xt70rx937x5z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937x5z/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1927-05-may18-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1927-05-may18-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1927-05-may18-ec. 1927 1927-05-may18-ec. 2011 true xt70rx937x5z section xt70rx937x5z 

     Minutes of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees
of the University of Ker~ucky, Wednesday, LMay 18, 1927.

     The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the
University met at the President's office at 11:30 a. in., led-
nesday, May 18, 1927.   The members present were: Mr. R. C.
Stoll, Mr. Frank McKee, Senator H. M. Froman and Mra. Robert
G. Gordon.  Meeting with the Committee was President McVey
and Wellington Patrick, Secretary.

     The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as publish-

     1. Report of the Business Agent.   The report of the Busi-
ness Agent was approved and ordered received and filed.

     2, Plans for Recitation Building.   President MIcVey report-
ed that th-eoompete plans for a recitation building would be
received from the architects within a few days.   Motion was made,
seconded and carried authorizing the President, upon receipt of
the plans and specifications, to advertise for bide.

     3. Audit of University Accounts.   A motion was made, second-
ed and carried authorizing the President of the University to em-
ploy auditors to make an outside audit of the University's ac-

     4. General Education Board Matter.   President McVey report-
ed progress on the request of the University to the General Edu-
cation Board of New York City for an appropriation for a training
school building.   The following letter written by Judge R. C.
Stoll to the Gereral Education Board was approved by the Committee,



                                     April 28th, 1927
     Dr. Tickliffe Rose
     General Education Board
     #61 Broadway
     Mew York

     1y dear Doctor Rose:

     The Board of Trustees of the University of Ken-
     tucky desire to confirm the statements made by the
     President of the University in case a grant is made
     for the erection of a building to house an experi-
     mental and observation school.

     The University will furnish the land, provide the
     equipment, maintain the school and the building and
     make provision aannually for these items in the Uni-
     versity budget.

     Yours very truly,

     Chairman of the Executive Committee
     and Vice-Pres ident of the Board

     5. R~eirinR Allowance.   President McVey discussed at
length with the members of the Committ ee the various plans that
have been Dresented for retiring allowances and advised the Com-
mittee that he would place at the disposal of the members of the
Board copy of the reports that have been made so that they may
study them carefully before the matter is taken up for final con-

     6. Dean of College of Law.   Considerable time was spent by
the President and the members of the Executive Cormmittee in con-
sidering a list of names suggested for the Dean of College of Law.
The namies were considered in detail but no conclusion was reached.
The matter is to be given further consideration at a future meet-

     7. Fees for Departiment of Music.  A motion was made, second-
ed and cirTie3That the following scale of fees for the Depart-
ment of Music be adopted:  For the work in Applied Music, i25.0O
a semester; for the work in the course in Organization and Train-
ing of Musical Groups, $6.00 a semester.

     8. Purchase of X-ray Machine by the  ygiene Department.
A motion was made, seconded and carried that the Hygiene Depart-
ment be allowed to use a part of its appropriation for laboratory
supplies in the purchase of an X-ray machine.

     9. Purchase of a Carload of Lumber.   A letter from Mr. M. J.
Crutcher requesting the purchase of a carload of lumber for the



purpose of convenience and 'or effecting a saving was presented.
'cotion rvas nade, seconded and carried that th'-e request be ap-
proved provided satisfactory facilities for storing the lumber
can be obtained.
     10. Anpointraents, Resignations and Leaves of Absence.  The
followving list of Appointme:.ts, resignations and leaves of ab-
sence were Dresented and aoproved.

     Appointment of Dr. Richard S. Allen as assistant Professor
of Physiology in the Department Of Physiology at a) salary of

-   Appointment of Miss Margaret williams as clerk and stenogra-
pher in the President's office.

     Appointmient of Julian t,. Dyer, County Agent, Henderson County,
at a salary of $200 a month f roQ. March 30 to December 31, 1927.

     Appointment of M1iss Hazel L. Graves, Assistant Home Demonstra-
tion Agent Oldhac. County, from April 18 to August 31, 1927 at a
salary of 100 a month.

     Continuation of employment of Mrs. Roxie C. Perkins as Home
Demonstration Agent, Harlan County, from llay 1, 1927 to April
30, 1928 at a salary of $133-1/3 a -month.

     Continuation of employmenG of S. ... Anderson as County Agent,
Jefferson County, from 2.May 16 to December 31, 1927 at a salary of
$233-1/3 a ronth.

     Continuation of employment of Ir. 0. B. Elston, County Agent,
Nicholas County, from Hay 1 to December 31, 1927 at a salary of
$216-2/3 a r.onth.

     Continuation of employment of Ralph V7. 77oodfin as County
Agent, Wolfe County,from, April 1 to April 30, 1927 at a salary of
$116-2/3 a month.

     Continuation of emploiyrnent of Ralph '. toodfin as County
Agent, olfe County, fro: "ay 1, 1926 to Deceomber 31, 1927 at a
salary of $125 a month.

     Continuation of employment of H. M. Christian as County
Agent, Spencer County, fror :. ay 13 to Decem.ber 31, 1927 at a sal-
ary of $166-2/3 a month.

     Continuation of employment of Albert 7ilson, County Agent,
Magoffin County, fwroml A-il .3 to Dece:sber 31, 1927 at a salary of
$133-1/3 a month.



     Continuation of employment of Fred B. :.ilson as County Agent,
Lincoln County, from Cray 1 to Scatember 30, 1927 at a salary of
$166-2/3 a month.

     Continuation of employment of C. 0. Dickey, County Agent,
7ebster County, from April 1, 1927 to March 31, 1928 at a salary
of $191-2/3 a month.

     Appointment of 1r. 0. D. Fife as student laboratory assistant
in physiology for the year 1927-1928 at a salary of $200.

     Appointment of Er. D. S. Hughes as graduate assistant in the
Department of Physics at a salary of $600.

     Appointment of Sr. T. 'S. Hahn as instructor in the Department
of Physics at a salary of $1800.

      Appointment of Mr. R. B. Scott as instructor in Physics at
a salary of $1600.

     Appointment of Mr. Sanford Gladden as instructor in Physics
for the second semester at a salary of $800.

     Appointment of Mr. Jarvis Todd as instructor in Physics for
the second semester at a salary of $800.

     Appointment of Mr. Daniel Bailey as graduate assistant in tile
Department  f Physics for the year 1927-1928 at a salary of $600.

     Appointment of Mr. Robert Black, Jr. as graduate assistant
in the Department of Physics a.t a salary of $600.

     Appointment of :er. B. D.. Caulkins as graduate assistant in
the Department of Physics at a salary of $600.

     Appointment of sr. F. E. Lowance as graduate assistant in
the Department of Physics at a salary of 8600.

     Appointment of Fr. Ralph Muller as graduate assistant in the
Department of Physics at a salary of $600.

     Appointment of For. C. A. Poole as student assistant in Physics
at a salary of $300.

     Appointment of Mr. Carl Schneider as mechanic in the Depart-
ment of Physics at a salary of $2000 annually, 12 months basis.

     Continuation of employment of H. S. Long, assistant County
R.gent, Jefferson County, effective b.ay 1 to December 31, 1927 at
a salary of $200 a month.



     Continuation of employnent of LZiss Vashti Cave, Hone Dem-
onstration Agent, Oldham County, effective 'May 1, 1927 to April
30, 1928 at a salary of $170.83-1/3 a month.

     Continuation of employment of Ray C. Hopper, County Agent,
leade County, from April 11, 1927 to April 10, 1928 at a salary
of $150 a month.

     Continuation of employment of Charles L. Goff, County Agent,
Ballard County, effective April 16 to December 31, 1927 at a
salary of $150 a month,

     Appointment of Miiss Jane Earle 'Iiddleton as stenographer in
the Registrar's office at a salary of $85 a month for Mtay and
June and $90 a month beginning with July, 1927.   !4iss !Uiddleton
will fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Mrs. Miller.

     Resignation of Dr. Paul C. Taylor as associate professor
in Accounting.

                                  Respectfully submitted,

                                       7ellington Patrick


Missing report(s)