AND MARTHA WAGNER, Delta Delta Delta sorority, are caught in the act of doand history of music at the Univer- familiar with putting out a college
ing the Charleston in the Sigma Oil Derby held last Saturday on Intramural I iclil. The couple look
sity and is organist and choir direc- annual and that the Assembly has individual pictures to be in the an(Continued on Page 8
unjustly criticized the Kyian with nual this year will be sorority, fra
lirst place donors in the event.
tor of Christ Church.

Will Lecture
On Monday


WSSF Opens Campus Drive



Over 100 Join
UK Chamber
Of Commerce



regu-expen- se




As UK Goes, So Goes Nation

King Library
Receives Copy
Of Rare Bible

Students Predict Results
Of Presidential Election
For the fourth consecutive presidential campaign, UK students predicted the outcome of the election.
In a mock election helu on campus Oct. 14, D wight D. Eisenhower
received 771 votes, and Adlai E.
Stevenson got 565. Eisenhower received 56 percent of the total votes,
1.336 , cast by students and faculty.
National election results show
that Eisenhower has received 55.4
percent of the popular vote. With
out of 146,361 precincts
counted, Eisenhower's vote was
and Stevensons 25,654,-34- 8.
The mock election also forecast
the victory of John Sherman Cooper
over Thomas R. Underwood for U.S.
Senator. Cooper, receiving 60 percent of the total student votes, got
804 votes and Underwood got 525

The vote in 3597 of the state's
4.135 precincts gave Cooper 481,079
and Underwood 452,574. Cooper's
percentage is 51.
In 1940 and '48, mock elections
held on the campus successfully
predicted the results of the presi

Judge Saul S. Streit who suspended sentence on former UK basketball players Ralph Beard, Alex

Groza, and Dale Barnstable for
their part in the nation-wid- e
shaving scandal told the three
Thursday that they couldn't engage
in any amateur or professional
sports for three years.
Groza and Beard had become
members of the Jersey City team
in the American Basketball League.
The league folded up last week
after a majority of club presidents
voted against allowing any team to
use players involved in the scandal.
Last spring when Judge Streit
sentenced the three, he told them :
"You have betrayed your honor,
your colleagues, your college and
the public." You have forfeited the
right to engage in public sports,
amateur or professional.

Tu thill Heads

State Group
Of Registrars


UK Graduate Named
Demonstration Agent





SGA Will Hold Special Meeting




To Discuss Kentuckian Finances






Beard, Groza
Can Not Play
For 3 Years

Tryouts Scheduled
For Moliere

Students Working





To Be Given

By Blackburn







� Tape 2


Frielav, November 7. 1032



The Frying Pan

Although Guilty, Was
As Sinless As Her Judges

that their stars were taking aid above and beyond
the alloted scholarship and

Back in the days when women wore militantly
fighting for female suffrage, a demand for a single
standard between the sexes in politics, economies,
and morality was often heard. The principle behind that demand could le used today in lxhalf
of another cause.
desire to win at any
Due to an
cost, UK allowed its athletic program to get completely out of hand. Much of the blame for this
can be laid on the doorstep of alumni and friends
of the University who thought they were doing the
school a favor by helping it gain a national reputation as an athletic powerhouse.
Tliese people, although they acted in what they
thought to be the best interests of the University,
prostituted our athletes and turned them into professionals. The boys were wined and dined, given
suits of clothing, gifts of cash, and psuedo jobs that
required little work but awarded big pay checks.
scandals knocked the props from
under this
It was brought out in court
testimony that our coaches knew in many instances





Lifted W Sifted
Gambling in the Ventura College card playing
room is getting out of hand, according to the Ventura Pirate Press.
The administration has threatened to revoke all
card playing privileges if the gambling continues.
When Don Beran, sports writer for the Drake
realized that his football
game predictions were anything but dazzling, he
turned to William Allen White for consolation:
"Doctors bury their mistakes; journalists publish
theirs . . .




SGA Cuts Budget,
Then Wonders Why

Kyian Is Limited
One of the best demonstrations of a group of
people who closed their eyes and then begged to
know' why they couldn't see was given this week
by certain Assembly members of the Student Government Association.
These indignant student legislators are all m a
fret because they've just found out that the current
edition of the Kentuckian is going to use group
shots of everyone except seniors, and members of
fraternities and sororities. These Assembly members are also doing some dark brooding over the
fact that junior pictures are being left out of the
'book this year.
For some time now, successive editors of the
Kyian have tried in vain to explain the economic
facts of life to, SGA members. Time after time,, it's
been pointed but that printing and engraving costs
have risen in the past few years just like everything
else. ..
SGA has seemingly paid little attention to the
editors for in 1949 they cut the yearbook's appropriation from $800 to $300 and then last year, disregarding a warning that another cut would endanger the quality and content of the book in the
future, the Assembly cut the appropriation down to
a meagre $3737
This irresponsible legislative action hurts all students in the long run, not just the editors of the
annual who try to put out a good product. Remember, you who are buying annuals so that you can
have a record of your college years, the reason your
Kentuckian won't le a good as it might have been
is because of the reckless and willingly ignorant appropriation slashing done by members of the SGA.





professor, you're
If you've never had a
either a green freshman or a lucky upperclassman.
lie's the prof who thinks the Ik that rings at
10 minutes 'till the hours is a signal to
the second half of his lecture.
While you stack your lxoks on the desk and
squirm impatiently, he continues
his oratory, often getting louder
and more enthusiastic. The fact
that you might have a class "cross
campus next hour never enters
his mind.
Of course all professors get
caught bv the bell at one time or
another, but some of tliem make a habit of it.
They'd keep on indefinitely if students for the net
class weren't already standing at the door.
Some of them are the most learned men on
campus, but you don't get anything out of their
last few gems of wisdom when your mind is on
the lengthening cafeteria line or the North Lime
bus that leaves in exactly one and
What to do? You tell me. It isn't polite to just
walk out, and besides you can't get away with it.








Homecoming Queen,
Pep Rally Indicate
New Suky Attitude
After years of being forced to accept Homecoming queens who were selected by a group of judges,
UK students this week were given the opportunity
to clioose their own queen in an open election.
Suky was responsible for the welcome change in
procedure and we think the members of the group
have earned a pat on the back for a job well done.
At various times this fall, the Kernel has been
rather harsh with UK's pep organization for its apparent lack of initiative and sympathy for the wishes
of the student body.
At the Mississippi State game, Suky first gave a
sign that it had come alive. The card section,
revered by Suky members and generally resented
by the students, was thrown out and extra efforts
were made to jolt the student cheering sections
from a ponderous apathy. We still remember that
game with a sense of pride and wonder. Never before, in four years at UK, had we heard students
cheering so loud, so long, and so enthusiastically.
Carrying on in the same vein this week, Suky
ha9 arranged a huge pep rally for tonight, featuring
a novel football game letween two teams of girls.
UK's pep organization has come a long way since
we criticized them our congratulations coupled
w ith the hope that the good work will continiie.


by the Southeastern Conference. The boys were
being played in violation of the codes of lx)th the
SEC and the National Collegiate Athletic Association.
Iater, the University was investigated, found
guilty, and sentenced by executive committees of
both groups. We feel the punishments meted out
by both the SEC and the NCAA are far more severe than the crime merits, especially since they
punish current basketball players who are innocent
of any crime and let the actual offenders go free.
Nevertheless, from a moral standpoint, UK knowingly broke the law and so must and should pay
the price.
One element, however, in the situation strikes tis
as highly unjust. Our judges are themselves far
from pure. We were found guilty of a crime that
is condoned and practiced by members of lx)th the
groups that tried us. Common practice since the
football lowl game has been to
pay every man on each team a minimum of $250.
Surely there is no moral difference between paying
a football player for his efforts in a bowl game ami
paying a basketball player a far smaller sum for
his work in a
The double standard in politics, economics, and
morality was long ago judged unfair ami archaic.
Let's have a single standard in athletics too one
code of ethics for basketball and football and one
code of ethics for UK and other members of the
SEC and the NCA A.



Aren 't Impressed
With Squirming

Mother NCAA herds her innocent little colleges away from dirty UK.

The Knappsack by Paul Knapp




Scientist Reveals Similarity
Of Apes, Criminals, Fellow Profs
Contrary to current public opinion, there have
always been a few scientists not devoted to inventing ways of thinning out the human race.
Among them was the late Dr. Homer Sapien, former Professor of Anthropometry at Midwestern
University. ( Anthropometry is the science of measuring the human body and its parts. )
After spending the major part of his life measuring nice people, Dr. Sapien de- cided that they weren't the least
bit interesting, nor interested in
being measured. Therefore he
turned to measuring the physical
characteristics of apes and comparing them with criminals in the
various penal institutions through
out the land,
A few years later he compiled the statistical
data proving the shocking similarity of the ape and
the criminal into a large volume entitled Evolutionary Revolutionary.

Although the book did not make more than two
Clubs, it did create quite a
stir among anthropometrical circles.

Dr. Sapien's colleagues found "two major weaknesses in his theory. Qne, he did not choose a
representative segment of criminality since only
the less intelligent criminals are in the prisons. In
order to get a valid sample, they asserted, he should
have measured some of the politicians in Washingwhite-collton and some of the

The second weakness they found in the professor's theory was that he should have also provided
statistics showing a comparison with what was considered the
element of our society.
And if this group was shown to possess fewer of
measurements, his theory would be
non-crimhi- al


In view of all this opposition, Dr. Sapien realized
his professional esteem was at stake and started in
once again to verify his claims.

His first step was to go to Washington, where he
masqueraded as a lobbyist for a mink coat concern.
After a hundred min