xt70rx937w0g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937w0g/data/mets.xml Copperthwaite, R. H. 1865.  books b98-40-41900178 English Day and Son, Ltd., : London : This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Horse racing. Horses. Turf and the racehorse  : describing trainers and training, the stud-farm, the sires and broodmares of the past and present, and how to breed and rear the racehorse / by R.H. Copperthwaite. text Turf and the racehorse  : describing trainers and training, the stud-farm, the sires and broodmares of the past and present, and how to breed and rear the racehorse / by R.H. Copperthwaite. 1865 1865. 2002 true xt70rx937w0g section xt70rx937w0g 









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Printed by DAY AND SON, LImITED, Gate Street,
           Lincoln's Inn Fields.



IN offering a few remarks to the sporting public upon the
Turf and the Racehorse, I deem it at least necessary to
render them in as simple a manner as possible, inasmuch
as they are offered to the community at large.
   Taking for granted that all the followers of turf pur-
suits, or lovers of horseflesh, are not Walkers, Johnsons, or
Sheridans, it becomes necessary to write in language which
can be plainly understood, instead of indulging in that
high-flowing, flowery style, which tends more to test the
faculties and bewilder the reader than to enlighten him
on the subject; and substituting what may be termed a
superfluity of very fine English for instruction, thereby
disguising the absence of practical knowledge: in fine,
endeavouring to " spin out a long yarn " on a subject, with
the merits of which they are but slightly acquainted. As
the illustrious Moore said,-

      "Nine times out of ten, if his title is good,
          The material within of small consequence is:
        Let him only write fine, and if not understood,
        Why that's the concern of the reader, not his."


   Others, preferring modern innovations, deal in poly-
syllables, where perhaps monosyllables would be found
more explicit, and to the point: for instance, now-a-days
we read proofs such as the following. In an account of
a good dinner we learn that "the tables groaned with all
the delicacies of the season;" in returning from which,
should a party happen to tumble into a ditch, we shall
hear that "he became immersed in the liquid element."
At Brighton, or any other watering-place, should a young
lady while bathing happen to be drowned, the grievous
intelligence is to the effect that, "having plunged fear-
lessly into the bosom of Neptune, before the summer of
her years had faded she sank into the silence of the
   It may perhaps appear presumptuous in me to
attempt a small treatise on a subject which has been,
and is so frequently, written upon by others-a subject,
also, which is one of almost universal interest, and pecu-
liarly calculated to challenge public attention: but having
from boyhood owned horses, and studied their every
movement, &c., and indeed I may add, occupied my
mind with thoughts thereupon, when it might have
been otherwise more beneficially employed-it is hardly
to be wondered at, that as time wore on my passion, or
taste for the animal, grew stronger, and as Horace says,-

" Quo semel est imbuta recens, servabit odorem
Testa diu."



Or, in homely vernacular,-

  "You may break, you may shatter, the vase as you will,
    But the scent of the roses will hang round it still."

    Whatever else I may have had to occupy my thoughts,
there was one uppermost-"the Horse." Another cir-
cumstance prompted me to the attempt. In these sensa-
tion times, almost everybody seems to write something or
other on this subject; and if my ideas or remarks do not
coincide with the opinions of others, it can hardly be
denied that, although "doctors differ," yet "two heads
are better than one;" and it may so happen, that the
reader will learn by a perusal of these few pages some-
thing foreign to his former ideas, and will then have
what the late Lord George Bentinck was frequently heard
to term " the best of the bargain," having the option of
taking or rejecting them as he thinks proper.
   There can be little doubt, that in speaking or writing
on any subject which involves the interests of parties or
professions, where differences of opinion must exist, the
necessary consequence which may be expected to follow
is, disapproval on the one side or the other, according as
the doctrines of the writer may please or displease.
   It too frequently happens that some hesitate to give
candid expression to their sentiments, and adopt the
sycophantic maxim   of "running with the hare and
holding with the hounds:" for even the great Cicero,




when defending his friend Milo, feared to do so, but
subsequent to the trial published a statement of what
he had intended to say; upon reading which the latter
exclaimed, "Oh! if Cicero had thus spoken before my
enemies, I would not now be eating figs in Marseilles ! "
   In presenting to the reader a few remarks, generally
upon the subject of the Turf and the Racehorse, &c., they
are rendered for the benefit of those who may think pro-
per to accept them as useful; merely adding, that after
about thirty years' experience I entertain sound reasons
for my convictions, which are declared without prejudice,
personality, or enmity.
   I trust, therefore, that those who in their leisure
hours may condescend to peruse them will make allow-
ances for any errors which may creep in, or delusions under
which the author may labour; and, as the poet said, re-
member that

       "Everything has faults; nor is 't unknown,
       That harps and fiddles often lose their tone;
       And wayward voices, at their owners' call,
       With all their best endeavours only squall:
       Dogs blink their covey, flints withhold the spark,
       And double barrels (d- them!) miss their mark."




TURF TOPICS  .   .    .   .    .   .    .    1

THE RACEHORSE    .    .   .    .   .       117


BROOD MARES  .    .   .   .    .   .    . 263



CONCLUSION   .    .   .    .   .          329

 This page in the original text is blank.


                 TURF TOPICS.

          "What reams of paper, floods of ink,
          Do some men spoil, who never think!
          And so, perhaps, you'll say of me;
          In which some readers may agree.
          Still I write on, and tell you why:
          Nothing 's so bad, you can't deny,
          But may instruct or entertain,
          Without the risk of giving pain."

ANCIENT history tells us that Nero loved his monkey, and
Caligula his horse; indeed, to such an extent did the latter
carry his affection for the animal, that he appears to have
lavished upon him every luxury and comfort, to a degree
exceeding (if possible) his barbarous treatment of his
miserable subjects: his only wish, in the one instance,
being that " the Roman people had but one head, that it
might be struck off at one blow;" whilst in the other
he was wont to swear by his Incitatus, whom he honoured
with a palace, guards, and servants, and entertained at
his own table, giving him gilded barley to eat and
wine to drink in golden cups; clothing him in purple,
with a collar of pearls; and on the eve of running his
race having him carefully watched by a guard of honour,
lest his rest should be disturbed. Is it, therefore, to be
wondered at that this noble animal, possessing such silent


power and influence over the hardened heart and mind of
the cruel Caligula should, in the enlightened nineteenth
century, be the admiration of mankind; particularly when
we consider how far he tends towards our health, happi-
ness, and amusement, independently of his usefulness in
other respects But however beautiful and noble he ap-
pears under ordinary circumstances, and in other places,
nowhere does he shine so brilliantly, or show to such per-
fection, as when, in blooming health and condition, we find
him on the turf, ready to contend for victory; and how
gamely does the true thoroughbred struggle and strain
every nerve and muscle to that end!
    It has been stated that the horse was the greatest
conquest ever made by man; and he has been, and is still,
found in his natural state in the deserts of Arabia and
Africa, and on the plains of Tartary, where droves of five
and six hundred have been seen at a time: but in Arabia
he appears in the greatest state of perfection. The Arabs
love horses as their children, and live under the same
tents with them. They surpass all other animals of the
desert in speed, and are so well trained that they stop
as if shot with the slightest touch of the rein; and
although the spur is unknown to them, they obey the
least movement of the foot. As a further proof of the
sagacity of the animal, it is known that kind treatment
renders them so docile and fond of their masters that
they follow them about without being led.
    The Arabs understand and are particular about the
 pedigrees, which they divide into three classes: first, what
 they term "first class," that is, " noble blood'" on both
 sides, which they can trace back for centuries; the
 second, still "noble or ancient blood," but with a stain



on one side, which they term a "mis-alliance;" the
third, " the common class." Those in a wild state are
not so large as the domesticated; they are generally of
a dark bay or brown, and their manes and tails much
   In South America as many as ten or twelve thousand
have been seen in a drove, and if by chance they happened to
meet with a tame horse they have been known to surround
him, and, by neighing and coaxing, endeavour to induce him
to join their ranks and escape. Travellers have been left
without means of proceeding on their journey in this way,
being obliged to move in advance of their own animals
in order to frighten away those droves. There can be no
greater proof of the necessity of good care, and the bene-
fits which must result therefrom, than the simple fact
that the wilder these animals are the more diminutive
they become, because they cannot, in their natural state,
obtain the nourishment and comforts which they other-
wise would; and, therefore, the British-bred horse bears
a striking contrast to the Arab in size and bone.
   For whatever purpose the thoroughbred horse may
have been intended, there can be no question that he has
been by man converted to a very useful one, and in the
present day more so than ever; for, since the com-
mencement of the present century, the numbers of horses
turned to racing purposes have increased, to the present
time, more than threefold, there being now more than
three horses running in public contests for every one that
ran in the commencement of the present century; an
increase in numbers, which has been steady and regular,
as well as enormous: for we find that, in 1802, but 536
horses ran, whereas there are at present from seventeen



to eighteen hundred, or two thousand, according to the
records of racing, contending annually for various prizes
-a fact which proves that the "glorious pastime" has
charms for many, whether founded upon pure love of
sport or anxiety for pecuniary advantages.
   What is the Turf     Let us take it from its very
foundation, and it can hardly be looked upon in any other
light than a bird's-eye representation of the world, with
which no other pursuit, whether of pleasure, profit, or any
nature whatever, can for one moment compare, in its
representations of life and of mankind. Almost every
true Briton appears to fancy it a duty, either from admir-
ation or appreciation of the many enjoyments which it
affords, or from curiosity, to visit the racecourse. What-
ever may have been the ancient ideas on the subject of its
pleasures, it can hardly be denied that it has fallen into
bands, in modern times, which have turned it to purposes
of business as well as recreation. If, according to the
tastes and ideas of the present rising and enlightened
generation, the turf were by possibility stripped of all its
attractions, except that of witnessing a number of horses
like a herd of buffaloes thundering over the prairies, the
spectators would be few and far between, and the value
of the beautiful thoroughbred would soon become seriously
lessened: for, with all due respect to those who contend
that certain high personages, who with kingly condescen-
sion grace the turf with their patronage and support, be-
come proprietors of racehorses solely from love of sport, and
with pure disregard of any profitable results, it is very ques-
tionable if even they continue to escape the electric in-
fluences of that metal which seems to possess such power
over the human mind. It is, in fact, a field over which




there is kept up a continued quest after the "universal
idol;" the beauties, excitements, and pleasures of the
chace varying according to circumstances. Some of the
most zealous, although superbly mounted and well
equipped, occasionally come to grief, through over-
anxiety to excel all others; while, on the other hand,
there is nothing more simple than by a cool and steady
course to experience the enjoyments, and, at the same
time, participate in the emoluments sought for. And it
is very much to be regretted that fathers and mothers, old
maiden aunts and rich uncles, should have heretofore
formed such unfavourable and unchangeable prejudices
against the turf; for it is far better the present gene-
ration should benefit by a reasonable distribution of
the coin of the realm than that it should be hoarded up
for heartless, miserable specimens of humanity, who
perchance would picture this glorious pastime to their
heirs and successors as one to be for ever avoided. The
turf is a pursuit sanctioned by Providence, to counteract
the evil effects of the Satanic thirst of misers for worldly
treasure, which now does, and always. has, proved so dire
and lamentable in its effects to their fellow-creatures,
whose miseries and wants they calmly Witness, while
gloating over wealth which they prostituted their lives
in accumulating, and yet do not enjoy, and which they
would even cling to with tenacity, if it were possible to
bargain for life with the king of terrors. Yet it is an ex-
traordinary and glorious fact, and a gratifying consolation,
that, in many cases, the successors of such detestable
specimens of mankind are generally not only most liberal,
if not extravagant, but are invariably staunch supporters
and patrons of the turf; which, it must be confessed, affords




the heirs or successors of such wretches ample opportunity
of displaying their powers of distributing the cherished
wealth of their ancestors, and thus preventing the possi-
bility of the entire currency, which was intended for
circulation, becoming buried, hidden, and concentrated in
a few useless iron safes, where it could yield no good to
anybody beyond the knowledge of its possession, which
merely creates a grasping propensity for more.
   Everything connected with the turf yields good to
somebody; it is a wheel upon which fortune turns, casting
benefits in all directions, in which all classes are parti-
cipators. Its followers are invariably doing good one way
or other, and are, and have at all times been, foremost to
aid and assist their fellow-creatures,. where their helping
hand may have been required, and nevertheless they are,
by a certain class of infatuated and prejudiced persons,
the most abused body in existence; yet if the acts of
some of those very parties, who, with the criticism and
malignity of a Zoilus, censure the followers and patrons
of the turf, were brought to light, probably it would
appear, that while they had advanced in years they had
not done so in virtue, however they may have differed in
their selection of the course through which they may
have elected to err. According to their picture of the
turf and its followers, those who were ignorant of the
real facts would almost be led to a belief that they were
nothing short of a band of moss-troopers, with "Vivitur
ex rapto " for their motto;. whereas, in truth, it can boast
that its foundation is based upon the solid support of
the very picked pillars of the constitution, and that those
pillars are propped up by adherents, the very soundest
and mnost faultless in the British nation; so well tested,




that any attempts to shake their strength would be as
futile as gusts of wind against a tower of granite, or, as
a certain learned Lord once remarked in speaking of
O'Connell, "as useless as pelting paper pellets at the
sides of a rhinoceros."
   It is only very recently that an addition to the
numerous proofs of the virtue and goodness of the turf's
patrons was made manifest by one of its late most
respected, lamented, and staunchest supporters, who
bequeathed in charities alone no less a sum than thirty-
six thousand pounds by his will, in which he forgot
neither the unprotected widow, the helpless orphan, nor
the faithful servant.
   The man who feels disposed to err can do so in any
pursuit in life, no matter what his object may be; but
those who could condemn a noble and manly pastime
because, forsooth, it may be accompanied by a wish or
possibility to combine with its enjoyments that from
which no earthly pursuit is totally free, inust be possessed
of minds not only capable of base acts, but prone to prac-
tise them if opportunity presented itself, or if the power
to accomplish equalled the inclination to attempt. And
it would be well if such people would recollect the words
of Vousden's song,-
        "Let each man learn to know himself;
           To gain that knowledge let him labour,
         Improve those failings in himself,
           Which he condemns so in his neighbour."
   Amongst the patrons of the turf rank the first men in
the land, as well as many humble yet equally zealous. It
would indeed be difficult to define exactly the difference
in their objects, by taking or judging solely according to



rank or position. By many, who consider themselves
astute and competent judges, it is believed, that it always
was intended solely as an amusement for royalty and the
aristocracy, with permission to the community at large to
participate,- a condescension which the latter appear to
have availed themselves of beyond doubt, as some of the
most successful speculators are frequently very humble
patrons.  It can hardly be denied, however, that the
great stimulus to the excitement and pleasures afforded
thereby consists in the anxiety of each, at least to prevent
his opponent from gaining the prize, whatever it may be, if
not to become possessed of it himself: perhaps this is the
mildest way of putting the case; a most natural ambition
to take possession of any frail specimen of human nature,
no matter how exalted in society or however independent
he may be otherwise. It is said there are many who run
their horses solely for " honour and glory, and that sort of
thing: " it may be so, but it is more likely, and very much
to be apprehended, that if the ranks were confined to those
parties they would have little competition to apprehend,
and horseflesh would soon be at a discount. If money
could be obtained by asking for it (one of the last delu-
sions under which any one is likely to labour, and the
very first to be relieved from), there would not be such
severely contested races, nor so many, as at present.
Ninety-nine out of every hundred persons who keep
    How many men would, on the presentation of a check for
the amount of a Derby or St. Leger, request the Messrs. Wea-
therby to apply the amount towards the Lancashire distress, or
the London Hospitals For my part, I should back 'Current
Coin' versus 'Glory;' the former would be a tremendous fa-
vourite, and the result, doubtless, justify the confidence of its




horses would not then find as much pleasure, even in
winning stakes, as they do now in the excitement of
   There lies the "kernel of the nut;" the rest is but
the " shell," and the " fun " is in the breaking of it; and
glorious fun it is, especially to those who require it most:
for, after all, the pleasure or gratification cannot be so
great to those who stand least in need of it, unless to one
of those " money-worshippers," were he to make his
appearance from behind his iron safe. There are plenty
of good sportsmen in different positions, and there is
nothing whatever inconsistent in one being a thorough
sportsman, and, at the same time, anxious to benefit
himself otherwise.
   It is, however, not only amusing, but ridiculous, to
hear the views some people form about men who are on
the turf; and to hear persons who describe themselves as
so, when they have never had any other description to give,
and no earthly pretensions beyond, perhaps, having owned
a fourth share in a plater. I once heard an intoxicated
postilion at Bath, who had ridden home from the races,
and was about being removed to strong quarters for the
night, vow "be was blowed if he would go; that he was
a racing man, and they dar not take him during the
    So far as its amusements, there can be little question
that the turf stands alone as a pastime-that it reigns
supreme above any other.   Even the fox-hunter could
barely live without its addition; but the question is, for
whom is it fit  or to whom is it suited, as far as becoming
proprietor of a stud, with its necessarily heavy require-
ments  - questions best answered by those who may have




had the pleasing gratification of trying their hands. To
the young, ardent beginner, who may have suddenly
fallen into the receipt of a fine fortune, there is no pos-
sible arena wherein he can better display all his powers,
or carry out his wishes as to investing his capital,
and proving himself a worthy or liberal deputy for the
distribution of a long-cherisbed treasure. Yet it by no
means follows that he cannot have, to his heart's con-
tent, unbounded amusement without a farthing loss;
nay, even with plenty of profit, provided he keeps within
bounds and acts with reasonable judgment and pru-
dence. If he does not himself possess sufficient judg-
ment, there are plenty capable of teaching him, who will
be delighted to instruct him, and give him the benefit of
their own perhaps dearly-bought experience, which is
generally the best of alL His great care should be, while
endeavouring to select good horses, not to neglect or
forget the more important point of making a good selec-
tion of his friends and advisers, and to take heed lest he
should fall in with those who, in endeavouring to regain
some of their own "experience-money," might charge too
high a price for their instruction: for, unfortunately, it
must be confessed, that the natural love of self is not
forgotten on the turf, any more than elsewhere, whilst
it affords the amplest opportunities of gratifying such a
failing, and on the grandest scale. And not only be-
ginners, but even old heads, have sometimes more to fear
from those nearest to them in whom they may have, in
over-confiding weakness, placed implicit confidence, than
from their opponents, for the common laws of nature
dictate that in such pursuits, as in every other in life,
love of self should reign predominant in the human breast.



   Still there are plenty, whose upright and straightfor-
ward disinterestedness would not permit any unworthy
motives to interfere with their good intentions to benefit
their younger friends by their advice; but it is from
neglect of caution in selecting such monitors that so
many young men have heretofore been led astray, and
sadly victimised: it is, however, a happy reflection that
the march of intellect, in the present day, is such as to
leave little need of apprehension in the minds of their
well-wishers, for the rising generation appear to be very
competent to take care of their own interests, and, like
the young horses of the present day, are showing a
marked superiority in that respect, when contrasted with
those of former days, who have "broken down " in a
very short time; indeed, in racing parlance, without ever
having developed or displayed much form.
   Tben, assuming that the reader may be disposed to
enter upon the stage, and try his fortune, I shall take the
liberty of supposing him a novice, and offer to him any
little information which may be within my power towards
his enlightenment on the subject; and will suppose that
he is about to commence "a nice little establishment," for
the purposes of pleasure combined with the probability of
success, and with a dash of honour and glory.
   It appears to me, that the man who ventures upon a
breeding establishment with any view beyond mere
amusement, has frequently more trouble, expense,. and
risk before him, than he may fancy at first thought. The
paddocks may have their charms for the eyes of the casual
visitor, who may admire a fine old mare, perhaps the win-
ner of the Oaks or the Thousand-guineas stakes, with
a promising foal by her side, from which the owner



expects even greater success: he may fancy he is looking
at the winner of a future Derby or St. Leger while gazing
on a promising yearling; or may visit the box of a
stallion, probably the winner of both, yet doomed never
to get a winner of either-which is no uncommon occur-
rence. Those are very agreeable visions, no doubt, and,
as far as the pleasure of the speculation is concerned,
afford it in abundance, provided it is a matter of little
concern to the breeder whether they prove otherwise pro-
fitable, or that such is a secondary consideration; yet it
is a speculation surrounded with perpetual torments, anx-
iety, and losses: the latter frequently on so large a
scale, that it is very questionable whether a party using
racehorses for profit would not, in the present day, find a
more beneficial and economical mode of keeping himself
supplied: for, no matter how careful or intelligent the stud-
groom may be, while grass grows, or water runs, he will
now and then have to announce to his employer something
or other, in the course of his duties, which will have upon
the latter any effect but one tending to increase his appe-
tite, or improve his digestion. If you pay a large price
for a sire, particularly an untried one, no matter what
his perfections or qualities may be, you may in vain
make use of all the gift of speech and persuasion with
which Providence may have endowed you, to induce
people to believe that his shapes, blood, and so forth,
are what they ought to be.     You hear then of the
kind () remarks of a neighbour, who may happen to
be proprietor of a rival stallion, that yours is either a
"roarer" (according to reports, almost every stallion is
a roarer-a most mistaken idea, elsewhere explained),
or an uncertain foal-getter (a very likely matter, for





reasons also explained), or some such observations. When
I purchased ' Mountain Deer,' and imported him to Ire-
land (where it is said horses are so fast deteriorating
of late; and little wonder, although there are good sires
enough), my groom used to report to me the various
opinions of parties who came to see the horse, which cer-
tainly were about as flattering as they have since proved
to be valuable.
    " Has anybody been to see the horse "
    "Yes, sir: Mr. So-and-So, and some other gentle-
    "What did they think of him"
    " Not much, sir. One said he had flat sides; another,
that he had bad legs; and a third, that he did not like his
white face. I tould them, the divil a pinsworth they knew
about it-that he cost too much not to be good. But there
was one gentleman said he liked him very much, and that
he would send three mares for half price, if he got the
keep of one of them gratis."
   A breeder must have patience and a long purse, for
there must always be great wear and tear of capital,
in purchasing untried stallions or mares, which, until
their characters at stud have been established, are of
little profit, and frequently turn out worthless. Then,
again, the losses which are experienced through death
or accidents, the missing of mares, and, in short, the
continual drain upon the exchequer, render it a most
hazardous speculation; in most cases a purchaser of stock
adopts by far the better and more economical course by
attending public sales, or still better, by purchasing
privately from parties, who perhaps are much more easily
dealt with, and from whom bargains are more frequently




obtained than at fashionable auctions, where competition
is often so spirited and sometimes so very hot. But if
any man attempts to breed for sale in the present day,
and does so from any but the best, most fashionable, and
running blood, both on the sides of sire and dam, he
might as well, and much better, present his money to
some charitable institution.
   Then, when the sale-day does arrive, the purchaser will
best consult his own interests by obtaining the best lot,
even at the top price; not that it is impossible, or even im-
probable, that the very highest priced one might turn out
the worst, or vice versa: yet, as a general rule, speculators
in horseflesh have become such masters of their business
that they generally "hit the right nail on the head," the
big money frequently succeeding, partly from the lot being
competed for by experienced judges; although curious
exceptions are frequently seen, where valuable animals
are sold, and even forced upon purchasers, for merely
trifling sums, both at public auction and by private sale.
The following was an extraordinary instance. There is
at this moment in Her Majesty's stud at Hampton-court
paddocks, an animal named 'The Deformed;' without ex-
aggeration, as magnificent a specimen of a thorough-bred
mare as any to be found, and well worth the time of any
lover of horseflesh to look at. Her size, symmetry, and
blood-like appearance, together with substance, almost
defy comparison. She is by 'Burgundy' or' Harkaway,'
dam 'XWelfare,' by 'Priam.' I purchased this mare, when
a yearling, for 151.; she being at the time engaged in four
large stakes, all of which she won, besides many others,
both in England and Ireland, and subsequently ended her
racing career by winning Prince Demidoff's cup in Italy.



I sold her to Captain Scott for 1500 guineas, repurchased
her as a brood mare for 300, and subsequently sold her
to the late Marquis of Waterford for 600 guineas, at
whose sale she was purchased for Her Majesty. She was
thus named by me from the fact that she turns her left
foot rather inwards (her half-sister, ' Mag on the Wing,'
once in my possession, did so likewise), and walks and
gallops with a peculiar, round, wide-sweeping action, like old
'Harkaway.' She has the temper of a lamb, the propelling
power of a steam-engine, the eye of a gazelle-in every
shape defying exaggeration from the pencil of a Herring
or a Hall; and has proved herself, both in England and
Ireland, an extraordinarily good mare.
   The Marquis's name calls up recollection of an in-
stance of the ill-luck which, during one week's racing at
the Curragh, attended that much-respected and deeply-
lamented nobleman; a